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Nisha’s Husband Swap: Chapter 2

"Meenakshi took her cue and leaned forward, removing her bra and draping it seductively over the back of the sofa before resuming her recumbent position, playing with her hair."

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Author's Notes

"Two attractive, middle-aged women attempt to discover the joys of anal sex with their husbands but there’s a problem: one husband’s cock is too large, the other’s is too small. Deciding they are much better suited to each other’s husband than their own, the women hatch a plan to swap husbands for one night of amazing anal sex. But will their scheme bring them the satisfaction they crave, or will it just expose even deeper fault-lines in their marriages?"

When Meenakshi heard Chris knock on the bedroom door, she bid him to come in.

She lay reclined against the arm of a large, white leather sofa in the soft glow of a wall lamp. With her feet on the sofa seat and her knees slightly apart, Meenakshi knew Chris would get a tantalising view as he entered. Only a coral lace thong and matching bra remained of her clothing, and she knew that even in the dim light, Chris would be able to see the outline of her dark nipples and the distinct wet patch that had formed on the slender gusset of her panties.

As Chris emerged from the doorway, Meenakshi smiled at him coyly and momentarily lowered her gaze, but she said nothing. Instead, mindlessly twisting a lock of her long, dark hair between her fingers, she studied Chris’s fit, smooth body as he slowly walked from the gloom into the lamplight. She was impressed that although he had long since retired from playing competitive rugby, his gym sessions with Nisha had helped him retain the strength and defined muscle tone he had always boasted as a younger man.

As Chris stood for a moment, apparently in awe of Meenakshi’s effortless beauty, she scolded herself for not planning how to initiate her intimate encounter with Chris. Had she been seducing her husband, she would have started kissing him or, if she wanted to get straight down to it, given him a surprise blow job. But, with kissing on the lips ruled out and a blow job inappropriate, she was at a loss as to how to end the pregnant pause.

It was Chris who broke the silence.

“Meenakshi, you look… amazing,” he croaked. His mouth was as dry with anticipation as her own was.

Meenakshi took her cue and leaned forward, removing her bra and draping it seductively over the back of the sofa before resuming her recumbent position, playing with her hair. Although much smaller than Nisha’s, she knew her breasts looked perfect; firm, round, and dark. She looked down at them as she gently ran the fingernails of her right hand flirtatiously over her tawny peaks, then raised her gaze to meet Chris’s.

“I’m glad you like what you see,” she said coquettishly. “And what do you think of my little bottom? Nisha says you like to look at it sometimes. Is it everything you hoped it would be?”

Meenakshi rolled onto her knees and, resting her head and hands on the arm of the sofa; adopted the doggy position; arching her back downwards and opening her knees wide to give Chris a glimpse of her silk-covered pussy through the gap in her thighs. Then, moving her hands to the top of her thong, she put both thumbs under the elastic and provocatively dragged the panties over her bottom to her knees, giving Chris his first glimpse of the pussy and anus he was aching to fuck.

“It’s… beautiful.”

Satisfied with the brief compliment, Meenakshi resumed her recumbent position, her panties still around her knees.

“Thank you for doing this for me, Chris,” she said, momentarily adopting a more candid tone as she removed the thong. “You’ve no idea how frustrated I’ve become trying to take Sanjay’s cock all this time. It has been a painful experience in more ways than one, I can assure you. I hope yours is a more suitable size for what we’re about to do. Come over here and let me see you. Let me check that you’re the right size for me before we go any further.”

Meenakshi rested her elbow on the arm of the sofa. Then, curling her finger, she beckoned for Chris to come and stand in front of her.

“Perhaps you’ll allow me to remove your boxer shorts?” Meenakshi asked softly. “Will you let me see what you’re going to fuck me with? Will you let me see the cock that will take my anal virginity?”

Meenakshi couldn’t believe she was talking this way to Chris, of all people. Meenakshi and Chris had conducted all their previous conversations with the utmost courtesy and respect. But now she was using the same filthy language she had only previously used in her chats with Nisha or to get Sanjay extra horny when she wanted a good hard fucking. It felt strange to be using gutter-talk with her best friend’s impeccably chivalrous husband, but her sluttiness seemed fitting in the context. After all, she was about to allow him to fuck her in two hours of undemonstrative, lust-fuelled, anal sex.

