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With the pool boy gone, Sharon showered and put a clean bedspread and sheets on the bed to eliminate any incriminating evidence from Dan when he returned home from work. Not that he would notice anything, but just in case. Like most men, Dan was oblivious to issues of cleanliness most of the time and would sleep in the same sheets for weeks if left to his own devices. The bedding probably had not been changed since she had left for her sister's more than a week before. They were due to be changed regardless of the sex stain from her afternoon romp.

Dan arrived home late as promised and went right to drinking. Sharon sensed something was off with him: he was not his normal, joking self. He seemed morose. Eventually, he confessed to her.

"Have you heard from Lori?" He figured she might already know about his indiscretions with his stepdaughter and tried to test the water first.

"Not really. She texted me she was doing a road trip with some friends. Other than that, no. How 'bout you?"

"I texted her and tried to call, but I never got through and she never returned my texts. I think she's mad at me."

"Why would she be mad at you? What happened?"

Dan gave his wife a somewhat sugar-coated version of the events. He hoped that whenever Lori got around to telling about it, she would have softened some. Besides, he wasn't completely sure exactly what had happened. He had been thoroughly shit-faced, but he was sober enough to know that he had been inappropriate with his stepdaughter. He did remember that he proudly displayed his cock to her. He cringed inwardly at the thought.

"I drank too much and fell asleep with the tv on. Lori helped me to bed."

"Why would that upset her? I don't understand."

"She helped me undress. I guess she saw me naked and freaked out. I'm not sure. I was pretty drunk, I think. I just woke up and she was gone and hasn't returned my calls."

Sharon knew there had to be more to the story than she was hearing, but clearly, Dan was not going to be forthcoming, and she had her own guilt to contend with so she let it drop. She knew she would hear the whole story sooner or later from Lori.

The rest of the evening passed quietly with a light dinner and television. Sharon announced she was worn out from a long day, not to mention taking a pounding from the pool boy--and went to bed early. Dan followed her to bed and made a clumsy attempt to have sex with her, but Sharon gave him a quick blowjob to get it over with. He came quickly, as she knew he would, and passed out.

As it turned out, Lori called the next morning and said she would be home soon. She indicated that she had visited Jason in Tampa for a few days and would tell her all about it when she arrived.

Time had softened Lori's anger at her stepfather, but she was undecided just how much she should tell her mother. She decided to play it by ear. On one hand, she wanted to punish Dan for his grossly inappropriate behavior, but she also did not want to break up her mother's marriage. She also didn't know just how much she should reveal about her relationship with her stepbrother.

When she arrived, she was pleased to see that Dan was at work. Her mother greeted her with a big hug and a kiss and inquired about the drive. Lori unpacked and sat in her bedroom strategizing the best way to deal with some very complicated issues.

Eventually, she returned to the kitchen where Sharon was prepping for dinner.

"So, I suppose you want to know what happened with Dan and me."

"Only if you want to talk about it. Your decision."

"OK. Well, he was pretty drunk, and I came home late from a party, so I tried to get him to bed. I got him on the bed and helped him undress, and during all that he decided to take off a few more clothes. When I turned around, his shorts were around his ankles and his cock was sticking straight out. And as you no doubt know, he's got a pretty big cock! It just shocked me, I guess. He blubbered some nonsense...probably embarrassed about it...and I got the hell out of there. I'm over it, but at the time he scared me a little bit...he was so shitfaced. I don't know how he was able to even get an erection, but that's the part that scared me. He was definitely erect!"

"Oh, Lori, I'm so sorry about all this. Dan's drinking has been an issue and we're going to have a heart-to-heart about it, but I'm sorry you had to deal with him. He does have a big penis, and he is a horny goat when he's been drinking. But I know how to deal with him. I'm just glad that nothing else happened. He is truly sorry about it. He did give me the quick version and I know he is remorseful. I hope in time you'll be able to forgive his terrible behavior. You were right to leave."

"No worries, Mom. I'm over it. I'll just have trouble looking at him without seeing that big penis." Lori giggled. "That old trick of picturing your audience naked to get over nerves won't cut it here.

"And by the way, I've been thinking, and I have a change in plans. Jason and I got along great and he offered to let me stay with him and attend college in Tampa Bay. I found a JC there to attend and get my feet under me. I also was offered a part-time job near the campus to help pay for expenses. Jason has been wonderful."

Just how wonderful, Lori could not bother telling her mother. She decided that her relationship with her stepbrother could remain their secret for a while longer. There was no need to fan any possible flames at this point.

"Are you sure about this? Jason doesn't mind his little sis staying with him?" Sharon had a quick flash of how she wouldn't mind staying with her hung stepson. She pictured his huge cock as she tried to fit it in her pussy that night in the den, and she felt a tingle in her groin at the thought.

