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Author's Notes

"(continued from Part 1)"

But now Jason was here with his stepsister, both getting a little drunk, and she was clearly testing him. Of course, she was only joking with her comment about incest.

Lori emptied her glass and held it out to her brother. "How about one more, and I'll tell you what's going on. Ok?"

"Sure, but no worries. Tell me when you're ready."

"I'm ready now, I guess. So, here's the deal. I don't quite know how to say this cuz it's uncomfortable, but I might as well just get it out." She paused and took a sip of wine.

"Your dad made a pass at me."

Jason was stunned. This was the last thing he'd expected.

"You're shitting me! My dad? Jesus, he's old enough to be your father. Well, he is your father--your stepfather. What am I thinking? How did this happen? Shit, I can't believe this."

Lori explained. It was complicated. Her mom was visiting her sister in another state, and Lori was hoping to do a road trip with friends in a few days. She had been out late partying and came home to find her stepfather passed out on the couch with the tv blaring. She had tried to wake him, but he was drunk. His whiskey glass sat on the coffee table where it left a ring that would surely piss off her mother. He was slurring his words and acting weird when she woke him.

"I tried to help him to bed, and he let me get him up and help him stagger into the bedroom. He collapsed on the bed, and I took off his shoes. I decided I should help him out of his clothes and that was a bad decision. I unbuttoned his shirt and got it off. But he grabbed me and hugged me, telling me how beautiful I was, going on and on with stupid stuff. Anyway, I pushed him back on the bed and he seemed to quiet down so I unbuckled his pants and pulled them off. I folded them and set them on a chair by the closet and when I turned around, he was sitting up on the bed and holding his penis. It was rigid and big. It was sticking out through the fly in his boxers and he was stroking it with his fist.

"Oh, shit. You've got to be kidding."

"Dead serious. But that's not all. He started in with all these compliments about how he loved me more than just a daughter. How I had developed into a beautiful woman, even more than my mother. Blah, blah, blah. I told him he needed to go to bed but he stood and asked me to feel his cock. "Look at what you've done. I'm this hard for you," he pleaded. I tried not to look at him, but I just stared at him in shock, partly from his behavior and partly at how big his penis was. It looked huge.

I tried to leave but he grabbed me and put my hand on his cock while he tried to kiss me. It was gross! I shoved him back on the bed and ran out of the room. I hastily threw some things in a suitcase and left immediately, staying with a friend for a couple of days. I didn't know what to do and finally, I decided to come and see you. You always know what to do. I texted mom that I was going on a short trip with some girlfriends. I never told her what happened."

Jason stared at Lori, stunned by this revelation and unsure what to say.

"Dad called me on my cell several apologize, I'm sure, but I never answered. He texted me to please forgive him, but this is something that I can't get out of my mind. I can't help but think of him sitting there with his big cock in his hand."

"God, I am so sorry, Lori." The irony of Jason fucking Sharon, her mother and his stepmother, was not lost on him, but at least that was consensual. "If your mom knew about this, it would be all over, of course. I don't know what to say, but let's think about this for a while. As you say, it's complicated. Even so, you did the right thing to get the hell out of there. His drinking is a problem, but that's no excuse."

Jason stood and hugged Lori. She held on to him for an uncomfortable length of time. Finally, they broke apart and Jason suggested they watch some tv and call it a night. They sat together on the couch with Jason's arm wrapped around Lori to comfort her.

He continued to wrap his head around the scene that Lori had described. He couldn't imagine what would cause him to do something like that to his own stepdaughter. But his thoughts also occasionally drifted to the memory of his stepmother sitting on his cock as her big tits bounced in his face. Finally, around 11:00, he realized they had both been dozing with the tv on. Jason gave Lori a peck good-night before going to bed.

"I'm hitting the sack. I hope you can sleep ok, Lori. Turn off the television when you're done with it."

"Guess I'll do the same," she added. She turned off the tv and the lights and they went to their respective bedrooms across the short hallway from one another.

At about three a.m. Jason got up to pee and noticed a light on in Lori's room. He peeked through the partially opened door and could see her dozing with the nightstand light on. She had thrown the covers off in the warm Florida air and lay sprawled on top of the bed on her back. Jason's t-shirt nightie was hiked up to her waist and he could see she was wearing no panties. Her legs were spread so that her pale blonde bush and vagina were visible. Her jutting nipples drew his attention as well even though her breasts were flattened somewhat..

Jason involuntarily grabbed his crotch. His cock began to harden at the sight of his stepsister's unclothed form.

"Jesus," he thought, "the last thing Lori needs is her brother hitting on her after she just escaped my dad."

