Nisha loved people-watching and had deliberately chosen to sit on the balcony at a table which afforded her an unobstructed view of the people eating and drinking in the busy bar below. She knew her best friend, Meenakshi, wouldn’t arrive for their lunch date for at least another fifteen minutes, and her phone was almost dead. So, with a bottle of Prosecco chilling in a bucket on the table and a few quiet moments to herself, she allowed herself to forget about putting up decorations, writing cards, and all the other pressures of the festive period and relax for a short while.
Nisha watched groups of attractive young women with designer shopping bags chatting excitedly over lunch, recovering their strength before returning to the chaos of Oxford Street’s busy stores. She congratulated herself on completing her Christmas shopping weeks before the shops began to get crazy; shopping in the West End in December was not her idea of fun.
Nisha and Meenakshi were meeting to organise their New Year trip to the Lake District, and with only a fortnight until they were due to travel, time was running short. Although Nisha had booked the cottage months earlier, there was still much to arrange, and it wasn’t only the travel plans that required their attention. The trip gave Nisha, Meenakshi, and their husbands, Chris and Sanjay, the opportunity to swap partners for a second time and the women were keen to ensure their second ‘husband swap’ went as smoothly as the first.
Rather than satisfying both women’s urges, their first swap, five months earlier, had only heightened their appetites, and they had wanted to repeat the exchange soon afterwards. But unfortunately, family commitments, and Meenakshi and Sanjay’s hastily arranged visit to India, had forced them to postpone any plans they had discussed. So instead, they rearranged the trip for the New Year holiday.
The first swap had been incredible, giving Nisha a small taste of the deep, hard anal sex she had craved for so long. However, she had known from the start that once would never be enough, and, sure enough, within days, she was desperate to experience Meenakshi’s husband’s long, thick cock again.
Nisha had never previously experienced the excitement and danger of being overpowered by a lust-fuelled, dominant man concerned only with his orgasm and a need for complete control. So feeling Sanjay fill her up and roughly take her in a way her husband never had was revelatory and liberating.
She had expected the physical sensation of being fucked by a huge cock to be incredible. Still, had Nisha known that Sanjay pulling his twelve thick inches of meat from one hole, only to thrust it into the other, would be an experience of such mind-blowing intensity, she might have expected the mixed emotions she experienced afterwards.
In the weeks following the swap, Nisha frequently found her thoughts consumed by the few things her husband couldn’t provide for her, which confused her. Why did she constantly think about her one fuck with Sanjay when the loving, adventurous, stimulating sex she regularly shared with Chris was so satisfying and perfect in the moment? It seemed crazy to want more than her husband gave her, and she chided herself for doing so.
But to Nisha, the knowledge that another man lusted after her and wanted to use her body for nothing more than his immediate sexual gratification was incredibly arousing. It made her feel desirable and sexy in a way her loving husband didn’t. And the uninhibited, carnal passion of a man reverting to instinct, taking her, pumping his seed into her, and then leaving was what turned her on most.
None of this could she get from sex with her husband alone. Nonetheless, his generosity and selflessness in allowing her to fuck another man had drawn them even closer emotionally and sexually in the months since. Their lovemaking had taken on an even greater depth and intensity, adding to Nisha’s confusion. Of course, Chris’s tenderness and love were still vital to her. But with a new and exciting aspect of her complex sexuality awakened, Nisha couldn’t help but explore it further, and the forthcoming swap at New Year gave her the perfect opportunity.
Nisha’s reflections were brought to an abrupt end when she spotted Meenakshi making her way across the room below her towards the stairs.
It wasn’t difficult to pick her out in the crowd. Tall, attractive, and with an impeccable mane of glossy, raven hair, Meenakshi cut an imposing figure as she strode confidently past the busy tables, the sound of her boot heels on the marble floor audible even from Nisha’s vantage point on the balcony high above.
Nisha couldn’t help but be impressed as a crowd of thirsty football supporters queueing by the bar opened up in front of Meenakshi to allow her through. The men noticed her approach, quickly drew back to let her pass and then checked out her arse as she walked away. Nisha had always thought Levis were kind to tall, slim women.
Meenakshi began to climb the stairs to the balcony. Seeing Nisha, she waved and flashed a big, white smile. Nisha felt the gaze of a dozen men below shift in a moment from Meenakshi towards her.
Nisha greeted her friend, kissing her on both cheeks and hugging her warmly. Although the damp December weather clung to Meenakshi’s black leather jacket like a limpet, and her face was ice cold against her cheek, Nisha was too excited to care. She had missed Meenakshi immensely in the two months since they had last met and was delighted to see her best friend again.
“God, it’s freezing out there!” Meenakshi said as she removed her jacket, exaggeratedly shivering to accentuate the point. “I know it’s December but fucking hell!”
Nisha took Meenakshi’s jacket and hung it over the back of a chair to air as Meenakshi blew on her freezing hands, rubbing them together briskly to get some feeling back.
Nisha poured some wine for Meenakshi as the pair sat down.
“So, how have you been?” Meenakshi asked. “It seems like ages! It’s just been so busy with our trip to India, and Christmas only a week away. And the kids need to be driven to parties or netball matches every second day.”
“I know. It’s been crazy with us, too,” Nisha replied. “But tell me, how was India? Did the funeral go okay? I was thinking of you both.”
“God, you wouldn’t recognise Delhi, Nisha. It’s completely changed since we were there. But it was amazing - sweltering - and the funeral went okay. Sanjay was upset, of course. It was his favourite uncle, and his death was such a shock, but he’s getting over it now. And I try to cheer him up in the evenings to take his mind off things which usually works.”
A wink from Meenakshi confirmed that the sort of ‘cheering up’ Nisha imagined was correct.
“But, he hasn’t been himself since we got back. He’s been even moodier and more demanding than usual, if that’s possible. I hope that our weekend away at New Year will help.”
“I hope so, but I’ve been meaning to ask; are you sure Sanjay will want to… you know... swap again? If he’s still grieving, he might not be in the mood. And Chris and I will completely understand if you want to postpone. We can go in the summer if that gives Sanjay a chance to get over his loss.”
