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Author's Notes

"Marta is sex slave to tech wizard James. He sent her to the opening night of the new Star Wars movie with a remote-controlled egg vibrator in her cunt. He also had her wear a black dress made of optical fiber, which he could turn completely transparent any time, leaving her apparently stark naked in public. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Now she was afraid she would be forced to cum in the middle of a packed theatre, surrounded by people. Chapter 19 of "The Quantum Slut"."

With the remote-controlled egg already humming in my cunt, and Sir in control, I was imagining dozens of ways this could end - most of them with me being exposed very publicly, naked, humiliated, and possibly even arrested.

It turned me on, and my cunt was wet, and getting wetter. It was almost as if my body wanted me to be shamed, embarrassed, mortified and demeaned. It seemed to be in alliance with Sir on that.

I had no idea what to expect next, or how to deal with it. I was incredibly nervous. I imagined what would happen if I cried out if I came – when I came – with noises being ripped from my mouth.

I was in trouble. I gulped as the opening action sequence began.

It began quietly, with a view of the stars, then BANG! The opening music blared out – and my intimate friend, the egg, exploded with it. I almost jumped out of my seat. Fortunately, lots of other people were startled by the music, so I didn’t stand out – then.

Unlike them, though, the vibrator kept going, but seemingly in concert with the music: fast and rapidly changing when the music was loud, then slowing and more undulating when it softened. Fortunately, this kept the sound from being too noticeable, so far at least.

When the theme music ended, the vibrator settled down to a slow, steady hum.

As the film progressed, my intimate friend’s speed and pattern of vibrating began changing from time-to-time. Finally, I figured out a method to his madness. He was increasing the vibrations in a rising, saw-tooth pattern. It would rise, then fall, then rise slightly higher, then fall, but not as much as before, then higher still…and so on.

I could feel myself responding. I was getting more and more turned on, as much by the awareness of what Sir was doing to me as the stimulation itself, although that certainly was affecting me.

My breathing was getting shallow, and I knew before long I would start panting. He was in absolutely no hurry, and seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

Indeed, about an hour into the film, he spoke into my earpiece, which made me jump at an inappropriate time – the on-screen characters were talking quietly, so when I jumped, the people around me turned and looked at me briefly.

“Hi there. I must say, you’re getting nicely warmed up. Oh, I forgot to tell you, your dress and your collar and cuffs are all measuring how excited you are, and I’m getting all the data by telemetry. It’s really quite fascinating: body temperature in a number of different parts of your, like your cunt and tits, for instance. Galvanic skin response. Your pulse rate, and its rate of change. Micro-muscle movements. Plus an AI system to gauge how close you are to cumming.

“It’s all working very nicely, especially considering that this is the first time I’ve been able to use it on you. I’d say that, all things considered, at this rate of progression, you would need to cum in no less than seventeen minutes!

“But why don’t we try an experiment, hmm? I’m going to set a time period for, say, four minutes, and turn control over to the AI. Let’s see how close to the four-minute mark it can get you to the point of no return, shall we?

“Too bad it’s a quiet part of the film, isn’t it?”

Then the bastard chuckled.

Suddenly the oscillations accelerated…then slowed almost to a stop,…then accelerated even higher. The pattern was erratic and unpredictable: fast, slow, slower, very fast, stop, slow, fast, and so on. Clearly, the AI had decided that avoiding a predictable pattern was going to force me to cum all that much faster.

Unfortunately, it seemed to be right. I started moving in my seat, wriggling almost uncontrollably. I was desperate to close my legs, but knew I must not. I was being drawn inexorably towards cumming, and I could tell I was going to cum hard, and that I was going to be loud, and messy, completely humiliating myself in public.

I was desperately trying to stay still. Sammi noticed my movement, and leaned over, whispering in my ear, “Are you all right, Missy?”

I shook my head. “He’s going to make me cum,” I whispered back, “He’s planted a vibrator in my cunt.”

Her eyes got big.

“Remote controlled.”

