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A Taste Of Kate - Part Three

"After a poor meet, the couple looks for another threesome option. A risky choice is made..."

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The couple agreed to play again in four weeks if they could find a suitable partner.  Kate’s mom was the kind of grandmother who loved keeping her grandkids, and she was happy to watch them on a regular basis.  Staying on that four week schedule worked great for keeping within the safe part of Kate’s cycle, and it also continued to feel like a great balance of kinky spice versus the normalcy of the Stevenses regular lives.

“If we don’t manage a meet this month,” Ken pointed out, “it will be a two month gap between our play dates, what with vacation.”  The Stevenses were scheduled to take the kids to the beach for a week the following month, and that would directly conflict with any opportunity to meet a guy.  They had agreed that the first weekend after Kate’s period was the absolute best time for a met; weekends two and three were riskier than they wanted to consider, and weekend four might possibly run into an early period if Kate’s cycle decided to get any funkier on them. Sometimes, Ken wondered if it might have just been better to get Kate’s tubes tied instead of him opting for surgery instead.

“I know, baby,” Kate responded.  “So let’s make sure that something does happen.”

They returned to the online forums with gusto to look for a new guy.  Naturally, there were plenty of applicants – although frustratingly, most could not (or would not) meet the basic requirements of having recent STD tests results and the ability to hold a basic conversation.  Even so, they had better overall response than the previous month, and were able to pare the list down to a few choices that possessed the basic abilities and could potentially meet in their ideal timeframe.

Eventually, they narrowed the list of options down to two guys who both swore that they were single.  One was Brad, a sandy-haired fellow in his mid forties who seemed to very much fit Kate’s “type” of the rugged outdoorsman; she of course denied having a type, but Ken was able to pick up on the pattern easily.  In addition to fitting the mold of the type of guy that Kate liked, Brad was also charming and personable.  It was obvious that Kate enjoyed chatting with him.

The other possibility was a guy in his late thirties named Derrick.  Derrick was very suave, very smooth, very self-assured – and he also happened to be very black.  He had a manner about him that despite his careful politeness, always seemed to keep Kate a little off balance.   While Kate seemed pretty comfortable with Brad, she didn’t have the same chemistry with Derrick.  She might blush from some of his compliments or suggestions, but she just seemed a little ill at ease with the black man.

Ken knew that if all else had been equal, he likely have picked Derrick and gotten to check off one more fantasy box with the interracial angle.  But it wasn’t just his feelings he needed to consider; Ken wanted to be sure that his wife was comfortable and having fun.  He also appreciated that it was far better for him and living his fantasies in the long run if he did work to ensure that Kate was as comfortable as possible.  So, a little reluctantly, he informed Derrick that it wasn’t going to work out this time around before proceeding to schedule things with Brad.  Derrick took it well; he asked that they keep him in mind for the future and wished them luck.

The week of the meet with Brad came – and as expected, so did Kate’s period… albeit on Monday, which was once again a day early.  Even so, it was the normal two days of blowjobs instead of penetrative sex, with the couple looking ahead to Saturday and meeting this new guy.  Indeed, even Kate – normally not much of a talker in the bedroom - found herself using a little dirty talk at night, teasing Ken about how she was going to experience a new cock very soon, and how she was looking forward to it, and how she wondered just how much semen this new stranger was going to put inside of her.  It was enough to drive Ken absolutely wild. 

It was just too bad that the planned meet was not to be a reality.

Saturday afternoon rolled around, and just before Kate started getting ready, Ken saw a notification on his phone.  When Kate saw the dark expression on her husband’s face, she knew that something was wrong.

“Brad sent us a message,” he explained.  “Something has come up, he says.”  Ken turned the phone so that Kate could see the screen.  “A family emergency, apparently.”

The pretty brunette adopted a frown.  “Oh no!” she exclaimed.  “Is there any chance that he can reschedule, maybe?” she asked.

Ken typed a reply, but it went unanswered for a half hour.  Eventually, Kate picked up on her husband’s new frown.  “I take it that he replied?” she asked.

He nodded.  “Yep.  He doesn’t give any details, but says that he doesn’t think he will be free at all today or tonight, and that he will be out of town after tomorrow for a week.  In other words, there’s no way that we will be able to swing a meet this weekend.”

Ken sighed.  “Which means that this month is out… and so is next month.  Well, shit.”

