About six years ago, my dad reunited with his high school sweetheart and a year or so later, they got married. I loved Janet from the first time I met her, she was a great mom to me and, if the noises that came from their bedroom on a regular basis were any indication, an amazing lover and wife to my dad. My mom wasn’t very happy when Dad found a new love, mainly because her experiences with men weren’t great after she and Dad broke up, but she warmed to Janet after some time and seemed genuinely happy for him.
My mom and Janet are very different people. They are both gorgeous on the outside, (is it wrong to think of your mom as gorgeous?) but where my mom was, well, mom, Janet was more of a friend than she was. I always felt very comfortable around her and thought I could talk to her about anything. That’s why, when I had questions about personal things, I often went to her instead of Mom or Dad.
I was a senior in high school, just turned eighteen, and unlike most of my friends, still a virgin. I didn’t mind that my friends were out screwing themselves silly, it’s just that, after listening to my parents’ sex life for six years, I knew that if I was going to do it, it had to be with someone special.
I met Theresa, or Tessa as we all called her, at the first family gathering after Dad and Janet got together. Our families all knew each other except for my generation, who had grown up apart from each other. We were typical cousins, I guess, playing games and sometimes getting along, sometimes not. It wasn’t until high school that I began to see her differently.
The first time I held her hand was at a family backyard movie night. We had those a couple of times a summer and as many of us that could get together did so. Tessa and I were sitting in deck chairs behind everyone else, just chatting about the movie and school and stuff. I got up to get a cola and offered one to her. When I handed it to her, our hands touched and I felt something I had never felt before. I felt, I don’t know, weird and wonderful all at the same time.
When I sat back down she bumped her chair closer and I felt her fingers intertwine themselves into mine. I looked at her and she was smiling at me. We held hands when we could without getting caught by the adults and when the evening was over, she squeezed my hand before leaving, “This was fun!” was all she said.
Over that summer, we found ourselves spending more time together, going rafting or swimming with our friends or riding our bikes into town. We didn’t really plan it, things just happened that way. Then school started and I was pleased to learn we shared some classes. I was happy for any excuse to see her.
Of course, teens are as cruel as they are intuitive so when some of our classmates saw that we spent so much time together, they began to tease us, calling us ‘kissing cousins’. We both objected every time but the taunting continued. I wanted to settle things my own way but Tessa just told me to ignore them. Then came the Fall Ball, the first school dance of the year.
One of the older guys in my class had procured some cheap wine so a bunch of us gathered underneath the bleachers to get a taste of that illicit drink. I didn’t much like it but Tessa seemed to so I hung around. A couple of guys tried getting handsy with her but she sorted them out pretty quickly, punching one guy in the nose and twisting another’s arm behind his back. Not too many guys messed with Tessa after that.
After the ruckus, she came to me, “I’m bored. Can we just leave?” I agreed and we walked away from the dozen or so others with their taunts trailing in our wakes. As we walked past the gym, Tessa said she didn’t want to go back inside and asked if I would walk her home. As soon as we were out of sight of the school she slipped her hand into mine, it was as natural as breathing to us.
We rounded the bend just short of her house when she stopped me. “Would it be so bad?” she asked.
“Would what be so bad?” I asked in return.
“If we were kissing cousins?” she asked. I admit, I had thought about kissing her a lot and other things but her suggestion floored me.
“I don’t think we should,” I said. “Our parents would really flip out. It’s not natural for cousins to be together like that.”
“Oh come on!” she persisted. “I’m not talking about us doing anything, it’s just kissing. Please? All the other girls at school talk about is kissing their boyfriends, I just want to know what it’s like!”
"Okay,” I said and we turned to face other. I’m only a couple of inches taller than she is, so she didn’t have to reach up very far for her lips to touch mine.
Her lips felt soft and firm as she pressed them against mine. Even though I had never kissed a girl before, I instinctively flicked my tongue forward and was a bit surprised that hers met mine halfway. We stayed like that for a half minute or so then she stepped back.
“Mmmm, that was nice,” she whispered. She reached her face up and we kissed again, more firmly and urgently this time, our tongues probing into each other’s mouths and our hands pulling us closer together. Then, just as suddenly, we broke it off.
“That was really nice!” I said. I leaned forward again but she stopped me.
“We shouldn’t, someone might see,” she said. I looked around and couldn’t imagine how anyone could possibly see us but I didn’t want to press the issue. Then she said the words that changed my life. “I really like you, Thomas.”
