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Nisha’s Husband Swap: Chapter 1

"God knows what they will suggest next! We really ought to get our wives under control."

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Author's Notes

"Two attractive, middle-aged women attempt to discover the joys of anal sex with their husbands but there’s a problem: one husband’s cock is too large, the other’s is too small. Deciding they are much better suited to each other’s husband than their own, the women hatch a plan to swap husbands for one night of amazing anal sex. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But will their scheme bring them the satisfaction they crave, or will it just expose even deeper fault-lines in their marriages? Part 2 to follow very shortly."

Nisha and Meenakshi had arranged to meet for a drink when Nisha finished work. It had been months since they had met without their husbands present. Nisha had missed the opportunity to have a candid, racy chat with Meenakshi about sex, one of the whispered, giggly conversations they always enjoyed over a bottle or two of wine when their husbands weren't around to spoil the fun.

They had decided to meet at a small bar on Piccadilly. Meenakshi had taken the day off work to go shopping on Regent Street, and with Nisha working at a dance studio nearby, it seemed a suitable time and place to meet up.

It had been an exhausting day for Nisha, teaching classical Indian dance to a group of young West End performers. Most of her students had been unwilling to take direction even from someone with Nisha's considerable talent, experience and reputation. The results had been unsurprisingly poor, but she knew a word in the Director's ear would do the trick. There were still six weeks until opening night, and Nisha would have them whipped into shape by then.

For now, a glass of wine and a chat with Meenakshi were all it would take to restore her equilibrium.

The shopping streets were busy, and Nisha wasn't surprised when Meenakshi texted to say she was running late. Receiving the message, Nisha sighed and scrolled through her photos to pass the time.

She decided to find some old pictures of 'Mini', as Nisha affectionately called her friend, to embarrass her as 'punishment' for her lateness. Seeing some of a shy, nineteen-year-old Meenakshi, she favourited them, put down her phone and reflected on the many fun times they had spent together in the years since.

When Meenakshi's husband Sanjay, an old family friend, had first brought Meenakshi to Nisha's house to introduce her as his new girlfriend many years ago, she and Nisha had hit it off immediately.

Sanjay and Meenakshi had married three years later and were now the parents of two teenage girls, but they were still in and out of Nisha’s house all the time, and the children considered Nisha more of an aunty than just a family friend.

When Nisha and Sanjay were younger, their mothers had hoped they might eventually marry and had even encouraged them to do so at one point. But although attracted to one another on one level, they had never taken their relationship beyond that of friends. When Sanjay had met Meenakshi, the beauty and engaging personality of the younger woman meant nobody else could hope to compete for his affections.

In the intervening years, Nisha had met and married Chris. Although she had been in her late thirties when she and Chris had met, Nisha had never had any previous sexual partners, a few unsatisfactory fumbles at university being the extent of her limited experience.

Living with and caring for her invalid mother, along with a punishing performance schedule in the early years of her career, meant Nisha had had few opportunities to form meaningful or intimate relationships in her younger years. When it had become clear to prospective lovers that Nisha wasn't an easy fuck and had considerable domestic baggage, any interest she had received had quickly dissipated.

By the time her mother died, Nisha had felt like the Forty Year-old Virgin and had resolved to do something about it. She had joined a dating website through which she met Chris, a divorced university lecturer, and it quickly became clear to them that the other was The One.

Chris was kind, thoughtful, intelligent and confident, but most importantly, he was tall and handsome. Apart from his cauliflower ears - the result of playing rugby all his adult life - Nisha considered him physically perfect, and the attraction was mutual. She had never expected that she would end up with a white Irish guy, but in Chris, Nisha found her soulmate, and it was inevitable to her from the start that they would be married one day.

Chris had been patient in the early months of their relationship, waiting for Nisha to feel completely ready before he stayed over and taking things slowly when they first slept together.

However, Nisha hadn't needed much time for her confidence to grow. Before long, she and Chris were having sex wherever and whenever they could, sometimes even taking considerable risks by fucking in public places. Sex between them had quickly become a meeting of minds and bodies. It had taken little encouragement from Chris for Nisha to begin pushing the boundaries into more kinky and adventurous sex.

Even now, Nisha was getting sex at least daily and usually more frequently than that. Her days usually began with a fuck, ended with a fuck, and were often punctuated with one or two 'quickies' if the mood took them.

She appreciated that she could talk to Chris about almost any of her sexual needs, and he would do everything he could to satisfy them, however bizarre or kinky they were. Watching porn had given Nisha increasingly lurid and dissolute fantasies, which she enjoyed enacting with her priapic husband, who was always more than willing to accede to her many and varied requests.

