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Nisha’s Husband Swap 3: Visitors. Chapter 2.

"“Tell me what happened, poor love,” Nisha said, resting her hand on Fraser’s leg."

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Author's Notes

"Introducing Poonam, my most popular character by far! Oversized, oversexed, and overbearing, she leaves broken hearts and broken bedsprings wherever she goes. I hope you enjoy reading the first story about her exploits. She is big, bold and brassy, and when she announces she is coming to stay for the weekend, Nisha is dreading her arrival. <p> [ADVERT] </p>However, when the visit takes an unexpected turn, Nisha and her husband, Chris, prove to be the most hospitable of hosts. Thanks for reading. Nisha X"

Nisha woke the following day to the sound of more fucking next door.

“Oh, God! Oh, God! Fuck me harder! Fuck Mummy, then shoot your cum on her big tits. Oh God, your cock feels so good!”

Fraser was evidently giving Poonam the fucking of her life, and another pang of jealousy struck Nisha, strengthening her resolve to get Fraser’s cock in her holes that night, no matter what it took.

She was sure Chris, still sleeping beside her, would enjoy fucking Poonam too. Nisha knew he got desperate for anal, and although she sometimes let Chris fuck her when he was horny, anal sex between them had never been the same since he had found out his cock wasn’t big enough to get her off. Chris was a caring and generous lover who always put Nisha’s pleasure above his own, so knowing his dick wasn’t doing anything for her also killed his enjoyment of anal. But he had his needs, and if Poonam, Meenakshi or anyone else enjoyed his cock more than she did, Nisha was happy to lend him out for a while, providing she got a big, hard dick in return.

“Oh yes! Oh my God, there’s so much cum! Let Mummy lick the last drops from your cock.”

It seemed Fraser had blown his beans over Poonam’s tits, just as she had asked.

“She’s like a wild animal,” Nisha muttered to herself.

Putting on her short, silk bathrobe and not wishing to hear any more sex noises from next door, Nisha went downstairs to make a cup of tea. Shortly afterwards, Fraser came into the kitchen wearing only his briefs.

“Did I hear the kettle? Any chance of a cup of tea for Poonam and me?”

It was the first time Nisha had heard Fraser speak. He had a strong Scottish accent, which Nisha found quite sexy, but the bulge in his underwear garnered most of her attention. He hadn’t even let his cock get suitably soft before he had come downstairs, and there was even a wet patch where his cock was still leaking the last few droplets of his cum into his briefs.

“That’ll do nicely,” Nisha thought as she assessed the length and thickness of Fraser’s tool.

“Of course. How do you like it?” Nisha asked.

“Milk and sugar,” he replied. “I don’t know about Poonam. Just give her the same.”

“Sleep well?” Nisha asked knowingly.

“Like a log,” Fraser replied.

“Yeah, right,” Nisha muttered under her breath.

“So you two met online?” she asked by way of conversation as she took out two extra mugs, allowing her robe to ride up as she reached for the tea bags on the top shelf.

“Aye, but only face-to-face for the first time yesterday.”

Nisha subtly pulled her bathrobe apart with one hand as she poured the kettle with the other.

“I’ve heard some terrible stories about online dating,” she said, putting the kettle down and facing Fraser as the tea infused. “People who are different in real life to how they appear online. Is Poonam what you expected?”

She leaned against the counter and opened her legs slightly, giving him a flash of her firm inner thighs and a slight glimpse of her pussy. She was pleased to see Fraser appreciated the view; his cock was getting hard again, and he moved his hands between his legs to hide his embarrassment.

The question took Fraser by surprise, and he chose his words carefully. “Well, everybody’s a bit different in their photos, especially with Photoshop and everything.”

‘He means she’s fatter than he expected,’ Nisha thought.

“And she’s maybe a bit older than her profile said, but that’s not necessarily bad. Every guy loves a milf.” He smiled awkwardly, perhaps wondering if he sounded rude, given Nisha was a similar age to Poonam.

