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... And Finally, The Happy Ending (Pt. 4)

"After a good caning, Keith knows how his life should be."

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Author's Notes

"Another wondrous night at June's flat, where Keith and June find the right roles for them both."

The store didn’t open until noon on Sunday, and June only went in because Keith asked her to, for an unexplained reason. He opened the door just for them around eleven-thirty and went straight to the office, June following him. She smiled when she saw him retrieve the cane and hand it to her.

“I was hoping you’d let me cane you,” she said, taking it and whipping it through the air, hearing the telltale whistle it made and smiling at the sound.

“Take it home and practice with a pillow. The correct aim is critical with a cane since you don’t want to hit certain very sensitive areas. It’s best if each stroke is apart from any others, leaving several parallel lines on the fleshiest part of the bottom,” he instructed, realizing that he’d only done it the one time, but was encouraging June to practice as he had before he’d caned her.

“You’re not just letting me do this,” she said, “You want me to do this, don’t you?”

“If it would please Miss,” he started in his submissive tone, “I would like to be tied down on your bed and given six of the best … as a start.”

June left shortly after promising to go home and learn well. Keith opened the store and, during a slow day, had plenty of time to relive the amazing times they’d spent together this weekend, squirming in his chair a little each time he thought of the additional pain he’d be feeling the next time when June caned him.

Knowing that Thursday afternoon was typically a slow day, June snuck the cane into the office while Keith was busy with a customer, removed it from its tube, and stuck it back in the corner where it had been before. Now she just had to find a reason to use it and had an idea.

It was mid to late afternoon when she was on the floor straightening some shelves when Keith came up and asked what she was doing. She told him and asked him to pass her the drink sitting on the floor a few feet away. He picked it up and handed it to her, but not looking, she reached for it and made it look like he’d dropped it when it splashed all over the floor.

“What the …!” she started as she rose to her feet. “Clean that up!” she ordered, and after a startled look on his face, his look changed, telling her he knew what was coming.

“Yes, Miss!” he said, ran for some paper towels, and wiped up the mess.

“That was very clumsy of you! Go to the office and take your pants down!”

“Yes, Miss!” he said again and did as he was told.

He felt just a little silly, standing next to the desk with his pants and underwear around his knees, but his cock knew this was a good thing, and rose to attention as he eagerly awaited the spanking he knew he was going to get.

June made him wait for a few minutes just to increase his anticipation and then stormed into the office, sat in the chair, grabbed his arm, and pulled him down over her knee. With no time to settle in, she started spanking.

“You need to learn…" spank! " be more careful..." spank! "...when I ask you..." spank! " do something!" she scolded, spanking him at the same time. After another half dozen like this, she just spanked hard and fast, with Keith groaning and crying when she’d connected just right.

He was in heaven, as this is exactly what he pictured life with June would be like; spanked and paddled for real mistakes and manufacturing them when needed as she had just done. The only thing that would make this better would be a caning as well, but he knew that would have to wait for another time.

Reaching for the drawer, she pulled out their favorite leather paddle and wasted no time using it on his dark pink cheeks, while his reaction ramped up as well until she stopped and told him to get up and bend over the desk. He got in position, grasping the far side of the desk to keep his hands occupied.

“Okay, sixty more! Ten at a time on each side! And they're gonna hurt!”

Each series of ten started at one intensity and quickly ramped up to ‘hard-as-I-can’ swats, with Keith tucking in his bottom in a useless attempt to evade the paddle. More scolding was heard in the brief pauses between rounds of ten, but it wasn’t long before it was over.

“Don’t get up! I’m not through with you yet,” she said with a wicked smile, and couldn’t wait to see his face when she’d produce the cane.

Keith couldn’t see behind him but knew that sound anywhere when she swung it through the air and was instantly excited at the prospect of finally getting caned again. He couldn’t help smiling when she came to the front of the desk where he could see her and saw that she couldn’t help smiling either.

