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Niki Comes of Age - Part 7 (Conclusion)

"Niki and Bill, many years later..."

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Author's Notes

"This story is the conclusion of my seven-part series from Collection Redhead. Please read in sequence for the best experience. Thanks!"

Dear Reader, in part six, we saw the devastating impact of real word decisions on our couple.

In part seven below, we conclude our bittersweet story of Niki and Bill.


In the weeks following her move, Niki texted me almost every day letting me know about her life. Once she started her new school, the texts became less frequent as the whirlwind of junior year in a new location filled her days. By the following summer before her senior year, she was texting me once or twice every few months, mostly asking how I was doing or if had I seen any of her old girlfriends around the neighborhood. For my part, I went back to my normal life and tried to let Niki live hers. By the middle of her senior year, the texts stopped completely and other than social media, I was pretty much in the dark.

Heather, bless her, did manage to text me occasionally with news of significant events in their lives. I heard when Niki graduated from high school as valedictorian, and I even received a few pictures from the big event. That same year, Heather married the man she had met while caring for her mom, which made me smile.

I eventually learned that Niki had gone away to college in California, working on an arts degree. While there, she met a guy who, according to Heather, ‘I would like,’ and said the two kids were a good match. After graduating from college, Niki got a job as a graphics designer and was now engaged to Mr. Right. As I mentioned somewhere before, time passes.

During the years following Niki, I again tried a few semi-serious relationships, but none could hold my attention for long. When I received the invite to Niki’s wedding, it took a while before my inner pain lessened, and I could rationally look at this as a necessary step in her life. I reserved my flight and made my arrangements, fully intending to help her celebrate this new chapter. But life can be cruel and karma can be a bitch when, just before the wedding, I had to have an emergency appendectomy, preventing me from attending the ceremony.

I didn’t hear much more from Heather or Niki after that. I guessed, with the big events behind them, their old life and neighborhood were only a distant memory. Two years had passed since Niki’s wedding, and I had just celebrated another birthday. I treated myself to some new greenery for the backyard and spent the day toiling in the warm spring sunshine. By late afternoon, I'd finished my labor and hit the bath to wash away the grime. Showered and dressed, I was enjoying a cold beer in the TV room when I heard the chime of my doorbell.

I padded to the front door and swung it open without even bothering to peer through the peephole. Before me stood a young twenty-something woman, smartly dressed, holding what looked to be an expensive leather bag. I was just about to growl that I wasn’t interested in what she was selling when she hit me with that brilliant smile.

Instant recognition flooded over me. Those astonishing emerald eyes flecked with gold, the lovely dusting of freckles, and of course, her fiery mane of red hair, today pulled back into a simple ponytail. For a moment, I couldn’t speak and stood frozen, just staring. I was trying to force words out of my mouth when she came to my rescue.

“Penny for your thoughts, stranger?”

My brain finally unlocked.

“Niki!” I almost shouted. “Oh Niki, it’s you! How wonderful it is to see you! How? Why?”

“Why don’t you invite me in, and I’ll tell you all about it?” she said with a laugh.

I brought her inside and we hugged somewhat awkwardly. I led her to the kitchen and offered her a seat. She agreed to some wine, so I poured two glasses and sat down with her. I had a million questions, but I didn’t want to sound like a babbling lunatic, so I held my tongue waiting for her to speak.

“The ‘how’ is the easy part,” she said. “My company sent me to a convention near here, and I extended my trip a day to visit old friends, and you are my first stop. The ‘why’ is a little more difficult to explain, but first, tell me how you’ve been all these years.”

I sat looking at this stunning young woman before me. Gone was the teenage cuteness, now replaced with a mature beauty. Her hair had darkened several shades, tending more towards auburn now. It was still silky and shiny and luxurious in appearance, and I noted admiringly that the deepened color befit her maturity. Her skin remained clear and fresh-looking, with a bit more color from the California sunshine.

I thought a moment before saying, “I’ve been mostly fine since you moved. I had my consulting work and my gardens, and I even dated a bit. I really can’t complain, as it’s been a great life, especially the part where you were in it.” I gulped my wine before going on. “I’m so, so sorry I missed your wedding. It broke my heart not to see you on your big day. Tell me, how is your new life doing? New career, new husband, new location…”

I saw a slight cloudiness pass over her face. “Oh, you know. Ups and downs. I mean, it all has been exciting and wonderful, but my job can be stressful and marriage can be a challenge. I’m working hard to keep it all together, but if I’m totally honest, I feel pretty happy with my life so far.”

“I’m thrilled to hear that. Life, in general, is a series of peaks and valleys, and you just need to hold on tight and enjoy the ride.”