But her admission to having a crush on him combined with the vision of her near-naked form in front of him overruled his logic, and his cock continued to harden despite his efforts to dismiss it.

Jason silently slipped into the room with the intent of shutting off the light, but he bumped the bed. Lori was startled awake and looked up.

"Oh, hi. What's going on? I had trouble sleeping." She examined him through half-opened eyes.

"Nothing...I got up to pee and saw the light on. I was just going to turn it off for you. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

Lori self-consciously pulled her t-shirt down to cover her exposed genitals when she noticed the large bulge in Jason's pajama bottoms. As he reached to switch off her light, she grabbed his arm.

"Wait a sec, please. I need to ask you a question...." She paused. "Jason, am I ugly? Is there something wrong with me? Tell me the truth."

"Jesus, Lori, of course not. God, you've turned out to be beautiful. If you weren't my sister, I'd be chasing you, most likely. Why would you even ask something like that? Besides, it's late."

"Sit down. Talk to me for a minute." Lori pulled him to the bed.

Jason sat on the edge of the bed next to her. He turned his knees away to hide his erection, but his sister looked so beautiful now in the lamplight. She scooted up to a sitting position against the headboard. Her large breasts sat high on her chest, the nipples proudly poking through the thin cotton. Her face was one of both innocence and sexuality. Her pale skin was flawless, and her blue eyes sparkled.

"I have something else to tell you. I'm embarrassed to say this, but I'm not a virgin, Jason. I've had sex several times with a couple of different guys. I can't say it was wonderful or anything since I had nothing to compare it to. It was kind of awkward in a car each time. I think a guy likes me and then I never hear from them again after we do it. There must be something wrong with me. I figured you've had plenty of experience and could give me some tips. Maybe I don't know how to do it right. I've never had an orgasm during sex except when I've used a vibrator on myself. It seems like guys ask me out and then disappear. I need someone to show me how to attract guys, not repel them. Men other than my father."

Jason was caught completely off guard by Lori's confession. He didn't know what to say, but sensing her fragile ego, he looked her in the eye.

"My god, Lori. You're gorgeous. You have it all. Great hair. Great skin. Beautiful eyes. And a killer body. You're a complete package. Trust me--there's nothing wrong with you. You're just a little insecure perhaps."

"Maybe I'm a bad kisser. Maybe you can show me how. Would you kiss me? Not a brotherly kiss, but a real one."

"What? Now? It's late and you're making too much out of nothing. I don't think this is something we should even be talking about."

"I knew it--you are just like everyone. You say I'm hot, but you won't back it up. It's not like we're related. It's not like it would be incest or anything. You're a handsome guy and I bet you've had lots of sex and could teach me how to do it right. Just a kiss!" Lori was a picture of vulnerability, pleading with her eyes as tears began running down her cheeks. But Jason just sat there, uncertain of what to do or say.

"Never mind, Jason. I'm sorry I even came here. You probably hate me right now. I'll leave first thing in the morning. God, I am so stupid." She sniffled and wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand.

And with that, Jason paused for a moment and then wrapped his arms around his sister and kissed her, first on her wet cheeks and then her lips. She pressed her lips to his and then opened her soft mouth and French kissed him passionately. Afraid to dampen her spirits even more, and aware of her large breasts pressing into his bare chest, Jason followed suit, their tongues meeting and tangling with one another. Their kissing became more desperate, and soon they were lying on her bed in a passionate embrace. Lori spread her legs and Jason maneuvered between them, his rock-hard cock rubbing against her vagina through his pajamas as she squirmed under him and he slowly humped her with his hips.

After several minutes, Lori rolled Jason over with surprising strength and sat on top of him. She stared at him momentarily and then reached down and grabbed the hem of her t-shirt nightie. She pulled it over her head, revealing a pair of perfect cone-shaped breasts capped by large, puffy, dollar-sized nipples.

"Lori, we shouldn't be doing this. You're just looking for a distraction after that episode with dad."

"Jason, I've wanted to do this since you were in college. I lied to you. I didn't just have a crush on you. I love you, Jason. And I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. I've wanted to tell you for years but was too afraid to say anything. But right now, here, this moment, I just want to hold you and feel you. And I think you want the same thing."

Jason's cock was straining in his pajama bottoms and poking into Lori's ass as she straddled him. He felt her ass wriggling against it to excite him even more.

Lori took his hands and placed them on her breasts. "I know you like my tits by the way you've been looking at them. Feel them. They're nice and firm and they're yours." She then lowered one hand to the valley between her legs. "Feel my cunt. I'm wet for you. I was going to find a way to fuck you, Jason, and now here we are in bed together. Make love to me. Show me how to make you happy. I'll do anything you ask."

