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Author's Notes

"By her own choice, Marta, a brilliant quantum physicist, is the sex slave of James. But James has given her a present: An afternoon when she can be the dominant. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Now Marta is taking full advantage of that by introducing a teenage friend for a threesome!"

“Sir, would you please come over and stand by me?”

Marta was wearing a very sexy, almost diaphanous, black teddy that covered nothing, but set off her black leather dog collar.

I wasn’t wearing anything as I walked over to where she was standing.

The door swung open, and I was shocked to see a very tall, slim-figured, naked woman with lustrous, long, brunette hair hanging down her back. She was well over six feet tall, and towered over Marta. Who the hell was she? And what was she doing here?

Yet, she looked familiar. Where had I seen her before?

Then suddenly I knew: it was the too-tall, seventeen-year-old teenager, Sammi, I think her name was, who had helped Marta dress for supper on Saturday.

Sammi walked over, knelt down before me and said, “Sir, Marta has invited me to be her slave. And as she is your slave, she has commanded me to offer myself to you for whatever your pleasure may be.”

She looked up at me with big, shining eyes, and smiled eagerly. “I will do anything you want, Master. Anything at all.”

Then she leaned forward, and took my cock deeply into her throat, eyes twinkling. Marta walked over, placed her hand on Sammi’s head, smoothed her hand over the girl's hair, and gave me a smug, self-satisfied smile.

"Well, my Lord? What's your pleasure?"

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Inviting this oversized girl into our bedroom play was something I hadn’t even vaguely imagined. We’d talked about the possibility, sure, but I had told Marta not to do anything about it yet, that I needed to think it over.

But I did promise her I would do anything she wanted this afternoon, and I would not break my promise to her, even if it made me uncomfortable.

And the truth was, this beautiful girl…I had trouble thinking of her as a woman…was extremely good at sucking cock. Apparently, she’d had a lot of practice. But I had to, at least conceptually, step back and take some control over things.

“Young lady, would you please take my cock out of your mouth. We haven’t been properly introduced as yet.” Reluctantly, she did so, although she let a line of pre-cum and saliva trail from her mouth to my cock. Then she slurped the trail back into her mouth, and winked at me.

I looked at Marta, sighed, and said, “I’m not sure I can keep up with you, Marta. And now you want me to keep up with this little girl, too? What do you think I am, some kind of superman?”

Marta solemnly nodded, “Sir, yes I do.” But her eyes were twinkling, and I was starting to feel as if she needed a good spanking. Which she would probably enjoy, negating the purpose.

I have had threesomes, before, in my movie starlet phase, but this was a novel situation, even for me, because of the emotional attachments involved, and the unlikely nature of the cast.

In this threesome, though, in place of the usual experienced women and men, there was me, such as I am. Then there was Marta, who is not especially experienced, and, if I understand her rightly, has never had a woman before. And then there was this…teenager, who seemed to be quite experienced, bisexual, and eager to expand her horizons. I shook my head.

But, there was nothing for it. I gave Marta this afternoon as mistress until six p.m., so I have to go along with it. And, grinning to myself and glancing at the teenager, I’ll probably manage to enjoy it somehow.

“Okay, you two, if we’re going to do a threesome, we’re going to do it properly.”

I turned and looked up at Sammi. “Young lady, are you sure you want to be a submissive? You don’t strike me as being so by nature.”

She grinned at me, and said, “I’ll be whatever you and Marta want if I can be involved in your BDSM play, especially as you two seem to have something really fun going here. So, yes, I will be Missy’s slave.”

“Who’s Missy?” I asked.

“That’s what I’ve told her to call me, Sir,” Marta said.

“Okay, then Sammi, you will obey Missy’s commands, even when you don’t want to. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.”

Marta turned to Sammi and said, “Interestingly enough, you will learn an awful lot about yourself, Sammi, things you never suspected.”

I snorted. “Yes, that’s all very intellectual, but can we please get our minds back into the gutter?”

Marta smiled at me, then cast her eyes down, “As you wish, my Lord.”

