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The answer to South Carolina's question is "Because the US educational system only has maps of the USA in their class rooms, and only a few rare ones have or use world maps at all."

I notice few mentioned how close Hungary is to Turkey, that's because they want to eat it.
Oh, they'll surface all right, it's a question of how high and how much. We had a very good health system with thousands of hospitals built and owned by local communities, until the last lot of ALP socialists changed a few laws and stolen a few billion dollars worth of property, introduced a huge bureaucracy of administrators (mostly union members) and started wasting most of the money destined for the health system, and now it's a terrible system that hardly works. We have lots of cases where hospitals don't have a enough operating funds to deliver needed services, yet the administrative HQ's in the state capitals always have enough money for new office furniture and decor changes every few years.

The last ALP government changed laws to allow an almost overnight increase of mortgages from around 6% to 16%. they gave us double digit unemployment figures and the Aussie dollar against the USA dollar dropped by 20 cents in a matter of weeks. They did great things for the economy, if you regard trying to destroy it as great. Within a few months of taking office, they increased the basic sales tax from 15% to 22.5% without saying a word to anyone, they also increased the range of goods it applied to; all the rates increased by similar margins.

Decades ago, the federal government introduced regulatory laws on savings bank that protected the savings of the individual and provide mortgages at low rates. This was done to make a repeat of all the bank closures during the Great Depression impossible, the last ALP government removed all those protections, and within a few years we had some cases of billion dollar collapses, several banks were about to close due to the heavy loses - they didn't because the state governments propped them up. The very circumstances the regulations had been put in place to stop ever happening again. And people wonder why us older people worry about what's happening.
I should be so lucky - to be dating two at once that is. Sorry, I have an odd quirk and strongly believe in being faithful - despite the few tempting offers I've had over the years.

However, I've seen it happen with some co workers. In one case we were at a major company launch and had to bring wives / girlfriends / etc one fellow was there with his wife, he was also two timing her with two other girls in the company, they were in different buildings and work section. He and both girls got a hell of a shock when his wife introduced the two girls to each other with the words "You two should meet, after all, you're both his bit's on the side at the moment." He almost had a heart attack to learn she knew, the other two promptly dumped him for cheating on them.

I still dont' get their attitude, they knew he was married and had no worries with helping cheat on his wife but get pissed when he cheats on them. Go figure, I can't.
yes, the movies have a lot more adult slant to them than the books do, there are some kids type passages int he books that get left out of the movies - an improvement in my book. lol. ( sorry, I couldn't help the pun_.
As slight divergence, did you know that most psychs now believe the majority of recurring dreams are the subconscious' way of giving you an unusual answer to a problem that's been worrying you for some time? hence the concept of sleeping on a problem and solving it over night.
It's a kind of mix of the Speaker in the House and the President. The executive powers are exercised by the Ministers in Cabinet - they, as a group, have almost equivalent power to the USA President. The Prime Minister is the head member and has the day to day executive power for most things, and is supposed to be the general policy decider. He ISN'T elected separately, the members of the House of Representatives are elected, and then the party with more than 50% of the seats gets to select the Prime Minister, usually their current party leader. They can have a change of internal allegiances and the PM can change over night in mid term, happened to Hawke when he was PM, he lost the support of a couple of the internal power brokers and was replaced by Keating over night in the middle of a term.

When PM Holt went missing, he was replaced without any hassles as well. The PM MUST be a sitting member of the House of Representatives, that's about the only requirement. Technically, it's legal for them to appoint a PM from the opposition or an independent, if they want to.
I've actually read a bit about them. In biblical times men were allowed to have as many wives as they could comfortably keep in a suitable life style. At one time in history, the main membership of the LDS Church (Mormons is the slang term for them) were living in a state where there were no laws on marriage, and they had a lot of widows and orphans on hand - thanks to religious persecution by certain elements of the USA state governmental system and the USA civil war. So the church leaders approved them to have as many wives as they could keep properly fed and clothed. The majority of the extra wives were the widows. The USA federal government started persecuting them for that, they later retracted that approval by the church. Their church doctrine is now the members are allowed as many wives as is permitted under the local laws. It's been over 100 years since they made that change. There is a spin off group that didn't agree with the change to meet local laws - they're called the Reformed Mormon Church, I think there are a couple of others but don't know their names.

