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Crissy And Me - conclusion

"Totally into each other"

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Author's Notes

"I got a little carried away as I wrote the conclusion to this series. It got kinda long so I broke it into two parts. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you don't mind reading an extra chapter, which I'll release soon after this part is published. ~Enjoy~"

I remember chuckling to myself that morning, hearing Crissy grumbling out an assortment of pathetic obscenities as she turned off her cell phone alarm. I was lying on my side with my back towards her, waiting for her to put her arm back around my waist and snuggle me some more.

It had been a month since she told me she was a trans girl, and we'd been sleeping together every night since. As much as I resisted lingerie at first, I'd come to love wearing my nylons, panties, and bras around Crissy. I feel so light and airy in lingerie now, especially when Crissy tells me how naturally I've taken to the female side of sex.

Her cock felt so right, nestled in my crack as I thought about what a wonderful month it had been. She made the sweetest moans as she pressed against me and smoothed her hand up my chest to pinch on my nipples.

"Morning, baby," Crissy softly whispered as she snuggled in close. "Feeling good this morning?"

"Mmmm… so good. You were fantastic last night."

"That's cuz I love fucking you, babe. You've turned into the sweetest little bitch."

"I know," I giggled, "before you got me to try it, I never would have thought I'd love my female side as much as I do."

Her warm lips kissed the back of my neck. Her hardening cock pressed against my ass. My own cock was already standing at attention, and my butt arched backwards as she started dry-humping me.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?" I asked.

"Yeah… I really should, but I'd much rather stay in bed a few more minutes with my awesome, feminine boyfriend."

"Well… at least it's Friday. We can sleep in tomorrow and fuck all day if we want."

"I'm getting kinda horny for my girl side, babe," she said with a giggle. "I might need you to fuck me this weekend. What do you think about that?"

I rolled onto my back and said I'd really like that. I loved being her bottom, and told her that my ass would always be hers, any time she wanted it. Crissy propped herself up on her elbow, pressing her lips against mine and sliding her tongue into my mouth. I moaned, kissing her back and wrapping my arms around her. We were both in the same 'messing around' state of mind.

I coaxed her into lying on her back and slid my hand under the blankets, curling my fingers around her semi-hard cock. Crissy moaned as I kissed her neck while my hand slowly glided up and down the length of her shaft.

Moving down to those beautiful breasts of hers, I sucked on her fat, perky nipples while stroking her hardening cock at the same time. I then moved further down, kissing around her waist and tickling her belly button with my tongue.

"God, Robbie…" she moaned, "quit teasing me like that."

I just giggled as I slid further down to come face-to-face with my girlfriend's big fat cock. Holding it at the base, I began swirling my tongue around the head of her shaft. Crissy held my head under the covers, running her fingers through my hair.

She shivered as I delicately teased my tongue down the length of her shaft, then slowly back up to the tip again. I did this several times before sliding all the way down to her nut sack. As my tongue lapped at her heavy balls, I pumped her cock with my left hand and used the other one to reach up and tease her nipples. I was getting good at this, Crissy had taught me well. She was panting now as I sucked her balls into my mouth, one at a time.

"Damn it... Robbie!" she grew impatient, "just suck my fucking cock!"

She was so ready, but I loved teasing her like this. As much as I love being a submissive little bitch, I also like being in control sometimes. I was learning how to make her submissive to me when I had her cock in my mouth. I guess that's how two people grow together as lovers. Learning what your lover likes and figuring out how much mischief you can get away with to make it all the more fun.

I knew we didn't have all morning, so I dropped the foreplay and took her cock into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around her and started sucking, rapidly bobbing my head up and down. She pushed my head further down until she slid right into my throat. I was getting used to having her in my throat by now, so I didn't gag on it too much when her balls pressed against my chin.

My eyes were tearing up as I drooled all over her dick. Every moaning sound she made turned me on even more. I had such a stiff, almost painful hard-on, I had to reach down and stroke myself.

"Fuck...!" she cried out, "I'm g-gonna... c-cum."

I quickened my pace, focusing on deep-throating her and wrapping my tongue around her shaft as I bobbed my head. Writhing around underneath me, Crissy started breathing heavier, pulling on my hair as she panted and moaned.

"I'm cumming!" she shrieked.

