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My Old Flame - A Holiday Vacation Turns Very Naughty Indeed!

"Our lusty sisters get up to no good while on vacation with their husbands"

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Author's Notes

"This is the last chapter of this story (for now at least) and it is told from Imelda's perspective. If you haven't red the previous chapters, I invite you do do that before going ahead with this one. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, tap the 'like' icon and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

My daughter Tessa graced me with her presence on her way from her boyfriend’s bed to her afternoon class at school.

“Mom, can I talk to you about something?” she asked. “It’s a bit unusual.” 

“Okay," I said, “what’s up?”

“I probably shouldn’t say anything but last night, Aunt Janet and Uncle Steve were a little, how shall I say this, more rambunctious than usual. Like a lot more,” she said quietly.

“So you listened to them, right?” I said.

“We didn’t have much choice,” she said. “I’m surprised you didn’t hear them!”

“Oh, that loud, huh? Well, your Aunt Janet is a bit of a screamer, you know that by now surely.”

“This was more than that,” she said. “It sounded like Uncle Steve was hurting her. I mean you should have heard it. Thomas was really uncomfortable, we almost called the police!”

I thought for a moment, “You were right not to,” I said. I took a deep breath. Talking about vigorous sex was not a conversation I wanted to have with my daughter, especially when she and her boyfriend were just learning the ropes as it were.

“Sweetie, sometimes, people like to get a bit rough in the bedroom, and some people enjoy a little pain during sex.” She shifted uncomfortably, “You are right to be concerned. Would you like me to speak to her about it?”

“I don’t know!” she said. She sounded exasperated. “I mean, Aunt Janet and Uncle Steve have been so awesome to Thomas and me, letting me stay there with him and everything. We try to be quiet but we know sometimes they can hear us and we can almost always hear them but this time was different. I was scared for her.” Tessa’s hands were trembling and her eyes welled up. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

I gathered her in for a warm hug. “No, you were right to tell me. She’s coming over this afternoon, there’s something else I need to talk to her about anyway. I’ll make sure she’s okay.”

“Okay, mom. Thanks!” she said. “I have to get to school. Is it okay if Thomas and I stop here for supper? I’m not sure we’ll be comfortable with Aunt Janet and Uncle Steve for a while.”

“You can’t put it off forever you know, you’re going to have to face them eventually,” I cautioned her.

“I know,” she said. “Just not tonight, okay?”

“Okay, sweetie!” I gave her another hug. “Thank you for trusting me with this.”

A while later, my sister called to see if we were still on for the afternoon. I told her that of course we were and I went to get ready. If everything went the way I was hoping it would, I wanted to leave nothing to chance.

I ran a hot bath and made sure my body was completely hairless from my armpits to my toes. I rubbed moisturizer into my skin, arousing myself as I fantasized about what I hoped would happen later that day. I knew that Janet and I would have at least four hours before my husband got home with our kids and I wanted to make the most of it. In my aroused state, I completely forgot that Tessa and Thomas would be stopping by after school.

I was as nervous as a virgin on prom night as I waited for my sister to arrive. After what seemed an eternity, she tapped on my door.

“Hi Janet!” I said, “Come on in!” She came into the kitchen and I offered her a glass of wine.

“It’s a bit early but after the last day or so, I could use one!” she said.

“Oh? Spill!” I said.

“Well,” she began, “Steve and I got a little carried away last night and Thomas and Tessa overheard us.”

“She told me,” I replied. I watched my sister’s face twist a little. “She was worried about you!”

“I told her it was okay,” she said, “but I don’t think she believed me.”

“I reassured her that everything was fine,” I said. “She asked if she and Thomas could come here for supper tonight, I don’t think they’re going to be able to look you in the eye for a few days.”

“It’ll be awkward,” she said. “But it’ll be fine.”

“So everything is fine?” I asked. Janet and I didn’t keep secrets from each other, at least I didn’t think we did.

“Yes, everything is fine!” she said, taking my hand. “In fact, everything is better than fine!”

“Oh? Do tell!” I said as I refilled her wine glass.

“Well,” she said. “Steve and I have been talking about some things lately. Bedroom things.” She seemed reluctant to share the details so I could see I’d have to drag them out of her.

“What sort of things?” I asked, hoping they would involve adding new partners to their sex life.

“Let’s just say we’re looking at expanding our horizons a little,” she said.

“Expanding your horizons how?” I asked. “Like adding someone to your playtime?”

“Yeah, that and a couple of other things,” she said.

“Come on Janet, you know I’m going to drag this out of you, just tell me!” I needed her to get this out of the way so I could tell her the reason I asked her over.

She drained her glass and licked her lips, watching her tongue slash across her top lip made me wet. “Steve wants to share me,” she said. I said nothing, waiting for her to continue. “With other men. He wants to watch.”

“Watch you with another man,” I said. “That’s no big deal. Brian and I did that a few years ago, it was fun!”

“You what?” she said, stunned.

