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My Old Flame - Caught in the Act

"Janet and David decide to have a little Saturday morning fun and get a surprise."

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Author's Notes

"This chapter of our story is told from Janet's perspective. If you haven't yet read the previous chapters, I invite you to do so before continuing. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

Thomas and Tessa had been dating and fucking for about a month. On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, we were at the kitchen table chatting about the similarities and differences between their relationship and ours when we were in high school.

“I was surprised at first that Thomas and Tessa got together,” I said. “But now I see it, he is crazy about her.”

“And she is crazy about him,” Steve replied. “They grew up together, so they know each other so well; I guess it’s not that surprising.”

“One thing though,” I said. “Tessa looks nothing like Mel or Brian. That strikes me as odd.”

“Do you think there’s a milkman in the family tree?” he asked. That was always a joke in my family, that if a kid didn’t look like either of his or her parents, they might be the illegitimate child of a delivery man.

“Knowing Imelda, it’s not beyond the realm of imagination. Mel always did have a bit of a wild side." I looked at him over the rim of the coffee cup.

“I remember!” he chuckled. “It seems to me that wild side extended to you as well on at least one occasion.”

“More than one occasion,” I admitted. “We got at it pretty regularly for the best part of a year.” I sipped my coffee and shifted in my seat.

“I guess that’s why you both didn’t have much of an objection to Thomas and Tessa being together,” he said. “Seems to me you encouraged it. Sorta like keeping things all in the family.” I bristled at that for a second, then reconsidered.

“I don’t know that we encouraged it,” I said. “We just figured it was inevitable once they realized they’re not actually related. I don’t think we could have stopped it at that point. At least this way, they’re approaching their relationship open and honestly instead of sneaking around.”

“Open and honest is good,” he said, getting up out of his chair and moving behind me. He slid his arms under mine and cupped my breasts. "Still as full and firm as they were the first time I touched them so many years before!" he whispered.

“I think this is a conversation better suited to the bedroom,” I suggested.

“Or we could just do it right here on the table,” he leered. “You know, like we did the first weekend you came to visit me!”

Five minutes later, at 10:30 on a Saturday morning, I was on my back on the kitchen table with my hands gripping the edges for balance and leverage as my husband pounded his cock into my pussy. “Still curious about women are you?” he teased.

I shook my head, “Not the least bit curious,” I moaned. “I know I’m bisexual!” My breath caught as he bent down and took my nipple between his teeth, “Mmm yes like that!”

Then Thomas and Tessa came in the back door.

“OH SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK!” Thomas shouted as he turned his head. Steve and I immediately halted with him fully inside me and my tit in his mouth. My stepson turned away but Tessa didn’t. The smile on her face was a mile wide.

“Look at you two! Just like teenagers!” She took Thomas’ arm and led him back outside. “You might as well finish what you started! I know I couldn’t stop right now if I were you!”

I could hear her laughing as they walked, or more accurately stumbled, away. I looked at my husband, his mouth still agape, and we started laughing. Then we started fucking again and soon my screams could be heard well down the road.

We finished what we had started and took a shower to get cleaned up. There were a couple of scrapes on my lower back and Steve had a skinned knee. As we helped each other dry off we fell into another fit of laughter.

“Talk about role reversal!” I giggled. “Instead of us catching our kids, they caught us!”

“I know right!” he laughed. Then he looked at me seriously, “God I love you!” We hugged and kissed.

“I love you too!” I whispered. “Only and forever you!”

“So the idea we were talking about earlier was just that, talk?” he asked.

I smiled, “Not necessarily!” I said and I continued getting dressed.

When we went back out into the kitchen, I found a note from Thomas.

We went to Tessa’s,” it read. “We promise, we will never tell a soul what we saw!”

We collapsed into another fit of laughter as we re-read the note. “They’re gonna tell that story someday, I guarantee it!” I said. Steve just nodded and kept laughing.

 A few weekends later it was Thanksgiving and the whole family gathered at Imelda and Brian’s for the holiday. Eleven adults, thirteen if you include our fornicating offspring, and a dozen kids all piled onto every piece of available furniture and level surface to gorge themselves on Janet and Imelda’s perfectly crafted meal.