I backed off until only her head was between my lips as her warm, sticky cum flooded my mouth. The sweet flavor washed over my tongue as I kept sucking on the head of her cock and gently squeezing her balls to milk her dry.

With her warm load squirting into my mouth, my own cock started twitching and jerking as I felt my cum running down my fingers. It still amazes me that giving her a blowjob sometimes turns me on so much that I can cum just from that.

I rode her orgasm until I'd drained her balls and swallowed it all. My cheeks were flushed, and my hair was damp with sweat when came I up from under the covers. Crissy was still breathing heavily as she brushed the hair out of my face.

"You sexy little slut," she snickered, "you're such a great little cocksucker."

"I love doing it for you," I beamed and kissed her on the lips. "You should probably start getting ready for work."

She glanced at her cell phone and groaned. She had less than forty-five minutes to take a shower, do her makeup, and get dressed. We decided we couldn't risk getting carried away in the shower, so she went into the bathroom alone while I went into the kitchen to make coffee.

Wearing only my nylons, I savored the taste of her cum in my mouth as I put the coffee on and toasted a couple slices of bread. I was pretty sure I was in love with her at that point. I'd been feeling it for a while, but I hadn't yet told her about it. Mostly because I didn't know how, and partly because I wasn't sure if she had the same feelings for me. We hadn't really talked about it much, so I was content to keep it to myself for now.

"I really have to hurry," Crissy said as I handed her a cup of coffee while she gobbled down some toast. "It's all your fault, you slut, for sucking me off like that."

"Not sorry… bitch!" I laughed, and she bent over laughing about it, too.

"What are we doing when we get home tonight?" I asked when we finally stopped laughing and embraced for goodbye kisses.

"It's Friday, baby," she giggled, "I have something very special planned for you tonight."

"What?" I excitedly asked.

"If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"

"No, I guess not," I shrugged.

"I'll give you a hint," she teased, "It's very, very girly, and you'll really, really love it."

"That doesn't tell me much."

"That's all I'll tell you for now, babe. Just be ready to feel a hundred times more female than you've ever felt before," she said as she kissed me goodbye and ran out the door.


I was full of anticipation when I got to work that day, wondering what Crissy's big surprise might be. Every couple of days since I'd started discovering my female side, she'd surprise me with a new set of lingerie. I'd always run into the bedroom with my new treasure to try it on and prance around in front of the mirror before coming out to show her how I looked.

She would always tell me how sexy I was, and I'd usually end up giving her a blow job before dinner. Often times we'd get stoned and watch porn just before going to bed. I came to find out that Crissy had quite a collection of raunchy CDs. It didn't matter what kind of porn we were in the mood for, Crissy had it all. She'd take me to bed afterwards, and we'd act out the scenes, matching the positions with her always on top, of course.

This made porn doubly exciting for me. Seeing girls taking cock in all the positions made me incredibly horny for it. I was thinking this might be the surprise she was planning. Crissy probably bought a new CD for us to watch, along with a new set of sexy lingerie for me to wear. She knew a new set of lingerie always got me sexed up.

I was thinking about this when my boss came in to tell me he wanted me to work with another team on a big project they had to get out that day. It was a welcome interruption from my normal routine, and it got my mind off Crissy for the time being. I was eating lunch when my phone buzzed with an incoming text from Crissy.

'Hey sexy,' her text read, 'can you meet me after work at that steak house we like to go to on Maple Street? I forgot the name.'

'I know the one,' I texted back.

'Be there at five-thirty?'

'You got it, babe.'

'Gotta run. See you there, sex pot. Don't be late.'

'I'll be there.'

'Hmmm…' I thought as I put my phone back in my pocket. 'A dinner date. Maybe she wants to switch sexes tonight. Maybe she wants me to fuck her tonight. Yeah, that's gotta be it. That's her surprise!'

The thought of getting a piece of her ass tonight kept me in a state of arousal all afternoon. Time seemed to stand still as I anticipated banging her again. I practically ran to my car after work, anxious to be with my Crissy again.


She was at the door, waiting for me when I arrived at the steak house. It's fancier than the places we usually go to eat, which made me think this was going to be a special night.

"Hi, babe," she greeted me with a passionate kiss. "Ready for a sexy weekend?"

"It's all I thought about all day," I said with excitement, "I couldn't stop thinking about what my surprise might be."

"I like to keep my little slut thinking about being my little slut," she giggled.