“Six of the best!” she cried and walked around the desk to take her position. “Move your hands, or your arse even the slightest, and the stroke won’t count, understand?” she threatened, having done some research on typical caning practices.

Standing behind and to his left, she swished it through the air again, and he was expecting the first stroke any second when the door chimed, indicating a customer had come in. Keith groaned with disappointment.

“You stay right there! I’ll take care of it!” she ordered when he was about to get up, then whispered in his ear when he was prone on the desk again, “I know it's not your fault, but you’re getting seven now for this interruption anyway!”

She hadn’t planned this but thought her ad-lib worked well and imagined his anticipation building further still, as he was forced to wait again.

He waited there, imagining what he would say in the unlikely event that the customer came into the office and saw him bent over the desk, with a bare bottom and a cane lying next to him. He smiled when he imagined another beautiful girl with a dominant streak, wanting a turn with the cane and his naked arse.

It seemed like forever, but June finally returned, picked up the cane, and started over again, producing the threatening sound of the cane swishing through the air.

“Now! Where were we? Oh, yes!” she said, timing the stroke to the word with Keith yelping loudly as the split-second delay of sound vs. pain set in on his already sore bottom. It seemed like the second stroke came immediately after the first, but it was only the pain that bridged the time gap.

It had been so long since the last time, and now that it was his beautiful June wielding the wicked instrument, he relished each painful slice to his bare bum even more. He wished it would be more than seven and intentionally reached back after the fifth, ensuring he’d get an eighth, but as much as he wanted more, he decided he’d wait until he could be tied to her bed for at least twelve.

After the eighth, and final, stroke was given, June put the cane away and came back to rub his striped bottom tenderly. This cemented it for her. This was the way she wanted it to be always, with Keith completely submissive to her whims and wishes. The wish he couldn’t make a reality, though, was to be able to spend more time, all of their time, together, but she’d hold on to what they had for now, hoping they’d find a way.

Once he was allowed up, he rubbed his severely stinging cheeks, and both thanked ‘Miss’ for punishing him and congratulated her on her proficiency with the cane. He’d barely gotten an affectionate hug and kiss and got his pants back in place when the door chime sounded again.

They both left the office, June wishing they could spend more time together and Keith deciding to enact the plans he’d started making that sleepless evening in her bed.

More than a week passed before Keith was able to engineer another evening with June at her flat. He made sure June was available before he told his wife that the Company was insisting on a quarter-end inventory of the store, and he would be working very late to get it done in time. During this week, he’d also started making inquiries about the feasibility of the plan he had in mind and was hoping to tell June about it after their night together.

They had a romantic dinner together before going to her flat, where they spoke of how much they were both enjoying this new dynamic between them but didn’t broach the subject of continuing the arrangement. It was a tender conversation, despite the kinky subject, that prompted a second glass of wine.

Finally, at her flat, June went into dominant mode as soon as the door was closed, ordering Keith to strip everything off and wait for her in the bedroom. He did as he was told and was standing with his arms folded behind him when she walked in, his eyes popping out of his head at the sight. She’d donned a lacy black bustier, very tight black bikini panties, and high heels with thigh-high tights, also black. She allowed him a minute or so to take it in, smiling at the unbridled lust she saw in his eyes.

“Well? Do you like the way I look?” she asked in a commanding tone.

“Oh yes, Miss! You look …” he started.

“Show me!” she demanded and loved the way he sprang into action, kneeling before her and burying his face in her crotch. Pulling the gusset of her panties aside, she allowed him to lick her naked, smooth, and very wet pussy.

“That’s enough!” she said, sending him back to his prior ‘ready’ position.

For the next hour, he was spanked, paddled, and strapped in various positions, and remained hard as a steel rod despite a crimson red arse, the extreme anticipation of being tied down for his caning ever-present in his mind.