Nisha turned, discreetly pulling the top part of her robe further apart before removing the tea bags from the mugs and bending low as she put them in the bin. Her breasts were now barely covered by the gaping silk.

“Yes, and I suppose us middle-aged ladies love a younger man from time to time too. I know I do.”

It came out much sluttier than Nisha had intended, but time was short, and she needed Fraser to know she was available.

“Er… yes. I suppose so,” Fraser replied. Then, again, he adjusted the position of his hands as Nisha pretended not to notice that his huge cock was now escaping from the top of his briefs, the tip reaching as far as his tight six-pack.

“I’ll carry the tea upstairs. Come on,” Nisha said, picking up the tray and leading the way to the stairs.

Nisha was determined to give Fraser a good look at her bum as she climbed the stairs. She knew his eyes would be level with her arse, and he could make out the contours of her pert, firm cheeks through the thin silk of her robe.

‘I might be over fifty, but all these hours at the gym must count for something,’ she thought, swaying her hips seductively in his face.

“Okay, the two teas closest to you are yours and Poonam’s,” she said when they reached the top of the stairs. She couldn’t see his cock under the tray she was carrying, but she knew it must be fully stiff by now. “You’d better go and give it to her. She’ll be desperate.”

Nisha winked and turned to take the other two teas to her room.

Chris was awake when Nisha returned, and she gave him a full debrief in an excited whisper.

“Oh my God,” he hissed when she finished. “What must the poor guy be thinking? Two over-sexed Indian women both desperate for his cock!”

“Yes - but then you would know what that’s like, wouldn’t you?” Nisha smiled. “Anyway, he knows I’m interested now, and he seemed to like what he saw. So now, I need the opportunity to get him on his own for a while.”

“Leave that to me,” Chris replied. “Oh fuck, they’re at it again.”

Sure enough, the sound of fucking was coming through the wall.

“Cum in my pussy now,” they heard Poonam shout. “Fuck me, Big Boy, and cum in my dirty, slutty pussy.”


Chris knew he had some catching up to do. Nisha was well on the way to getting Fraser’s cock inside her, but so far, his plans to entice Poonam into bed were not as advanced. He had waited until he had heard Poonam on the landing before he came out of the bathroom with only a short towel around his waist, but showing off his body wasn’t a crucial part of Chris’s seduction strategy. Chris knew that although fit and toned, he couldn’t compete with Fraser on physique or cock size, especially given he was half Chris’s age and very well-hung. So instead, he had decided not to chase Poonam but to let Poonam chase him.

He had met enough women like Poonam to know what motivated them and decided to build a plan around that. He guessed that for Poonam, it was likely that the chase was better than the catch and that, since she wasn’t as young and attractive as she once was, Poonam derived her self-worth from the number of guys she could lay. Moreover, given her track record, it was likely that fucking another woman’s husband was an additional thrill for her, so he intended to manipulate that to his advantage. It was a risky strategy, but one he was confident would pay off.

So at breakfast, he showered Poonam with flattery and attention, admiring her “beautiful” dress and gently brushing her neck as he touched her “exquisite” earrings. However, his praise for Nisha’s appearance was not as gushing. Nisha, who was in on the plan, had been jealous of her husband fawning over Poonam even though she knew it was all an act, but she further assisted him by implying to Poonam that she didn’t have sex with Chris anymore. She hoped this might be sufficient bait for Poonam to attempt to seduce Chris.

But Chris still hadn’t fully worked out how to separate Poonam and Fraser long enough for their seductions to occur. He had considered all sorts of ideas, but nothing concrete had come to mind. So he would have to play things by ear.

As luck would have it, fate intervened, making his task much more manageable. It was another beautiful day, and Poonam and Fraser had gone to Hyde Park for a picnic, promising to return for dinner. But when they arrived back at the house much earlier than expected, it was obvious things hadn’t gone well. There was a distinct frostiness between them as they sat together on the sofa, and, in the end, Poonam spontaneously burst into tears and stormed off to the spare room.