Her eyes got even bigger. “COOOOLL!” she whispered loudly, earning a “SHUSH” from the asshole behind us.

“But I don’t know what to do, Sammi.”

She sat up again, then leaned forward and whispered, “Cum, of course. Why fight it?” She grinned at me.

Then I noticed the earpiece in her ear, and gulped.

The vibrations stopped. I jerked upright, Sir chuckled into my ear, then the vibrations started again…slowly.

I didn’t know whether to be relieved or angry, but whichever it was, I wanted to stamp my feet. By now, I was getting desperate to cum, no matter what.

I began Zen breathing, as my martial arts instructor taught me when adrenaline was interfering with my thinking.

Despite that, I could feel my climax rising again, inexorably. I sought to distract myself by going over all the negative things that could happen if I did, by imagining the trouble I could get into if this all went wrong, by thinking about work and the problems I was having with the latest set of CERN data, by thinking about almost anything but the egg vibrating in my cunt.

Then I heard his voice in my ear: “Eager to cum are you?”

I nodded, and he said, “Nope. You’ve gotta talk to me. I mean I can see you – and I’m recording all this – but you’ve got to speak if you want me to respond to you.”

“Yes, Sir. I want to cum. Please. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m going to cum soon, whether you give me permission or not!”

“I don’t think so,” the voice in my ear chuckled. “What’s your mantra? The one I made you write, over and over, last week?”

My blood went cold.

“Go on. Say it.”

“I will not cum without my Lord’s permission. I must not cum without my Lord’s permission. I cannot cum without my Lord’s permission.”

“That’s right. It’s going to be a long night, isn’t it? So, no, you do not have my permission to cum.” He chuckled once more.

Sammi leaned over, and whispered, “Are you OK?”

I couldn’t answer her, just nodded my head. If I opened my mouth, I was sure I’d scream.

“Let me take you to the ladies’ room,” she whispered.

Furiously I shook my head no.

Then the egg stopped. Just completely stopped, and I collapsed.

I cautiously opened my mouth, panting, then whispered, “Sir has forbidden me to leave my seat for any reason, Sammi. I have to stay here.”

“So, what just happened?”

“He’s just forbidden me from cumming.”

She got a far-away look in her eyes, then put her hand on my knee, stroking it lightly. “Strange. He just told me to try to make you cum.” She grinned at me.

Then the egg began vibrating again, but faster this time.

I groaned, and found that I just couldn’t sit still. I just knew people were watching me, trying to figure out what I was doing.

I was drawing a crowd, and the main event hadn’t even started.

Meanwhile, Sammi was moving her right hand slowly up my thigh, then down again, pushing a little higher each time. As she did, she was pushing my dress up my leg.

But since I had to keep the hem relatively taut, that meant I had to open my legs wider as she pushed my dress higher.

“Sammi!” I whispered. “Stop it! I order you as your mistress!”

Sammi smiled at me, and said, “But Missy, you were the one who told me to obey Sir, and he’s ordered me to do it…” and she pushed my dress higher still, “…just like this.”

She leaned down and licked my knee before sitting up again. She grinned at me.

When she finally had my dress high enough, and I had moved my legs wide enough, she commenced stroking my naked cunt. Eventually, she pushing her finger lightly into me, a little further each time, until she had one finger in to the second knuckle. Shortly after that, she added a second finger and began stroking my G-spot.

I groaned louder and deeper in my throat. But I was helpless to stop either of them from using me as their fucktoy. In public. Surrounded by people.

She stopped, and withdrew her fingers. Then the vibrations stopped. I groaned my frustration, earning another SHUUSSH from the asshole behind us.

I leaned over to Sammi and said, “Why did you two stop?”

Sammi was taking off the light jacket she had been wearing. “Because,” she said, “Sir has ordered me to finger myself at the same time I finger you – but forbidden me from cumming, too!

“I’m not sure whether I’m excited to be playing these games, or frustrated at being forbidden from cumming, but I promised to obey, so…”

She spread her jacket over both her lap and mine, then reached between my legs again and slowly pushed her fingers back in me. I shivered, and the egg commenced vibrating again, with oscillations up and down about once every thirty seconds.

