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Alice In Blunderland - Part 6

""Paybacks a bitch. Now we have a video to shoot.""

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Author's Notes

"Aaron calls, and the conversation has a surprising result. The girls come up with a plan. <p> [ADVERT] </p>They are going to make a video."

Chapter 18 - Despair

I entered my apartment wrought with anxiety. Wait, not mine, but our apartment. At least, I hoped that would be the case. The reality of what I have become and what it means for my marriage weighs on me. When Aaron left, I asked him if he liked the new me. He was so excited and said he did. Little did I know at the time just how much change that meant. It was to help improve our relationship, but it also awakened repressed desires that had overwhelmed me. With Aaron gone, I failed to temper those thoughts and desires.

Tears welled up, and I began to sob. I loved Aaron. He was my friend, my lover, my husband. I had to regain control of my emotions. I didn't have much time before the call. I was lost in thought when I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up; it was Stacy. 

With tears in her eyes, she said, "Alice, I couldn't let you face this alone. I'm partly responsible for this and here for you." She went to the sink, wet a towel, and returned. "Wipe those tears, love, and let's talk. You have an hour before he calls. Now splash your face. I'll make us some coffee and meet you on your couch."

I returned to the living room, and she had two mugs of coffee waiting. I sat beside her and gratefully accepted the coffee. 

"OK, now talk to me." She asks.

"I'm conflicted, Stacy. I don't want to deceive Aaron, but more is at stake here. This trip means so much for his future advancement with the company. If I tell him, it could devastate him and jeopardize his job. He has worked hard and put in long hours to get where he is for us."

Stacy replies, "OK, then I agree it would be best to wait until he returns."

It made sense. To reveal my indiscretions now would be the wrong thing to do. I wanted to ensure Aaron's future with the company would not be impacted. I felt I was damned if I do and damned if I don't. I thought back to our evening at the club when we swapped partners. I looked over at Aaron as he danced with Stacy in his arms. I remembered his look; there was no jealousy, which excited me. I could see he enjoyed himself. I hadn't thought about it till now but wondered if she aroused him. That thought was fleeting, for I realized it was more me creating excuses for my actions. This was all on me. 

"OK, Stacy, I agree my confession should wait, but I won't lie to him. If he asks straight out, I'll answer. 

Chapter 19 - The call

The phone rings. I take a deep breath. "Hello, Honey, it's so good to hear you. I've missed you, and you haven't answered my calls or texts. Is everything OK?"

"Yes, babe, I'm so sorry. A lot has happened, and I've been so absorbed with business. First of all, I meant to call Friday, but I was in the middle of a negotiation with a Korean auto parts supplier. If I made this deal, our company would have an exclusive to market and sell their parts. It would be worth millions to the company and a big bonus for us. Then I'm asked to join them on their jet. I had just enough time to pack a bag and, in the excitement, again failed to call. I did get your text on Friday. Next, I'm on a private Jet with my interpreter, Yua, to their headquarters in Seoul, Korea. I had to make a presentation to pitch our offer on the fly. Between Zoom meetings with our office and theirs, the deal is done. They flew Yua and me back, and I just returned to the hotel. Honey, I am, again, sorry. I hope you had fun at the dinner party."

I'm Stunned and reply, "Oh my Honey, you must be exhausted, and don't apologize. I'm so proud of you. I know how hard you work, and I'm sure corporate will be thrilled and reward you for your efforts. As for the party, yes, I had fun. Stacy was a perfect host."

This is big news, and I knew this wasn't the time to reveal what I'd done. I felt relieved but knew that time would come. For now, life goes on, and with what he has accomplished, I want to love and support him. 

He said, "I'm glad you got out and enjoyed yourself. Thank Stacy for me. I know It's not easy with me away. Any news I should know about? How's work? 

I thought, "There's news, alright, " and replied, "Nothing new with work, but I met Stacy's boss Nick and his Wife at the dinner. He is the owner and CEO of Passion Jet. During the conversation, he learned I did logistics, and informed me that he was creating a logistics division and wanted me to interview for the position. It would be a new department. I told him I was interested but needed to discuss it with you first. I figure it wouldn't hurt to check it out. What do you think?"

"I agree. It can't hurt to hear Nick out; if you like the offer, we can discuss it, and I'm sure I'd support your decision. I would never want to hold you back from advancing your career."

"Oh, Aaron, that means a lot. I don't deserve you. The interview is tomorrow morning. I'll hear him out and let you know what I think."

"I'm sure he will be impressed with you. Babe, I hate to end this call. It's nearly midnight, and I have an early rise in the morning. Text me or call around six pm your time is best. I miss you, and this time apart is also hard for me. A few more weeks, and I'll be back in your arms. Good night; I love you, Alice."

