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Active Ink Slinger
Now, did I say that the term had any relevance in this modern age?

I was trying to make a point about the oddity of the term when used by someone to describe a type, method, or standard of dressing. sign6:

To me, an old maid is a person employed in the position of a maid in a household (dusts, brings things, shows guests in, etc) and has been employed there for a reasonable period of time, or is significantly older than the other maids employed there.
Active Ink Slinger
I never said the historical meaning or method made any sense - just what it meant. After being inspired by an earlier comment on how people dress.

Historically, most actual old maids dressed to attract men. Learning about all these origins and old meanings is fun, especially when you see how they're used today.
Active Ink Slinger
I think an important part of the issue is also in what you define as a cheater and what constitutes as cheating. Another writer by the name of Dorsai has a series called The Next Door Neighbour series that handles a lot of interesting philosophical discussions on love and relationships.

Back in the 1970s I knew some people who were in an interesting situation. At that time it was unlawful to engage in homosexual activities, and even the hint of being involved in one was enough to see their careers destroyed. Yet they came up with an answer, they lived in a semi-detached house - this is two homes built with only one common wall, as if an overlarge house and often had common back yards. Unknown to most, three doorways had been made through the common wall and it was now like one huge house. I don't know exactly how the situation started, but a brother and sister married another man and woman, and each pair officially lived in one half of the house. Each man and woman loved their spouse and were very devoted to them, but all four were of a homosexual orientation, whenever they wanted to have any sex, they would pair up in that manner, spending part of the night with their sexual lover and the rest with their spouse. All four were seriously devoted to the other three.

Another situation I know of involves a married couple whose libidos are badly mismatched, but they really love each other - they both work as high paid professionals and have a live in housekeeper. Their sexual life is a sort of triangle in that the housekeeper assists one spouse with keeper the other, more sexually charged spouse, sexually satisfied.

In both these cases, the spouses are involved in sexual relationships outside their marriage partners who they love a great deal - BUT they are NOT cheating, as the spouse knows all about it before hand and agrees, and actively helps. In each case, society would cause trouble if their situation became known to the general public. All I can say is that their situations suit them, and it's their business - I feel privileged that they trust me enough to allow me to know about them. They have previously given me permission to discuss their situation with other (we've spoken on this often) but not to provide sufficeint information for personal identification.
Active Ink Slinger
Hello Dennis,

Sorry about what happened. A lot of people aren't aware that sex is a physical activity and love is an emotional activity. It's rare for two people's sexual needs to be matched when their emotional feelings are - it's this mismatch that leads to a lot of issues within any relationship.

Discussing relationship in general is usually fairly easy, but when you get to a specific case, it's like trying to make a bomb while suffering from an extreme case of the shakes - it can be done, but it's likely to blow up in your face unless you're very. very careful.
Active Ink Slinger
no it's not, but they aren't full enough of them - there's way too many on the streets causing trouble
Active Ink Slinger
An old expression 'take it with a touch of salt' meaning be very wary of it. Back in medieval days people sold fresh meat etc. But often, it was just on the verge of going off and not really fresh, adding salt drowned out the slightly off flavour and allowed you to still eat it, thus the expression. A bit like the 'let the buyer beware' expression.
Active Ink Slinger
I recently bought a set of DVDs that are the modern Japanese of animation and it's definitely an adult show, but not 'X' rated - it's called Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex a brilliant action drama series. So I'm very much aware that animation isn't just for kids this would be rated as MA or R for the violence, much like the Terminator movies.
Active Ink Slinger
You could be right, I just found it funny a story with NO SEX at all in it is listed as a new sex story on a sex story site.

I suspect it's just hosted in China.
Active Ink Slinger
As a matter of interest, I just ran a Google search on my name - pages of links and nearly all about ME , a few old and out of date ones, but most current.

One was an oddity a link to a site http://1570. info - I'd never heard of it. Followed it up and it's a site who's logo is xxxLucyxxx and it's all sex stories - well not quite. the home page has a index which is all to do with sex stories. But it also has a list of some recent stories on the right hand side. I read the list and had to laugh.

Near the middle of the list is the story 'Games for Children' by Ernest Edwards (a relative), it's in the category 'New Sex Stories' - the only places it's been posted are Wroters Block and at SOL - it has not been placed anywhere else by the author or anyone authorised by the author. I checked with him and he's not angry about them having it up, it increases the exposure of the writing skill and name, and should lead to more fans.

