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Story deletion

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Hi all,

Just a quick note to thank everyone for their story submissions to date, there have been some excellent stories posted here.

We try and be totally unbiased where story content / subject matter are concerned, and unless we receive a complaint about a story or it's illegal, we will let it remain published here.

However, there have been a few stories submitted recently that we have removed in the interests of maintaining the high standard of story quality on this site.

For people new to this, please, before submitting a story, just remember the basics:

- spellcheck the story
- check the grammar of the story
- read through it to make sure it makes sense
- read through it again

If it contains an abundance of spelling or grammatical errors, we will remove it.

We don't want to discourage story posting, but at the same time we need to maintain standards!


~ Lush ~
**bump** for any new authors who submit one paragraph full of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and no coherent structure whatsoever
It would be nice if you advised the people you were removing the story and why - especially if it was due to complaints. In my view, they should be forwarded without any identifying information about the sender.
Quote by Deadly
It would be nice if you advised the people you were removing the story and why - especially if it was due to complaints. In my view, they should be forwarded without any identifying information about the sender.

Welcome to the site deadly.

One of our admins contacted you via your uncle (?) to let you know that no content that broke our guidelines would be permissible. You submitted the story anyway, so I don't see how you can be annoyed?

In an ideal world everyone would be written to advising why their stories were deleted yes, but this site is run by volunteers, is not for profit, and most of us are busy with real life issues.

You will find that stories featuring underage content are disallowed on most of the major stories sites like literotica as well. Yes, some sites allow those, as well as beastiality etc, but we don't, sorry.
Hi Lush,

I did copy on the emails I exchanged with Kat, even asked if the specific stories would be OK, and got no specific answer. So, after some time, he thought to try the waters. What worried both of us is that down here 16 is NOT underage - it's of legal age, while it is underage in many USA states - I think he wonders if it's the age or something else that resulted in the removal. I know some USA hosted sites won't allow under 18, and I did ask that question and got a reply about it having to be of legal age, without an actual figure. A later reply said 16 was OK. Since My story New Slaves is still up, I suspect this is still the case.

We have some really interesting laws on witting erotica down here, much tougher than the USA in many regards, but we make sure the stories stay the freedom side of the courthouse line - that is, we keep them legal. Another oddity is that we always have some social comment hidden in there, waiting to sneak up on the unsuspecting reader. Some of the plot lines do go along the lines of A does something nasty to B and B gets their own back, but within the law - gee, where have I seen that before. But we try to keep the nastiness within bounds and make a point of showing it to be wrong.

I think he is taking the line, if in doubt, let you make the decision, as you can always pull it if you don't like it. I'm not all that sure it's the best way to go, but it does mean he's NOT dumping things that you can use.
Thanks Cazna. The story that was removed involved a 15 year old - which is illegal almost everywhere. I believe that was the reason. Don't get me wrong, it was a good story, other than crossing lines we are not legally allowed to (or want to).
Thanks for that info, I'm not angry, just wishing to know, so I can try to avoid future problems.

Down here, the laws say it's unlawful to ENGAGE in sexual activity with a person under 16 years, if you KNOW the true age, but having good reason to believe them to be of legal age at the time, is a valid defence. The laws are based on knowing, and actual physical contact - suspicion and being unawares is a different situation. I know the laws vary between jurisdictions, so i always allow the locals to make their own decisions, and abide by them.

With regards to Rob Remembers, I take it the scenes with the 15 year old being nude aren't a problem, it's the ones where it's assumed she may be watching others having sex. If so, I can easily fix that. I thought it may have got cut because he got drugged - but that's a core aspect of the plot development for the final traumatic experience; and it allows the inclusion of how to react if you suspect you've been drugged - getting tests etc.
No problem deadly.

Just to reiterate, , drugging, , beastiality - I don't care if it's legal to write about fictitious events containing these elements, but with the law as it is in the US, I would rather avoid the hassle entirely. It is the same stance taken by most of the other large erotica sites.

