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Author's Notes

"Sorry for the delay. Life gets in the way. As this story continues, Aaron has left on his month-long business trip to Japan. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Leaving Alice to deal with his absence."

Chapter 5 - Alone 

After a hurried hug and a kiss, I watched Aaron grab his bags and rush out of the door.  Tears welled up as reality hit me.  Four weeks without him.  I collapsed into my chair at the kitchen table.  We had never been separated for over a week, but this was to be a month.  I couldn’t sit around feeling sorry for myself; I had to get through this.  I stood up, wiped my tears, and went to the sink to splash my face. 

It was mid-afternoon and I had missed my morning workout.  Slipping out of my robe, donning black leggings and a sports bra, and grabbing my gym bag, I headed to the gym.  I was feeling much better and started with the elliptical and finished with the bike.  I returned to the apartment to shower and got ready for my evening.  Changing into shorts and a sleeveless button blouse, I headed to the balcony with a glass of wine to enjoy the sunset. 

It's a thirteen-hour flight to Tokyo, so by the time he had got there and to the hotel, it would be mid-morning before he called.  Japan is fifteen hours ahead of US Central Time, so 6 pm here is 9 am the next day.  Oh well, I thought, with work to keep me busy, I hoped to hear from him around 6 pm. 

It was nice with a gentle breeze as I began to reflect on our evening together.  I felt so sexy in my new slinky dress.  Aaron was so excited, and the looks I garnered were thrilling.  The dinner and dancing, meeting Stacy and Adam, and our sex when we returned was the best night of my life and I hoped for many more. 

I got up and headed to the kitchen for a refill, deciding to curl up on the couch with my glass of wine and watch TV.  I found a movie called The Voyeurs.  It was about a couple drawn to the large open windows of an apartment directly across the street.  The couple had binoculars and shared them.  The guy was taking photos of a stunning young woman undressing seductively, posing as he directed.  Suffice it to say the movie had some very erotic moments. 

As I watched the seduction, I imagined it was me and I wanted to be her.  Oh my!  It was hot.  Aroused, I unbuttoned my blouse, teasing my breasts and my nipples that were so sensitive to my touch.  Slipping off my shorts and panties, I spread my legs.  Reaching down, I ran a finger along my slit seeking my hardened clit with my moistened finger. 

Watching the screen as he seduced her, I teased my nips while working my clit, writhing with pleasure.  I felt the heat, “Oh yes,” I moaned and removed my hand from my breasts and plunged two fingers and then three into my pussy as I bucked and moaned, my orgasm rising from within, my juices pouring out of me.  “Oh, here it comes, Oh fuck yes!” I yelled as I climaxed and my body spasmed. 

Spent, I lay there in the afterglow.  I was feeling a bit guilty and thought that this wasn't me; I don't have thoughts like this.  What is going on with me?  It's just fantasy and I would never let it go beyond that, but with that thought, I called it a night and went to bed. 

Chapter 6 - Disappointed 

I woke with the sun streaming in, got up, showered, started my coffee, and put a muffin in the toaster.  My phone rang and saw it was Stacy.  She invited me to join her at Baba Boudan's, a coffee house down the block.  We agreed to meet at 10 am, which gave me time for my workout and to get some work done. 

I arrived at Baba’s and saw Stacy who had a table and waved me over.  She stood to greet me with a hug.  We took our seats, and I asked her about her job and how exciting it sounded.  She told me that she was a stewardess for a major airline when she met Adam in the crew lounge.  During their conversation, she mentioned her dissatisfaction with the airline, the stress of dealing with the passengers, the hours, rarely being home, and living out of a suitcase from one hotel to another. 

He said he understood too well and was so happy with his decision to quit and fly for Passion Jet.  He also mentioned that they needed a stewardess, and she should apply.  So she did and is so happy with the decision.  She gets to fly all over the world on luxurious jets with less stress due to the limited seating.  There were anywhere from five to eighteen passengers and either corporate execs or various rich and famous people.  One thing, though, anonymity was paramount.  She told me that they are not allowed to share anything about the guests or the flight.  That was part of their employment agreement. 

I asked her, “Tell me about Adam.  You two make a nice couple.” 

She answered, “Just so you know, I'm Bi, and I hope that's not an issue?” 

“Intrigued, yes, but it doesn't bother me in the least.  I enjoy your company.” 

