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Author's Notes

"This is Chapter 20 of “The Quantum Slut” series. You can enjoy it on its own, but you may find it you enjoy it more if you read some of the earlier chapters."

James looked down at Marta and found the view electrifying. She was pushing herself hard against him, forcing herself to gag and choke on his cock, while simultaneously frigging her clit, and fucking her cunt with two fingers of the other hand.

She was in a race. He had given her permission to cum, but she could only masturbate while she was gagging on his cock, and if he came first, she wouldn't to be allowed to cum at all.

And she was desperate to cum…


Thursday evening, after the movie where she had been forced to cum in public, Marta had been attacked by Val Kanrith, a psychopath who had come to James’ condo to confront him. James wasn’t there, but Marta was. She had answered the door wearing nothing but her dog collar, wrist and ankle cuffs, and a big smile, expecting to see her Lord and lover.

Instead Kanrith was there. He had advanced on her, seemingly intent on assaulting her.

Since Marta’s roommate in college had been assaulted and killed, Marta had spent almost two decades studying martial arts and practicing self-defence, particularly ju-jitsu. Because of that training, she had trapped Kanrith in an arm bar, and held him captive with his face pushed into the floor of James’ condo until help could arrive.

Yet, she was trapped as well. Kanrith was much bigger and stronger than she was, and would not be caught by surprise a second time. If she released him to get to a phone to call for help, he would undoubtedly attack her. All she could do was wait for James to arrive to help her.

He didn’t. Instead, an olive-skinned woman with ringlets of black hair falling to her shoulders walked in, looked at the tableau of Marta holding Kanrith immobile, smiled, then closed the door.

“Dr Rabinovich, I came up here as quickly as I could when I saw Kanrith arrive. But you appear to have the…situation…well in hand.”

Kanrith was shouting and making threats, which the two women ignored. Marta moved her right foot from his shoulder to his neck and pushed down while maintaining his left arm in the arm-bar. She shouted, “Shut the fuck up, asshole!” He went still.

She looked up at the woman. “And who are you?” Marta asked.

“My name is Thesea, Dr Rabinovich, and I’m supposed to be your bodyguard. But you clearly don’t need one!”

“I never hired a bodyguard.”

“Margrit Larsen, CEO of Encrypticom™, sent me. She figured that she owed you, and that this piece of shit…” she gestured at Kanrith, “…might come after you. I’ve been following you since you spoke to Margrit.”

She smiled, “Oh, and I was sitting in the movie theatre behind you and Sammi.”

Marta blushed deep red.

“Now, let’s take care of this asshole. I’ve already called the police…”

Kanrith struggled briefly, and shouted, “I’ll have you both arrested for assault…”

Thesea walked over, and put the toe of her shoe next to Kanrith’s eye, at which point he shut up again. “I don’t think so. We’ve got your attempted assault on Dr Rabinovich here on video. I think you’re going for a nice long vacation in a room with bars on the window. Now shut up.”

With practiced speed, Thesea took control of Kanrith from Marta. She secured Kanrith’s hands by forcing him to move his other hand underneath his body, using pressure points and leverage. Then she had him roll onto his face, and held him on the floor while Marta continued to hold the arm-bar. Then Thesea putting her boot on his neck and held a taser on him. She suggested that Marta get some clothes on, which she was only too happy to do.

The next couple of hours were both horrible and a relief. The police did arrive, seconds after James, who hugged Marta and refused to let her go.

The police were meticulous, boring, and incredibly annoying, but had already been told by the dispatcher what the situation was. They were reasonably gentle with Marta, who was showing clear signs of shock, and was shaking and clinging to James.

Finally, they were all gone, and James and Marta were left alone, although the police said she would need to come down to the station to swear out a complaint and make a statement. It was well past midnight, and James and Marta were both exhausted.

After closing the door on Thesea, with assurances that they would touch base again the next day – but not too early! – James picked up Marta and carried her into his bedroom. He gently laid her down, opened the bedside drawer and took out a set of keys. He reached over, and started to unlock her cuffs.

