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Author's Notes

"Welcome to Side Jobs, a series about the sexual adventures of a handsome, well hung and horny part-time handyman."

Some jobs are not difficult but are time consuming and require multiple visits to complete. During these visits I get to know some people well as they like to chat, and sometimes they like to do other things…

This was one of those jobs…


I pulled up in front of the older bungalow and parked, taking a quick look at the roof line and porch before knocking on the door. The barking of a large dog was followed by someone peeking out the window, moving the drapes aside, and then a moment later the door was opened by a lovely black woman with a big orange tabby cat cradled in one arm.

"Good morning, I'm J," I said with a smile. "We talked about your floors."

"Oh, yes," she replied with a smile. "Come inside."

I entered the house and was greeted by a large black lab with a wagging tail looking at me curiously.

"This is Nero. Don't worry, he's friendly," she assured me.

I put my hand out and Nero gave it a sniff before leaning up against my leg and letting me rub his head.

"And this is Oscar," she added, showing me the big tabby in her arms. "These are my roomies."

I rubbed his head and received a loud purr in return.

"I assume you are Carol?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," she laughed. "I'm Carol."

I slipped my shoes off and put my tool pouch down as Nero sniffed curiously.

"So, you have some creaking in the floors? Let's take a look."

"Yes," she replied and led me to the kitchen.

I noticed a slight hump in the floor at the entrance and heard the creaking when she walked in front of the fridge.

"See? From here to the sink," she explained. "Every time I walk there."

"Anywhere else in the house?"

"Yes, the main bedroom. Come, I'll show you."

Nero passed by with my shoe in his mouth, glancing at me as he carried his prize around the kitchen.

"Nero! Put his shoe down!" she scolded.

Nero dropped the shoe and slunk out of the room, unhappy to have left it behind. I picked it up and put it by the front door as he watched before following Carol to the bedroom. I checked the ceiling for cracks and the floor for humps, finding another one by the bedroom door. The queen size bed was unmade, white linen sheets bunched up under a grey bedspread, and she stopped beside the bed and faced the large closet.

"Right here, too. When I get out bed or walk by the closet, it always creaks."

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"About four years," she replied.

"Did they creak before, or is this very recent?"

"Yeah, they creaked a little, but now it's really bugging me. I work from home now and I guess I noticed it more."

I showed her the little hump in floor.

"Did you notice this? And the one in the kitchen?" I asked.

"Yeah, they do seem bigger than I remember."

"I suspect what's happening is that the foundation walls have settled more than the support posts for the main floor beam. Can we go look in the basement?"

"Sure," she agreed, plopping Oscar on the bed and leading me to the basement.

Fortunately it was only partly finished and both posts were open and accessible.

"These posts support the main floor beam," I explained. "In some cases they need to be adjusted to level the beam over time. I can check the level of the beam, do some adjustments on the posts, and then add some blocking between the floor joists if needed. Worst case you may need to take up the flooring and install a new subfloor, but often this corrects it."

"That sounds expensive," she sighed.

"Can be. I suggest we check the level, adjust the posts, and see how it goes. It takes a few visits though as they can only be adjusted 1/4 - 1/2 turn at a time, everything allowed to settle, then adjusted again until it's level."

"I'm okay with that," she agreed. "When can you start?"

"We can check the level now if you like. I'll go get a few things from my truck."

"Oh, sure," she replied.

I went upstairs, retrieving my shoe from Nero once more, and retrieved the needed tools from my truck. I set up a string level and a laser level for comparison and confirmed the rise in the beam, explaining as I went along to Carol, Nero, and now, Oscar. After loosening and adjusting each post 1/4 turn with a large spanner and rubber mallet I packed up my gear and we returned upstairs.

"I will be back in a few days. Are early evenings good for you?" I asked.

"Anytime is good for me," she chuckled. "I never go anywhere these days."

"You should get out more," I suggested with a smile. "Get some company, have some fun."

"Yeah," she sighed. "I really should."

"I will text you before I come, just in case you do go out," I promised.

"Sure," she chuckled. "That's fine."

I gave Nero one more head rub before leaving and could see her watching from the window as I pulled away.


Carol had replied “sure!” when I texted to see about stopping by for the adjustments. She opened the door wearing snug jeans and a white crop top, with Nero between her legs trying to get close to me, and welcomed me in with a smile.

“Nero, calm down! He’s so excited to have company,” she laughed as she closed the door.

“No problem,” I chuckled while he pushed against my leg and I rubbed his head.