It was a question Nisha had been afraid to ask since she had heard about Sanjay’s uncle’s death. Sanjay had been keen to repeat the swap when Nisha had booked the cottage, but with the changed circumstances, Nisha had been concerned that the couple might want to delay further.
“Nisha, if there’s one thing that will make Sanjay feel better, it’s a weekend away with you guys. He was so excited in September when I told him we’d booked it, and I know he’s been looking forward to….” Meenakshi leaned in, looking around to check that nobody could hear, “...being balls-deep in your arse again. I know you must be desperate for Sanjay’s cock, too. Chris and I have plans of our own, as you know. So yes, I’m sure Sanjay will be up for it. I certainly am.”
The plans Meenakshi mentioned had been discussed immediately after she and Chris had fucked during the first husband swap in June. Although Chris had satisfied Meenakshi’s wish to experience anal sex for the first time, there were things Meenakshi wanted to try which would only work outside her marriage, and dominating and humiliating a guy was at the top of the list.
Meenakshi’s husband, Sanjay, was too naturally dominant a character to make a willing submissive, even if he had shown the slightest interest in trying BDSM or role-play. So after Meenakshi had introduced mild elements of domination during her first fuck with Chris, and he had responded eagerly, she suggested incorporating more hardcore elements into the second. To her delight, Chris was excited at the prospect, especially if Meenakshi verbally abused him as Sanjay fucked Nisha.
“So you still want to try the domination thing with Chris?” Nisha asked excitedly. “I know he will enjoy it. He’s tried to get me to do it with him, but it doesn’t float my boat. I guess we’re both naturally submissive, and humiliating my husband doesn’t seem right, even if it is only role-playing.”
“Yes, I do,” Meenakshi replied. “I’ve been planning what I’ll do with him since he first agreed to it, and my ideas keep getting wilder and wilder. Knowing there’s a guy ready and willing to allow me to explore it with him has brought my suppressed fantasies into the open.
“And that’s why I suggested meeting you here. Once we’ve had lunch, I thought we might go to Soho. There are some shops I’d like to visit and some items I’m considering buying, and I would value your opinion.”
Soho, London’s renowned sex district, was just around the corner from the bar in which the women sat. The area contained many adult shops, ranging from book and video stores to seedy sex toy shops and niche gay clothing outlets. Meenakshi would undoubtedly be spoiled for choice, whatever she wanted to buy.
“So, will you come with me?” Meenakshi asked. “Is there anything you need to buy for your next time with Sanjay?”
“Of course, I’ll come,” Nisha replied excitedly, “Although I hope nobody sees us going into the shops. Imagine if I bump into a work colleague or something!”
“Oh, don’t worry. Just pull your scarf around your face. And anyway, if you meet a work colleague, you might just as well ask them what they are doing in a sex shop!”
“True,” Nisha reasoned. “But I’m not sure I know what to buy. As you know, Sanjay’s request for next time was that we all fuck in the same room, and we can certainly do that, but I’m not sure I need to buy anything, in particular, to do it. But if you see anything he might enjoy using, I’ll buy it. I’m worried Sanjay might lose interest otherwise.”
“Lose interest? But why?” Meenakshi was surprised. “He can’t wait to fuck you again.”
“I know... it’s just that last time, although the swap was initially all about us all getting anal sex, we all discovered something new that we wanted to explore, except for Sanjay.”
Meenakshi looked confused.
“I mean, being dominated and used is new to Chris and me, and you want to dominate and humiliate a guy for the first time. But Sanjay will just get more of what he got last time. The only difference this time is that he will have an audience. So I feel under a bit of pressure to make it exciting for him in case he gets bored.”
Meenakshi began to understand the gist of Nisha’s argument.
“After all, he has been the dominant one in your relationship for years, and he took control with me last time,” Nisha continued. “So there’s nothing new for him to enjoy. It’s only a matter of time before he loses interest, and that might put any future husband swaps in peril.”
“I see what you mean,” Meenakshi replied, horrified at the thought that the swaps might stop just as they were getting started. “Although I think he’s a long way from losing interest. But I understand what you’re saying, and I certainly don’t want you to feel under pressure to perform. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I’m not sure. Can you think of any toys Sanjay might enjoy or anything I can do to make things more exciting for him? Last time was so intense I’m finding it hard to come up with new ideas.”
Meenakshi gave it some thought. “I don’t know about you, Nish, but when Sanjay first suggested we all fuck in the same room, I imagined we would just fuck in different beds or something like that. But I don’t suppose it has to be that way.”
“What do you mean?” Now it was Nisha’s turn to be confused.
“Well, maybe the evening could be a little more... fluid. What if both couples interact rather than fuck each other separately?”
“I’m still not sure I catch your drift,” Nisha said.
“Okay, let me explain. Sanjay and I want to dominate you and Chris, and you both want to submit to us. But rather than doing it separately, as I’ve always imagined we would, why don’t Sanjay and I team up to control the two of you? Like a husband and wife double act! That would give Sanjay a fresh experience while also taking the pressure off you - and me, for that matter. He wouldn’t just watch me and Chris fucking; he would play an active part in it.”
“Are you suggesting a bisexual foursome or something like that? Would Sanjay want to, you know, get involved with Chris during the swap?” Nisha was concerned this might take things too far, even for Chris.
“God, no! I don’t think Sanjay would go for that at all. I simply mean that while Sanjay and I dominate the two of you, there’s an element of interaction between the two couples. I’ve not entirely thought it through yet, but I think it could be exciting. Maybe he could assist me as I fuck or humiliate Chris, and I could help him as he fucks you. I’m getting wet at the thought of it, to be honest!”
Nisha, like Meenakshi, had initially imagined the two couples would fuck one another separately, albeit in the same room, so it took her a while to get her head around Meenakshi’s suggestion. But although Meenakshi’s plan was sketchy, Nisha, too, found herself becoming aroused at the thought of a foursome. And Meenakshi was right; it would give Sanjay a new experience and take the pressure off her. “Do you think Sanjay will be comfortable with that? He’ll be actively participating in his wife being fucked by another guy. Watching is one thing, but taking part is something else.”