Seizing the opportunity, Chris told Nisha and Fraser he would check on Poonam, winking at Nisha discreetly as he left the room.

The suddenness of the opportunity initially took Nisha aback, but she quickly took control of the situation. She moved to sit next to Fraser on the sofa, allowing her light summer dress to ride up her bare thighs as she sat down.

“Tell me what happened, poor love,” Nisha said, resting her hand on Fraser’s leg.


“Come in,” Poonam said between sobs. As Chris entered, Poonam was sitting on the bed, tissue in hand and mascara streaming down her face. He sat beside her and put his arm around her back, allowing his hand to drop to her waist as she dabbed her eyes.

“He’s just like all the other bastards,” she began. “We had a lovely picnic, and everything was going well until a group of girls about his age came and sat nearby. Honestly, Chris, Fraser couldn’t keep his eyes off them!

“And then I heard them commenting about me, about how I was old, and why was a good-looking guy like Fraser with a fat old woman like me. And you know what he did, Chris? Absolutely nothing!

“So I suggested we move, but he said he didn’t want to; he didn’t want to lose his little fan club, you see? So I had to sit and listen to all these horrible comments while he lay there sunbathing and showing off.”

“Oh, that’s unforgivable,” Chris said, rubbing her lower back and hip.

“Am I fat and ugly, Chris?” Poonam said, looking to him for reassurance.

“Of course not, Poonam. You’re a beautiful woman! You have beautiful eyes and gorgeous hair, and if you have some curves, that’s not the same as being fat. Most guys go wild for curvy women! I certainly do. I bet these girls were just jealous. I bet they were a load of stick insects, weren’t they? No bums, no boobs, and no brains.”

Chris tried his best to cheer her up, and it seemed to work as Poonam laughed between sobs.

“But it’s him that I’m most disappointed in,” Poonam continued. “How can I be with him when he doesn’t defend me? When he flirts with women half my age?”

“Well, he is rather young,” Chris answered. “A more mature man would be much more sensitive to your needs.”

Again he rubbed her back, allowing his hand to go lower still.

Chris felt bad taking advantage of a distraught Poonam for his and his wife’s sexual satisfaction, but it was all for the greater good. Fraser and Poonam were incompatible, and their weekend away had been a disaster. But he would make sure Poonam went home with a smile on her face.

“I would go home, but the next train isn’t until tomorrow. How will I spend another night in a bed with that horrible man?” Poonam sobbed.

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Chris reassured her. “I’m sure Nisha and I can devise alternative sleeping arrangements.”


Downstairs, things were going well for Nisha. It hadn’t taken much sympathy or empathetic stroking of Fraser’s thigh before a thick ridge had appeared in his shorts. The shorts were now on the floor, and Nisha was between his legs with his cock in her mouth. When he had initially resisted her advances, worried Chris might come back downstairs at any moment, all it had taken was six words to get him onside.

“Chris and I have an arrangement.”

After that, Fraser had been much more compliant.

Nisha sucked greedily on his bulbous tip as he stroked her hair. That she had insisted on a condom before she blew him was unusual, but the prospect of fucking his second Indian bhabhi of the day meant Fraser had agreed without question.

And he was glad he had. Nisha was extraordinarily skilled, and even with the condom limiting the sensations in his cock, she was giving such amazing head he felt he might cum prematurely. Sensing this, Nisha stopped and stroked his cock gently as she made her intentions explicit.

“We both heard you and Poonam fucking last night and this morning. We heard her trying to take your cock in her arse, but she couldn’t, could she?”

Fraser shook his head.

“So I’m going to take it in my arse instead. You and I will spend the night together, and Poonam will spend it with Chris. There are only two rules: no kissing on the mouth and no bareback, okay? But I’m going to make you fuck my arse until it’s raw. Are you okay with that?”