His tail flapped against the wall - thump, thump, thump - and he held us trapped at the door. I looked down at Carol, the white top against the chocolate skin of her shoulders and slim tummy providing an enticing contrast, and smiled.

“What about you?” I teased. “Excited for some company?”

“Actually, yes,” she laughed. “I was waiting to hear from you.”

I slipped off my shoes, giving Nero something else to focus on, and we made our way to the basement with Nero and Oscar following behind.

“Nero! He’s got your shoe again!”

“Don’t worry, he’s just carrying it around,” I laughed. “He wants you to chase him.”

I inspected the string level, making sure it was secured and in place, as Carol retrieved my shoe from Nero.

"Sorry, it's a little wet," she laughed.

"No problem," I replied. "I've had wet shoes before."

I took the rubber mallet and spanner from my tool pouch and tapped each of the post screws another 1/4 turn.

"There we go. I will be back in a few days," I announced as I returned them to the tool pouch.

"Would you like a beer or something? Maybe stay for a bit?" Carol asked hopefully with a coy smile and pleading eyes.

Nero and Oscar looked on, one with a wagging tail and the other with a stare of indifference.

"Sure," I replied. "I have some time before my next stop."

We returned upstairs and I dropped my wet shoe and tool pouch by the front door. Carol pulled two beers from the fridge and gestured to the back of the house.

"We can go sit out back, it's beautiful out there," she announced.

"Beautiful in here, too," I teased with a wink as she handed me a beer.

She smiled, giving a little laugh and an eye-roll, and led me to the back door. There was a small patio of paving blocks, a few chairs and a table, and a large fenced-in yard. Nero bounded past and searched the yard, scouring for something to chew, and Oscar strolled out and sat on the patio, looking at me with disdain as I trespassed on his space.

"Nice yard," I commented after I took a chair. "I like the trees around the fence."

"Thanks! Yes, they are great in the summer, but a lot of work in the fall when the leaves drop."

We drank our beers and she told me of how she came upon buying the house, how she had found Nero wandering the street and took him in, and how Oscar one day showed up in the yard and never left.

"They are good roomies," she said with a smile.

"They are lucky to have found you."

"Yeah, I guess," she chuckled. "We all were."

I looked at my watch as Nero dropped a stick by my feet, obviously hoping I would toss it for him, and finished my beer. I picked up the stick and threw it out into the grass, watching him chase for it, as happy as could be, and announced that I had to leave.

"Oh, okay," she sighed. "Thanks so much for the company."

"Thank you," I replied. "I enjoyed the visit."

Nero returned and dropped the stick before following us to the front door, sitting down and staring woefully while I put my shoes on. I pat him on the head, picked up my tool pouch, and said goodbye as I closed the door. When I started my truck I could see the two of them watching from the front window.


Nero grabbed my tool pouch by the handles and dragged it away as I took off my shoes, his tail wagging his whole arse to and fro as he took off with it. Oscar watched with mild interest from his perch on top of the sofa, a smug look on his feline mug similar to the Cheshire Cat.

"Nero!" Carol admonished with a wagging finger. "Stop it!"

I laughed and waited at the top of the stairs as he approached, happily dropping the pouch at my feet and giving me an impish look. I grabbed the drool-covered handles and went to the basement with him and Carol following behind. Oscar evidently chose to stay seated on his throne.

"I'm so sorry," Carol giggled. "He's just excited to see you."

"No problem," I assured her. "He's not hurting anything."

I pulled out the spanner and gave each post screw another 1/4 turn, no longer requiring the mallet to move them. I rechecked the string level and determined one more would be required on one post and two on the other.

"All done," I said when I dropped the spanner into the pouch. "Should take two more visits."

"I've already noticed a difference in the kitchen, it squeaks less."

"Any change in the bedroom?" I asked with a wry smile.

"Not yet," she giggled. "But the floor creaks less."

I smiled at her teasing joke as I followed her back upstairs, catching glimpses of her curvy bottom and smooth thighs as they peeked out from under the short skirt she was wearing, and dropped my tool pouch at the front door. She stood by the fridge, holding two beers, and I couldn't help but admire her curvaceous body and pretty smile as she waited for me to join her outside. Today she was wearing a red low-cut t-shirt and a black skirt, had her hair styled a little differently, and wore a touch of mascara around her beautiful brown eyes. She was an alluring woman, and it surprised me that she was alone.

Once outside I tossed the stick for Nero a few times before taking a seat in the patio chair. She took the chair across from me, the skirt riding up and exposing the smooth chocolate-colored thighs underneath, and smiled.