The evening went well after that. Dan returned home, and Lori saved him embarrassment and potential awkwardness by hugging him and telling him she was glad to be home for a short visit before leaving for college. Dan had humility written all over his face, and he remained sheepish around Lori for the remainder of her stay.

That weekend brought a further surprise. As they were cleaning up from breakfast the next morning, Sharon heard someone at the door and was surprised to see Jason walk in, tanned and smiling.

"Hi all, thought I'd spend a long weekend with the fam. Hope you don't mind me dropping in unannounced!"

Even Lori was surprised by his appearance, and they exchanged glances where Lori shook her head to indicate that she hadn't said anything to her mother about their steamy relationship. Jason nodded his compliance with their secret.

Sharon burst into a huge smile when she saw him and gave him a big hug, pressing her breasts into him before giving him a smack on the cheek and then on the lips and exclaiming, "Oh, Jason. Of course not. It's wonderful to see you. What a surprise. This is your home, you goofball."

Jason took his things to his old room and then changed into swimming togs to relax by the pool. Lori followed him outside, careful to keep things at a sisterly distance. Once they were away from their parents, Lori filled him in on what had transpired since her arrival a couple of days before.

"Things are cool with Dan at this point. And I told Mom I was staying with you at your invitation to attend junior college in Tampa. I didn't add anything about sleeping in the same bed with you." She winked seductively. "Let's let sleeping dogs lie at this point."

"Fine by me. I'll follow your lead. We'll just have to cool it for a few days. I'm already getting horny with you sitting there in a tiny bikini. But, oh well. I can wait until we get back to Tampa."

Soon, Sharon joined them by the pool wearing a two-piece and revealing her own ample assets. Lori got a tiny bit jealous when her mother asked Jason to rub lotion on her shoulders and back, but she said nothing. It was obvious to Lori that her mother was flirting with Jason. But at the same time, she realized Sharon had no inkling that her daughter and stepson were in a relationship and loved one another.

The day passed without issue. Jason and his dad watched some college football on tv, and the women busied themselves in the kitchen with a last-minute menu change to honor Jason's arrival. Jason marveled at how alike the two were as he watched them during the commercial breaks. Both were blonde and petite except for their big boobs. As busty as Lori was, Sharon was even more buxom. But then she was heavier all over. Jason was also privy to the fact that both sported large puffy nipples to cap those beautiful mammaries, and he'd had the privilege of sucking on each of them. He pulled a couch pillow over his crotch at the thought of it.

Dinner was fantastic and accompanied by some special wines and a brandy nightcap. By mutual agreement, they all decided to go to bed early and read after a long day filled with the excitement of their reunion as a family.

Lori winked surreptitiously at her brother and blew him a kiss before closing her bedroom door. Jason tried reading but gave up after a few pages and turned out the light. He was soon fast asleep. In short order, the house was filled with snoring from more than one bedroom.

Later that night, around 1:00 a.m. Jason groggily looked up at the clock before burying his head back into his pillow. A sound had momentarily disturbed his sleep, but within seconds he was out again. But then, he felt someone slip into his bed under the covers and a warm body nestled up to him.

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He started to tell Lori this was too dangerous, but before he could say her name, he felt a pair of lips mesh with his own followed by a sibilant shushing in a voice he realized was not Lori's.

"Shhhh. Dan is sound asleep, and Lori's door is closed tight. I couldn't stop thinking about you, Jason. I just had to sneak in here and wrap my fingers around this magnificent cock of yours."

Jason felt a hand reach under the waist of his boxers and grip his penis before sliding up and down the shaft. The streetlight outside his window provided just enough light that he could make out his stepmother's prominent features. There was no mistaking those magnificent breasts poking through her top as she sat up to get in a better position for what was to come.

"Let's get these out of the way, hmmm?" Sharon released his cock and tugged at his boxers. Jason obediently followed his stepmother's command and helped her slide them to his knees where he proceeded to kick them off the rest of the way. As scary as this was, he was immediately caught up in the moment. He had fantasized about fucking his stepmother many times since that night in the den.

"Jesus, Sharon," Jason mouthed. "This is a little dangerous, don't you think? The walls are paper thin around here."

"Hush, Darling. I'll be super quiet, I promise." Sharon leaned over him and softly spoke in his ear. "Don't you worry! But first, let me get this top off so you can play with my boobs. I know you like that, don't you?" Sharon kicked the covers to the foot of the bed and straddled her stepson as she removed her thin silk top and exposed her giant globes, pressing them into Jason's face. Jason obeyed dutifully and kissed and sucked each breast in turn. Getting caught became a secondary concern and resulted in a spontaneous reaction in his groin at the sight of those magnificent orbs.