By now, you should be wondering why I mention this - well the laugh is this. 'Games for Children' is a straight drama story from the Clan Amir series and has absolutely no sex in it at all - nil, zip, nada . Yet they've listed it as a new sex story. Makes me wonder if they ever read anything more than the title of the story before they copy it over to their site, or is a case of them branching out into non sex stories.
Active Ink Slinger
Once proven to be a cheater, you need to be very careful after that, regardless of the gender - people can change, but they can't complain if you keep an eye on them and use a lot of salt when they talk about cheater related things.
Active Ink Slinger
Any one remember the Rocky and Bullwinkle show and Mr Peabody - if you don't try having a look at any reruns, and keep an eye out for all the delicious puns and witticisms in it - definitely aimed at adults, even if much of it was aimed at kids.
Active Ink Slinger
I never classed South Park as a kids show (I classed it as black humour rubbish aimed at adults) - but some of the TV execs did - and that was the point I was getting at - some people will class an animation as kids without looking at it at all. I think that's what may have happened with the clip shown.
Active Ink Slinger
And it's not complete. That's the old version, the one they made when they weren't allowed to mention things like PMS - so it doesn't have the PMS on/off switch either.
Active Ink Slinger
Hmm, yes, nothing there to say which, for sure, which gender -
Active Ink Slinger
Off topic history lesson people.

A maid is a young female human between the ages of 13 to 20 who is unmarried. An old maid is 17 to 20 and still not married. The term comes from the medieval times when most young women were established as wives (church marriage or by family agreement) by the age of 15 or 16. Most young women had a husband at 14 or 15 years of age. Very few were not married by 16 or 17, most young women who weren't married by 18 years of age were ones that the family had trouble marrying off, for some reason or another; or the father doted on her and would only consider a match she preferred. To reach 18 years of age and not married made it seem she was not marriageable, and thus something to be pitied for not being able to catch a husband in any way. Thus, being an Old Maid was a major put down and social faux pas of the greatest magnitude.

In the last century or two, the trend to marry in the early teens has changed and the average age has slipped to much later, as has the average age at time of death. So some society groups have slipped the appropriate age for an Old Maid back as well, and now use it to refer to an unmarried woman in her mid to late 20s - having pushed it back a full decade.

Strictly speaking, the vast majority of the female population are, or have been, old maids; as they didn't marry before they were 18 years of age. Now, doesn't that make you feel a lot better? =d>
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, I have no trouble learning that some idiot programming exec thought it was a kids show, but it clearly wasn't written and created as such. Look at South Park, many see that as a kids show, yet the makers claim it's adult satire - which it is - adult black satire.
Active Ink Slinger
Just because it's animation doesn't mean it's for kids - a lot of animation is aimed at adults, and this looks like one of them. More an animated dissertation on a part of philosophy.
Active Ink Slinger
Changing subject slightly, as a matter of interest - How old do you think an old maid is supposed to be? I ask as I believe many people today have the wrong idea of what is meant by the term.
Active Ink Slinger
Interesting little test - I just did it and got

"Your score is 80

You seem to be putting your eggs in the right basket when it comes to blind dates - or at least you would have the right approach if the opportunity should ever present itself. Going on a blind date is essentially taking a giant leap of faith; you put your life in the hands of the friend, coworker or family member who is playing cupid and setting you up. While you realize that a blind date is risky territory, you pay it the same amount of respect as you would a "normal" date. You try to show consideration for your date, behave responsibly and show the real you…all while giving the date a genuine chance to win your heart. Whether or not you've actually been on any blind dates, this approach will help you hook in that special someone. Or, if you're already taken, it probably means you're a keeper!"

I did find it interesting that some of the questions didn't have answer choices which would be my preferred answer - such as the 'dressed wrong' question - I'd have taken time to explain what I thought we'd do and ask the date if they wanted to go as is, get changed, or change the plan. There were a couple like that where the options offered didn't include what I'd actually do, so I ended up selecting the closest to it.

The test seems to be weighing your level of acceptance of risk factors.
Active Ink Slinger
Must be a fundamentalist Hebrew site - they can't be Christian as Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and he taught tolerance of all things and acceptance of people for themselves, as well as to love you enemies.

That makes sense, your enemies can't do much to hurt you while you've got them having orgasms.
Active Ink Slinger
Just reached the Beatles doing 'Octopusses Garden.' How's that for a bit of difference to yours.
Active Ink Slinger
Got an Amarok playlist running (like Winamp for Linux) - mostly Seeker, some Sam Cooke, Righteous Brothers and some others - had 'Thanks for all the Fish' from Hitchhikers Guide playing when I read the post.
Active Ink Slinger
What is this, a poker game where everyone is seeing who has the best pair.

The shot from looks like she's upset as she's half frozen.
Active Ink Slinger
Better to give more info than not enough.

