Nobody was paying attention as some foppish putz was droning on about the minutes of the last meeting. Hannah flitted about the crowd putting flyers in pockets without anyone noticing. Liddy had postulated that simply finding the flyers would be enough to get word out as they were discovered and was doing the same thing as Hannah. Cat had the job of standing in eyesight of one of the dukes in a black dress that showed a less than modest amount of cleavage on the top and sides of her breasts. The silk dress only had thin strips going over her shoulders to keep it up. Inky kept close by to keep her safe. Hope waited outside in case they needed someone to barge in and make a scene.
“You know, tossing all of them into the crowd and running away would have also worked,” Hannah whispered to Liddy as they passed.
Liddy only had enough time to roll her eyes before they separated again to plant their flyers on some late arrivals.
Hannah noticed the noble she had spoken to the previous day entering the court and reading some papers. His lips moved slightly to suggest he was rehearsing a speech of some kind. She wished she had bothered to ask his name. When he looked up, he caught sight of Hannah and smiled. Although she was wearing a less shocking dress than she had been the day previous, there was enough cleavage showing for his eyes to find themselves enjoying what they found. Hannah nodded with encouragement when his eyes finally came back to hers.
The speeches took longer than any of the girls would have liked, since each duke present had his own people mimic the other in their attempt to turn the meeting into a monument for redundancy.
When the meeting did finally start, Liddy watched from the rear to look for anyone they might have missed. She held onto the marble pillar she stood near to discreetly check the far side of the hall when she heard a huff behind her, followed by a slow heavy pant. Her body quivered suddenly and she bent over slightly to let her dress show her figure better. Liddy wiggled her bum and could hear the panting quicken. She put her hands to her hips and started pulling her dress up slightly to make her message clear.
Over a hundred people in the court failed to notice the woman behind the pillar having her dress pulled up by a servant. To the casual glance, it simply looked like he stood behind her like anyone else in the press of bodies observing the court. Even as she stepped up on the base of the pillar to elevate her enough that she could control how her body slid down on the member pushing into her.
Liddy kept her lips tightly locked as she felt the paw-hands on her hips helping her move as she worked to get him inside. His panting was harder in her ears but soft and low. She felt the bulge of his knot pressing against her with each thrust and almost yelped when it was forced inside her with a vigorous thrust. Seed burst into her and she bit her lip to keep her own climax quiet. Liddy would have to wait before he could withdraw and she loved it.
“How does it work?” Juno asked as she looked at the silver hook shaft.
“You put the hook in you, and it gives you a cock I think.” Oda picked it out of Astra’s hands.
“It won't come off until you get off,” Foxy explained as she lifted her skirt. “So put it in and show me what you got!”
Oda smiled. She fit the hook inside her, and it turned into an erect manhood in her hands. “Oh god, it feels real!”
Astra reached out to touch it. “Feels real.”
Oda moaned as the girls took turns touching it and kept making gasps at the strange sensation.
“Was I unclear on what I wanted?” Foxy chided in mock annoyance. “Put it in me now!”
Oda took Foxy by the legs as she sat on the bundle of blankets in the cargo hold and let Foxy guide her new member inside as they pulled each other closer. The feeling of warm flesh enveloping it was so strange to Oda as she kept pushing forward.
Foxy, of course, was no stranger to the sensation of someone pushing inside her and simply enjoyed the experience of letting Oda move slowly and savored it.
The girls watched as Oda picked up the pace and worked herself into Foxy. It wasn't long before the thrusts were slamming hard and forcing Foxy to brace herself on the wall behind her. After a few minutes, Oda screamed and felt fluid flowing through her shaft and into Foxy, scaring her with the force of it. As she pulled out, the silver shaft slid out of her body and Juno caught it before it hit the floor.
“So, does it need to recharge like a normal man or…” She shoved the hook into Foxy and they were surprised to see it change again.
Foxy was also surprised; instead of the human shape it had been for Oda, the member was now the shape of what a fox male would have.
“Mine!” Juno called as she mounted Foxy who was still catching her breath.
Foxy felt herself inside Juno who gripped her furry breasts for leverage so as to slam her deeper. Foxy's knot popped into Juno; she struggled to free herself but to no avail. The feeling of Juno moving her hips with the knot inside her was already too much for Foxy who howled as she filled her friend full of her seed.