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“Face down on the bed!” she commanded, and he couldn’t get there fast enough.

He lay in the middle of the bed with two pillows under his hips, and his arms and legs outstretched to be tied to the bed frame at the corners. Memories of his past canings came flooding in, but he knew this would be so much better simply because it would be June doing it. She made her way around the bed, tying his wrists and ankles using scarves until, at last, he was fully restrained with his red arse a provocatively offered target.

“Okay, twelve strokes as agreed, even though I think you deserve more, so I’m warning you: I’ll be quite generous with extra strokes, given even the slightest excuse. Understand?”

“Yes, Mi … Oww!” he screamed with the first stroke coming so quickly and unexpectedly. Another followed close behind, and he was already in heaven. The swish, the initial hit, and the searing pain of a new red stripe whipped into his willing bottom. And there was still a voice, a distant voice now, that said he deserved it for his lack of courage with Jane.

June was in her own kind of heaven as well; seeing him tied down with restraints she’d put in place, and seeing the mixture of pain and pleasure on his face after each stroke gave her another reason to want Keith as her sub, and she was going to discuss that with him tonight.

Wanting to enjoy this, here and now, he forced his mind to stay focused on his painful ordeal, and that seemed to make it hurt even more as a welcomed side effect. Just past the halfway point, he was pulling at his bonds as though he could escape his tormentor, but the strokes kept coming. He screamed when one stroke crossed a couple of others and was thankful that she gave him a little more time to recover before number ten came, but that had him twisting on the bed to the limits of the restraints.

“Keep still, or one penalty stroke will become three!” she threatened, hoping he’d want more as he had the first time.

The blistering pain was at its maximum when she delivered the last three, in quick succession, with only a few seconds between. He was glad when it was over, as he didn’t think he could take any more, having been so long since he’d been caned last, but that didn’t diminish the arousal he felt now. He wanted his hands free to rub, but June did that for him, kneeling on the bed next to him, with soft strokes to soothe and gentle squeezes to amplify the pain. He just lay there breathing unevenly, moving only when her ministrations brought renewed pain to the fore.

“Keith? Keith, are you okay?” she asked, genuinely concerned about his lack of movement, and went to release his bonds.

“I’m okay, Miss. Thank you f …” he started quietly, as he rose to his knees.

“I’m not Miss now, I’m June, Keith,” she cried, still concerned, but felt better when he smiled and rubbed his bum, moaning softly.

“Yes, I’m okay, June. I’m more than okay. That was maybe just a little more than I was prepared for, but those last three were amazing!” he admitted.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m sure,” he said as he took her in his arms and laid her on the bed after a loving kiss. Kneeling between her legs, he treated her to his tongue on each of her perfect tits, down across her tummy, to her thighs, and back up in between, where it plunged inside her. Going from zero to sixty in two seconds, he had her coming in no time and prolonged the orgasm by not letting up at all. Frantically his tongue worked between those swollen lips, triggering one climax after another until she couldn’t take anymore, gripping his face between her thighs and rolling to her side to get him to stop.

“Oh my God, Keith!” she panted between labored breaths and released him from this new restraint. “Fuck me! Fuck me hard!” she demanded in that tone of voice and rolled onto her back again with legs spread wide.

Needing no further encouragement, he knelt between her spread thighs, lifted her torso, took aim, and rammed his long, hard shaft home with ease, June gasping at the suddenness of it. She wanted it hard, and she got it, with long, even thrusts and a quick jab for the last inch or two. Knowing he wouldn’t last long, he picked up the pace but kept the same method, and they both came, gasping and crying out each other’s names.

Keith finally fell on top of her, kissing her all over her face, using his tongue in her mouth, and she returned his fervor. They both knew they could not improve on what they’d just done, so they lay in each other’s arms for quite a while, just calming their minds as well as their bodies, as they both had something important to say to the other.

They eventually got up and made their way to the sofa in the living room, where June brought more wine, and Keith sat gingerly on the scratchy fabric of her sofa.