“First, Sammi: sit down. I’m not going to strain my neck talking up to you. You must be four inches taller than I am.” She sat on the bed and looked up at me.

“Now, you are not to touch yourself without Missy’s explicit instructions, understand?”

She looked less thrilled about that. “What, you mean I can’t masturbate?”

“More than that. You will not touch your tits, you will not stroke any part of your pubic area, and you will particularly not touch your clit unless you get explicit permission from Missy.”

Then I leaned in and spoke more softly, “I also mean you are not to wash your cunt unless she gives you permission.”

Now she looked shocked. “But…I have a very strong body odor, especially from my cunt. If I don’t wash, my classmates will…”

I interrupted her. “I did not ask you if it was convenient, and I did not ask if it was embarrassing. I am telling you that if you want to play at being a submissive, you will have to be one. Do I make myself clear?”

She blushed, the first time I had seen that on her, dropped her eyes and said, “Yes, Sir.” Then she looked up. “But I’m Missy’s slave, not yours. Sir.”

I smiled to myself, but not at her, then turned to Marta and said, “Marta?”

She was stifling a smile as well, and said to Sammi, “You will do as Sir says. Understand?”

“But…” She stopped. “This is going to be really hard.” She sighed. “But yes, ma’am. I understand.”

“And one more thing. When you go to school tomorrow, you will wear a short skirt – and no panties.”

Her eyes flashed up at me, “I can’t do that…”

I leaned forward, invading her personal space. She stopped. “You can’t do that?” I said.

Then I straightened up. “Okay, here’s the way it’s going to be. You can be involved with us, but only so long as you obey whatever orders we give you. You are completely free to opt out at any time you want, but the first time you disobey an order, you are out. Understand?”

She dropped her eyes, and thought for a time, then said, much more quietly than before. “I understand.” Then she sighed deeply. “I accept.” She thought for a few more moments, then said, “May I ask a question?”


“Why am I suddenly so wet?”

I straightened up again, and smiled. “Perhaps you might actually be a submissive after all. Shall we find out?”

She looked up again, much more eagerly this time, “Yes, please!”

She dropped her eyes, “I mean, if it pleases you, Sir, I would love that.”

I looked over at Marta, and said, “This is your afternoon, Marta. What is your will?”

She dimpled at me, and said, “I would like to fuck you as much as possible this afternoon, my Lord. Or rather, be fucked by you!”

She glanced at the young woman. “Plus, I owe Sammi for her help with my dress as well as her moral support yesterday, and she’s told me that she very much wants to be involved with us. So, I guess I would like to try a three-way with her – as long as I get you inside me. Sir.”

I wiped my face with my hand. “Okay, you ladies have backed me into a corner. I guess I’m going to have to suffer having sex with two, beautiful, intelligent women, whether I like it or not.” And grinned.

“So, let’s get started. I want you and Sammi to start making out with each other. Let Sammi lead, since she seems to have experience in having sex with women.” I cocked an eyebrow at her, and she nodded enthusiastically.

“You’ll love it Marta! I mean, Missy. Sorry!”

She sat up on the bed, and turned to Marta, “May I please lead, Missy? Or would you like to?”

Marta suddenly looked less intellectual, and far more scared, then swallowed hard. “Uh, would you please lead, Sammi?”

“Then come here.” And Sammi patted the bed next to her.

Marta hesitantly moved over and sat down next to Sammi with her hands in her lap, looking down.

“Don’t worry, Missy. I won’t bite.” Then she caught Marta’s eye and giggled, “Unless you want me to…”

She put her arms around Marta, and drew her in, then leaned forward and kissed her very gently, not aggressively at all, as I thought she might. Marta was very nervous, and sort of pecked back, but as Sammi moved in, Marta was pushed back, and finally, hesitantly, kissed her in return. After a bit, she reached up and put her arms akwardly around Sammi’s neck.

Once Marta was actually kissing her, I saw Sammi’s cheek move, and knew she was offering her tongue to Marta. At first, again, Marta seemed uncertain, and kept her lips closed, then relented, and opened her mouth.