"I'm glad you can stay for a bit. I enjoy having your company."

"Thanks, I enjoy it as well," I replied and raised my beer. "To new friends."

She did the same, took a sip, and giggled as some dribbled down her chin. She wiped it off with the back of her hand and looked down at her top, making sure none had hit the material, and shrugged.

"Oops, got careless," she giggled.

"There are a few drops on your cleavage," I pointed out.

She looked down again, smiled coyly, and wiped the droplets up with her finger. Her tongue flicked out and cleaned the tip of the finger.

"Don't want to waste any," she giggled.

Nero returned and dropped a ball at my feet, looking at me with expectant eyes when it rolled between my feet. I picked it up and tossed it into the grass, watching him happily bound after it.

"So, uh... I assume you're not married?" Carol asked shyly.

"No," I answered. "Not my thing."


"No one in particular" I admitted. "I'm not a relationship type of person."

"I see," she mused.

"You?" I asked.

"Me? No, not for a while."

"Why not?"

She looked at me for a moment, sipping her beer while deciding to what to reply, and crossed her legs. The skirt lifted and I could clearly see the top of her thighs, invitingly dark and luscious, as well as the small patch of black silk between them. She caught my gaze and gave me a sly grin.

"Honestly - I don't know," she replied. "I guess I just never put any effort into it since my last relationship."

She paused for a moment, shifting in the chair slightly and exposing a little more of the black patch to my view, and sipped her beer.

"I guess I just kind of gave up. Hard to meet a handsome man when you are at home all the time."

"You met me," I teased.

"Yes, I guess I did," she laughed.

"You just need to go out and meet people. The only reason you are alone is because you choose to be."

"You think so?"

"You're smart, friendly, obviously kind," I stated as I gestured to Nero. "And attractive, appealing, and desirable. You could find a guy, or girl, anytime you want."

She smiled, slightly embarrassed by my assessment, and chewed on her lower lip.

"You just need to start dating the ones that are interested."

"I never dated many guys," she sighed. "Only a few from the old neighborhood... and never a..."

Her voice trailed off and she paused for a moment.

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"Never a white guy?"

"Yes," she admitted shyly.

"Well, that's not unusual," I assured her. "You need to be open to anyone you find attractive, though. You must have had some ask you out or show interest?"

'Yeah, there's been a few."

"Well, next time just give them a chance. You're missing out on meeting some nice people if you limit yourself."

She nodded, uncrossed her legs, and sat up in the chair.

"Would you like another?" she asked. "I have a few more in the fridge."

I looked at my watch and shook my head. "No, thanks. I have somewhere to be."

We stood up and made our way to the front door, Nero in tow and Oscar watching intently while I put my shoes on. I reached out and scratched his head, getting a loud purr in return, and then pat Nero a few times before leaving.

"See you soon," I promised with a smile as I closed the door behind me.


"Come on in!" Carol yelled when I knocked on the door.

I entered to find Nero waiting as usual, his hind end swaying madly, and Oscar perched on the top of the couch.

"Good evening, boys."

"I'm busy for a few minutes, you go ahead and go downstairs," she yelled.

I slipped off my shoes and went downstairs, Nero following behind with his mouth full of tennis ball. I made the adjustment on the post, tossed the ball for Nero, and removed the string level. "If there are any issues after the next week I will look at putting some blocking under the floor, but it appears to be good so far," I explained to Oscar as he watched from the stairs. His look of indifference told me that he didn't care.

Nero followed me up the stairs, cautiously maneuvering around Oscar, and sniffed at my tool pouch when I dropped it by the front door. I stepped into the kitchen and walked around, confirming the hump had gone down and there was no longer any creaking in the floor, when Carol called out.

"I'm in the bedroom."

I went down the hallway and stopped in the doorway. Carol sat on the bed, wearing only a white sleeveless muscle shirt and a sexy smile.

"There is one more creaking noise I would like your help with," she teased in a sultry voice. "I haven't heard it in a long time."

I nudged Nero out the door with my knee, closed it once his tail cleared, and turned back to Carol. I unbuttoned my shirt while she watched intently and it dropped it to the floor. I reached for the button on my jeans and paused.

"You do know this won't lead to a romantic relationship?" I asked. "I like you, Carol, very much, but that's not what I'm interested in or looking for."

"Yes, I know," she replied with a nod and a smile. "I've been thinking about what you said... about giving things a chance and having some fun. So..."