She was still shaking, but put her hand on his. “James, please let me keep them on. They make me feel safe. You know that.”

He looked at her for some time, then sighed and said, “Marta, dearest, I don’t know if you realize it, but you saved my company, my fortune, and quite possibly my life from that psychopath. And you physically defeated someone who is substantially bigger than you are while naked and unarmed.

“I really don’t believe you need me to protect you. You are not only a genius, but you are an amazing woman in every other possible way.” And he leaned forward and kissed her.

She let their lips touch, then pushed him gently away. “I need you to protect me from my worst enemy…me.” And she dropped her head. “Sir.”

Again he sighed, then said, “May I at least remove your cuffs so you can sleep more comfortably?”

She was silent for a time, then nodded. He gently, one-by-one, unlocked and removed the cuffs on her wrists and ankles, kissing her hands, then her feet, one-by-one, as he did so.

When he was done, he leaned forward and kissed her again, and she responded passionately…until she burst into tears and threw her arms around his neck, sobbing uncontrollably.

“James, I was so scared! I knew what he wanted to do to me – and to you! And all I could think of was: this happened to Kelly. I couldn’t let it happen to us! There was so much riding on me.

“Then he stepped towards me, and I stopped thinking. And that probably saved me, because I acted on trained instinct alone. My sensei would be proud of me, but fuck! I was scared! I’m such a coward!”

James hugged her tightly, rocking her, and making shushing noises until she began to settle down. “Have you ever read accounts of soldiers in combat, the ones that win medals and are praised for their heroism? Every single one of them says that they got the shakes afterwards.

“Bravery is not the absence of fear, Marta, but the ability to carry on despite it. You are not a coward, you truly are a hero – my hero. And I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love anyone. You probably saved my life as Kanrith was out for blood once we spoiled his takeover plans.”

He kissed her eyelids and said “Let’s go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow.”

So they did, and although Marta was shaking as James held her, the aftermath of it all had left her drained, and she was soon fast asleep with her head cradled against his shoulder.

James lay in bed with his eyes open for a long time, thinking. Then he finally, gently, removed his arm from under Marta’s head, rolled over, and slept.


The next morning was grey and overcast with low scudding clouds. James woke first, saw that Marta was still sleeping, so eased out of bed, got a robe, and padded off to the bathroom, followed by the kitchen.

He got coffee started, then got out ingredients, and started a Gruyère, mushroom, and green onion omelette with English muffins.

He was approaching the point where he thought he was going to need to wake Marta when she appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, naked but for her collar, which was still locked around her neck. She knelt down, and said, “Please, Sir, may I suck your cock? I need to pee, and must have your permission.”

He quickly moved over, knelt down with her, wrapped his arms around her, and said, “You absolutely do not have to suck my cock to get permission to go pee. Go!”

She didn’t move. Instead, she said, “Sir, I will pee on the floor if you don’t let me suck your cock and ask permission,” and waited.

“Marta, I am rescinding my order. You may go to the bathroom whenever you wish, without having to ask my permission. Understand me?”

She nodded.

“Will you obey me?”

She shook her head, and stayed where she was.

He sighed. “I can see we have a lot to talk about. Okay,” and he stood up, opened his robe, and let her take his cock in her mouth. She sucked it and caressed it with her tongue until he was hard, and then she mumbled around it, “Please, Sir, may I use the bathroom?”

He stroked her hair and said, “Yes, of course. Then come back here for breakfast. And bring a robe.”

She disappeared quickly after that, and eventually returned, carrying a robe. She placed it on her chair, then sat on top of it, naked, with her legs spread wide to display her cunt.

James thought about initiating the conversation they clearly needed to have right away, but decided that it would be better once they’d had food. Low blood sugar had been the cause of too many arguments over the course of his life, so he let it ride.

Once they were finished eating, he cleared the dishes into the sink and came over to her. He took her hand, picked up her robe, and led her into the living room, where he asked her to sit on one of the sofas on top of her robe.

“We need to talk,” he said.

