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Picture This

"The photo continued to open taking a lengthy amount of time, making it feel like an eternity. This was like Jennifer giving me my own personal strip tease!"

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Author's Notes

"All of the events in this entire story are true. The names have been changed to protect the "Guilty as Charged.""

It was mid-October in 2009, and I was well established in my career.  I was alone in the central part of the country, attending a five-week pilot training program for another aircraft.

I was saturated, tired, and stressed beyond belief.  There was no time for fun, games, or entertainment.  I was alone, there was no visiting with friends or acquaintances.  It was classroom and/or simulator training all day followed by approximately eight hours of study in the late afternoons and evenings.  All I could think about was how my job depended upon this.

I seriously needed to take a break and clear my head.  This was critical for my emotional stability and well-being.  Then, out of nowhere, my phone rings and delivers a gift that I was not expecting.  I answered to the familiar and soothing voice of my closest friend, Jennifer.  Wow!  I can't believe it, out of nowhere, my friendly angel!

We talked for at least an hour catching up on our own gossip, as well as solving more of the world's problems.  Although we had separate married lives, there was a flashback from the old days.  One thing led to another, and one more dirty little conversation evolved.  Even though we were both married (unhappily) to other people, we still behaved for all these years.  However, Jennifer and I again digressed into discussing the fun times and the good old days banging each other’s brains out.  Somehow, that always came up.

One may find it rather odd that we almost never discussed our spouses with each other.  Perhaps it was the shame that we were feeling.  Or, it is probable that we (best friends) did not want either one of us to worry about the other.  And then again, maybe we just didn’t want to…

After a brief pause, her mood changed.  At one point, she appeared to be a little down and slightly agitated.   Jennifer told me that her husband had upset her with his “frustrated photographer” antics.

I thought, “Oh, really? - this sounds interesting.”  I let her just talk, no interruptions.  At first, she was rather vague.  Of course, I gently persisted by asking questions.  After all, she is my closest friend, which meant that nothing was off the table.  We are able to discuss anything.

She then proceeded to tell me about her husband taking illicit private photographs of her.  He was demanding, and it was not fun nor entertaining for Jennifer.  I gathered, by her mood and attitude, it was a miserable experience.

Jennifer was a bit distraught and told me that it didn’t go well.  It was not exciting, nor was it sexy.  Her husband, in my humble opinion, was an absolute horse’s ass.  He was becoming very frustrated and no photo was good enough.  It sounded like he made her feel like she was not cooperating with him, and it was all her fault.  What a dick!

I said I was sorry to hear this, and that is such a shame.  These events between married people are supposed to be sexually stimulating and erotic in nature.  I believe that when you capture an illicit image of the one you love, you take that amorous moment with you in their absence.  One may conclude that it is that private sexual stimulation that you may enjoy, or “get off” on for years to come.

Obviously, there was more going on behind the scenes.  Since we never discussed our spouses much, I had no idea that she might be unhappy.  After further thought, it was quite apparent that she was miserable.

I didn't tell her that I gave up on the same type of activities with my ex as well.  Everything was a conflict, which resulted in an argument.   She would tease me by alluding to the idea of taking photos later that day or evening.  She hinted that she was excited.  Yeah right, like there were wet spots where she was sitting.  Then, “later” never came.

She would wear some little black thing and fall asleep in a blanket on the couch.  This is when I would just quietly get up and walk away and say nothing…Consequently, I became tired of being disappointed and let down.  So, I shelved that idea completely.  Not far behind, sex had died off as well…

Anyway, back to the conversation with Jennifer, I instinctively resorted to my modus operandi, my infamous feeble attempt at humor in a sexual manner.  I stated, "Well, shit, I guess that means I do not get to see your photos."  Then, silence…I tried to add a quick little chuckle to ease the awkwardness.

Jennifer promptly said, "Uh... no."  And like a dumb ass, I said, "Uh... please?"  I said that with a typical little boy request that sounded as if I were begging.  Subconsciously, maybe I was…

She said, "Well... I don’t know."  I then told her that I would really like to see the photos, and it would mean a lot to me.  I was operating from the angle regarding our sordid sexual adventures of the past.  Why would I think that was appropriate? I must have sounded like a total pig.

There was a part of me that felt like I was not in complete control of what I was saying.  I guess my dick was making decisions for me again.  I was having that proverbial “cranial-rectal-inversion”.

