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Crissy And Me - pt. 4

"Resistance to the bra"

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Author's Notes

"This is part four of a five-part series."

I woke up the next morning with Crissy's hard cock pressing against my ass. My butt was still throbbing from last night, and my cock was also very hard. She looked so innocent and pretty as I turned over to see that she was still fast asleep.

I was already aroused thinking about the nylons I was still wearing, and I'd been playing with myself around the freshly-shaven area of my cock. I'd become infatuated with Crissy's cock, and I just had to reach down to hold it again. It felt so powerful in my hand as I remembered how I'd been such a slave to it last night.

As my fingers smoothed up and down the bony cartilage of her hard-on, Crissy started to stir. She woke up horny and happy, cutely fluttering her eyelids as she became aware of my fondling.

"Well, hello there, lover…" she purred, "and what do you think you're doing?"

"Ummm… playing with your cock?"

"So I see… I think you're starting to fall in love with it, are you not?"


"Maybe, my ass," she laughed, "I can see it all over your face that you are. And the fact that you loved getting fucked like a girl last night proves it."

"Oh God… you know I loved it."

"And you like wearing the nylons, too. Don't lie to me now."

"Well… yeah. They do make me feel different."

"They make you feel feminine, which in turn makes you feel like your ass is a pussy."

"It sounds kinda weird to say it like that... but yeah."

"It's not weird at all, baby. Discovering the female side of you is actually a beautiful thing. I went through it myself, so I should know."

"I can't deny that I liked it more than I thought I would."

"We'll be fucking lots more, babe, cuz I really liked it too. If we didn't have to go to work today, I'd fuck you again right now."

"Shit… work," I sighed.

We lay there talking for ten or fifteen minutes, but mostly it was me listening to Crissy telling me all the ways she wants to fuck me. It was starting to get late, so she showed me how to roll the nylons off my legs without messing them up before playfully grabbing me by the cock and pulling me into the bathroom

We got in the shower and immediately began to kiss. The hot water splashing against our faces intensified the experience as her hands became as hungry as mine. She played with my cock and ass at the same time, to which I turned around and wiggled my butt for her. My newly discovered 'pussy-hole' was still throbbing from last night, and I had this uncontrollable urge to be penetrated again.

I would have liked to suck her, but she didn't give me the option as she pushed my face against the shower wall and spread my legs. She ran her soapy cock along my crack as she pressed my cheeks together like a hot dog bun holding her wiener. This really gave me a thrill, and the moment I felt her fat head pressing into my hole, I pushed back… hard… until I felt the pain.

Without doing all the foreplay we did last night when we were stoned on weed, my hole was tight as hell. But she didn't seem to care as she shoved her slippery cock right through my hesitation.

"Aaaaagh!" I screamed, feeling like I was being torn apart.

Crissy grabbed my hair and yanked my head backwards, "Embrace the pain, my little bitch," she snapped. "A greater pleasure always replaces the lesser pain."

Before I could ask her to ease off, she began to fuck me hard and fast. I squealed like a little girl as she fucked me like there was no tomorrow. Then, just like she said, the pain slowly started going away, and I was filled with the most pleasant, erotic sensations I could have imagined.

As the pleasure overtook my pain, I relaxed into Crissy's arms and got into a nice rhythm with her. The warm water soothed me as she reached around and started jacking my cock. My head fell back on her shoulder, open-mouthed and gasping in the erotic mix of pleasure and pain with the hot water cascading over our bodies.

This was the kind of fantasy stuff you only read about, but there we were, actually doing it. It was exciting to be the object of her sexual aggression, and she never held back. I was feeling weak with her cock thrusting up into me so hard while her hand frantically stroked my cock.

It didn't take her long to climax. Her legs spasmed with twitching jerks as her warm cum splattered against my anal walls. I was so weak when she withdrew that I lost control of my legs and slumped to my knees.

She crouched down to embrace me, kissing my face as I knelt, dazed by the intensity of what had just happened. I staggered to my feet and went into the bedroom to lie down and catch my breath while Crissy did her makeup and got dressed for work.

