Many of the jobs I take on are from a referral. Satisfied customers share my information with others, and I often get contacted by new customers as a result. Some are from random people who have seen my advertising and reach out for a quote.
This was a random call…
I just finished filling my tank when the phone rang and went to voicemail. After grabbing a bottle of water and paying I moved my truck away from the pumps, shut it off, and listened to the message. It was a woman asking if I fixed garage doors. I called her back, told her I did, and we discussed the problem she was having. I offered to take a look, and as she gave me her address I realized I was only a few blocks away.
“I just happen to be close by. Is now a good time for you?”
“Oh, sure!” she replied. “That would be perfect!”
“See you in a few minutes,” I promised.
I parked on the street in front of the house, leaving the driveway open. There were toys scattered about the front yard and two small bicycles laying next to a pink tricycle in front of the garage door. As I walked up the driveway I was greeted by a slim brunette carrying a toddler. She smiled as the toddler fidgeted and fussed.
“Hi, I’m J.” I announced. “We just talked on the phone.”
“Hi. Cindy,” she replied.
“And who is this?” I asked as the toddler stared at me curiously.
“This is Krista,” she answered. “My littlest.”
I smiled and Krista buried her face into her mother’s shoulder, playing shy and pretending to avoid me.
“So, the door doesn’t open?” I asked.
“No, it only goes part of the way up and stops, then I have to pull the handle thing to get it back down.”
“How often is it happening?”
“All the time,” she said in a frustrated tone. “My husband parks his truck in the driveway and we keep my van inside because I don’t go out much.”
Krista glanced at me and continued to fidget as Cindy talked.
“I told him a few weeks ago, but he hasn’t looked at it. I have just been using his truck in the evenings to go for groceries and things, but I need to get my van in and out when I want to. I can’t stay in the house forever when he’s not here.”
“I understand,” I assured her. “Let me take a look. Is the side door open?”
“Yes, and the opener is the cup holder in my van.”
Two other girls appeared, gawking at me as I passed by on the way to the door.
“Hello, girls.”
“Hi. Who are you?”
“I’m J. I’m here to fix the garage door.”
“Mommy said Daddy can’t fix anything,” the oldest chirped.
“Hailee!” Cindy chided. “You be quiet.”
“Well, that’s okay,” I replied with a shrug. “I’m sure Daddy does other things.”
The girls nodded and sat down on the steps by the door they had come out of as I entered the garage and looked around. The opener panel on the wall had a wire broken off, rendering it useless, so I retrieved the remote from the cup holder in the minivan.
I checked the spring and cables first, noting that the cable on one side was too slack and coming off of the roller. I clicked the remote and watched the door rise in a jerky motion, obviously uneven in the tracks, and sticking as it neared the top of its travel. The motor shut off and the door stayed in place, just as she had described. I released the latch and pulled the door down before returning outside.
Cindy and the three girls were on the steps, the toddler now squeezed between her two older sisters, and looked at me as I stepped out the door. I noticed Cindy’s eyes travel to my feet and back up to my face, stopping at my crotch for a few seconds in between.
“Nothing too serious,” I announced. “Just some adjustments for the most part.”
“When can you fix it?” Cindy asked. “And how much will it cost?”
“$200. I can do it this weekend, either Saturday or Sunday. What’s good for you?”
The F150 pulled into the driveway and the girls announced, “Daddy is home!” as the man stepped out and came over.
“What’s all this?” he asked curiously.
“This is the garage door guy, he came to look at the door,” Cindy explained.
“Hi, I’m J.” I said as I offered my hand.
“Hi. Karl,” he replied as he ignored my hand, stepped past and stood next to the girls. “How much?”
“$200,” I answered.
“$200! Just to fix the door?”
“Karl, I need to get in and out, so unless you want to park on the street we need it fixed,” Cindy blurted. “That’s not much.”
“I don’t know… that’s sounds high,” he mused as he shook his head.
“Your choice,” I shrugged. “For less than the cost of two fill- ups on your truck your wife is able to do what she wants with your kids during the day.”
“I want it fixed, Daddy!” the oldest chirped. “I want to go to the park and the zoo and swimming!”
“Me, too!” the middle one added.