We talked and talked for the next hour before the conversation waned. She’d been gone long enough that neither of us knew the current version of each other. Once we covered old ground and poked a bit at the latest info, words became harder to find.

“So,” I began, “when you arrived you told me the ‘how’, but what about the ‘why’ for your visit? I mean, visiting old friends is nice, and I am deliriously happy to see you again. But it feels like there may be more?”

I watched as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Whatever reason had brought her to my door now seemed to be causing her conflict. I reached out and took her hand in mine and kissed it tenderly.

“We shared a lot,” I said softly. “I’m here for you and happy to listen to whatever you want to say. And if the words are now too uncomfortable and you no longer want to say them, then that’s fine too. I never want to cause you any pain.”

She favored me with another smile, though not quite as bright as when she first arrived. She looked pensive, and I couldn’t imagine what kind of burden she was carrying.

“I can’t believe I came all this way,” she said timidly, “and now I’m scared to ask and worried you'll think I’m that stupid, frightened little girl from high school. I’m not, you know. I’m pretty kick-ass these days. But with you I…”

I had to laugh at her ‘kick-ass’ statement. “Niki, you were always kick-ass, even in high school. You were just too young to realize how strong and confident you could be. I saw in you maturity beyond your tender years and knew that you’d be a force to reckon with one day. I promise I’d never laugh at any serious question you asked.”

I saw her screw up her courage before beginning, “I love being married, and I love my husband and I even love my job most days. My sex life is wonderful, thanks a lot to what you taught me. Of course, there was much more to learn and my husband and I have taught each other too. But lately, things have gotten a little routine and since I’m out here, I wanted to ask if you and I could make love once more and completely close the circle on our relationship. I realize how crazy this sounds.”

You would think I would be stunned at such a pronouncement, but I wasn’t. What Niki and I once had was deep and meaningful and would always hold a permanent place in our hearts. It didn’t even bother me that I’d be helping her cheat on her husband. I mean, what’s a little adultery after months’ worth of risky teenage sex? The real question was whether I wanted to go through the pain of separation again. Making love to her would reopen my emotions, and knowing she would then leave again was scary.

“Niki, my dearest heart. I know you must have given this a lot of thought, but I need to ask. Are you certain this is what you want to do? Can you live with the guilt afterward?”

At that, a smile lit up her face. “I am very, very sure. I’ve thought about you for years, and having another opportunity makes me so happy. As for guilt, I plan to pack that away with the secret you and I share. I’ve never told a soul about us, and today will just be another part of our secret to keep.”

I knew I would cave. How could I not? Any opportunity to be with her was like a long drink from a great bottle of French red wine. And as for keeping secrets, I too had many stored deep away in my mental vault.

I stood and took her hand, lifting her from the seat. We hugged each other, all signs of our earlier awkwardness gone. I lifted her chin with my fingers and leaned in for a kiss. Her lips rushed up to meet mine, and soon our tongues were dancing like old friends. As we embraced, I felt her press inward against my erection and gyrate her hips slowly. I moaned into her mouth and squeezed her warm body even tighter to mine. After a few seconds, she broke our kiss and tried to step out of the tangle of arms.

“Sorry,” she panted, already visibly excited. “I can’t crush and wrinkle my clothes. I still have other stops to make, and what would the girls think if I showed up looking like I’d been freshly fucked?”

I laughed at the old phrase and let her go, saying, “They’d probably be jealous of you. But I get what you mean.”

We headed to the bedroom, where she paused and looked around. Not much had changed since her last visit, other than the paint color and draperies.

“I like the new look,” she said with admiration. “It’s a great combination of colors and fabrics.”

“I got the ideas from you, my love. This is the color scheme you created during our first visit to the garden center. When I look at it, I'm reminded of the happiest time of my life. Sappy, I know, but it’s true.”

We decided it was best to disrobe entirely before beginning. I watched as she removed each item of what appeared to be expensive clothing and drape them carefully on the overstuffed armchair. Now in her undies, she was wearing a matching bra and G-string panty set of pure white with delicate lace trim. I noted with great admiration that the years had been kind, shaping her body into an even more voluptuous form.

She had grown two inches taller since I last saw her, and while still slim, her athletic chiseled physique had given way to softness. Her breasts were larger, and I could see upturned nipples through the gauzy fabric of her bra. Her stomach was still flat and well-defined, but had taken on a more feminine shape. Even her hips had more flare to them, though her butt remained tight and compact. Through the gauzy G-string, I could see that she had let her bush grow out, though it appeared to still be beautifully shaped. All of her, including her manicure and pedicure, looked professionally sculpted, and I was glad she had the luxury of pampering herself.

I was out of my clothes quickly, standing there naked as a jay with my cock jutting straight out.