When she was just about ready to go, she came over and kissed me heavily on the lips. "Thanks for the great fuck," she smiled. "You can stay here as long as you want, but I need to go to work."

I was disappointed, but I had to be on my way to work in an hour myself. Reality can suck sometimes when you've been in heaven all weekend. I don't know why I was so nervous when I asked her if I could see her again tonight.

"Of course you can, silly," she laughed, "We're so into each other now, we'll probably sleep together every night from now on."

Delighted, I raised up on my elbows as she began to kiss me again. I opened my lips to let her tongue push into my eager mouth as my head tilted back, yielding to her. I put my hand up her dress to feel her cock hardening again as she rocked her hips back and forth. Our desire was so strong that we began to lose control. Our conscious minds receded as the chemistry of our bodies took over.

She pushed her panties to her knees and lifted her dress. Before I knew it, she was on top of me with her cock between my legs and sliding against my ass. I knew what to do by now, and raised my legs as she pushed and teased at my hole, which was still sloppy from the cum she'd just pumped into me.

Each time she pushed against my tender opening, I moaned and curled my back to get her to slide into me. All of a sudden, she broke off our kiss with her cock still pushing against my ass.

"Baby, I have to go to work."

I pouted in disappointment and arched my back into her.

"Please…?" I begged. "Please put it in me."

I couldn't believe the words that were deliberately coming out of my mouth. Maybe it was the newness of it all that made me want it so bad, I didn't know. All I knew was that I was hungry for it, I wanted it, and I was also a little scared that I maybe even needed it.

"Oh… poor little baby," she mocked me, which I probably deserved.

With a predator-type grin on her face, she wrapped her hand around my throat as she slowly pushed into me. My body shuddered at the thrill of this slow, aggressive penetration. Once she was fully into me, she pulled back quickly, then re-entered me just as fast. She pumped into me three or four times before she held it deep inside me and intentionally pulsed her cock.

"I have to go, you gorgeous slut," she softly said. "Tonight, we will finish this."

With that, she pulled out, slapped my ass, and got off the bed. I could only watch with fascination and deep desire as she blew me a kiss and left for work.

I was still so horny when I returned to my apartment, I had to jack off before my hard cock would settle down enough to get dressed and head off to work myself.


When I got to my usually mundane job that morning, I felt like every nerve in my body was buzzing. I would often get bored at my job, sitting alone in my cubicle staring at numbers on a computer screen. But today, I wasn't bored at all. I was thinking about Crissy, and the workday went by in a blur.

After work, I knew Crissy was home when I arrived at our building, but I was tired and went straight to my apartment. I changed clothes, then went into the bathroom to freshen up a bit. I was staring at myself in the mirror when there was a knock on my door.

I knew it was Crissy as I excitedly went to greet her. She looked stunning dressed in tight jeans, boots, and a lacy black top that showed off her breasts. She leaped towards me and kissed me hard with her blood-red lips, leaving the flavor of the lipstick on my mouth.

"Hi there, sexy," she said with an enticing smile. "Did you have a good day?"

"A good day thinking about you," I replied. "Except that my ass has been a little sore."

"I wonder why?" she giggled. "Do you have any regrets about last night?"

"Not really," I shrugged, "except for when I was thinking about how my sexuality has now changed. I'm probably not heterosexual anymore, but I'm not gay, either. I'm not sure what I am."

"Those thoughts will haunt you from time to time," she understandably said, "but don't let it bother you. I think of myself as hetero-flexible, because I like switching back and forth between male and female. That's where you're headed with me, you know, and I think you will be happy being that way.

"So… are you hungry? You wanna go out and get something to eat before we make love again?"

There wasn't much to think about. I was tired and hungry, and neither of us had enough energy to cook.


We found a nice little restaurant on a side street, and the hostess showed us to a cozy, secluded booth near the back. As we followed our hostess, Crissy's hand found my ass and I got the biggest thrill when she grabbed my left cheek, right there in public. When we sat down she planted a hot, wet kiss on my lips and nibbled on my ear.

