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Homecoming: The Happy Couple

"Jerry always loved his best friend’s wife’s legs; he gets a chance to do so literally."

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Author's Notes

"Part 4 of a short series that got longer but should finish soon."

He didn’t know how to reach Bill, who had been his best friend in high school, but he knew where to find his wife. Her face was on signs around town and next to the door that said Swensen Realty. Jerry stepped inside and affected a loud, good-old-boy voice when the young woman greeted him.

“Ah’m fixing to move to this here town, so ah need to git me a house. Tell Melinda she’s got a customer.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Swensen is out with a client,” said the receptionist, picking up her phone. “Let me get Mr. Kowalski to help you.”

“Well, Ms. April Ricci,” he read the nameplate in front of her, “I only deal with the boss, so you text her that Jerry Wagner wants her to get her cute butt back here ASAP, and you can add whatever emojis you want.”

She blanched and was figuring out what to do when a male voice called from the corridor to the offices.

“You no-good, low-down, rotten bahstid,” he mimicked Jerry’s speech. “Ah told you to stay away from mah wife!”

He charged at Jerry, making the flummoxed woman cringe in her chair. But when they met, it was with a vigorous handshake that turned into a hug. They laughed and talked over each other.

“Jerry, I didn’t know you were in town!”

“Bill, what are you doing here?”

“April, this is a dear old friend of mine—and Melinda’s,” Bill explained.

“I apologize, Ms. Ricci,” Jerry spoke normally and politely. “I was hoping to surprise your boss and got a little carried away.” He fished a crisp twenty out of his wallet and set it on her desk. “Get yourself a fancy coffee on me next time you’re on a break.”

“Oh, Mr. Wagner, I couldn’t,” she blushed as she settled back in her chair.

“You should take it,” Bill laughed. “It’s been twenty years since he bought me a cup of coffee.”

Melinda had appeared in the school cafeteria at the beginning of their senior year. Tall, with long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, pale golden skin, and ballet dancer legs, she drew a lot of looks. Oddly, she wore a shirt with the colors and Cavalier mascot of their rival high school. Perhaps because of that, the cheerleaders and jocks that would usually want to get to know someone that attractive gave her a wide berth, so she sat alone looking unhappy.

It turned out her parents had just divorced and she was forced to change schools because her mother moved to Springfield.

Bill was smitten and stared. Jerry knew she was out of their league, so only smiled sheepishly and tried to distract his friend when she noticed his glances.

“It’s not polite. It’s creepy,” Jerry warned. “Either take your tray and go sit with her, or stop gawking.”

He assumed that would shut his friend down, but almost in a trance Bill stood up and walked to her table. He spoke a few words before she turned and smiled at Jerry as he sat down.

According to the story they recounted months later, Bill told Melinda that Jerry had bet him ten dollars that she wouldn’t let him sit with her. “If I can join you, I’ll give you five…,” he supposedly said. “No, you can have all ten… Hell, I’ll give you twenty!”

Perhaps because she wasn’t ready to replace all her in-crowd friends at her previous school with similar ones in Springfield, Jerry and Bill were among the handful of new school friends she made.

Not that she was a wallflower. She was famous for showing off her fabulous legs. Bare, they were smooth, shapely, and uniformly tanned, a look that others needed pantyhose to attempt. Jealous classmates would report her short skirts to the vice-principal, but when she knelt on the hassock calibrated to enforce the dress code, her hem always magically reached the legal limit.

Bill became more than a friend to Melinda, which was bad news and good news for Jerry. Understandably, the couple spent a lot of time together and didn’t need a third wheel. But when they were together, she was always nice to Jerry, which helped moderate his envy and made him feel like he shared in Bill’s windfall.

Jerry was the Best Man when they married shortly after graduation, and they always gave him credit for giving Bill the nudge to introduce himself to Melinda. While he studied to be a lawyer, she raised the twins, taking real estate classes when they were in school. By the time the kids were in high school, she had started her own company.