Fraser nodded eagerly, and Nisha returned to his cock.


“You’re very kind, Chris,” Poonam said appreciatively. “Nisha’s very lucky to have you, but is everything okay between you both? It’s just something she said made it sound like some aspects of your relationship aren’t quite what they used to be. God! If I had ended up with a husband like you, I might have been faithful to him! I would always want sex with you if I were her!”

Chris still felt bad about taking advantage of Poonam and decided to put things on the level. He explained they had a wonderful sex life but occasionally slept with others “to meet particular needs.” When Poonam asked what these needs were - she had lost none of her earlier rudeness - Chris told her everything. He told her about their need for good anal, that Nisha was seducing Fraser as they spoke, and that he wanted Poonam to sleep with him that night.

At first, Poonam seemed shocked that Chris was asking her to be part of their latest swap, but the thought of fucking him was tempting. Fraser may have turned out to be a disappointment, but Chris seemed to be an experienced, sensitive, and adventurous lover.

“So Nisha loves huge cocks in her arse? Wow - it’s always the quiet ones! Well, there’s a big prick downstairs that she can have any time. And I’m sure I can do something to meet your needs, too,” she said. “Especially in that department.”

She leaned over to kiss Chris on the mouth.


Nisha was now riding Fraser on the sofa. Her panties were on the floor, and the skirt of her dress was bunched around her waist. She had pulled down her shoulder straps and removed her bra, allowing her impressive breasts to spill over the front of her dress, and the firm, tawny globes now bounced in Fraser’s face as her pussy repeatedly impaled itself on his enormous cock.

Fraser reached forward, cupping her breasts as he sucked her dark, firm nipples. Nisha smoothed her hair with both hands, tilted her head back, and rode him no-hands for a while. Then she pulled him tightly towards her, clamping his mouth firmly to her breasts as she ground herself on his cock, taking every inch deep inside her pussy.

It was unusual for Nisha to cum from penetration alone, but riding Fraser’s cock made her cum hard, and she knew that once she had him in her arse, he would make her cum even harder still.


When Poonam leaned in to kiss Chris, he pulled away and explained the rules he and Nisha followed when they swapped. She hadn’t seemed to mind the rebuff, particularly as he kissed her sensitive neck and shoulders instead, pushing her back on the bed as he worked slowly down to her generous cleavage.

“Take my dress off,” she whispered, pulling the skirt around her waist.

Kneeling above her on the bed, Chris dragged Poonam’s dress over her head, revealing her smooth dark skin below. Poonam looked stunning in just her underwear. Her breasts were straining at her red lace bra, and matching transparent panties barely concealed her clean-shaven mound. Her skin was smooth and unblemished, save for a fading dragon tattoo on her midriff.

Poonam closed her eyes as Chris knelt over her and continued kissing her neck, shoulders and bosom as he pulled her bra straps over her shoulders to signal that he wanted her to remove the garment. He tasted suntan lotion and perfume when he kissed the plump mounds of her upper breasts and the salty taste of her sweat as his tongue explored the deep crevasse between her breasts. It was an intoxicating mix.

“Take it off,” she said, and Chris, realising it was a front-fastening bra, did as she asked.

Poonam’s huge breasts flopped to each side as the two cups separated. Although they had lost some of the firmness they had undoubtedly had in her youth, Poonam’s breasts still had Chris transfixed. Her large, dark nipples and areolas made them appear even bigger than they were, and as she pushed them upwards to meet his eager mouth, they loosely spilt over the top of her fingers.

“Suck them, Chris. Suck them and finger my pussy.”


Nisha was enjoying Fraser’s cock immensely. He was now fucking her over the back of the sofa, and judging by his increasingly violent thrusting and heightened breathing, he was nearing his climax. But Nisha didn’t want him to cum without first fucking her arse. She knew she had all night, and Fraser had the stamina to last that long, but that wasn’t the point; having gone almost five months without, she needed a huge cock in her bumhole.