“I don’t see why not,” Meenakshi replied. “If I were a guy, I’d like to feel I had some agency in the proceedings rather than just watching another guy enjoying my wife. Wouldn’t you? Will Chris be okay with it, do you think?”
“Yeah. Chris will try anything once. I know he finds the idea of us all being in the room together exciting. If Sanjay joins you in dominating him, it will only add to his feeling of humiliation. And I think he’ll enjoy us being dominated as a couple because, unlike last time, it will be a shared experience we can talk about afterwards.”
“Great! Then let’s do it. God, this New Year will be the most memorable ever,” Meenakshi said, gleefully rubbing her hands together before picking up a menu.
The women ordered lunch and another bottle of Prosecco. When they eventually left the pub, both were a little tipsy, and their inhibitions and embarrassment about visiting Soho’s sex shops had evaporated. They felt anonymous and safe when they merged with the busy Christmas crowds on Old Compton Street. Besides, most other passers-by were equally fascinated by the displays of lingerie and bondage gear in the shop windows, enticing people inside to investigate the more explicit items hidden from public view.
In an attempt at discretion, Nisha and Meenakshi visited a shop that discreetly advertised an adult store on a sign above the door while ostensibly being an unremarkable bookshop. Once inside, the women were disappointed: the whole floor seemed filled with unappealing non-fiction books and calendars featuring cats and dogs. But then Meenakshi noticed a staircase to the basement. Halfway down the stairs was a neon sign indicating this was the way to the sex shop.
As casually as possible, the women made their way down the stairs. Both had visited sex shops before; nonetheless, neither felt comfortable as they reached the bottom step and made their way inside the room. The basement was dark and musty, and the dim light came primarily from lurid neon signs flickering in the darkness. It took their eyes a moment to adjust to the gloom and make out the full extent of the treasure trove they had discovered.
“Oh my God,” Nisha whispered as they tentatively made their way into the room. “This is amazing!”
Both women were wide-eyed and incredulous. The room was much bigger than they had anticipated, and the range of items on sale was impressive. Every wall was packed from floor to ceiling with clothing and sex toys, some of which were easy to identify, others utterly baffling. A middle-aged man sat by a cash register in the corner, reading a foreign newspaper. He nodded to acknowledge the women’s arrival before returning to his reading.
Nisha and Meenakshi slowly started to browse the room.
“So what are you looking for, Mini?” Nisha whispered. “What do you have in mind for Chris?”
“Well, I have a few ideas about clothing,” Meenakshi replied. “I’m thinking of a latex catsuit or something similar, but I want it to be quite revealing and accessible. I don’t want to have to take it off to get fucked. I know it’s a bit cliched, but wearing something like that will make me feel slutty and powerful. And maybe stilettos of some sort; I’m not sure if the ones I have at home will do. So I need to choose an outfit and then decide.”
“And what about toys?” Nisha was intrigued.
“Well, that’s where I would value your opinion,” Meenakshi said. “You have a much better idea about what Chris enjoys. I know you haven’t done much domination and BDSM stuff, but you can probably guess what he will enjoy and what will likely turn him off.”
Meenakshi picked up a curved, bulbous vibrator from the discount basket and scrutinised the packaging and price tag. “I desperately need a new one of these,” she said matter-of-factly. “Mine is so old now, and the newer ones come with many more features.”
“Look at this! A butt plug for him and a vibrator for her,” Nisha said enthusiastically. “You can control each other’s devices from your phone even if you’re on the other side of the world! I’d ask Chris to put the butt plug in while he’s lecturing at the uni and I’m at home - that could be fun!”
She looked at the price tag and put it back, disappointed.
“Does Chris use a butt plug?” Meenakshi asked. “How comfortable is he about putting things up his arse?”
“Yes, he does,” Nisha replied. “He sometimes puts one in when we have sex. He says it gives him a much stronger orgasm, and he cums longer and much more heavily. You can tell how intense it is from his cum-face. He looks like a fucking gargoyle when he has an orgasm with his plug inside!”
Meenakshi laughed loudly but controlled herself when the shopkeeper looked up disapprovingly. “Okay, I won’t buy one if he has one already, but that gives me food for thought,” she said, continuing to browse.
“Have you tried these?” Nisha asked, picking up some anal beads.
“Yes, we used them when Sanjay tried to get me to do anal. He thought that because the beads got bigger down the stem, he could gradually open me up enough to take his cock, but even the biggest bead didn’t work - his cock was still much too thick. And anyway, I have your husband to take care of that side of things now, so I don’t think I need them anymore.”
“Hmmm…” Nisha replied, replacing the beads.
“Oooooh, yes!” Meenakshi said excitedly, striding purposefully into the corner of the room.
She stood in front of a mannequin wearing a five-point restraint. It was lying prone on a shelf, its hands tethered behind its back and its ankles drawn back to meet them. Its neck was also held by the same device, pulling its head back towards its bound limbs. The mannequin looked helpless, trussed like a roast chicken. “I’m getting one of these, for sure! I’m going to enjoy using this on your husband!”
She picked up a package from the shelf and read about the features. “You can detach the restraints and use them separately as handcuffs, leg restraints or a dog lead, or put them all together, as they are on the mannequin.”
She put the box under her arm before moving on to the dildo section.
Hearing Meenakshi twice refer to Chris as ‘your husband’ suddenly worried Nisha as the weirdness of the situation struck home. Here she was, in a Soho sex shop with her best friend, shopping for items which Meenakshi would use when fucking her Chris. For a fleeting moment, she became concerned that the arrangement had gone too far and was spiralling out of control, but she quickly put things into perspective.
She figured they had only swapped husbands once before, and the experience had been mind-blowing for all four of them. Her relationship with Chris had been better than ever since their first swap, and besides, she wanted more of Sanjay’s enormous cock. She knew all four of them were beneficiaries of the arrangement and her moment of concern gradually turned to a feeling of great anticipation. Instead of worrying, she decided to find something to enhance her pleasure when she next fucked Sanjay.