Which meant she had plenty to gossip about when she had one of her racy tête-à-têtes with Meenakshi.

Thirty minutes after Nisha had received the text, Meenakshi still hadn't arrived, and Nisha was becoming a little annoyed. She had attracted the attention of a group of pushy, thirty-something bankers who had offered to buy her a drink and were reluctant to take no for an answer. They were probably attracted by the deep, firm cleavage Nisha's vest top exposed. Her large breasts, long dark brown hair, Indian features, and flawless, light-brown complexion gave her the appearance of a woman much younger than her fifty-one years. It wasn't the first time Nisha had been the subject of this kind of attention from much younger guys.

Nisha firmly sent the bankers packing but was secretly pleased that she could still have pulled one of these guys had she wanted to. The gym and dance sessions may have been getting more challenging and the skin creams more expensive in the past few years, but at least they seemed to be succeeding in keeping the ageing process at bay.

When Meenakshi finally entered the bar, Nisha had already had two glasses of wine and was beginning to feel a bit tipsy. Meenakshi put down her many shopping bags and took off her light summer jacket, all the time apologising for her tardiness. It only took a moment for Nisha to forgive her.

"What a beautiful dress!" Nisha said as she rose and hugged Meenakshi.

Meenakshi remained standing and gave Nisha a twirl. She was wearing a beautiful short, sleeveless summer dress which perfectly showed off her long legs, slim hips and small, firm breasts.

"Very sexy," Nisha continued. "You'd better be careful in here, though. I've been fighting off these wankers over there for the last twenty minutes. They'll come after you when they see you looking this gorgeous."

Meenakshi laughed and ostentatiously blew a kiss to the bankers, who seemed unsure whether it was a come-on or a fuck off. Wisely deciding it was the latter, they kept their distance.

"I'm always telling you, Nish, it's when they stop looking that you need to worry," Meenakshi said as she sat down. "You may be over fifty, but you don't look a day over thirty-five. Enjoy it! Who knows how long it will last for either of us?"

Nisha poured Meenakshi some wine, and the two friends caught up on the news about their friends and families. However, it didn't take long for Meenakshi to raise the subject of their sex lives.

"So, how are things between the sheets, Nisha?" Meenakshi swept back her long black hair and flashed Nisha a wide, white smile. "I hope that husband of yours is still giving you plenty," she began in her typically forthright manner as she picked up the bottle and poured them another glass of wine.

“God, yeah," Nisha replied, rolling her eyes. "He can't keep his hands off me at the moment. Every night he comes home from work and expects sex straight away.

"I was watching Wimbledon when he came home last night. After I'd given him a welcome home kiss, he started kissing my neck and groping my arse. Then, two minutes later, I'm being fucked from behind over the back of the sofa! I continued watching the TV until he finished - I didn't want to miss the tennis."

They both laughed.

“I love quickie sex as much as he does, so I'm not complaining. So yes, it's all great. We're always trying new stuff, and I still can't resist his come-to-bed-and-fuck-me eyes. How about you? Is Sanjay still as horny as ever?"

“Yeah," Meenakshi began, "He doesn't show any signs of slowing down either. But I must admit, his size is beginning to be a bit of a problem, would you believe."

Nisha was stunned. One of the things Meenakshi had always seemed to like best about her husband was that he had an extraordinarily long and thick cock. Nisha had heard many stories about Sanjay's legendary dick. She always joked that it had been why an average-looking, stocky, older guy like Sanjay had managed to marry a beautiful, intelligent, sexy young woman like Meenakshi. So how could his size have emerged as a problem twenty-one years and two children later?

Meenakshi leaned in towards Nisha conspiratorially and explained further.

“Remember the last time we had one of our chats…" she whispered. "…I told you we had been experimenting with…” She lowered her voice to a whisper and pointed to her bottom, "...anal play?

“Well, at that point, I was using a dildo. Sometimes I'd play on my own, and other times we'd use the dildo when we were fucking - I love the feeling of being full in both holes at once, you see - but... Sorry, am I shocking you?"

Meenakshi had noticed the look on Nisha's face. The frankness of the conversation had taken even Nisha by surprise; despite her best efforts, it was showing in her dropped jaw and wide eyes.

"No, not at all! Do continue, Mini."

Nisha regained her composure, and Meenakshi continued her explanation.

"Well, I was enjoying the dildo and stuff, but I wanted the 'real thing', so to speak, so we tried it, but I couldn't take his cock inside me. We've tried loads of times, but it just won't fit. So we're getting frustrated because he wants to do it, and I can't wait to feel a real cock up there, but... well... it just doesn't seem that we're compatible in that area."