Meanwhile, Sammi’s left hand disappeared under her jacket, and I saw her legs go wide. While I knew what she was doing, I wondered how many other people had figured out what was going on. I glanced up to my left at the couple behind Sammi. They had their heads together, and were whispering, and looking at the two of us.

I blushed deep red, then Sammi found the exact spot and rhythm for my G-spot, and I shivered again. Then the egg’s vibrations sped up, as the oscillations increased in speed and strength.

In any other universe, I would have cum a long time ago. In any other universe, I would have had difficulty not cumming, and no one would have be able to stop me.

But I wasn’t in those universes. I was in the one where Sir had programmed my subconscious to prevent me from cumming until I got his permission, no matter how badly I needed to.

So, all I could do was moan as quietly as I could, and do whatever I could to sit still while Sammi and Sir played with my cunt. I was a helpless slut, squirming for his pleasure.

Finally, I could stand it no more. “Please, Sir, please! Please let me cum. Is there anything I can do to get your permission? Anything?


I waited, panting, and leaning forward.

“…you know I’ve always wanted a beautiful, brilliant woman to to kneel, stark naked, hands bound behind her, with my cock deep down her throat, gagging her …”

I cleared my throat to say something, but he interrupted me, saying “…on stage, while hundreds of people watched her being humiliated,” then turned up the vibrations on the egg to the maximum.

I was leaning forward, panting hard, with my tits on my knees when finally, I couldn’t stand it any more. “I’ll do it! I promise! I’ll make myself gag as I suck your cock onstage, naked, while people watch me. Only please let me cum, please!”

Just then, a major battle broke out on the screen, with ships whizzing all over the frame and the sounds of battle and explosions echoing through the theatre.

Finally, I heard the words I so desperately needed to hear in my ear, “I accept your promise. You may cum.”

I exploded, screaming, but put one hand over my mouth, and faced the floor, hoping that people wouldn’t notice under the sounds of the battle.

Sammi’s eyes were enormous, but I could see her hand moving rapidly under her coat, so knew she had not cum. “Oh, God, I don’t know if I can hold out. That was so fucking hot!”


It was the asshole behind us. We ignored him.

I slowly sat up – and the egg erupted again, but more gently this time. Unfortunately, I was still in the afterglow of my first orgasm, and could feel that it wouldn’t take much to bring me off again.

I leaned forward and grabbed my knees again, and the egg sped up. I breathed hard, and eased into a sitting position, and the egg slowed.

He’s toying with me, I thought. He’s not done with me yet.

But my blood ran cold when I remembered what I’d just promised to do for him.


In a room not far off, with the door closed, Sir was watching the read-outs from the telemetry in Marta’s dress: heart rate, galvanic skin response, body temperature in various parts of her anatomy – especially around her crotch and tits, micro-muscle twitches, even the degree to which she was sweating. He also had the feed from the four low-light cameras, and could see Marta and Sammi very clearly.

He could also see the guy behind them getting agitated. He pulled the mike over, and said, “The guy two seats over from you might be trouble. Be ready.”


Then he went back to watching Marta and Sammi, checking the telemetry read-outs from time to time. Marta’s excitement was building again, approaching another climax.

She leaned forward. He increased the vibration. She quickly sat up again.

Every time she leaned forward he upped the vibration, and when she straightened up again, he slowed it. She knew he was toying with her, but didn’t know what to do about it.

He dialed up another subroutine, and clicked the ENTER button.


She was arching her back, trying desperately to pant quietly, when the egg suddenly stopped completely.

“What the fuck are you doing? I’m trying to watch the damn movie!”

“SHHHHH!” everyone around them shushed both of them.

She sat normally, panting silently through her mouth. The egg began to vibrate again. She closed her eyes in anguish.


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James pulled the mike to him. “I think we need to take that guy out. See to it.”


Thesea leaned over the woman between her and the asshole, and tapped the guy on the arm. He looked sharply over at her. She held up five $100 bills, and whispered, “Come with me.”