Ken seriously considered reaching out to Derrick, but decided that it might be a little insulting to hear that you were the backup option when the preferred plan fell through.  He made it a point to put a little smile on his face.  “Oh, well,” he said.  “I guess that you’re stuck with just me on our date tonight.  I may not be able to get you to soak the bed like Tom, but I’ll do my best to show you a good time.” 

She smiled back at her husband.  “I’ll hold you to that, mister!” Kate demanded.


A few nights later, Ken found himself surfing the hotwife forums on reddit.  He made a post expressing his frustration at having their plans fall through at the last moment, and how it was going to be a while before they could try again.  He got several responses, mostly from other users commiserating at the difficulties in getting people nailed down to actually play, and how amazing it was that such problems were so commonplace. 

He also got a private message from Derrick.  “Hey, man!” it read.  “Sorry to hear that your plans fell through.  I wish that you had messaged me, I’d have loved to meet the two of you!  There’s no way that I would have stood up you and your sexy wife.”

Ken shook his head and typed a response.  “I thought about reaching out on Saturday, but that was such short notice.  I didn’t want to be rude and make you feel like the consolation prize or insurance policy or whatever.”

“Naw man, it’s all good,” came the reply.  “I get it.  Look, it’s hard enough to find real people who are also careful about STDs like you and your wife.  Let alone any that are as smoking hot as she is!  And I’m a guy, I’m sure that you two have tons of us lining up for the chance to be with an amazing woman like her.  It would be foolish for me to get my feelings hurt just because she clicked with somebody else.  If I still have a shot, I’d love to meet you two.”

Ken frowned.  There was no point in pretending, he’d love to do a meet as well, but it didn’t seem possible anytime soon.  He typed out a message back.  “I’d love to meet, but I don’t see it working out.  We’d have to try to get a babysitter for the second week in a row.  And I don’t know what Kate would think.”

The screen blinked that Derrick was typing.  Soon enough, the message appeared.  “If I remember, this is your last chance for a while.  You’ve got vacation coming up, right?  Why don’t you check and see, man.  I’ll get a hotel room Saturday night; I’ll be sure to show you two a good enough time to make up on you missing out last weekend.   Let me know.”

“Okay,” Ken responded simply.


That night, the couple lay in bed together.  They were doing some light kissing and petting, presumably as a buildup to sex.  For the first time in a few days, Kate was engaging in a little dirty talk.  As she nibbled around Ken’s ear, she spoke softly.  “It’s still too bad that we couldn’t make anything work last weekend,” she breathed.  “I was really hoping that we would finally get to really fulfil your fantasy.”

“Oh?” Ken questioned carefully as he began to harden from her commentary.  “What did you have in mind?”

“Well…” she began with a kiss.  “I was thinking that we could have had a really hot session.  Let you see me get properly fucked by another man, have him cum deep inside me, really fill me up.  Who knows,” she added, “maybe I would have asked you to clean me up like some of those husbands do for their wives in some of those videos you like so much.”

Ken groaned a little in spite of himself.  Holy shit, his wife was really pushing his buttons tonight. 

“Oh, you like that?” she asked in a sweet voice as she grasped his firm penis.  “My, that made you very hard, didn’t it?  You really do like the taboo of another man’s semen inside of me, don’t you?”  Recognizing her husband’s intense arousal, she continued.  “That’s so naughty, baby.  I’m a happily married woman.  I shouldn’t be letting other men fuck me like that.  I certainly shouldn’t risk having their sperm inside of me!  What if something were to happen?”

She trailed off with Ken’s involuntary moan.  With a wicked grin, Kate slowly, firmly stroked her husband’s cock as she spoke.  “Maybe it’s a good thing that we didn’t have any other options.  Look at this.”

The brunette got up on her knees, still grasping her husband’s rigid dick, then slid her other hand down inside her panties.  Momentarily, she pulled it out to reveal a glistening finger.  “See that?” she teased him.  “See how wet the idea has made me?  I’m so turned on that I’d probably fuck just about anyone for you right now.  I don’t think that I could control myself.  It’s probably a good thing that we didn’t have any other options, I’d probably have let him do anything he wanted.”

Ken’s heart raced.  His logical brain realized that it was probably smartest to just go along with the dirty talk, have some fun sex, and be happy with that.  However, his logical brain lacked much in the way of real control over his conduct at that very moment.

Instead, Ken choked out a reply.  “I mean, we do have an option.”

She cocked an eyebrow, looking slightly confused.  “What do you mean?” she asked.