I popped the button, pulled down the zipper, and let my jeans fall to the floor. I quickly slipped my socks off and tossed them on the pile with my shirt, stepped out of my jeans and stood beside the bed. Carol slipped onto her knees and hands, slowly crawled towards me, leaned on her elbows and cupped my hardening cock in her soft hands.

"Okay, so that's a lie," she giggled. "You're damn big!"

She stroked me gently, examining my cock as it swelled. Her fingers ran over the tip, along the thick shaft and traced the veins that ran along it, her fingernails lightly dragging along the taut skin.

"So big and hard," she mused as she looked up at me with a wry smile.

One hand slipped down and cupped my heavy balls, lifting them gently as her mouth opened and moved to the fat, purplish tip. She squeezed them gently as she took me into her mouth, her big pouty lips wrapping around my thick shaft, and stroked me with her other hand. I rested my hand on her head as she sucked and stroked, her mouth and tongue pleasuring me as I stood in front of her. After a few moments her hands fell away from my balls and cock, and she slowly pulled her mouth away. She smiled up at me and began to move back on the bed, stopping to remove the muscle shirt, and lay down on her back.

I stroked myself as I watched her lift her arms over her head, her breasts jiggling as she settled back, and raise one knee up. She looked like a goddess, her smooth brown skin glistening and her long black hair fanned out on the bed, as she smiled at me and waited. I crawled up and moved beside her, kissing her neck and shoulders before making my way down her body. My hands roamed, appreciating the smooth feel as they brushed her skin, stopping to squeeze and knead the chocolate mounds on her chest until my lips caught up and suckled the fat, purplish nipples.

Carol moaned quietly, gently moving her hips as I caressed her stomach and moved to her inner thighs. My tongue flickered and licked, followed by gentle kisses, and soon I reached the small tuft of dark hair, soft to the touch, and tugged gently with my teeth as she squealed in surprise. I slipped myself over her thigh and between her legs, lying down with my cock wedged under my stomach, and gently touched the puffy folds of her purplish pussy.

Little moans filled the air as I explored with my finger, touching and teasing, spreading the folds apart to get at the glistening pink wetness inside. My tongue was flat and wide on the first lick, getting a full taste of her, before it began twirling and swirling in and around her wet opening. The moans intensified, culminating in a loud groan when I sucked her swollen clit between my lips, and her thighs closed tightly around my head as the climax erupted. She bucked and writhed, pushing her cunt into my face as the orgasm crested, and let out a deep sigh when it passed. I let go of her clit and lapped between the folds, building her up quickly as I prepared to fuck her.

I pushed myself up, moved my hips close and rubbed the swollen head of my cock over her pussy, feeling the slick juice of her hungry cunt cover my aching shaft. My fingers held the wet folds apart and I pushed inside, her silky warmth embracing me tightly.

“Oh, go easy there,” she gasped. “You’re really big.”

“I’ll go easy,” I replied. “We have all night if you want.”

She gasped as another inch slipped in, stretching her insides, and I held myself still for a few moments before pulling back and pushing in again. We repeated the same motions, pausing with kisses in between, and soon over half my length was slowly moving back and forth.

“Oh, Jesus, you’re big,” she groaned as I pushed deeper. “I think you have me full up.”

I felt the resistance on my tip and realized I was hitting her cervix. She leaned forward slightly, put her hand between her legs and touched my shaft with her fingers.

“Jesus, there’s more!” she giggled as her fingers ran along the last few inches of my shaft and touched my pelvis.

I chuckled and told her, “Yes, there’s more,” and promised not to push too hard. Her hand pulled away and her hips rocked.

“Give me all I can handle,” she growled. “Just go easy.”

I gently fucked her, slowly moving and enjoying the look on her face each time I pushed in. She locked her eyes on mine and smiled.


I picked up the pace, a steady trot of thrusts, and waited for her once more.

“Faster… and harder,” she grunted.

I sped up and felt her legs wrap around me, holding me tight as she writhed below me. My hand squeezed her breasts, the contrast of my tanned skin on her dark chocolate skin both sensual and fascinating.

“Slow down,” she gasped. “Was that all of it?”

“Not quite,” I admitted. “Close, though.”

“Have you been with black women before?” she asked as she lay back.

“Yes,” I admitted.

“Could they handle it all?” she gasped as I pushed deeper.


“Keep going,” she growled as she lay back. “Fuck me hard. I want it all.”

“Are you sure?” I asked as I pulled back. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I want you to hurt me,” she said with a wicked grin. “Fuck me good.”

I drove in hard, getting a loud groan in response, and watched her intently while I fucked her hard. Her eyes widened on each thrust, her open mouth sometimes silent as I pounded into her.