"I've been thinking about you all day," she whispered, "I can't wait until my cock is deep inside you and you are moaning with pleasure, my little slut."

I felt so aroused, but in a different way. My cock wasn't hard, but I was still so turned on. My lips were trembling as I leaned towards her to return her kiss, but was interrupted when the waitress came to take our orders.

She brought us a bottle of wine while we waited for our food. As we drank a glass or two, Crissy filled my ears with dirty talk and teased me about how much I loved the ass fucking she had given me. At first, I was shy, and a little embarrassed to talk about it.

But after a glass of wine, I got really relaxed and started talking dirty back to her. I openly admitted how much I had enjoyed it, and how it had changed my thinking in such a short time. I confided in her about how I'd looked at the guys at work today, and fantasized about sucking their dicks. We both laughed about it, and she told me she'd done the exact same thing when she was first discovering her female sexuality.

It was reassuring to hear her talk about it so nonchalantly, like fantasizing about cock was a normal, everyday kind of thing. She told me not to suppress those thoughts, but to have fun with them, because it's a normal part of becoming her bitch. I cringed at first when she kept referring to me as her bitch, but the more she said it, the less it bothered me.

"Are you ready to go?" she asked as she gave my cock a squeeze under the table, "I have a surprise waiting for you."

"What kind of surprise?"

"Something I bought for my little bitch. Something to wear. Something you'll like."


The short walk back to her apartment was both exciting and erotic. Her hand was on my ass the entire time as she filled my head with more dirty talk about me being her bitch, and how she was going to fuck my mouth and ass. Needless to say, by the time we got back to her apartment, I was horny as hell and ready to be that little bitch.

As soon as we got inside, she pressed me up against the wall. She grinned and began to kiss me, soft and tender at first, then with more aggression. It was incredible to have someone as hot as her being so totally into me.

After a few minutes, she broke off the kissing and grabbed a sack off the kitchen table. I could see from the printed logo that it was from a ladies' apparel store.

"This is a present from me, my darling," Crissy said in the sweetest voice. "I will be giving you more presents like this as our relationship progresses."

I blushed when I looked inside to see a set of powder-blue nylons, panties, and bra.

"Oh my God, Crissy," I said with astonishment, "you want me to actually wear this stuff?"

"Yes, baby," she confidently said, "I want you to get used to wearing lingerie around me. You're sexy as fuck, you know, or maybe you don't know. Dressing like this will help you feel as hot as you actually are.

"And remember, you're only dressing for me. No one else will ever know what we do in private. Pretend like I'm your husband, because I kinda am now. You're my sub, and you want to please me. Isn't that right?"

"I guess so," I answered, a bit bewildered. "I know I want your cock again."

"Of course you do, you gorgeous little slut. Now go in the bedroom and put these on for me. If you have trouble with the bra, I'll help you figure it out."

"Do I really have to do the bra?"

"Well, you don't… have to… but you know my terms. Do everything I say before I'll let you fuck me again."

I looked at her with pouty lips, hoping to change her mind. But she made it clear that just like shaving my cock, dressing in lingerie was not a request, it was a requirement.

I reluctantly went into the bedroom to change into the lingerie. I was feeling a little weird about this as I stripped naked. Then I opened the nylons and felt the fabric on my skin. It felt so exotic to roll them up my hairless legs, and the panties also gave me a thrill. I loved the way they hugged my cock, with the elastic bikini edges making my ass feel just right.

I pranced around a little bit as I allowed myself to get into this new feeling. I'd worn nylons last night, but I was more focused on getting fucked than how the nylons felt. Right now, I was focused entirely on the sensuous way I felt from the waist down. I was starting to like this.

The bra was a different challenge altogether. Not only was I reluctant to wear it, but I couldn't figure out how to put the damn thing on. I got the straps over my shoulders ok, but I couldn't reach around behind me far enough to attach the complicated hooks. I finally gave up and went to ask Crissy for help.

"Ooooo…. You look good in baby blue," Crissy said as I came out of the bedroom. "How do those cute panties and nylons feel?"