Chris stood obediently, and Meenakshi shuffled to her knees in front of him as he stood, legs shoulder-width apart, his hands passively joined behind his back as if standing ’at ease’. She couldn’t resist tracing the length of the long ridge in his boxers with one perfectly manicured fingernail, enjoying Chris’s low, appreciative moan and the twitch of his cock as she traced the groove of his frenulum.

Taking the elastic of his shorts in both hands, Meenakshi gently pulled the back over his buttocks before turning her attention to the front. Even pulling the elastic tight didn’t create enough room for her to remove the shorts unimpeded, and as she pulled the fabric down to expose his cock for the first time, the elastic caught on his glans and made his cock spring back. A long string of pre-cum whipped back and forth from Chris’s tip before attaching itself to his large, cum-heavy ball sack, hanging beneath.

Meenakshi pulled his shorts to the floor, and Chris kicked them away.

While Chris’s cock was nowhere near the sizeable dimensions of Sanjay’s, Meenakshi thought it was still an impressive cock in its own right. She estimated it must have been around nine or ten inches long and proportionately thick, but even then, its circumference was only about half that of Sanjay’s. Thick veins protruded along its long, white shaft, and Chris’s intact foreskin made an exciting change from her husband’s circumcised tip.

“Oh yes!” Meenakshi cried delightedly, “This is much more my size! Thin enough to get inside me but thick enough and long enough to stretch me when it’s in there. Why don’t you sit down, Chris? Let me take a closer look.”

Meenakshi took Chris’s hand and gently pulled him down. Then, sitting him on the edge of the sofa, she pushed his chest backwards with the flat of her hand, his head and shoulders resting against the sofa’s padded back and his cock lying horizontally above his pubis and firm abdominal muscles.

She turned around to face Chris, kneeling between his open legs and gently pushing his knees apart to give her better access to his swollen genitalia. Then, sitting back on her heels and taking his shaft in her hand, Meenakshi pulled his cock upright and slowly moved her hand up and down its length, gripping him tightly as she moved her clenched fist upwards each time towards the tip.

She loved the way Chris’s foreskin retracted with each downward stroke, and she was fascinated by the clear, shiny drops of pre-cum she repeatedly squeezed out. She spread their wetness over his glans with her fingertip before returning her hand to the root of his cock and repeating the manoeuvre, keen to know how much of the clear, sticky liquid she could milk from Chris before he went dry.

Although confident that Chris had always found her an attractive, sexy and desirable woman, Meenakshi knew he had never before seen her unbridled sexuality laid bare. So it was exciting to draw back the curtain on her dirtier, sluttier side, one that only her husband, and occasionally Nisha, had glimpsed before. She looked Chris directly in the eye as she spread his pre-cum over his tip before slowly licking it off.

“I love your cock, Chris,” she whispered. “It’s so responsive. Would you like me to put it in my mouth? I can only fit the tip of Sanjay’s cock in my mouth, but I want to see if I can take yours deep into my throat.”

Meenakshi ostentatiously brushed her neck with her bright red fingernails.

Chris nodded and closed his eyes as Meenakshi closed her mouth around his cock. Judging by his frenzied moans and sporadic body spasms, the feeling of her mouth enveloping his sex-starved cock was almost more than Chris could bear, and Meenakshi knew she would need to take things slowly if she was to avoid him cumming prematurely.

She started by slowly sucking on his glans before licking his shaft from base to tip. Then, pushing Chris’s legs even further apart, Meenakshi went lower, running her tongue slowly from his perineum, over his ball sack, and up the length of his wildly twitching cock.

She loved that he gasped and took her head in his hands as she took each of his balls into her mouth in turn, sucking them firmly and massaging them with her tongue, and how he desperately clutched at the sofa when she squeezed his balls tight into his sack with her fingers and gripped them firmly between her teeth.

Nisha had been right: Chris was naturally submissive. Sanjay would never have allowed her to be rough with him this way: all her attempts to introduce even mild elements of BDSM into their lovemaking had ended in disappointment. However, Meenakshi could tell Chris would be a much more willing supplicant should she ever have the opportunity to unleash her inner dominatrix.