After dinner, as it got dark, most everyone left to put their kids to bed or go to other friends’ houses to watch hockey or football and it was only Steve and me, Imelda and Brian, Thomas and Tessa, and her younger siblings left at the house.

“Aunt Janet,” the oldest asked, “Is it true that you and Uncle Steve dated in high school?”

“It is sweetie,” I said. “Then we moved away to go to university and we didn’t see each other for sixteen years.” I reached and held Steve’s hand, “And then we started dating again and then we got married and the rest is history!”

I saw Thomas and Tessa share a look and a little giggle and I gave them my most stern stare to quiet them down.

“Tessa,” her sister continued, “are you and Thomas going to move away to go to university?”

“Probably,” she answered. “But he's not leaving me behind. like his dad did to Aunt Janet!” Tessa looked at Thomas and her face twitched for a second. Somehow I knew they’d already sorted out that they were going to school together next year.

Brian shooed his kids off to bed and shortly after, Thomas and Tessa left to go back to our house, no doubt to screw each other silly while they had the place to themselves. That left me, Steve, and Imelda alone in the living room.

“Did you know that they were planning on continuing their relationship when they went to college next year?” I asked Imelda.

“I didn’t know,” she replied, “but I suspected.” She took a sip from her drink, “You disapprove?”

I thought for a moment, “No, not really. I just hope they don’t do something silly and have a child before they finish school.”

“Would that be the end of the world if they did?” Steve asked.

“I just think they need to complete their education before they start a family, that’s all.”

“They’re smart kids,” said Imelda, “They’ve been amazing so far.”

“We know how amazing they’ve been!” chuckled Steve. “Like every night!”

Imelda smiled, “Is she a screamer like you?”

My eyes locked onto my sister’s, “No, she’s more of a moaner, like her mother!” I said.

“Oh. The apple didn’t fall from the tree then, did it?” she smiled.

We all laughed at that then the conversation took a turn. “You know,” said Imelda, “If they go away, you guys will have that house all to yourselves all the time. Whatever will you do with all that space?”

I looked straight at my sister, “We were thinking about turning the spare room in the basement into our private playground,” I said deadpan. “Someplace where my husband can make me scream at the top of my lungs all day and no one will ever hear me!” Janet gave as good as she got.

“Just your husband?” she teased. “Or do you miss a woman’s touch?”

“I haven’t scratched that itch in a long time,” I said as I rubbed myself over my jeans. I was dumbfounded at the turn the conversation had taken, it was almost like we were trying to seduce each other.

“You’ll just have to find someone to scratch it then, won’t you?” Mel said.

I looked at my watch, “Look at the time!” I said, suddenly less than comfortable.

“Relax,” Mel said, “They’re still in the middle of foreplay.”

“We’ll take the long way home,” I said. “There’s something my husband and I need to discuss in private.”

“I’m sure there is,” Mel grinned. “Speaking of discussing things in private, I’ve been trying to get Brian and me away for a weekend alone, any chance you guys could mind our two monsters for a few days the weekend after next?”

“Sure!” I said. Steve loved doting on Mel’s children. “We’d love to!”

“Well all right then!” Mel said. She stood up and came over to Steve, “Thanks for coming over!” she said as she gave him a hug and a kiss. I swear she pressed her hips into his a little more firmly than usual. She moved to me, “Thanks, you!” she smiled. “Maybe tomorrow you can come over, there’s something else I want to talk to you about!”

“Oh, okay,” I said. “Any particular time?”

“Around 1:00 pm?” Mel suggested. “Brian is taking the kids out for the afternoon; it’ll be just us girls!” She kissed me on the cheek.

We said our good nights and walked slowly back to our house. As we got to the end of the driveway, we saw the light in the window of the upstairs washroom go out, I figured that Thomas and Tessa were done with whatever they were going to do for the night and it was safe to go home without listening to them pleasure each other.

I went to take a shower and prepared myself, making sure I was freshly shaven and completely clean before climbing into our bed, my skin still a little damp. As I snuggled in beside my husband, I turned on my side to face him. “I think my sister wants to fuck you,” I said.

“What?” he exclaimed. “Whatever gave you that idea?”

“I don’t know,” I said. “It’s just the way she kissed you when we were leaving, it looked like more than innocent.”

“Innocent is not a word I would readily associate with your sister,” he said.