"They feel alright," I said with little enthusiasm, "but I can't figure out this fuckin' bra. The straps already feel weird on me and I don't like it at all."

"You've never worn a bra before, so it's bound to feel weird until you get used to it. You're gonna wear one until you like having it on. Those are the terms you agreed to.

"Here, let me show you the right way to put it on."

She showed me how to do the hooks in front, before turning it around, and then pulling the straps over my shoulders. It was quite easy once she showed me, but how could a man know these things?

"This is a training bra," she told me, "that's why the cups are so small. Later on, when you get comfortable wearing a bra, I'll get you some with bigger cups and fake titties."

"Fuck, Crissy," I cringed, "do we have to go this far with the girl stuff?"

"You'll love it, baby. I know it's more than you expected, but just trust me. Right now, I'm the Dom, and you're my sub. So get used to it, bitch.

"And besides, you look so pretty in lingerie," she said as she swooped me into her arms.

I think she knew the humiliation I was feeling from wearing a bra for the first time. That's probably why she started kissing me before I could complain about it anymore. She soon had me drifting off to a beautiful place, where the only things that mattered were her tongue whirling around inside my mouth and her big hard cock pressing against me.

I have no idea how long it was before she broke the kiss, but I was wide-eyed and horny. My ass was gently throbbing and wanted to be filled. She gave me that predator-looking grin as her hand delved inside my panties and worked its way to my ass. Her finger quickly found its target, and I was suddenly hungry for penetration.

I moaned into her mouth, overcome with a feminine-type lust as her finger curled its way inside me. She kept kissing me and teasing my ass to a point where she knew I couldn't stand it. She knew she had me where she wanted when I wrapped my right leg around her to give her more access. She pushed a second finger into me as she engulfed my ear and got it all wet with her sloppy tongue.

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Then, with long, drawn-out words, she seductively whispered, "Can you feel how hot you are? You horny little slut… do you know why you're feeling this way? Can you feel what the lingerie does to you? Panties and bras turn you on, my little bitch. Soon you will want to wear a bra every day. Soon you will be wanting to only wear panties."

I looked at her in surprise, speechless at what I'd just been told. Her fingers curled inside me, eliciting a deep moan as my head fell back. Her mouth attached to my neck, biting and sucking as her fingers continued to curl and uncurl inside me.

"Oh, God…" I stammered as waves of pleasure rippled through me. "You wanna take me to bed?"

"So soon, baby…?" she giggled, sensing the fire burning inside me. "Are you that horny already…? Does that bra not make you feel like a sinful little slut?"

I looked at her curiously for a moment before I realized what I said to get her to say that. For sure I was feeling hotter than fuck, but I wouldn't say the bra was making me want to go to bed right then and there. She just kept giggling at me. By this time, she knew exactly how to control me.

"You're a horny little bitch," she said in a giggly voice. "A horny little sex pot."

She wiggled her two fingers in my ass, slowly withdrawing them as she smiled devilishly. Then, in a gesture of raw, sexual obscenity, she sucked them, one at a time, deeply into her mouth.

"I love your taste, baby," she said as she smacked her lips, "it's so divine."

I stood there speechless as she then fed her fingers into my mouth. Overwhelmed with passion, I eagerly accepted my taste, mixed with her saliva. She pressed her mouth aggressively into mine as her thumbs rotated around my nipples. I'd never thought of my nipples as a nerve center, but I had to admit, it felt kinda cool.

"Girl tits," she whispered in my ear.

"Your bra gives you girl tits," she said as she lightly pinched them.

She turned me around, pinching both nipples from behind as she pressed her hard cock against my ass.

"Girl tits," she said again as she dry-humped me.

Not only was she pinching my nipples now, but she was pulling on them too. She kept dry-humping me hard from behind, causing me to take a step forward each time. It wasn't long before she humped me into her bedroom, all the way to her bed

"Lie on the bed for me, darling," she whispered as she shoved me backward onto the mattress.