“I like you too, Tessa,” I croaked, disbelieving that this pretty girl who I had only previously thought of as immediate family might end up being something more.
I suppose now is as good a time as any to describe Tessa. Where her mom and my step-mom were slim and willowy, she was more solidly built, like the women on her father’s side of her family. She had a round face framed by flaming red hair, the bluest eyes I had ever seen and long thick eyelashes. Her nose was short and a little crooked from an intimate meeting with a softball a few years earlier. I thought it was cute as were her lips, full and naturally pink over even white teeth.
She had swimmer’s shoulders, strong and round and broader than most girls. Being more solidly built, her breasts were full and round, standing out proudly from her chest, her waist tapered nicely before flaring back out to generous hips. She was by no means fat, or even overweight to my mind, her body just seemed full. I guess that’s where the term full-figured comes from. All I knew was I thought she was perfect.
We walked the hundred or so yards to the end of her driveway. “Thanks for seeing me home safely,” she said, “and thanks for the kisses!” She kissed my cheek, “Good night Thomas, see you tomorrow.”
“Good night, Tessa,” was all I could manage. It wasn’t until I watched her mount the steps to her front porch that I realized I had a raging hard-on, the first of many times she would leave me in that state before we finally did something about it.
I’m not sure my feet even touched the ground as I walked the ten minutes back to our house. After my dad and Janet got married, they bought a house near where they grew up and our families were only a half-mile or so apart, something for which I am now eternally grateful.
Dad and Janet were obviously not expecting me home so early because when I walked into the kitchen, they were hurriedly rearranging their clothes. Their faces were flushed and Janet’s lipstick was smeared. “Thomas, buddy! You’re home early!” Dad said, his breathing a bit ragged.
“Tessa got bored at the dance so we walked home together,” I said. “Didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“It’s okay, Son,” he said. “We were just…”
“I know what you were just doing, Dad!” I chuckled. “It’s cool, you guys are married, after all, you’re not dead!” Janet blushed a little at the realization that I knew what they were up to but how could I not? She was quite the screamer! Like three or four nights a week!
I went to my room and sat by my computer desk, wondering what the hell had just happened to me and what this feeling was that filled me up. I gave it up after a few minutes and figured I’d try to get to sleep before my parents started fucking and keeping me awake with their passion. “I wonder if Tessa would make those noises?” I wondered.
The next day, I got up and took a shower before going out to the kitchen for breakfast. Dad was gone to work but Janet was still home. Like I said, I always felt like I could talk to her about anything so I decided to ask her about girls.
“Can I ask you something?” I said as she placed a glass of milk in front of me.
“Of course, Sweetie, you can ask me anything!”
“The kids at school all tease me and Tessa because we’re such good friends; they call us names and stuff. It’s really aggravating but Tessa just says to ignore them.”
“What sort of names do they call you?” she asked.
“Kissing cousins,” I said. “That’s not the worst one but it’s the one they all use. It’s not fair, we’re just friends, that’s all.”
“Kids can be cruel sometimes,” she said. “You know, you and Tessa aren’t actually cousins.” She looked at me earnestly.
“We’re not?” I said, a bit confused.
“No, you’re not,” she said. “Think about it, cousins are the children of your parents’ siblings, right?” I nodded. “But I’m not your mom, not your biological mom. Aunt Imelda is my sister, but she’s not actually related to you so neither is Tessa or any of their other kids. Understand?”
“Oh,” I said. “So that means if we did kiss it would be okay?”
“I don’t know about that,” Janet said. “I’m not sure your aunt and uncle would be okay with it. You’re not actually cousins but it’s really only a technicality. For all intents and purposes you are related.”
“Oh,” I said again.
“Are you interested in Tessa?” she asked me. My hesitation gave me away, “Please tell me you haven’t done anything silly!”
“What? NO! No, we haven’t. We just kissed, that’s all.”
“When did this happen?” she asked.
“Last night,” I said. “We were walking home and talking about how people at school tease us and she said she wondered what it felt like to kiss a boy. I was curious too so we just did it. Kissed I mean. That’s all.”
It was her turn, “Oh.” After a pause, “I think we should talk.”
“I know all that stuff!” I protested, “They teach all that in school now.”
“I know they do but that’s just the mechanics of it, they don’t talk about the emotions and feelings. That’s what gets people into trouble.” She reached out and held my hand and squeezed it. “Unless you’d be more comfortable talking to your dad about this.”
“No, it’s fine,” I said. “I know I can talk to you about anything.”
“Well, not ‘anything’!” She put the word in air quotes. “But almost anything.”
