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Crissy And Me

"My girlfriend turns out to be more than I thought"

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Author's Notes

"This is part one of a four-part series"

Before I actually met Crissy eighteen months ago, we'd been living on the same floor of the apartment complex, and I'd only get a glimpse of her in the hallway every now and then. She caught my eye the first time I saw her and later on, she told me that I had caught her eye as well.

She wasn't exactly beauty pageant material, but she was knockout-cute in my eyes. She stood a touch shorter than me, with short black hair and larger-than-life Bambi eyes that just drew me in. She wasn't exactly thin either, but she was still far from being what I'd call fat. I'd never had any luck attracting the finest-looking ladies anyways, so her body looked plenty hot to me.

I went down to the laundry room one night to wash my clothes, and she happened to be right there as if she'd been waiting for me. Right off the bat, she struck up an interesting conversation, lacing subtle sexual innuendos into her mix of words that made me think she might be a very sexual girl. Just as I was thinking about asking her out, she asked me first.

Our first date was generic in nature. We went to see a movie, just to test the waters and see if we liked each other. She must have liked me because she took my hand halfway through and held it to the end.

Two dates later, she invited me into her apartment. It was clear from the start that she would be the dominant one. She was twenty-nine and I was twenty-four, but when it came to my sexual experience, I might as well have been a teenager.

We kissed on her couch for what seemed like hours, and she ended the evening by giving me the first of what would be many blow jobs. I knew right then that I could learn a lot from this girl. I was thrilled when I got home that night, and couldn't wait to see her again.

As things progressed, she started subtly touching my ass to see how I would react. It was a little strange at first, but it didn't take her long to get me to like it. I started loving it when she touched me down there. Her subtle touches and licks made me squirm, and pretty soon she was rimming me with her tongue. She even finger fucked me once during a blow job, which, by the way, I loved.

She was really into anal play, and I must have been really wired for it myself. Once I experienced my first anal orgasm, I was hooked. She was so good at it that after a while, she could get me off with just one finger up my ass. After a couple of weeks of that, I didn't care if she was sucking my cock or not.

Oddly, she never took her clothes off during that first month or so. My pants and underwear were the only items she ever removed from me. She'd never let me venture between her legs either, and the subject of actual fucking never even came up. That never really bothered me, because, by this time, she was getting me off through my ass on a regular basis.

One night we did it in her bedroom, a night when she drove me crazy by prolonging my orgasm and left me shuddering on the bed as she went to use the bathroom. She returned and laid herself alongside me, cradling my head as we stared into each other's eyes and kissed.

I was getting so very comfortable when she played with my ass, but I was starting to get a little nervous about it, too. As we lay together cooing at each other, I eventually got the nerve to tell her what I was worried about.

"This doesn't make me like... gay, does it...?" I asked in my innocence. "You know, the way I love the things you do with my ass?

She laughed and said, "No, sweetie, not at all. First off, there's nothing wrong with being gay. Believe me, you're not gay, and what we've been doing won't make you gay. You're just learning what makes you feel good, so if you like it, don't resist it. Embrace it if it makes you feel good."

I nodded. She had a point.

"We've been having a lot of fun together," she said, smiling mildly, "and when you're ready for me to show more of myself to you, I'm going to make you very happy."

When she told me that, I felt a lot better about how much I was loving her ass play. I was ready, I thought, to see more of her right then. But when I expressed my desire to start giving her the same pleasures she'd been giving me, she just took my hand and held it between her breasts. She then kissed me and said, "Pretty soon, baby, pretty soon."

That next Friday, she met me after work at a restaurant that had a nice bar, for dinner and drinks. I was always excited to see her again. By now, it was a given that she'd be giving me another blow job, and most likely another anal orgasm, which I'd grown to love. Tonight I was especially excited, buzzing with the possibility of maybe, finally, getting into her panties.

I arrived before her and got us a table. There was a special radiance about her that night when she joined me. She was casually dressed in a short summer skirt, modest two-inch heels, and a loose camisole that plunged at the neck to expose a little cleavage. Her deep red lipstick accented her shiny black hair sent shivers up my spine.

We didn't stick around for drinks after dinner. The chemistry between us was particularly strong that night, and we weren't about to waste it drinking at the bar. We got to her place and started touching each other in ways we never had before. I tried running my hand up her skirt, but she pushed it down as we immersed ourselves in a deep kiss, just inside her door.