Looking up from his phone, Bill reported, “I texted Melinda, and she says tonight would be great to have you over for dinner. How does rack of lamb sound? It’s one of my specialties. Seven?”

“I can raid my parents’ wine collection,” offered Jerry.

“A cab would be great. April, I’m leaving early.”

Bill led him out the door and dashed to his car.

Jerry hadn’t been back to his hometown since he left for college. Instead, he would visit his parents when they were in Florida for the winter. But they asked him to come back and take care of their dog while they were on a two-week cruise, which just happened to coincide with his twenty-year high school reunion. It had been an interesting few days so far.

After feeding the dog and selecting an appropriate bottle, he headed to the address Bill gave him. It was a mansion—evidently, real estate was a profitable business. Melinda wasn’t home yet. Bill approved his wine choice, poured him a martini, and returned to preparing the meal as they chatted.

“A few years back, I got tired of personal injury and malpractice cases, and Melinda’s firm was growing. She made me an offer I couldn’t refuse so I now do real estate law for her. It has worked out well. My schedule became pretty regular, which helped especially until the twins left for college. Her life is more hectic, but I do what I can to support her.” Bill was manifestly proud of her accomplishments.

When they heard the door open, he paused his stirring long enough to pour another martini. “Why don’t you take it to her?” he suggested, returning to his work.

Jerry’s first view of Melinda in two decades was from behind as she hung up her blazer. The naiad had become a full-bodied goddess. There were a few more pounds of her than when she was a debutante, but they were well-placed, adding more shape to her sexy legs and derriere, which were heralded by her short tight skirt. When she turned to face him, he was as awestruck as he had been that first day. More mature breasts and hair up in an elegant French twist told the passage of time, but her eyes and smile were the same as her yearbook picture.

“Jerry!” she squealed as quick steps brought her to him. She wrapped her arms around him, enfolding him in her softness, her cheek against his.

Trying not to spill the glass he was holding, he returned the hug as best he could, wallowing in it for however long she wanted. When she released him and took her drink, she gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Thank you, dear,” her voice tinkled like wind chimes. She stopped in the kitchen to share a brief but deep kiss with her husband. “Mmm, that’s good,” she hummed, perhaps tasting the sauce from his sampling tongue. “Let’s stay out of his way,” she said, leading him to the living room.

Melinda sat sideways on the couch, kicking off her shoes and stretching her legs out on it. Having no choice but to take the chair that faced her, Jerry tried not to stare at the lovely limbs served to him. She flexed her pedicured feet as she sighed. “I’d stop wearing high heels except they make me more money!” she laughed.

Jerry could only imagine how hard it would be to say no to the owner of those legs. It took effort not to peek up her skirt. He explained how he happened to be in town and recounted the incident at her office.

As they talked, Bill joined them and she lifted her feet for him to sit on the couch, then replaced them in his lap. Automatically, he began to massage them.

“Just a quick one today, my love,” he said. “Dinner is almost ready.” It lasted long enough to relate where the twins were and what they were studying. Before he finished, he raised each foot for a kiss.

“Thank you, my pet.” Her voice conveyed such love that Jerry shivered. “He takes such good care of me,” she bragged, as he caressed her smoothly shaven legs. She wiggled the toes of one foot against his crotch while she adroitly stroked his cheek with the other, unaware or unconcerned that her guest could easily see her pink panties. Raising her feet for her husband to return to his duties, she turned and lowered them to the floor.

“Did I ever tell you… that first day we met…?” she began, sliding to the end of the couch closest to him as if sharing a secret. “I was actually looking at you, not Bill. When he came over, I figured I’d be nice and that would give me a chance to meet you, which, of course, it did.”

Jerry blushed and stammered, “N-no, you never told me.”

“Sometimes I wonder how different all our lives would be if you had been the one to come over.”

He met her gaze and a fictional montage flashed through his mind.

“I think you already knew you wanted to leave but I would have wanted to live near my family. Would you have stayed for me? Or maybe you would have convinced me to go? And Bill worships me so.”