When I started to research what they did in the USA, I found it interesting that the USA - founded by people seeking religious freedom seems to have indulged in worse religious persecution than it's founders suffered. The Mormons aren't the only ones persecuted in the USA during the 18th and 19th century - look up the history on the Puritans, Amish, - oh basically any church not Roman Catholic, Church of England, Baptist or Methodist got persecuted in the USA; despite what the USA Constitution and Bill of Rights say.
Active Ink Slinger
Just been looking at the Electoral Commission web site There are some interesting stats there.

Of the 13.6 million voters, only 12,463 voted - the government changed hands due to about 670,000 roughly 2.8% of the votes made - 484,000 or 3.88% were informal - nearly 1.2 million didn't vote 3.55%.

In other words, the actual voter swing that resulted in the change of government was less than half that of the informal votes and less than half of the number of those who failed to vote - I won't even try to guess how things had gone if they all actually registered real votes. But it's a frightening thought, the non votes are nearly five times what it takes to change the government.
Active Ink Slinger
I spent some most of the 1990s working with the Australian Dept of Defence as a civilian employee - just a pen pusher.

My understanding was that it was ht CIA who recruited Bin Laden and gave him some training, they alter sought help from the UK and got some sort of help, not sure exactly what it was the Brits did, but I do remember thinking it sounded like they sent a couple of SAS instructors over to train some troops for him. To me, this is a classic case of 'My enemy's enemy, not being a good enough reason to help them.'

Look what's happened every time the western powers have taken someone on board as help a they were the enemy of their enemy - WW2 accepted the USSR and helped them, got the cold war. Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to fight the Russians - now look at it.

Us Aussies accepted help from the USA and now it's the USA corporate run government trying to screw us over to help their own big business. Ahhggh. If the majority of the USA citizens weren't nice people, we could get a tad upset about it.

Ah yes, a good conspiracy theory never lets the known and proven facts interfere with it. I like the ones where people list a bunch of music stars and claims they were offed by the CIA without the security being breached - yet the CIA couldn't get Castro, even when they had two of his inner staff helping them.
Active Ink Slinger
You were unlucky, I had a cousin who had this happen while she was at uni. Two guys started chasing in the same week, it was a while before it was anything but casual with either, but she couldn't make up her mind on which one to drop. Got caught out at a uni function, the guys got together and talked things over. After the function they both walked her home and spent the night double teaming her, according to her, they had a nice threesome going for several months. I was never sure if she actually liked that arrangement or not, her attitude towards it seemed to vary all the time.
Active Ink Slinger
This sounds a like a load of bullsheet. I've no doubt that certain members of the CIA are capable of carrying out such acts, except for the fact the CIA has no idea of operational security. This fellow is saying that the CIA organised a group of bombings in the 1960s and no one knew about them until the 1990s - yeah, get real. The CIA is the same organisation that got caught out while still trying to smuggle drugged cigars to Havana. Originally CIA stood for Central Intelligence Agency, for the last 40 years it's stood for Combined Idiots Association. Oh, it's starting to get a bit better now, but nothing as good as would be required to do what this Italian turkey dressing claims. Gladio was a plan for activities like those carried out by the resistance during WW2 should the Warsaw pack countries over run Italy, no actual evidence they actually did anything beyond planning. see

During the 1980s the CIA organised for a USA Special Forces rescue of some hostages in the middle east, the SF guys did their thing well, but the CIA intelligence was so far up the spout, the whole operation was a washout and a loss of life.

Mossad is one of the best intelligence organisations in the world, and they are more than capable of doing what's said in this article and maintaining tight security during it - they're so good, that if they were involved, there would be NO evidence that any operation was ever mounted by anyone.

The various types of undercover intel operations, other than information gathering, are a 'black operation' - you do something in a manner that is totally deniable and can't be traced to you. These are very effective, and the CIA can organise some reasonably well. Next is a 'cover operation' - you do something while making it look like something else - CIA are passable at this. Then you can try a 'false flag operation' - the last truly successful false flag ops were conducted by the KGB; the best way to run these is to infiltrate an organisation and point them at the target you want hit. The last and more successful is what some call a 'painted flag operation' - you organise something or pick up on something another group has done, and develop a false cover that makes it look like someone else's false flag operation, so that those you want to cause trouble for get blamed for the other operation which they had nothing to do with - the Italian Mafia is extremely good at this, some of the best in the world.

Oh, they CIA is partly to blame for 9/11, after all, they did provide Bin Laden with a lot of his early training and support to fight the Russians - just as they did for Sadam Hussein.