He sighed, rolled his eyes and nodded.
“Okay, but $200, no more.”
“As long as there are no surprises, $200,” I assured him.
“He can do it this weekend,” Cindy announced. “You are taking the girls to the zoo on Saturday anyway, so that will work out fine.”
“The Zoo! The Zoo! Yeah, Daddy, the Zoo!” the girls yelled excitedly. “You said we would go the Zoo!”
“Yeah, yeah. Fine. Saturday you fix the door for her. $200.”
I looked at Cindy. “What time is good for you?”
“After ten is good.”
“Ten! That’s early!” Karl interrupted.
“You need to go early, it gets too hot after two,” she chided. “Remember last time?”
He nodded and agreed.
“And swimming after!” Hailee yelled out. “We can go swimming!”
“Yes, Daddy will take you swimming after,” Cindy assured her. “Won’t he?”
“Yeah, okay. We can go swimming, too.”
“Okay, so Saturday just after ten,” I confirmed. “I will see you then.”
“Yes,” Cindy smiled. “See you then.”
“Bye!” the middle one yelled as she waved.
“Bye,” I replied with a wave back as I headed for my truck.
I pulled up just as the F150 backed out the driveway, seeing the girls in the backseat waving to Cindy as she stood in the driveway. It sped away and disappeared around the corner as I walked up to her.
“Good morning,” I offered with a smile.
“Good morning,” she replied with a big smile.
“So, a little quiet time for you today,” I joked. “I won’t take up much of your day.”
“Yes, I need a break,” she agreed with a big sigh. “Looking after them all day, every day wears thin. I have no time for myself. Do you have kids?”
“None that I know of,” I answered with a grin.
She chuckled and ran her hand through her hair. “Married?”
“No. I’m not the wife and kids kind of guy,” I replied with a wink.
She giggled, put her hands on her hips and swayed gently.
“A confirmed bachelor? You have no desire for a wife?”
“Not for one of my own,” I teased as I looked her up and down.
She blushed slightly and ran one hand through her hair again, glancing at the garage and then back to me. Her eyes passed over me, hovering on the bulge in my jeans for a moment.
“Well, let's go fix your door,” I suggested.
“Uh, yes… yes,” she agreed. “Follow me.”
I followed her into the garage and placed my tool bag on the floor as she leaned against the front of the van.
“Do you mind if I watch?” she asked.
“Not at all.”
I found and turned off the breaker for the door opener, noticing a step-ladder against the wall.
“Can I use that?” I asked. “Or I can get mine from the truck?”
“You can use whatever you want,” she said teasingly.
“That’s a very open comment,” I teased back.
“Well, anything you find in the garage,” she giggled.
“You’re in the garage,” I pointed out as I set up the ladder.
“Haha, true,” she giggled.
I stepped up and adjusted the spring before resetting the cables and checking the tracks and rollers. I felt her eyes on me the entire time and noticed her standing next to me as I made the final adjustment. I looked down to see her slowly stroking her neck as she focused on my crotch. The bulge grew as her gaze had its effect on me, the look of desire and longing I had seen before inflaming my libido and engorging my awakened cock.
Her hand reached out and I felt her fingers run over my bulge, causing a twitch and more swelling as they gently caressed me through the denim. I turned slightly, angling myself towards her with my crotch even with her chin and allowing my swelling cock to move up from its confined place along my thigh. Her eyes widened and a coy smile developed on her pretty face as she put her hand on my zipper.
“Go ahead,” I offered. “Check it out.”
She glanced up and smiled, her eyes bright and hungry with desire as her fingers pulled down the zipper. She sucked on her lower lip and her hand trembled slightly as my cock began to appear through the opening, the fat tip peeking out before suddenly bursting forth inches from her mouth.
"Whoa, so big!"
Her hands grasped the shaft as she examined it, her fingers unable to wrap around the thick shaft fully as she slowly stroked me to full hardness. A glance up at me was followed by the appearance of her tongue as it snaked out and swirled over my swollen tip.
“I know I shouldn’t, but I need to,” she sighed quietly. “I need to do something for myself. I need something exciting.”