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“Come on. Let’s go upstairs,” Nisha said. “It’ll be more comfortable there.”

Comfort was essential to Nisha, but she also wanted to find out if Chris had successfully managed to bed Poonam. She was looking forward to listening through the wall as Chris fucked her, and Nisha hoped she would hear Poonam giving up her arse to her husband, the way she was about to give hers up to Fraser.

As they reached the top of the stairs, Poonam’s moans were already emanating from the spare room.

“Fuck, yeah! Oh my God, Chris.”

She already sounded like she was cumming. Nisha wondered what Chris was doing to her. Whatever it was, Poonam was undoubtedly enjoying it.

Leading Fraser to the bedroom, she removed her disarranged dress as Fraser took off his T-shirt. He was now naked but for the condom, wet with Nisha’s juices. Pushing him onto the bed, Nisha took a tube of lubricant from the bedside cabinet and squirted it on the condom as Fraser lay back, looking concerned.

“I’ve never done anal before,” he told her. “I don’t want to hurt you like I did when I tried it with Poonam. Just tell me what to do.”

“I will,” Nisha replied as she straddled him. “Let me take the lead at first, and then when I tell you, fuck me as hard and as deep as you can.”

She took his cock and held it firmly as she lowered herself onto the tip.


Poonam hadn’t even removed her panties yet, but with two fingers inside her soaking-wet hole, Chris had already finger-fucked her to orgasm twice. He loved how slutty she was, moaning and talking dirty without concern for being overheard by Nisha and Fraser, who she must have heard come upstairs. If he hadn’t heard her through the wall during the night, he might have thought she was doing it deliberately to make Fraser jealous.

“Oh God, I’m going to cum again,” she cried, and Chris redoubled his efforts as Poonam squirmed and wriggled on his fingers.

With a low grunt, she gave in, and her body jackknifed in another series of strong convulsions. Chris slowed his movements, enjoying the sight of Poonam’s reddened face contorted in the all-consuming ecstasy of her third release.


Nisha was pleased to hear Chris had Poonam eating out of his hand, but she was even happier that Fraser’s cock was now wedged firmly inside her arsehole. She had been so desperate to ride it that she hadn’t adequately prepared. Even two fingers beforehand would have helped loosen her hole, and she felt more discomfort with the initial stretch than ever. Fraser lay still as, with a series of gasps and moans, Nisha took him deeper and deeper, her hands on his firm pectoral muscles.

“You okay?” Fraser asked.

The implicit suggestion that she couldn’t take his cock irked Nisha, and, despite her discomfort, she pushed back hard, impaling herself even deeper onto his shaft.

“I’m fine. Oh God, it’s huge. Just give me a minute. And you’d better not cum too quickly. I know what you young boys are like.”

Chastened, Fraser kept quiet as Nisha slowly took him to the root before pausing to enjoy the sensations as the pain of his entry gradually eased off.

“So, how does it feel to have your cock deep inside a woman’s arse?” Nisha asked as she started gently rocking on Fraser’s prick. “Does it feel good - my tight, Indian arse milking your big white cock? I bet it feels tighter than Poonam’s pussy, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it feels good,” Fraser replied, holding onto her hips as she began to rock slowly, her breasts swaying above his face.

“I wish I could take your cum in my arse,” Nisha continued, “But I don’t know where your naughty cock has been. So you’re going to cum on my tits instead. Would you like that? Would you like to shoot your load on my tits?”

Fraser nodded, but there was a lot more Nisha wanted to do before she was going to let him cum anywhere.


A similar spectacle was unfolding in the room next door. Poonam was riding Chris’s cock, her enormous breasts in his face. Chris was eagerly sucking and nibbling her swinging nipples as she rode him. He didn’t like using condoms; the sensations in his cock weren’t as intense as when he fucked Nisha or Meenakshi bare, but Chris knew it would mean he could last even longer than usual.