Putting the idea out of her mind, for now, Meenakshi returned to the task at hand. She licked Chris’s cock again from root to tip before closing her mouth over his entire cock, taking him deep into her throat. She knew from Chris’s urgent cursing that it was as much as he could do to stop himself from squirting three days of pent-up semen directly into her stomach.


Next door, Nisha had entered the second bedroom to see Sanjay lying, part-clothed on the bed, looking at his phone in the half-light. It had taken a little longer than she had anticipated to dress for him, but it had been worth the effort.

Sanjay put down his phone and looked at Nisha standing in the doorway. Wearing a midnight blue and gold lehenga and choli, with a matching dupatta over her head and shoulders, she looked stunning. Sanjay immediately sat upright on the bed to get a better look at Nisha’s firm, bare midriff and the alluring cleavage spilling from the top of her blouse.

Nisha watched as Sanjay’s appreciative eyes looked her up and down and tried to imagine what dirty thoughts must be going through his head. Would he be able to resist fucking her long enough for her to complete the striptease she had planned for him? Or would his dominant side take over, forcing her to end her routine early to comply with his need for an urgent release? Of course, Nisha didn’t mind either way, but she had planned a big finale, and it would be a shame if she didn’t perform it.

She could already see from the bulge in his trousers that Sanjay’s cock, even in its current semi-flaccid state, was huge compared to her husband’s. Moreover, it was getting longer and thicker by the second. She hoped that by the time her striptease was complete,  he would be hard and horny enough to give her the sound, deep fucking she had craved for so long.

“Why don’t you get naked for me, Sanjay?” Nisha asked forwardly. “I have a little surprise for you, and I think you might enjoy it more if you’re able to… respond to my performance.”

As she pressed ‘Play’ on her phone and music began to pump from her small Bose speaker, Nisha saw Sanjay urgently loosen his belt and fumble with his trousers.


Meenakshi had brought Chris to the edge of cumming several times using only her mouth. Skilfully, she had stopped at the critical moment each time, making Chris even hornier and desperate to cum than ever. She knew he would have a great deal of cum for her, but she didn’t want it just yet. Besides, she needed to control him, allowing him to cum only when she was ready.

Nisha had often told her Chris was highly accomplished at giving oral sex, and Meenakshi wanted to experience what it felt like to have a skilled lover take his time over her pleasure. Unfortunately, Sanjay too often skated over that part of their lovemaking, considering it only foreplay and a means of getting her aroused before penetration rather than an opportunity for pleasure in its own right. After repeated reprimands from Meenakshi, the situation had improved slightly. However, she still felt Sanjay’s heart wasn’t in it and that if he devoted as much energy to fucking her with his tongue as he did with his dick, it would make him a more versatile and exciting lover.

“I want you to bury your face in my pussy, Chris,” she said, matter-of-factly. “I want you to make me cum with your tongue. Can you do that? Can you do what Nisha told me you do to her?”

Meenakshi led Chris to the bed and lay back with her bottom and feet on the edge of the mattress, her knees pulled up, and her legs open wide.

She watched as Chris kneeled on the floor before her and looked at her smooth, dark pussy. Then, reaching between her legs, Meenakshi spread herself with the fingers of one hand to reveal the soft, light pink inner folds of her labia. He would know how aroused she was from the silky juices strung between her pussy lips, and as she gently rubbed her slit with her middle finger, she could feel just how unusually wet she had become.

“Now, Chris. Imagine I’m Nisha. Do everything she has told me about and make me cum the same way.”

Meenakshi leaned back and elegantly stretched out her arms behind her. Then, taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and waited for the warmth of Chris’s tongue on her sex.

At his first touch, Meenakshi immediately felt her body become rigid with expectancy. Chris’s gentle licks and kisses around the top of her thighs, pubic mound, and belly made goosebumps rise on her skin, and his apparent determination to avoid any direct contact with her pussy or anus only made the anticipation grow further. He was going to take his time, teasing her by stimulating her most sensitive places with nothing more than his breath, making her wait patiently for anything more.

