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Getting Better (Pt. 2)

"A woman strikingly similar to his love, Jane, applies for a job, getting that and more!"

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Author's Notes

"Keith imagined a better continuation of his life after so much pain and longing for love."

“It's not a question of whether I like it or not. It’s Roland, the DM we have to worry about, and he gave rather detailed instructions as to how it should be done.”

“I’m sorry,” she started, and added, "Daddy!” with just the right emphasis.

Looking up at him from downcast eyes and biting her lip, she hoped he’d take the bait. Going for broke she stroked her bottom down and then up once, while offering the cutest hint of a smile she could imagine.

Keith was entranced with her naughty, little girl display and hoped she was looking for what he’d so love to give her. Still reluctant to rely on his intuition, he just stood there for what seemed like minutes to them both, but finally giving in he replied.

“I’ll deal with you this evening, young lady!” he started, and seeing the smile forming on her face was instantly aroused. “Now get this window in order! And you can imagine what’s going to happen to you if you even think about doing it wrong again!”

“Yes, sir!” she replied, and added, “I will!” when she’d been awarded a good, hard smack on her bottom leaving no doubt just what ‘dealing with her’ would entail.

The afternoon dragged on as they both anticipated the evening activities, which she assumed would take place after the store was closed. The busy afternoon period helped take their minds off the wait, but exchanging knowing smiles only brought those thoughts to the fore once again.

Finally closing time, June went to the office while Keith went to lock the doors, and hearing the ‘click’ of the lock, she reached under her skirt and rubbed her cheeks with expectation, feeling her panties get even wetter.

“I’m sorry!” she cried as soon as Keith entered the room. “I just thought you’d like my way better!”

“I appreciate that you took the initiative, but I gave you explicit instructions for how it should be done!” he scolded trying hard not to smile. “Since you were a little girl, you’ve had this independent streak,” he continued, trying to keep his identity as her ‘Daddy’. “The windows look perfect now, but we still have to deal with your behavior.”

“I said I’m sorry!”

“You know that just saying you’re sorry isn’t always enough. When will you be truly sorry?”

“After you’ve spanked me, right?” she asked, as she watched him pull his desk chair away from the desk, sit in it and pat his thigh.

“Come. Over my knee,” he said, both trying hard to suppress smiles.

“I’m sorry, Daddy. Please don’t spank me too hard?” she pleaded, wanting just the opposite, and going to his right side, she lay across his lap, excited after many months, to be getting spanked again.

“You will be spanked only as hard as necessary to get the point across, and what is that point?”

“To do what you tell me.”

“Or …”

“Or I’ll get a spanking on my bare bottom!” she replied, enjoying the banter that her husband had never engaged in.

Lifting her short, flouncy skirt, he revealed a perfect bottom covered in light blue, bikini knickers, tight enough to have her cheeks oozing out of the tight elastic top. He put his left arm around her waist, pulling her up close to his body while his right caressed the round, fleshy orbs of his naughty girl's bottom, and without warning lifted his hand and delivered the first firm spank.

“Ohh!” she cried, more with desire than pain. ‘Finally!’ she thought to herself.

He continued spanking her amazing arse with random patterns spreading the delicious pain liberally across both cheeks. She moaned as the sting built in intensity, loving every bit of it, and hoping this was just the first of many spankings to come.

Keith felt like he was living the dream fostered by so many pictures of naughty, upended young women having their deserving bottoms spanked endlessly. He also thought of Jane, her look-alike draped over his knee, and wondered whether this would have ever developed had they ever gotten together. His mind back in the present, he looked at his naughty girl soaking up her spanking like it was the only thing she ever wanted.

“Ow! Daddy, it hurts! I’m really sorry! Please don’t spank my bare bottom tonight!” she cried, again wanting just the opposite; to be spanked good and hard on her bare bottom.

“You’ll never be sorry enough if we don’t take your knickers down. You know that!”

Eagerly lifting her body even before he’d slid his fingers under the elastic of her tight panties, she wanted her spanking on her bare bottom, and Keith was more than willing to comply, as he slowly dragged her underwear down over her now-pink cheeks, revealing her gorgeous bottom. Not quite a ‘bubble butt’ but certainly full and round, he loved the sight of it, especially naked in his lap, and just begging to be spanked.

Leaving her knickers banded around her thighs, he resumed the spanking to June’s delighted screams and cries. She wasn’t playing her role of one who didn’t want to be spanked very well, and he didn’t mind a bit. He liked that she openly enjoyed it and would love to hear her ask to be spanked.