“Remember our trip out west? We met a couple and we swapped partners and then he and the other guy's wife watched me fuck her husband. Then I watched Brian fuck her! It was fucking hot!” I crossed my legs and felt a little thrill as my folds rubbed my clit.

“Jesus Christ, Imelda!” she whispered, covering her mouth with her hand.

“I don’t know why you’re so shocked,” I said. “You know I like my fun!”

“I am fully aware of how much fun you like to have,” she said. She pointed to her wine glass and I filled it for a third time. “So you think we should do it then?”

“Absolutely!” I said. “What else did you fantasize about?”

She took a deep breath. “He wants me to watch two women take him in their mouths and for him to cum all over their faces.”

“Ooohhh! Double facial! How naughty!” I said. Now we were getting to the good stuff!

“That’s not all,” she said. “Then he wants me to clean their faces and then have them, in his words, 'give me an experience I will never forget'!”

“I’ve never done that!” I said. “But I’d like to!” I sipped my wine and looked straight into her eyes. “Are you going to?”

“Maybe,” she said. “We still have to sort that out. We didn’t say yes, we didn’t say no. Just a solid maybe.”

“Maybe is a good start,” I said. I leaned over and brushed her hair back. “I asked you here for a reason.” I went around the table and took her hands in mine. “I want to make love to my sister.”

I leaned to her and offered my lips and she hesitated before taking me up on my offer. A thrill went through me as I remembered how her lips felt on mine that first time so many years ago. “God Sis! I love kissing you!” I whispered. We kissed for a while and I could feel my panties get damp. “I remember the first time we kissed. I have compared every person I’ve ever kissed to that kiss and none of them have come even close!”

“Not even my husband?” she said with a twinkle in her eye. “Oh come on Mel, I saw the way you kissed him the other night, there was something there! Admit it!”

“And if there was?” I said.

“I knew it!” Janet said. “You want to fuck my husband!”

“Actually, what I would like is to swap husbands with you!” I leaned in and kissed her again. “Is that a problem?” I asked.

“Like, together or separately?” she asked. “Like, would we all be in the same room or would we literally swap husbands for a night or a weekend?”

“Preferably together at the same time,” I mused. “That way when they’re done filling us with their cum we could lick each other clean!” Putting the fantasy into words made my pussy leak even more.

“We’d obviously have to talk to them about it first!” she said.

 “Or we could just get together and see where things went,” I said. I kissed her some more. “That way they could think it was their idea!”

“You have an evil mind, my dear sister!” she said with a smile. “Now then, what was that you said about licking each other’s pussies?” She stood up and took my hand, leading me to the bed I shared with my husband. We slowly removed each other’s clothing, kissing each bit of skin as it was exposed.

“We don’t have as much time as I’d like,” I panted as her tongue traced down to my navel. “Tessa and Thomas are coming here after school.”

She looked at the clock on the far wall. “We’d best get to it then!” She climbed up onto the bed and laid back, opening her legs to me. Half a minute later we were both moaning loudly and we kissed, licked and suckled on each other’s leaking cunts. Ten minutes after that we were lying together, trading soft kisses and tasting each other’s wetness from our fingers.

“Mmmmm, that was so nice!” she purred.

“Perfect is what it was,” I replied. “I sometimes wonder if I wasn’t meant to be a lesbian.”

“Oh no, being bi is so much better!” she said. “We get to enjoy cock and pussy!” We laughed and kissed some more. “We’d better get cleaned up. I’ve already been caught by our children once this week, I don’t think they could handle catching the two of us in bed together!”

“Probably not!” I agreed. We kissed once more. “I’m not ashamed of this you know. If it weren’t for our children I would tell the world that I love fucking my sister.”

“Let’s just keep it as our secret,” she said. “At least for now. Maybe we can let our husbands in on it down the road.”

“Okay," I whispered. “I love you, Sis!”

“I love you too, Sis,” she replied. I took her hand and helped her off the bed and into the washroom. Twenty minutes later we had fingered each other to another gut-wrenching orgasm and were all cleaned up.

Not ten minutes later, Thomas and Tessa got home from school just as my sister and I were sitting down for coffee and snacks. “Hi, Aunt Mel!” Thomas said as he bent to kiss her cheek. “Hi, Mom!” he said to Janet.

“No kiss for me?” she asked. He reluctantly bent down and pecked her cheek. Tessa hugged her mom and then me.

“How are you this afternoon,” she asked her aunt.

“Couldn’t be better!” she gushed. I squirmed in my seat knowing exactly why she felt that way.

We chatted with the kids about their day at school and after about a half-hour, Janet got up to leave. “I need to get supper started,” she said. “Are you kids coming?”

Thomas shifted uncomfortably and Tessa averted her gaze to look at her shoes.

“Okay,” Janet said. “Look, you heard what you heard. I love my husband and sometimes we get a little loud when we make love. I’m not going to apologize for that. Lord knows you two get a little loud sometimes too!”