“Sir.” Her head remained down.

“I mean, James and Marta need to talk, not Sir and his slave. Can we do that, please? Because if not, then I will remove your collar, and set you free, permanently.”

Marta looked up, shocked, and obviously scared.

“Your choice, Marta,” and he waited.

Finally, she bit her lip and nodded. “Okay, James and Marta.”

He got down on one knee in front of her. “I’ve asked you before, but I am absolutely serious now: Marta Maria Esteban Rabinovich, will you please marry me?”

She looked at him, her features showing a mixture of emotions, including surprise, love, and fear. She was silent for a long time, then nodded, and said, “Yes, I will…”

He started to get up, a big smile on his face.

“…on two conditions.”

He sank back down again onto one knee. “Yes?”

“And these conditions are non-negotiable. Understand?”

“I understand. Whether I can accept them…well, let’s see. What are they?”

“First, I will accept your ring and become your wife if you will also give me your slave collar and become my Master. Permanently.”

He paused, then said, “And the second condition?”

“You must let me do what I promised to do at the movie theatre: letting me suck and gag on your cock onstage in front of hundreds of people, with my hands bound behind me.” She blushed and looked down, then continued.

“In fact, I insist that you tell me whatever your fantasies are, and that you allow me to fulfill them if I can, not just now, but throughout our married life. That is my second, non-negotiable, condition.”

James stood up, looking down at the woman he loved. His cock told him that this was perfect, it was exactly what it wanted. He sighed. It was so true: A stiff cock had no conscience. Yet, his heart and head told him this was appalling.

“Why, Marta?”

She looked down, refusing to face him. Finally, she swallowed, and said, “Two reasons.

“First, while I feel loved, cherished and safe with you, there is still a voice at the back of my head that keeps yammering at me that I need to be punished, that tells me I am sinful and awful and unworthy. You have been keeping it under control by punishing me, and doing so in such a way that I feel both safe, and loved. But if you stop, I am certain I will eventually go back to punishing myself. And I don’t trust myself from long experience.”

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She looked up at him, “The mind is a strange thing, is it not?”

James nodded. “It is that.”

She looked down again, and was silent for a long time.

“What’s the other reason, Marta?”

She swallowed again, and started with a small voice that grew louder, “It’s so fucking HOT! I have never experienced orgasms like you’ve given me. And I want them.”

She looked me directly in the eye, and said, slowly, enunciating every syllable, “I want to feel like – no, I want to be your filthy, sopping, fucking slut! I feel more alive when you use me as your dirty whore than I have ever felt before.

“And I don’t want it to stop. Ever.

“Is that reason enough – Sir?”

James straightened up, pulled her to him, and bear-hugged her. “Plenty reason enough – slut.

“But now I have two conditions of my own.”

She looked at me warily, then smiled. “This is beginning to sound more like a negotiation than a proposal. Okay, hit me. Figuratively, of course. Unless you want to.”

“Once a year, on our anniversary,” he said, “I will ask if you want to remain my slave. And every year you will make a completely free choice. It will be your choice, not mine, but you will have to ask to continue being my slave.”

She mused for a moment, then said, “And the second?”

“If I’m going to show you mine, then you have to show me yours. If you want me to tell you my fantasies, you have to do the same.” He smirked at her.

“Do we have a deal?”

She looked at him, and was silent for several beats, then pushed herself away from me. He let her go, wondering if he’d gone too far, or she was regretting what she’d said.

Then she knelt down, clasped her hands behind her, took his cock as deeply in her throat as she could, and mumbled around it.

“I accept, Sir.

“I am a slut, a cunt, and a cocksucker, and I will be your slave – and your wife – for as long as you will have me.”

Then she proceeded to suck him to a massive orgasm, then held the cum in her mouth while they showered, dressed, and went down to the car.

When they arrived at the police station, and had were parked outside, she turned to him, and opened her mouth to show that it was still full of his cum. Then she took his hand guided it up her skirt to let him feel that her panties were soaked, and her cunt was hot and needy. She slowly and deliberately swallowed, then showed him that her mouth was empty. She reluctantly agreed to let him remove her collar.