“Oh, Daddy! My bottom hurts,” she cried as his hand continued to rain down on her reddening bum, the pain from her sore cheeks going right to her pussy getting her wetter than she’d been in months. Twisting her legs this way and that, she managed to shuck the panties down and off, allowing her to spread her legs enough for Keith to see the shiny, wet lips of her starved pussy.

“Good!” he replied to her fake complaint, “You know it has to hurt a lot before you’ll be truly sorry for your behavior!” Noticing the gap between her thighs, his eyes were riveted to the smooth, wet lips, between which he hoped to get his fingers.

Stopping for a short rest allowed time for his hands to wander a bit, and though not yet touching anything overly sensitive, his fingers got close enough that she thought he would and even spread her legs wider as an invitation. Temporarily disappointed by more spanking, it didn’t last as he spanked one cheek many times before stopping again to softly caress the punished flesh. Repeating this pattern several times had her squirming on his lap as the ever more sensitive cheeks responded to his pinches and squeezes of her stinging buns.

Panting now, she didn’t know how much more she could take when he resumed smacking alternate cheeks in turn with his left hand now, while his right slipped between her legs to manipulate the slippery, wet lips. Writhing on his lap, she didn’t know which way to turn as she invited both the spanking hand as well as the fingers now deeply inserted in her pussy.

“Oh my God, Keith!” she screamed, and she began trembling in his lap, as the spanking of her bottom, and finger fucking of her dripping pussy, drove her right up to the edge of oblivion and over, her breathing raspy and uneven, as her body shook with the aftershocks that passed through her.

Immensely proud of what he’d given her, Keith let her calm down for a bit before helping her up to sit in his lap for a comforting hug, her continued mewing a clear indication of the sheer pleasure she was still feeling.

Lifting her head off his shoulder, she just stared into his eyes for a moment before leaning in to give him an affectionate kiss of thanks. Wordlessly they expressed their mutual appreciation of an extraordinary time together.

“I’m afraid I have to go,” he said and kissed her again. “The wife … you know,” he added, the disappointment evident on his face. “Maybe next time we can leave more time for …” he said leaving the rest unsaid.

“You’re gonna spank me again?” she asked with a smile, not knowing until now whether this was a one-time thing or not.

“I’ve got a feeling you’ll be giving me cause to have you across my knee rather frequently,” he said almost as a question.

“You’re probably right,” she replied with that cute smile he loved so.

Getting off his lap, she retrieved her panties and made a show of putting them back on and, rubbing her sore, red cheeks. They kissed goodnight, and she left the store, Keith staying behind to properly close out the day.

The following day, June couldn’t wait to show Keith her still deep pink bottom, dragging him back to the office and lifting her skirt under which she wore no panties. He groaned at the sight, wanting nothing more than bury his face between her thighs and make her cum again.

“You liked it too, didn’t you? Spanking me?” she asked and smiled when his smile confirmed it. “Will you do it again? Not today, but … soon?”

“I’m sure you’ll earn another trip across my knee, won’t you June?”

“I’ll try to be good, Daddy, but it's so hard!” she said with that same pouting look as the night before.

They were both so happy all day. They couldn’t believe their good fortune at having found each other and stole glimpses of each other all day, naughty suggestions written all over their faces.

It was only a couple of days later when June engineered another scenario that had her over Keith’s knee during lunch. She couldn’t get her tight, black jeans down fast enough and eagerly bent over his desk practically begging to be spanked even though she had been naughty, the mistake a trumped-up excuse to get her bottom smacked again.

During the spanking, Keith realized he should have some implements, like a paddle, hairbrush, or strap for such a position, and made a mental note to visit an adult store to get them. Meanwhile, he couldn’t be happier spanking his cute, little assistant, scolding her for her perceived infraction, and threatening sterner measures if she didn’t behave herself.

“Oh, Daddy! You wouldn’t cane me, would you?” she asked with a sly smile, looking back at him, as his hand spanked the same cheek repeatedly. He made a note to add a cane to his shopping list.

With his finger again in her sopping wet pussy, he built to a crescendo landing the hardest spanks just as she came, her body a quivering, shuddering mess on the desk. Finally calm, but still breathing unevenly, she got up and sat on the edge of the desk facing him, and as though reading her mind, he knelt before her, pulling her legs apart, and after admiring his first clear view of her clean-shaven pussy, dove in tongue first to lap up the pungent produce of her pussy.

While his fingers pumped in and out of her dripping hole, his tongue concentrated on the little, hard nub of her clit bringing her to another orgasm in a minute or two, but he didn’t let up at all. Vulgar exclamations and gasping breath preceded another climax after he’d sucked in her tender, swollen lips, his tongue licking and flicking all it could reach.