Poonam, however, was enjoying Chris’s cock as much as she had enjoyed Fraser’s. Although his cock wasn’t as long or thick as Fraser’s, Chris was much defter at using his tool and knew his way around a woman’s body much better than the younger man. He pulled her down onto his chest, raising her hips and pounding her hard from below as he sucked hard on her sensitive nipples, pulling her bum-cheeks apart and touching her anus as he did so. Unsurprisingly, with all her most sensitive places stimulated simultaneously, Poonam came noisily on Chris’s cock yet again.


Nisha was now quickly riding Fraser’s cock, but she could ride her dildo and get similar stimulation as she had done the day before. So, Nisha knew she needed to take things to the next level. With a real cock there was so much more fun to be had, and Nisha intended to take full advantage of this rare opportunity to get fucked in all sorts of ways. So she climbed off Fraser and turned round. Then, kneeling with her bum in the air and her head on a pillow, Nisha issued her next instruction.

“Okay, now fuck me hard,” she ordered him. “Fuck my arsehole hard from behind.”

The command was partly for Fraser but also for Chris’s benefit. Nisha knew he would be listening next door, keen to know that his wife was getting what she craved. So she deliberately raised her voice, deciding to give him a running commentary as she got anally fucked.

Fraser knelt behind her and pulled her bum level with his hips. Then, with his cock in his hand, he pushed himself inside.

“Oh, God! Oh God, that’s so good. Yes, that’s it - push it balls-deep into my arsehole,” Chris heard Nisha cry as Fraser buried his tip as deep as it would go.


Poonam was getting turned on hearing Nisha being fucked by the same cock that had fucked her that morning, but she was jealous that Nisha could take Fraser’s cock in a way she couldn’t. She climbed off Chris’s cock and picked up the lube Chris had taken from a drawer by the bed. Handing it to him, she bent over on the bed.

“Get my arse ready for your cock,” she said more loudly than was necessary. “Put your fingers into my arse and stretch me open.”

She was determined to let Fraser know that Chris was about to enjoy the arsehole she had denied him the night before.

Chris squeezed some lube onto his middle finger and rubbed it around Poonam’s hole. Then, smearing more over his middle and index fingers, he moved behind her proffered bottom and gently probed her dark arsehole with one finger. Poonam let out a slow, deep moan as she felt his cold finger penetrate her. She suddenly worried that she wouldn’t be clean inside; unlike Nisha, she hadn’t had a chance to douche earlier. But it was too late; Chris’s finger was now fully inserted, and he was beginning to fuck her with it.

“Oooooh! Ooooh, that feels good,” she shouted.

“Mmmm… you like that, Poonam? You like my finger stretching your tight hole, do you? Can you take two fingers?” he asked as a second lubed finger slowly entered her bumhole.


Fraser had worked out that the best way to fuck Nisha was to stand and crouch over her, plunging his cock deep into her arse with every thrust. Nisha clutched the bedsheets as he pulled apart her cheeks and drove his cock inside. He was slightly alarmed when he saw some blood on the condom, but Nisha didn’t seem at all in pain. If anything, she seemed to be in a state of peaceful abandon as his cock roughly took her.

“Oh… my… fucking… God,” she said, her words punctuated by Fraser’s thrusts.

Seeing Nisha’s evident appreciation for his dick encouraged Fraser, and he began withdrawing completely before ramming his cock back into her in one solid thrust. He would then roughly pull out again before repeating the manoeuvre. Never having fucked a woman this way before, he was fascinated by the extent to which Nisha’s hole gaped open when he withdrew. The inside of her wide hole looked red and angry, but she still demanded more, and he was more than happy to comply.


Chris knew his wife must be reaching the zen-like state he had seen her in so often when he fucked her. After a while, Nisha always went quiet, her mind and body in perfect harmony as she relished the sweet sensations his cock was giving her. He could now hear the bed springs and Fraser’s energetic grunts but not Nisha’s voice, so he knew she had reached her point of perfect ecstasy, and he was pleased.