Then, without waiting, she got up and excused her way out of the aisle. After a pause, the guy followed, shushing his girlfriend, who got up and followed both of them out the aisle.

When they got to the lobby, she held up the five bills before him and said, “These are yours if you leave, now, and let me have your seats.”

He looked at her, then smiled. “Well, now, I’ve been waiting to see this for months, and…”

Thesea just looked at him, snorted, turned on her heel and walked back towards the theatre.

“Okay, okay, you got ‘em.”

Thesea turned back handed him the five bills, then said, “Get lost.”

He folded the crisp bills, shoved them into the pocket of his jeans, and said, “And if I don’t?”

Thesea quickly moved right up into his face, grabbed him in a wrist lock, digging into a pressure point, and said, very quietly, “Then I will hurt you. Understand me?”

Even though the asshole towered above her, when the pain went lacing up his arm, he somehow knew this wasn’t a threat, but a prediction. He swallowed, then nodded. “OK, we’re going!” She released his arm. He turned, grabbed his date’s hand, and pulled her quickly out of the theater, angry at being shown up by a girl so much smaller than him.

Thesea clicked her mike control. “It’s settled.”

“OK, go back to guard them both. Sit over Marta’s left shoulder so you can reach both of them.” He switched off the mike.

Now he was going to have some fun. He hoped Marta would enjoy it – eventually.


As the movie came to an end, and the closing credits were rolling, Marta had been forced into cumming three more times, and was getting louder and messier each time. Sammi hadn’t even been allowed to cum once.

Both women were showing the strain, in different ways.

Now that the asshole was gone, the rest of the audience around the two women were splitting their attention between the movie, and the two women. By now, it was obvious that they were either masturbating, or finger-fucking each other. No one could figure out why they would choose this venue to do so, but they were transfixed by the show.

So, when the closing credits were rolling, and the finale music commenced, the audience around them stood up, cheering and applauding.

Marta wanted to crawl under the seat, but her earpiece clicked on, and his voice said, “Stand up, turn around and wave – or your dress is going to go away!”

She slowly stood up, and, with her face beet red and her eyes on the floor, gave them a small wave.

Just then her dress went from black to a mass of sparkling lights, drawing enormous attention to her. “Now sit down and watch the closing credits like a good little slut.”

She turned and sat again, but surprised herself by finding the attention both mortifying, and enormously exciting. Then her egg ramped up its humming again, gently, but enough to remind her that the evening wasn’t over yet. “I need to pee – badly,” she said.

“I know. But you’re just going to have to wait. Unless you want to wet yourself right here?”

She shook her head.

“Then wait.”

“May I close my legs, then, please?”

Chuckle. “No.”

Meanwhile, Sammi had withdrawn her hand from her own pussy, resettled her dress and removed her coat. She, too, had been instructed to stand, and did. She felt a novel emotion: the same kind of enormous embarrassment and excitement as Marta had felt. It turned out to be too much for her.

She sat down quickly, and came. Hard, and squirting.

Marta didn’t notice anything, but James, looking at the cameras, did.

“You just came, didn’t you Little Girl?”

Sammi hung her head, breathing hard, and nodded. “I’m sorry!”

“Was it good?” he asked?

She nodded vigorously, “Oh, God yes! FUCK it was good!”

“I’m glad, because you’re not going to cum again for at least another week. We were going to organize a threesome again, but I guess that will have to wait.”

Sammi dropped her head back, looked up, and groaned.

Marta had been included in that conversation, so turned to Sammi, and gripped her hand in sympathy. She also noticed that Sammi’s dress was soaked with her cum. It was actually dripping.

“Sir?” Marta said.

“Yes, Marta.”

“May we give Sammi a ride home? Please? She soaked her clothes when she came.”

There was a pause. “Yes, okay. I won’t be accompanying you. Something has come up that I have to deal with. You go home, and get yourself ready for me. I’ll be home as quickly as I can, okay?