Ela took up the silver shaft and inserted it into herself, only to find it splitting into a pair. “Well shit. That means… The cobra woman was cut off.
“Yes, it fucking does!” Astra called out, stripping naked and pushing Oda onto the crates.
Ela watched Astra get on top and as the two women pressed their breasts together she went between both of their legs and started pushing into both of them at the same time.
The other girls watched in fascination except for Astra and Oda who kissed and enjoyed the simultaneous penetration.
Paje couldn't decide if she came in at the right time or that she needed more explanation. “Not to spoil anything but clients can start showing up soon. Now tell me what the fuck has you all excited.”
Ela pulled out as she burst and put two loads of seed onto Astra’s back. When she finished, her shafts turned into one and then into the silver artefact.
“Magic!” Juno called out, holding the shaft for Paje to inspect.
Paje snatched it and stumbled up the stairs, “Anyone who wants to see me fuck the pilot is welcome to watch.”
Hannah was relieved to finally see the noble she had met get called to the floor. Lord Thot was introduced and saved her the embarrassment of having to ask.
“My duke, and the other duke,” he started, leaving Hannah annoyed that she didn't know who his duke was. “It has come to my attention that the kingdom in the west is getting closer every day. If we are to retain our titles when they arrive, we should seek to align ourselves with their ideals.” Thot paused to receive some nods. “One of these ideals is the elimination of the Emberborn trade. As a result, I propose we accomplish this prior to their arrival to gain favour and…” Jeers and boos cut him off from angry members of the crowd. “And to show I am serious, I have already granted the freedom of all those in my possession. So that my businesses continue to function, I have hired those same Emberborn to retain their services.”
During the pause, another noble shouted out from across the room. “You expect us to release our animals and pay them wages?! My horse works harder than they do and doesn't need a salary!”
Thot waited for the agreeing cheers to die down. “Your horse ‘has’ to work harder, it can't speak to complain about your diet.”
A sudden low cheer for the insult sounded. Hannah smirked. She didn't think the old man he was arguing with was particularly overweight but more than most of the nobles were by her guess.
“Of course, no animal can speak. The Emberborn can. So I suggest we let them do so as free members of the city. Ideally before the kingdom marches an army in to do it.”
“I have a bird that can speak. That doesn't make it smart enough to worth letting out of its cage. The Emberborn are just as dim.”
“If they appear dim, it’s because they get less education than the commoners. Properly schooled, they can be just as capable.”
“Commoners are scarcely any better! If Emberborn are anything better than animals, then Commoners are only that much better than them!”
His retort didn't attract any agreement from the nobles on his side, and Lord Thot knew why.
“Odd that you would speak so ill of your duke’s wife. I had no idea you had such a low opinion of her.”
That put a pause to the argument until a response finally formed.
“There are always exceptions and my duke has an eye for them.” He was clearly adept at covering his words, but everyone knew he had just lost face.
“I think a recess is in order,” the duke closest to Thot called, flashing a grin at Cat. She had moved close enough to smile shyly back at him. The drama of the exchange had only been part of the reason for the recess.
Everyone shuffled off into the foyer to await the summons for the court to resume. The girls gathered together to talk, except for Cat who was already feeling hands brushing off the straps from her shoulders in a private office elsewhere.
“Well, that was interesting,” Liddy remarked as they huddled together.
“My doing. I just wanted to free the sister of a girl I was helping. But I figured why not go all the way? I thought if I went after one, he would name a ridiculous price. Since I had a city guard with me and didn't want to kill everyone, I thought I would give it a shot. Seems like he's really taken to it.”
“Well, good work. Cat will warm the duke to the idea if she can. It seems like that old fool is the only one really opposed to the whole idea.” Liddy had caught the argument clearly enough from behind some curtains hiding a servant's passage well enough.
“Shame I can't just settle him,” Inky muttered venomously.
Hannah cocked her head to the side to look past Inky. “I think I know someone who can. Don't look, but my bigoted friend is milling about looking for me.”
Zack wouldn't have been allowed in the court, but he guessed Hannah would have been at the meeting.