“I had posted on reddit to vent about the annoyance of the meet falling through,” he explained.  “I was chatting with a few people, we were swapping stories.  It seems like people flaking out is way too common.  Anyway,” he paused for a moment, “Derrick apparently saw the post.  He started privately chatting with me, told me that he wished we had let him know when Brad backed out.  He talked about how sexy you are, and he tried to get us to consider meeting him this coming Saturday instead.”

The moment he let the words slip out, Ken regretted it.  He had pushed too hard, he knew it.  He and Kate had agreed – for very good reason – to restrict possible play with others to that first weekend after her period.  While he wasn’t changing that agreement, he was putting the decision on Kate – and that wasn’t very fair.  As Kate’s stroking came to a stop, he braced himself for her unhappiness and prepared to apologize for ruining this fantasy session.

She regarded him with an unreadable expression in her captivating blue eyes for a moment.  “I’m sorry,” he blurted out.  “I was just blowing off steam, complaining to the group.  I wasn’t trying to set anything up behind your back.  I shouldn’t have even considered his offer; I should have told him that maybe we could chat after vacation.”  It sucked that they hadn’t gotten to play this month, that they wouldn’t get to play next month, but that was just life.  Ken knew that he had been selfish and stupid for even considering Derrick’s offer.  He never should have brought it up.

“No,” she stated calmly, “I’m glad that you told me.  We’ve agreed that we will always be totally transparent, totally open with each other.  I’m not sure that meeting him this weekend is a good idea,” she continued, “but I do know that hiding the offer wouldn’t have been the right choice.” 

Slowly, she resumed stoking her husband’s penis, which quickly regained any bit of hardness is might have lost.  “I mean… mom had complained that she didn’t get to do cookie baking with the kids like she had wanted to do last week.  She might be happy to keep them again, especially since she won’t get to do so next month since we will be at the beach.  But…” she trailed off, a look of serious concentration on her face.  “My period was a day early this month.  Saturday night would be day eleven after my period.  That’s not my absolute most fertile point, but that definitely counts as a risky day, Ken.  He would have to pull out for sure.”

Ken’s face flushed, his heart felt like it would explode.  Here he had been expecting his wife to be upset at the worst, to shut him down nicely at the best.  Instead, she was clearly considering a meet this weekend that would go well beyond her comfort zone.  Sex with a black man.  Sex in a riskier time of the month.  Holy shit.  He wasn’t sure exactly how to answer.

Kate laid down next to her husband.  She nuzzled his neck, stroked his cock faster.  He groaned at her efforts as he struggled to line up coherent thoughts. 

“Yes,” she breathed in his ear, then nibbled on it a bit.  “He would absolutely have to pull his big, hard, black cock out of me when he came.  After all,” she whispered with an evil chuckle, “we certainly wouldn’t want to risk this stranger getting me pregnant with his black baby, now would we?”

Ken couldn’t stand her teasing any longer.  With a roar, he rolled on top of his wife, ripped her panties down, and thrust himself inside her sodden vagina.


The rest of the week seemed to fly by.  Rather than show reluctance, Kate’s mom actually jumped at the chance to come back to keep the kids that weekend, and the kids themselves were even more excited.  Cookie baking with grandma was a big deal – though truth be told, it was decorating with (and eating) the homemade frosting and the various sprinkles and such that the kids enjoyed even more than the cookies themselves. 

In the cold light of day, the Stevenses discussed the risks of playing with another man in this particular set of circumstances.  Kate had always ovulated on day fourteen of her cycle; Saturday would be eleven days after the end of her period.  Since sperm can survive for a couple of days inside of a woman’s vagina, they would have to be careful.  Ken suggested picking up a dose of Plan B - just to be sure - but Kate was very reluctant about doing so.  To her line of thinking, having a dose on hand gave them a safety net to rely on, and she was afraid that carrying that sort of insurance policy would prompt the couple to take risks that they would otherwise never dream of.  Dirty talk and roleplay was one thing; Kate actually getting pregnant by a stranger was quite another. 

Before agreeing to meet Derrick that weekend, Ken had communicated this in no uncertain terms.  “Derrick, remember that Kate isn’t on any birth control.  She can’t use condoms, and this weekend is a bad time for her – which is why we hadn’t been planning to play.  You absolutely have to be certain to pull out, okay?”

It hadn’t taken long for the reply to come.  "Ken, my man, I would never dream of doing anything to hurt you or your incredible wife.  There is no way that I would betray your trust and do something that you didn’t want me to do.  If y’all want me to pull out, you can absolutely trust me to do it.”