She smiled and continued, “We began as friends, but our relationship has heated up.  Often working for the same flight, we got closer.  With layovers in various locales, we would be in the same hotels.  We would meet for dinner and often the lounge for drinks.  There was no denying our attraction to each other.  We have an open relationship now and are good with it.” 

She asked, “How are you holding up with Aaron gone?” 

“Waking up and reaching for him this morning and he wasn't there had me sad, but I'll be ok.  He will be calling this evening.” 

“What will you do with yourself while he is gone?” 

“I've got work during the day to keep me busy, I browse the net, message friends back home, read, and watch tv in the evenings.” 

“Look, girl, that will get old quick.  We'll get together and go out.  By the way, I'm having a dinner party Friday I want you to come.  It will be informal, just Adam and a few friends.  What do you say?” 

“I would like that very much; thank you for the invite.” 

“Nice; the party starts at seven.” 

With that and some idle chatter, we parted.  I had to get back to work and was anticipating Aaron's call.  Back at the apartment, I thought about my meeting with Stacy.  I liked her.  She was so open and direct, and I wondered about her open relationship with Adam and that she was Bi.  I hadn't ever thought about a woman sexually. 

I finished up my workload for the day and after a light meal, I bathed and prepared for Aaron's call.  I was going to surprise him with a pic.  I donned the sheer black negligee I wore on our last evening together.  It was nearly six, and I sat on the bed with thoughts of our last lust-filled evening fuelling my arousal.  Posing erotically, I took a picture using the full-length mirror and sent it along with the text, 'You ready for some fun, baby?' 

Thirty minutes later and there was still nothing.  I tried calling but it went to voicemail.  There I was, all aroused, and, what the hell, I was getting angry though I knew I shouldn't be.  Surely Aaron got my text and pic.  It dawned on me that it was morning there.  Silly me, I had forgotten the time difference, but still, he should have called or texted; he has always kept his phone on and responded when away. 

I was upset, not to mention frustrated.  Thirty minutes later, I lay there anxiously staring at the phone.  Screw it!  I grabbed my phone, a bottle of Gray Whale, and a glass from the kitchen and headed to the balcony.  It was nice out with the warm, gentle breeze feeling good on my nearly nude body.  I sat on the lounger with the full moon above illuminating the evening.  I was still upset, but the gin had the desired effect.  The phone rang.  Finally, I thought, it must be Aaron, but I looked and saw it was Stacy. 

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“Hello, Stacy.  Good to hear from you.” 

She asked, “How are you this evening?” 

“Been better.  I'm drowning my sorrows with a bottle of Gin.” 

“Oh my, what's up?” 

“I've been waiting for Aaron's call and that was two hours ago.  I sent him a sexy pic along with a text but nothing.  He has always responded with a call or text when away, so here I sit.” 

“Well Alice, I'm alone as well, how about I join you and we tie one on.” 

“Nice, sounds fun, I could use the company.” 

“Great, see you soon.” 

Chapter 7 - Stacy 

It wasn't long before I heard the door chime. 

I slipped on my blue silk robe and opened the door to greet Stacy.  We hugged, and I led her to the couch.  I set out the gin and glass for her on the coffee table while we sat on the couch.  I poured hers and refilled mine.  Stacy was dressed casually in denim shorts and a sleeveless blouse. 

She said, “Sorry, you must be disappointed, your plan sounded hot.” 

“Well, it would have been, if he had called.” 

Her hazel eyes glimmered as she said, “Well, girl, it's mid-morning there.  He is in meetings, so he likely can't respond.  If you don't mind, show me the one you sent.” 

I hesitated but thought, ‘What the hell?’ I brought up the pic and handed her my phone.  Feeling apprehensive, I waited for her reaction. 

“Oh my, that's hot, Alice.  You are so sexy, and you have a fabulous body.  You could do better than selfies in a mirror, though.  How about I take some while you pose?" 

I thought before I replied as I was nervous about posing in front of her, but the thought excited me, and it would be a pleasant surprise for Aaron. 

I smiled at her, “Let's do it!”  Grabbing the gin and our drinks, I led her to my bedroom.  Embarrassed as I entered, I noticed my dildo on the bed along with the KY.  Stacy noticed and gave me a wry smile. 

I blushed as she said, “Relax, are you ready to do this.” 

“Yes.” I took a gulp of gin to settle my nerves. 

She placed her phone on the dresser at the foot of the bed and told me that she would record the shoot on her phone while taking pictures with mine before asking if I was ok with that.  I liked the idea and agreed.  I slipped out of my robe and was nude except for my sheer black negligee. 

