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Niki Comes of Age - Part 2

"Niki and Bill's relationship grows as they further explore their sexuality"

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Author's Notes

"This story is part two of a seven-part series from Collection Redhead. Please read in sequence for the best experience. Thanks! Dear Reader, in part one, the main characters were introduced, and it became obvious that Niki and Bill were more than just neighbors. Part two below picks up the same day following Niki and Bill’s first sexual encounter."

Nothing much happened the rest of the day but during that evening’s TV session our nightly foot massage varied from its normal pattern. As usual, Niki joined me for TV time already dressed for bed. Tonight’s attire was a feminine little negligee I hadn’t seen before. It was white with little pink bows and very short. As she walked, I could see the bottom of her ass cheeks and flashes of her panty-covered pussy. 

“Is that a new nightie? Don’t think you’ve worn that before?”

“Nah, it’s a few years old and too small for me now. But it makes me feel pretty, and after today I feel really pretty, and a little sexy too.”

“Well, it’s working. You look gorgeous. I'm amazed at how your beauty just grows every day. And as for sexiness, if you were any sexier it would be illegal.”

She took her spot on the sofa and laid her feet on my lap.

“Rub my sexy feet, peasant boy.”

“Yes, my princess. Your wish is my command.”

I decided it was time to be a bit bolder. After all, we had just shared an experience that would forever change our relationship. So tonight I gave her lovely feet an extended massage, spending more time on each and paying particular attention to her toes. I used both thumbs to apply pressure to the ball of her foot, rubbing in ever-widening circles. After thoroughly massaging her right foot, I lifted it to my face and placed several lingering kisses on her sole.

“Ooh, that feels nice!”

I continued kissing from heel to toe, which soon had her squirming as the pleasure intensified. Feeling bolder, I took one toe into my mouth and sucked while gently tickling the digit with my tongue.

“Oh wow! Who would have thought toe sucking could be so erotic.”

I knew I was on the right track, so I suckled each toe on her beautiful foot. When I finished I lowered her foot to my lap, right on top of my growing erection. She immediately raised her left foot, dangling it in the air in front of my face.

“More please, peasant boy.”

I massaged and kissed and suckled her foot, making sure to give it equal attention before lowering it back to my lap. My erection was now fully formed and Niki was very aware. Using both heels, she rubbed my cock through my shorts, causing me to groan with pleasure. It felt wonderful but I knew there was no way I could climax this way. The massaging was just too subtle for me to reach orgasm. Niki must have read my mind.

“Pull out your cock and jerk off for me again. I like watching you cum.”

I looked at her to make sure she wasn’t kidding but was already halfway to pulling down my shorts. My cock sprung straight up, which elicited another giggle from mistress Niki. As I stroked my stiff cock, Niki removed her feet from my lap, pulled her legs back, and spread her knees wide. I now had a fantastic view of her white panties and the plump mound of her pussy. I could see a small dark spot of wetness on the gusset of her underpants, showing that Niki was becoming excited too.

“I thought a little visual stimulation would help,” she said in a seductive voice.

“Yeah, it helps a lot. I should be able to cum quickly with such an erotic view.”

As I stroked myself, Niki used her fingers to rub all over her pussy, pressing inward on the fabric to create a damp camel toe. This was a mesmerizing sight and I could feel my orgasm building. She slipped her fingers under the waistband of her panties, not stopping until she reached her pussy. She used quick, feathery touches to masturbate herself, occasionally pausing to dip a finger in deep.  

“Watching you jerk off is making me horny. I hope you don’t mind if I join you.”

I turned my body slightly to give her a better view of my cock. She was watching me stroke my fist up and down my shaft as I watched her fingers press and rub her mound out of sight under the quickly dampening panty fabric. The garment had become translucent from the wetness and I could see the outline of her pussy lips and fingers moving along her cleft. We both were breathing faster and surprisingly Niki was nearing the finish line first even though I felt I had the better view.

“Watching you jerk off is so fucking hot,” she said, almost grunting. “I’m pretending your hand is my vagina swallowing your cock.”

I’d never heard Niki curse before, and certainly not use the word ‘fuck’. That combined with the visualization of my cock sinking deep inside her vagina was enough to push me over the edge. I started to cum hard, but this was my third orgasm of the day, and even at my age this was pushing things a bit.

My cock spurted weakly but still had enough ammunition for a nice display. As soon as Niki saw my cockhead shooting strands of jizz into the air, her orgasm hit, and her whole body quivered with pleasure. I could see it was a small orgasm but nice enough to bring a smile to her face. We both sat back, panting and enjoying the afterglow.

“Girl, you’re going to kill me at this rate.”

“You? My pussy is getting sore from all of this attention. Orgasms are hard work!”

She removed her hand from inside her panties and I could see her fingers were coated with a whitish, sticky goo. She played with the slimy secretion, squishing it between her fingers.