Catching up with her friend, Nisha surveyed the dildo section. “Anything you like?” she asked.
“I’m good for regular dildos at the moment,” Meenakshi replied, “But how do you think Chris would feel about this?” Meenakshi pointed to a strap-on set.
Picking up the box, Nisha read the information. The item was much more than just a regular strap-on. It comprised an adjustable harness and a selection of various sizes of vibrating dildos. Also, the user could attach a dildo inside the harness for their enjoyment. It looked incredible, but the price tag was off-putting.
“Two-hundred pounds! It looks great, Mini, but two hundred pounds?”
“But if I bought it, would Chris enjoy being fucked with it? There are cheaper strap-ons, but I like the idea that I could have a dildo in my pussy while I was fucking him, and this one has lots of vibrating attachments. Would he go for it?”
Meenakshi looked appealingly to Nisha for the ‘right’ answer.
Nisha thought about it for a moment. Chris often enjoyed using his butt plug but would a strap-on take things too far? She liked to stretch her bum with enormous dildos and, latterly, Sanjay’s cock. But, although Chris had told Nisha he wanted to understand why she enjoyed receiving hard anal sex as much as she did, he had never encouraged her to use a strap-on with him. And although he had said he was curious to know what it felt like to be fucked, all Nisha had ever done was put a finger or two inside him to massage his prostate when sucking him off. So, at two hundred pounds, the strap-on might be a risky spend.
“I honestly can’t say, Meenakshi. What size is the smallest dildo?” Nisha read the box. “Okay, the smallest one is way thinner than his butt plug, so he can certainly take it. If he wants more - which he might well do - you have five more sizes, although you’ll also be using one on yourself.
“But thinking about it, domination isn’t really about what Chris wants - it’s about you getting what you want. You’re probably not doing it right if you don’t take him out of his comfort zone. And we know Chris gets turned on by the thought of being humiliated. I can’t think of many more humiliating things for him than being fucked in the arse in front of his wife. So yes, buy it! But I’ll put in half the money. If he doesn’t go for it, we split our losses. If he loves it, perhaps I can borrow it from time to time to give him something different?”
“Agreed!” Meenakshi responded, and she put the box under her arm.
“And I’m going to buy this,” Nisha said with affected sluttiness as she brazenly waved a long, thick, silver vibrator in front of Meenakshi. “I want both holes filled simultaneously when I next fuck your husband. I want his big dick in my arse and this in my pussy.”
Nisha wouldn’t usually be so bold, but a bottle of Prosecco, being in a sex shop, and the thought of their husband swap had made her feel horny and outrageous.
“Mmmm, I look forward to watching that,” Meenakshi replied even more overtly. “And if you’re lucky, I might use it on you too. Maybe as my husband fucks your arse, I will fuck your pussy with it.” Meenakshi licked her lips.
Nisha should have known better than to out-smut her friend. But, if this was what Meenakshi had meant by ‘interacting’ with Sanjay as he fucked her, it was an exciting prospect.
Both women were satisfied with the toys they had put aside, but Meenakshi was still keen to get some latex clothing. She quickly discounted the cheap, tacky costumes that adorned the walls, instead heading for a rail with a wide selection of expensive hand-made leather and latex outfits. After a few moments of browsing, Meenakshi pulled a hanger from the rail and held it up to examine it. “Fuck me! This is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to find!” she said excitedly before holding the outfit against her to check the size.
It was a black one-piece latex catsuit with some bits missing, and while Nisha could imagine which bits these might be, it was difficult to see clearly in the gloom. Only when Meenakshi passed it to her could Nisha make out the detail. Although the catsuit had a round neck, the entire chest panel was missing, as was a large section around the gusset, giving the skin-tight leggings the appearance of cowboy chaps.
“Fucking hell, Mini! That’s hot! How much?” Nisha asked.
“Fuck the cost; I’m getting it,” Meenakshi replied resolutely. “And besides, I have some boots that will work perfectly with it, so I won’t need to buy any more. So that means I’ll actually be saving money.”
Nisha laughed. She had used the same twisted logic on Chris many times.
Nisha and Meenakshi made their way to the checkout. The shopkeeper suddenly became much more attentive when he saw how much the women were spending and even wished them a Happy Christmas as they picked up their bags and headed up the stairs.
Arriving at Tottenham Court Road underground station, the women hugged and wished each other a Merry Christmas before going their separate ways.
“This is going to be the hottest New Year ever!” Meenakshi said excitedly. “Tell your husband he’s going to have an incredible time, and make sure he practises taking a dildo in his arse.”
“I will,” Nisha replied. “And warn your husband that things will get much hotter this time than last.”
But neither Meenakshi nor Nisha knew quite how hot things would get.
The trip from London to the Lake District took Nisha and Chris around six hours, but once they were off the M25 motorway and heading north, it was an easy drive, and they soon found themselves ahead of schedule. The cottage would become available from two o’clock, and they had decided to arrive early to spend the afternoon and evening unpacking and getting to know the locality. Unfortunately, Meenakshi and Sanjay wouldn’t get there until much later as Sanjay had to work until noon, so Nisha and Chris were looking forward to the first few hours on their own.
Driving through the Lake District was good for the soul. With time on their side, they decided to leave the motorway early, take the scenic route past Windermere, and then head onwards towards their final destination, Ullswater.

Windermere’s deep, ashen waters looked cold and forbidding as they drove past. Still, the towering, bracken-clad mountains, their tops shrouded in low grey clouds with a light dusting of snow, brought home to Nisha how beautiful the Lakeland countryside could be. She wasn’t used to such majestic scenery as a London girl, but this was like home for Chris. He had spent his formative years at a boarding school nearby and had always enjoyed camping, walking and climbing in the Lakes, so he knew the area like the back of his hand. “Not far now,” he said. “Shortly, we’ll go through Troutbeck and Kirkstone Pass, then the next lake we come to will be Ullswater.”
Chris hadn’t seemed fazed when Nisha told him he should prepare for Meenakshi’s strap-on. On the contrary, he had immediately ordered an ‘anal beginners kit’ containing three dildos of different lengths and girths.