She was always an aggressive kisser, and her tongue pushed deep into my mouth that night like she wanted to consume me. It always turned me on when she kissed me like that, and she was coming on much stronger than she had done before. I loved it because I wanted this woman, and I was loving the way she was starting to control me.

She unbuttoned my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders. I knew this night would be special when she asked me to pull her camisole over her head and she removed her bra with no coaxing from me.

I stood there in awe as her breasts fell free and I was seeing them for the first time. They were full and beautiful, with big fat nipples popping out from her dark-brown areolas. They felt wonderful in my hands and even better when I sucked those luscious nipples into my mouth.

Her fingertips glided across my back as I worshipped her tits, occasionally slipping her hands inside my pants and squeezing my cheeks gently, but firmly. I pushed back against her hand to show her I wanted it that way, that I was accepting her dominance over me.

Our mouths locked onto each other and we held a deep kiss as we moved to the couch. She pushed me down and sat next to me as we continued to kiss, her tongue pushing deep into me with more aggression than before. My cock was hard as hell and pressing against my pants when her hand found my bulge and grabbed it with a tight squeeze.

I smoothed my hands over her legs, trespassing under her skirt once more, halfway expecting to be pushed away again. She stopped me, holding my hands as she paused to think about it.

After a short moment of silence, she whispered softly to me, "I think it's time, my sweetheart. It's time to show you."

She gave me the green light by leaning back on her elbows and spreading her legs for me. I glided both of my hands further up her skirt, gently caressing the tops of her thighs until I reached her panties. My thumbs stroked her inner thighs while my fingertips gently peeked under the elastic edges of satin fabric covering her most private place.

She was moaning with anticipation when I pushed into her panties. It was a strange moment for us both when I felt something I wasn't expecting and hesitated. I knew what it was when she stopped me and looked me in the eyes.

"Yes... it's what you think it is. Go ahead and touch it. I think you will like it."

It should have shocked me when I first touched her cock, but somehow it didn't. It seemed to naturally fit her personality, and I suddenly realized that all the ass play I'd grown to love was merely foreplay leading up to this moment.

I didn't hesitate to trace my fingers along the outline of her cock, as if I'd known about her all along. I was so horny and caught up in the moment, it gave me the biggest thrill to be touching her girl-cock for the first time. It felt really good to me in a strange and powerful way. She lifted her skirt and reached into her panties.

"Would you like to see it?" she asked, and I immediately nodded yes.

She stood up and dropped her skirt. She looked truly magnificent to me with her black satin panties tented by her semi-erect cock and one of her balls hanging out the side. She turned around and slid her panties part-way down to show me her smooth, rounded ass.

She wiggled her ass as I naturally kissed it while she was clearly stroking herself in front. She turned around with her cock fully erect, her panties tucked under her balls as they hung low beneath her hard shaft. It was an awesome sight. Her cock was large and proud and her balls so thick and creamy. I gasped when I saw it.

She smiled. "You like what you see?"

I was absolutely speechless and could only smile and nod my head 'yes' as she sat back down beside me. Taking my hand in hers, she guided it to her cock and wrapped my fingers around it. She started stroking herself, pulling my hand up and down with it. She gradually loosened her grip as I tightened mine and continued the stroking. It was an awesome feeling as my hand slid up and down her smooth, hard cock.

I was mesmerized and eventually stopped stroking her when I wanted to feel her balls. Now, I've played with my own cock and balls all my life, but it was so much better to feel hers. I was discovering girl-cock for the first time, and it was nothing short of lovely. Her cock was bigger than mine, and her balls felt heavy in my hands.

I stopped stroking her as I gazed at her beautiful cock and started playing with her balls. She leaned towards me, giving me a deep passionate kiss as she guided my hand back to her cock and started me stroking again. I was more than eager to please her. She kissed me harder with more passion as I stroked her harder and faster.

She broke off the kiss and smiled at me as if to say 'hello' for the first time, now that she'd revealed this intimate part of herself to me. We smiled as her hand caressed my face and head. She stood up and moved me so she could take off my pants, which I welcomed because my cock was so hard it needed the room.