I couldn’t disagree. She wasn’t a bad person, she was just very aware of her raw sexuality and was not the least bit shy about it. We kissed for a few moments, and between kisses, Steve whispered, “You think Imelda and Brian might not be exclusive to each other?”

“I don’t know,” I replied. I was getting warmed up and the last thing I wanted to talk about was my sister’s sex life. “What brought that on?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “I guess I was just curious about what she wants to talk to you about tomorrow. Maybe it’s something lascivious!”

“Like what?” I asked as I moved my hand to grasp his cock. It was as firm as it would get. “Maybe she wants us to swap with them?” He responded with a twitch in my hand.

“Maybe,” he said. “Or maybe she just wants to play with you again.”

“I think that’s more likely,” she said. I felt his hand slide over my pussy and his finger teased my clit. “Mmmmm, like that!”

“And if she asks you, will you?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe?” His hips pushed against mine, he was primed for action.

“I would love to see that!” he moaned. He moved his head down and took my nipple in his mouth. He suckled on it for a minute or so then I felt his lips move to the underside of my breast. He sucked hard on the soft and sensitive skin there and seconds later I felt the skin tingle as he marked me. That wasn’t something we did often and when we did it was always in a place where no one else could see.

“Mmmmm!” I groaned. I loved the sensation when he marked my skin, in a strange way it seemed like he was asserting his control and ownership of my body. I relinquished that control and ownership willingly as he did to me.

He moved to the other side and made a matching mark below my other breast and I almost orgasmed at the sensation. “That’s it, mark me!” I moaned loudly.

His lips came back up to my mouth and we kissed passionately as our arousal rose to a fever pitch. I broke our lip-lock and whispered a single word, “Toys!”

My husband and I didn’t play with our toys together very often but when we did the result was some no holding back, screaming orgasms every time. “Are you sure?” he whispered, “we’ll wake the kids.”

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“Then we wake up the kids!” I groaned. “God knows they’ve woken us up enough times!” He conceded my point and reached around to retrieve our two favourite toys from the nightstand drawer.

“We really should keep these closer at hand!” he groaned as he rolled back to me and placed them on my tummy along with the two small bottles of lube we liked to use. “These interruptions can really kill the mood!”

“Your complaining is killing the mood!” I said.

Our two toys were of different lengths, shapes, and thicknesses. Our rabbit vibrator was shorter and not particularly thick, I used that one when I fucked myself when my husband wasn’t available or sometimes we would both use it with my husband controlling the intensity and variety of the vibrations as he watched me. That wasn’t the one I selected that night.

The other one looked like a real cock only it was longer and thicker than any I had ever seen in person. It was dark brown, over a foot long including the balls and the suction cup at the bottom, and nearly eight inches in circumference. It filled me up so nicely the first time we used it together that Steve got curious so we measured how much of it I could get in my cunt. Turns out only about an inch of the shaft was left when it pressed uncomfortably against my cervix, nearly ten inches of it were inside me.

I rarely used that one when I was alone, rather we both used it as my husband and I fantasized about me getting hammered by a thick black cock while he watched. Sometimes I would fuck myself with it as I sucked his cock into my throat. Other times I would be on my knees, my face, and my shoulders on the mattress. He would pin my hands behind my back and mercilessly drive the massive phallus into me until I screamed for him to stop.  Of course, he wouldn’t, not until I completely soaked the toy, his hand and wrist, my inner thighs, and the bed beneath us. Regardless of how we used it, I always came very loudly and very wetly as my squirted juices soaked anything and everything nearby.

But that night I decided we might try something a little different. Every so often, when I was feeling particularly naughty I would invite him to fuck my ass. He never once asked me to do anal, I offered and I was happy to give him that pleasure. His surprise the first time I invited him to fuck me from behind was so adorable, he was far more concerned that he would hurt me than he was for his own selfish needs.

And so it was on that night. I selected the larger of the two toys and handed it to him along with the lube. He slathered it up, rubbed the excess onto my slick cunt and moved to position himself between my legs but I shook my head. I rolled onto all fours and took the toy from him. I reached between my legs with it and slowly slid it into myself, emitting a long soft moan as I felt it split me open.

When I felt it bottom out against my cervix, I held it there. I turned my head to look at him and raised one eyebrow, “Fill me up the rest of the way!” I begged him. I was already stretched as far as I had ever been when my husband moved behind me and placed his fingers against my tight back door. First one, then another impaled me as he stretched me further.