“June, I have something I want to …” he started.

“Keith, can I go first?” she asked, interrupting him as she seemed to do so often. He nodded, and she continued. “I know what we’re doing is very special to me, and it seems to you too,” she began with a questioning tone, getting a quick ‘Yes!’ in reply. “At first, I really liked you being my Daddy and … you know, spanking me and treating me like your naughty little girl, but these last couple of times were so much more exciting for me.”

“I agree. The others might get more exciting, but these …”

“These were quite different. I liked being in control, telling you what to do, and especially punishing you. The spanking! … and the caning! Wow! Are you okay with that?”

“Yes,” he answered simply knowing she’d just interrupt him again if he said more.

“I don’t know if I can go back to being Daddy’s naughty little girl. I really like being Keith’s Domme, having you as my toy, my plaything!” She paused to gauge his reaction before making her final statement and was encouraged by a small smile on his face. “I want it to stay like this, Keith. I want to make you eat my pussy and fuck me the way I want. I want to spank, paddle, and cane you whenever I feel like it. I’ll understand if that’s not what you want, but I so hope you do, because I …”

“I love you, June,” he said, his turn to interrupt, and hoped the look on her face said she felt the same way.

“Oh, Keith! Do you really?” she said, leaning over to hug him, and when he turned to get a better hold of her, added, “I love you too!”

“I do, and I want to be yours, to do with as you please. I want you to spank me, cane me, and make me make you cum,” he paused to gauge her reaction and continued after she gave him an over-the-top, passionate kiss. “And I want to do it a lot more often than we have been.”

“But your wife!” she said in defeat.

“Forget my wife! I know I will, quite easily, in fact. Listen, I’ve been making some inquiries, and the Company is willing to transfer me to another store. It’s been a problem store, and they’d like me to straighten it out. I’ll even get a pay raise! It's in Cambridge, probably close to where you’re from. We can move there together. My wife won’t know where we are; she’ll just know I’ve left, and that I’ve made provisions for her to stay right where she is, and believe me, she won’t care as long as she doesn’t have to go to work. What do you think?”

June was shocked beyond belief, but also excited at the prospect of them living together. In the moments before she replied, she thought of what they’d done tonight, her confession to him that she doesn’t want to be his naughty little girl, and wants to make him her sub. She was so worried that he wouldn’t accept that, and now he’s proposing all that and so much more.

“I … I don’t know what to say! I can’t believe it! We’d be together all the time?”

“Yes, but you know there’s no way she’d give me a divorce. To me, though, that’s just a piece of paper. We can be together all the time, even in the store if you want, and have all this fun and more!” he finished with a questioning look, expecting an answer from her.

“Oh my God, Keith! Yes! I love you and want to be with you no matter how it happens.”

“I love you, June, and I want you to marry me. If I weren’t married already, that is what I’d want now. To marry you. To be your husband and plaything,” he added with a chuckle. “To be with you always!”

He got down on his knee, the old-fashioned chivalrous man that he was, and proposed to June, promising to be hers in all the ways that meant, and she accepted. They celebrated in bed, knowing it may be a while before they’d be together like this again, but knowing when they finally were, it would be so much more.

The following weeks were spent doing all those things that moving to another town entails, but it was all fun with their love to see them through. There were disagreements, but they were resolved in their unique way, which usually involved Keith over her knee or tied to the bed getting a deliciously painful beating, regardless of who was right, to begin with.

About a month later, they were settled in their small, rented cottage living like a loving married couple, and far away from prying ears so the sounds of their brand of lovemaking weren’t heard. Keith excelled at his new store, and when he didn’t, he had June to punish him properly and get him back on track.

To say ‘they lived happily ever after’ would be an enormous understatement as the contrast with their prior relationships made theirs so much more than either of them ever thought they’d have.

Written by 2bespanked
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