Her lips parted and she took me into her mouth, sucking on the fat head as she slowly stroked my shaft. I held myself steady on the ladder as she sucked me, watching my thick cock slowly getting swallowed further until she suddenly jerked back and gasped loudly.
“I want you to fuck me with this!” she panted. “I need you to fuck me.”
“Whatever you want,” I promised as I stepped off the ladder.
She took my hand and led me to the front of the van, put her hands on my face and pulled me down to kiss. Her lips mashed into mine, the pressure relenting when her tongue pushed into my mouth and began wrestling with mine. I ran my hands over her hips and ass before moving them up and cupping her small breasts as her quiet moans filled my mouth. She pulled away, lifted her dress and turned around, revealing her bare and panty-less bottom to my hungry eyes as she leaned forward and put her elbows on the hood of the minivan. I dropped my jeans to my ankles.
“Fuck me, please,” she pleaded. “Before I change my mind.”
I hesitated for a moment before stepping up behind her and rubbing my swollen cock along her wet pout, the juice in her folds making my cock glisten with wetness.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! Fuck me!”
I pushed inside her hot, silky channel and held her hips tight as I began thrusting, pushing more of my meat into her as she groaned loudly and pushed back.
“Fuck, you’re huge!” she gasped as I buried the full length of my cock inside of her.
“Yes. You like it?”
“Oh… fuck yes…” she panted.
I fucked her fast and hard, the sound of my thighs slapping into hers echoing in the confined space of the garage as she grunted and moaned.
“Oh fuck… oh fuck… yes!” she whimpered as she climaxed, shaking and collapsing onto the hood.
I kept up my pace, pounding her hungry cunt relentlessly as she climaxed again and again, finally hearing her ask me to stop.
“Stop… please… just for a moment,” she whimpered.
I stop moving with my cock buried in her, feeling her sopping cunt squeeze me as she panted and caught her breath. I turned to look at the shelf by the door when I heard a phone ring.

“Oh shit!” she gasped. “My phone!”
I swiveled us around to face the shelf, letting her grab the phone as I held her around the waist with my cock jammed in her pussy. She looked at me over her shoulder in disbelief as she answered.
I could hear the muffled sounds of a man’s voice as I gently rocked my hips and my cock massaged her insides.
“Yes… yes, he’s almost finished.”
I moved her back to the hood of the van, pushing her shoulders down and pulling her hips back.
“Okay, I will call you when he’s done. What? No…”
I thrust hard and began fucking her slowly, making her stammer as she talked.
“Oh… hi sweetie. Are you… are you having fun? That’s good… you… girls behave.”
She moved the phone away as she climaxed, her mouth open wide and no sound coming out as her pussy clenched tightly.
“No… no, I was just yawning,” she explained. “Okay, you have fun. What? No, don’t…”
I pounded her hard as my climax built to the pressure point, grasping her hips tightly as my balls ached for release and heard his muffled voice again.
“Yes! Yes, I will call you back as soon as…”
My cock exploded, flooding her insides with a huge load of seed as we both struggled to stay quiet. I held her tight as my balls emptied out, pulse after pulse of hot cream buried deep inside of her as he continued talking.
“Yes.. have fun!” she managed to say as the call ended.
“Oh my god!” she gasped loudly as she climaxed again, her cunt squeezing once more and pushing cum past my shaft.
I held still until she stopped trembling, feeling cum run over my balls and down my thighs. I slipped myself out and watched the stream of mixed juices run out her reddened pussy and drip onto the floor below us.
“Holy shit,” she moaned.
“Fuck, that was great,” I praised as I gave her ass a light slap. “You’re a great fuck.”
She turned around and looked at me, panting as she leaned against the van.
“You’re a bastard, fucking me while he was on the phone.”
“Yeah. It was fun, wasn’t it?”
She gave an evil grin and nodded. “Yes, it was.”
“I guess I should finish up with the door.”
“Yes, I guess you should. I have to call him back when you’re all done.”
“I’ll be ready by then,” I said as I zipped up my jeans. "If you want to play some more?"
“Sure," I replied with a lusty grin. "Just let me finish up and fix that wire to the opener panel.”
“I think I will go clean up while you do that,” she mused as she looked down at the trails of cum on the back of her thighs.