Even when, after what seemed like an age, his tongue and lips, at last, turned their attention to her pussy, he restricted his movements to short, light licks around her outer lips while studiously avoiding any contact with her throbbing clitoris or vulva.

When she eventually first felt his tongue brush her button in a series of light, upward strokes, Meenakshi thought she would burst with pent-up prurience. But still, Chris took his time, gradually increasing the length, depth and pressure of his tongue strokes while lightly touching her wet opening with just the tip of his finger. Meenakshi found her whole body responding: twisting and convulsing with every new sensation Chris subtly and expertly induced.

She felt his middle finger enter her and start rubbing her clitoris from the inside, and Meenakshi knew she couldn’t hold back any longer. Chris’s tongue skilfully stroked her engorged button in a series of firm, darting movements. When he inserted a second finger to heighten the sensations of the first, Meenakshi felt an explosive release like she had never experienced before. Her body repeatedly jackknifed with every wave of her orgasm, her moans, grunts and panting betraying the extent of her immeasurable pleasure.

She couldn’t work out exactly what Chris was doing, but it seemed that one tiny movement of his tongue or fingers was sufficient to intensify and draw out her orgasm further. Then, just as her crisis seemed to have reached its zenith and began to ebb away, he would induce another wave, more potent than the last, with only the slightest movement of his fingers or tongue.

Eventually, sensing that Meenakshi was reaching the peak of her pleasure, Chris allowed her orgasm to diminish slowly, but he wasn’t finished with her yet. Meenakshi knew that as soon as she had recovered from her first orgasm, he would begin to guide her towards her next.


Nisha had danced professionally all her adult life. She knew how to perform classical Indian dance in such a way as to convey its inherent sensuality and eroticism to maximum effect. She had often incorporated it into her lovemaking with Chris, allowing her husband to appreciate his wife’s innate sexuality with his eyes as well as his cock.

By reimagining the traditional dances as striptease, Nisha could have Chris hard, and horny without laying so much as a finger on him and her dance seemed to be having the same effect on Sanjay, who had long since reached full turgidity. He was sitting on the bed masturbating, his thick fingers clawing his glans from above as he watched Nisha’s full, naked breasts gently sway to each of her elegant movements.

Nisha had never danced with a butt plug inserted, and the feeling was indescribable. She had worried that it might impair her movement or even be painful. However, the thick bulb only made each of her moves even more arousing, and with no underwear under her skirt to constrain it, Nisha could feel her wetness spreading from her pussy to the tops of her thighs.

With a final sashay of the hips, her skirt slowly dropped to the floor, and Nisha knew her pussy would be a mess of matted, tangled hairs and glistening, clear juices. She hoped Sanjay wouldn’t find it a turn-off.

But Sanjay had other, more pressing things to occupy his thoughts.

Even the music from Nisha’s speaker couldn’t mask the sound of his wife’s first orgasm. Her loud cries travelled through the wall, and the knowledge that Meenakshi had already enjoyed her first crisis immediately made Sanjay’s cock leak a tear of pre-cum over his throbbing glans.

Building up to her finale, Nisha moved closer to Sanjay but still far enough away that he couldn’t reach out and touch her. Then, turning around, she revealed the jewel-encrusted tip of the butt plug, barely visible between her firm, toned bum cheeks. She knew Sanjay would be excited to see the toy wedged inside her as her hips and arms swayed seductively from side to side.

As the music reached its frenzied, tabla-crazed finale, Nisha crouched and extended her hands together as if in prayer. Then, still swaying her arms and hips to the music, she squeezed hard on the toy, slowly forcing it out of her anus. Sanjay would enjoy seeing her arsehole spread itself wide, disgorging the thick, metal bulb as Nisha continued to move erotically in front of him. Finally, after three or four hard pushes, she felt the widest part of the bulb stretch her anus open, and, as the music stopped, the silence was broken by a loud clatter as the heavy plug tumbled onto the laminate floor.


Meenakshi didn’t want Chris to stop. Her body was beginning to ache from its repeated clenching and unclenching as Chris brought on orgasm after orgasm using only his tongue and fingers, but still, she couldn’t get enough. He now had one finger in her pussy, finger fucking her slowly as his tongue continued to pleasure her clitoris.