Feeling better with the assurance in hand, they agreed to meet Derrick at an out-of-town hotel bar at 8:30 PM on Saturday night.

On Saturday afternoon, Kate requested that Ken make up another tumbler of White Russians.  “I think that I am as nervous right now as I was with Tom, if not more so…” she explained.  “I may need a little extra liquid courage.  After all,” she stated in a conspiratorial stage whisper, “I’ve never been with a black man before!”

He chucked and went to mix up the beverage while his wife got ready.  She hadn’t wanted him to see her until after she was completely dressed, so Ken obliged and made himself scarce until he was called.  When she did so and he stepped into the room, his jaw very nearly dropped.

Kate had always been a fan of tasteful makeup applied in such a manner as to look as if she was wearing little to none of it.  Today, she had replaced her subdued lipstick with a brazenly bright shade of red, applied a bit more blush and eye makeup than normal, and painted her nails to match.  She wore black boots, a form fitting short black skirt, and a white blouse unbuttoned just enough to show tiny hints of a red lace number that he didn’t recognize.  She giggled as her husband’s eyes lingered on her exposed cleavage.   “Yes, it’s new,” she explained.  “Yes, the panties match; no, you don’t have to ask.”

He grinned sheepishly.  “You look amazing,” Ken offered.

“Thank you,” his wife replied.  “I’m not stupid; I know that you like some of the bolder - even trashier - makeup and clothes, so I figured that I would try to appeal to those tastes.    You like?”

“Holy shit, I love it.  You luck fucking incredible,” he breathed.  “Maybe I need to keep you home, after all!”

She laughed, and they went to say goodbye to the kids.  As soon as they were out of the house, Kate unbuttoned two more buttons, now openly revealing the red lacey material as opposed to merely offering hints.  She laughed at her husband’s scandalized look.  “I figure that you would like it better this way, and I didn’t want to endure judgmental looks from my mother.”  She laughed again.  “I swear, it’s like leaving home for a date in high school!”

On the drive, they chatted fairly freely.  Kate did crack open her tumbler of booze, but she seemed content to sip it slowly this time.  She was nervous, fidgety, seemingly unable to sit still in her seat.  At one point during the drive, she stopped the conversation cold to look directly at her husband. 

“Baby,” Kate spoke, her tone almost a whine, “I am really horny.  It’s like I’m on fire.  All I can think about is being touched.”

Ken was startled by her frank admission, and didn’t exactly know what to do.  “Um, ah, isn’t that a good thing?” he fumbled a reply.

She smiled a little, her expression a bit unfocused.  “I suppose so.  I’m hoping this leads to a good night for you.  It’s just… the feelings are so strong!  It feels like I’m on the edge of a cliff, and all I want to do is take that step and feel the wind rushing up at me.  This just isn’t like me; I can’t seem to think of anything else.”  She grinned.  “I’m not complaining, I just thought that you should know.” 

By the time they pulled into the hotel parking lot, Kate had consumed about half of the volume of the tumbler’s contents - certainly enough to feel, but not enough to get her as sloppy as she was on that first meet.  Ken opened the car door for the sexy brunette, who stood up, tugged her skirt down a bit, then grinned and straightened her blouse – which caused her breasts to stand out proudly.  She glanced down, then made eye contact with her husband.  “Are you sure that I look okay?” she asked.  “Do you think that he will approve?”

Ken shook his head.  “You look hot as hell,” he breathed.  “If he isn’t into you, he doesn’t like women.”

It was just what she needed to hear; she melted into her husband, who put his arm around her while they walked inside the bar to meet the man who would be helping him fuck his wife that night.


The hotel bar appeared to be the same as every hotel bar that either of them had ever seen.  The bar itself, made of a gray faux stone material that was all the rage, was relatively small in length; there were various tables of some sort of corporate aesthetic lined up neatly around the open room.  The Stevenses were a little surprised to see how busy the place was; for whatever reason, this cookie cutter watering hole had achieved some popularity.

Derrick himself was easy enough to locate.  The tall, handsome, extremely dark black man sitting alone at a table designed for four stuck out in a room where most of the clientele was white and seeming to actively seek company.  When he spotted Ken and Kate, he came to his feet and offered greetings with a large grin.  He gave Ken a firm handshake and a hello, then took Kate by the hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles.  Kate tried to keep her smile pleasant and neutral as she became aware of the increasing dampness of her panties.