She slipped away as I tightened the rollers and fixed the wire, returning as I opened and closed the door for the second time. She was wearing just the sundress, having taken off the top she had on earlier, and had her hair tied up in a ponytail. The now-visible tattoo on her left shoulder matched the one on her right foot I had seen earlier.
“All done,” I announced as I offered her the remote. "Try it."
She put handed me a stack of twenties as she stood in front of me, lowering herself to her knees and putting her phone and the remote on the floor. Her hands undid my jeans, pulling them down and releasing my hardening cock. She looked up and smiled with a mischievous grin before picking up the phone. Her other hand gripped my shaft and her tongue swirled around the engorged tip as she placed the call, giving me a long, slow suck before the call was answered.
“Hi, sweetie,” she purred before licking along my swollen shaft and looking up at me. “What are you doing?”
Her mouth returned to my cock, her lips and tongue teasing me as the muffled voice on the phone continued. She pulled her mouth away.
“That’s great, sweetie. Are you going swimming now?”
Her tongue swirled over the tip and around the head as her hand gently squeezed and stroked the hard shaft.
“That’s good... you girls be good.”
She started sucking again and the slurps joined the sound of the muffled voices on the phone. I was getting close to cumming and tapped her on the head to get her attention.
She glanced up and I whispered “I’m going to cum if you keep that up."
She pulled away, smiled and jerked my cock quickly as she spoke into the phone.
“Put Daddy on the phone.”
She put her mouth back on me and sucked furiously, getting me to the edge as his muffled voice came on. She pulled back and the first spurt hit her chin as she replied.
“Yes, he’s finishing as we speak," she panted.
The second spurt caught her high above the eye and left a trail across her face, followed by another directly in her gaping mouth. She swallowed quickly before speaking.
“Yes, very good,” as the last hit her chin and dripped down.
She smiled at me as I rubbed my cock over her chin and lips. The fact she was on the phone with him while sucking me off was a huge turn on for me, and obviously for her as well as her eyes sparkled brightly while my cock rubbed across her face and spread the pearly liquid over her cheeks and chin.
“Okay, have fun," her tongue flicked over the tip and picked up a droplet. "See you in a few hours.”
She put the phone down and wiped cum away from her eye before looking up at me with a big grin.
“Well, that was a fucking nasty thing to do, wasn’t it?” she giggled.
“I loved it,” I admitted.
“Me, too,” she giggled. “That was so fucking dirty. I'm so turned on right now."
I gestured to the minivan.
“You ever been eaten out and fucked in your van?” I asked.
“Not yet,” she replied with a giggle.
I opened the sliding door and gestured inside as she stood up.
“You have a few more hours to yourself. Might as well take advantage of my services.”
She giggled and climbed into the van, slipping her dress off before she lay down on the middle seat and spread her legs. As her glistening pussy appeared she lifted her head and smiled.
“Would you pass me my phone? I think I will make another call.”
I handed her the phone, pulled my t-shirt off and stepped out of my jeans before lowering my face between her slender thighs. I kissed, licked and nibbled along her thighs and around her glistening lips, teasing and tasting before sliding my flattened tongue along her juicy slit. Her hand grabbed some of my hair as I began licking her in earnest, swirling and twirling my tongue in and around her cunt as she writhed and moaned. I buzzed her clit with the tip, getting a loud groan in return as her orgasm hit and her hips rose up to push into my face.
I kept up my oral assault, sucking her clit between my lips while I reached up and pinched her perky nipples with my fingers. Wave after wave of orgasms washed through her, groan after groan as she tugged my hair and squeezed her thighs against my head. I relented for a few minutes, waiting for her trembling to stop and to rest my tongue while she panted heavily. I slipped one hand down under her thigh and pushed two fingers into her hungry snatch, slowly massaging her insides as they gently fucked her.
"I... I want to ride you," she panted as she raised her head.
I slipped my fingers out and she moved around, allowing me to sit on the seat before straddling me.
"I can't believe you are hard again," she giggled.
"Me, neither," I agreed. "You have me incredibly turned on, Cindy."