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Feeling another orgasm building, she urged him on.

“God, yes, Chris! That’s incredible! Give me more - make me cum again!”

Chris obliged, inserting another finger into her pussy before resuming his skilful tonguing of her clitoris. It took only a few moments before a long throaty growl heralded Meenakshi’s strongest orgasm so far.


“That was wonderful,” Sanjay said, moving over to make room on the bed for Nisha, who was slightly perspiring and out of breath after her striptease.

“I’m glad you liked it,” Nisha coyly replied as she joined him on the bed. “I can see it had the desired effect,” she said, nodding towards the fully erect cock Sanjay was still slowly masturbating with his fingertips.

Nisha reached between Sanjay’s legs and took his cock in her hand. She found it amusing that her fingers looked so tiny as they tried to grip his vast, dark shaft, barely making it halfway around its enormous girth. His dick was as long and thick as Meenakshi had described, especially the mid-shaft, which Nisha estimated must have been at least seven inches in circumference. Although it tapered a little towards the root and tip, she knew it would take considerable time and effort to comfortably take such a thick cock in her anus.

Without a foreskin, it wasn’t possible to pleasure Sanjay’s cock the way she usually did Chris’s, so Nisha reached for a tube of lubricant on the bedside table and squeezed some onto her hands. Then, sitting cross-legged between his knees, she resumed her task, using both hands to familiarise herself with Sanjay’s dick. She found that when she twisted her hands as she touched him - as if wringing a wet cloth - Sanjay responded most favourably.

“Oh, God,” he grunted. “Work the tip with your fingers too. Yes - that feels so good.”

Nisha continued, all the time marvelling at the size and weight of Sanjay’s tool. A cock of this size was just what she needed, and she was keen to have it inside her, but Sanjay seemed prepared to wait a little longer before he took her.

“Lie down and open your legs,” he ordered.

Nisha complied with Sanjay’s demand.

Moving his head between her thighs, Sanjay breathed in Nisha’s scent before dipping his tongue into her warm, wet hole. She knew that her wetness would taste clean and alluring as he flicked his tongue over her pussy and sucked on her labia, obviously relishing her wetness on his lips and chin.

But Nisha had gone beyond the point where oral sex would give her the satisfaction she craved. Even the tremendous oral sex Chris could more than adequately provide her with wouldn’t be enough for her tonight. Instead, their tryst was about only one thing: getting anal sex from a huge cock, and any delay added to the frustrations of the recent weeks and months.

“No. Take me, Sanjay,” Nisha demanded. “Put your cock inside me and make me cum that way.”

Put out at Nisha’s rejection of his attempt at oral sex, Sanjay withdrew his face from between her legs and knelt in front of her grumpily. Still, his bruised ego was quickly forgotten as he saw Nisha draw back her knees and pull open her pussy, showing him her inviting salmon pink inner folds, eager and ready to take his enormous dick.

Taking his cock in his hand, Sanjay slapped Nisha’s clitoris hard with his weighty meat before rubbing the tip along the length of her open slit. Then he slowly eased himself inside her.

Nisha had never felt anything like it! As Sanjay’s cock pushed further and further inside her, she needed to relax her vaginal muscles to allow him deeper. His girth was incredible, and when his tip pressed hard against her cervix as he sought to insert every inch into her, Nisha knew she couldn’t take any more. Only three-quarters of his cock was inside, but it was clear from the discomfort she was experiencing that he was going to go no further.

Sanjay seemed unconcerned as Nisha gasped in pain, a look of panic on her face.

Eventually, realising that Nisha had taken as much as she could, he withdrew to the tip, and she felt the discomfort in her cervix ease. Again, he slowly inserted himself as deep as his cock would go, this time immediately withdrawing to the tip again.

After a few moments of adjustment to his deep, slow thrusts, Nisha found she could begin to enjoy the feeling of being completely full of cock.

“Oh my God, that’s amazing,” she heard herself saying. “That feels so fucking good!”

Although Sanjay’s tool was similar in size to her dildo, it was much more satisfying taking a real cock than a silicone imitation. Sanjay’s cock seemed to mould itself to her contours as he eased himself inside her again, constantly stimulating her most sensitive nerve endings. It made the hairs on her neck rise in response.