Now she had me guessing again, after I thought I had her figured out. I'd mistakenly assumed that she was going to be my slut tonight, but when she kept calling me her little slut, I knew my assumptions were wrong. Not that I minded being her slut tonight, I loved the thought of it. It was just that I had to wonder all over again about what she had in store for me.

The dinner crowd was just starting to come in, so we were able to pick a secluded booth near the back. The waitress handed us our menus, asking us what we'd like to drink. Crissy ordered us a bottle of wine and without even asking me, ordered an appetizer of raw oysters.

"Oysters….?" I asked, a little surprised "Raw oysters?"

"Have you ever had them?"

"No, but raw doesn't sound very appetizing."

"Like everything else I've been teaching you, Robbie dear, it's all a matter of how you think about it. Oysters are an aphrodisiac, in case you didn't know."

"I didn't know that."

"Well, now you do," she said. "I want you horny as fuck when we get home."

"That's won't be hard," I laughed, "I'm horny all the time just thinking about you. All I want to do is be with you, all the time."

"I want to be with you all the time too, baby."

She gave me a sweet kiss and then got a serious look on her face. "You know, Robbie, I've thinking lately," she said, sounding a little fearful, which was strange, for her, "we seem to be getting crazier about each other all the time, and I was just wondering… umm… thinking about… what you would think about maybe… moving in with me? I mean, you're practically at my apartment all the time as it is."

"Yeah," I replied, "I've been kinda thinking the same thing. This morning, when you were in the shower after I gave you that blow job, I was thinking I that I love you."

"That was the best blow job, Robbie," she sighed, "I woulda let you fuck me if you wanted to. I woulda done anything for you. When I was in the shower afterwards, I was thinking that maybe I love you, too."

"I've been feeling it for a while now," I confided, "but I was afraid to tell you, because I wasn't sure if you felt the same about me."

"I think the feeling is mutual, babe."

"You mean like we've fallen in love?"

"Maybe, but I'm not sure," she said. "You see, Robbie, I know a lot about having sex and all that, but I've never been this emotionally involved with anyone before. All my other boyfriends, well… they fuckin' freaked out when I even mentioned love.

"I think they just wanted me for sex, so they could brag to their friends that they fucked a dick-girl. The thought of getting too involved with a trans girl scared them, and they always ran away. I always felt hurt every time I lost another boyfriend, so I've been afraid to even think about calling in love with you. I didn't want to risk having you run away like everyone else did."

"I won't run away from you," I told her. "I think I'm already in love with you."

"I've never been in love before, Robbie, but I'd like to go down that path with you, and see where it goes."

"I know one thing for sure, I'm definitely in love with your cock."

"Mmmm… yeah babe. Sex with you is the best. I'm gonna give you plenty of cock tonight."

"When I was at work today," I chuckled, "I was trying to figure out what my surprise was gonna be, and I was guessing you wanted to switch sexes and be the woman tonight. Looks like I was wrong about that."

"You getting horny for my ass, babe?"

"A little bit," I admitted, "this morning, you did say that you were getting horny for it."

"I am getting horny for it, babe, but not tonight. Tonight I'm gonna show you the final step to becoming the woman I know you want to be for me.

"Tomorrow, I'll be your woman. You've learned to take cock as good as I can, so from now on, you can fuck me anytime you want. I think we're becoming perfectly matched lovers."

I think she was fighting back tears when she said that, and I know I was. Luckily, just then the waitress brought our wine and raw oysters. It was good timing on her part, because we were both getting really emotional. We just stared at each other as she poured us each a glass. We touched our glasses before taking the first sip.

"To us," Crissy said. "Yes, to us" I heartily agreed as our glasses clinked together, which got us in a lighter, more comfortable frame of mind.

"Eat an oyster for me?" she asked.

"I'll try one," I accepted, although I wasn't really sure.

"The oysters are to remind you of drinking my cum, which you will do later. The steaks will give us energy for our fucking, and the way I'm feeling right now, we might fuck all night."

She fed me the oysters, one by one, kissing me in between and calling me a sexy cocksucker. The texture of the juices was strikingly similar to semen. I wouldn't chew the oysters themselves, but they did feel a lot like her cock as I rolled them around in my mouth and felt them sliding down my throat. By the time she fed me the last one, we were on our third glass of wine. I had discovered that I like oysters, and I was feeling very horny.