I'm sorry if these "rules" are not to your liking, but quite frankly this is a free site, we do not have money for a legal department to take on any authorities who might kick up a fuss, and I would rather avoid any unpleasantries altogether.
No problems, I totally agree with the concept of 'It's your site and you have the final say' - anyone who thinks different isn't playing with a full deck. The rules are neither to my liking or against my liking, they're just the rules. You pay the piper, you call the tune. I agree with your attitude about unpleasantries, which is why I make sure what I write is within the local laws, as they're the ones that can bite me. I also talked my cousin Cazna into taking the same approach, so I daren't disagree with your approach - I just sort clarification to try and limit any future discretions by me, that's all.

BTW: I'm not all that clear at recognising boundaries at times, it's a known problem and typical with people with Autistic spectrum issues, like me.

Some sites do allow such stories, some decide on the way they're presented and how they fit in with the rest of the story content and plot
Been away watching a DVD, just got back and saw it, also just replied to it. Thanks for the kind words, but I think we both agree on the essentials and also agree with Lush on them too.
Quote by Deadly
Been away watching a DVD, just got back and saw it, also just replied to it. Thanks for the kind words, but I think we both agree on the essentials and also agree with Lush on them too.

yes we do and LUSH must be supported all the way
Ok I was kinda skimming thru this topic and seen that a story was deleted due to the fact that there was a character that was 15 years old. I just read a story that had a 14 year old in it. Im not taking sides or anything but if the rule applies for one person it should apply for all. Thats just my take on it.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
I don't know about the story with the 14 year old you mention, but I agree with Lush and accept the judgment. When I posted it, I wasn't exactly sure it would be OK. The line is not the age of the character, but the age of a character having sex.

Where I live, the laws on sexual activity and writing about sexual activity are the same. The age of consent is 16, anyone under is a case of statutory . But, if you have sound reason to believe they are of legal age at the time, then you can't be charged.

In the story 'Photographic Problems' (it is available at another site if you wish to read it), there are two incidents where older men are told the girls are of legal age, and it turns out to be part of a scam, the girls are under age. In each case, set some months apart, fifteen year old girls are presented as being their 16 year old sisters by their mother - so she can blackmail the men. The second man is suspicious, and is able to turn the tables on her. The setting at the time of the sex scenes the girls are 16, we later find out they are really younger. This is outside the rules - so scrubbed. I wasn't sure if this was just inside or just outside the Lush rules, so put it up and let them decide. I hold with their decision, no argument from me.

In the story 'Rob Remembers' there is a 14 year old girl in several scenes where she is nude and interacting with the other characters, no actual sex scenes with her until after her 16th birthday. But there is one scene where she's in an upper bunk, and is supposed to be masturbating while watching a home made erotic video and others are having sex in the room - again right on the border line. A later scene has the male lead being drugged an , sort of, zombie type drug, - he recognises what's happened, take action to prove it, and later, turns the next attempt to drug him around on the druggers. Again right at the border - a bit to far over for Lsuh, and wiped, again no complaints by me.

If the story you mention has sex with a 14 year old, then you should report it to Lush, the admins may not have read it yet, as they don't read the stories as they go up. The stories go as the admins read them for themselves or they get reported to them.
Im not meaning to complain or anything. I just feel that if it goes for one person, then it should go for all. If Lush wants to contact me about this particular story, she is more than welcome to. As I said before, I am not taking sides. Just trying to make a point.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
I think that's how it was taken, I think it's fair to say there aren't any side to this one, everyone is in agreement about it.

The trouble with points is - they hurt when you sit on them, they're usually quite sharp.
Hi Pixie,

Please send me the story link and I will delete it. The rule applies to all, I don't have the hours in the day to read every story that gets submitted unfortunately


~ Lush ~
Ok if I knew how to do that I would.....
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by Pixie
Ok if I knew how to do that I would.....

Where it says "PM ME" that will send a private message Pixie.

This thread is interesting
Getting interesting is it? As long as it doesn't get as interesting as the old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times."
Just the mere mention of nudity and 16 or 14-year-olds is enough to have the story deleted. We're not splitting hairs here. I fully support/agree/enforce Lush on it.
Boy, this thread seems to have taken on a life of it's own - I don't think anyone has yet posted something to actually disagree with you or Lush - a few posts seeking some clairification, yes, but no disagreement.
In the States there tends to be more emphasis on what constitutes child pornography. The rules that most places tend to follow are age of legality, or 18 -21. Some States will prosecute sites that push underage sexual acts whether fantasy or reality.