They shared a reverie of possibilities for a silent minute.

“Oh, I did tell Bill the truth later when you were gone and our babies arrived,” she continued. “Seeing something of each of us in each of them, we knew it had to be this way.”

Before things could get maudlin, Bill announced dinner was ready. He served and joined them. Melinda praised Jerry’s choice of wine and both lauded the fruits of Bill’s artistry and labor. By the time they were finishing coffee and dessert in the living room, the years had melted away and they were school chums again.

“Group hug!” the three chimed in unison at the end of a nostalgic reminiscence. But relaxed in their seats, none were inclined to literally implement it as their younger selves would have.

“Despite years apart, you are two of my dearest friends,” Jerry summed up his feelings after a pause in the conversation. “I am so glad to see how blissfully you have lived together when other couples have gone their separate ways.”

“You may have noticed an asymmetry in our marriage,” Melinda explained. “Of course, no relationship can be absolutely equal. Traditionally the man is more dominant, but for us, it’s me. Maybe you know the terms Female-Led Relationship or Wife-Led Marriage.”

“It’s exaggerated in porn,” Bill added. “Basically, she lets me do whatever I can to make her happy and that makes me happy. We don’t have explicit rules or rituals; we just sort of do it. She wanted lamb for dinner, so I enjoyed making what she wanted as well as her appreciation of my effort.”

“There are some prerogatives that I exercise, although always with love and care for him. For example….” She took a breath and he could feel the tension of a boundary about to be crossed. “I have had sex with other people.”

Jerry couldn’t rightly say how long she paused because his brain froze as he parsed and re-parsed that sentence.

“I don’t have affairs,” she emphasized. “Bill knows and, in fact, is always there. But it’s not a threesome. It is me enjoying pleasure with someone I desire.”

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“Encouraging her to seek that joy and watching someone give her joy and sharing that joy gives me a special kind of joy—if I haven’t used the word joy too much,” Bill corroborated with a grin. “And the more her wishes are satisfied, the more she is inclined to reward me.”

“Usually, it is a one-time thing with a person—sometimes a woman—when I am in the mood or encounter someone who puts me in the mood,” she elaborated. “Occasionally, it had the additional benefit of cementing a business relationship. Once it was what a friend needed to reset her life.”

Jerry glanced at Bill, whose worshipful gaze was on his wife.

“Often, it’s impromptu, when I see someone who sparks a craving. But you, Jerry….” He wondered if she could tell the thrill he felt just from her saying his name at that moment. “I’ve thought about you for a long time.”

Her reassuring hand petted the head of her devoted husband as she spoke. “I’m not second-guessing or suggesting anything will change. But I want to experience what you’ve imagined doing with me if you ever got the chance.”

Jerry felt naked under her scrutiny but consoled himself that she couldn’t really know all the fantasies that had occurred to him over the years. The separation of time and distance allowed him to dare to indulge in them, but he walled them off from his ordinary, impersonal wet dreams.

Confidently, she rose and stood in front of him, taking his hand and drawing him to his feet. His head exploded. His heart exploded. Speechless, paralyzed, he felt himself falling into the warm Mediterranean depths of her eyes.

Cradling his face, her first kiss on his lips was sweet. Pulling his head to her, her second was longer and romantic. Pressing her body against his, her third was passionate and only broke when he was breathless.

She needed no words of assent and he needed no words of instruction as she took his hand and led him to their bedroom. Bill got up and followed. Their hands roamed as they stood and kissed; Jerry’s squeezed her breasts and gripped her ass; Melinda’s grabbed his butt and found his stiffness.

She began to unbutton his shirt but pushed his hand away when he reciprocated, whispering, “Not yet.”

Meanwhile, Bill had opened the bed and stood behind him. As she undressed Jerry, kissing and caressing his exposed skin, her husband undressed himself to match. When they were both naked, she wrapped her fingers around his rigid pole, smiling with satisfaction as she squeezed and pumped it.