Sometimes when she came home from work late or after a night out with the girls, Nisha knew that Chris had been practising. The shower would be wet, tiny traces of lube would still be on the bed sheets, and sucker marks from the dildos would be just about visible on the doors or laminate flooring. She didn’t mention any of these things to Chris, but it excited her, thinking about him training his arse for the pegging she knew she would watch him receive. And she looked forward to using the strap-on with him after Meenakshi had broken him in. Nisha didn’t want to dominate him with it, but she couldn’t bear the thought that another woman had fucked her husband in a way she hadn’t. And besides, it could be fun and add a new dimension to their sex lives.
As they descended through Patterdale, the weak winter sun finally emerged, and Ullswater lay ahead. “Its name means ‘peaceful water’”, Chris explained, and that was exactly how it looked now: calm, tranquil and extraordinarily picturesque.
Chris followed the SatNav now, driving through Glenridding village and up a long hilly track until they finally drew up outside the cottage. Nisha eagerly climbed out of the car and looked down at the lake and mountain panorama below her. “God, this is beautiful!” she cried. “What an awesome place to spend New Year!” Chris joined her, hugging her tightly from behind as he admired the scenery.
“I told you it would be lovely this time of year. Fucking cold but beautiful and remote. Come on, let’s look inside the cottage.”
The key to the cottage lay underneath a flower pot, as the owner had promised, so they let themselves inside. The door opened directly onto a dimly-lit, oak-panelled lounge. The little daylight that remained struggled to make it through the cloudy glass of the casement window. To the right was a small kitchen with a wood-burning stove, and at the far end of the lounge, an old fireplace, complete with a built-in bread oven and a large crate of seasoned logs.
The furniture consisted of an oxblood Chesterfield sofa with matching club and wing chairs, a coffee table and a Welsh dresser under the open stairway. A bookcase with ancient leather-bound books and a grandfather clock completed the antique furnishings.
“This is amazing!” Nisha said, making her way inside the lounge to feel the texture of the leather upholstery. “It’s so old but so, so beautiful. And look, the floor is just flagstones with rugs on.”
“And it’s so clean,” Chris shouted from the kitchen. “We have everything we need for a great weekend! Let me put the kettle on. I could do with a brew after the drive.”
After looking around and having a hot tea, Chris and Nisha took their luggage and provisions from the car. They decided they would take the smaller of the two bedrooms because it had a view of the lake, so they unpacked their belongings there.
The bedrooms were as quaint and rustic as the lounge, and with no central heating in the cottage, both bedrooms had small fireplaces. Chris made a mental note to get both fires started early in the evening so Sanjay and Meenakshi’s room would be welcoming for their arrival, and the whole cottage would be warm before bedtime.
Having unpacked their belongings, Nisha organised their provisions, stocking the kitchen cupboards while Chris built fires in the hearth and kitchen stove. Before long, the fires took hold, and the burning logs began to fill the cottage with the sights, sounds and smells of the past. Having finished unpacking the groceries, Nisha returned to the lounge, unable to resist lying on a sheepskin rug in front of the fire. Chris stood above her, warming his hands. “Can we buy this place, Chris?” she joked. “Pleeease!”
“Of course, Darling! As soon as we win the lottery, it’s yours,” Chris replied sarcastically.
“I’ll make it worth your while,” Nisha persisted, opening her legs and stroking her pussy through her jeans.
Within moments, Chris and Nisha were face to face, naked on the sheepskin rug. Despite the warmth of the fire, a cold draught blowing under the door made the hairs on their bodies rise, and the thick woollen rug felt soft and sensual on their naked, entwined bodies. Their tongues met in a long, slow kiss as Chris’s hands moved slowly over Nisha’s hips and bottom. Nisha thought Chris might lose control and take her quickly, disregarding his pledge not to ejaculate in the three days before the swap. But the romantic surroundings had seemingly made him want to take his time.
Chris moved downwards, kissing Nisha’s neck and shoulders. She drew her head back, relishing his gentle licks and soft kisses as she felt her pussy tingle and moisten in anticipation of what was to come. Nisha loved the feeling of Chris’s cold fingers slowly tracing her inner thigh, and she opened her legs wider, goosebumps rising from her skin with each of his soft touches. Then, arching her back and closing her eyes, Nisha moved her body upwards to meet Chris’s hands and mouth as they caressed and teased her tight, tawny skin.
Then, Chris stretched his knee over Nisha’s body and straddled her, gently pinning her hands above her head before releasing them and kissing her lips again. Nisha kept her arms where Chris had placed them, her breasts rising and falling rapidly as her breathing quickened.
She gasped as Chris’s tongue moved from her neck to her large, dark breasts. Pushing them together, he massaged both breasts simultaneously, gently tweaking one dark nipple to hardness with his cold fingers as he softly kissed and licked the other stiff with his hot lips and tongue. Keeping her hands behind her head, Nisha resisted the temptation to touch Chris or to direct him, trusting him to know exactly how to pleasure her. Soon, he closed his mouth around one nipple, sucking and nibbling it while pressing it hard on her breast, just as she liked it. “Oh, God, Chris,” Nisha whispered as Chris turned his attention to the other breast.
She could feel his rigid cock and full balls press against her thigh, and she knew after two days of abstinence before the swap, Chris would be desperate to unload his pent-up spunk. But somehow, he retained his self-control, focusing on Nisha’s pleasure, sucking and massaging her breasts until her thick, dark nipples stood out like thumbs.
Chris’s tongue tickled Nisha’s abdomen as, still astride her, he moved down her body, gently kissing her navel as he worked his way towards her pussy.
Nisha suddenly became alarmed, remembering that she hadn’t showered since the long journey. She cupped her hands around Chris’s face. “No. Let me freshen up before you go down there. Not yet, Chris, no….”
But Chris paid no attention. Instead, kneeling at her feet, he gently moved her legs apart, pushing her shins back to bend her knees and open up her dark, inviting pussy lips. Immediately his face was in her trimmed, dark bush, his tongue licking her slit in a series of long, slow movements from her anus up, each lick stopping just short of her clitoris.