"Oh, me too..." she moaned as she sat on my lap and engulfed my hardened prick with her wet, hungry cunt.
She rode me slowly, her hands on my shoulders as she rocked her hips and my cock filled her. Occasional kisses as I kneaded her breasts and pinched her nipples added to the erotic feelings as we fucked, our sweat mixing together in the confined, hot interior of the minivan. A loud gasp and a shudder as her cunt clenched announced another climax, lasting a moment before she lay her head against my chest and sighed.
"From behind now," she panted. "Fuck me hard from behind."
She climbed off and I slid out of the seat, standing and grabbing her hips as she got on all fours and pushed her ass towards me. I slipped my cock inside and grabbed her ponytail, pulling her head back as I rammed into her.
"Oh fuck! Yes!" she gasped.
My cock pistoned in and out, the thick shaft disappearing on each thrust as I pushed as deep as I could. I watched her fingers pull the phone towards her and the screen lit up as she tapped it. I slowed down as the ringing echoing through the interior and heard his muffled voice as she lifted the phone to her ear.
"Hi," she panted. "Where are you guys?"
I tugged gently on her hair and thrust hard, stopping with my entire cock lodged inside of her.
"Oh shit! Uh... I dropped something."
I fucked her teasingly, pulling back slowly until just the tip of the swollen head stayed inside and then thrusting hard as his muffled voice filled her ear. She struggled to keep the conversation steady, pausing each time I pounded my cock home.
"Yes, he's gone... oh... I'm in the basement.... doing... laundry. When... will... you be... home?"
She turned her head and looked back at me as she bit down on her lower lip.
I leaned forward and whispered in her other ear. "Tell him you want to fuck when he gets home."
She grinned widely. "You know... I'm really horny today... I can't wait for you to get home."
She pushed back against me, moving herself back and forth on my cock as she talked with him.
"Yes... I want to suck your cock," she purred as she pushed back hard.
His mumbles got quieter as she continued.
"I want you to fuck me. Fuck me real good. Fuck me hard!" she growled as she turned to look at me.
I slammed my cock into her, seeing her mouth gape open and her eyes close as I sped up and fucked her harder.
"Give me your big cock. You fuck me so good," she moaned.
His voice mumbled.
"I'm doing myself while I wait for you, right now," she explained. "Uh huh, I'm that horny for your cock."
I pushed deep and held her hips tight as my cock erupted, the small but hot load pumping into her as I climaxed. My lips stayed tight together as I fought the urge to groan, my body vibrating as my balls emptied out for the third time and she moaned quietly.
"Yes, I did," she panted. "I just came for you, baby."
She looked at me over her shoulder, licking her lower lip as sweat ran down her brow. I smiled and slipped my cock out, seeing a few dribbles of cum land on the seat beneath her freshly-filled pussy.
"Yes... as soon as you get home," she teased. "While I'm still wet for you. Uh huh, I'm very wet."
The call ended and she sat back on her heels, running her hand over her brow as she let out a sigh.
"About twenty minutes," she giggled. "He is in a hurry now."
I chuckled as I grabbed up my jeans and shirt, dressing quickly before gathering up my tool pouch as she pulled her dress on.
"That was fucking great, Cindy," I praised after a quick kiss. "Call me anytime you need a break."
"Oh, I will," she giggled. "You better get going, I'm sure he's speeding."
I left the garage, jumped in my truck and sped away, spotting his F150 turning onto the street in my mirror.
My phone buzzed as I finished my breakfast, an unexpected call early on a Sunday morning.
"Hello, this is J."
"J, it's Karl. You fixed our door yesterday."
"Uh, good morning Karl."
"I just wanted to thank you for everything yesterday. My wife is so pleased that the door works again and with your service."
"Thank you," I replied. "I'm pleased to hear she was satisfied."
"Oh, very!' he praised. "If I knew fixing that door would make her that happy I would have done it long ago."
"Well, don't wait so long next time," I suggested.
"We will be in touch again. There are a few things around here I could use your help with. I just wanted to say thanks, and let you know that she was very pleased."
"Well, I appreciate that. Tell her to call me anytime."
"Thanks, I will."
I looked at the phone and smiled as I put it on the table.
Another satisfied customer.