Sammi gently extended her tongue into Marta’s mouth, and the two women kept the kiss going for a long time. Suddenly it struck me that women like kissing, probably more than men, and that I had missed the importance of this in my own relationships.


Here I was, a supposed man of the world, learning about love from a teenage girl a little more than half my age!

By now, Marta was beginning to relax, and seemed to be enjoying the kiss as it stretched. Finally, Sammi broke, then put her hands on Marta’s head, tipping it forward. She kissed her eye lids, her forehead, then tilted her head to the side and kissed around Marta’s left ear, and slowly progressed down her neck. Marta, knowingly or not, stretched her neck long, and tilted her head back, parted her lips, sighing.

Sammi started to stroke Marta’s hair, then looked her straight in the eyes and softly said, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Are you a fashion model of some kind?”

Marta snorted – as did I. “No. absolutely not.”

“Well, whatever you do, it’s a waste of time. People should pay just to look at you.” And she tipped her head forward again and started another kiss, this one more rugged. And this time, Marta seemed more eager to join in.

Soon, the two women were kissing with a much greater urgency, and I could feel my cock getting painfully hard. But I was biding my time, for experience had taught me that a woman can usually excite another, receptive, woman much better than a man can. They know female anatomy better, they’re more patient, they have a longer fuse, plus they have greater staying power. So, it made much more sense for me to sit back and watch than to jump in at this point.

I actually went and got a chair from across the room so I could sit and enjoy the show. If there’s a sexier form of entertainment for a straight guy than two beautiful women making out while he watches, I cannot imagine what it might be.

Now Sammi was firmly taking control. She broke from the kiss, undid Marta’s teddy at the back, then slowly and sensuously wiped it off her shoulders, taking her time, and caressing Marta’s shoulders and upper back as she slid her hands down the sides of Marta’s arms. She let the front of the teddy fall to Marta’s waist, unveiling her stunning tits, admiring them for a couple of seconds, then leaned in and slowly kissed and licked around them, avoiding the nipples.

Marta moaned quietly, and leaned back, running her hands over Sammi’s hair as Sammi licked her way around Marta’s breasts.  Simultaneously, Sammi started running her hands around Marta’s shoulders, then tracing lines inside her arms, lightly tickling the inside of her elbows, then tracing lines along her sides, then back up again.

When Sammi finally moved on Marta’s nipples, Marta shivered slightly and pulled Sammi’s head towards her. After she had been licking, then sucking the nipples for a while, Marta’s pelvis started to move back and forth, as if she was grinding herself into the bed, and her legs started to open.

Sammi broke, pushed Marta slightly away from her, then lifted her, and slid the teddy down Marta’s legs, and let it pool at her feet, but did not remove it.

I was truly impressed by the technique of this seventeen-year old, and decided I had to revise my estimate of her as a kid. She was clearly an experienced, and very sexy, woman. But I wasn’t going to tell her that until much later…


I had no idea that making out with a woman could be as sexy as this. There had been women who had made what I guess were passes at me, most recently Francine in the Chemistry department, but since I was convinced I was straight, I had never responded to them. And my college roommate, Kelly, was as horny a straight girl as I had ever met, and we had never even discussed experimenting together. She would have been, perhaps, the only woman I would have been open to.

But Sammi was a real eye-opener. Or perhaps I should say, leg opener as I found my knees moving apart, seemingly of their own volition. And I found I was getting very wet, very quickly. As I’m sure James would know. I’m quite certain she could smell me by this time. I’m certain he could.

When Sammi started on me, she knew I was a gay virgin, and so took things very slowly. But by now, she could read the signs and started moving things along.

After pushing my teddy down to my ankles, she started lightly running her fingers down my abdomen, around my belly-button, and over the tops of my thighs. I spread my thighs wider, invitingly. Whereas James would have used this as an opportunity to edge me, Sammi took the invitation, and ran her fingers down between my labia, parting both the inner and outer lips, then tracing a finger lightly between them down to my perineum, then up into my cunt.

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Then she applied a little more pressure, dragging her finger back upwards along my slit, and finally to my eagerly waiting clit. When she got there, she massaged it gently, and I heard myself moan, and found myself surprised. My body was responding very quickly to her ministrations.