“My, my,” she said with a hint of whimsy, “cover that cock with a towel, and it would be just like our first sex play-date. But forget the towel. I’m going to wrap that beauty in something else.”

She knelt before me and began stroking my shaft. Leaning forward, she engulfed my glans in her wet, warm mouth and sucked. A groan escaped my lips as familiar waves of pleasure ran through my body. As she caressed my cock, she bobbed her head, taking a little more of me in with each pass. Soon she was able to deep throat my entire length and had her nose buried in my pubic hair.

“Jesus Christ!” I managed to gasp. “When did you learn to do that?”

“Mmph, mmph,” I heard her mumble around my shaft.

“Not polite to talk with your mouth full,” I quipped.

Niki started massaging my entire cock with a combination of sucking, swallowing, and stroking, getting me quickly to the point of no return. The feeling was beyond sensational, and I could feel my orgasm stirring in the background. Her lips were maddeningly soft, and her mouth was hot and wet, and she did this thing with her tongue I couldn’t even describe.

“I’m about to cum,” I warned.

“Mmph, mmph,” she replied again, this time giving me a thumbs-up signal.

My climax came quick and violent, and the first blast of hot semen barreled down her throat like an express train.  It was quickly followed by additional spurts flooding her mouth with my seed. I could see her throat working furiously to swallow and keep up with the endless flow. Some thin streams of semen leaked from her lips as my ejaculation overwhelmed her. Finally, the spurting subsided and Niki slowed her pace. She squeezed my cock like a toothpaste tube, wringing out the last bit of cum into her mouth.

As she held my cock, it remained stiff, so she slowly, torturously slid me out of her warm mouth. She smacked her lips and I saw her tongue snake out to catch the last few drips leaking from my pee hole.

“Good Lord,” she said with a big grin. “Have you been saving up your cum all this time, just waiting for me? I must have swallowed a gallon!”

Catching my breath, I could only squeak out, “No other woman gets me as excited as you do. I can’t even explain how big my orgasms are with you.”

She stood up, still holding my now softening cock in her hand. She wiggled it around before saying, “I hope your batteries recharge quickly. I have other plans for this big fellow before I leave.”

I leaned into her and kissed her lips, tasting my salty cum. Our tongues tangled as I reached behind her with both hands, feeling for her bra clasp. Her breasts were pressed firmly against my chest and I could feel the hard points of her nipples even through her bra. Freeing the silky garment, I stepped back and slipped it off her shoulders and tossed it with her other clothes. Her breasts had grown since she was sixteen and while still firm and supple, they sagged just a fraction due to their voluptuousness.

Cupping each breast, I marveled at how what used to fit comfortably in my hand now spilled over. I gently squeezed and caressed each breast while massaging her nipples with my palms. Bending slightly allowed me to kiss all over each orb before taking a nipple in my warm mouth and tickling it with my tongue. Now it was Niki’s turn to moan as she pressed her breast firmly against my lips.

“Nobody does this like you,” she said dreamily. “Several have tried, but few have your technique.”

“Mmph, mmph,” was all I could say.

I slowly trailed my kisses upwards from her breasts across the nape of her neck, stopping at her soft lips. As we Frenched, my hand slid down across her firm tummy until it reached the edge of her pubic patch. Fingertips tickled and caressed her pubes before cupping her whole pussy in my hand. The fabric of her G-string was completely saturated with her love juices. I don’t imagine you’ll be wearing these panties when you leave. Looks like you’ll be visiting your girlfriends commando!

I raised my hand to the thin string encircling her waist and slipped my fingers under the tiny triangle of fabric. Her pubic hair was soft to my touch as I probed for the hot, wet crevice that awaited me. I gently spread her lips with my fingers, pushing down into the velvet cleft of her adult sex. This time, she felt different. My fingers had more room to maneuver, and her crease was deeper and hotter. As I stroked upward, I encountered the little bump of her clit, fully encased in the folds of its hood.

“Oh god!” I heard her cry out. “That’s the spot. Right there!”

I was enjoying the tight squeeze and warm, slippery juices coating my fingers as I massaged her pussy. My thumb was rubbing her clit and she gasped with each touch. Moving lower, my finger found the entrance to her vagina and snaked inside, feeling the silken tightness. Even after all this time, she still gripped my finger like a soft vise.

Her pussy was so wet, juices were running down my hand, allowing me to work a second finger inside her. Plunging rapidly in and out, I rotated my fingers so I could massage her G-spot. She loved the stimulation and began humping my fingers with her pussy, trying to drive them deeper inside. Between the finger fucking and clit stimulation, it was driving her wild.

“Uh! Uh! Wait,” I heard her call out. “Legs getting weak. Need to lie down.”

With a quick movement, I removed my hand and yanked her panties down...

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Written by nightwish
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