I watched as she did a little strip tease for me, swaying from side to side in a mesmerizing fashion as she slowly undressed down to her panties and bra. She opened the drawer to her nightstand and pulled out a big joint. With a tantalizing grin, she lit it up and jumped on the bed, straddling my hips with her weight resting on my cock.

Reaching behind, she unclasped her bra as her legs squeezed tighter around my hips. Her cock was hard as iron and peeking above the waistline of her panties, a droplet of pre-cum glistening on the tip. I reached out and touched the head of her cock, my fingertips lightly caressing around her slit and lubricating her swollen head with her wetness. She raised her hips and arched her back, exposing more of her cock as she took a big toke off the joint.

"I want you," I whispered.

She smiled a beautiful smile and leaned forward, kissing me deeply as the smoke passed from her lungs into mine. I loved the intimacy of getting stoned like this, sharing the same smoke, and having the same dirty, sexy thoughts. She fed me hit after hit as I became more and more submissive.

I was fuckin' loaded when she unhooked my bra and bit my nipples through the fabric as her fingers slid up and down my hard cock through the fabric of my tight-fitting panties. I couldn't believe how sensuous the panties and bra me feel.

"Show me your tits, baby," she playfully teased.

I thought it was a strange request, considering she'd seen me shirtless countless times. But I was stoned as hell and her hand was doing fabulous things to my cock, so I decided to play along with her giggly little game.

"I don't know if I can go that far with you," I playfully said in jest, "After all… we hardly know each other. I mean, you've only fucked me twice," I laughed, "and I've only fucked you once."

"If you let me kiss your titties," she sprightly said, "I might… just… go… all the way with you again."

"Gee…" I giggled, "how can a girl pass up an offer like that?"

I can hardly describe what went thru my mind the next half-hour. We were both really stoned, and Crissy had been playing with my cock through my awesome-feeling panties to the point where they were getting damp with pre-cum. Our playful game abruptly ended when she let her bra fall from her shoulders and pressed her gorgeous breasts in my face.

"Suck my nipples, baby," she said, "then I'll suck yours."

I didn't care about her sucking my flat boy tits, as long as I could suck hers. Those big fat nipples were always a joy to suck. It didn't take much on my part to fill my mouth with her supple areolas as she alternated back and forth, serving up each of her boobs to me several times before she got up off the bed.

She went to the nightstand again and I thought she was going to pull out another joint. Instead, she pulled out two sets of silver clamps attached by a silver, necklace-type chain. I wasn't sure what they were until I saw her attaching a clamp onto each of her nipples. She gave the chain a little tug as she got back on the bed and dangled the other pair of clamps in my face.

She took my left nipple in her mouth, lightly nibbling and slurping on it before squeezing it between her thumb and forefinger and attaching a clamp. I cringed at the first painful sensation but didn't dare cry out as Crissy sucked my right nipple into her mouth, getting it all aroused and hard before clamping it like the other one.

"You like?" she smiled a devilish grin as I winced in an erotic sort of pain.

"I'm not sure."

"Remember how the pain in the shower this morning turned into pleasure?"

"Mmmm, yeah, that was nice."

"This is the same thing, only with tits. Girl tits, baby, imagine you have girl tits."

There was no way I could imagine having 'girl tits' with those silver jaws painfully pinching me. They stung like hell, and I was about to rip them off when Crissy showed me a bottle of oil she'd also gotten from the nightstand drawer. I watched as she put a few drops on her fingertips and rubbed it into my nipples.

I don't know what it was, but I suddenly felt a burning sensation, almost like Ben-Gay ointment, an inch or so around my nipples. I quickly forgot about the nipple clamps as everything focused on my burning tits.

"Fuck…!" I squirmed, "What is that shit?"

"Just a warming oil, baby. It'll make your titties feel warm and sensuous."

"Warm and sensuous my ass! This shit burns like hell!"

"Your cock feels so good on my ass, baby," she teased. "Would you like to fuck me again?"

"Are you kidding?" I said with excitement. "Get those panties off, and I'll fuck your ass good!"

"Well, I said it was up to you when you'd get inside my ass again, but you're being a stubborn bitch, so it won't be tonight."

"What do you mean…? Stubborn…?"