Meenakshi looked despondent.

"Have you tried using a butt plug beforehand? Maybe..."

"We've tried everything, Nish," Meenakshi interjected. "We both want it so badly, but there just doesn't seem to be a solution to the problem. My pelvis must be too narrow - remember I had problems with CPD and had to have a caesarean when the girls were born? So I can't take a cock as big as his in my arse. My pussy? No problem, it seems. But my arse? Nope."

Nisha took a moment to consider Meenakshi's revelation. The brief pause in conversation was only broken when Nisha giggled.

"Sorry for laughing,” she started. "Only it seems we both have the same problem, but in reverse."

Meenakshi looked confused.

"Let me explain. After our last conversation, I was interested in trying anal play myself. You made it sound less dirty and painful than I had always imagined, so I asked Chris if he wanted to try it, and of course, he was keen.

"So we did it - full anal sex - and it was great at first, but now I feel I need... more. Chris isn't small, as I've told you before, and his cock took some getting used to at first, but once we'd done it a few times, I felt I needed something bigger and thicker."

Nisha looked around to check that nobody was listening, then whispered, "He doesn't know this, but I've bought an enormous dildo, and when he's not around, I use it. It can even give me anal orgasms, which I never have when I'm with Chris.

"We've stopped having sex that way, which he's not happy about, but anal doesn't do anything for me unless I'm full up, if you know what I mean? Chris would be much happier if he could satisfy me that way, but I can only cum when I'm fully stretched, and his cock isn't big enough."

Now it was Meenakshi's turn to look shocked.

"So let me get this right! All four of us want anal sex, but your husband's cock is too small, and my husband's is too big? What the fuck?”

Nisha smiled ruefully and nodded.

There was a long pause in the conversation as both women took a sip of wine and considered their similar dilemmas.

It would have been apparent to any observer that as Meenakshi and Nisha mulled over the situation, they had an obvious solution to both problems. Moreover, it would have been equally clear that both women were aware of what the solution was, but neither was prepared to take the risk of suggesting it to the other.

It was Nisha who eventually broke the silence.

"So if you had a partner with a smaller cock, like Chris, for one night only, what would you do with him?"

She tried to make the question sound hypothetical, but as soon as the words left her lips, she knew it came out much more tangibly than she had intended. Meenakshi picked up on the slip-up and realized Nisha was coming to the same conclusion as her.

"Well, I love Sanjay, so I would only ever be with the other guy to try anal sex, and it would only ever happen with Sanjay’s full knowledge and consent.

“But if I did have a night with a suitable boy, so to speak, I might make him fuck my pussy too, to see how a different cock feels. As you know, I was a virgin when I met Sanjay, and I have only ever known his cock. I can't imagine a smaller one would feel as good as having Sanjay's baseball-bat-of-a-cock inside me, but who knows?

"What about you? What would you do if you had the use of a huge cock, like Sanjay's?“

"Same," Nisha replied, "I want to experience the feeling of being stretched in both holes by a big cock. Feeling a colossal guy pull out of my pussy only to force his way inside my bum and make me cum that way would be such a turn-on.

"But like you, I love my husband and would never go behind his back."

Meenakshi considered Nisha's answer.

“But if you told Chris what you've just told me about your needs, wouldn't he let you have a night with another guy? I thought you guys could talk about anything. You've always said he's very open-minded. Wouldn't he understand?"

"I don't know," Nisha replied guardedly. "We do have some secrets. I've not even told him about my dildo or butt plug, much less my desire for anal sex with a hung guy. He might feel inadequate or think that I'm cheating on him. I'd feel awkward raising it just in case he took it the wrong way.

“And what if I liked it so much, I wanted it regularly? I'm not sure I trust myself, Mini.

“What about Sanjay? Would he let you go with another guy for a night if it meant you could both experience anal sex?"

Meenakshi thought about it for a moment.

"I don't think Sanjay would feel inadequate, at least. He has more between his legs than any girl could wish for. I don't think he'd let me go with another guy, though. Unless perhaps it was part of a wife swap or swinging situation. He would need to feel both of us were getting something out of it.

"Even then, I'm not sure he would go for it, but we've been married over twenty years, and our marriage is rock-solid in every way, so who knows? He'd possibly like to spice things up a bit with a one-nighter, especially if it meant he got to have anal sex. I know he's as desperate for it as I am."

"I think Chris would maybe feel the same way. If going with other people was something we both did together as a couple, he might go for it, especially if the other woman was attractive and enthusiastic about anal,” Nisha replied. "I know he's desperate for it too, but I don't get off when he does it with me, and he's too generous a lover to ask me to do things I don't enjoy. Maybe I'm just being a bit selfish. He must have his needs met too."