"I love you, Honey; again, I'm so happy you closed the deal. I'm going to send you a little naughty surprise via email. It's the best I can do with you so far away. Sleep well, my love goodnight."

Chapter 20 - What to do?

I set the phone down, took a deep breath, and looked at Alice. "My god, that was not what I expected. I'm both stunned and relieved. This deal he made was big. He was so excited, and I'm so proud of him. I can't lose him."

"Alice, I have this idea. How did he react to the photos we took?"

"He loved them, and he looked forward to more. I even admitted to being aroused as I posed for you. The thought excited him. I remember he wanted to watch me with my vibe before he left."

"That's it!" she exclaimed. "Let's film you; we will add audio and send it to Aaron. You will describe how turned on you are thinking of him and me as I film you. Admit to naughty thoughts while you fantasize; even that, we got a little carried away and a bit intimate. Based on his reaction, Aaron's response will tell us a lot about how open he might be."

"I agree, It will provide insight as to where his thoughts are. In the end, I've got to try and save my marriage. Aaron means the world to me."

"You know I fly out on my four-day rotation tomorrow. We should get started and make this video."

We refilled our coffee, sat at the kitchen table, and ate some toasted muffins while we discussed the shoot. We decided to wing it and let it happen naturally. Stacy thought it best to use a digital camera. While I got ready, she left to fetch her Canon SLR. 

I figured it best to start with a shower, use the razor to remove the stubble, and be nice and smooth. I had finished shaving when the stall door opened. Stacy, in all her glory, stepped in. She took the body wash and started washing me. Her touch caused my immediate arousal. 

She reached around, cupping my breast, and squeezed my nipples. I shuddered as she whispered, "I owe you for this morning, love." She planted kisses on my neck and ran her tongue behind my ear, "We need to warm you up for the camera."

Her teasing sent shocks through me. My vagina flooded with my essence. She spun me around; her body pressed to mine as the warm water cascaded down upon us. Her sweet lips met mine, and our mouths share our burning passion. She pushes me against the glass and breaks our kiss. I moan with pleasure as she kisses and licks down to my breasts, taking a nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue and nibbling on it, then switching to the other. 

"Oh yes, love," I murmured as I basked in the sensations that ran through me. Her mouth leaves my breast, she drops to her knees and lifts my right leg onto her shoulder. I feel her tongue as it parts labia and slithers within. I grasped her head and pulled her tight as she probed my depths. 

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"Oh my god, yes!" I yelled out. Her tongue is replaced with her fingers as she licks, sucks, and nibbles my engorged clit. Her fingers plunge deep within my throbbing pussy as I writhe on her face; a finger probes my ass. The heat rises as the pressure builds. It's too much when she curls her fingers and rubs that magic spot. 

I cried out, "I'm cumming. Oh fuck don't stop fuck me!" My eyes roll back, and the sensations overcome me as wave after wave course through me, leaving me a quivering mass. 

Stacy stands, giggles, and says, "Paybacks a bitch. Now we have a video to shoot." She gave me a quick peck on the lips, "While you finish, I'll get set up in the bedroom," and stepped out, leaving me still quivering in the aftermath of an incredible orgasm. 

I stood in the shower, and the water had cooled, which helped as I returned to Earth. I so enjoyed Stacy, and the sex is fantastic. I thought about the sex with Adam and Tony. It was great, and I know it's cliche, but there is no love; it's just sex. With Aaron, intimacy, and tenderness are there when we make love, which makes it so special and fulfilling. Then there's Stacy; I have developed deep feelings for her. It's not the same love that I have for Aaron, but it is love. The sex with her is different than with a man. It isn't rushed. There is an intimacy and tenderness in how our bodies respond to each other, and it is more sensual. Men have hard bodies, and women are more supple. I relish the feel of Stacy's suppleness.

My thoughts returned to Aaron; I needed to join Stacy. I want to make this video special for him. With that thought, I stepped out of the shower, dried myself, and with nervous anticipation, it was showtime. 

Chapter 21 -The video 

It was late morning when I entered the bedroom. Stacy had set up a tripod and adjusted the lighting. The room was lit with candles as well. She had on a sheer silk robe that came mid-thigh. On the bed were a red sheer see-through lacy negligee and panty. After I dressed, She sat me at the vanity. There were two glasses, a bottle of Gray Whale gin, and two gummies. She explained the gummies were not as potent as the ecstasy but had a similar effect. Stacy filled the glasses, popped one in her mouth, and I did the other one. She said to chew it, and it would take about twenty minutes to take effect. 

We enjoyed the gin while we waited. Stacy applied some eyeliner and lip gloss, blow-dried, and brushed my hair. We were on our second glass of gin, and I felt warm and relaxed. 

"Stand up and let's take a look at you," she asked. 