But Poonam was desperate to be fucked, so his thoughts returned to her pleasure. Chris’s fingers had well prepared her big round bottom, and she was ready to take his cock. He wanted to see her facial expressions and watch her huge breasts bounce as he fucked her, so he told her to lie on the edge of the bed. After putting on a condom and covering it with lube, he placed her legs over his shoulders. Then, pulling her whole body towards him until only her top half remained on the bed, Chris bent Poonam almost double as he aimed his cock at her hole. She opened her eyes and mouth wide and drew a long, slow, panicky breath as he gently pushed his cock inside her.


Hearing Poonam getting arse-fucked by Chris brought Nisha out of her trance. She could tell his weeks of frustration had ended as she listened to his body slapping against Poonam’s chubby arse and thighs with every deep thrust. Poonam was enjoying it, too, judging by the smut emanating from her mouth.

“Yes! Fuck my arsehole! Fuck my dirty little arsehole!”

Nisha heard Poonam spit out the words as Chris ploughed her arsehole firmly. She wondered how Chris was taking her and if it might get messy with Poonam not having douched. However, she knew from experience that Chris wouldn’t stop even if it did.

Nisha told Fraser to lie down again. He pulled out his cock and did as she asked. She lay atop him, facing the ceiling with her bum resting on his cock. Then, drawing back her knees, she reached between her legs and placed Fraser’s tip at the gaping entrance to her hole. He quickly pushed his way inside her again and continued fucking her. Nisha drew her knees together and hugged them with her arms as Fraser supported her body with his strong arms, keeping her firmly in place despite her precarious position and the pummelling her arse was receiving.

Fraser’s cock was now pressing on Nisha’s bladder as it stabbed at the wall of her rectum, and she knew she would wet the bed. Every time he pushed inside her, a few droplets of pee dribbled from her pussy lips. When Fraser realised what was causing the warm, wet feeling on his balls, he speeded up his thrusts until a non-stop shower of urine began cascading onto the sheets.

“Oh God, I’m pissing! I’m pissing myself!” Nisha shouted, knowing how much it would turn Chris on in the room next door.


Hearing Nisha’s cries made Chris’s cock even harder. He was still balls-deep in Poonam as she frantically rubbed her clit and fingered herself. Chris was fascinated by the way her breasts moved as he pounded her. Thin ripples starting at the bottom of each huge mound moved over her nipples and continued upwards with each lunge, and the harder he fucked her, the more her breasts responded. Chris imagined her holding her breasts up for him to squirt his cum over, but quickly put the thought from his mind; he had to focus on avoiding cumming prematurely.

To stave off his building orgasm, Chris withdrew and told Poonam to lie face down on the bed. Pleased to see his condom was still clean, she complied and prepared herself for whatever Chris had in mind. Chris knelt between Poonam’s legs, entered her again, and then lay on her back, pinning her to the bed with his weight. He took hold of her wrists to curtail her movement further before thrusting his cock as deep as he could into her anus. Not satisfied with his penetration depth, Chris kicked apart her ankles, holding them in position with his feet. Now he could drive his cock deeper into Poonam, who had little choice but to submit to the onslaught from Chris’s eager cock.


Nisha was thankful that she had remembered to put the plastic mattress protector on the bed; the sheets were soaked by the time Fraser started displaying the first signs of his orgasm. He had his hands on Nisha’s bum, pulling her cheeks apart as he continued to pound her from below, but now Fraser was making more urgent noises as he sought his climax. Nisha had her hand between her legs, rubbing her clit frantically; she had already cum many times, but she wanted to bring herself off once more before Fraser finished himself onto her body. Finally, the sound of Chris and Poonam next door tipped her over the edge.

“I’m going to cum,” she heard Chris say. “Pull open your arse cheeks - I’m going to squirt it into your gaping hole.”