When he started to speed up his thrusts, Nisha knew that Sanjay would quickly make her cum through penetration alone. He gripped her ankles and, bending her double, began to find his rhythm, retaining an upright kneeling position and allowing his powerful hips to do all the work as his cock cleaved Nisha with ever-increasing force.

She watched as Sanjay’s face began to reveal the extent of his lustful pleasure. A light sheen was forming on his brow, and as he threw his head back and started panting, his look of intense satisfaction told Nisha he was finding her tightness deliciously stimulating.

She closed her eyes, trying to commit the exquisite sensations in her pussy to memory. Then, she lay back for a moment, passively allowing her body to appreciate the length and girth of Sanjay’s dick as it repeatedly filled her up.

She loved the way he grunted loudly as he fucked her and that Sanjay displayed none of the care and affection Chris did when he took her. The evening was about sex and sex alone, making Nisha feel slutty and wanton that she was using another woman’s husband to give her pussy the good, hard drilling she craved.

Sanjay let go of Nisha’s legs, allowing her ankles to drop onto his shoulders as he leaned forward and moved his hands to her breasts, squeezing them roughly.

“Yes, touch my breasts. And slap me, if you like. Slap me like this.”

Before he could respond, Nisha raised one hand and slapped Sanjay across the face, taking him completely by surprise. She knew he wouldn’t like her taking control and would quickly seek to reimpose his dominance on the situation. However, even Nisha was taken aback by his response.

Her invitation to be rough with her and her stinging slaps was like a red rag to a bull. Nisha suddenly found Sanjay becoming more aggressive, domineering, and even angry. He slapped her face with the back of his hand three times, knocking her jewelled bindi onto the pillow.

“Oh, you want it rough, do you? Get on your knees then - I’ll show you what rough looks like!”

Sanjay pulled out aggressively and forced Nisha onto her hands and knees. Then, pulling her hair back and pushing down on the middle of her back, he put her in the doggy position. He splayed her legs wide with his knees, took his cock in his hand, and entered her again, even more forcefully this time.

Nisha wasn’t sure what was most uncomfortable: the burning sensation on her scalp as Sanjay tugged at her hair or the dull ache as his tip repeatedly pummelled her cervix. With every thrust, he pushed himself as deep as possible, ignoring Nisha’s yelps of pain as he achieved maximum depth with every furious stroke

Yet, for all the discomfort, she loved being taken so emphatically by a man seemingly out of control. Chris never lost himself in this way, and the slight element of danger heightened both the pleasure and tawdriness of their transactional, loveless sex.

After a few moments of hard thrusting, Sanjay let go of Nisha’s hair and allowed her head to fall forward. Instead, he grabbed her hips for extra leverage as he continued pounding Nisha’s pussy hard and fast.

Nisha buried her face - still smarting from Sanjay’s slaps - deep in the pillow, wondering if he would soon tire of her pussy and force himself into her anus instead.

But Sanjay wasn’t finished with her pussy just yet. As he continued pistoning in and out, Nisha felt a series of sharp slaps across her bum cheeks, and she let out a small whimper. Her moans seemed to urge Sanjay on, and his thrusts became even wilder and more furious.

Every movement of Sanjay’s cock brought Nisha closer to orgasm. She put her hand between her legs and started rubbing her clitoris, closing her eyes again to savour the feelings of ecstasy now engulfing her entire body. Then, as she felt his thumb press against her bumhole, she knew her first orgasm was close.

“Yes, finger my bum,” she said rudely. “Stick your thumb inside me and you’ll make me cum.”

As soon as Sanjay did as she ordered, Nisha’s body started to quiver, and the onset of her orgasm began. Her breathing quickened, and her moans became more intense as her fingers flicked her clitoris wildly to push herself over the edge. Feeling Sanjay further accelerate his strokes, she knew he too would be desperate to cum: to inseminate her and mark his new-found ‘territory’ with his semen. She felt his thumb curl round inside her hole, gripping her firmly and holding her in place as he furiously sought his climax.