“Wow, Alice!  He will love these.” 

She took shots as I got onto the bed and directed the poses.  She asked me to be on my knees facing her and then told me to tease my breasts.  My breasts were swollen, nips hard as I pinched and tugged them, sending bolts through me. 

“Yes, Alice, that's so hot.  Now run a hand slowly to your pussy and slide a finger in to moisten it.  Look at me and bring it to your mouth and suck on it.  That's so erotic.” 

As I sucked my nectar from my finger and savored the taste, I was hot with arousal and my juices were pouring out of me. Stacy was aroused and her nipples were prominent as they pushed against her blouse.  I admitted to myself that it excited me. 

She told me to turn around on my knees and look back at the camera.  “Your ass is glorious, Alice, so now reach down and pleasure that pussy of yours.” 

I reached down and teased my clit.  Stacy told me to forget she was there and go for it.  Moaning, I slipped two fingers into my hot, wet pussy.  I rolled over onto my back and spread my legs wide.  I was squeezing and pinching my hardened nips.  I reached for the KY and applied it liberally to my pussy and my eight-inch dildo.  I rubbed it up and down my slit, teasing my engorged clit, and pressed the head between my vaginal lips.  I was lost in the moment and needed release as the crown entered me.  I plunged it deep within me as I writhed and bucked, oblivious to anything except my dire need, furiously rubbing my clit as I fucked my pussy. 

My orgasm was near as the heat rose.  “Oh fuck, yesssss!”  I nearly passed out as my body spasmed to an incredible climax.  I lay there in the throes as I slowly returned to reality. 

I heard a moan and looked to see Stacy with her blouse open, teasing a breast and pleasuring her pussy.  I had never seen anything so erotic.  As I watched her, I was overcome with desire for her and wondered, ‘My god, what is happening to me?’ 

Our eyes met as I beckoned her to join me.  No word was spoken as she removed her blouse and stepped out of her shorts and panties.  She lay alongside me and as we embraced, our lips met with tongues probing.  As we kissed, our bodies entwined and the passion I felt was like nothing I'd experienced before. 

Stacy broke our kiss, looked at me, and asked, “Alice, are you sure about this?” 

“Oh yes, Stacy, I want this.  I've never been with a woman, but I can't deny my attraction.  I want this.” 

She rolled me onto my back as she nibbled and kissed her way down to my breasts.  I moaned as she took a nipple into her mouth, nibbling and sucking while teasing the other. The sensations increased my arousal.  My pussy was so hot and wet. 

She left my breasts and positioned herself, straddling me with her legs spread and her bald pussy hovering above me.  It was so inviting. 

I felt her tongue as she licked me, penetrating my vaginal lips.  She located my hardened clit, and licked, sucked, and gently nibbled, sending bolts through me. 

I reciprocated as she lowered her sex onto my mouth.  I savored the taste, like a peach, as my tongue probed her inner folds.  I could hear her moan as I located her engorged clit and proceeded to nibble and suck it. 

“Oh Alice, yesssssss,” she moaned as I slipped a finger, and then two, into her hot wet pussy.  As I plunged my fingers deep within her, I felt something parting my vaginal lips, before plunging deep.  I realized she was fucking me with my dildo as she continued her assault on my clit. 

“Oh my God, Stacy, yesssssss, fuck me!” I yelled as my hips rose to meet each thrust.  I writhed and bucked as she pounded me.  I was close but fought it off, wanting to bring her to orgasm.  I fingered her hard and deep while licking her clit as she writhed above me.  I felt the heat rising from within as my body spasmed with my impending orgasm. 

Stacy teased my anus before slipping a finger slowly in and starting to fuck my ass.  Oh my, this sensation was new.  It sent me over the edge, and I couldn’t hold back. 

I yelled, “Stacy, I'm cumming!” as the waves ran through me, my body shuddering as I climaxed. 

Stacy cried out, “Oh yesssssss!” She came, and her nectar tasted so sweet as it shot out of her. 

Stacy rose and lay alongside me in sated bliss, the warmth of her body entwined with mine, and the pleasure we shared was beyond anything I'd ever experienced.  It was different from a man, with a tenderness and knowledge of our anatomy that made it seem so natural.  I knew that I wanted this experience to continue.  I felt an intimacy with Stacy, unlike being with Aaron.  That thought struck a chord, and a wave of guilt hit me. 

I was startled out of my reverie by the phone ringing, and I knew it was Aaron. 

To be continued. 

Written by Marisa
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