Our arousal was strong, and we ate our steaks as fast as we could with our hands between each other's legs the entire time.

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When we got back to her apartment, she immediately slammed me up against the wall and aggressively shoved her tongue deep in my mouth. The oysters she fed me must really be an aphrodisiac, because I was so horny I was ready to do anything for her.

"I'm going to show you a whole new side of you," she said after kissing a good ten minutes straight. "You need to trust me on this, Robbie. The rest of your female sexuality has been screaming to come out, and this will help you unleash it. It will also make you look so divine."

"Ummm… yeah, okay," I muttered, barely able to talk after her tongue practically mouth-raped me. "You know I trust you. Just tell me what you want me to do."

"You're going to go in and shower yourself really good. Use Nair on your legs, and shave around your cock. Make sure your pussy is nice and clean for me. There's some nice girly lotion by the sink. Rub it all over yourself until you smell like a fresh flower, because your female flower wants to bloom.

"When you come out of the bathroom, there will be a sack of clothes waiting for you on the bed. Put everything on, and then come out to me. Trust me, babe, I know you will love this.

"I will be in here watching some porn and thinking about my very feminine boyfriend. Go in the bathroom now and prepare yourself for me. This is a special night, because I think I may have finally found my perfect boyfriend."

I can't describe how giddy I felt when I got into the bathroom. I put Nair all over my legs and shaved my cock smooth as I waited the ten minutes for the Nair to do its thing to my leg hair. I'd done it a couple times over the past month, so I was pretty used to doing it already. It always felt so good to rinse it all off and feel the smoothness of my hairless skin.

I was filled with anticipation as I cleaned my 'pussy', knowing that I was going to get fucked again real soon. I finger-fucked myself so much that I started to moan from the pleasure of it all. My cock was hard when I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. The moisturizing lotion she left me smelled so good as I spread it over every inch of my body.

I was feeling so incredibly feminine when I went into the bedroom. While I was in the shower, she must have came in and left the sack she said would be on the bed. It was a turn-on in itself to be totally naked as I walked over to the bed to see what I was to wear. My heart skipped a beat when I looked inside and saw what was in there. There was a note on top, which I read first:

'Trust me, baby, you will love this. You will be able to unleash your feminine side so much more. These clothes will make my cock want to be inside you, which you know you want, and I want. You will be the girl I saw in you the very first time I saw you. I can't wait to see you, my darling.'

I got all teared-up when inside the bag I found a new set of sexy black lingerie, lipstick, some jewelry, and a black-haired, shoulder-length wig. Below all that there was a black mini-skirt and a silky-satin blouse. I about died when at the very bottom, I pulled out a pair of high-heeled shoes, and even a pair of fake boobs!

I was rock-hard looking at all the stuff spread out on the bed. How did she know? The past few weeks, as I became more in touch with my feminine side, I'd been staring at the girls at work. I admired the clothes they were wearing and secretly wanting to dress that way myself, just to see what it felt like. And there I was, with girl clothes of my very own! It was all to die for!

I got right to it. The feeling was delicious as I rolled the sheer black stockings up my legs. The sensations on my freshly-smoothed skin were highly erotic. Next were the tiny black panties, which I soon discovered were thong panties. The thin strap running between my cheeks made me pause to experience how damn sexy it made me feel.

The black bra was a sheer see-through type, and when I slipped my fake boobs into the c-cups, I couldn't believe it was me in the mirror. The black mini-skirt, flaring out at the back, got me really excited. I was getting close… close to seeing the new 'me'. The silk blouse fit loose around me, and when I looked at myself sideways, my new tits looked so voluptuous they way stuck out from my chest.

I sat at her vanity table, painting my lips a dark red, and putting on the choker necklace and bracelets she gave me. The very last thing was fixing the wig over my natural hair. It framed my face so beautifully and was the perfect finishing touch to the girl I suddenly wanted to be. I felt so hot, and looked so cute, if I do say so myself. And my lips…! They looked so full and feminine… I just had to blow myself a kiss.

I felt so lovely as I pranced out to show Crissy the girl who was going to be moving in with her. The high heels, which I was having a little trouble with, made me naturally sway my hips, which also made my skirt sway as I walked.