With a series of jerks and moans, Nisha came strongly, her cries of pleasure muffled by her pillow. With Sanjay continuing his assault on her pussy, her ecstasy was prolonged as he stimulated her throbbing G-spot with the rapid, stabbing thrusts of his cock.

Nisha stopped touching herself, allowing Sanjay to inadvertently induce further surges and swells of bliss with his dick as he selfishly sweated and cursed his way towards his orgasm.

Eventually, Nisha felt her body go limp and still as her orgasm ebbed away, but Sanjay wasn’t in the mood to give Nisha any respite. Instead, he spanked her with one hand as the thumb of the other probed deeper into her anus. Still, there was little sign that his release was imminent.

Nisha heard the now-familiar moans of Meenakshi as she came yet again next door. She knew Sanjay would be able to hear her too, and sure enough, the sound of his wife being fucked by another man seemed to help bring on his orgasm.

“I’m… going to cum,” he panted. “I’m going to cum in your pussy. Tell me you want it. Tell me you want me to cum inside your fertile, married pussy.”

“Yes! I want you to fill me up now. Fill my married pussy with your seed, Sanjay! I want it all inside me!”

Nisha’s vulgar demand brought Sanjay to the point of no return. He threw back his head and let out a long, loud, guttural growl as the sperm gathered in the tip of his cock. Then, he ejaculated, his cock twitching and throbbing as he stabbed Nisha’s pussy repeatedly, flooding her with his hot, thick cum. Each thrust delivered more and more into her soft folds until she felt it begin to overflow her pussy and drip from her labia.

Nisha took her face out of the pillow, turning it sideways so she could urge Sanjay on with more dirty talk.

“Oh yes, that feels so good, Sanjay. Oh God, I can feel it! It’s so hot! Give me all you’ve got. Spray it onto my cervix.”

Chris was quite a heavy cummer, but Sanjay seemed to be releasing more semen than Nisha had ever believed possible. Even after he stopped thrusting, Nisha could feel his cock shuddering and throbbing frantically as its tip relieved itself of his cum. Soon, Nisha felt it flow lazily out of her pussy and onto the sheets below.

“Fuck… fuck…” Sanjay repeated, apparently incapable of anything other than cursing until his crisis had passed.

When the sensations in his cock eventually receded, Sanjay began wanking himself at the root, gently teasing out the last few drops of semen into Nisha’s pussy. As he slowly withdrew, Nisha’s pussy, still stretched and gaping wide, queefed loudly and spilt a thick load of his mess onto the bed sheets.

Nisha rolled onto her back and drew up her knees. She let Sanjay watch as she pushed out the remainder of his salty offering, knowing how much it would excite him to see it dripping slowly from her battered, used pussy, over her twitching bumhole and onto the sheets below.


“It sounds… like your wife… has just made… my husband cum,” Meenakshi said between Chris’s gentle thrusts. “I want your cum now… squirt it over… my bum… then… lick it up… and feed it to me... I want to swallow… every drop.”

Meenakshi had never experienced anything like Chris’s slow, measured, tantric sex. She loved how he expertly took her from behind with firm, slow movements of his hips, allowing her time to savour every new sensation. It was worlds away from the high-tempo, bump-and-grind that Sanjay seemed unable to deviate from, enjoyable as that was in its way. Unlike her husband, Chris took his time, focusing on the quality of each stroke, gauging her response, and adapting the speed, depth, and angle of his entry in response to her audible moans of pleasure.

The fact that his cock was significantly smaller than Sanjay’s had concerned her when she had anticipated Chris being inside her pussy. After becoming accustomed to Sanjay’s colossal cock, would he be able to satisfy her in the same way? Would she even feel it when he was inside her?

Now she had her answer.

Chris avoided touching her with anything other than his cock, focusing all her sensations on a single spot. The assured and confident way his tip massaged her most sensitive places had already made her cum once, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last time.

In response to Meenakshi’s request for his cum, Chris increased the tempo slightly. She enjoyed the smooth gliding feeling as his cock withdrew almost entirely before he slowly but firmly drove his cock deep into her wet pussy again, every thrust delivering new and arousing sensations in her engorged sex.