She lifted me, almost bodily, onto the bed. The teddy slipped onto one foot, and I flipped it away, leaving me naked except for my dog collar, and in the arms of this girl about half my age. She was completely in control, and I opened myself to her, lying on my back, and spreading my legs.

James leaned forward, smiling at me, then whispered something in Sammi’s ear. She nodded, and smiled back at him. But when she started kissing her way down my body, then in between my legs, I moaned and rolled slightly towards her, opening my legs to her eager mouth.

She moved around, and knelt between my legs. I rolled my hips up towards her, raised my knees, spreading my legs further apart, and she began to lap the flat of her tongue, first around my cunt, and then directly on my slit, and up and around my clit.

I felt my back arch, and knew my cunt was flooded and hot, and that I was probably dripping. Sammi moved again, stretching out parallel to me, head towards my knees, resting her head on my right, inner thigh, then pulled my far hip towards her, and began to lick and lap at me with a will.

I could feel my back arch and louder moans escape my lips, but not by my choice. I was no longer in control of what I was doing, and it felt wonderful.

After spending time tracing around my mound and thighs with her left hand while lapping at my cunt, Sammi lifted herself up, and moved over top of me, turning me so I was again flat on my back, with her mouth over my cunt, and her cunt hovering over my mouth. She was leaning on her elbows, holding her weight off me, with one hand on the right side of my body. She continued to lick and suck my pussy lips, slit, and clit, while working two fingers of her right hand into my cunt.

I reached up with my right hand, placed it in the small of her back, and pulled her down on top of me, then, very tentatively, started to explore Sammi’s pussy with my lips.

I was surprised by how long and wide her lips were, and how puffy and pink they were. I had never seen another woman’s pussy up close, and was somewhat shocked at how different it looked from mine. And her aroma was very different from mine – but I found it remarkably exciting!

I breathed in heavily, and started to lick, trying to imitate what she was doing to me, having no experience of my own. I heard her moan, and licked harder.

I found myself becoming incredibly aroused, far more than I imagined when I started.

Then I felt the edge of the bed depress, and was startled to see James moving up onto the bed. He gently rolled us both over, stroking us both as he did, so that Sammi was now on the bottom, and I was on top. He gently spread my legs far enough apart that he could kneel between them, being careful to avoid Sammi’s head.

I found myself suddenly nervous – and even more excited, so that I started trembling uncontrollably. Then I felt the tip of his cock rubbing up and down my slit, even as Sammi continued to lick and love me, while massaging my clit with her tongue.

Now Sammi started to lick James’ cock whenever it came close enough. He would rub his cock down my slit, then pause, and she would lick the pre-cum and my juices off the tip, then he would rub it up my slit again.

After a few minutes of this, I started moaning more loudly, and licking Sammi’s cunt harder, only to hear her moaning harder in response.

Then, incredibly, it became even more intense as Sir entered me in one, long thrust, pushing himself as far into me as he could. I felt my vagina open to him, welcoming him home, and I arched my back and felt myself beginning to approach a climax.

“Please, Sir,” I turned my head and whispered behind me, “May I cum?”

“Yes, slave. Cum.”

I moaned loudly onto Sammi’s cunt as he started to withdraw ever so slowly, achingly slowly, then thrusting in again, this time more quickly.

Sammi started licking my cunt around Sir’s cock, spreading my lips wider with her tongue, then letting her tongue drag along the bottom of his cock as it pulled out of me. Then, as he pushed back into me, she flicked my clit back and forth with the tip of her tongue, so that she was teasing me. She would work on my clit when he was entering me, then leave it wanting when he was leaving.

And when the image of what this must look like crossed my mind, I came suddenly, like flipping a switch, and I came hard. I pulled my mouth off of Sammi’s cunt and cried out, arching my back and stretching my arms up along the bed over my head. Sammi pulled me back onto her cunt, and I urgently started licking and sucking it, without regard to whether it was hurting her or not.