The first proper road over the Rockies was built by Mormons wanting to reach their settlement at Salt Lake City Utah. When gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill, the Mormons were the only contract workers who stayed and kept to their contracts with Sutter, he later went on record saying they were the only truly honest workers he ever found.

Funny that the multiple wife approval only lasted for a few decades, and that was over 100 years ago, yet it's the first (and often only) thing most USA people know about them. When they arrived in Utah it was a desert wasteland. Their previous settlement was an unwanted swamp, until they drained it an built a nice town with a good port there, then others moved in from nearby and forced them out - they used religious differences to justify killing people and burning their houses. You should check their web site or do a Google, you'd be surprised about what you learn. Overall, they're oftn better than most other Christian groups - as a group.

I have a lovely CD of Christmas songs by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, it's brilliant.
I'll admit he has a flashier public relations person - however, his ideology leaves a lot to desired as does his honesty (based on past events). Howard wasn't much as a PR person, but he kept his word when given, he knew it was all he had in the political scene - Rudd cares only for power and his political ideology.

During the 1950s - 1960s - 1970s we had a lot of industrial unrest due to unions pushing political agenda and insisting on the 'one size fits all employees and workplaces' approach to work. In the 1980s, Prime Minister Hawke started a series of industrial reforms, the biggest on being to allow the workers in an individual work place to negotiate and establish their won work conditions. This led to greater improvements in local work conditions and higher employee satisfaction with their work place. He then started to extend this to allowing people to negotiate individual work conditions. (Note: Hawke was an ex union boss and belonged to the ALP, the same party as Rudd - Howard belonged to the party at the other end of the political spectrum). After he was in office a while, Howard found Hawke's full agenda and started to push it forward again. Because he supported it, the ALP suddenly hated it.

Rudd is out to return to the single union boss industrial relations process. This is going to have an adverse affect on employment in the medium to long term - but being an ex union boss, Rudd really wants the power back where his political bosses want is. The ALP is the political wing of the union movement and the policy decision come from the central union headquarters, and have for most of the ALPs existence, Hawke was the only ALP leader with enough power in both areas to make some decisions of his own.

Over the years I've seen how tight union boss control of the work place stifles employment and adversely affects the economy overall, I don't want that to return, but a lot of new voters who haven't seen what I've seen, have fallen fro Rudd's slick PR campaign. I just hope that other factors stop him from enforcing a lot of his socialist policies before he can be replaced.

But we now have to wait and see.

Personally I'd rather a block of wood than a Stalin or Lennin type, or a Hoffa type.
Considering the audience it's aimed at, it's well written for that target group - a good basic yarn and reasonably well delivered, a touch corny in places though.

Nut you should do some searches for some of the fanfic on Potter, whewh - lava hot for some of it. All those young schoolies doing all sorts of magical and sexual things to each other.

The David Webber 'Honor Harrington' series is quite good, so is the Cadfael series and Anne McCaffrey's series - all of them. Plenty of others as well.
Hey, the link says he's a Mormon, they have a very good reputation for not stealing and not lying - I wonder how he ever made it anywhere in USA politics with a reputation like that. It'd be a hell of a shock to have someone like that in the Oval office. But hey, as an Aussie, it's not my problem.

Re the lower gas prices, want to pay less to move your vehicle, buy solar, that's the only way you won't be paying more as the days go by.
I turned 53 last birthday, and the Harry Potter books are still a good read as escapist literature. My teenage son is deeply into them, so he gets them and I borrow them - truth to tell, I usually get them for him as birthday or Christmas gifts and then borrow them after he reads them. Ditto with the DVDs.