Only then did they go in to talk to the police.


In the car after they had finished at the police station, Marta had insisted that James put both her collar and cuffs on again, and lock them in place. Then they had met more briefly with Thesea to debrief, both ways, on the events of the last day.

It turned out that Marta’s warning to Margrit Larsen enabled her to trash Kanrith’s plans, plus start the wheels to have him indicted for securities fraud, lying to a federal officer, and various other things. But the video of him attacking Marta was the icing on the cake. He was going to go away for a long time, and Margrit was most grateful to Marta. As was James.

Finally, they went back to Marta’s apartment so she could change clothes, and spend some time together – naked.


As soon as we got to the front door of my apartment, I stopped, handed the key to Sir, then quickly stripped off my clothes and dropped them on the floor in the hallway. I knelt down, unzipped his trousers, pulled his cock out, then sucked it back where it belonged – in my mouth. Deep into my mouth, down my throat.

I felt it throb against my tongue, and I moaned while my insides turned molten and my cunt went wet. Having his cock impaled in my mouth had become such an immense turn-on for me that I might well have cum on the spot, were it not that I had been prohibited from cumming without his explicit permission.

“Please, Sir, may I play with myself?” I mumbled around his cock.

He stroked my hair, and said, “Yes, but I want to get inside your condo first. This isn’t going to stop with my cock just in your mouth. Now, take me out of there, and stand up, my beautiful cocksucker, so we can get on to other things – inside.”

Reluctantly, I let his length slurp out of my mouth, allowing the pre-cum and saliva to form a thread connecting me to his dick. I stood up, and allowed the pearly thread to drip down on my body. He unlocked the door and waved me through, then gathered all of my clothes up, walked into my condo, and dumped them inside the door, closing and locking the door behind him.

I was about to go down on my knees again when he stopped me. “Bedroom,” was all he said.

I dropped onto my hands and knees, and crawled from the entryway into the bedroom, wiggling my ass more than necessary in order to entice him to fuck me.

“Window,” he said. I crawled over to the window.

He followed me into the bedroom, quickly shucked off his clothes, then turned and stood sideways so that his erect cock was visible to anyone looking in from the outside – if anyone were there to see us on the seventh floor. “Now, prove to me how good a cocksucker you are, slut.”

I crawled over to the window, knelt up, spread my knees, and gently, lovingly, kissed his cock, starting at the tip, then to one side of its head, then down one side, planting light, sloppy kisses and tongue-licks all along his length until I got to his balls.

I reverently took them in the palm of my hand, kissed them all around, then licked his sac. Finally, I slowly, gently took them into my mouth, allowing his slick cock to rub along my face, smearing me with saliva and pre-cum. I took his entire sac and balls into my mouth, closed my lips around them and looked sideways up at him.

He had an intense look in his eyes. He reached down and stroked my hair, then said, “My cock deep in your throat, now, you filthy cunt.”

I let his balls fall out of my mouth, allowing them to smear my chin, then with deliberate slowness, kissed my way back up the other side of his cock, hoping he’d get impatient and force it into me.

When I reached the tip, I licked it, laving it all around the head, then finally putting the tip to my closed, wet lips.

Next, I slowly pushed myself forwards, allowing his cock to force my lips apart, and keeping them tight against his shaft. As it was already wet from my licking and kissing, I kept moving slowly but steadily forward, taking more and more of it into me, until it reached the back of my throat, and choked me. I swallowed hard, then held still.

“Now, slut, you are allowed to play with yourself and make yourself cum. But you may only play with yourself as long as my cock is making you gag, hard against the back of your throat.

“But if I cum first, then you don’t get to cum at all. Understand me, cunt?”

Keeping his cock firmly against the back of my throat, I nodded while reaching my hands down between my legs. Quickly, I found my clit, walked my knees further apart to give myself better access, and started to quickly, but lightly massage myself.