“Ugh, this is always such a mess when I cum,” she said half-seriously. 

“Wait right there,” I said. “I’ll get us something to clean up.”

I stood up with my shorts around my ankles and kicked them off. I was now naked from the waist down, with strands of cum all over my legs and pubic hair. I turned towards Niki and saw she had hiked her nightgown up to her breasts. Her panties were so wet that I could see her pubic hair and even her labia through the material.

“Actually,” she replied, “I need to change my underwear, so how about I bring you back a warm washcloth?”

I plopped back down in my seat, suddenly feeling exhausted. “Works for me.”

Niki returned wearing the same nightie with a fresh pair of blue panties and used the warm wet cloth to wash all around my crotch. As erotic as this scene was, it did not even get a little rise out of my cock. The batteries appeared dead for now.

A definite change in our relationship had occurred. Niki sat down right next to me hip-to-hip to watch TV, which she had never done before. During commercial breaks or at other random intervals, she would nudge me in the ribs and command.

“Kiss me!”

I was happy to oblige every time and we had a delightful time smooching. Finally, it grew late and she headed off to bed. I stayed up a while longer, trying to grapple with the events of the day and what they meant for the coming weeks. As much fun as we were having, would I cross the line and have sex with a sixteen-year-old girl? What line should I draw? How far was too far?

If I’d let my cock do the talking, it would want to fuck Niki immediately. But my rational side knew there were still several things I could show her that would keep her vaginal virginity intact. It meant something to me, even if she had already dismissed the whole ‘virginity thing’ as no big deal. With those thoughts churning in my mind, I headed off to bed.

The next few days were uneventful, with Niki busy with school and me working with an old friend on some part-time consulting. TV nights continued to be fun with our usual foot massages but we managed to hold off on any further sex play to let her pussy recover. Friday night rolled around and Niki was all keyed up from a stressful week of studies and soccer practice. Her team was in the playoffs and her coach had doubled their training time. I expected her to spend the evening with friends but she wasn’t interested.

“I’ve been around them all week and need a break,” she said. “Ashley is on the rag and bitchier than usual, and Becca broke up with her boyfriend and is too depressed to be any fun.”

“Well,” I said. ”How about we go out for a nice dinner and good conversation?”

I could see she was tired and on the fence but she said, “Yeah, okay. I think I’d like that. Something unhealthy that I can feel guilty about tomorrow.”

“Excellent! Go change into a nice dress and we’ll go to a little place I save for special occasions.”

“A dress? Really? I just assumed we would hit a burger joint or something.”

“Nope. The best thing to ease a stressful week is to pamper yourself a bit. Now go get changed.”

Thirty minutes later, I was dressed in slacks with a button-down shirt and sports coat. Niki appeared from her bedroom wearing a gorgeous dark green mini-dress with a tiny white floral pattern. Her silky red hair hung down her back in a French braid, giving her an air of elegance and maturity. Charcoal stockings sheathed her legs accentuating their length and the look was finished off with low black heels which helped highlight her slim physique. The result was simply stunning.

“Wow, stockings? They look fantastic on you! But won’t you feel too warm?”

She smiled and demurely lifted the short hem of her skirt at the hip showing me that they were thigh-high stockings.

“See, only my legs are covered. My pussy is still free to enjoy the fresh air.”

“Very nice,”  I said with admiration. “Niki, you look amazing! You are the prettiest girl on the planet!”

I saw her face blush a deep shade of pink. Lord, this girl should never play poker; her face always shows her emotions.

“You really think so? You aren’t just saying that to make me feel better?”

“It is absolutely true, and I'm stunned by your beauty. I cannot even find the words to tell you what’s in my heart right now.”

Her smile was so big it lit up the room and lit up my heart. I’m not super emotional but at that moment I felt myself fall hopelessly in love with this young girl. God help me, I am lost.

We headed out to the small family-style Italian restaurant I like, and the owner sat us in a nice, quiet booth. Soft classical music played in the background and the space was pleasantly noisy with a low burble of conversation and the tinkle of silverware. Niki asked me to order her meal which I did and as an afterthought, I requested a nice bottle of red. The waiter brought two wine glasses and I saw Niki’s eyes widen.

“How old does he think I am?”

“Well in that dress you look older than sixteen but also they know me here and trust me to use sound judgment. You don’t have to drink any wine if you don’t want to. Or you can try a sip if you are curious.”

When the bottle arrived with our appetizers, I poured a glass for myself and two fingers into Niki’s glass. I took a sip, rolling the rich, full-bodied liquid around in my mouth before pronouncing it an excellent vintage. Niki raised her glass to her nose and sniffed.

“Swirl it around in the glass a few times and sniff again. This aerates the vapors, which then provides a better sense of the aroma.”

She did as suggested and then took a small sip. I saw her nose wrinkle.

“It’s not as sweet as I was expecting. And it doesn’t taste anything like grapes. But it’s not bad at all.”