She stroked me a couple of times and kissed the very tip of my hard cock before taking my hand and leading me into her bedroom. Once we got on the bed, she quickly had both of our cocks in her one hand. She mixed our pre-cum with her thumb as we kissed with our hard cocks pressing hard against each together.

She looked me in the eyes and I felt even more submissive to her as she pressed her much thicker and longer cock into mine. Her free arm encircled my neck as we kissed, pulling me tighter into her embrace. It was an awesome feeling that made me even more hungry for her.

We kissed and rubbed like this for quite some time, her soft sighs mixing with my moans of enjoyment. She released her grip on our cocks, and now that they were acquainted with each other, they seemed to caress each other as if they had a mind of their own.

It was then that she began to explore my ass again. "Trust me," she whispered in my ear, then took my leg and pulled it over her body, exposing my ass to her. She moved her hand between my cheeks and lightly brushed her fingertips across my hole.

I pressed my cock harder against her larger member as an erotic anticipation swept over me. Her finger pressed into me and I pushed back to increase the pressure on my hole. I was in heaven with her finger probing the edges of me with varying pressures that ebbed and flowed as she pushed in different directions.

Every move felt more divine than the last, and then she straightened her finger and entered me. Kissing me still, she took control over me. She stopped me from moving and told me to lie still.

Her finger explored deeper inside me, and I almost exploded when she curled it and moved it up and down my prostate. I was rigid with the intensity of the experience, then she increased my pleasure by removing her one finger and entering me again with two.

This was more pleasure than I could take. With her tongue passionately dominating my mouth, her fingers pushing into my ass, and my cock rubbing against hers, I exploded in one glorious, gut-wrenching climax, groaning from deep inside my being as my cum spewed onto her bed.

She kissed me softly as my body began to relax. Her fingers inside my ass slowed to a gentle throb as she continued gently rub my prostate.

"God, Robbie, I think you are so fuckin' hot," she moaned as she continued to kiss me.

I moaned with her and gently rotated my ass to enhance the pleasure of our lovemaking. Following such an intense orgasm, I fell asleep in her arms and woke up sometime later, covered in a blanket. I could hear the shower running and felt somewhat disappointed that she wasn't beside me.

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My ass was still buzzing with a glorious feeling that she owned it, and she had just used it. She probably could have fucked me if she'd wanted, but she knew I wasn't quite ready for that yet. All I could do was lie there, enjoying the feeling of what I had just experienced.

As I listened to the water running in the shower, I imagined water droplets sliding down her breasts and dripping off her nipples. How I would have loved to be in there with her, a bar of soap in my palm to smooth over her tits and play with her nipples. When my thoughts moved to her hard, proud cock and smooth, bulbous balls, I shivered with raw desire.

Now that she'd shown me what she was, my mind was filled with new possibilities, and I had a newly-found lust for her. My erotic imaginations were interrupted when I heard her turn off the shower. In the quietness of the room, I could hear the towel brushing across her freshly-cleaned skin. My cock got hard again as I thought about her.

She came out of the bathroom with her towel loosely draped around her waist, her tits freely swaying back and forth as she came towards me. I raised myself to a sitting position as she stood next to the bed.

"Hello, lover," she said as she bent over to kiss my lips. I was so horny to have her next to me again and hungrily opened my mouth to receive her kiss. She giggled a beautiful girlish sound and put her finger over my lips.

"Be patient, my love," she told me, "our fun together is only beginning."

She paused for a moment before getting on the bed and setting me back on my elbows. With the towel still around her waist, she straddled my tummy and put her hand behind my head, pulling me towards her.

"I've loved giving you pleasure all the times we've spent together," she softly said to me. "I've done that so you would know the pleasures I can give you before I revealed my true sex to you. Now that I've shown you all of me, I want you to experience the other side of that pleasure.

"I think you're ready for it now. I want you to learn to suck my cock like I've sucked yours. I want you to feel the incredible pleasure that comes from giving pleasure. Are you ready to give me the same pleasures I've given you?"

"Oh God, Crissy," I replied with star-gazed eyes. "I lust for you. Knowing what you are now only draws me closer to you. There's nothing I want more than to give you every pleasure there is."

I would have said more if she hadn't pressed her finger across my lips as if to say there's no more need for words. She moved herself forward so the towel was close to my face. I could almost feel her hard cock beneath it, and God... I wanted to engulf it through the towel.