Hannah looked around, seeing the noble who had argued with Lord Thot in discussion with some kind of flunky in a doorway to another room. “Inky, when you see him enter that room, make your way towards it but don't come in until I give the signal.”
“All right.” Inky wasn't sure what the plan was but she liked the grin on her friend's face.
Hannah walked up to Zack with a warm smile on her face and got close enough that her breasts touched his chest briefly before stepping back to a respectable distance. “Fancy meeting you here. Recess was called and I need something to pass the time. The office there with the open door. Look away and count to one hundred, then meet me there.” She dismissed him with a flick of her wrist like a noble would be expected to and marched over to the doorway the old man was at. “Excuse me sir, but I have something of import to show you. Privately.” Hannah drew one of the folded flyers from between her breasts.
He seemed confused, but dismissed the man he was talking with and turned to enter the room. Once Hannah had closed the door behind them, he spoke. “What is this about?”
Hannah handed him the flyer. “Lord Thot will likely be making use of our services.” She paused to let him understand her meaning. “I’m sure you might find a reason to as well. Who knows what might be seen or said if you were in the right place to observe it.”
Zack walked in at that moment, and Hannah knew full well he hadn't counted like she had instructed, just as she expected. Before anyone could ask any confused questions, the bayonet she had stolen from Zack's belt when she had gotten close was in between the ribs of the old man and into his heart. Hannah backed away quickly as the body fell. Not having seen the quick motion, Zack approached the body and saw the wound and weapon.
“That's mine,” he muttered, aghast as he withdrew it, the blood spurting out and covering him. “What-?”
Hannah screamed, “No! Don't!” She let out a shrill howl. “My god, how could you?!”
Inky burst in through the door, followed by Hope whose belt had been fastened properly earlier but not anymore. Quickly others came in as Hannah hid behind Inky.
Zack recognized Inky and looked at Hannah, who glared at him with anger. “It was an accident! I didn't mean it!”
“We will mean itwhen you hang! That's for sure!” Shouted one of the personal guards of one of the dukes.
Only then did Zack realize others were in the room, that the defence of his actions with Inky was being heard as a confession to the death of the noble on the floor. Before he could say anything more, the butt of a rifle hit him in the gut and before it slammed into his head, his last look at Hannah was of her wicked smile.
As the guards dragged Zack away, one in a fancier uniform came over to her. “What just happened?” He clearly needed something to tell both dukes as quickly as possible.
Still behind Inky, Hannah slowly moved into view. “He had one of my flyers and wanted to speak to me about my services. Either to engage them or denounce, them I’m not sure.” She didn't want to assume anything since she knew nothing of his reputation. Hannah handed another flyer from her breasts to the guard so he could examine it without taking the one from the corpse. “The young guard, he escorted me on my errands yesterday. He must have assumed my kindness meant more than that and got jealous at the thought of another man paying for my company. I had no idea he was so unstable.”
The guard shook his head and put his hand on Hannah’s shoulder to comfort the woman he thought was traumatised. “It happens I’m afraid. Go home and rest.”
Hannah smiled kindly, trying to stress it to make it look forced. “Thank you.” She left the room with Inky and Liddy beside her, Hope staying behind to wait for Cat. “You are welcome,” Hannah spoke to Inky once they were outside.
“Oh, don't worry. I am going to thank the fuck out of you when we get back to the ship.” Inky grinned at her.
Liddy sighed; she wanted to keep it a secret from Hannah, but knew she deserved it. “I have something new that might help with that.”
Mari winked at Conna and Laurel who each sat on one of the carriages bringing supplies back to the ship. She had decided some gratuity was in order for the several sweaty men who had loaded them up. As usual, she hadn't been wearing much but a shorter-than-short skirt and a tight torn top that strained to contain her breasts. The men who had been eyeing her the whole time weren't confused for long as to why she had come back.
“Alright, gents.” Mari tried not to laugh as she delivered her line she had been aching to say. “You aren't done delivering your loads.”
Some laughed, some shook their heads, but all of them moved closer to touch Mari.