Leaving him for a moment, she performed the same operation on Bill’s organ, which was of similar size and stiffness. She gave him a deep, demanding kiss, long enough for her hands to caress his naked body, ending with her hand on his cock and him gasping when she broke it.

“Now,” she said when she returned to Jerry, “I am yours to fulfill your deepest desire.”

Her words were one more surprise. As his brain tried to process and catch up to what was happening, he expected the opportunity to serve her however she wished. But it turned out her wish was to not be in control.

He bent to kiss her tenderly while he unlocked fantasies from the past decade. The woman in those scenarios was her younger self, but he updated them with the person in front of him. Her full breasts were one change and, looking down, he noted the hint of cleavage.

“So this is how you get people to come to terms,” he teased, unbuttoning the next button on her silk blouse. “How many does it take?” He popped another. “I bet you lean over the table to give them a good look at those tits.” He unfastened the last, untucked it from her skirt, and peeled it off her shoulders.

He ran his fingers over her flawless skin and then reached behind to unhook her bra. “Mmmm, yes, those are real,” he said, hefting and squeezing them in turn. Pressing them together, he chuckled, “I bet you could use these to remove a contingency or two.”

Massaging her orbs, he trapped her nipples between his fingers, finally eliciting a sigh. She looked up at him expectantly, which made him decide on Act I.

He gave her a long deep kiss, then locked eyes as he pushed down on her shoulders until she was kneeling in front of him, his burgeoning dick in her face.

“Suck me,” he ordered.

Licking her lips, she opened wide to take the head into her mouth. Her tongue felt hot against his frenulum, and he moaned as she sucked him to full hardness. When he was slick with her saliva, she took him deep, her lips almost reaching his balls then retreating to the tip before another plunge.

Skillfully using hands and mouth, she soon had him throbbing. He idly tangled his fingers in her hair as she looked up at him. Finding a hairpin in that fluffy hairdo, he pulled it out, then sought more, each one releasing another coil of golden hair. When he had completely liberated her blonde tresses, he shook them loose to drape onto her back and shoulders. No longer the posh businesswoman, this was the lascivious co-ed of his memory.

Whether from her enthusiastic mouth work or his extreme excitement, he was too soon about to fill her mouth.

“Take it easy,” he chided. “We’re just getting started. Hands on your tits!” Grabbing her hair to keep her still, he regained control as he slowly fucked her mouth. He pushed deep, feeling her tense as she stifled a gag when he reached the back of her throat, retreating and repeating the move to let her get used to it until she took him with no resistance.

“That’s it, doll,” he used a term he knew she wouldn’t like, “show me how you increase your commission.”

The wanton look on her face and the way she yanked her nipples showed she was getting what she bargained for. Although her active tongue had him close to the edge, he wanted something else and moved to Act II.

Stepping back from her mouth, he gently tugged up on her hair, urging her to her feet. He drew her into a tight hug and mashed his lips hard against hers, feeling her breasts warm and soft against his chest. Reaching down, he unfastened her skirt and dropped it to the floor. She stepped out of it as he pushed her backwards towards the bed. When she met the mattress, he kept pushing until she flopped back onto it. With her butt on the bed and her legs dangling to the floor, he slid her soaked panties off and ogled the feast that awaited him between those graceful pillars.

A neat triangular patch of flaxen fur pointed toward an otherwise smooth vulva, no doubt a result of Bill’s careful tending. Kneeling to inhale her scent, its fragrance compelled him to forgo his usual patient practice and instead immediately delve into her folds. As her flavor flooded his tongue, he judged her gasp to be approval, not alarm.

The quantity and pervasiveness of her essence trumpeted her excitement and he reveled in it, slurping and yumming until his face, mouth, and nose were immersed in her intoxicant. Exploring her geography, he felt at home nestled between her thighs with her calves settled on his back. Her legs were still what turned him on even more than her other alluring attributes.

