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The Tables Are Turned (Pt. 3)

"June and Keith reverse roles as she takes the control she didn't even know she wanted!"

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Author's Notes

"This is where Keith really wanted to be, and June was ready to assume her dominant role in their new D/s arrangement."

Keith tried not to relive last night, mostly unsuccessfully, but burying himself in his work did help, and he got things done he’d been meaning to do for a long time. A couple of times, the sight of June in a certain position, or light, reminded him again of Jane and made him wonder if they would have ever done the kind of things he and June were doing. The memory of Jane also brought to mind the first caning he’d received as self-imposed punishment, as well as the several subsequent canings he'd arranged, and that made him wonder if his plan for tonight was going to work.

Once that thought was in his head, he couldn’t stop thinking about the possibility of June punishing him, spanking him, and especially caning him. He loved being under her, both figuratively and literally. He imagined her taking complete control and being subservient to her wishes, but he was afraid that was too big a jump for one night and cautioned himself about pacing.

June couldn’t avoid thinking about it either when despite her being his naughty little girl and getting spanked and caned by her Daddy, something inside flipped when she was sitting on his face. The control she had was intoxicating, and she wondered where these feelings came from, and today, with a somewhat clearer head, she thought she knew.

She’d left her husband presumably because she felt he’d gone too far in his punishing her, her body, but now wondered whether that had triggered a defense mechanism and perhaps the desire for retaliation against his abuse. ‘Do I want to be the abuser rather than the abused?’ she asked herself. She hoped to find out tonight, but she realized she’d have to broach the subject carefully with her Daddy.

Finally, the workday over, they made their way to a nice Italian restaurant, and the conversation began with memories of the prior night; how amazing it was, how the reality far exceeded their expectations, as well as possibly being the best night of sex they’d each had.

“My bum is still really sore!” she started, but after a pause, added, “I’m not complaining. It still feels really good, but … I don’t think I can take another spanking tonight.”

“I understand!” he said, knowing this played into his plan perfectly. “I don’t want to hurt you like that. Maybe we could just …” he started, but she interrupted.

“Keith, I want to ask you something, but I want you to know that whatever your answer is, I’m okay with it,” she said, and, getting a nod for an answer, continued. “First, I want to say that I really, really liked, um … sitting on your face.” She let that register and, seeing him smile, felt comfortable going on.

“There was just something about having that control, and making you do what I wanted that was so exciting. I think I’d like to do more of that. What do you think?”

Looking intently at him now, hoping she’d given him a complete understanding of what she was getting at even though she’d been vague about it, she was steeling herself to ask the tricky question. Whether intentionally or not, Keith’s face was a mask showing no emotion, no reaction to her statement, and that started her worrying.

“I think I know where you’re going with this, so let me ask you a question,” he said, their faces inscrutable as they hinted at what they both wanted. “June, would you like to … to spank me tonight?” he finished, and was instantly relieved to see a big smile on her face.

“I would! Will you let me?”

“Yes! I mean, no! I mean, I wouldn’t just be letting you. I want you to spank me! I want to do whatever you tell me! And get punished when I don’t!”

“Really!? Oh my God, Keith!” she said, taking his hands across the table in hers. “Now I can’t wait for dinner to be over and go back to my flat!”

“Me too … Miss,” he added, hoping she’d like that honorific.

“Miss! I like it! I want you to call me Miss for the rest of the night, do you understand?” she said, trying to assume her dominant role. “If you don’t, it’ll only be worse for you later!”

“Yes, Miss! Shall I order for you, Miss?” he asked as the server arrived.

“Yes, and make it quick. We’ve got important things to do tonight,” she said as much for the server’s benefit as their own.

He ordered for them both, getting less food than originally planned as they wanted to get on with the night as soon as possible. The balance of the dinner was filled with instructions and polite replies as they fell into their roles, a small smile here and there, showing their enjoyment of their respective positions.

As they were leaving, she told him to wait for her to go to the lady's room, smacking his bottom playfully, and walking away with a smile. He waited for her, not believing how well the night was going and looking forward to putting her pleasure first when they got to her flat.

Walking to his car, she teased him with threats of what she was going to do to him and what he was going to do for her.

“You know you’re gonna get a spanking tonight,” she said, as he tried not to smile. “Mm-hm. I’m going to put you across my knee, naked, and spank you until your arse is bright red! And if you’re a good boy, I might sit on your face again, but you’ll have to do better than last night! Or you’ll get another spanking or even a good paddling. Do you understand?” she asked, as they arrived at the car.

“I want only to please you, Miss,” he said, as he opened her car door for him.

“Good,” she replied with a kiss.