She pushed it against my face and then let go of the towel, letting it fall to the bed except for the part hanging off her stiff cock. It was magical how her every move seemed to tantalize me. She smiled at me as I lifted the towel and began to draw it away from her cock. Once it was free, it bounced up and looked magnificent as it lay level with my mouth.

A moment ago, I wanted it so bad. But now, I felt as though taking it in my mouth would forever change me. I just sat and stared at it for the longest time.

"Kiss it," she softly said, but all I could do is freeze.

I was overcome with a fear I'd never felt before. Like really wanting to do something, but knowing my life will never be the same once I did. She sensed my fear and gently bent down to kiss me.

"Listen, sweetheart," she gently ran the back of her fingers over my cheeks, "I know what you're feeling. It was the same for me when I sucked my first cock. I know you want to. It's not such a big deal once you start.

"It won't make you gay, and no one will ever know. Sucking your lover's cock is the most intimate thing you can do. It's just between you and me. Just try it... I think you'll like it."

I leaned forward after her gentle coaxing, and once I had kissed it, I kissed it again, and then again.

"So... what do you think now?" she asked after I'd kissed it many times.

"It's not bad," I grinned at her.

"I told you, baby. We're gonna have a lot of fun doing this, you and I."

Then I started licking it, reveling in such pleasure I never knew possible. I must have licked it a hundred times, only pausing to kiss it again as if I were kissing Crissy's lips.

At this point, I was dying to feel her cock in my mouth. It was the sexiest thing I could ever imagine, and I needed to do it.

I took a deep breath, leaned in, and took it in my mouth. At first only a little, then as it became wet and slippery with my saliva, I took more and more until it finally hit the back of my throat and I gagged on it. I caught my breath and looked up at her, kind of rattled.

"It's okay, baby," she assured me, "you'll get better with practice."

I took her in my mouth again, and my hands started moving on their own to grasp the heavy sack hanging between her legs. I stroked it as I sucked, rolling each of her balls between my fingers as if I had just found the Holy Grail.

She started moaning her approval as I took her purple-ish head into my mouth again. I held still for a few moments, getting used to how wide my mouth was opened to accommodate her size.

It was luscious to taste and feel. Her cock, so clean and fresh just out of the shower, felt warm and fleshy in my mouth,

"Oh God..." she moaned, "Yes, baby... yes."

She placed her hands on my head, lovingly stroking my hair as she slowly and gently guided me up and down her cock. I had to open so wide my jaw was being strained to accommodate her, but I didn't care.

I was in such a heavenly state of mind, that I just closed my eyes to enjoy her. It was just me and her cock, totally immersed in this new pleasure she had just introduced me to. That's when she reached under my chin and tilted my head upwards.

"No, baby, not like that... look into my eyes."

She pulled me off the bed and I kneeled on the floor in front of her. I gazed into her eyes as I took her cock back into my mouth. Her eyes made me want to suck her deeper, to give her more pleasure. It was so intense, looking into her eyes and surrendering to her cock.

I felt a strong need to serve her, to please her any way I could. I think she sensed my submission to her because as I was thinking it, she licked her lips and bent down, pulling her cock away from my mouth.

She held my head in her hands and kissed me. Her lips opened my mouth and her tongue penetrated deep inside. I wanted her to enter me as deeply as she could. I wanted her to know that I was hers.

She kissed me for the longest time before pulling me to my feet and walking me back to the living room. We were both in need of refreshment after our intense activities. She sat me on the couch while she grabbed a couple of beers from her refrigerator and filled a pipe with marijuana.

She never mentioned that she smoked weed, and I never thought to tell her that I enjoyed it myself. She joined me on the couch and kissed me as she handed me a beer. We didn't say much for the next few minutes as we thought about the lust that had brought us to this moment.

We both knew our relationship was heading towards another level of intensity. Now that she had revealed her cock to me, I wanted to be her cocksucker. I loved how I felt about it, and I could see in her eyes that she loved the thought of it too.

We had a nice buzz going after we smoked some pot and drank our beers. She stood and kissed me firmly on the lips, letting out a girlish giggle and pulling my head into position. I welcomed her cock when she grabbed my head and shoved it back into my mouth.