Eventually able to stand again, they hugged and kissed each other almost not hearing the door chime ring indicating they had a customer. Keith went to take care of that while June put her pants and panties back on.

Returning to the office just as she was zipping up her jeans, he went to her again expecting another hug, which he got but only briefly as she now knelt before him, immediately opening, and pulling his pants down to mid-thigh so she could get her mouth on his hard shaft.

“Oh!” she cried in surprise as eight inches of rock-hard cock sprang out of his underwear. “Mmm!” she said before taking as much in her mouth as she could, while her hands cupped and kneaded his balls. Now it was his turn to gasp, as she expertly sucked him in, her head bobbing up and down him, gagging a couple of times when she tried to take more.

“I’m gonna cum,” he warned her and tried to pull out of her mouth, but she held on until she felt the warm, sticky cum spray the back of her mouth and looking up at Keith swallowed with a smile.

“You are amazing,” he said to her face just inches from his, when they held each other as long as they could before another customer interrupted.

In the weeks that followed, June found herself over Keith’s knee or bent across his desk at least once a week based on some cooked-up reason that one or the other fabricated, but there was always a wait till the punishment could be administered, either for their lunch break or shop closing.

Keith had purchased several implements from the adult store, including wood and leather paddles, a strap, and a cane. From a drug store, he added a good old-fashioned wooden-backed hairbrush to his arsenal. He’d only introduce one of them at a time to June’s delight as she loved the change that each added to their play.

She particularly liked a round leather paddle, whose face was about the same size as her bottom cheeks, and hitting just the right spot on her bottom provided a delicious, all-over sting unlike any of the other implements. She’ll always remember the first time he used it.

It was one of their evening sessions, when she’d been spanked over his knee and then paddled over the desk; one of those times when she thought she could be spanked all night. After the first hundred or two with the new paddle, June was writhing on the desk in both agony and ecstasy, when Keith stuffed his face between her thighs and licked her to a tremendous orgasm while rubbing and squeezing her sore cheeks.

“Oh, Daddy! Paddle me again, please?” she begged as she swayed her hips to and fro in enticement.

He didn’t have to be asked twice and wielded the paddle with a little more vigor than the first time, and very quickly she was moaning, gasping, and crying out on the well-placed swats. Neither of them counted the swats, knowing through body language when she’d had enough, but she stopped him before that.

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“Keith! Ow! Keith, please … please fuck me!” she pled, looking back at him. “I want to feel you inside me!”

He only had to lose his underwear and he was ready with his long, hard cock to finally have his beautiful June. He’d wanted to do it before, but as always wasn’t sure and delayed several times, until now, when June decided for him.

June spread her legs a little further and lifted her hips just as his cock was zeroing in on her dewy slit, entering easily and sliding in slowly and smoothly as June cried ‘Oh!’ with each inch, and ‘Oh my god!’ when he was fully encased in her tight pussy. Reaching around and grabbing a firm breast in each hand, he fucked her at first gently, but with steadily increasing force he was ramming his shaft home hard when they both finally came and collapsed on the desk, while their breathing normalized.

Standing up, they fell into each other’s arms, just holding each other as tight as could be wanting to feel their bodies pressed together. Keith stroked her hair as she laid her head on his chest, while she ran her hands up and down his back. Neither had ever experienced anything like what they’d just done and didn’t want to spoil the feeling with words, but eventually, the time came when they had to go.

They got dressed and hugged again wordlessly until they separated and each left for their homes, both wishing they were going home together; to have a whole night together.

They’d gotten close enough that they began to share their past experiences, with Keith first explaining his wife to June after she’d made one of her rare visits to the store, and June noting again the harsh way she’d treated Keith. He gave her the condensed version of how they’d gotten together and married, finishing with a description of a loveless marriage.

June, with a sad face in reaction to his tale, shared her experience with her ex, making a strong point regarding the escalations in her submission, which went far beyond her limits. Without regard for the fact that they were in the store with customers, Keith reached for her and hugged her tightly, making sure she knew she was safe with him. Again, they both felt a connection; that they were meant to find each other and be together.

A week or two later, Keith had some amazing news to share with June and was bursting with happiness as soon as she came to work. Iris was going to be away the following weekend from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening.

“June, we can spend the night together!” he said giddy with excitement, “two nights together!”

“Oh, Keith!” she said with equal joy, “I can’t wait already! We must make it really special!”

“I agree!” he exclaimed, and they immediately started making plans.