"Stubborn about wearing a bra. And bitching about the warming oil."

"I'm wearing the damn bra, aren't I?"

"Only after I made you, and you're still bitching about it."

She then started running her thumbs in little circles around my burning nipples. "You won't know your full female self until you know your tits. The sooner you stop bitching about it and get into what I'm doing, the sooner you'll get to fuck me again."

"But I have guy tits," I scowled, "not girl tits."

"Guy tits can be almost as sensitive as girl tits. It's all a matter of how you think about them. We grew up as boys, so we weren't conditioned to think about our tits like girls were. You have to train them like I did. The clamps are toys to help you get there. You'll come to love them once you know what they can do.

"Now close your eyes and relax, my baby girl. My pretty, baby girl in puberty. Baby girl's growing her titties. Relax and let me do my thing. Feel your titties, baby. Feel them with your mind. Feel 'em grow."

I have to say, I thought this was pretty stupid, thinking about having tits when I don't, and never will. Pretending I had a beautiful set of jugs like Crissy's…? Simply out of the question, I thought. I stubbornly closed my eyes and lay there, in the darkness of my resistance, with her sitting on my cock, which had gone soft by this time.

Crissy let out a sexy little giggle as I did as she asked. She removed her panties and was now on her hands and knees, above me in a sixty-nine position with her beautifully erect cock inches above my face. I reached up and gripped her ass, pulling her cock towards me. Licking the tip at first, the slightly salty taste of Crissy's pre-cum delighted my tongue as I circled the head of her cock. She gently, but firmly, thrust herself down and forward, forcing her cock down into my throat.

Crissy pulled my panties off and started expertly sucking my cock. Taking it all down and slowly rising up, she then looped the head with her tongue and went back down. I felt my hole loosen slightly as her finger probed me, gently pressing until her finger slipped inside my warm ass.

My muscles gripped her finger as her thumb massaged that spot between my balls and ass, which was now pulsing in anticipation. She prodded and probed while she sucked me. The feeling was quite exquisite, and I soon forgot all about the clamps on my tits. The warming oil was no longer burning, but warming me and making my nipples feel oh, so good.

"Get ready, baby," I moaned as I felt my balls tightening. "I'm about to cum!'

To my complete frustration, Crissy stopped sucking. She took her mouth off my cock, leaving her finger in my ass as she moved her face in front of mine. She had me right on the edge and stopped just as my cock was ready to burst.

"What are you doing?" I asked out loud.

She laughed a seductive laugh, a look of mischief on her face. "Teasing you," she simply said.

Taking her finger out of my ass, she took my cock in her hand and gave me a peck on the lips. "Do you like it now that you've stopped being a whiny little cunt?"

"I like it a lot," I said as my fingers traced around my nipples. "My tits aren't burning anymore. They actually feel sensitive, like you were talking about."

"Little slut," she said softly, but very seriously, "why do you doubt me sometimes? Haven't I told you enough times? I've already traveled this road I'm taking you on. Do you want me to stop teaching you? Is this too much for you to take?"

"No, don't stop," I whined, "I love this. I'm sorry I bitched about the bra. I'll wear one every day if you want. I just want you to make me cum. Please, I'm about ready to explode!"

"Don't worry about cumming, honey," she said as she gave my cock a hard squeeze. "I'll make you cum, but not until I say."

My feet were flat on the bed, with my knees bent and legs quite wide apart. Crissy knelt between my legs, took my very hard cock in her hand, and pulled it all the way back toward her until it started to hurt. Then she let it go and giggled as it thwacked against my stomach, still giggling cuz she knew she was making me so horny.

Then she took it in her mouth, very slow and deliberate-like, with her tongue moving ever so slowly around my shaft. It was agonizing, but amazing at the same time. This slow, tortured blowjob went on for about fifteen minutes as I wiggled and squirmed. Every time I'd raise my hips to force my cock deeper, she'd push me back down.