“Tell me about you and Dad, why didn’t you stay together after high school?” She related the story to me about how they weren’t ready for a serious relationship at the time and how they met at the airport. “The rest, as they say, is history!”
“But how did you know?” I asked. “How did you know he was the one?”
“I can’t explain it, I just knew,” she said. “Let me put it this way. When we were apart, all I could think about was being with him and when we were together all I could think about was never letting him leave.”
“Oh,” I said for a third time. Oddly, that’s how I felt about Tessa.
“So how was it?” she asked.
“How was what?”
“The kissing!” she giggled. “You are just like your father, so easily distracted!”
“He wasn’t very distracted last night!” I blurted out before I even realized it. Janet gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. “Oh God, I am so sorry! I shouldn’t have said that!” I got up to leave but she stopped me.
“No, you shouldn’t have but it's all right. You’re an adult now and you need to understand about sex and love and everything in between.” She took a deep breath and smiled, “No, your father was not very distracted last night!”
“How does he do it?” I asked. “How does he make you scream like that?”
“I am not discussing the details of my sex life with your father, Thomas!” she said firmly. “But I will say this.” She curled two fingers together and flexed the tips toward her palm. “This is the answer. This and a little thing called a Grafenburg Spot. Look it up and I promise you will make any woman you are with very, very happy!”
It was all I could do not to bolt out of my chair to my room and look it up. “Thanks, Mom, you are the best!” I said.
“I can’t believe I just told my teenage step-son how to make a woman have an orgasm,” she muttered as she kissed the top of my head and walked away. “Great chat! Let’s not do that again any time soon!”
Over the next week, Tessa and I continued to spend as much time together as we could, no longer hiding our affection for each other at school.
That night, I asked my dad and Janet to come into the living room. “I need to talk to you guys about Tessa.” I took a deep breath before continuing. “We like each other, a lot, but we aren’t sure what to do about it.”
“Do you love her?” asked my dad.”
“I don’t know that I feel that way about Tessa,” I said. “It’s early days."
“Stop fooling yourself,” Janet said, coming over to hug me. “It’s as plain as day to anyone who’s paying attention.”
“Maybe,” I said. “We talked about it this afternoon, we don’t think we’re doing anything wrong. I know it’s like we’re related but we really aren’t. Is it wrong to feel this way about each other?”
Dad took a deep breath. “I have to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest with me.” I nodded for him to go ahead. “Have you and Tessa been… intimate?”
“No,” I said. “Not yet.”
“But you want to be,” he said.
“I do. I hope she does too.” I couldn’t believe I was talking about having sex with my girlfriend in front of my parents.
“You know about taking precautions,” Janet said.
“Of course I do,” I said. “We get bombarded with it at school.”
“And yet, accidents happen, don’t they?” she said. “Promise us that you will be very careful.”
“I promise,” I said. They got up to leave, “Will you come over to Tessa’s house with me, we need to tell Aunt Mel and Uncle Brian what happened. Tessa and I talked about it and we want to tell them together.”
“Of course, just let me run upstairs for a minute and we’ll go over,” Janet said.
When she was out of earshot, I looked at my father, “How could you have ever let her go?”
“I was young and stupid, I guess,” he replied with a chuckle. “She’s really special.
“I know,” I said.
“And how do you know?” he asked.
I just looked at him, put two fingers together and crooked them toward my palm, “Oh Stephen, yes! Right there!” I mimicked her voice from the previous evening. “I can hear everything!”
“Everything?” he said, stunned.
“Everything,” I said.
A half-hour later, we were in my aunt and uncle’s kitchen telling them about how we felt. Tessa’s dad was not very happy about it but her mom was cool. “Relax Brian, he’s already eighteen and she will be next month. They’re almost adults and I don’t think there’s anything we could do to stop them. Could your father have done anything to stop us at that age?”
“No, I suppose not,” he conceded. Then he looked at me, “Don’t you dare hurt my daughter!” he admonished me. “And be careful! The last thing you two need is to have an unfortunate accident!”
Tessa bristled at that, “Was I an ‘unfortunate accident,’ Daddy?” She glared at him, “Yes, I know, I can read a calendar!”
“Of course not, sweetie,” her mom said. “It’s just that he’s worried about you. People will talk when this all comes out.”
“I think it’s already out,” I said. “Everyone at school is talking about us. The rumour mill is running at full speed by now.”
We chatted for another hour or so then my dad said he needed to get home. “You guys go ahead,” I said. “I need to talk to Tessa for a bit. I won’t be long.”