Lori directed his hand with her own and used his fingers to massage her clitoris. Jason rubbed her for a moment and then inserted a fingertip inside her. She was soaking wet, and he licked his fingers to taste her sweet nectar.

"Oh, yes. Feel my tight pussy, Jason. I want to feel your cock inside me, but first I want you to tell me how to please you. I'll do anything you'd like. Do you want me to suck your cock? I've never done that, but I want to learn."

Of course, Jason had never heard his twenty-one-year-old sister talk like this. And even though he felt this was wrong, his brain was disconnected at the moment, and his cock was driving his decisions. Lori was technically his stepsister, but right now she was a beautiful naked young woman oozing sexuality and begging to be fucked.

Her tight body was perfect. Like a gymnast with full breasts. Her large, pale areolae jutted prominently, bumpy and swollen and capped by dime-sized nubs. With a free hand, he grasped her flawless apple ass, perfectly round and smooth with a fine layer of baby-soft fuzz.

Lori lifted a leg and spun around, kneeling beside him. She slid his pajama bottoms down past his knees and grabbed his huge phallus in one hand, her fingers unable to completely encircle the shaft. A gasp followed when she realized how large he was. She looked over her shoulder with a nervous smile. Jason kicked off his pajama bottoms.

"Tell me if I'm doing this right. You're so big I'm afraid I might hurt you with my teeth."

"Just go slowly and use lots of saliva, Lori. But first, straddle me with your knees so I can lick you at the same time." Jason grabbed her thighs and directed them on either side of his face giving him access to her pussy and ass. He marveled at how perfectly round her ass was as he ran his hands over each cheek, spreading them apart to reveal her pussy lips covered by soft, downy blonde pubic hair.

"I don't shave my pussy; I just trim it. Is that ok? Or do you like them shaved clean? I'll do that for you if that is what you prefer."

"Your pussy is perfect." And with that, Jason spread her ass and licked her slit from stem to stern. When he arrived at her anus, he lingered there for just a moment before returning to her slit and inserting the tip of his tongue into her vagina. Lori moaned in appreciation. She had never experienced a tongue down there and it instantly cause her juices to flow.

"Oh my god, Jason. What are you doing? No one has ever done that, but I love it."

Lori closed her eyes as his tongue explored her pussy and labia before she licked her lips and began kissing and licking just the head of his cock. She had to stretch her lips grotesquely to encompass anything more than the mushroom head of his penis and nearly choked in the process.

"S..L..O..W..L..Y... Lori. I know...I'm big...gradually try to fit it in your mouth. Lots of spit. Just take in what you can." Jason had been through this before with other women. He anticipated that this would be no different with his petite sister.

Lori shivered in response as Jason's tongue once again found her anus and pushed slightly until her star widened and his tongue began to enter her ass.

"Oh. My. God, Jason," she moaned. "What are you doing to my ass? That's so nasty but feels so good. Where do you learn how to do these things?"

Lori realized she had to redouble her efforts before he drove her crazy. Once again, she stretched her mouth as wide as possible and sucked the glans and a little more of his penis into her mouth, careful not to scrape him with her teeth. As she worked the shaft with her hand she sucked until her cheeks were hollow from the effort.

"Is this ok? Am I sucking your cock the way you like it? Your cock is so big I can barely get my lips around it but let me know what you like." She paused as his tongue passed over her clit. "Oh, shit, Jason. No one has ever licked me before there. You're a wonderful lover."

Lori resumed her ministrations to Jason's cock, sucking, kissing, and licking as much of it as she could take without choking. A few drops of precum leaked from the head and she tasted sperm for the first time. She was surprised that it tasted sweet to her and she realized that she liked the taste despite what she had heard to the contrary from some of her girlfriends.

"If you have to cum, go ahead. I'll swallow it all for you. God, you are so thick, Jason. I've never seen a penis this big, even on the internet. Mmmm...right there. Your tongue feels so good. Tell me what you like. Anything you want. You can even fuck my ass if that's what you like." Lori couldn't imagine his big cock in her tight bum, but she was desperate to please her stepbrother any way that she could.

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"Lori, just relax and enjoy this. We'll go very slowly. I want you to feel things you've never before experienced. You are doing wonderfully. You're making me feel fantastic. Don't worry about anything. I want you to be happy."

Jason stopped licking her and bent his neck so he could watch between her legs as she struggled to get as much of his cock in her mouth as possible. Despite her lack of direct experience,...

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Written by johndoe7
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