Then I felt the fleshy end of his cock against me, trailing along one cheek of my ass until it reached my hole. His fingers came out of me and his cock pressed against me. I felt myself yield to him as he pressed forward. “Tell me if it hurts,” he whispered as his hands found my hips and pulled me back onto him.

Then he was inside me, I felt a warm, almost burning sensation as he penetrated me. I held the fake BBC inside me and he kept moving into me, millimetre by millimetre, easing into me agonizingly slowly. “Just fuck me!” I growled. I knew it would be uncomfortable at first but once my body got accustomed to the assault, I also knew it would be pure rapture.

Finally, I felt his hips press against my buttocks, he was inside me as far as he ever would be. The burning sensation eased to a warm fullness as I was stretched to the limit. I slid the toy out of my cunt and slowly slid it back in, breathing heavily at the assault on my pussy. “Oh, God Janet, that feels amazing against my cock!” he breathed as I felt the massage of the thin layer of flesh between his cock and the dildo. “I can feel every bump and ridge against me!”

“Maybe next time it can be the real thing!” I moaned. “Would you like that? To have a real big black cock in my pussy while you fuck my tight ass?” I wasn’t teasing him, I was testing the water.

“Mmmmmmmm” he groaned his approval. He pulled his cock out so just the head was inside me and pushed himself slowly back in. My sighs told him I liked the feeling he was giving me and I pushed back against him. Soon, we found a rhythm so that as I was drawing the fake cock out of me he would push forward to fill my butt. Then he would draw back and I would fill my cunt with ten inches of firm silicone.

“Slow and easy baby!” I purred. “Oh fuck this feels amazing!” I knew he wouldn’t last long like this so I positioned my thumb so it brushed my clit each time I pushed the fake BBC into me.

I was getting close so I turned to catch his eye. “Fuck my ass, baby!” I moaned loudly. “Give me that hard cock!” He responded by thrusting himself into me with more vigour and speed. I just held the toy inside me and let him have his way with my ass and with each drive forward, the heel of my hand rubbed over my clit bringing me to the peak of excitement.

Then he drove forward, groaned as loud as he ever had and emptied himself into my ass. His cum felt hot against my insides, like a warm rush of cleaning fluid coating me. That warmth spread to my pussy and as he held his spasming cock into me, I gave the toy a few quick pumps to finish me off.

My screams were loud and unintelligible as I came, my cunt gushed and squirted each squirt timed with a screech of pleasure. “OH STEPHEN FUCK MY ASS!” the words just burst out of me without thought or consideration for my stepson and my niece who could not possibly be sleeping just down the hall.

He clamped his hand over my mouth in an effort to quiet me but I wasn’t having it. The second rush of sweet orgasm blasted through me and I could no more contain the sound than I could stop the rain from falling or the sun from shining. Great screams, moans groans and sighs came pouring out, announcing my sated lust to all and sundry.

Steve eased off on his pushing as our orgasms passed. He moved slowly and gently inside me as I felt him begin to soften. Eventually, he lost his rigidity to the point where his cock wouldn’t stay inside me and he flopped out.

I felt the warmth of his cum tickle my vulva and eventually my clit as it dripped slowly from my ass. “Clean me,” I whispered and he obliged, moving his face to my ass and licking his cum from my sphincter as it dribbled out. Then he removed the toy from my cunt and gently licked and kissed my lips and clit clean. That felt almost as nice as the great fucking I had just received.

When I was all clean he moved up beside me, rolling me onto my back and placing the cum covered toy between my breasts. My fluid had been churned to a milky froth that formed a ring near the base just above the fake ball sack “Clean it,” he whispered and I licked my cum from it. “Mmmmm, delicious!” I said as I licked the last of it off and pulled him to kiss me.

“I know,” he said. We lay together letting our breathing slow and he kissed the top of my head. “What possessed you to do that?” he asked.

“Well, there’s something I want to try, but I had to see if I liked it first,” I said.

“It doesn’t take a genius to figure out where this is going,” he said. He kissed me deeply. “If that’s what you want, I’m happy to try it with you?”

“Oh Stephen, really?” I cried. “Are you sure?”