Jennifer still appeared to be a bit reticent, so I backed off and told her that it was her choice and hers alone.  Yes! A shred of common sense appeared to find its way to the surface.  The last thing I wanted was to remind her of her asshole husband.

As the conversation was wrapping up, she paused and appeared to be vacillating on this sensitive subject matter.  She told me she may consider it.  Although I thought seeing her elicit photos might be possible, I could not ask again nor expect it.

It was getting late, so we ended the conversation and said good night.  This was always painful because we never knew when we would be able to talk, much less see each other again.  It was like losing someone very special every time we said goodbye.

I was alone in an unfamiliar environment, and I needed a friend.  Jennifer was always “that” friend, my best friend.  As usual, she brought me out of my utter loneliness and despondence.  For the remainder of the conversation, I was happy just talking with Jennifer about other topics as well.  This was the perfect diversion from the training mode.  And still, it was becoming quite apparent how much I missed her.

After several minutes of lamenting about how things were, could have been, and possibly should have been, it was back to my studies.

Later, I tried to relax and waited to drift off to sleep.  I could not stop thinking about my dearest friend.  I was missing her presence and the endless talks we would engage in.  Moreover, I was missing our little sordid adventures as well.  And still, I could not clear my head of the thought of seeing her naked.

My penis was becoming as hard as a rock while thinking about her soft and wet pussy.   I missed having sex with her.  I continue to have the same visions of her as I did in years past.

All I could think about was the image of her sliding her pants down, spreading her legs, and me shoving my hard cock all the way up inside of her.

Then, I began to re-live the memory of Jennifer and I walking to my car after a late dinner.  She told me she was not wearing any underwear. 

I didn’t miss a beat.  I promptly said, "Prove it."  Jennifer smiled and slowly lifted up her dress, displaying her beautiful pussy.  She always turned me on, and I think she knew it.

Needless to say, we were involved in another one of our private little interludes.  I really wanted to climb into the back seat with Jennifer and sink my throbbing cock up inside of her.  I wanted to put her legs up over my shoulders so I could shove it in so deep I could feel the back wall of her vagina.

Fortunately, logic had prevailed.  I had decided that the back seat was off-limits.  She is my closest friend and I felt that may be disrespectful to her.  How could I treat her like a piece of meat or like her feelings didn’t matter?  They did matter to me.  So…now it was time to execute plan B.

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In order to not draw undue attention to ourselves, we drove off slowly, following the traffic laws.  She had me slide my pants down around my ankles while driving.  Jennifer slid her mouth down onto my rock-hard penis.  She bobbed up and down while taking as much of my cock into her mouth and throat as she could handle.  She slid her mouth and lips up and down the shaft of my cock, sucked intensely, and wiggled the tip of her tongue slightly into the hole of my stiff penis.

After driving a few miles, my "fountain of youth" erupted violently into her mouth, followed by her swallowing my essence.  Nobody in this universe has been able to make me cum like a wild stallion before.

Now, the trick was to pull my pants back up while still driving.  I guess we never thought that one out...

Back to reality, I lie there in the bed of my hotel room, pitching a massive tent, reliving that particular memory of our event.  I cannot stop thinking about Jennifer.  What have I lost?  What happened?  I realize now that I am hurting inside, and still, I don't know why.

A few days passed, and my training was progressing appropriately.  Still, I was unable to get the idea of seeing her naked photos out of my head.  I cannot explain why this was so important to me. I didn’t even care that someone else (her husband) took these photos.  It did not matter.

All I knew was the photos existed and I wanted to see them.  I realized that naked photos of women are everywhere on the internet, however, photos of Jennifer were not.  It was because it was Jennifer, no other reason.

After a grinding day in the classroom, I found a photo that was in a directory that I planned to truncate.  The photo was a sanitized view of my cock.  There is always a story behind everything, so why should this be different?

A few months before I was in training, I was on vacation with my estranged wife.  We were on the fifth-floor balcony and I was taking night photos of the bay when she started complaining that there were no pictures of us.  So, to placate her I set my camera up on a timer and stood next to my wife who was sitting on a chair.  A split second before the camera snapped the shot, I pulled the left leg of my shorts to the right exposing my penis at half-mast.

Needless to say, she was furious.  After she was done yelling at me, I was counseled on the inappropriateness of my behavior.  Whatever…The photo was moved to the trash.