When I needed to breathe, I had to stop masturbating, which was maddening as I had just started. I pulled back far enough to be able to take in a big breath of air, then quickly pushed myself back down on him until I once again gagged on his length.

I returned my hand to my clit, starting to mash it harder, rubbing it back and forth. My other hand sought my cunt, and I quickly pushed two fingers into myself, found my G-spot and started to rub it.

It was a strange sensation, gagging at the same time as I was working my clit and fucking my cunt, and I found that I was actually dripping on the carpet.

I was forced to stop again by the need to breathe, and quickly pulled back to let air into my lungs.

Sir stopped me from plunging back down his length. “Take your hand out of your cunt when you breathe, slut, or I will withdraw my permission to cum.”

Reluctantly, I pulled my fingers out with a squelching noise, then looked up at him. He grabbed the arm of the hand I was using to finger myself as I pushed forward again, lodging his cock as far down my throat as I could, and once again beginning to gag. Only then did he release my hand.

I quickly plunged my fingers back into my cunt, desperate to fuck myself as much as I possibly could before the next breath. Simultaneously, I started mauling my clit again, and could feel my climax beginning to rise.

I also noticed that his balls were beginning to stir, so kept his cock deep inside me as long as I could manage, then had to pull back, popping my hand out of my cunt and the other off of my clit, making sure they were far enough away from my body that Sir could see that I had done as he required.

I groaned at the sudden interruption of my impending climax, and gulped air around Sir’s cock as quickly as I could, knowing that I was in a race as to which one of us would cum first, and desperate that it be me! 

Once I had inhaled, I sucked his cock deep into me again, and, once I started gagging, rushed my hands back to my clit, and into my cunt.

After some seconds, I could feel my orgasm rising…I was almost there, almost there!

But I had to breathe. Damn!

I repeated my disengagement, withdrew his cock most way from my mouth, gasping with just the head of his cock between my lips, then plunged back, ramming his cock to the back of my throat again while immediately diving my two fingers into my cunt to find my G-spot while grabbing my clit and squeezing and rolling it between my fingers.

I think it was feeling his cock swell and start to tense that tipped me over the edge. My climax crashed over me, and was incredibly strong – and incredibly strange, for I was gagging on his cock at the same time I wanted desperately to inhale.

I had to withdraw, just as his cum started to spurt into my mouth. Some of the jism dripped from the corners of my mouth, and I choked and spluttered as the cum went down my throat along with the air I was sucking in through my nose.

I kept his cockhead in my mouth while I fought the conflicting sensations. I was cumming hard, my body trembling in response, while desperately sucking in air and choking on the cum flooding my mouth and running down my throat.

I’m not sure I can say how long this went on, but I will always remember it as one of filthiest things I have ever done: sucking air, cock, and cum down my throat, all at the same time. Only a dirty slut would be that desperate to cum. And that dirty slut was me!

When my orgasm had finally run its course, I collapsed, letting his cock slurp out of my mouth, feeling its wet tip draw a line of cum over my cheek and into my hair. I fell on my face to the floor, leaning on one hand, swallowed, and lay there panting.

Sir, collapsed on the floor next to me, cross-legged, bending forward and resting his head on my side, panting.

“Oh God that was intense!” he finally said. “You looked like such a nasty whore sucking me and fucking yourself at the same time, gasping for breath and eager to get my cock back deep into your throat. You are so hot, I can’t quite believe you’re mine!”

And he kissed my side.

I rolled over onto my hands and knees on the carpet into doggie position, and begged, “Please my Lord, come inside me!“

Still panting, he moved forward, slowly positioned his cock at the entrance to my cunt, then with some difficulty, slowly slid his softening cock into me, then rolled us both over on our sides, making spoons. He lifted his top leg and put it over me, and used it to pull our bodies together.

He kissed the back of my neck.

It felt so right. I knew this was what I wanted: to be his nasty whore, his dirty cunt. His slut.

To be continued…


© Copyright, JamesLlewellyn at
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May not be reproduced in any medium without the express, written consent of the author.



Written by JamesLlewellyn
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