Myself, I tend to not read stories where underage people are having sex, though I will admit to reading some. The exception for me is that both characters involved in the sexual act are nearly the same age.

Looking back on my life I know that teen-agers do have sex and we did (and teens still do) have sex quite often without parental knowledge.

I do draw a line at adults (18 years + ) having sex with under age teenagers (Or younger can you say *ewww*?)

Thats just my personal view.

I support Lush as this is her site and she knows what she wants, what she will accept heat for and therefore, what she'll allow. I'm good with that.
It's interesting how the laws differ, and 200 years ago, there was no age of consent laws at all. However, four years ago the laws here said 16 for both genders, but 14 to 16 if the partner was within 24 months of their age was also legal. Now it just says 16, no ifs or buts. A legal defence is evidence that you had good reason to believe them to be of legal age at the time. Interestingly, the laws treat the living physical act, imagery, and writing exactly the same - if it's legal in real life, it's legal in a picture or a story, if not legal in real life, not legal in a story. Kind of makes things simple in some ways - it matters not if it's reality or fantasy.

I think we all support Lush, some of us just had a bit of a problem getting the boundaries set straight, that's all.
OK, now for a slight divergence back to the original post - spell checking and grammar. I've noticed in feedback from other sites that there is a big difference between what's seen as proper spelling and grammar in some parts of the USA and other parts of the world. Add in the few mistakes that do creep in because the author's brain just KNOWS exactly what's supposed to be at that point in the story, and it adjusts what the eyes see to match what it's supposed to be, and you end up with some minor errors. I think these have been allowed through and only very serious breaches of these offences get punished, but please don't punish us foreigners for using 's' where you use 'z' or using 'u' in words like colour and amour - and the part you sit on is an 'arse' to us not an 'ass.'

In a recent exchange of message with someone I had a lengthy discussion on the sue of commas - I was taught to use them to separate things and actions, no comma means they belong together; while a comma means a looser link or a time variation. Example being

Time use
He drank his bear and stood up - this indicates he was drinking whilst moving upwards from the chair - two actions done together
He drank his beer, and stood up - this indicates her drank the beer, then stood up as a second action - two actions one after the other.

Bows and arrows; boys and girls; boys and girls and babies; - these are two things frequently linked together for some reason.
Milk, sugar, cream, and flour - a list of items loosely link through being a list. Some USA people would have no comma between the last two items on the list; I was taught otherwise at school.

The best way to determine if you need punctuation (comma, full stop, semi-colon, colon, etc) is to read it out and pause for a breath at each punctuation mark. See how that changes what the words seem to say. Try these following words with different punctuation, to see what I mean - help police murder - the punctuation can change who the killers are.

So please, no bad comments on these types of items, pretty please.
Glad we're all cleared up on this age issue.....finally...

As far as punctuation and spelling go, unless it's absolutely horrendous then the story stands. If it's so bad it makes my eyes bleed, it will be deleted.

Now will you all stop making me out to be some kind of wicked headmistress and enjoy the site for what it is.
I'm sorry if you got the impression I was complaining, originally, I was only asking for some clarification - I've always accepted your right to say NO - just wished to know the specifics of the now in this case - and that got answered. But, sadly, the thread seemed to start a life of it's own.

As to spelling and grammar making your eyes bleed - I just read a story from SOL where half the words were run together without spaces and it looked very much like - averyjumbledbunch ofrubbish despite theactualstory beingreasonablygood withaniceplotbut the poor spacingmadeit hardtoreadjustlikethisis. - A real eye bleeder and should be killed until corrected.

My comment about spelling and grammar is because both Caz and I get lots of emails from the USA telling us we can't spell arse - we just have a different dictionary to you people. It got so bad that Caz has part of his blog dedicated to the spelling of arse.

Anyway, thanks for making the venue available for the dissemination of stories. Sadly, much of what I write is legal here, but doesn't quite meet your guidelines - although some of Caz's stuff should.

Now that's over, can I get up off my knees?
I like a man that pleads his case on his knees!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
It's safer that way, less distance to fall, and already in position if the situation improves sufficiently.
Good thinking!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