“But Sammi is not to join us tonight. Tell her she is to go home. Tell her she must play with herself every night this week, at least once, but must not cum. Got it?”

“Sir, yes. I’ll tell her.”

“Did you enjoy the movie?” he asked.

“Movie, Sir? What movie?”

He chuckled. “I’ll see you at home, and you’d better be ready to be fucked long and hard. You may have cum a lot tonight, but I haven’t!”

Marta smiled. “I’m looking forward to you burying your cock in your slave’s cunt, Sir!”

“I can’t wait,” he laughed, “Okay, the credits have ended. The car will be waiting outside for you.”

Marta stood, and she and Sammi moved quickly to the restrooms, where each regarded their clothes with some dismay. Both women had cum dripping from their clothes. Marta looked forward to relaxing in the car on the way home.

But Sir wasn’t done with her yet.


As she walked out of the restroom with Sammi, her dress vanished, leaving her naked. She gasped. Then it returned, only to be replaced with a female bodybuilder’s body in a bikini. Next, the body of a giant, green lizard appeared, looking like a Marta-sized Godzilla. And finally, by a belly dancer in costume.

The images rotated: her naked body. Body builder’s body. Godzilla. Belly dancer. Round and round they went, drawing the stares and phone cameras of everyone around her.

At first, she didn’t know what to do. She realized that Sir was playing tricks again, displaying her body while convincing everyone that it was just an illusion.

Just then the manager appeared with her coat, and stopped, stunned by what he was seeing. Finally, he swallowed. Then, in a hoarse voice, said, “Your…uh”, and he coughed, “…um, your coat Ms. Esteban!” He held her coat open for her, all the while watching her dress’ display. She quickly slipped the coat on and pulled it closed.

“How did you do that?” he finally asked.

“I didn’t. It’s my trickster boy-friend,” Marta said. “The dress is made of spun optical fiber, and he’s programmed it to show these images.

“Can we get to my car now?” she finally asked.

The manager shook himself, and said, “Of course. I’m sorry! Come this way.”

Marta and Sammi looked at each other and giggled, then followed him.


When the door closed on the limo, they both took a deep breath, relaxed, then looked at each other again and broke into loud, helpless laughter. The limo driver had to remind them to put their seatbelts on.

When the limo rolled towards Sir’s condo, they settled down, and relived the events of the evening. Then Sammi sighed, and said, “Missy, I apologize for cumming. Do I still get my hour with you naked?”

Marta looked at the girl fondly and said, “Yes – but not soon! You will learn that when my Lord gives an order, it has to be followed.”

She patted the girl’s knee. “Do what he says this week, and I’ll see if I can talk him into another threesome. Okay?”

Sammi smiled, then leaned over and kissed Marta lightly on the lips.

She seemed not to want to leave, then leaned in even further and kissed Marta much more eagerly, putting her hand behind Marta’s head and pulling her closer, until finally Marta broke the kiss, and said, “That’s enough, Sammi. I’m exhausted already, and Sir is going to wear me out further tonight. I’m not sure I will survive until morning!”

Sammi reluctantly leaned back, took a deep breath, and tried to smile.

Marta kissed her lightly. “Little Girl. That’s what you are, our little playtoy.” Marta kissed her again.

Sammi smiled, and nuzzled the older woman. “Thank you, Missy. I love being your playtoy! I just wish it would happen more often.”

Marta smiled. “It will, Little Girl. Be patient!”


When they arrived at the condo building, Sammi and Marta kissed good-bye in the elevator, then Marta got out at Sir’s floor while Sammi continued up to her parents’ floor.

Marta let herself in, then showered, wrapped herself in a towel, and got a snack, knowing she had a long night ahead of her. She sighed. She was tired, but knew Sir would be horny as hell when he arrived. She was looking forward to having his cock planted inside her cunt.

After relaxing for a bit, she began to feel better. The residual buzz from the multiple orgasms she’d had caused her to think about what was to come…or to cum, as it were!