"Yes, we'll need to ensure the guys get what they want as much as we do."

Meenakshi's slip from the second conditional to the future perfect tense was subconscious, but it marked a distinct change in the conversation. Suddenly the women were discussing how they would arrange their 'husband swap', and they completely dropped any pretense that the discussion was hypothetical.

But Nisha was still not convinced.

"I just don't know how I'll raise it with Chris. I know he thinks you're gorgeous - he can't stop looking at your arse when we're all together, although he thinks I don't notice. I'm unsure how he'll react when I raise it with him. We've never talked about swinging before."

"I know what you mean," Meenakshi replied. "It's awkward with your own husband, isn't it? So, how about we proposition each other's husband? I'll ask Chris, and you talk to Sanjay. If he says yes to anyone, he will say yes to you. He loves you to bits, as you know."

Meenakshi developed her plan further.

“We'll tell them everything: we have discussed it and are both keen to do it. We'll tell the guys that we're suggesting it for their satisfaction, not ours, that we love our husbands, and that we want them to get what they need in bed.

"They'd be mad not to go along with it when they know their wives are both happy with the arrangement. It's every man's dream!"

“But what if only one of them wants to do it?" Nisha had many questions, but Meenakshi always provided satisfactory answers.

“When we've spoken to them separately, they can get together, discuss it, and come back to us with a joint answer. The guys' discussion will remain secret, so we won't be offended if either of them doesn't want to fuck either of us - we'll never know which one of them said no. But if one of them doesn't like the idea, I suspect the other will talk him round. If neither is up for it, we can just put the idea down to too much drink or something and apologize for suggesting it."

"I'm not sure. It's quite a risk," Nisha said skeptically.

"What's the worst that can happen? If they turn us down, it will only be because they love us and want to be faithful to us, but their egos will have been boosted because we asked them to fuck another woman. So it's a win-win situation! Either we get a great night of anal sex, or we know that our husbands are faithful to us, even when tempted with the anal sex we know they're both desperate for."

Meenakshi was making a solid and convincing case, but Nisha still needed to think about it further. Would Chris think less of her for offering to fuck Sanjay, even if he got to fuck Meenakshi as part of the same deal?

Meenakshi was right, though. By pretending it was all for Chris's benefit, the worst that could happen would be that Chris could accuse Nisha of an error of judgement, not a desire to be unfaithful. Nisha trusted Meenakshi to explain to Chris that this was to be an act of love on Nisha's part, not dissatisfaction with their sex life. She would do the same for Meenakshi when she spoke to Sanjay.

The wine had made Nisha bold.

"Okay, let's do it," she said decisively. "Let's ask them at Tej and Harmeet's wedding next Saturday. There'll be loads to drink, so we can just blame it on that if it all goes wrong."

"Mark my words," Meenakshi replied, "By the time the boys have had a drink or two, they won't say no."


A week of almost constant texts and phone calls followed as Meenakshi and Nisha prepared to ask their husbands at the wedding the following weekend. They discussed every possible scenario, so by the time the wedding day came around, both were confident that they could either sweet-talk the other's husband into bed or at least talk their way out of the situation if the guys strongly disapproved of the idea.

The plan was for Nisha to send Chris to the bar for drinks. Then, Meenakshi would intercept him and take him somewhere private to hear her proposal. Meanwhile, Nisha would take Sanjay aside and put the idea to him. The guys would then discuss it alone before, hopefully, giving the go-ahead. It was a risky plan, but if the women got it right, the rewards would be well worth the effort.


The wedding was a lavish one. The ceremony and reception were at a top London hotel near Hyde Park, and the event oozed class and sophistication. Unusually for an Indian wedding, it continued well into the evening with endless courses of high-quality pan-Asian food washed down with copious quantities of wine. By nine o'clock - the time they planned to enact their scheme - all four were beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol.

Fortified with alcohol, Nisha put the plan into action.

"Chris - Sanjay and Mini need another drink. Would you mind?"

Nisha watched as Chris rose and proceeded towards the bar.

"I'll go and help him," Meenakshi said, and she quickly stood up and dashed into the crowd before Sanjay had a chance to offer to help instead.

Seizing her opportunity, Nisha immediately asked Sanjay to accompany her outside, telling him there was something she wanted to discuss with him in private. Curious, Sanjay rose and led the way to a small ornamental garden.

Once outside, Nisha came straight to the point.

"Sanjay, you know Mini would do anything for you, don't you?"

"I think so, yes," he replied, "Just as I would do anything for her."