Mari loved the hard grabs from all the hands over her body as the men touched her breasts, her face, her ass, and right between her legs. There were dozens of men in the warehouse, but the ones around her didn't feel like sharing and kept her in the corner. Mari loved the feeling of being backed into a corner and knowing she had to sex her way through all the men before she could go home and rest. If things got out of hand she knew Kilty and Tara were still outside waiting for her. Mari knew they probably wanted to join in but knew they had to keep watch.
She bent over to grab and lick the first shaft that was offered to her before taking it into her mouth deeply enough to stop her from breathing. As she did so, she felt someone kick her legs apart and start fingering inside her to prepare for his entry. She didn't have to wait long before a man filled her body with himself and thrust her hard onto the man down her throat. Her free hands already found two more men, and she worked them to keep her partners stiff while they waited. Someone else had moved under her to enjoy gripping and sucking on her breasts after he tore them free. Between the two thrusting men, the grips harshly pulling on her breasts, Mari let out a hard moan at her first climax. Only when she finished did the man in her throat let her breathe.
“Yes, give it!” Mari shouted when she saw why he had withdrawn.
“Take it!” came the response.
Mari felt his seed hit her face as she moved her wide open mouth to catch the load. She waited until he was finished before she swallowed it, and then opened again to extend her tongue as she showed him she was ready for more. The man in her left hand got there first, and he took her by the purple hair and violently used it to control her skull as it shook with the force of his pelvic thrusts. Mari didn't even feel the man putting his seed deep in her womb as her own climax made her scream again during the violation of her mouth and the enjoyment it gave her. When the man pulled out from between her legs, the one under her pulled her down to have his turn in her body. On her knees, Mari took some air as the man who left her mouth positioned himself to push into her bum. She moaned at his slow and careful entry lubricated by her saliva. The drool and seed that had fallen onto her chest made it easy for the man who squeezed her breasts together to slide his manhood between them.
“Glad you boys aren't shy!” That was all Mari got out before her head was turned to the side and someone else found a different use for her mouth than talking.
Mari loved the feeling of two men inside her pushing against each other with her pleasure centre in between them. When they gave her their seed, they did it at the same time and Mari let out another deep moan at the feeling. The man in her mouth withdrew and added his seed to her face, smearing it around with his tip as Mari giggled in pleasure.

“In me or on me boys, I haven't a lot of time!”
Those still with loads to leave, gathered around Mari who quickly moved her mouth over each of them while her hands kept busy. She stayed on her knees as one by one they let loose and started painting her body with their seed. Eight men gave her the hefty loads she had asked them for, and only a few bothered even aiming for her open mouth.
“I might need some help cleaning off.” Mari looked at the splatter on her breasts and grinned.
“I might need some help understanding what is going on!” Hannah shouted, wondering why her woman had a cock in her hands unloading her seed onto the face of Paje before it turned into a silver shaft that slid out.
“Oh, that's the thing Emma found,” Liddy explained as she saw Paje licking her hands clean. “You put the hook bit inside you and it turns into your very own shaft. Let's you fuck and feel it like a man. It comes off when you get off. It’s what I was going to show you two.”
“Inky! Grab it. Ving! You rest up, then you are next,” Hannah ordered, wondering how she would feel taking Ving with man parts.
“Give me time to mount the mirror and then we can watch if you do it in Liddy's room,” Emma shouted, Tonna behind her holding the mirror.
“Hey!” Liddy protested.
Hannah looked confused. “Where else do we have sex on this ship?”
“Obviously not in the workrooms with clients,” Liddy grumbled loudly.
“Hurry up! Celebratory sex shouldn't have to wait this long!” Hannah knelt down in front of Paje to lick her face and taste Ving. “Wow, this really does taste like you. I mean, we need to try a few times to be sure but it’s how I expected it.” Hannah licked Paje a few more times, kissing as she did so before moving down the neck to the breasts.
“When clients arrive I don't want anyone using that thing, especially not for all to see!” Liddy announced. “Playful petting and kissing while in lingerie only. I don't need you getting off in my bed all day. I want you teased and aching for clients.” Liddy watched as Tonna extended her snake body to reach high up above the bar to hang the mirror so everyone could see it from the lounge and the stairs.
Emma was on her shoulders doing some adjustments. “We will need one for the bar and another for the lounge if we think it works.”