“Just talk?” her father said.
“Yes, sir, just talk. We need a plan for school tomorrow.” Tessa’s hand slipped into mine.
“You might as well accept him, Daddy. This is happening whether you like it or not!” She leaned over and kissed me.
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Theresa, are you trying to stop my heart?” he complained. He stood up, “Remember what I said!” He turned and left the room.
“He’ll be okay, Just give him time,” Aunt Mel said. “Just so you know, I’ve known ever since you told Janet. She told me straight away and she predicted you would both come to us to talk about it.” She hugged her daughter. “You are so grown up!” then she hugged me. “Be careful, for heaven’s sake.”
“Yes ma’am,” I said.
Tessa and I went out onto the front porch and sat in the swing. There wouldn’t be too many times we could do that before the weather turned cold. “That went better than I thought it would,” she said.
“Yeah, me too,” I said. “What are we going to do tomorrow?”
“We’re going to do everything we normally do,” she said. “We will walk to school together, have lunch together, hold hands, hug and I will try not to kiss you too much.” She leaned in and kissed me, “Thank you, Thomas, for standing up with me.”
“Of course,” I said. “Always.” We kissed again, and I excused myself to go home.
“Can’t you stay a bit longer?” she said.
“No, I have to leave because if I stay things might get out of hand and if we’re going to do it, it will be someplace more private and more comfortable than the swing on your parents’ front porch!”
We kissed again, “I think we need to stop by the drugstore,” she said.
“Way ahead of you!” I said and I walked away.
The next day we walked into school hand in hand just like our friends and classmates who were dating did. The looks and giggles were still there but many of them were silenced by Tessa’s glare. Then as I walked out of first class, the teacher handed me a note.
I read the note as I walked. “She’s a special girl,” it read, “Treat her right!” It was signed, ‘Mrs D’. Yup, the rumour mill was working hard.
Three weeks later was Tessa’s birthday, her eighteenth. At her request, it was kept low-key, just family and a few friends that had accepted us as a couple. As the small party wound down and we bid our guests goodnight, Janet came over and pulled me aside.
“Your father and I are going to sleep over here tonight,” she said. “In Tessa’s room.” She looked at me to make sure I understood. “There is wine in the fridge, keep it to one bottle please, and there are condoms in your nightstand.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Make her birthday a memorable one!” She held up her two fingers and wiggled them as she smiled and turned away.
Then Tessa motioned for me to come over, “I have exciting news!” she whispered. “My mom said I can sleep over at your house tonight!”
“I know, my mom told me!” I said excitedly. “When should we leave?”
“Soon,” she whispered. “Just let me say good night.” She went into the living room, “Thomas and I are going for a walk, don’t wait up for us.” She went to her father and hugged him, “Good night, Daddy. I love you!”
“Good night, Princess, I love you too!” He turned away and wiped a tear, his baby was all grown up, or in an hour or less, she would be.
She went to her mom, “Thanks, Mom!” she whispered. “Love you!”
“Have fun, Sweetie!” she said. Then she looked at me and winked as she held up the same two fingers and wiggled them.
Tessa and I walked as slowly as our libido would allow. When we got inside, she dropped the small bag she had brought with her on the floor and wrapped her arms around me. “So where’s my birthday present?” she asked.
“I gave you your present today,” I said.
“Not that present,” she said, reaching down and squeezing my erection, “this one!”
“What’s the hurry?” I asked. “We have all night!”
“It’s going to take all night if I have my way!” she purred. “You pour the wine, I’ll go get ready!”
I opened the bottle and poured two glasses, taking them into the living room. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long.

“Ahem,” I heard from the doorway to the hall. “You like?”
Tessa was a vision in white, her hair and makeup looked professionally done and she was wearing a long sheer nightgown that left very little to the imagination. I let my eyes wash over her body, noticing that her erect nipples poked out the front of the nightie. Her breasts stood out proudly and her hips swelled in perfect proportion.
“My God, you are so beautiful!” I breathed. “Where did you get that?”
“Your mom took me shopping, can you believe it?” she said. “Last week, when you and the boys were playing football, we went shopping.” She glided over to me and wrapped her arms around me. “This was all her idea, the party, them staying over and leaving us alone, everything!” She kissed me, softly and tenderly. “I have so been looking forward to this!”
I was dumbstruck not knowing what to say and not believing that I would soon be naked with her in my bed with our parents’ blessing. She smiled and picked up her wine glass, taking a sip while looking straight into my eyes.