As her nectar flowed freely, he slipped two fingers into her opening. Probing inward and upward, he searched for her G-spot. Not all women enjoy it or feel it in the same location, but Jerry had learned that gentle persistence can often produce results. Melinda’s squirming confirmed his accuracy as he zeroed in on it.

He lifted his head but kept his fingers working. “You like that, don’t you?” he cooed.

“Yes, yessssss,” she hissed. “Between your tongue and your fingers, I’m ready to explode!”

Giving her that pleasure was certainly something he had dreamed of doing. But as he resumed his licking, he decided that doing so was too Beta, like what Bill would do. Today, Jerry was Alpha, so he chose a different ending for Act II and a plan for Act III.

The tension in her legs almost pinned him in place and her whimpering moans proved she was on the brink.

“No, not yet,” he decreed, ceasing all stimulation and standing up.

Melinda whined and her hand reached to her crotch, trying to obtain her release or at least soothe the burning itch there.

“No, you hungry vixen,” Jerry barked, grabbing the wayward hand and flinging it away. “That’s too easy!”

Standing at the edge of the bed where her ass rested, he lifted her wonderful legs straight up. Hugging them, he pulled her thighs against his stomach, her calves against his collar bone. His cock was at the perfect height to enter her.

Just as he realized he needed it, Bill handed him an unwrapped condom. Jerry had completely forgotten about him, but he was obviously following the action. The prospect of fucking Melinda, fucking those legs, had his pole more than ready so he rolled it on and drilled into her tunnel. With her legs together, it was a tight fit, but he wanted more.

Lifting her ass, he tried to aim his cock at her G-spot. He visualized the head poking the target and the top of his shaft grinding against it as he pounded, but it was hard to judge. From her squirming, he could tell it was hit and miss.

“Don’t be lazy, wench,” he commanded. “Use your legs to keep that cunt in position.”

With hard, steady thrusts at a moderate pace, he let her anticipate and adjust. Her sweet grunts reported their success. Looking down at her breasts bobbing from his impacts, he noticed her hand inching past her navel. Ordinarily, he was happy and not self-conscious if a partner helped ensure a satisfying conclusion. But not today.

“I said no!” he reminded her and she guiltily withdrew her hand. “You’re going to cum my way or not at all.”

As a consolation, he increased his speed. She grabbed the sheets, giving herself more leverage, and bucked against him. He worried that her tensing leg muscles might knock him over, but he hugged those luscious limbs and fucked them the way he had dreamed of doing.

Her erratic panting was increasingly broken by whimpers until she held her breath. Her eyes rolled back as she quivered, then moaned and sighed as the pleasure flushed her neck and chest.

Jerry didn’t know what had allowed him to hold off until that point. His cock had never ached so delightfully. Maybe being on his feet and thrusting like a relentless fuck machine distracted him from the excruciating electrical charge he had built up. But seeing that ravishing woman in the throes of ecstasy released it like a bolt of lightning. His fluids gushed and he collapsed forward as his knees buckled; Melinda opened her legs to wrap them around his waist as he landed on her. No relationship or role mattered as the two floated together in euphoria for a few minutes.

When it waned, it was awkward with his feet on the ground, so he extricated himself and stood. It was only then that he realized how drenched his crotch and hers—and the sheet at the edge of the bed—were.

“Will there be anything else?” he asked, returning the temporary control she had delegated to him.

“No, you should go,” she spoke conclusively.

On cue, Bill handed him a towel, then knelt between his wife’s legs when Jerry moved to retrieve his clothes. He lapped away her wetness until she raised her legs and rolled to the dry middle of the bed, with her hair and appendages randomly arranged.

Jerry had one long last look at that carnal angel before her husband urged him towards the front door.

“Thanks, buddy,” Bill said, clapping him on the back. “That should hold her for a while. I could never boss her like that even when she wants me to. And I think you got her in the mood to reward me! See you at the reunion!”

He scurried back to the bedroom, leaving Jerry to close the door behind himself.

Written by Trousseau
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