“Maybe we can put the other side in some of your rooms so I can have my own room to myself for a change.” Liddy sighed.
Cat had hoped the duke would be chatty, but now she was quite ready to tell him to shut up. He had blathered on the whole time they were alone together. It was almost impressive how he could keep focused enough to stay erect and thrust himself into her while discussing the finer legal matters of running a city with two dukes. They both had the same family name and neither duke liked being referred to by a direction on the compass.
“Why not use your given names?” She asked, speaking for the first time.
He finally shut up and stared in dead silence at Cat with eyes wide in surprise.
Cat continued, not certain if she made a mistake or not by making the suggestion. “I mean, unless you share that as well, it might, given the circumstances, be appropriate.” She started to put her dress back on but kept her breasts out in case she needed to keep him distracted.
He didn't even say a word as he hurried out of the room, quickly trying to dress.
Cat sighed, finished redressing, and left quickly to report back the interesting bits she had learned.
Mari skipped down the street wearing her clothes again, such as they were, and tried not to get too far from Conna and Laurel. She wasn't all that far from the ship when she crossed paths with a man holding one of the flyers Liddy had printed up. “Oh hello, looking for that ship?” Mari indicated to the flyer.
“I was, but I’d rather spend my money on your freedom.” He indicated the collar around her neck. “I'd rather take a grateful woman to bed knowing I did some good.”
Mari ripped the collar off and held it up. “This belonged to my friend. I cut it off her myself. I wear it to show her that the collar doesn't define who wears it. Now, if you want to buy and free an Emberborn, then do it! If you want to fuck me, come to the ship. I am many times more expensive, but if you want to pay me in Emberborn I would be happy to accept them! If you really want to do some good then free literally any of them, not just the pretty one you want to fuck.”
The man watched Mari and her escorts carry on to the ship; he hadn't been expecting such a response.
Mari and her escorts arrived on the ship to the sight of everyone on the ship sitting on the stairs or in the lounge leaning over the railing and looking upwards. Soft moans were the only sounds, and she could see everyone was feeling themselves in some way, including Easy whose tongue was teasing her own breasts. Mari joined her and looked where everyone else was staring. She saw the mirror showing the sight of Inky holding Hannah by the hips and thrusting into her with her own shaft.
“Magic shit,” Easy muttered when Mari made a curious noise.
By the time Inky had burst herself inside Hannah, Hope and Cat came in. They were about to call attention to themselves to let everyone know what they learned when they also became distracted after looking at what held everyone's attention. They saw Hannah taking the silver artefact from Inky and using on herself as Ving laid on the bed to be mounted by the redhead.
“This needs sound,” Cat muttered.
“This is magic, I just learned it, and it's my first time,” Emma responded. “Sound wasn't included in the spell so unless Liddy wants to spring for some fancy microphones and speakers, deal with it.”
Despite no competing sounds, nobody heard what Emma had to say.
Vile felt herself sink into Inky, who lowered herself onto the deep red shaft standing up between Vile’s legs. “I didn't think Hannah would let it go.”
“We all get a turn before clients show up as long as we are quick about it.” Inky laughed as she moaned.
“I’m used to my tails doing this, but it feels so much better being inside you like this. I think I get men a bit better now.”
“I know what you mean. I wouldn't want one all the time but on occasion, this is the best of both worlds.”
Vile used her powerful hands to work Inky by the hips as she watched her belly shift with the hardness inside her. “So, that one from last night got his did he?”
“It would seem so. Hannah isn't going to leave the ship again while we're here just in case, though.” Inky leant forward to grip Vile by her breasts and yank on them hard enough to make the demon wince.
“Don't you think that was a bit rough?”
“You don't like your nipples pulled?” Inky asked playfully.
“The guy!” Vile wrapped her tails around Inky’s neck. “We all fuck men who think less of us, what made him so worthy of retribution? Most think that way out of ignorance, not malice.”
“True, but he also fell in love with Hannah. And how she tells it, it was right away before they fucked.” Inky slapped Vile hard on the breasts. “Then he goes and fucks a girl who stops him in the street and doesn't think he's done wrong. That he is somehow allowed because I wanted it from someone so 'superior' as he? No, it was only a matter of time before he latched onto some other girl and didn't let go. We might have framed him but it was hardly something that wasn't inevitable for him. He’d have lost his temper if his fixation talked to any man but him.”