They would go to her flat as they might inadvertently leave some evidence behind at Keith’s that Iris would discover. Friday night, they’d grab a quick dinner and go right to her place for some kinky fun and sex, while on Saturday, they’d go out to a nice restaurant, far from friends and family, and then back to her place for more fun. The week dragged on as they looked forward to their weekend together.

Keith was planning to bring the cane he’d bought but hadn’t yet used, hoping to use it that night, and was pleasantly surprised when June came to him on Thursday with a request.

“You know I have been caned and I did like it until that idiot took it too far. I’d like to try it again. Will you give me a caning tomorrow night? Just six,” she asked with her cute, little girl look.

“You're such a naughty, little girl!” he scolded in a friendly way, “I was planning to bring the cane and use it on that delicious bottom of yours if you’d let me.”

“Ooo, I can’t wait! It’s gonna be so much fun!”

Friday night finally arrived, and their quick dinner consisted of beer and pizza leaving them both in a better mood than either could ever remember. They arrived at her tiny, one-bedroom flat with high expectations. Between sips of beer, they undressed each other completely, each noting the aroused state of the other.

“Spank me, Daddy! Give me a good spanking!” she asked as Keith sat in the chair placed specifically for this purpose and took her across his knee.

The fun and sexy spanking lasted a long time as for once they did not feel the least bit rushed and took all the time they wanted. June lay on the bed with a stack of pillows under her tummy for her favorite little leather paddle, again taking their time. When he said, ‘I want to eat you up,’ she turned over, lifted her knees, and spread her legs for Keith to savor her pretty, little pussy, licking with abandon until she was squirting with the one of best orgasms she’d ever had.

Treating the caning to come as the ‘main event’, June was ‘punished’ again as they both knelt on the bed, she bent slightly over his outstretched arm as he spanked and paddled her to another intense climax when his hand slipped into her pussy while he continued spanking her bright, red bottom. Falling forward on her knees left her in a perfect position for penetration, and Keith gave her a good, hard fuck with his long, hard cock.

Lying on the bed facing each other, they didn’t say much but their eyes and body language showed the extraordinary pleasure they’d given each other this time. Their hands slid lightly over the other’s body, not to arouse, just to please for quite a while knowing what was coming next. Their hands stopped, their eyes each asked ‘Now?’ and they got up; June to lay on the bed, again with her bottom raised and Keith to retrieve the cane.

“Are you going to cane me, Daddy?” she asked with a mixture of contrition and desire.

“Yes, little girl. Six of the best to be sure you behave like a good girl.”

A first-time experience for Keith, he’d practiced swinging the cane after the store closed. He tapped the cane a few times, taking aim, while June looked straight ahead with closed eyes, wanting to experience the pain alone. He lifted the cane and they both held their breath as it arced down to strike at the top of her fleshy cheeks.

“Yeow!!” she screamed as the pain came a split second after the sound of the strike.

He slid the cane back and forth across her bottom, enjoying the gradual appearance of the first line. Again, he raised it and brought it down just below the first, getting another yelp from June, her head flying back as well.

The strokes continued with ten or fifteen seconds between. Keith laid them down evenly but the fifth stroke on her lower cheek crossed one of the others getting an even louder yelp from June, her hands going back to rub her tortured cheeks, which created a slightly longer pause, but the sixth stroke still came just above the crease between cheek and thigh. Writhing on the bed, June groaned at the pain but kept her position.

“I’m sorry, Daddy! I know I shouldn’t have rubbed my bum in between. Am I gonna get an extra?”

“You shouldn’t have to ask!” he replied to her unexpected question, and put the cane back across her cheeks, sliding it back and forth, longer this time until it rose again and came down harder than any of the others right on the crease, getting a screech in response.

She squirmed on the bed but didn’t reach back to rub until he said it was okay. He watched as her hand furiously rubbed and gently squeezed the sore flesh until the lingering pain of the strike itself subsided and she gingerly got up to hug Keith.

“Oh god it hurts!” she sighed, “but it feels good too. I want you inside me again! Please?” she asked, her face just inches from his.

“Can we do something else first?” he asked, setting a plan he’d made in motion, hoping it would come to fruition the following night.

“Anything!” she replied with grateful enthusiasm.

“It’s something I’ve always wanted to try,” he said, preparing her and continued, still seeing the same ‘anything goes’ look in her eye. “Will you sit on my face?” he asked with some reservations, but seeing a smile starting to develop, he continued. “I’ve always wanted to please a woman in that way, making you cum over and over again until you can’t take anymore.”