Chris’s loud roaring told Nisha her husband was coming. She pictured Poonam kneeling with her bum in the air, pulling apart her cheeks to present her yawning, pink arsehole as Chris whipped off his condom and urgently wanked himself to completion. Nisha knew he would be aiming at her twitching hole and shooting ropes of his thick, white cum into her unprotected anus until his balls were dry. Then he would flick the last few drops from his tip into the warm, milky pool.

The thought was enough to bring on her orgasm, and when it happened, it happened very quickly. Lying face up on Fraser’s chest was an unstable position,  and as he let go of his grip on Nisha’s waist to grab her breasts, she lost her balance. As she put down her hands and feet to steady herself, Fraser’s cock stopped pistoning in and out of her arsehole and slipped accidentally into her pussy. Not realising anything was amiss and desperate for his orgasm, Fraser continued his upward thrusts, unaware that he was directly stimulating her most sensitive spot. In her crab position, Nisha was unable to move, and as Fraser’s pounding continued, she knew her orgasm was going to be a messy one.

“Oh my God, no!” she cried as she came, and a torrent of clear, hot cum gushed onto the urine-soaked sheets. At first, Fraser didn’t notice and continued thrusting as Nisha’s legs trembled and her orgasm reached its zenith. Only Sanjay had made her cum this hard before, and Nisha was paralysed with pleasure as the constant pumping of Fraser’s cock extended her orgasm. Eventually, her quivering legs and arms gave way, and she collapsed on top of Fraser and rolled onto the bed, panting.

Fraser was now ready to cum. Tearing off the condom, he knelt over Nisha’s body and prepared to spray her with his load. But, unlike Chris, he didn’t frantically pump out his cum. Instead, Fraser slowly stroked his cock, using his wrists to wank himself in a circular motion, easing himself over the finish line. When he was about to cum he opened his eyes and gripped the tip of his cock tight, allowing the cum to build up.

“Yes, Fraser! Squirt your hot sperm over me! Give me every drop!”

A long white stream erupted from Fraser’s cock onto Nisha’s stomach and breasts. A series of shorter blasts followed it as Fraser held back each time, identifying an unsullied part of Nisha’s torso before taking aim and squirting a fresh load of his milky semen onto her smooth brown skin. Nisha used one hand to spread his mess over her stomach and breasts and the other to squeeze the remaining cum from Fraser’s tightening scrotum.

Nisha couldn’t believe a guy could cum so much, especially given he had emptied his balls into Poonam earlier in the day. Even when it seemed he was dry, another thick rope would splash across her body until all Fraser could produce was a slight drop which clung to his tip before slowly dropping to the sheet below. Nisha continued to rub the salty fluid into her skin, resisting the urge to taste Fraser’s thick cum, delicious as it looked.

Nisha was disappointed that, with Sanjay still unavailable, she wouldn’t be able to call on Fraser’s cock when her need for anal became desperate; so far, he had proven to be a capable understudy. Still, Sanjay would be available again soon, and she still had the rest of the night to enjoy what else Fraser had to offer. 


“It’s from Poonam,” Nisha said, pecking at her phone as she and Chris sat eating breakfast one morning. Chris put down his newspaper and waited for Nisha to continue. “She says she’s in town soon. What do you think? Are we at home to Poonam if she wants to pay us a visit?” She winked and smiled at Chris.

“Mmm… you know what I think. Is she coming alone?”

“She doesn’t say but she does say she’s been successfully checked out at the clinic so I know what’s on her mind - slut!” Nisha said in mock disapproval. “I can tell she’s desperate to have you for the night again. What did you do to her to make her so keen? No… don’t tell me. I’m still eating.”

“Well it’s not much use if she’s on her own,” Chris replied, disappointedly picking up his newspaper again.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Nisha said enigmatically. “She’s big enough to share, isn’t she?”

Nisha buttered her toast innocently as a wide grin crept across Chris’s face.


Written by NishasWorld
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