We sat on the couch, sipping and kissing for a bit, then I stood up and took her hand. “Ready?” I asked. She smiled and nodded and we held hands as we went to my room.
Janet had obviously been busy, the room had about a dozen candles in various spots, and the bed was freshly made. On my nightstand was a small bag tied with a ribbon and a card was beside it. I picked it up and saw it was addressed to Tessa. I handed it over and she opened it. She smiled when she read it then she handed it to me.
“Dearest Theresa,” it read, “I hope tonight will be one neither of you ever forgets. Pay attention to him and tell him to pay attention to you. Just make sure that, whatever happens, it’s what you both want. Trust him, he knows what to do! Love. Aunt J.”
“This is so surreal,” she said. “I’ll bet we are the only people in our school that have their parent’s permission to have sex!”
“It is surreal!” I said. I pulled her close and kissed her, our tongues dancing forward to play with each other. Then I focused my attention on her neck, kissing and nuzzling it with my lips.
“Ohhhh,” she sighed, “I like that!” I switched sides and she reacted much the same. “That feels so good!” she whispered before doing the same to me.
I had never been kissed like that before and was surprised at the effect it had on me. I thought my cock was as hard as it could get but when her lips touched my collarbone I felt it swell even more. Then she did something I’d only ever seen in the videos I watched from time to time.
She kissed her way down my body, unbuttoning my shirt and placing her lips gently along me as my skin was exposed. She suckled briefly on my nipples which almost made me come on the spot. She looked up at me and smiled as she continued down.
My belt came off next then her fingers fumbled with my pants. I looked down to see her hands were shaking, so I pulled her up beside me. “Are you nervous?” I asked.
“Of course I’m nervous!” she giggled. “I’ve never seen one up close like this before!”
“Relax,” I said, “we have all night!” We kissed again and then she sank back to her knees and unfastened my pants. She slid them down my legs and waited until I stepped out of them. My cock strained against my underwear, the bead of pre-cum staining the front with a damp spot.
Her fingers hooked into the waistband of my shorts and she slowly slid them down to my ankles. “Is that for me?” she asked playfully.
“Only for you!” I stammered. I watched her tongue flick out and run up along the base of my shaft, collecting the clear bead of fluid at the tip. Her fingers played along its length with feather-soft touches.
“So hard,” she breathed and then she squeezed the tip, “but soft too.” Her tongue flicked out again before she opened her mouth and took my head inside.
Her eyes were closed but I remembered something I’d seen in a video, “Look at me!” I commanded, and I was rewarded with the sight of her pink lips around my shaft and her impossibly blue eyes looking up at me. That sight alone almost triggered my orgasm.
Tessa stayed on me for a few minutes until I could no longer stand it. I pulled my cock from her mouth and pulled her to her feet. “You don’t have to do that,” I said.
She kissed me, “I know. I wanted to.” We kissed again, “Maybe later I’ll do it again!” Her eyes sparkled in the candlelight. I reached down and started gathering her nightie in my hands, drawing it up her body until I could lift it over her head.
I stood back and looked her up and down, “So beautiful!” She blushed a little and ran her hands up my chest to cup my face.
“You’re pretty cute yourself!” she whispered. She turned and moved to the bed, laying on her back and opening her legs. I moved between them and kissed my way south, stopping to suckle on her nipples and nip along her ribcage. As I took one nipple into my mouth, I sucked on it hard for a second and then nipped it with my teeth.
“Harder!” she groaned. “Suck on it harder!” I obliged and was rewarded with her arching her back and pushing her breast up to meet my face. “Oh fuck, that feels so good!”
I switched sides and repeated the manoeuvre eliciting the same response. I kissed my way further south until I got to her dark furry bush. It wasn’t until I reached with my fingers to pry her lips apart that I noticed that she had trimmed herself.
“Do you always trim yourself?” I asked.
“Mmmm, no,” she said, “just for you!” I placed a tiny kiss on the hood of her clit which glistened with her arousal. Then I clamped my lips around it and suckled as I lashed it with my tongue.
“Oh, Thomas, that feels divine!” she purred. “Don’t ever stop!” Her moans and sighs continued as I kissed, licked and suckled on her and then I remembered what my step-mom had told me.
I propped myself up on my elbows and slipped one finger inside her, moving it around and trying to feel for her pleasure spot. As my prior research had told me, I might not feel anything and given that I really didn’t know what I was searching for, I wasn’t surprised. So I added the second finger as I was instructed. I pressed up against her smooth slick wall and made the motion I had been taught.