“I suppose.” Vile grabbed both of Inky’s wrists in one hand and held them up while she took her turn to abuse her lover's breasts. “I mean, you two have dealt with those kinds of men a lot more than I have. Still, it seems like a lot of assumptions.”
“Look at it this way. Hannah and I are both soldiers. In a fight like some that we have been in, we accept that someone might get killed to complete the mission. If it's worth doing, it's the sacrifice you make. You mourn the dead and know it could have happened to you just as easily. We wanted to remove someone from blocking the effort to free your people. His life was a sacrifice like any other. Just one we don't have to mourn afterwards.” Inky retaliated by moving her hips in a motion she knew Vile wasn't ready for and quickly felt the demon seed bursting inside her.
Vile needed a few moments to recover. “I suppose it's not so different than killing someone who may have just been working at one of the farms because they needed the money. Plenty of them didn't really like it, even if we all had the collars to avoid suffering as others did. But I killed them all the same because they were between me and my freedom. Just like one of my own that I killed yesterday.”
“We do what we need to with what we have. It’s an imperfect world with imperfect solutions.”
Vile slid the silver shaft out of herself and put it into Inky. “I need to know what your seed tastes like.”
“I was wrong, sometimes there are perfect solutions.” Inky smiled as she used the white ivory horns on Vile to pull her head onto the shaft that was pushing down her throat and wrapped in her tongue.
As Liddy finally had everyone getting ready for work instead of playing around, save for a few down below who promised to be quick, Cat finally approached her.
“So it seems Crater Peak fancies itself strong enough to form its own kingdom and act as a buffer between the east and west. Or at least, that's what the idiot of the duke here thinks.”
“We have one more stop between here and there. Then we can see for ourselves. My charter as a captain is from Crater Peak so we shouldn't have any issues getting in.” Liddy saw Emma greeting the first client and checking the spell to see who they would be interested in.
Cat said, “He also mentioned armies on the march. The more northern cities have been a bit quicker to choose sides than the ones down here.”
“All we can do is wait until we get there. Rushing on ahead won't help if we don't know what way the cities on our side of the line are thinking.”
“What city are we hitting next anyways?”
“Lake Bottom,” Liddy grumbled. “Yes, it’s named literally like every other city.”
“Well, at least Leira is going to be happy.” Cat laughed.
“I suppose so.” Liddy gestured her head to where Leira was leading a pair of men off to a workroom. “And when she finds out about our destination as well.”
Leira wasn't sure how she would feel having sex with the artefact, but she was happy as she was having a body able to accommodate a man inside her. They had elected to take turns, and one watched as the other rearranged her insides with the force of his thrusts. He held her under her knees and faced her away so his friend had a full view of the mermaids bouncing breast's. She watched the man running his hand over his erection as he watched her in return. Before the one inside her finished, Leira was surprised to feel herself lifted off and tossed to the man seated, who caught her and took his turn within her body.
“Oh fuck!” Was all Leira got out as her breasts inflated to their full size and she climaxed from the sudden and surprising switch.
She started working her hips to feel the man moving through her as he held her breasts firmly and paid each one some attention with his mouth. Leira wondered how much practice they would have needed to perfect the move, and was happy she had experienced it after they had mastered the technique. Just as she was getting into the rhythm, Leira felt hands going under her knees again and found herself flipped over and caught with her face right against the member that had just been inside her. She took him into her mouth as she felt his tongue exploring her flesh between her legs. The men had real talent and she was amazed at how they were able to do what they did and not hurt any of them. Leira tasted the seed filling her mouth and swallowed while upside down until there was nothing left. Besides, the other man lifted her by the shoulders to take him. His friend continued to pleasure her as she enjoyed the second load of seed into her mouth. When they were done, they set her down gently.
“All right,” Leira said while on her knees. “What do you two do for a living and how many girls have you practised that with?”
They both laughed, “We work at the circus, travel about and do all sorts of routines. We had to get good working with girls who weren't trained to tumble.”
“Oh, I can tumble, just maybe we have different definitions of the word.” Leira laughed and was joined by the two men. “Any more moves to show me?”