She went to the bedroom, tossed off the towel, lay down, and contemplated playing with herself. She wanted to be eager, and ready to fuck when Sir arrived. She moved her fingers down between her legs, found that her cunt lips parted easily, and her fingers found her hole already wet and waiting.

Despite that, she was almost asleep when she heard a rap at the door. She broke into a smile, sure that this was a continuation of James’ games. She jumped out of bed, not bothering to pick up her towel, and went eagerly to the door.

Marta was naked save for her bright red slave collar, plus wrist and ankle cuffs. She hoped she looked like a wet-dream cum-true.

Marta pulled the door wide with a big smile on her face and struck an erotic pose, eager to arouse her lover.

Instead, she found herself facing her worst nightmare. There, standing in the doorway was Val Kanrith, dressed in a business suit, and with an angry snarl on his face. He looked as startled as she felt.

Quickly, she tried to slam the door, but Kanrith was a big man who towered over her. He put his foot and hand out, and stopped the door from closing, then pushed it back inwards. Marta danced away, backing quickly into the condo.

She knew she was in deep trouble.

Kanrith stalked slowly into the entryway, a wicked grin on his face. “Oh, my…little Jimmy’s whore, just waiting for him to come home. How sweet!” Then Kanrith stopped and straightened up. “Wait…I know you…you’re…Oh, shit! You’re the famous Dr. Marta Rabinovich, aren’t you!

“So, you’re Jimmy’s little slut. Oh my! This couldn’t be more perfect, could it! I can blackmail you into working for us, and Jimmy boy into giving me back my company.” And his face lit up with a sneer.

“But where are my manners? Please, Dr. Rabinovich, allow me to amuse you until he gets home. I was going to just punish him, but there’s no reason we can’t have a little fun before he gets here, is there? Plus, you get to experience a real man. Win-Win, right?”

He advanced towards her.

Marta quickly backed into the living room to make sure she had space to maneuver. She was taking deep, calming breaths, and running through the things her sensei had taught her.

“Size and strength are less important than momentum and leverage. Watch carefully, and an opening will present itself, especially if your opponent is foolish or overconfident.”

Ignoring her nakedness, she crouched slightly on the balls of her feet, and waited.

Kanrith, stepped forward and reached languidly for her right wrist with his left hand, smirking at her.

She didn’t think, but reacted immediately to a situation she had practiced dozens, if not hundreds of times in the years since university, after her roommate was assaulted and killed on campus.

She grabbed his left wrist with both hands and yanked it hard, pulling him off-balance, then moved under and around his hand, rotating his straightened arm clockwise until his elbow locked up. Then she placed her right hand on the elbow joint, thrusting downwards, and pushing the wrist and elbow down. This dragged him forward, and she used the leverage of his arm to force him to the ground.

He belly-flopped, with his left hand levered up high, his elbow locked in an arm-bar, his face forced into the carpet by the angle and the leverage of the arm. Marta put her right foot on his shoulder joint, maintaining the arm-bar, and keeping him immobilized with the elbow joint lock.

His superior size and strength counted for nothing in this position. He was helpless, and if he struggled too much, she could break his elbow, causing massive damage to the joint, and inflicting enormous pain on him.

He started shouting angrily about killing her, and retribution, and calling her a slut, and trying to force himself up, or grab at her with his opposite hand. She ignored him, but wondered what her next move could possibly be.

It was true she had the superior position here, and could hold him immobilized for as long as she wanted. But she couldn’t safely let go, and she couldn’t move, say to reach a phone and call for help. She was as stuck as he was, albeit in a more comfortable position.

All she could do was hope that James would arrive to help her.

So she was much relieved when she heard to lock on the condo door turn, and looked up, hoping to see James.

It wasn’t him. Instead it was a slim, dark woman with olive skin and curly hair that fell down to her shoulders. She stopped short when she saw them - the big man, dressed in a business suit, being held helpless on the floor by the much smaller, naked woman.

Her eyes seemed deadly serious when they bored into Marta’s. Then the woman smiled, closed the door, and moved forward.

To be continued…


Written by JamesLlewellyn
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