Then she came hard, screaming far more loudly than I did, and laughing, and pushing her stomach up into mine as she arched her back. And she came for a long time.

And shortly after that, Sir came. I felt his cock pulsing inside me, and his cum fill me up as he forced himself as far into me as he could, using his knees to drive forward, and letting his weight fall mostly on me while he uttered a series of loud, deep-throated moans from far within himself.

When he was done, he lifted himself up onto his hands to take his weight off of us, and kissed my back. Then he withdrew, slowly, from me, rolling on his back on my right side. I could feel Sammi’s tongue, licking along his length as it withdrew from my cunt.

When he was fully withdrawn, Sammi started licking my cunt again, lapping up James’ cum, and spreading it around my pussy lips, my slit, and most of all my clit.

At first, I thought to tell her to stop, but as she continued, I found my body responding urgently yet again. I started shaking hard. And when my second orgasm crested, I went rigid, arching my back, my mouth open wide, but soundlessly, unable to even draw a breath.

Finally, I collapsed, and sucked breath in, gasping, and panting, then hanging my head.

Sammi stopped, but ran her hands lightly along my sides, then said, “WOW! That was totally worth it!”

She turned her head toward James, and said, “Sir, I am, like, totally your slave and slut if I can have this!”

And she giggled.

That started me giggling, so I rolled off of her into the space James made for me between them. I lay on my back, and started laughing, grasping onto James’s wrist with one hand, on one side of me, and Sammi’s on the other.

Soon, all three of us were laughing uncontrollably, one of those memorable, laugh-until-you-ache, belly laughs that you remember for the rest of your life.

Finally, we ran down, and lay still, James and I with heads towards one end of the bed, and Sammi the other. I felt far more comfortable with the idea of loving a woman now, and enormously tender towards Sammi, whom I had liked from the start.

I moved my body around so I was head-to-head with Sammi, and hugged and caressed her. She turned towards me and hugged back. I felt the bed move, the covers flipped over us, then Sir snuggled up behind me, putting his arm over both of us. And after sighs, some kisses, and some whispered praise and endearments, we cuddled and stroked each other, and just floated on the intense glow of our feelings.

Eventually, Sammi lifted her head and said, “Sir, my I have your cock now? Please?” She was nothing if not direct, our Sammi!

James looked over at her, and said, “Not until after six. This is Marta’s afternoon.” And he looked at me, arching an eyebrow in question.

I was feeling so languid, and so good after what we had just experienced, but thought for a minute. “I’ll make you an offer, Sammi.”

“Good! What?”

“You can ride Sir, cowgirl style, while he eats me…”

“Okay, great!”

“…provided you don’t cum.”

“What? That’s not fair!”

James gave her his death stare, and she piped down.

“Or we can switch positions, with Sir inside me, and eating you, but that way you get to cum. Which will it be?”

She frowned, then brightened and said, “Can I have him after six o’clock if we do the second position?”

“That, my little slut, will be up to Sir, won’t it? But first, you need to choose.”

She looked unhappy, and was grumbling to herself, then said, ungraciously, “Okay, you can ride him cowgirl, I guess.”

James sat up. “No. That’s not what we’re going to do. Since you are so unhappy with Marta’s suggestion, instead, she is going to ride me cowgirl, and you are going to sit in that chair,” he pointed, “and masturbate while you watch. But you will not cum. Do you understand?” He was using what I thought of as his “command voice,” the one with iron in it, and Sammi got it full blast.

She blinked, then looked down, and said, in a little girl voice, “Yes, Sir.”

She swallowed, and said, “I most humbly beg your pardon, Sir.”

“No. It’s Missy to whom you should apologize. She made you a fair offer, and you bitched at her.”

Sammi kept looking down, but nodded and said, “Missy, forgive me. I am sorry.” She looked up. “I’m used to be the most experienced person in the group, and usually get my own way. I’m sorry.”

She looked down again, “It won’t happen again. I promise.”

I thought for a moment. I was tempted to let Sir’s command stand, but felt warm and protective towards Sammi, especially now that she had caught hell from Sir. Now she’ll start to understand, I thought.