“WOAH! FUCK! WOW! FUCK!” Tessa screamed. “What did you just do?”
“Did I hurt you?” I asked, very concerned that our night might be over.
“Oh, no, you didn’t hurt me!” she said. "It felt amazing! What did you do?”
I told her about what Janet had shown me and my research into finding her G-Spot. “Are you sure I even have one?” she asked. “I’ve never heard of it!”
“Judging by your reaction, you have one!" I said, "And I think we found it!” I said.
She lay back and opened her legs again, “Find it again!” she said sweetly, and moments later she was moaning loudly and writhing on the bed as I massaged it with the fingers of one hand while trying to rub her clit with my thumb. Her hand clamped over mine and her hips thrust upward as a loud squeal came from her throat.
“STOP PLEASE! I CAN’T TAKE IT! STOP!” she shouted. I stopped rubbing and slowly retracted my fingers from inside her, going down to kiss her pussy and clit. Her hands found my hair and pulled me up to her face. “Promise me you will do that every time we make love!” she said.
“I promise.”
We kissed some more then she looked at me, “It’s time.” I fumbled with the small bag on the nightstand and fished out one of the small packages. She took it from me, ripped it open and took out the rubbery sheath. “Let me.”
She pushed me onto my back and put her mouth over me for a moment, drawing up agonizingly slowly. She placed the sheath over the head of my cock and rolled it clumsily down my shaft. “I’ll have to practice that!” she giggled and she placed a kiss on the head.
“You mind if I get on top?” she asked. I said I didn’t and she climbed over me and used her fingers to position me at her entrance. Our eyes locked as she slowly sank down, wincing a little as my cock opened her wider than she had ever been. She inhaled sharply through her teeth, "Ssssssss!" After a moment, I felt her bottom against my hips and I was fully inside her.
I pulled her down to me to kiss her and the feeling of my cock sliding in her pussy was like nothing I’d ever imagined. “Don’t move!” she whispered, “I want to enjoy this feeling.” Our lips met and our tongues danced for a moment and then she started shifting her hips. It felt like my cock was wrapped in a warm wet hug as she slowly ground her hips against me.
She pushed herself up on her arms so that the pressure of me inside her shifted and her clit was rubbing against me. “Mmmm,” she purred as she rolled her eyes up and threw her head back. “I have wanted us to do this for so long!”
“Me too,” I mumbled. I pulled her face back to mine and we kissed as we fucked for the first time for either of us. Slowly, our pace increased and we struggled a bit to find a rhythm. After a few dozen strokes we figured it out and soon our foreheads were touching as our eyes locked and we moved together.
I tried to hold off but the pure eroticism and passion of the moment soon had me on the brink. “Oh Tessa, I’m…” The words were cut off in my throat as I thrust up into her and lifted her almost completely off the bed. My cock surged and I felt my cum fill the sheath around it. Tessa kept trying to move despite my hands holding her hips against me. And soon her sighs became moans as her arousal spilled over.
Each movement onto my cock was accompanied by a high-pitched moan as she came, her warmth enveloping me and I felt a trickle of wetness run down over my balls. Little beads of sweat formed on her face and upper chest and her skin flushed red as if she’d just run a mile as hard as she could. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.
As our orgasms faded, she opened her eyes and smiled at me before bending down to kiss me. “So that’s what a proper orgasm feels like!” she whispered. “That was way better than playing with myself!”
“For sure,” I said. “That was incredible!” We let our breathing slow as we kissed softly. “We should do that again very soon!”
“We will, I promise!” she said. After a few more moments, she moved off me and fell onto the bed beside me. We wrapped ourselves in each other’s arms and just let our fingertips trail across our bodies. She shivered a little and I pulled the covers up over us for a bit.
“I have to pee,” Tessa said. She got up and I was treated to the view of her perfectly shaped bum as it wiggled away from me.
“You look as good walking away as you do walking toward me,” I said. She stopped at the doorway and turned to blow me a kiss. While she was gone I stripped off the condom and dropped it in the wastebasket beside my desk. Then I wondered what to do while I waited and decided I would join her.
She was just washing her hands as I slipped into the bathroom. I went to her and slid my hands around her waist, moving them up to cup her generous and firm breasts. Our eyes met in the mirror and she smiled at me. “You really think I’m beautiful?”
“Oh my God, yes!” I said as I bent to kiss her neck.
“But I’m not thin and my waist is too thick and my ass is too big,” she protested.
“That’s only part of what makes you beautiful,” I said.