“No…” Nisha repeated softly, still holding on to his shaved head, but her protests were weak and rather than pushing his head away, she found her hands holding it firmly in place as he continued to tease her with his tongue. Then, finally, she released her grip, moving her hands back behind her head as she submitted to his will. She could feel her pussy moistening further as she relaxed, and when he inserted his middle finger, it glided effortlessly into her soft, damp folds.
After what seemed like an age, Chris began to stimulate her clitoris, now engorged and aching for his touch. He pressed his tongue down hard, holding it still for a moment before flicking it firmly over and around her sensitive button. Throughout, Chris kept his middle finger inside her, curling it upwards to slowly massage her G-spot as his tongue continued its exhilarating dance on her exposed clitoris.
Without moving his tongue away, Chris slipped his finger out of Nisha’s pussy and moved it down to her anus.
“No, Chris, I will be dirty. I’ve not douched….”
But it was too late. Using Nisha’s wetness for lubrication, Chris’s middle finger worked its way inside her tight opening, his index finger replacing it inside her pussy as he slowly finger-fucked her in both holes.
“Oh, God. Oh, God, no,” Nisha moaned as her husband’s tongue and fingers continued their triple assault on her most sensitive places, but she couldn’t resist her husband for long. Instead, moving her hands down, she pulled apart her bum cheeks to allow him deeper, her heels resting on his back for support as she surrendered her body to him completely.
Nisha loved it when Chris was like this; strong, silent and bold. Maybe subconscious guilt or shame allowed her to enjoy dirty sex only when her husband initiated it, her token protestations enough to absolve her of responsibility for the lewd acts in which they became engaged. And perhaps Chris knew this, which was why he sometimes played the dominant role Nisha knew didn’t come naturally to him.
As she felt her orgasm build, Nisha gently moved Chris’s face away from her pussy, taking over clitoral stimulation herself. She licked her fingers and began rubbing her stiff button, desperate to finish herself off. Chris continued to finger her pussy and anus, pounding her perineal nerve with his knuckle as he watched his wife’s face and body begin to convulse.
Eventually, Nisha’s panting and frenzied moans announced the onset of her orgasm and gripping both their hands tightly between her thighs; she surrendered to her crisis at last. Her legs trembled as waves of searing pleasure repeatedly engulfed her quivering body. Nisha could feel her anus clench and unclench around Chris’s finger, prolonging her orgasm until it began to slowly ebb after several moments of unbelievable rapture.
She lay still on the rug, panting. Then, as Chris removed his fingers, she opened her legs wide, enjoying the cooling draught on her hot, wet sex. “Come here, Chris. Come and fuck me. I want you inside me. Fuck me on the rug, Chris. Please,” she said beseechingly.
“Ah, ah,” he reprimanded, wagging his finger. “Remember the rules; no ejaculating three days before a swap. I need to save all my cum for Meenakshi, just as Sanjay will save his for you.”
Nisha could only imagine how frustrating it must be for someone with Chris’s high sex drive to see his wife lying in front of him, legs open and begging to be fucked, and be unable to do anything about it. But he seemed determined. “Okay,” Nisha conceded. She was disappointed, but the thought that the next cock to flood her holes would be Sanjay’s was enough to take the edge off this unwelcome setback.
Nisha and Chris showered before walking down the hill towards the village. They were pleased to find a small, traditional Lakeland pub with a real fire, comfortable sofas and good local beer. Nisha objected to the stuffed stag head above the fire but said nothing in case someone overheard and took offence, and besides, it was such a welcoming, homely atmosphere she didn’t feel much inclined to complain. Chris bought some drinks, and they took a seat.
“Mini thought they would get here about eight o’clock, but I bet it’s later. By the time they planned to leave London, the traffic would have been horrendous, with the holiday starting and everything,” Nisha said. “But she said she’ll text me when they are an hour away so we can put the Champagne on ice.”
“I think you’re right - they’ll be later,” Chris replied. “It’ll be nice to see them when they eventually get here, though. But you said nothing naughty happens until tomorrow?”
“That’s right. Mini and I thought we would all be tired after the journey, so today is just a settling-in day. Tomorrow night - New Year’s Eve - is when the fun happens. And then we go home on Sunday afternoon after spending quality time together. Our relationship with them mustn’t become all about sex.”
“What are the girls doing while Meenakshi and Sanjay are away? It’s a long time to leave them alone, isn’t it?” Chris asked.
“Oh, come off it, Chris! They’re eighteen and fifteen now! I bet they’ll be off to parties of their own, and anyway, Mini’s parents are spending the weekend at the house to keep an eye on them.”
“Eighteen? Really? That means Pooja could join Meenakshi and Sanjay in a swap with us next time,” Chris said with a wink.
“Chris!” Nisha said, horrified but laughing. “The poor girl’s just a kid! Now go and get some more drinks, you dirty sod.”
Chris ordered more beers, then some Prosecco and a pub meal, and by the time they made their way back up the hill to the cottage, it was dark, and Nisha and Chris were feeling festive.
“Still no sign of Meenakshi and Sanjay,” Chris said as they approached the darkened cottage.
“No. No messages either, so they must still be some way off. Why don’t you set the fires upstairs, and I’ll shower and change into something more comfortable,” Nisha replied, giving him a wink.
Chris laughed, “Don’t tempt me, naughty girl! My cock is off limits to you, remember?”
Once inside, Chris revived the dying embers of the lounge and kitchen fires before going upstairs to light fires in the bedrooms. It didn’t take him long, and by the time he returned downstairs, the cottage was properly warm throughout for the first time. He found Nisha on the sofa dressed in a beautiful blue silk pyjama and robe set. Two glasses of Champagne were already on the table. Nisha beckoned him over.
“You look gorgeous, Darling,” Chris said, kissing her softly. “I’ve not seen you in this before.”
“No, it’s new. I got it for you. You do know how much I love you, don’t you?”
“Of course I do,” Chris replied, “And I love you too.” They kissed again.