"That's what I thought. Mini always tells me about how happy you are together and how in love you are, even after all these years. We talk about everything, you know."

Sanjay was beginning to wonder where the conversation was leading and was slightly on his guard, but he remained quiet and allowed Nisha to continue.

"When I say we talk about everything, I mean everything," Nisha continued. "I know, for example, that you give her enormous pleasure in the bedroom. So don't be embarrassed. Be proud of how happy you make your wife. She loves you very much."

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Sanjay was indeed embarrassed. He knew what Nisha was getting at when she talked about 'enormous pleasure.'

“You girls don't have any limits, do you?" he responded with an embarrassed smile and a shake of his head.

"No, not when it comes to our husbands' happiness; we don't. That's why I've brought you out here. Mini knows how much you want to have sex in new and exciting ways, and she's desperate to do it for you, but she's worried that she can't give you what you need because of… er... your size."

"Do you mean...?" Sanjay began, looking horrified.

“Yes. Let's call it what it is: anal sex. It's a natural thing for any couple to want to do together - Chris and I have done it many times - and if it were within Mini's power, she would do it for you. But she just can't."

Sanjay didn't know what to say, and he certainly couldn't have imagined what Nisha would say next.

"So we've talked about it, and Mini is happy if - just once - I take her place in your bed to give you what you need in… that area."

Sanjay was dumbfounded.

"What? Do you mean…? Did you say you spoke about this with Meenakshi? And she has agreed to it? For fuck's sake!"

Nisha nodded earnestly. "It was her idea."

"And what about Chris? He's one of my best mates! I'd never fuck his wife behind his back! What on Earth are you both thinking? It's a crazy idea!"

Nisha had expected this reaction and knew she must keep calm.

"You know how much Chris and I love you guys. So I'm sure Chris will go along with it. Besides, you must understand that Mini has needs of her own and wants anal sex just as much as you do. So if you and Chris are both agreeable, while I'm giving you what you need, Chris can do the same for Mini."

Realizing the implications of what Nisha was saying, Sanjay turned away and walked agitatedly towards a flower bed, running his hand through his hair and cursing under his breath as he tried to process Nisha's words.

He turned back to Nisha. "So you and I have sex, and Chris and Meenakshi have sex?"

Nisha nodded. "Yes. Anal sex. Just once."

"But what's in it for you and Chris, apart from giving Meenakshi and me what we both want? I don't understand." Sanjay was finding the whole conversation extremely discomfiting.

“Let's say Chris and I have the same… urges… as you and Mini, but we have a different issue getting in the way of our satisfaction. I need a bigger cock than Chris's, and Mini needs a smaller cock than yours. All four of us want amazing anal sex, and we girls have discovered a way to work together to make everyone happy in that way, even if it is just once. We all scratch our collective itch, and you both get a taste of anal sex for the first time."

Sanjay was still trying to work it all out. Nisha made it sound businesslike and clinical, but he couldn't argue with her logic. Surely it must be more complicated than this?

"Does Chris know about this? Is he in on this too?" Sanjay asked, concerned that the other three were conspiring against him.

"No. Mini is talking to him now on my behalf. We want to give our husbands what they want because we love you. We'll leave you two guys to talk it over in a moment. Your discussion will remain secret, but at the end, we would like you and Chris to give us a joint answer - yes or no."

Nisha firmly took hold of Sanjay's arm and walked him, still shell-shocked, back to the party before he discounted the idea out of hand.

When they arrived at their table, Meenakshi and Chris had already returned. Judging by the stunned look on Chris's face, Nisha surmised that Meenakshi had carried out her part of the plan and a nod from her friend confirmed it.

Sanjay broke the awkward silence.

"Chris… I think we have something to discuss outside," he said, clapping Chris on the shoulder.

Chris got up, and both men left the room.

“How did it go?" Meenakshi asked eagerly once the guys were out of earshot. "What did he say?"

"Very little of note," Nisha replied. "It got a bit hairy for a moment, but I think I talked him down."

"Same with Chris. I think he thought it might be a trap or something, but at least it wasn't a flat 'no.'"

The women awaited the men's return with trepidation.


"I can't fucking believe this!" Sanjay was still highly agitated by Nisha and Meenakshi's plan. "They come to us and blithely ask if we wouldn't mind fucking the other one's wife in the arse, as if it's the most normal thing in the world. Meanwhile, our wife gets fucked in the arse by the other guy. And we're supposed to be okay with that? And pretending it's all for our benefit? They must think we came up with the fucking daisies, mate."

Chris was much more sanguine and reflective about the women's suggestion.