“What makes me beautiful then?”
“Your eyes, your cute nose, the way your lips curl up,” I said, tracing one finger along her bottom lip. “ I love your shape, everything is exactly as it should be,” my hands squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples which made her groan and her knees buckle.
“What is it about men and boobs?” she asked as she reached around to fondle my cock. “EEW! You need to clean up!” She turned and kissed me, “And when you come back to bed you can show me that thing you do with your fingers!”
I relieved myself, which is a hard thing to do with a growing erection, and washed myself off. After a quick swish with some mouthwash, I returned to the bedroom, my now-erect cock bobbing in front of me. I stopped in the doorway when I saw her reclined on my bed, caressing one boob with her left hand and rubbing her pussy with her right.
“Would you let me watch you do that someday?” I asked.
“What? Let you watch me fuck myself?” She seemed perplexed by the idea.
“Well, yeah,” I said. “You look so hot doing that, I’d like to watch.”
“Maybe,” she said as she ran her hand down and slipped one finger inside herself.
I climbed back in beside her and we kissed for a bit. “Show me that finger thing you did,” she said. I placed my two fingers together and she did the same. Then I slipped them into her pussy and pressed upward just inside her. Her hips jumped, “OH!”
“That, apparently, is your G-Spot,” I said. “At least that’s what my step-mom told me.”
“You didn’t… with her, did you?” she giggled, knowing I hadn’t.
“Of course not!” I protested and she laughed.
“She is pretty hot though, isn’t she?” Apparently, she wasn’t done teasing me yet.
“I am not having this conversation with you!” I said. Then I pressed against her G-Spot again and she moaned.
“Let me try!” she said and she slipped two fingers inside herself. I watched her wrist and hand for a few seconds and then her hips twitched, “There it is!” she purred. Her other hand slipped underneath the first and she began tracing slow circles around her clit. “Mmmmm, yes!”
I watched for a few minutes until she stopped. “Do you watch women play with themselves on your phone?” she asked.
“Not on my phone,” I said, “On my iPad.”
“Show me,” she said. I fished my iPad out from the bottom drawer of my nightstand and tapped it to bring up one of my favourite websites. A few taps later, a video of a young woman pleasuring herself came onto the screen. Tessa grabbed the tablet from me and stared at it.
“Now she is beautiful!” she breathed, “I wish I had a body like that!”
I leaned over to caress her, “Your body is perfect,” I said. “You are perfect, just as you are. Don’t change a thing!”
“You’re just saying that,” she said. “I know you would like me to be thinner and taller and…” I stopped her.
I took the tablet from her hands and sat up, pulling her up to sit facing me. “No, Tess, you are wrong. I don’t want you to be thinner or taller or anything else you think is wrong. I am saying it because it is true. I love your body and your face and your mind.” I thought for a moment, wondering if it was the right time to say it.
“I love you, Theresa Angela Marie Coliaccovo. I love everything about you., Your body, your heart, your mind and your soul. When I say you are perfect, it’s because you are perfect for me. If you believe nothing else in your life, believe that.”
She was speechless, a tear trickled out of her eye which she wiped away. “You have no idea what that means to me!” She leaned forward and kissed me. “Remember that night we told my parents about us? I told my mom that I thought I loved you and she warned me about telling someone you love them too soon.” She kissed me again.
“I believe you because I feel exactly the same way about you. We have been friends and enemies and then best friends and now, we are something more.” She rolled onto her back, “Make love to me!” she whispered. “We can worry about your fingers and my G-Spot another time!”
I reached to the nightstand for another condom but her hand stopped mine. “No,” she said, “not this time. I can go to the drugstore tomorrow. I want to feel all of you inside me.”
I moved over her and kissed my way down her body, rediscovering those little spots that made her squirm and squeal. She held nothing back as my fingers entered her and I found that magical little spot and suckled on her clit. It gave me great pleasure that I was able to elicit the same sorts of noises from her as I had heard come from my parent’s bedroom so many times before.
“Oh Fuck Thomas, I’M COMING!!” she screamed full-throated as her hips twisted and writhed. I heard as much as felt it as her cum squirted out of her pussy, soaking us both. Her hand grasped my hair tightly and she held my face onto her clit. “Keep sucking on me! Don’t ever stop!” she moaned as she came again, a little less forcefully but no less loudly than before.
Many shouts, screams and moans later, she relaxed her grip on my hair and pulled on it to urge me up her body. She planted short quick kisses all over my face and then stopped as she realized she was kissing her own cum from my lips and cheeks. “I don’t taste half-bad!” she giggled before kissing me again more deeply. “Promise me you will make me cum like that every day!”