“Sir,” I said, “May I intercede for Sammi? She has offered a sincere apology, and I accept it.” I put my hand out and lightly rubbed it along her arm. “May she accept my offer, please? Would you please eat her while I ride you?”

Sir looked ill-pleased, but finally said, “Okay, Sammi, Missy has forgiven you when I would not have, so yes, you may play with us.

“But you are also ordered to masturbate at least once every day this week, including tonight, but are forbidden to cum. For a highly-sexed teenager like you, that should be total agony. Do you understand?”

Sammi swallowed hard, then nodded.

“Say it.”

“I understand, Sir.”

“And will comply.”

She swallowed again, and said, “And I promise I will comply.” She looked up. “It really will be torture!”

He looked at her, then smirked and said, “Be grateful that I didn’t tell you to masturbate at school.”

“Oh, I sometimes do, when I get too tense.” Then she realized what she was saying, and quickly rushed in with, “…but that’s not very often, and…”

Sir waved her quiet. “Do as I say, and try not to talk yourself into any more trouble, okay?”

She looked relieved, and nodded. “Yes, my Lord. Thank you, Sir.”

Then he rolled over on his back, clasped his hands casually behind his head, his cock wagging, semi-hard, and said, “Now, who wants a piece of me?”

My cunt was still slick with his cum, so I moved over to straddle him. I pushed my hands down, cat-arching my back, then reached down to adjust my position and impaled myself on his quickly stiffening cock. I leaned forward, hugging and kissing him, and whispering, “Thank you, my Lord. I appreciate your patience with her.”

He whispered back, “If we’re going to continue this, then you’re going to have to help me house train this girl. She’s too big for her britches. Or lack thereof.”

I giggled into his chest, and said, “Agreed!” Then lifted up, and started to ride him very slowly, holding myself up on stiff arms, and looking down at his smiling face. I leaned forward and kissed him, luxuriating in the sensation of having him slipping slowly in and out of me. I sighed, and thought that this afternoon could not have gone better.

Shortly, I sat up so that Sammi could move over and straddle James’ face. He reached up, and helped her shift until she settled herself over his mouth, adjusting herself until they were both comfortable.  He was massaging her ass with one hand, and using the fingers of the other on her pubic area. Then I heard him start to lick. She closed her eyes, and an indecently wide smile lit up her face.

Then she opened her eyes, and reached for me, pulling me to her to form a triangle with Sir as the hypotenuse. She kissed me slowly, but very sensually.

I could tell this was going to be fun!


The red-headed woman who sometimes called herself “Andromeda” dropped the manila envelope on Valentine Kanrith’s desk. “There you go. I don’t think it’s possible to get much smuttier photos than that!”

He pulled the photos out of the envelope, and quickly shuffled through them, then turned to her with a wide smile. “I quite agree. Well done!”

He pulled a check out of his jacket pocket, and handed it over.

She glanced at it, folded it, and put it in her purse. “A pleasure doing business with you, Dr. Kanrith. Please call me if I can do anything more.”

With that she stood, nodded, then walked out, closing the door quietly as she left.

Kanrith looked at the photos more closely, then selected two that he particularly liked. “Well, Jimmy boy, it’s almost time for your little…surprise.”

He reached for the phone, got his assistant, and said, “Tomorrow morning, would you please call Dr. Marta Rabinovich’s office and see if you can make an appointment for me to see her? She’s a quantum physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.”

He got an acknowledgment from his assistant, then put the phone down, and smiled.


The woman with the olive complexion, and the dark, curly air listened, then, when Kanrith hung up the phone, pulled out her cellphone, hit speed dial and waited. When the call was answered, she said, “He’s about to make his move. I’m not quite sure what it is, but it’s definitely aimed at Gainsborough. And it somehow involves a Dr. Marta Rabinovich of the Insitute of Advanced Study at Princeton.”

She listened for a while, then said, “Will do.”

And hung up.


© Copyright, James Llewellyn Gainsborough on, February 2021.

All rights reseverved. May not be reproduced in any medium with the express, written consent of the author

Written by JamesLlewellyn
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