"There's another way of looking at it, though. The girls have identified a gap in our relationships; one I think we all agree is a genuine issue. And rather than going off and fucking random guys to get what they want, they've come to their husbands with a possible solution to the problem and been very open about it. They want us to accompany them on their 'voyage of discovery', as Meenakshi put it. So maybe we should be pleased they've come to us and that they haven't gone behind our backs."

Sanjay still wasn't convinced. "Pleased? They've put us in a bloody awkward position, and either way, we lose. If we say no, we're the bastards. If we say yes, we must let the other guy fuck our wife. It's disgusting! No offense, mate."

"I agree it's a difficult situation," Chris said, trying to pour oil on troubled waters. "But maybe rather than trying to hinder their plan, isn't it best to work with them on this? The genie is out of the bottle, and it's not going back in any time soon, so we can accept this new reality or possibly face something much worse like they both go off and have an affair."

Sanjay blanched at the thought.

"It's true that they're not being completely selfless and dutiful wives, as they suggest, but it's equally true that we get just as much from their proposed swap as they do," Chris continued.

"I'm confused about it too, to be honest, but I do know I love Nisha, and I know she loves me. I'd do anything for her, but, I suppose, if there's something I can't do for her, then perhaps it's wrong of me to stop her from getting her needs met by someone else.

"And with this proposal, she - or at least Meenakshi - satisfies my needs in return. And I guess it's the same for you guys. But, I must say, I can see sense in their plan, unconventional as it all seems.

"And it's only a one-off. If it clears the air and puts the whole anal sex thing to bed, so to speak, perhaps it's the least worse solution?"

Chris was making a lot of sense.

"It's just a lot to get my head around, particularly after a few drinks," Sanjay said, seemingly resigning himself to the situation.

"Yes, but the girls have given it much more thought and can't see a problem with it. Meenakshi told me they've been discussing it at length for days. Maybe we should keep an open mind? If it gives us what we want and, more importantly, makes our wives happy, maybe it's the right thing to do. Remember the saying: 'Happy wife, happy life?'"

"True. So are you suggesting that we say yes in principle, then? I suppose it's all we can do. But maybe we add the caveat that we can change our minds once we've had a day or two to think about it properly? I think it will take a few days to get my head around the idea."

"That sounds like a good solution. If you're okay with that, I am, Chris replied. "Why don't we chat on the phone in a day or two and make our final decision then?"

"Okay," Sanjay replied with a sigh. "Fucking hell! What are these two like when they get together? God knows what they will suggest next! We really ought to get our wives under control."

The pair laughed uneasily and went indoors to rejoin their wives.


Nisha and Meenakshi had been delighted when their husbands had eventually given them their final decision a few days later, but working out the practicalities had taken some time to conclude.

There were many things to consider: when to do it, where to do it, whether to use protection or not, whether either woman might be on her period at the appointed time and many other subsidiary issues that presented themselves along the way.

Knowing they were both on birth control, Nisha and Meenakshi wanted to avoid condoms, but only if all four of them had taken STI tests, to be sure. It was a frustrating delay to their plans, but they felt it would make the experience more safe, intense, natural and satisfying when it eventually happened and worth the extra wait.

It took three weeks before all four tests came back clear and a date and venue could be agreed upon. The swap would happen at Chris and Nisha's house the following Saturday.

There were to be only four rules:

There would be no kissing on the lips - that was to remain between husband and wife. Any sex would be a purely physical act;

If anyone changed their mind at any point, the swap would end, even if it was already underway;

Each of the wives would spend two hours with the other's husband; and,

Whatever happened during the swaps would remain confidential between the couples and never be spoken of again.

Both women were excited and met for coffee the Thursday before the swap.

"How's Sanjay?" Nisha asked nervously. "Is he still happy to go ahead?"

"I think so," Meenakshi replied. "I tell you what, though - the sex since the wedding has been amazing! He hasn't asked me to try anal again, and we're enjoying other new things instead. So it's been a weight off our minds, not worrying about the other person being dissatisfied or not getting what they want."

"It's been the same for us," Nisha replied. "Chris has been even friskier than usual, and the only time he has mentioned anal is concerning Saturday. I think I'd better warn you, though; he's going to be ultra-horny by then."

"I'm ready for that," Meenakshi smiled, "Or at least I will be after I've cleaned my bum out and stretched it ready for him."

Nisha's face contorted in mock disgust at the customary frankness of Meenakshi's reply.

"But I'm more concerned about you,” Meenakshi continued. “I've told you often that Sanjay is big, but you know how big, don't you?"

"Tell me again," Nisha replied, suddenly a bit anxious.

"I measured him once and root to tip; he's at least twelve inches."

Nisha's eyes widened.