“I know I’m a bit funny about things sometimes. Like earlier when I hadn’t showered or douched,” Nisha said apologetically.
“Ha!” Chris scoffed. “If anyone likes to be properly clean before sex, it’s me, but you know I don’t mind if you don’t shower before I… er… go down there. I find it a turn-on.”
He paused before continuing. “Remember I cleaned you up after our first swap - licking you clean after Sanjay had finished with you? Well, it’s not just cum I want to lick from down there, if you know what I mean. Something to think about if you ever want to get really dirty.”
“Oh,” Nisha replied, not knowing what to say. “You mean you’d like to….”
“Yes. Think about it,” Chris interrupted. “And if it doesn’t turn you on, forget I ever said it. But this pussy….” Chris knelt between Nisha’s knees, “ perfect, and I love making it happy in any way I can.” He pulled apart her robe and started kissing her mound through the thin silk of her pyjama shorts. Nisha hadn’t had a chance to consider Chris’s indecent proposal, much less respond to it.
“No, Chris! Mini and Sanjay could be here any time,” Nisha lamely protested.
“You said Meenakshi would message you before they arrived. Well, there’s been no text yet so let me give my beautiful wife a last bit of attention before handing her over to another man tomorrow.” He put his hands under the waistband of her shorts and pulled them off in one swift movement.
Chris was right, Nisha thought: there had been no text, and with the alcohol making her even more compliant than usual, she opened her legs, reclined, pulled open her lips and allowed Chris to go down on her again.
“I can’t wait to fuck your pussy again,” he whispered. “I’m going to fill you with my cum, then go down on you and clean you up like this....” Chris mimicked the clean-up action, using his whole tongue like a thirsty dog at its water bowl. “But I’ll have to be sure I get every drop,” he continued, using the tip of his tongue to work his way inside her inner labia and vagina.
Nisha removed her hands from her pussy lips as Chris took over, forcing his tongue inside her as deep as it would go. His short, stubbly moustache and beard tickled her clitoris, pussy lips and thighs, and she felt his nose pressed into her bush, sniffing her scent as he greedily continued. She put her hands to her breasts, caressing them and tweaking her nipples through her pyjama vest top’s soft, sensual silk.
“And I’d better lick up any cum that’s escaped,” Chris continued, moving his hands down and pulling apart her bum cheeks. Suddenly Nisha felt the flat of his tongue working up and down slowly over her anus before, using just the tip, he started flicking around and inside her tight knot.
“Oh God, Chris. That’s so good,” Nisha moaned, relaxing her sphincter to allow his tongue deeper inside as he flicked the tip, eliciting more urgent moaning.
Chris returned his focus to Nisha’s pussy, pressing down hard on her clitoris with his tongue as she again pulled back her pussy lips, exposing her stiff bead to his skilful tongue.
Nisha began to think back to her earlier conversation with Chris about his pee fantasy. She imagined emptying her bladder over his face and into his open mouth as he went down on her. Nisha hadn’t thought pee-play would turn her on, but the idea was getting her wet.
Maybe it was because she was beginning to feel the need to go to the bathroom, distracting her from her pleasure. However, if she could go here, she could enjoy Chris’s tongue fucking without further discomfort. She gripped his head tightly between her legs and decided that if she got desperate, she would do it. With Sanjay and Meenakshi at least an hour away, she would have plenty of time to mop the stone floor afterwards.
But suddenly, Nisha heard the distinctive sound of the latch and the creak of the old front door as it opened. She looked over her shoulder and was horrified to see Meenakshi and Sanjay making their way into the room. His head clamped between Nisha’s thighs; Chris heard nothing and continued eagerly stroking her pussy with his tongue.
“Chris! Chris! Fucking hell!” Nisha yelled.
Chris continued, thinking Nisha was about to cum. He only realised they were no longer alone when she roughly pushed his head away, and he saw Meenakshi and Sanjay standing, open-mouthed, by the door.
It took Meenakshi and Sanjay only a moment to realise what they had walked in on. Chris was kneeling in front of Nisha, his beard covered in her silvery juices, while Nisha scrambled to put on her pyjama shorts and retie her robe.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” Meenakshi cried, turning round and trying to usher a grinning Sanjay out the door.”
“No, come in,” Nisha called, quickly standing up and trying to regain her composure.
Chris wiped his face on his sleeve.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think to knock,” Meenakshi continued as Sanjay tried to stifle his giggles behind her.
“You said you’d text!” Nisha cried, exasperated.
“Have you tried getting a signal around here? I couldn’t even get one bar. I tried loads of times, but the message wouldn’t send.”
Nisha picked up her phone from the table. It was true: no reception whatsoever. How had she not noticed until now?
By now, Nisha was beginning to see the funny side, and she and Meenakshi soon exchanged hugs. Chris and Sanjay high-fived.
“Good man!” Sanjay said by way of a greeting.
Soon, Chris poured two more glasses of Champagne, and the weekend’s festivities were underway.
The following morning, both couples rose later than usual after staying up until midnight chatting and drinking. Meenakshi and Sanjay had been just as delighted with the cottage as Nisha and Chris had been, and neither couple had been able to bring themselves to leave the cosy lounge or roaring fire and go to bed. Finally, when Nisha had fallen asleep on Chris’s shoulder, they decided enough was enough and made their way upstairs.
Nisha woke hungover and cold, the fire in the bedroom grate long since having gone out, so she spooned her sleeping husband as much for warmth as affection. Her embarrassment was much more acute now she was sober, and as she thought back to the previous night’s events, she wished the ground could open up and swallow her. She told herself it was crazy to be embarrassed, given what they had all come to the cottage to do, but she couldn’t help but feel foolish nonetheless.
Hearing noises in the kitchen, Nisha decided to put on her robe and go downstairs, hoping that Sanjay or Meenakshi had managed to get the lounge fire going. A draught of warm air met her as she descended the stairs, and she was delighted to see several logs ablaze, hissing and crackling in the grate.
Meenakshi poked her head out the kitchen door. “Oh, it’s you, Nish. Good morning! I’ve just made a pot of tea - fancy a cup?”