“Oh, Jesus, you’re so fucking big! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuuuu…”

She went silent and her eyes slammed shut as she climaxed, her legs squeezing me tight as she shuddered. I kept pounding into her, the intensity of her orgasm overwhelming me and bringing me to the edge. I pulled back slightly as my cock exploded, huge pulses wracking my body as my orgasm erupted, and shook intensely as the huge load pushed into her.

Her eyes opened and locked on mine, our eyes fixed together while our shared climax crested, sharing the intensity of the intimate moment as it washed away. I lay on top of her and we kissed, a long, deep kiss of appreciation, until she relaxed and put her legs down. She let out a long sigh and went limp, closing her eyes before rolling her head to one side. I moved off, disliking the feeling of my cock leaving the warm embrace of her tight cunt, and lay down next to her. I stroked her nipples and breasts, ran my hand over her tummy, and slipped a finger between her legs.

“Oh!” she gasped and grabbed my hand.

“Too soon?” I asked.

She just nodded and pulled my hand to her chest, placing it on her breast and holding it there. I snuggled up to her and watched her pretty face as she fell asleep.

The scratching at the door began to get intense, and I slipped out of the bed and opened it a crack. Nero looked towards the kitchen and I realized he needed to go out. He ran to the back door as I followed and bolted to the corner of the yard as soon as I opened it. After a moment he returned, wagging his tail as usual, and flopped himself down on the kitchen floor. On return to the bedroom I found Oscar sitting on the pillow above Carol’s head, claiming it as his, and lay down next to her. I pulled the covers over us both, snuggled close, and fell asleep to the sounds of light snoring and loud purrs.


I woke up with my cock lodged between Carol’s supple cheeks and my hand cupping her breast. It hardened more, and she let out a little moan when I squeezed her breast gently.

“Hmm, good morning,” she purred.

“Good morning,” I whispered in her ear before kissing her neck.

She giggled and pushed her ass into me as I kissed her shoulder and rocked my hips. I reached down and slipped my cock between her legs before lifting her leg up, getting access to her plump pussy, and put the tip at her opening.

“Hmm, I’m pretty sore,” she moaned. “Please be gentle.”

Her damp cunt welcomed me inside, still full of last night’s cum, and I pushed in slowly. I paused for a moment.

“Is that good?” I asked.

“Oh, so good,” she moaned. “A little more.”

I pumped my hips a few times, my cock now slippery and lubed, and pushed deeper, getting a moan of approval in response. My cock fucked her slowly as I held her leg up and watched her purplish pussy engulf more than half of my thick pole, and enjoyed the little moans she was making. I sped up and pushed a little harder. She turned her shoulders, twisting slightly, and pinched one of her fat nipples with her free hand.

“Oh, yes… just like that,” she groaned. “Give me more, baby.”

I thrust hard and buried another inch. After a few pumps she groaned loudly and quivered, enjoying a huge orgasm as my cock filled her. I stopped thrusting and held myself still, losing the struggle to hold my eruption any longer, and buried another huge load into her tight, squeezing, and already-full cunt. We both quivered and moaned, my cum spurting into her triggering a second orgasm, and I gripped her leg tightly as the throbs emptied me out. When the spurts subsided I pushed in deep, dropped her leg, and hugged her hips tightly. I was wiped. Morning orgasms were always intense and draining, and this had been a huge one.

My softening cock slowly slipped out, a trail of our juices soaking the back of her thigh and the sheets underneath, and she moved onto her back. She suddenly sat up, a concerned look on her face.

“I have to go to the drugstore. I’m not on birth control.”

“No, you don’t,” I assured her. “I got a snip years ago. No worries, I promise.”

She flopped back down. “Thank god. I got so excited I didn’t even think about it.”

After a moment she looked at me.


“To prevent any issues when this happens. I am not the fatherly type and don’t want to be,” I admitted.

“I would like to have a family. I guess I better get on that soon,” she chuckled. “I’m almost thirty.”

“Still time for you to meet the right guy. You just have to start looking.”

“Yeah, I do,” she replied with a nod. “Until then, do you mind stopping by now and then?”

“If you would like.”

She gave me a coy smile. “Nero would like that.”

“Just Nero?”

“Oscar, too. He’s just has a little attitude,” she teased.

“Sure," I teased back. "To visit with Nero and Oscar.”

We laughed and shared a kiss.

"And me," she added with a smile.

I lay back on the bed, admiring her lovely bum as she went to let Nero out.

Written by 1meanjean
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