They arrived at her flat, and she waited for him to do everything for her; opening the car door, her front door, pouring the wine, and handing it to her as she sat on the sofa. He was about to sit as well when she stopped him.

“Before you sit down, I want you to take all your clothes off.”

“Yes, Miss,” he replied and began stripping. He’d started feeling the tightness in his pants when she’d told him what she was going to do to him tonight and was now relieved to free his hard cock from its confines.

“Good. Now come sit here,” she said patting the sofa to her right. Once he was seated, he took a sip of his wine and looked to June for her next instruction. “I told you you’re going to get spanked, so I want you over my knee now.”

“Did I do something wrong, Miss?” he asked, playing his part.

“No! I just want to! Do I have to have a reason to take your pants down and spank your bare arse?” she said in her best haughty tone.

“No. I’m sorry, Miss!” he replied and moved to lay upon her welcoming lap. Her short skirt had ridden up enough to permit his erection to be pressed against her bare thigh once in position.

“Now, I’ll give you a short warmup, but I want you to keep your hands away from your bum, or this spanking will turn hard and painful, very fast!”

She began, and he couldn’t believe how good it felt. Adding to the minor pain of the spanking so far, his submission to her, and his position, all combined to make this more than he could have hoped for, from his first real discipline from someone he hadn’t paid to do it. He decided to reach back to cover his bottom, just to test her.

“What did I tell you!?” she said, as she stepped up both the pace and the force, of the spanking, though not nearly as hard as she could. She was saving that for later.

The sting and his pleasure were building fast, and he already knew he’d found his place. He only hoped June felt the same way by the time the evening was over.

“I was going to let you lick me now, but you had to interfere with your spanking, didn’t you?” she asked rhetorically. “Go get the leather paddle and bend over the end of the sofa when you return.”

Keith went to the bedroom where they’d left the paddle the night before, excited that she was already escalating his punishment, hoping that next time he’d feel the cane as well, though he knew ‘next time’ wouldn’t be tonight.

“Here’s the paddle, Miss,” he said, handing her the next implement of ass destruction as she stood at the end of the sofa, waiting for him. He bent over the soft arm with his dick pressed against it, his feet on the floor, and his hands reaching out to the cushions.

“This is gonna hurt!” she said, timing the swat to that last word, and then proceeded to pepper his bare cheeks with similar swats. She was enjoying this even more than she’d expected, and Keith seemed to know just the right level of submission to feed her newfound dominant tendencies. She loved to watch him squirm and yelp as the paddle smacked his bare bum, and hoped he was enjoying it as much as she, as she knew already, she would want to do this again.

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Having never been paddled, he was surprised at how much more it hurt, but also how much better that pain felt, as its uniformly flat surface painted a consistent red stain on the lower cheeks she’d chosen to target. The continuous fast pace of the paddle, as well as her hand before, provided an excellent contrast to the slow-paced and small number of strokes typically given with the cane, and he suspected finishing off with a caning would make that contrast even more apparent, and enjoyable.

Finally, she took a rest and soothed the sting with gentle caresses of his red bottom, as he moaned in appreciation. It was a short rest, as she’d planned a hard and fast crescendo with both her hand and the paddle before ‘letting’ him lick her. She loved his writhing and gasping response to the quick, hard spanks he endured, and congratulated him as she beat his arse.

“That’s it! Take your spanking! Naughty boys need to have their bottoms spanked, don’t they?”

“Yes, Miss!” he screamed, as she picked up the pace further still, finishing him with ten hard swats to each cheek in turn.

“Your behavior has improved, so now you can get up,” she said, again enjoying the sight of him rubbing his tortured buns as though trying to put out the fire. “Now, come with me,” she said, holding out her hand. He took it, and she led him to the bedroom and told him to undress her.

He started with her blouse, immediately followed by her bra, and seeing her beautiful, firm breasts, questioned with his eyes if he was permitted to handle them. Getting a wordless consent, he cupped them both and leaned down to lick them, looking again for approval, and smiled when he got it.

She felt as though they were hyper-sensitized, as just the simple act of licking her nipples caused a sharp intake of breath and a luxurious moan, as each was treated to the touch of his tongue. She wondered whether the rest of her body would react similarly, since, up to this point, the only stimulation she’d received was the mental pleasure of controlling Keith. Not that that wasn’t appreciable, but physical pleasure was needed now.

Sucking each nip into his mouth briefly, he moved on, kneeling before her to open the waist of her skirt and let that fall to the floor. Looking again for any objection, he slipped a hand between her thighs to feel the warmth and the wetness in her black lace knickers. Deep breaths, occasionally interrupted by a quick intake, were her reaction to his touch of her swollen lips. Sliding his finger through the slight depression formed by her slit underneath, she groaned, getting a little impatient, and gave him an appreciative pat on the head when he finally pulled her panties down.