The air swirling up my mini-skirt made me aware of my bare ass cheeks on either side of the thong string. I felt surprisingly naked, although I was fully clothed. The sensation was like nothing I'd ever felt before, and it was simply amazing.

Crissy switched off the porn flick when she heard me opening the bedroom door. She jumped to her feet and just stood there, pressing her palms against her cheeks.

"Oh my God, Robbie…!" she said in amazement, "Is that really you? Come here, baby, let me touch you."

She reached out her hand as we walked towards each other and met in the center of the room. She was speechless, and so was I as she caressed my face,

"You are so beautiful as a girl, Robbie," she said, "It feels awkward to even call you Robbie. We will have to give your new female persona a new name when she's dressed. What shall we name you, my sweet?"

"Gee…" I mumbled, "I never even considered anything like that. I'm your girlfriend, so what would you like to call me?"

"I was given the name Christopher at birth. I grew up being called Chris, so when I transitioned, I chose Crissy, because it was similar to Chris."

"Makes sense," I said, "but I haven't exactly transitioned."

"Oh, but you have, Robbie. You've been transitioning for a month now, and the girl standing in front of me is the result. Tomorrow you will transition back to male, but tonight, Robbie… fuck…" she paused, "I just can't call you Robbie. What's a female name similar to Robbie? I can't think of one."

"Umm… Robin is the only name I can think of," I stammered out.

"Robin…! That's perfect, baby! I shall call you Robin whenever you're dressed like this, which I hope will be a lot.

"Tonight… Robin… Tonight you are a girl, my girl."

She leaned in and very tenderly gave me my first kiss as Robin. The lipstick made my lips feel so much more alive to her touch. I opened my mouth and let her tongue explore me. She embraced me and smoothed her hands all over my silk blouse, which sent the most erotic sensations through my body.

Her kisses were electrifying, and I passionately kissed her back. I felt something coming alive inside me, something I knew had been there all along. It was my female side, coming out in all its glory. I felt fantastic. I felt sexy. I felt like a woman, Crissy's woman!

She broke off her kissing and stepped back, just as I was getting hot.

"Your legs are gorgeous in heels, Robin. Turn around for me. Let me see your ass."

I was feeling deliciously horny as I slowly turned around at her request. She moved in and embraced me from behind, holding me like that as she kissed and bit on my neck. She'd held me like that many times, but it never felt like this. This was different, very different.

I got so excited as I realized how exposed and accessible I was with these clothes on. Her wandering hands could literally get anywhere. With my bare legs already on display, all she had to do was put her hands under my skirt to get at my ass. This fucking turned me on and made me want to be a naughty girl.

"You do realize, Robin," she said as her wet tongue roamed around my ear, "that you're hotter than fuck, and I'll have to treat you accordingly."

"Treat me any way you want, Crissy. These clothes make me feel on fire. I can't believe how fucking horny I am!"

She lifted my skirt and spanked my ass a couple times. "You're naughty when you're Robin," she said as she cupped both of my fake tits, "Robin's a dirty little bitch, isn't she?"

"I think she is," I said, "yes… I know she is."

"Who is?"

"Robin is."

"Who's Robin?"

"She's me!"

"That's right, baby. She's you! We have two separate personas, you and I, our slut side, and our stud side. What persona are you tonight?"

"My slut side."

"And who owns this slut?" she said as she swatted my ass.

"You do, Crissy. I'm your slut, you own me. I'm yours to do as you please."

"What's my slut's name?"

"Robin... Robin the slut... Robin the bitch, the dirty little bitch who needs to be put in her place."

I couldn't believe what I was saying, but the words just flowed out of me, like I was someone else, someone I've always wanted to be. I couldn't stop myself as Robin took over my body and I literally became her.

Crissy swatted my ass a couple more times before running her hands up and down my legs and swatted me again, this time hard enough to make it sting. I got so incredibly hot. I wanted her to spank me. I wanted her to make it hurt. I remembered how she inflicted pain on me when she jam her cock up me in the shower, and how that pain turned into the erotic pleasures I was now craving.

She grabbed me from behind again and parked her crotch against my ass, pressing hard into me to let me feel the presence of her hard cock. One hand came to my mouth, and I automatically began to suck on her fingers, as if they were her big cock. My ears were sloppy with her spit as she kept licking them and filling my head with the dirtiest sex talk I'd ever heard.