The couple took seats on the opposite side of the table from Derrick.  Physically, he was impressive.  The black man was tall, easily six feet three inches, with broad shoulders whose muscles were apparent through the well fitted shirt that he wore.  His head was clean shaven, a style that Kate found herself appreciating.  As they settled in, it was obvious that Derrick’s gaze swept all over Kate’s body, as if he were inspecting her.  His features remained in that broad, dazzling grin, which widened even more when his survey rested for a long moment at the housewife’s lace clad cleavage.

“My, my, you are one absolutely stunning little mama, aren’t you, Kate?” Derrick stated openly, as if ogling another man’s wife in public was the most natural, casual act in the world.

“Ah… thank you,” Kate responded with a flush.

Despite the fact that Derrick didn’t even try to hide that he was thoroughly looking her up and down, Kate found herself unoffended.  She had felt annoyed, disgusted, threatened by men in the past who had spent less time looking – and in a less obvious manner – than this tall black stranger.  And yet tonight, her response was only heightened arousal; she found herself shifting in her seat at his appraisal and commentary.

“Please, allow me to get both of you a drink,” Derrick offered smoothly as he flagged down a waitress.  Ken ordered a beer, Kate selected a cocktail, and the three of them began chatting. 

Derrick proved to be pleasant company.  He sat with a relaxed, easy posture and a confident air.  He was quick to laugh at jokes and had several amusing tales to share.  Yet through it all, he radiated a sort of powerful, quiet energy that helped to maintain an undercurrent to their conversation.  While he was technically polite, he did tend to casually work in observations as to how sexy he found the brunette to be, often focusing on some specific feature of hers.  No matter what the current subject matter of the discussion might drift to, the stranger would regularly reel focus back to how desirable Kate was to him. 

This, of course, did nothing to quench Kate’s desire; her arousal level was so high to begin with, then her subsequent application of alcohol in the car as well as a couple of cocktails here in the bar only flamed those fires further.  This athletic man showing open, naked sexual interest in her further served to stoke the flames of arousal, and she found herself shifting position fairly regularly in an unconscious attempt to alleviate the growing feelings radiating from underneath her skirt.  She tried to take an active part in the conversation, but found her mind wandering to all sorts of forbidden possibilities. 

A query from Derrick shook her out of one such reverie.  Kate blushed a bit, realizing that she hadn’t been paying attention.  “I’m sorry, what?” she asked.

The big man smiled.  “I said,” he repeated in a honey sweet baritone, “that Ken tells me that you have never had sex with a black man before.  Is that true?”

Kate’s eyes widened, and she glanced around the bar, but the general din of the conversation around them meant that it was unlikely that anyone was listening in.  “Ah, well, yes.  I mean, no.  Er… it’s true that I have never been with a black man.  As far as that goes, I haven’t been with many men, period.” She continued as if explaining, “Ken and I have been married for a long time.”

Derrick grinned at her discomfiture.  “Well, so much of the joy of life is trying new things, wouldn’t you agree?” he asked as if he were discussing sampling a new dish at a restaurant.  “I promise to do everything in my power to ensure that this is a very pleasurable experience for you both,” he vowed.  “After all, I understand that this is something of a fantasy for Ken, as well.”

Now it was Ken’s turn to join his wife with a bit of a blush, but he swallowed and spoke up.  “It’s true,” he admitted.  “That is a very big fantasy for me.”  He raised his glass.  “Here’s to hoping that we do have a memorable time.”  Ken’s wife and the stranger joined in the toast.

Once the current round was finished, Derrick spoke up.  “While I am enjoying your company very much, I think that we have established that there is real chemistry here.  Wouldn’t you agree?”  Ken and Kate glanced at one another, then nodded back at the taller man, who smiled broadly in response.  His white teeth seemed to shine from his dark face.  “In that case, I think that it’s time that we move on to the real reason that we all are here.  Let me pay our tab, and we can be on our way.”

While Derrick closed the bill out and left a tip, Kate ducked into the women’s room.  Once business was attended to, Derrick accompanied the Stevenses to the parking lot so that they could retrieve a bag from their car.  They then followed him through the hotel lobby, past the disinterested clerk, and on to the elevator.  The ride up to the sixth floor was silent as Ken and Kate stood hand in hand behind the tall black man.  The silence remained in place as they followed him down the hall to room 617, where he tapped his key card and opened the door.  With a brief kiss and one last look at one another, they followed him inside.

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Written by cloakndagger772
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