I stood, and seeing my reflection, I gasped. Stacy wrapped her arms around me from behind, giggled, and said, "Sexy, isn't she?"

"Oh my, yes, I looked and wondered if that's really me."

She kissed the back of my neck and licked behind my ear as she cupped my breast, my nipples hard and sensitive. She reached down and felt the moisture through my panties. "I believe you're ready. Just be your sexy self and speak to the camera as if it's Aaron."

She tells me to sit at the vanity, rise, turn, and face the camera. Speak as you make your way to the bed. You can do this, and Aaron will be blown away when he receives it. 

I sat at the vanity facing the mirror. I take a deep breath, pick up the brush, run it through my hair, and then set it down. I stand, turn, and face the camera. 

"Hello Honey, Stacy is operating the camera. I hope you like what you see?" I pirouette as I stepped toward the bed and ran my hands over my breast. "This is for you, babe. I've changed love and embraced my sexuality. You said you liked the new me. Well, here I am. I wish you were here to join me, but this will have to do."

I reached the foot of the bed. "I want to be your slut. You can have your way with me. I long for your cock babe." I face the bed, bend over and reveal my ass. Looking back at the camera, I wiggled it. "You want this. It's yours." I reached back, peeled off my panties, and brought them to my nose. "Oh my, I've soaked these. I'm so wet for you, and I bet you wish you could smell my arousal as I am now."

I turned back around, sat on the edge of the bed, and removed the negligee. I cupped my breast, squeezed my nipples, and moaned. "Oh, how I wish for your lips to be wrapped around my nipples as you lick and nibble them." I lifted both, leaned down, licked, and swirled my tongue on each. I looked up and smiled at the camera. "These are yours, baby, but you'll have to get back to enjoy them."

I spread my legs, reached down, caressed my inner thighs, slowly brought my hands to my vagina, and spread my cum soaked lips with my fingers. 

"You see how wet I am, love. I want to feel your tongue probing my depths, savoring my sweet nectar, and feel your fingers as they plunge in and out of my throbbing pussy." 

I plunge two fingers in, coated with my juices, and bring them to my lips. "Mmmm, yummy," as I lick and suck them clean. "So tasty."

I slide a finger along my slit from my engorged clit to my anus. "Most of all, I need your marvelous cock plunging hard and deep within me. Oh my, what to do? I know, I'll have to find a substitute. Is that OK? I hope you don't mind, Honey. I have one right here."

I giggled, rose, walked to the bedside table, and reached into the drawer. "Oh my, this will have to do." 

I looked back at the camera with a smirk as I grabbed my eight-inch cock shaped vibe and lube. I climbed onto the bed and sat leaning against the headboard. "I'm so in need. You want me to suck this cock. I would rather it was yours, love, but what's a girl to do." 

I brought it to my mouth, licked the length, kissed the tip, and wrapped my lips around the head. " Mmmm," I murmured as I took it into my mouth, sucked, and swirled my tongue around it. I backed off it. "You want me to deep-throat this cock, babe. Imagine it's yours as I swallow, taking all of you deep in my throat."

I slowly engulfed it down to the base and into my throat, bobbing up and down on it. As I'm fucking my throat with this phallus. I notice Stacy's robe is open, and she is teasing a breast, pinching and tugging a nipple as she operates the camera. She smiles and gives me a thumbs-up. The sight increased my arousal. 

I pulled the vibe out, sat it beside me, and smiled, "Did you like that, Honey?" 

I picked up the lube and squeezed some on my breasts. "I need to play with these some more. They are swollen, and my nipples are begging to be teased." I massaged my breast and pinched my nips, which sent bolts through me. I picked up the vibe, switched it on, and teased my nips with the vibrating head. "Oh, that's nice!" 

My pussy throbbed with need. I ran the vibe slowly to my mound. "Honey, my pussy needs attention. Do you want to watch me fuck my hot wet throbbing pussy with this cock? Oh yes, lover, I know you do. But first, I'll lube myself, so I'm extra slick."

I spread it liberally, picked up the vibe, and teased my clit with it while I fingered my pussy and ass. "Oh yes, babe, I'm ready! Now imagine it's your cock plunging in and out." That said, I plunged deep within and yelled, "Oh Aaron, fuck me, that's so good! I wish it were you, lover; it feels so good." I'm pumping this cock in and out as I bucked and writhed, shouting obscenities. It's too much, and I can't hold back. " Fuck I'm cumming for you, baby!" I see stars as the waves of pleasure hit me, leaving me shuddering in the throes of my orgasm.

I'm brought back to reality when I hear Stacy laugh. "That was amazing, Alice." She handed me a bottle of water and said, "Drink will take a break and give you time to recover."

To be continued.

Written by Marisa
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