"But length isn't the main issue; after all, you can only take as much as you can, and even I can only take about two-thirds of his cock in my pussy. The main issue - and this is what's causing our little problem - is his girth. His cock is as thick as my wrist! Whenever he fucks me, it feels like I'm being fisted rather than fucked. Are you sure you can take that… down below? He's also likely to get quite physical - even quite rough. He loves to feel dominant. Are you sure you'll be okay with that, Nish?"

Nisha took hold of Meenakshi's arm and examined her wrist.

"Hmm… similar thickness to my dildos. I'm sure I'll manage, but it might initially be a squeeze. I'll be fine if I'm well prepared and maybe take it on top first. Don't worry - I'll find a way to make him fit."

Nisha put Meenakshi's arm down before continuing.

"And if he's a bit rough, that's fine. It takes quite a lot of hard fucking with my dildo to make me cum from anal stimulation, so a bit rough is probably better than too gentle, to be honest. Chris is always gentle and sensitive unless we're doing rough role-play, so an unfettered pounding from Sanjay will be a welcome change."

"As long as you're sure," Meenakshi said, unconvinced. "His need to be in charge means he sometimes goes at things like a bull at a gate."

"I'm sure I'll have a great time, as will Sanjay. And as I say, Chris is a wonderful, gentle lover, so I'm sure he'll take his time with you and give you an amazing first experience of anal sex. If anything, Chris is quite submissive - I guess we both are - so tell him exactly what you want him to do. He'll enjoy going down on you too, and I promise - that's something you do not want to miss!"

"Mmmm… I remember you telling me about his golden tongue," Meenakshi replied with a knowing smile. "Giving oral isn't Sanjay's forte, so yes, I'm looking forward to Chris going down on me almost as much as I am getting anal sex."

"Is there anything we've forgotten or anything else we can do to ensure the evening goes smoothly?" Nisha asked.

"Well, we've decided not to have sex again between now and Saturday," Meenakshi said. "We want to be hot and horny for you both, and Sanjay wants to ensure he's fully loaded. He's a heavy cummer, so it might get quite messy."

“Hmmm…" Nisha replied. "Good point - I hadn't thought of that. We'll also abstain for a few days, and I'll tell Chris not to pop any out on his own. I'll make sure he saves up all his cum for you."

Meenakshi smiled and licked her lips in an over-the-top show of delight.


Saturday night arrived, and Chris and Nisha were excited about Sanjay and Meenakshi's arrival. They had spent most of the day cleaning the house, putting fresh sheets on the beds, and preparing a meal. Everything was perfect, and no stone had been left unturned in ensuring the evening went well.

Nisha had taken an hour in the bathroom, ensuring she was clean inside and out. She knew Meenakshi waxed and was unsure what to do about the thick bush she had grown at Chris's request.

For years Nisha had removed any extraneous hair from her legs, navel and back but had always kept her pubic mound and pussy natural; Chris said she smelled and tasted much better when she was hairy. But if Sanjay was used to Meenakshi's smooth pussy, her fuzzy bush might put him off. So by way of a compromise, Nisha decided to trim - Chris wouldn't be happy if she shaved it all off.

Similar preparations had been going on at Meenakshi and Sanjay's house. As the evening approached, the couple dressed smartly for the occasion. As Meenakshi stood in front of the mirror putting on her jewelry, Sanjay put his arms around her waist and softly kissed the back of her neck.

"Chris is a lucky guy, taking your anal cherry tonight," he said provocatively. "I wish it was me stretching your tight little bud for the first time and filling it with my hot spunk."

Meenakshi loved it when Sanjay talked dirty. She smiled mischievously as she adjusted her necklace.

"And Nisha's a lucky girl, getting your big thick cock deep inside her bumhole. I hope you've saved up plenty of cum to squirt into her. She'll not be happy until she has your mess dripping out of both her fucked holes.“ Meenakshi could always be relied upon to give as good as she got.

"Oh, I have," Sanjay replied, and he kissed her again before straightening his tie in the mirror. "Loads."


Dinner was accompanied by wine, and any nervousness amongst the four friends quickly dissipated as the meal progressed and the drink continued to flow. Nobody mentioned the partner swap, but the sexual tension in the room was palpable.

Nisha wondered if anyone was having second thoughts. She looked from face to face looking for signs of anxiety but, seeing none, she relaxed and tried to keep her excitement under wraps.

Once dinner was over, they made their way to the lounge, each couple snuggling together on a sofa in a visible show of togetherness before the time came for them to kiss each other goodbye and go their separate ways. Nisha put on some music, and they chatted over coffee.