But my reading habits vary from Homer through to everything except Mills and Boon romances - I prefer something with some plot and story line to it. Anne McCaffrey, David Webber, Issac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Gresham, Lindsay Davis, Don Pendleton, Peter Tremayne, Susanna Gregory, Paul Doherty, Elizabeth Moon, Larry Niven, W.E.Johns, Candice Robb, Ellis Peters, Enid Blyton, and many, many others - all write good stories.
Forgot to add, since I read that book, I've wondered if Cornish Pixies are what they make Cornish Pasties out of.
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart brings a big cage of these flying animals that are very mischievous creatures called Cornish Pixies. They stand about 150 mm or 6 inches in height, and when he opens the cage to release them into the class room, they create havoc as they set about making as much trouble as they can.
Could well be, all pixies are special, except, of course, Cornish Pixies.
Most of the mail sorting vetting programs will regard an email as spam if it has more than a total of 10 addresses in it, unless the sender is in the program's white list of acceptable sources. Most free mail services don't have generic white lists, but some, like G-mail, do create individual white lists for their members if they locate an email amongst their spam and mark it as being from a valid sender. Some ISP have a similar system as well.

I haven't seen the newsletter in either my normal g-mail box or the spam box. But found it easy to find and read here.

Putting a copy here is a very good idea, I think.
Yes ma'am, I'm cool - I'm so cool, my glass of water is frosting over.

I think I's finished with this subject.
It's safer that way, less distance to fall, and already in position if the situation improves sufficiently.
I'm sorry if you got the impression I was complaining, originally, I was only asking for some clarification - I've always accepted your right to say NO - just wished to know the specifics of the now in this case - and that got answered. But, sadly, the thread seemed to start a life of it's own.

As to spelling and grammar making your eyes bleed - I just read a story from SOL where half the words were run together without spaces and it looked very much like - averyjumbledbunch ofrubbish despite theactualstory beingreasonablygood withaniceplotbut the poor spacingmadeit hardtoreadjustlikethisis. - A real eye bleeder and should be killed until corrected.

My comment about spelling and grammar is because both Caz and I get lots of emails from the USA telling us we can't spell arse - we just have a different dictionary to you people. It got so bad that Caz has part of his blog dedicated to the spelling of arse.

Anyway, thanks for making the venue available for the dissemination of stories. Sadly, much of what I write is legal here, but doesn't quite meet your guidelines - although some of Caz's stuff should.

Now that's over, can I get up off my knees?
OK, now for a slight divergence back to the original post - spell checking and grammar. I've noticed in feedback from other sites that there is a big difference between what's seen as proper spelling and grammar in some parts of the USA and other parts of the world. Add in the few mistakes that do creep in because the author's brain just KNOWS exactly what's supposed to be at that point in the story, and it adjusts what the eyes see to match what it's supposed to be, and you end up with some minor errors. I think these have been allowed through and only very serious breaches of these offences get punished, but please don't punish us foreigners for using 's' where you use 'z' or using 'u' in words like colour and amour - and the part you sit on is an 'arse' to us not an 'ass.'

In a recent exchange of message with someone I had a lengthy discussion on the sue of commas - I was taught to use them to separate things and actions, no comma means they belong together; while a comma means a looser link or a time variation. Example being

Time use
He drank his bear and stood up - this indicates he was drinking whilst moving upwards from the chair - two actions done together
He drank his beer, and stood up - this indicates her drank the beer, then stood up as a second action - two actions one after the other.

Bows and arrows; boys and girls; boys and girls and babies; - these are two things frequently linked together for some reason.
Milk, sugar, cream, and flour - a list of items loosely link through being a list. Some USA people would have no comma between the last two items on the list; I was taught otherwise at school.

The best way to determine if you need punctuation (comma, full stop, semi-colon, colon, etc) is to read it out and pause for a breath at each punctuation mark. See how that changes what the words seem to say. Try these following words with different punctuation, to see what I mean - help police murder - the punctuation can change who the killers are.

So please, no bad comments on these types of items, pretty please.
It's interesting how the laws differ, and 200 years ago, there was no age of consent laws at all. However, four years ago the laws here said 16 for both genders, but 14 to 16 if the partner was within 24 months of their age was also legal. Now it just says 16, no ifs or buts. A legal defence is evidence that you had good reason to believe them to be of legal age at the time. Interestingly, the laws treat the living physical act, imagery, and writing exactly the same - if it's legal in real life, it's legal in a picture or a story, if not legal in real life, not legal in a story. Kind of makes things simple in some ways - it matters not if it's reality or fantasy.