Her other hand came up under my skirt, pulling my thong to one side and began probing at my hole, which to me in that moment, was a hot, juicy pussy. I reached back with both hands and pulled my ass cheeks apart for her.

"Oh, God, Crissy," I moaned, "I don't even know what I'm doing!"

"You don't need to know. Let Robin take over, follow your instincts, baby. You know you want this."

"I do want it! I've always wanted it!"

"I know you have, and I'm going to give it to you." She then swatted my ass, really hard.

"Ouch!" I flinched.

"Do you want me to stop the spankings?"

"No! It hurts, but I want it to. I don't know why… I just do!"

"Robin wants it, baby. Robbie has left your body. It's Robin's time to play!"

"Know this one thing," she whispered seriously in my ear. "If Robin ever gets scared with anything we do, all she has to do is say stop, and we will stop. My slut needs to know that she is safe at all times. Crissy only wants to give her pleasure."

I nodded my head to let her know I understood the basic ground rule.


She started a forest fire in my ass. I was obviously wired for it because I felt like Robbie had disappeared off this planet. I became totally Robin, and Robin's only purpose was to surrender herself to Crissy. She bent me over with her hand around the back of my neck as she lead me over to the couch.

I moaned as she pushed me over the arm of the couch so that I was bent over it, my ass up in the air and my legs straight. The heels forced my ass up and out more than it would usually be, and I smiled in sultry delight as she began to kiss my red-hot ass. She bit at my buttocks before pulling the thong string to one side.

"Eat me," I moaned, "eat my red-hot pussy!"

She licked up my crack in long, deliberate movements, then alternated between licking and thrusting her tongue into me, deeper each time. My pussy-ass felt so wet and eager to have her inside me. She was always so good at eating my ass, but this time she was better than ever. My ass was so alive. I was loving this.

My entire focus was just on her tongue penetrating into me. My moaning turned into panting and my vision became blurred. My cock was so painfully hard that reached back to stroke it. She stopped licking and slapped my ass hard.

"No...! Bad girl...! You don't have a cock tonight. Hands off…! Don't even think about touching it again, if you know what's good for you!"

She spanked me three more times, and I whimpered with an unexpected rush of arousal as I placed my arms above my head. I was now helpless to her desires, completely surrendered to her will. She leaned forward to thrust her tongue back inside me.

My throbbing cock pulsed as my pussy puckered around her tongue. She licked my ass a few more minutes before drawing back, leaving my asshole pulsing on its own. Then I felt her push what I expected to be her cock into my wanting hole.

"Yes!" I moaned out loud. I was so ready for a good, hard fucking.

"It's not what you think it is," she giggled. She pushed harder into me and I suddenly realized it wasn't her cock invading me! It felt cold and painful as it split me in two. Then, it quickly slipped into me, and I suddenly felt very full. It was actually quite comfortable with my anal ring hugging and pulsing around it.

"I told you I had a special surprise for you tonight. Well, it's inside you! Do you like it?"

"Shit… I thought you were gonna fuck me just now. What is that thing?"

"It's a buttplug, honey. It'll keep you satisfied until I'm ready to give you the real thing. Do you like it?"

"I didn't like it when it was going in, but it feels real good inside me now."

"It's wider at the front to keep you full, and narrower at the bottom so it'll stay in no matter what you do. I've plugged you so you'll be open and ready for me when I want you. And if you're good little slut, your new toy has another surprise inside."

"Good God…! I'm afraid to even think what that might be."

"I told you," she said as she came around to kiss me, "don't think. The best sex happens when you let go and stop thinking. Just let yourself be Robin. I think you'll fall in love with her, like you've fallen in love with me.

"And I have to tell you something, Robin. I think I might be falling in love with you. I wasn't sure when were talking over dinner, but I'm pretty sure now. Robin is pushing me over the edge."

She stopped talking and stood in front of me. I was still bent over the couch, straining my neck to watch her take off her dress and bra. Her fat cock was hard as hell and sticking out the side of her panties. My mouth watered as she slid those panties off and threw them in my face.

She was standing naked before me, but all I saw was that magnificent cock of hers. I couldn't wait to pleasure it, so it could pleasure me. My ass began to tense around my toy intruder. I felt so full and ready as Crissy lifted my head and sat down with her cock inches from my lips.

"Suck me, you little cockslut."

To be continued…

Written by Jilluvscox
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