She looked up at her husband's handsome face. He nodded in understanding as Meenakshi explained their reasons for holidaying in Croatia rather than at their usual hotel in Greece.

Soon this man who had given her so much love, care and sexual fulfillment over the years would be buried balls-deep in the beautiful younger woman he was conversing with, filling her with the cum that Nisha had always enviously guarded as her own. She began to wonder if the swap was a good idea as a tiny seed of jealousy began to take root at the back of her mind.

Aware that it was getting very late to call things off, she tried to justify the swap to herself.

What was the harm in each of them having a couple of hours with someone else? There was nothing dishonest or underhand about it; it was simply a case of them delegating an element of their sex lives to someone better able to give their partner what they needed. It was a one-off, a release valve for their frustrations. As with the holiday, Meenakshi was still excitedly talking about, once it was over, everything would return to normal, and only the memories would remain.

Reassured, Nisha put the last remaining doubts out of her mind.

As ten o'clock approached, Nisha sensed the anticipation was building and decided to move things on. She had been stealing glances at the thick ridge in Sanjay's trousers all evening and could feel the wetness building in the gusset of her panties as the swap drew ever nearer. She knew Meenakshi would likely feel the same, and she could only imagine how the guys would cope with three days' worth of cum desperately needing to be released. It was rare for Chris to go more than a few hours without an orgasm; three days must have been torture for him.

"Mini, perhaps Chris and I can show you and Sanjay where you'll be sleeping later? Then, I'll get you fresh towels if you want to shower."

Relieved that Nisha had finally broken the ice, all three followed her upstairs, Sanjay and Meenakshi carrying their overnight bags. Nisha showed Meenakshi the guest bedroom with en-suite that she would be sharing with Sanjay once the swap was over, and Chris showed Sanjay the main bedroom he and Nisha would be using for their two hours together.

Happy with arrangements and with their bags unpacked, Meenakshi and Sanjay said they would take a shower and asked Chris and Nisha to join them in twenty minutes in their allotted rooms. The two-hour partner swap would officially begin at half past ten.

Chris and Nisha returned downstairs for what seemed like the longest twenty minutes of their lives. Nisha was so wet and horny that she thought of asking Chris to give her a quickie before she joined Sanjay, but she knew she would only need to wait a few minutes more and tried to get her excitement in check.

Hearing Sanjay leave the bathroom and enter the bedroom, Nisha went upstairs to shower. Having washed, she opened the bathroom cabinet door and pulled out a butt plug and a tube of lubricant. The plug was the largest she had been able to find online; its giant metallic bulb was the only thing thick enough to give her the sustained stretch she loved. The jeweled, heart-shaped base was a nice aesthetic touch, but that wasn't what made the plug indispensable to Nisha.

Unlike other plugs she had tried, there was no way she could forget that it was inside her for a moment. She enjoyed putting it in before going out in public, relishing the constant stimulation it gave her as she walked. Sometimes after sitting on a bus or tube train, Nisha wondered whether a wet patch on the back of her skirt might betray the extent of her arousal, such was the effect the plug had on her.

Nisha covered the plug with lube, spreading it evenly over the bulb. There was enough left on her fingers to cover her anus in a thick coating of gel, an inserted finger ensuring her hole was slippery enough to take the widest part of the bulb. Then, with one foot on the edge of the bath, Nisha began to push the plug into place. As the broadest part slowly disappeared inside her and her body swallowed up the remainder of the bulb, she felt ready to take Sanjay's cock, however thick it was.

After wiping off the excess lube and putting on her robe, Nisha returned downstairs for a final kiss with Chris before the swap began.

Chris stood up and hugged Nisha as she returned to the lounge. They kissed gently and held each other tight, knowing the twenty minutes were almost up and that they must now give their partner away to another person for the first time in their marriage.

"You're sure you want to go through with this, Chris?" Nisha asked, desperately hoping the answer would be yes.

"I would do anything for you, Darling - you know that. Nothing that happens tonight will change how I feel about you or how much I love you. I hope you get what you need from Sanjay, and I look forward to rejoining my gorgeous - and hopefully completely satisfied - wife afterwards," Chris replied.

"I love you too, Chris. I know Mini will do all she can to give you what you want. She will surely appreciate your gorgeous cock in her bum much more than your ungrateful wife. But I can't wait to feel you inside me again later."

Nisha had planned a surprise for Sanjay and would need a few moments more to prepare, so she kissed Chris one last time, and he began to make his way upstairs.

"Oh, and Chris - you remember what we discussed about what happens afterwards?" Nisha asked as Chris opened the lounge door.

"Of course," Chris replied with a wink.


Written by NishasWorld
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