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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
0 miles · Missouri


Active Ink Slinger
I usually wear my hair long, sometimes in a ponytail and let my wife trim the ends. However, last year I decided to get a professional cut, trimmed an unbelievable 11" which I donated to Locks of Love. I tipped the stylist $10 for the hard work. Before COVID-19 I went about once a month to keep the same cut and I still tip generously.
Active Ink Slinger
Rachmaninoff is my favorite composer and his Concerto 2 in C minor is very sensual to perform on the piano and to make love to.
Active Ink Slinger
The best Christmas gifts I ever received, although two weeks before Christmas and very premature at 5 1/2 months, weighing 3.2 oz. and 3.5 oz. were my twin boys. They just celebrated their 6th birthday. To see them today, you would never guess they were preemies. I am truly blessed.
Active Ink Slinger
To each his/her own, but I have never understood why anyone would junk up a perfectly beautiful body with tattoos. That being said, I have a heart on my left butt cheek.
Active Ink Slinger
I rarely wear suits and ties, but when I do, I am full-on old fashioned, French cuffs and cuff links.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, I have used pics of myself as an avatar image, but I am cautiously selective, don't reveal too much of who I am. Most all my avatars are music related.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LucaByDesign

Keep at it, Andy. You will not find a writer anywhere who is ever 100% happy with their final draft.

I know it's a truism, but sometimes people forget that writing is a skill like any other. You would not expect a newbie to music to pick up a guitar and jam like Hendrix, would you?

The first story I posted on Lush when I was here in another guise ten years ago, was rejected three times before the mods would let it pass. I've come along way since then but any improvements I've made are because I love writing, practise the craft daily.

I've not read your story but looking at the comments it seems folk liked it. If it's just technique you struggle with, there are loads of useful links on Lush for you to peruse. The more you write, the more you will want to read, seeking out solutions to problems you encounter as you work. The more you read, the more you will want to write. It is a symbiotic relationship.

Good luck with your future writing.

Thanks for the encouragement, however my heart is just not into it right now. I have had several offers for assistance and at some time I may attempt writing again.
Active Ink Slinger
I posted my opinion on the thread regarding the scoring system and the same sentiments apply to comments as well. I don't give a flip about comments or scoring. If I am happy with it, that is all that matters to me. Truthfully, I am a miserable writer and without a lot of help,I would never have completed the story. I wrote a continuation to the original story, but was not happy with it, so I never submitted it. I am much better at writing music, so I think I'll stay in my own lane.
Active Ink Slinger
This is almost a daily occurrence. I know managing this site is a big job, but this needs to be corrected.
Active Ink Slinger
Actually, I prefer the gulf coast. Naturally I would say that, I grew up in Tallahassee, FL, which is less than 100 miles to the gulf.
Active Ink Slinger
I think I have answered this before...I am mostly left handed, but I can write legibly with my right.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't really give a flip about the scoring. I have only written one story, was satisfied with it, which is all that matters. I attempted to write a continuation, but the story did not please me, so I never submitted it. I had rather write music, so the best thing for me is to stay in my own lane.
Active Ink Slinger
My ancestry is Norwegian and Swedish. Cilantro is not generally used. Dill and mint are more common. On the other hand, my wife's mother is Cuban American and she uses cilantro quite often. I can take it or leave it.
Active Ink Slinger
It was both, awkward at first, I was too young and had no idea what I was doing. I am a quick learner and before it was over, very enjoyable.
Active Ink Slinger
Never have. I guess I must be doing a good job, she has never asked for one.
Active Ink Slinger
This happens all too often. Must be a bear to manage. Still frustrating.
Active Ink Slinger
Real football: Manchester United. US Football: Seahawks
Active Ink Slinger
My avatar changes frequently and usually involves something music related.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Bunny_W

This is really beautiful.

I thought so, too. Thanks.