“Every chance I get!” I promised.
We kissed some more as she calmed a bit and then she said, “Hand me that iPad.” I passed it to her and she tapped the screen a few times. I tried to look at it but she hid it from me.
What are you doing?” I asked.
“Homework!” she smiled. She watched it for a few moments and then set it aside on the bed so I could see the screen, a woman was on her knees in front of a man, taking his cock into her mouth. “Stand up!” she commanded. “We’re doing that!”
Not being particularly stupid, I obeyed the woman I loved and stood up. She took a pillow from the bed and placed it on the floor at my feet. She stood up and kissed me, “Don’t stop me.” Her lips trailed down my body until her chin bumped against my glans. She looked up at me and smiled.
Her lips slid down over me and her hand cupped my balls. The rasp of her tongue on the underside of my shaft surprised me a little, it was not unpleasant but I expected it to be smooth and soft. My hands found her hair but she came off me and shook her head, “No, let me do it my way.” She smiled and opened wide, going down again.
I felt her throat catch as she tried to emulate what she had seen in the video and take me into her throat. She kept trying but was unable to accomplish that feat. “I’m going to have to practice that!” she said softly.
She licked my shaft with long strokes the way you might lick an ice cream on a hot day. Then she took me back into her mouth and wrapped her hand around my shaft and started pumping. It was well that I had just cum a little while before else I would not have lasted very long at all. Soon I was close again and was just about to tell her when I remembered her wish for me not to stop her.
She must have felt that I was getting close because her free hand wrapped around my ass and made sure I couldn’t pull away. “Oh fuck!” I groaned as I felt myself tip over the edge and she locked her lips tightly around my glans, sucking firmly as I spurted. I looked down and craned my head to one side to see my shaft surge with each pulse of cum.
She almost gagged a couple of times but she hung in there, taking my entire load into her mouth. When she thought I was through, she took her mouth off me, careful not to let any of it drip out. She stood up in front of me and showed me my load on her tongue before swallowing it down in a single gulp, and then showing me her empty mouth.
“I saw that in a video,” she smiled, “it seemed like the guy liked it so I thought you would too!”
“It was amazing!” I said as I leaned forward to kiss her. Her tongue flashed into my mouth and I tasted myself, not the best-tasting thing I’d ever experienced but not totally unpleasant.
We lay down on the bed and snuggled for a bit. After a quick relief break, we cuddled in and pulled the covers up. Soon we were asleep in each other's arms.
Neither of us being accustomed to sharing a bed with another person, we woke each other up a few times through the night, each time resulting in another lovemaking session. By the time the sun began brightening the sky, we had done it five times in ten hours. As we lay together recovering from what we would soon start to refer to as our ‘morning exercise’, I said, “I wish we could wake up like this every day!”
“Me too,” she purred. “If I had known my first time would be this much fun I wouldn’t have waited.”
“I’m really glad we did,” I said.
We napped for another couple of hours and then enjoyed our first shower together. I loved the way the curves of her body shone and glistened in the cascading water and I told her so. It was a mix of nudges, bumps, rubs, tickles and giggles as we clumsily cleaned each other’s bodies. “That was fun!” Tessa said, “We need to do that more often too!”
After a quick breakfast, we went into town and she somewhat sheepishly went to the pharmacist to ask for the Plan B pill. After enduring a brief lecture on the dangers of unprotected sex we left and I dropped her off at her parents’ house. We stood on the porch and quietly relived our night together.
“I’m not sure what the protocol is,” she said. “Do I thank you? Do we shake hands?”
“I think you kiss me goodbye,” I said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to need a nap this afternoon!”
“Me too,” she said. We kissed tenderly, “Some night!” she said.
“The first of many I hope!” I replied. We kissed again, and she turned to go inside. As I descended the steps, I heard my stepmom’s voice from around the side of the house.
“Did you kids have fun?” she teased, knowing full well exactly how much fun we had.
“Fun is one way to put it!” I replied. “I’m going home to bed. I’ll see you later!”
That night was indeed the first of many nights together. Our families accepted our relationship to the point that within the month, Tessa had all but moved into our house, spending as many nights as she could with me, making love as quietly and as often as we could. From the looks we got from my parents some mornings, it was clear we were not as quiet as we thought we’d been.
Sometimes at night, we would just hold each other and listen as my father and step-mom renewed their love and lust just down the hall.