“Yes, this is a dry wine, so the sweetness is minimized. And wine is much more complex than plain grape juice, and with time you can learn to discern the various flavors within. But for now, just sip and relax.”

We spent the next two hours enjoying a leisurely meal. I drank most of the wine, but Niki managed to consume almost a glassful. By the time we finished dessert, she was quite relaxed and talking up a storm about her upcoming finals and how much pressure her team was under for the soccer playoffs. I paid the check and asked if she wanted to go anywhere else.

“If it is alright with you, I’d like to go home and get comfortable. Dressing up is nice, but heels hurt and it’s been a long week.”

The restaurant was quite full as we left, and I saw more than a few men and some women glance at Niki as we walked by. I knew that every one of them was envious of the young woman holding on to my arm. As we hit the street, Niki stopped and pulled off her shoes.

“Damn things hurt,” she muttered. “I don’t know why any girl wears these things.”

Niki walked for about ten steps before I heard her exclaim, “Ouch, dammit, ouch!”

“City streets a bit rough on tender stockinged feet?”

“Yeah, I don’t know which pain is worse, the heels or the rough sidewalk.”

“Here, let me help.”

I lifted Niki into my arms and carried her the two blocks to my car. She felt good against my chest and she wrapped her arms around my neck to hold on. I managed to keep the short hem of her dress firmly in place as we walked, lest we flash her panties to every person we passed. At the car, I loaded her into the front seat, admiring the tops of her thigh-highs and the small triangle of emerald panty fabric between her legs.

“Impressive,” I said. “Your underpants almost match your dress. Very coordinated!”

“Thanks, she shot back. “Next time I can wear a red dress and skip panties altogether and still be color coordinated. As you may have noticed, the carpet does match the drapes.”

She giggled and I saw her relax and almost melt into the soft leather upholstery. Perhaps a glass of wine was overkill for one so young and slender. I, too, was feeling the effects of the wine and knew navigating would require some concentration. Driving carefully, I managed to get us home in one piece and without incident. I helped Niki out of the car and carried her straight to her room and onto her bed.

“Feeling a bit woozy,” she said, sounding half-asleep. “Everything is spinning around.”

“Sorry, love,“ I replied, “I shouldn’t have allowed you to drink so much.”

With my help, we got her undressed and into a long cotton nightgown. It was one she was not particularly fond of, previously declaring it a ‘Granny Gown’. But it was soft and warm and big enough to slip easily onto a slightly drunken teen. I helped her to the TV room while I went off to get changed.

Dressed for bed, I joined her on the sofa, where she was mindlessly flipping through channels.

“Five hundred channels,” I heard her mutter, “and not a single thing to watch.”

She surfed around a bit before settling on a teen adventure movie. It wasn’t my style but I was content to be under a blanket with this soft warm body snuggled up to mine. She sat with her head on my shoulder while I had my arm wrapped around her. It was as blissful a scene as you could imagine.

“Thank you,” I heard her say with slightly slurred words. “Tonight was great. I felt so grown up and special. It’s one of the things I love about living here. You don’t treat me like a kid.”

I smiled, though she couldn’t see. “I’m happy that you’re happy. You are more special to me than you can imagine. Just being around you brings me happiness I never thought I could have.”

We sat for a bit and soon I heard the sounds of gentle snoring. I looked down and Niki’s eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted as she dozed. I wanted to kiss her but feared waking her. We sat like that for another hour before I managed to untangle myself from her embrace and carry her to bed. I covered her up and kissed her forehead.

“Sleep well, my beautiful girl. Thank you for a delightful evening.”

Saturday dawned bright and sunny and I had just a touch of a hangover. It had been years since I’d drank so much but luckily I wasn’t feeling too bad. As I lay, I realized it was the sound of the shower that had awakened me, which meant Niki was up and about. Rather than feign sleep, I greeted her as she exited that bathroom all wrapped up in towels.

She saw my eyes were open and said, “Bout time sleepyhead. I’ve been up for hours. I’m starving and going to make some breakfast for us. Go take your shower and join me.”

Over breakfast, we talked about the evening before and how she decided that alcohol wasn’t worth the effect it had on her. But she was glad she tried it and got the experience out of the way.

“I was thinking,” she said, “we have the whole day open and I don’t know whether it's the aftereffect of the wine or just the good feeling from our ‘date’ but I’m super horny. Do you think we could do more sex stuff today?”

“Oh, I think I can clear my schedule,” I replied. “Spending time with you is worth its weight in gold.”

She giggled at the trite phrase and said, “What new thing can we try today?”

“Today, we learn about the wonderful world of oral pleasuring and shared masturbation. Sound good?”

“Sounds like a lot, but I’m excited to try!”

We agreed to meet in a few hours as I had errands to run and it was her weekend to do laundry. I managed to get home by early afternoon and found Niki laying on the sofa...

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Written by nightwish
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