She knew Chris would look at her arsehole, tight and ripe for fucking. Meenakshi wondered if he would be tempted to pull out of her pussy and give her her first experience of anal sex now, forcing himself into the hole he had coveted for so long, whether she was ready or not. If he did, he was being remarkably restrained; Sanjay wouldn’t have been able to hold back, as she had painfully discovered on more than one occasion.

But Meenakshi wanted his cum on her arsehole, not in it - for now, at least. She wanted anal sex to be the climax of their time together. Besides, she was enjoying being in control for once. Being the one to dictate the course and pace of their lovemaking was exciting and empowering, and knowing how much Chris wanted anal sex with her made her feel desirable and alluring. Keeping her anus tantalisingly out of his reach gave her power and agency, which was not always possible with her dominant husband. She thought again of how she wanted to explore that element of her sexuality more comprehensively, and for the first time, she realised that one evening with Chris would never be enough.

Meenakshi put her musings on hold as she heard Chris’s breathing becoming quicker and more shallow, and she knew his orgasm was almost upon him. As he slowed his thrusting, she knew the cum would be welling up in his cock, and she prepared for his first strong blast of the night.

“Yes, use my pussy. Fuck me until you cum, then squirt your seed all over my bottom,” Meenakshi urged lewdly, reaching back to open her cheeks, readying them to receive his load.

As she glanced over her shoulder, the look on Chris’s face told Meenakshi he was incapable of holding back any longer. She watched as he thrust into her, ejaculating inside her pussy before withdrawing and spraying three more thick ropes over her open bum crack and anus. She gasped and closed her eyes as Chris raised his tip and squirted another load up her back, some of it reaching the luxurious raven hair gathered around her shoulders.

Chris carried on stroking himself until the pulsing sensation in his cock seemed to recede, and Meenakshi knew he was temporarily dry. However, a thick, cloudy drop of cum remained on the tip of his cock, so he wiped it off on one of the few unspoiled inches of Meenakshi’s buttocks.

“You’re a good boy,” Meenakshi whispered as Chris wiped his hands and brow on a towel. “Lots of cum for me to drink - and you even gave me some in my pussy too! But now you must lick it all up and feed it to me. So be sure not to miss any.”

Chris moved to the floor, kneeling behind her open legs to lick up the semen that was now leaking in thick, white strings from Meenakshi’s sex. He took his time, clearly enjoying the taste of her fucked pussy, their juices mingling on his tongue in a heady, salty mix that Meenakshi looked forward to him sharing with her in due course.

Feeling Chris’s tongue scooping out his spunk from her pussy again made Meenakshi feel sleazy and lewd but also incredibly powerful. Then, acting impulsively, she ordered Chris onto the bed, pushed him onto his back and reverse-straddled him, pinning his arms to the bed with her ankles as she massaged her breasts with both hands. Then, adjusting her hips, Meenakshi lowered herself onto Chris’s mouth, squeezing hard to push another trickle of cum out of her pussy and onto his waiting tongue.

As Chris collected the creamy fluid in his mouth, Meenakshi continued touching her breasts, marvelling at the sensation of a man licking his semen from her pussy, anus and buttocks. However, the feeling of control was getting her off most of all. Having a guy prepared to do anything she asked, anything she demanded, however demeaning, was wildly arousing and exhilarating.

Once Chris had licked all the cum from Meenakshi’s pussy and cheeks, she released his arms and allowed him to sit up to attend to the thick white stripe still adorning her back. By the time he had licked up the final drops, Chris’s mouth was full, and he was finding it difficult to hold it all in.

Meenakshi climbed off Chris and allowed him to gather the cum on his tongue as she rolled onto her back and prepared to receive his first ejaculation in her mouth.

“Oh God, feed it to me, Chris,” Meenakshi whispered, opening her mouth wide. “Feed me your cum.”

Pursing his lips, Chris allowed his cum to dribble from his mouth slowly. He watched as a deep, cloudy reservoir formed between Meenakshi’s crimson lips until her mouth was full and the excess leaked onto her cheek.

He spat the last drops into Meenakshi’s mouth and watched as she rolled his cum around in her mouth, quickly gargled on it, and then greedily swallowed every drop.


Written by NishasWorld
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