"That's it, squeeze and suck on my fat nipples, Honey. My pussy is already soaking just thinking about you." Sharon whispered instructions in his ear as she rubbed her crotch against Jason's now exposed and blood-engorged phallus. She was wearing a pair of thong panties, and she pulled the narrow covering to the side so her bare pussy lips came into contact with his cock. "Oh, Honey. You feel so good. I've dreamed of this big prick ever since you fucked me that night on the couch. I can't wait to get it inside me again and feel you stretch my pussy. Ever since you walked in the door, this has been all I've thought about."

Jason was still a bit dazed. Moments before he had been sleeping soundly, and now his stepmother was feeding him her huge breasts and rubbing her vagina against his rock-hard prick as she teased his ear with her tongue and huskily told him how much she wanted to fuck him. Part of him was thinking he should find a way to get out of this, and part of him was telling him to fuck her brains out. As usual, his reasoning resided in his cock.

Sharon raised her ass and breathed in his ear, "Go ahead, Honey. Hurry up and put that big cock in my pussy. I can't wait to feel you."

Jason craned his neck to see as best he could in the dark and reached down to grab his cock. He swished it back and forth between her labia before finding the correct portal and inserting the tip.

"Oh, sweet Jesus! That's it, Jason. Right there." Sharon settled her ass down until half of her stepson's cock was buried in her tight pussy. "Oh, fuck! You are so big. Just hold it there until I get used to you." She tried to keep her voice down, but Jason worried her moaning would wake the others. Regardless, now that he was half-buried in her, he was in no arguing mood. Her cunt gripped him tightly as Sharon wriggled her ass and became accustomed to his girth.

She leaned over and put her lips close to his face as he gripped her ass with both hands and nibbled on her ears. "OK, Honey. Just go real slow now. Feel how my pussy grips your big cock. Not bad for an old lady, huh? Lord, you feel so good. Ummm. Just like that. Long, slow, strokes. I can almost take all of you, now. Oooh, careful! Don't go too deep. It feels like you're in my tonsils, Honey." She giggled as quietly as possible. "I don't have tonsils, but you get my're deep, Baby. Sooo deep. No one else has ever been there before...not ever! You feel so good buried in my cunt where you should be."

Sharon continued in this fashion, whispering instructions and encouraging her stepson. They fucked for probably twenty minutes in this fashion, slowly and deliberately. Jason had little to add verbally, but he had by now been able to push all ten thick inches into his stepmom, occasionally retreating until just the tip remained. Several times she raised her ass a bit too far and his cock slipped out. She quickly grabbed it each time and reinserted it after first giving it a few strokes with her fist.

Sharon's breathing began to quicken, and she craned her neck and shoulders back and lifted her head toward the ceiling, moaning in pleasure. Her globes jutted and bounced and Jason placed a hand on each one to steady them. Her twerking ass began to pump and gyrate on his cock, grinding and sliding up and down. "Right there, Honey. I'm going to climax. Keep fucking me just like that, Sweetie. Oh, fuck, I'm so close."

Jason spoke in a hoarse undertone. "Oh, fuck, Sharon, we need to be quiet or someone will hear us. Oh, shit! I'm going to cum. I can't stop it. This is going to be a big one! Get ready. You're so wet."

Squishing noises accompanied their intense fucking as both lovers concentrated on holding back, but it was no use for either one.

Sharon's eyes rolled inside her head as a huge climax overcame her prompted by Jason's encouragement. She felt a jet of cum squirt out of his cock and into her pussy as she let loose with a flood of her own. She gripped his shoulders painfully and squeezed her pussy muscles for all she was worth. Her cunt convulsed and spasmed in waves as Jason filled her to overflowing with his sperm. Then, slowly the tremors slowed to mere jolts, and she collapsed on Jason's chest. She kissed him passionately, open-mouthed, her tongue desperate. Her lips found his eyes, his throat, and his ears where she offered thanks.

"Oh, Honey. You know what momma likes, don't you? You made me cum so hard that I felt like I was dying. And then you filled me up with all your pent-up juices. Just hold me for a while, Sweetie. I love the feel of your big cock inside me, even as it softens."

Sharon continued to slowly kiss and nibble on her stepson for several minutes before she slowly lifted her ass and let his flaccid cock slip out of her. She scooted back and kneeled at the foot of the bed. She took his softened penis in her mouth and sucked just the head between her lips and swallowed the remnants of his cum still coating the plum-sized glans. She gave it one final kiss before letting it drop to his stomach....

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Written by johndoe7
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