After a kiss as an affirmative answer, she directed him to lay on the bed, and kneeling beside him, lifted her leg over to straddle his chest, moving forward till her pussy was right above his mouth. Keith hoped this submissive act would get her thinking about turning the tables on him, taking him across her knee for a spanking, and bending him over for the paddle, strap, and cane. Stroking his cheek, she had a feeling she knew what this would be a preamble to, and she’d be right.

Lowering herself, her sensitive lips met his, with his tongue slithering through her flooded slit, her panting breaths audible as she squirmed on his face. Limited to just using his tongue, as his arms were pinned to his side by her legs, he licked, nibbled, and sucked whatever she fed him. She hadn’t done this since college and then with an inexperienced sophomore, and while Keith had never done it either, he made up for his inexperience with enthusiasm.

It was even better than he’d imagined, having his face wiped and mouth force-fed with her sloppy wet pussy, he had no choice but to give her what she wanted. He could feel her urgency gradually ramp up with the frenetic grinding of her cunt over his nose, mouth, and chin.

“Oh, my God! That’s it, Keith! Eat my pussy!” she ordered, her dirty talk driving them both on as she came, her body stiffening and flooding his face with her sexy syrup, while he lapped it up.

She took to this dominant position like a duck to water, as she demanded more from his tongue. Sawing back and forth like a rider in a saddle, she added to the stimulation provided by his tongue while maintaining control of the beast she rode. Unintelligible grunts, gasps, and groans were spread between demands to make her cum again, and she approached the next climax at full gallop, with his nose and mouth completely enveloped when the next overload occurred.

Not wanting it to end just yet, though his face was immobilized by his ‘rider’, his tongue worked feverishly to start a new ride and slowly she responded, this time pressing his head into the soft mattress as she mashed her pussy into his face to the point of feeling his teeth. He wanted to be careful not to hurt her, but he had no control whatsoever, even his tongue limited by the weight of her body on his face, while she jerked back and forth.

Rising enough to let him breathe again, but just a breath or two, she descended on him again, using his face like a sex toy; an object to be used for her pleasure alone. The ride continued alternating between intense grinding and hard sitting until, yet another orgasm was approaching. Keeping up the pressure, her body sawed as though her gash could be made deeper with his face, but when she came, she rose and squirted a flood of her juice in his face.

Moving back slightly, she rested by sitting on his chest and once opening her eyes was delighted by the smile on Keith’s face. Her gentle appreciative smile had them both wondering if the dynamic between them had just shifted dramatically.

“I hope you liked that?” he asked, the first able to speak.

“You have no idea!” she replied, her chest still heaving with deep breaths.

Not fully calm yet, she reached back to take his hard cock in hand, surprised at just how large and stiff he’d gotten by pleasuring her. Smiling devilishly, she moved back further with another type of ride in mind. Straddling his hips now, she rose and guided the stiff member into her sensitive, over-stimulated cunt.

Feeling her encasing his cock, Keith knew he wouldn’t last long despite having cum once already tonight. When she leaned forward putting her hands on his shoulders, he reached up and played with her tits with one hand, while the other stroked her clit, hoping he could make her cum before him.

June had never felt so fully penetrated before as she rose high enough to just keep him inside and slammed down to be touched where she never had. She was going to cum soon and for a fleeting moment wondered how many times tonight she had, but the thought vanished as his eruption inside her triggered her climax as well.

Feeling the last pulses of his ejaculation as well as her spasms, she fell to the bed on her side facing Keith.

“Wow, June!” he exclaimed as he softly stroked her body, not trying to arouse her again, but just comfort her as the totally spent look on her face asked for.

“Oh! I know!” was all she could manage.

They spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms just savoring a different kind of affection that neither had felt before.

He woke before she did, but his gentle caresses of her body woke her shortly after. Wordlessly, they just enjoyed the touch of their bodies before it was time for him to leave. He had to open the store today, but she wouldn’t be in till mid-afternoon, so he went home to change clothes and returned to work unable to keep her off his mind until she finally came in.

She waited for the other employee to leave before taking him back to the office.

“Keith, last night was so amazing I can’t begin to describe it.”

“I’m so glad you feel that way. About tonight …”

“Look, I know it’ll be really hard, for me at least, to not talk about last night, or even touch each other till tonight, but I think it will make it so much better if we don’t, okay?”

He agreed both to her suggestion and the fact that it would be extremely hard to do. They spent the afternoon and early evening before closing working as hard as they could, willing the time to pass more quickly, but they couldn’t help sharing knowing smiles when they inevitably made eye contact.

Written by 2bespanked
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