Taking his head gently in her hands, she pulled him to his feet and directed him into position on the bed, with a pillow longways under his head and shoulders to raise them. Kneeling next to him, she bent down and gave him an affectionate kiss, drawing his tongue into her mouth.

“Now you can thank me for giving you such a good spanking,” she said as she lifted her leg to straddle him the way she had last night, but with the pillow under him, her pussy was already in his mouth without her having to crouch down. His prior efforts were nothing compared to the feeling of being completely enveloped by his lips, and she ground his face into the soft pillow underneath as she yelled, “Oh fuck!”, repeatedly before her first climax of the night exploded within her.

Keith, too, was overcome with pleasure at the simple act of pleasing June. His raging erection being ignored, he got all he needed from making her cum. There was no doubt left that, if he could, he would be happy to submit to June’s will.

Giving her only a few seconds to enjoy her rapture, he went to work on her pussy again, running his tongue up and down the flooded valley of her slit, stopping at the top to flick her clit a few times. Adding a deep dive inside her on the downstroke had her approaching another climax quickly, and with her back arched and her body stiff, she came again. Wanting her to squirt again, he doubled his efforts as he sucked, licked, fucked, and flicked her slushy, wet pussy and was rewarded with a shower of clear liquid on his face, while she gasped and groaned as the waves of bliss passed over, and through her.

“Oh, Keith,” she said, still breathing hard and looking down at him from her perch on his chest. “That was the best! You’ve been a very good boy! And now, what would you like? Hm? Would you like me to sit on this?” she asked, with a loving smile, and her hands on his stiff shaft.

“Yes, Miss, I would like that, but would you,” he started and paused for several seconds as though making up his mind whether to continue. “… would you spank me and paddle me again? Really hard?” he asked and was rewarded with a big smile as she rolled off his chest, sat next to him, and patted her thigh as an invitation.

If there was any doubt before, this request eliminated it, and she was sure this was how their relationship was meant to be. She helped him into position gently, but the first spanks on his already red bottom were anything but. She spanked and paddled randomly, reading his body language perfectly, giving him the punishment he needed and wanted.

His doubts had been satisfied long before, and this bonus spanking only made him more determined to find a way to make this happen as often as either of them wanted. He encouraged her with pleas to continue spanking, or to paddle harder, which she immediately responded to.

Building to another crescendo, with fast and hard swats and spanks, she knew the end was near when he let out a continuous wail, so she spanked as hard as she could with both hands. When she stopped, she took his flaming red cheeks in her hands and alternated between gentle caresses, hard squeezing, and pinching to amplify the stinging pain. One hand sneaked underneath to take his rigid cock in hand, and stroking slowly, elicited his soft moans of unsatisfied pleasure.

“I think it's time to take care of this,” she said, her hand grasping him hard. “Lay on your back,” she instructed, intentionally making him feel the fresh pain of his sore bottom against the mattress.

Kneeling beside him, she again lifted her leg over him, but this time over his rigid pole, sticking straight up to be guided into her slippery cunt, slowly lowering herself, impaling herself on his long cock, and groaning as the deep penetration was fully felt. Wriggling around, she tried to get comfortable on its length and rose on her knees to see if reentry would help, and it did, but only marginally.

Instead, she started riding, trying to get the most out of the long slide in and out, and before long, she was panting between vulgar curses as another orgasm was fast approaching.

Keith lay on his stinging sore arse, pushing his hips up to push hard on the last inch every time she came down on his hips and getting a grunt from her each time. He’d been more than satisfied with his punishments, and seeing her satisfaction in her dominant role and the pleasure he gave her, he only wished that she could cane him as well. This was just icing on the cake, and pretty soon, his ‘icing’ would be injected into her tight, wet pussy.

Her riding, and his stabbing, soon reached fever pitch, and they both exploded in the noisiest, shattering climax yet, with Keith’s back arched, his cock planted deep inside her, and June’s body trembling and falling forward, unable to support herself on her knees.

“Holy fuck, Keith!” she cried as soon as words would come to her.

“I’m glad you liked it, Miss,” he said, staying in character.

“Liked it? I’ve never cum so many times! And that last one was unbelievable!” she said before leaning down and kissing him passionately.

Amazingly satisfied, and completely worn out, the rest of the evening was spent quietly lying together in bed, with gentle, soothing touches and light conversation. When they decided to sleep, Keith lay awake for quite a while, making plans in his head for the following days and weeks to come. This night was everything he could hope for, and the fact that it came late in his life didn’t bother him. Rather, he saw it finally achieving something he’d wanted since he’d been in love with Jane.

Written by 2bespanked
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