She reached out and took one of their hands in each of hers. “I promise, I’m fine, everything is fine! Nothing happened to me last night that I didn’t want to happen! Trust me, as you guys get more comfortable in your relationship, you will look for the edges of the envelope too! And so you should!”

Thomas went to his stepmom and hugged her. “I’m sorry, I was just worried about you, that’s all.”

“I know Sweetie,” she said. “Thank you. But it’s all good.” They hugged again. Then she hugged Tessa. “Thank you too, Sweetie.” Then she came over to me. “And thank you for listening,” she said. “I will talk to Steve about it.” She put on her coat and left.

“Talk to Dad about what?” asked Thomas.

“We were thinking about taking a vacation together,” I lied. “Your dad, Janet, Uncle Brian and I.”

“Oh, cool!” he said. “I need to get at that assignment.” He kissed Tessa’s cheek and left the room.

“What sort of vacation are you planning?” Tessa asked me.

“That’s what we need to talk to our husbands about,” I said. She seemed content with that answer.

After dinner, Tessa and Thomas washed up before going up to her room to study, or at least that’s what she said they were doing. From the sounds that came from that bedroom a little while later, I knew they were studying each other’s anatomy.

An hour or so later, Tessa came downstairs, she had done a barely passable job of fixing herself up but she had the glow of a young woman who had just been well and truly fucked to orgasm. “Can Thomas stay over?” she asked. “Things have been a little weird since, you know.”

“You know, what?” my husband asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” I said to him. “Sure honey, he can stay over. Just keep it to a dull roar.” She blushed a little before thanking me and returning to her room.

Brian and I were just snuggling into bed when he asked me, “So what is it you were going to tell me later?” he asked.

“The kids caught Janet and Steve in the act last weekend,” I said. “In the middle of the day. On the kitchen table!”

“Fuck me!” he said.

“I intend to!” I grinned as I swung my leg over his and started kissing him. After I was done riding him to my third orgasm of the day, I rolled beside him.

“Janet and I were talking today and we think the four of us should go on vacation together. Maybe between Christmas and New Year.”

“Sounds nice,” he replied. “Who’ll we get to watch the kids?”

“Tessa and Thomas could do it,” I suggested, “or maybe your mom could come visit. She loves spoiling them!”

“Tessa and Thomas would be far too busy with each other to mind them,” he said. “You know, I didn’t like it when they first got together. But now I can see they’re right for each other.”

“Just like your parents didn’t like it when you brought me home,” I said. “But they got used to the idea.”

“Mom did. Dad never really trusted you not to fool around on me,” he said. “He always thought you had a wandering eye.”

If he only knew!” I thought to myself. “Anywhere my eye wanders, I promise to take you along with me!” We kissed for a few minutes. “We should do that again.”

“Maybe we should!” he said. “I think I’d like to watch another man eat you out while you suck his cock!”

“And I’d like to watch you fuck some hot soccer mom from behind while she licks my pussy!” I reached over and fondled his growing erection.

“Mmmmm twice in one night!” he groaned as his hand found my slit, still wet and slippery from before.

If he only knew!” I thought as his lips found mine and my hands pulled his head into my pussy.


Two days later our vacation was booked, seven days and six nights on a Caribbean cruise out of Port Canaveral. I teased my husband mercilessly about the possibilities of sharing each other with another couple but did not reveal to him that Janet and Steve would be joining us. We had adjacent cabins booked so Janet and I figured that swapping rooms would be easy. The only downside was that if it didn’t go well, we’d have to finish the trip, and the rest of our lives as neighbours and family.

 The rest of the holiday season went pretty well, the lead-up to Christmas and the days surrounding it saw us fucking as often as we could get away with and in places we had never done it before. If nothing else, this fantasy about sharing my husband with my sister had a definite upside.

The day before we left, Janet and I cashed in the gift certificates that our husbands had given us and went to the spa to get prepped for the trip. Three hours later we were scrubbed, massaged and waxed. The ride home was interesting and a bit dangerous as Janet’s hand was massaging my freshly waxed pussy as I drove. A quickie at her house before everyone got home sated my lust.

We flew to Florida a day early and stayed at a hotel before boarding the huge cruise ship. It was so nice to be warm again without having to wear layers of clothes and our husbands definitely approved of our swimwear as we sauntered hand in hand back to our rooms after an afternoon of sunning ourselves. Dinner and a few drinks had my motor running but it wasn’t my husband’s cock I was craving.

“Do you think we’ll get a chance to play around while we're away?” he asked as we snuggled into each other’s arms.

 “I plan on playing around every day!” I purred as I reached for his cock. He was rock-hard before I even touched him.

“No, I mean with other people!” he groaned as I squeezed him firmly. “I mean, it could be a big chance to take with your sister and her husband in the next cabin!”

“Don’t you worry about them,” I said, “they are having the exact same conversation that we are, I guarantee it!” I slid beneath the covers and nibbled on his nipples before going lower and sucking him into my mouth.

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Written by CaressofSteel
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