What I didn't welcome was the force she used and the depth of her penetration. She pulled out when I began to gag again, then shoved right back in as soon as I stopped choking. She let me know who was in control as she thrusted it back and forth.

Once she determined where my gag reflex was, she pushed it right to the point where she knew my throat would begin to spasm. Over the next few minutes, she took me to the edge of what I could bear. Then she took it a step further, holding my head at her deepest penetration as I choked and squirmed to get away.

I wanted her cock, that much I knew, but I wanted it easier than the face fucking I was enduring. She finally released me and gave me a few minutes to just enjoy her, and I did my best to give her great head. After a while, she pulled her cock back from me, much to my disappointment.

She just laughed and said, "Don't worry, baby, you're not finished with it yet. You'll need a lot of practice, because I love being deep-throated, just like you do. So we will be spending a lot of time together perfecting that technique."

With that, she sat on the couch beside me, leaning back and beckoning me to lay my head on her stomach. Before I did, I grasped her thick cock and stroked it as I leaned in to kiss her. She kissed me back with a passion I could feel pulsing through her cock.

My hunger for her cock was fed by her passionate kissing, and I laid my head on her belly to let her cock slide comfortably into my mouth. Her hand caressed the side of my face, making me feel such affection for her as she held my head with her other hand.

She gently rocked her hips up and down at a slow, easy pace. It was a nice rhythm that let me roll my tongue around her head as she penetrated my mouth. I was really enjoying her cock now and took her in deeper at my own pace to experiment how far I could take her.

As I was focusing on my cock sucking, her hand drifted down my back to my ass and began teasing it. Her wet finger slipped inside me, gently rubbing my prostate as I feasted on her cock. If this wasn't heaven, it was damn close to it. I rocked back and forth against her finger fucking, willingly taking her cock further into my mouth, sucking her harder, and with more intensity.

Her cock began to swell, but I hardly noticed as my ass swayed back and forth on her finger. She started to moan, as did I, although my moans were muffled because my mouth was stuffed with her cock.

Her moans became loud and raw, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, an eruption came out of her cock into my mouth, spewing what felt like massive amounts of cum deep into my throat. I was hardly prepared for it, but I was determined to swallow it all.

I guzzled her warm juices and savored the taste as it coated my mouth and throat. I've sucked her off many dozens of times since then, but I'll never forget the first time I tasted her.

As her hips began to calm and her body relaxed, I slowly sucked her now sensitive cock and capture the rest of her cum. She let me gently suck it until she was completely soft as she tenderly stroked my face and head. She then pulled me up for a deep kiss.

"Next time," she whispered, "don't swallow it. Now that we'll be sucking each other off, it's time we start sharing our cum. You'll love passing back and forth between our mouths. It's called snowballing, and it's so intimate to do that."

She patted my ass and added, "What you just did was so sweet, my darling. I think you will give me much pleasure as we progress. It looks like you enjoyed it too?"

"Aaaagh... yeah," I mumbled like a little slut, "your cock... it's so big, and so lovely."

She laughed in a girlish tone, "It's not bad, is it? Soon I will be fucking you in the ass with it a lot, but you aren't ready for that yet. I want your first time to be as wonderful as your first time sucking cock was."

I could only look at her with a blank stare as I contemplated what she had just said. The thought of her thick cock pushing deep into my ass scared me more than a little. It wasn't just the physical implications that scared me, but also, I wondered, 'What's happening to my sexuality?'

I'd just become her cocksucker, and loved it. But now, she's telling me she plans on fucking me… a lot! Would I love getting fucked by her just as much? Was I becoming her bitch?

She seemed to be reading my mind as she took me in her arms to kiss me softly. She took my hand and lead me back into her bedroom, hugging me at the side of her bed and whispering in a way that always made me melt.

"You have taken a big step tonight, my lover. Now we can start sleeping together as lovers. As wonderful as it was tonight, there are many more wonderful things I will teach you. Don't worry, my love, I will only take you a little at a time as you become comfortable with it. Can you trust me to do that?"

'How does she always know exactly what to say?' I thought to myself.

It felt so good to crawl in bed with her that first night. How could I not trust her? The deeper I was getting into it with her, the deeper I was wanting to go. All I could do was spoon myself into her body and grab onto her cock as I whispered to her...

"I trust you, Crissy. I trust you."

Written by Jilluvscox
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