I think we all support Lush, some of us just had a bit of a problem getting the boundaries set straight, that's all.
Boy, this thread seems to have taken on a life of it's own - I don't think anyone has yet posted something to actually disagree with you or Lush - a few posts seeking some clairification, yes, but no disagreement.
Getting interesting is it? As long as it doesn't get as interesting as the old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times."
I think that's how it was taken, I think it's fair to say there aren't any side to this one, everyone is in agreement about it.

The trouble with points is - they hurt when you sit on them, they're usually quite sharp.
I don't know about the story with the 14 year old you mention, but I agree with Lush and accept the judgment. When I posted it, I wasn't exactly sure it would be OK. The line is not the age of the character, but the age of a character having sex.

Where I live, the laws on sexual activity and writing about sexual activity are the same. The age of consent is 16, anyone under is a case of statutory . But, if you have sound reason to believe they are of legal age at the time, then you can't be charged.

In the story 'Photographic Problems' (it is available at another site if you wish to read it), there are two incidents where older men are told the girls are of legal age, and it turns out to be part of a scam, the girls are under age. In each case, set some months apart, fifteen year old girls are presented as being their 16 year old sisters by their mother - so she can blackmail the men. The second man is suspicious, and is able to turn the tables on her. The setting at the time of the sex scenes the girls are 16, we later find out they are really younger. This is outside the rules - so scrubbed. I wasn't sure if this was just inside or just outside the Lush rules, so put it up and let them decide. I hold with their decision, no argument from me.

In the story 'Rob Remembers' there is a 14 year old girl in several scenes where she is nude and interacting with the other characters, no actual sex scenes with her until after her 16th birthday. But there is one scene where she's in an upper bunk, and is supposed to be masturbating while watching a home made erotic video and others are having sex in the room - again right on the border line. A later scene has the male lead being drugged an , sort of, zombie type drug, - he recognises what's happened, take action to prove it, and later, turns the next attempt to drug him around on the druggers. Again right at the border - a bit to far over for Lsuh, and wiped, again no complaints by me.

If the story you mention has sex with a 14 year old, then you should report it to Lush, the admins may not have read it yet, as they don't read the stories as they go up. The stories go as the admins read them for themselves or they get reported to them.
Going off topic to answer your question - Kat contacted my cousin Cazna about the site, and he contacted me - we often collaborate on plots and scenes. Another cousin also gets involved, but he doesn't write erotic stories, so I doubt you'll see his works here.
Been away watching a DVD, just got back and saw it, also just replied to it. Thanks for the kind words, but I think we both agree on the essentials and also agree with Lush on them too.
No problems, I totally agree with the concept of 'It's your site and you have the final say' - anyone who thinks different isn't playing with a full deck. The rules are neither to my liking or against my liking, they're just the rules. You pay the piper, you call the tune. I agree with your attitude about unpleasantries, which is why I make sure what I write is within the local laws, as they're the ones that can bite me. I also talked my cousin Cazna into taking the same approach, so I daren't disagree with your approach - I just sort clarification to try and limit any future discretions by me, that's all.

BTW: I'm not all that clear at recognising boundaries at times, it's a known problem and typical with people with Autistic spectrum issues, like me.

Some sites do allow such stories, some decide on the way they're presented and how they fit in with the rest of the story content and plot
Thanks for that info, I'm not angry, just wishing to know, so I can try to avoid future problems.

Down here, the laws say it's unlawful to ENGAGE in sexual activity with a person under 16 years, if you KNOW the true age, but having good reason to believe them to be of legal age at the time, is a valid defence. The laws are based on knowing, and actual physical contact - suspicion and being unawares is a different situation. I know the laws vary between jurisdictions, so i always allow the locals to make their own decisions, and abide by them.

With regards to Rob Remembers, I take it the scenes with the 15 year old being nude aren't a problem, it's the ones where it's assumed she may be watching others having sex. If so, I can easily fix that. I thought it may have got cut because he got drugged - but that's a core aspect of the plot development for the final traumatic experience; and it allows the inclusion of how to react if you suspect you've been drugged - getting tests etc.
It would be nice if you advised the people you were removing the story and why - especially if it was due to complaints. In my view, they should be forwarded without any identifying information about the sender.
comments by anyone can be useful. Some people prefer to remain unknown, I see no trouble with that. Anything abusive and It just gets ignored.