She was clearly in control, so I had to be content with tweaking my nipples and rubbing my breasts while she worked wonders on my cock. That's when I realized I was actually playing with my tits. The pain from the clamps had gone mostly away, leaving my nipples almost numb and pleasantly throbbing. I pulled on them with the chain, and it felt quite erotic. I decided right then and there, I won't question whatever Crissy has me do from now on.

She stopped sucking and got the lube from the nightstand. I was so ready to be fucked as I brought my legs up and held them in place with my hands. My ass was fully exposed to Crissy, and holy fuck, did I want her inside me. She squirted a dollop of lube onto her index and middle fingers and poured a significant amount over my asshole.

I took a deep breath as Crissy's fingers glided inside. My body spasmed and my cock was involuntarily jerking as I closed my eyes and let out a deep, pleasurable sigh. Crissy laughed and brought her face up to mine to softly kiss me. While we kissed, her fingers wiggled inside my ass, directly on my prostate.

"Jeeeeezuuuuus," I cried out as she began to massage my spot.

Fuck me…! This was so fucking intense. A deep, deep pleasure was building in my entire lower body. My legs were involuntarily twitching and my breath was coming in short gasps. I looked down at my cock and saw a puddle of pre-cum forming on my stomach. She pressed the tip of her cock against my hole and pushed forward.

"Fuck me, and fuck me deep," I moaned.

Her cock entered my ass and Crissy moaned as my hole clamped around her. She was about halfway in when she pushed against my prostate. It felt so swollen from her finger fucking that her cock practically collided with it.

I let out a low, long, "Unnnnggggghhhh."

"Ooooo… did I hit your spot, sweetie…?" she giggled. "Not sorry!"

She pulled back until her cock was almost out of me, and then shoved it back in with force. Each time she thrust, her cock rubbed against my prostate and my cock bucked. I'd never felt pleasure of this dizzying intensity, and it was fucking unbelievable. My cock was leaking pre-cum at an incredible rate. Crissy rubbed her fingers in it and brought her fingers to my mouth.

"How do your tits feel, baby?" she asked as I licked my pre-cum off her fingers.

"Girl tits," I gasped, "I have girl tits."

"These are the pleasures only girls who feel their tits can have," she said as she lightly tugged on the chain. "Welcome to heaven, sweetheart."

She quickened her pace, fucking me hard and deep. I wrapped my legs around her waist and clawed at her sweaty back. I was getting close to losing control.

I put my feet flat on the bed and lifted my ass, which changed the angle of Crissy's cock to where she was pounding almost directly into my prostate. My ass violently quivered to Crissy's relentless fucking. My cock slapped against my stomach as it bounced up and down.

"I think I'm going to cum!"

"Is my baby girl going to cum without touching herself?" Crissy giggled, increasing the pace.

"Yessss…! Ahhh...! Ahhh!"

"Don't hold back baby, let it go!"

She yanked my nipple chain and kept it taught. I barely noticed the pain as the deep pleasure in my ass kept building and building. Every thrust of her cock pushed directly into my prostate. My hands clawed at her back as my ass clenched around Crissy's thrusting cock. I swear I could feel every vein and ridge.

"Holy… Fucking… Shiiiiit!" I screamed.

My ass tightened its hold around Crissy as my orgasm was imminent.

"That's it, honey. Let it go. Cum with me!"

My cock was no longer bouncing up and down, but rigid and solid like a pole. My eyes were screwed shut and my mouth was open wide in a silent scream of utter bliss. Crissy's cock was pulsing heavily with my ass continuing its unrelenting grip. She was as close to cumming as I was.

My ass began to spasm, clenching Crissy's cock as she shot powerful loads into me like a fucking cannon. With my body convulsing wildly, I utterly lost control, screaming my lover's name as I spewed cum all over my stomach.

My cock danced orgasmically with Crissy twitching and pulsing inside me. She finally collapsed on top of me with her cock still deep in my ass. As she slowly went soft, my ass occasionally spasmed as we kissed in the afterglow.

It was the sweetest feeling I'd ever known. My tits felt like they were glowing, and I knew that I'd found my female side. Never again would I ever resist wearing a bra.

Written by Jilluvscox
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