Nisha nodded and made her way sheepishly to the large wing armchair by the fire. “I’m sorry about yesterday evening, Mini,” Nisha said. “I feel so embarrassed!”
“Don’t be crazy!” Meenakshi replied as she brought the tea through on a tray. “It was quite a turn-on, if I’m honest, seeing you and Chris at it. Sanjay thought so too. In fact, once we got to bed, he went down on me too. I think he wanted a piece of the action himself.” Meenakshi put the tray on the coffee table and passed Nisha a mug of tea before continuing. “I hope you couldn’t hear us. Sanjay’s dead horny after three days of enforced chastity. Seeing you and Chris made him worse - he was down there for ages, slobbering away as if his life depended on it,” she said, pointing at her pussy, and rolling her eyes in exasperation.
Nisha laughed. “I doubt we can hear anything through these thick stone walls,” Nisha replied. “Anyway, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I’m glad Sanjay’s feeling horny, though. Chris is, too, as you could see.”
“Good,” Meenakshi replied. “The guys don’t have much longer to wait. Hopefully, their balls don’t burst in the meantime.
“I think I’ve remembered all the things I’ll need tonight,” Meenakshi continued. “I’m going to enjoy turning Chris into my sex slave. Following our conversation a couple of weeks ago, I have been thinking a lot about what I will do with him. So are you still willing to join Chris as Sanjay and I dominate you both, husband and wife, together?”
“Mmm… sounds intriguing,” Nisha said with a grin. “Of course, but don’t tell me what you’re going to do with us. I want to be taken by surprise.”
“Okay,” Meenakshi said with an excited grin. “But I know you’ll enjoy it. And Sanjay says he’s excited about us teaming up to fuck you and Chris. It turned out a foursome was what he had in mind when he originally suggested we all fuck in the same room, the dirty bastard!”
“Mmm. It all sounds incredible,” Nisha replied. “Whatever you have in mind, you can be sure Chris and I will both be up for it.”
The day passed quickly. After their long drive the day before, Chris and Sanjay didn’t rise until mid-morning, so by the time everyone was showered and ready to go out, it was almost lunchtime. They walked to the village and found a lakeside hotel offering deals on the lunch menu, so they decided to eat there.
The view of the lake and surrounding hills was breathtaking. Nisha thought how wonderful it must be to sit on the restaurant terrace in the summer months and watch the wildfowl or kayakers on the lake. But now, the patio was closed, with the tables and chairs replaced by ugly piles of soggy, wind-swept leaves.
When lunch was over, Chris suggested they walk part of the way around the lake. They had hoped to jump on a cruise boat to see more of the scenery, but the hotel waiter told them the operators suspended the service over the festive period, so they decided a stroll would have to do.
Nobody mentioned the swap, but the anticipation was palpable nonetheless. It was apparent to both women that their husbands were as desperate to relieve themselves of their pent-up spunk as their wives were to receive it.
As she walked, Nisha repeatedly caught Chris plaintively looking at Meenakshi’s bum, clearly wishing away the hours until he could empty his balls into it. But Nisha didn’t mind. After all, she had found it difficult to avert her eyes from the long, thick ridge in Sanjay’s trousers. The thought that in a few short hours, his cock would be giving her the unfettered anal fucking she had craved for so long was getting her wet, so she couldn’t complain if Chris were just as aroused at the prospect of fucking Meenakshi.
Meenakshi was in an equally forgiving mood. When they stopped at a pub to shelter from a sudden rainstorm, Nisha removed her coat and jumper, winking as she told Meenakshi she wouldn’t otherwise feel the benefit when they went back outside. Within moments, Sanjay could barely take his eyes off the firm, deep cleavage spilling from the top of Nisha’s scoop-neck T-shirt. Meenakshi knew Nisha was teasing her husband, and when she playfully groped Sanjay under the table, she could tell it wasn’t only his eyes becoming excited.
Eventually, realising the rain showed no sign of easing off, the group was forced to abandon their walk and reluctantly headed back to the village.
The grandfather clock struck four o’clock as they arrived at the cottage, and after drying off and enjoying a cup of hot tea, preparations began for the swap. Of course, Sanjay didn’t need to douche in readiness to be fucked, but, one after the other, Nisha, Chris and Meenakshi took their turn in the bathroom, ensuring they were clean so no unfortunate or embarrassing accidents would happen later.
Sanjay attended to the fires, and, their showers over, the others joined him in the lounge for afternoon drinks. All wore bathrobes except Sanjay, who suddenly felt inappropriately dressed in outdoor clothes. He decided to change and disappeared upstairs, telling the others not to drink all the Champagne while he was gone.
The husband swap was to begin at eight o’clock, and, as with their first swap months before, there were to be several rules. They had all decided that the two hours spent with each other’s partners during their first swap had been sufficient, so they set the endpoint for ten o’clock. Kissing the other husband or wife was still strictly off-limits, and, most importantly, if watching their partner being fucked proved too much for one of the participants, the swap would continue, but idifferent rooms.
Nisha and Meenakshi had been concerned about how the swap would begin and end. Both couples having sex in the same room was a new and exhilarating prospect, but it didn’t seem right that they should casually swap partners at eight o’clock and start fucking then and there. Equally, there needed to be a tangible signal that the swap was over when ten o’clock arrived.
The beginning was the most challenging bit to organise. After much deliberation, Nisha and Meenakshi contrived a short cuckolding scenario. Nisha would come downstairs, where Sanjay would join her. A few minutes later, as things were getting hot downstairs, Meenakshi would go to Chris’s room, where she would ‘enslave’ him. She would then bring him downstairs and humiliate him, delighting in revealing his wife being fucked by another guy before she began using him for sexual pleasure. It was tacky and predictable but a way into the evening’s action.
It was much easier to decide upon the endpoint. The first strike of the grandfather clock at ten o’clock would signal the swap was over, which seemed fitting on New Year’s Eve. Both couples would then go upstairs to shower and have sex with their husband or wife before meeting again downstairs to celebrate New Year together.