“If it makes you happy,” he said. His whole face smiled as he looked at me, “Anything to make you happy.”

“Anything?” I said.

“Within reason,” he said. “I have only one request, well two, actually.” I looked at him and waited for him to continue. “Never behind my back,” he said as he held up one finger.

“Oh my God, never!” I promised. “I would never do that!” We kissed again. “And the other?”

He held up a second finger, “I get to watch you with another man. Just you and him, without me involved.”

“You would do that?” I asked. I had expected he would agree with us inviting another man into our bed but that he wanted to just watch came as a bit of a surprise.

“If it would make you happy,” he said. I kissed him again and hugged him as tightly as I ever had.

“And what about you?” I asked. “Is there anything you would like to try?”

Anything?” he asked. I nodded. “Okay then.” He reached over and retrieved his iPad, tapping it a few times and then turning it to show me. On the screen was a photo of two mature women, around my age by my guess, and they were licking a man’s cum from each other’s faces.

“You want me to do that?” I asked. He had to say it, I wasn’t about to go ahead with any of this with us stating explicitly what we would do. He shook his head.

“I want you to watch while two other women do it,” he said. “And then I want them to share my cum with you.”

“Oh,” I said. I wasn’t expecting that one.

“And then I want to watch as those two women pleasure you with their mouths and tongues and fingers until you beg them to stop!” he said.

“Is that all you want?” I asked him.

“For now,” he said, “Unless some other idea comes up!”

“Something is coming up right now!” I said as I felt him stir against my hip. “How long have you had this idea that you want to watch?”

“Ever since we watched that video of the man watching his wife with another man,” he said. “It got me thinking.”

“I seem to recall the man in that video cleaning the other man’s cum from his wife’s pussy!” I reached down and rubbed his cock, “Would you do that?”

“I have no problem cleaning my own cum from your pussy, I’m pretty sure I could do the same if it was some other man’s cum,” he said. He kissed me, “If that would make you happy!”

“That would make me very happy indeed!” I said. “I like talking about this stuff! It’s a whole new side tour love life!”

“You think we’ll ever do more than talk about it?” he asked.

“Maybe,” I said, “if the opportunity ever comes up, we’ll see what happens.”

He climbed on top of me and slipped his cock into my still-stretched pussy, “Easy baby, little sore there!”

He pushed himself in slowly, “I’m surprised you can even feel me after having that monster cock inside you!”

“I can feel you just fine!” I purred and I relaxed and helped my husband fuck me. He grunted and groaned as I teased him with descriptions of what I might do to some random guy we met on holiday or a business trip. Soon he stiffened and I felt his cum, warm and sticky flowing inside me. He pulled out rather quickly and dove between my thighs to lick me clean. “I could make a cuckold out of you!” I teased.

“Don’t say it if you don’t mean it!” he shot back before returning to his task. The orgasm he gave me with his tongue was a slow builder, long and warm. By the time it was over, I was wrung out. Sleep came easy that night and I slept in quite late.

By the time I was able to drag my ass out of bed, my husband had already left for work and my stepson had gone to school. I expected to be alone and was surprised to see my niece sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.

“No class this morning?” I asked as I reached to fill a cup of my own.

“Not until after lunch,” she replied. I gingerly eased myself into a chair across from her. “Little tender are we?” she smiled. I blushed a little and remembered that I hadn’t cared last night that she and Thomas had heard us. “I’m not surprised!”

“I feel better than I probably should!” I admitted. That was quite the fucking I had gotten. We sat silently for a bit then Tessa spoke.

“Aunt Janet?” she said. “Are you okay? I mean it sounded like he was hurting you! We almost called 911!”

“I’m fine sweetie!” I assured her. “Everything you heard was what I asked my husband to do to me.”

“Jesus!” she breathed. “It sounded like he was ripping you in half!”

“Felt like it at one point too!” I mumbled. “Thanks for asking but everything is fine, I promise!” I got up and went around the table to hug her, “I just like it rough sometimes!”

“You say so!” she said and she got up and kissed my cheek. “I have to get ready for class.”

After another cup of coffee and some breakfast, I called Imelda to make sure we were still on for the afternoon. I had no idea what she wanted to talk about but I knew it would probably be very personal and very erotic. I was not disappointed.

Written by CaressofSteel
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