I recovered this photo and cropped out any identifiable information, especially my wife.  Enough of the original was left intact so she could see my exposed body.  I did not want to send just a typical “Dick-Pic” to Jennifer.  I then attached it to an email and left it in draft, for now.  The composed and attached email lay there ready for me to pull the trigger and send it.

I figured that if I sent this photo to Jennifer, it may jump-start the process of her sending me something a little dirty.  I was on the fence back and forth for the entire evening unable to decide if this really was a good idea.  One side of me said, “Just do it!”  The other side of me wondered if I would offend her and possibly damage our long and deep friendship.  I was torn and in a state of perplexity.  What do I do now?

Before I went to sleep, with my lonely swollen cock in hand, I said, “The hell with it.”  “Why not?”  There I was with the wrong head doing the thinking for me again.  I put down my manhood, got up, and pushed the send button.  Gone.  Irretrievable.  What have I done?

The next day, I received a response from Jennifer.  Luckily, the response was favorable.  She said, “Wow! very nice!”  She also said, “Yes, that is what I remember.”

After talking with her that evening, I was relieved that she was not angry or offended.  She told me that she liked seeing my penis again.  She asked, “Where did that photo come from?”  I then explained the whole story to her how that event unraveled.  Luckily, Jennifer found it humorous and amusing.

At this juncture, I felt it was not prudent to ask her if I could see her photos.  The last thing I wanted to do was make her feel badly or possibly re-live any uncomfortable memories created from that other guy (her husband).  I elected to put this topic to bed and remain silent.

Two days later, very early in the morning, I was studying profusely before breakfast.  My computer was on and indicating that I had mail in my inbox.  I really did not have the time to stop what I was doing and check my email.  So, I went on with my studies.

While taking a quick productivity break, I checked my mail to see several messages.  One message in particular was from Jennifer.  I thought she sent me another funny joke or perhaps some type of political statement.  So, I took the time to address the message from her.

The email only said, “Just a little something to help get you through your training.”  So, I instructed the computer to open the attachment.

The internet was particularly slow that morning.  There was probably a lot of traffic slowing down the hotel Wi-Fi again.  This was quite apparent when it seemed to take forever to open the attachment.

Then, the attachment began to slowly open from the top down.  Slowly…Slowly…Line by line…a photo was opening.  I did not think it was anything too terribly interesting, at first.  The lines formed a little at a time.  There was a picture, of something…

As it opened at a snail’s pace, it was flesh-colored.  Slowly.  Ever so Slowly.  This is it!... More and more skin.  I saw her arms, her elbows, her forearms, her wrists, her thumbs, and then, her fingers.  The photo continued to open taking a lengthy amount of time, making it feel like an eternity.  This was like Jennifer giving me my own personal strip tease!  Then, there she was, sitting in an office chair with her legs spread apart.

I could not believe what I was seeing.  She sat there with her fingers spreading her pussy wide open for me to see inside!  This amazing photo also showed the bottom of her ass and inside of her thighs.  Even though the photo did not show her breasts or face, she was so beautiful.  So hot.  So desirable. This was amazing!  I thought that I would only get to see part of her breasts.  Forget that, I am actually seeing the inside of her pussy!  Best yet, I get to keep the photo.  Yes!

I immediately struck an "insta-boner."  My cock was instantly hard as a rock.  It grew so fast it almost hurt.  Within thirty seconds, I found myself in the restroom relieving myself of what felt like a gallon of cum.  I could have shot holes through the ceiling.  What was she doing to me?

After breakfast, I found myself back in the restroom blowing my load again.  This continued after I returned to my hotel that afternoon, evening, night, and again the next day.

My training was successfully wrapping up about this time. It was time to go home and return to work. This photo was absolutely incredible and the most explicit one I had ever possessed at that time.  I still have that digital gift from my best friend to this day.  It has provided countless hours and perhaps gallons of fun.

Needless to say, this was our modified version of “Friends with Benefits.”  There was to be no inappropriate physical contact between us.  This was the beginning of some of the most erotic activities I have ever participated in.  We have spent years exchanging sanitized private dirty little digital photos of ourselves.  This arrangement was between us and us alone.  We did not engage in any of these events with other people, nor did we ever admit this to anyone. This is our little secret, only between best friends.

After many years of pain and tribulations, my best friend, Jennifer is now my cherished wife.  There will be more on how we got there soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read about another one of our dirty little adventures.  The names have been changed to protect the Guilty as Charged.

Written by weezer21
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