Liddy was happy with how well the flyers had worked, and everyone had done what they could to encourage the nobility to see things their way. However, things moved slowly in politics, and the week they had spent working in the city only ushered in the change in how the dukes were to be addressed. Cat took credit for it.
“At least there isn't any big and vocal opposition to it,” Hannah mentioned after seeing the last client off the ship who had left her hair a dreadful mess full of his seed. “And I got away with everything. I really expected someone to come around asking questions.”
“Go tell Ving to take off before that changes. Maybe fix your hair.” Liddy pointed at her head.
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Felt good to be working again. The gents seemed to enjoy the mirror as well.”
“Yes, I think we were only on there for a minute or two before we both got taken away.”
Hannah laughed in agreement as she went to talk to Ving.
“I know I had fun with Vile in your bed.” Blaze came over with Harriot beside her, both in their uniforms. “Those tails…”
Liddy knew all too well what the tail felt like inside her. “How about you Harriot? You were on the other side of her.”
“I know she is supposedly a demon but I was in heaven the whole time.”
“Glad you two had fun.” Inky beamed with pride at the pleasant mention of Vile as she turned to Liddy. “Everything is secure for launch.”
Just then the ship lurched into motion.
Liddy turned to look in the direction of the bridge. “Someone might want to check on Hannah. I sent her to tell Ving to take off and we launched on time. Something must be wrong.”
All the girls laughed as Foxy joined them, also smiling at the joke. “Overheard some nobles talking on their way out. Apparently, we are considered ‘reliable private sources’ when they were talking about the kingdom in the east. Not wanting to admit they heard about it during sex. Seems like they can leave a ship full of harlots and act like they were at a secret meeting the other knew nothing about despite them leaving together.”
“Nobles have their own unique madness to their thinking sometimes,” Cat added from behind the bar where she fixed herself a drink. “I'd call this city a win. Some mentioned an envoy from the capital arriving or would be arriving soon. Not totally certain but it seems like our side got here first.”
“Well, now we just need to get to Crater Peak,” Liddy explained. “I'm going to wire ahead when we reach the next stop and get some more reliable information. For some reason, this city doesn't have a direct connection.”
“And you think the one that is apparently underwater will?” Cat asked.
Liddy glared at her for a moment before walking away in a huff, determined to go find Blaze and the artefact and work out her frustrations.
The trip was short, more so with the girls occupied with testing the artefact a great many times over. When they finally reached the lake, they didn't see much more than a lone platform sitting in the water. It was obviously a dock of some kind, but no other ships seemed to be around.
“If this is another abandoned city in need of a monster hunt, I am going to be annoyed,” Liddy grumbled.
“All clear to land for once!” Ving called from the bridge with genuine surprise in her voice.
“I suppose if the town is under the lake, they don't need much on the surface?” Tonna shrugged with both sets of arms.
“Yes, but it's supposed to have nobility, a ruling class, and clients. That means trade and lots of airships!” Liddy was confused. “They certainly don't have a train!”
The women tried not to laugh at how easy it was to get Liddy flustered with the oddities of every new city.
As they set down on the water and Ving brought them to the dock, Leira came up almost naked and ready for a swim. Only a thin material made an attempt at modesty as it clung to her figure. “Swimming time!” Her voice carried like a song.
An official of some kind was approaching and as soon as it was safe to do so, Liddy stepped off the ship to go meet him. There was something odd to Liddy with the expression on his face. It was relief, and not something she was accustomed to seeing in that context. Usually, if someone was relieved to see her, it was because the waiting was too much. The official looked like he had been under a lot of stress.
“Oh, I am so glad you have shown up so fortuitously.” The relief in his tone was even more obvious than it had been on his face. “You are going to make a lot of people very happy.”
Liddy liked to think she always did that but suspected that wasn't how he had meant it. She was about to reply when Leira flung herself into the water with a delighted scream before the sudden splash of her dive. “Oh, Leira…” Liddy shook her head.
“Is she going after the monster herself?! I had heard of your reputation but I didn't expect a lone woman would fight it alone!”
Liddy would have cursed about being right but was now suddenly terrified. “Oh,” she almost whispered before she ran to the railing and leaned over. “Leira!”