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Night Desk - Caught! - Pt. 3

"Shelley and Jim's planned early morning fun ends quickly when Shelley's boss shows up!"

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Author's Notes

"So many spanking stories describe a boss taking advantage of an underperforming or misbehaving employee, which I find unrealistic in today's business climate. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Read on to find out how it might really go!"

Shelley was more excited than she could remember in recent times. She was certain Jim was coming this time, and they’d planned for him to arrive late, reenacting their first time together. Once the only other guest she was expecting had checked in, she texted Jim, and he replied that he was on his way. A guest coming into the lobby at this time would have seen her unable to stand still, pacing to and fro, and almost unable to speak; such was her anticipation.

She couldn’t wait to see him, hold him, and, according to their plan, be over his knee getting another good spanking in just a few minutes! By his request, she was wearing panties as Jim liked pretty girls in pretty panties and wanted the pleasure of pulling them down to resume spanking her bare bottom. She went out and bought a pair of boy-short panties, his favorite. She wished she could wear more exciting clothes as well, but as she was working tonight, she’d have to wait till tomorrow to wear something other than her uniform.

‘Last guest just checked in,’ the text said, and Jim left the nearby bar to drive the short distance to the hotel.

“Good evening, sir,” she said with exaggerated courtesy.

“Good evening, Miss. You have a room reserved for me. The name is James, Jim James,” he said as he often did, mimicking James Bond’s introduction.

“Yes, sir. I see we have a suite reserved for you. Are you perhaps expecting another guest?” she replied, ad-libbing a scenario that had only just come to mind.

“Yes, I am. Tomorrow. A pretty young lady with a tendency to be very naughty!” he replied, playing along, and both barely holding back smiles.

“I see, sir. I’m afraid I have similar tendencies. I imagine an accomplished gentleman such as yourself has found ways of dealing with such behavior?”

“I have. Would you like to know how?”

“Oh, yes, sir!”

“I’ve found that naughty behavior is usually childish in nature, and therefore, I believe childish behavior warrants childish punishment.”

“And what would that entail, sir?”

“A good, old-fashioned over-the-knee spanking usually does the trick.”

“Oh! Does it hurt?”

“Well, it’s supposed to, isn’t it? But different people have different tolerances for pain. Surprisingly, there are those that enjoy it.”

“Really!? I wonder if I …”

“Perhaps you’d like to try it? A demonstration, if you will?”

“Oh, would you, sir? I’d be ever so grateful!” she said with such innocence, and in seconds, Jim was leading her by the wrist to the office.

“That was clever, Shelley!” he said when he turned to face her, pulling her into his arms for a romantic kiss. “But sometimes cleverness is very similar to naughtiness!”

“Oh, sir! Not me! I’m just a poor, innocent hotel clerk!” she said but couldn’t keep from laughing before she’d finished. “Oh!” she cried when he bent her over, grabbed her around the waist, and landed a few hard swats she would feel beneath her skirt. “Ooo! Over your knee, Jim! Please?”

He stood her up facing him and kissed her hard while his hands went to her small perky tits, one squeezing, the other opening a button or two to get his hand inside. She pulled away and, with pleading eyes, told him what she wanted. Jim then noticed the candles had already been lit, so he flipped the lights off and enjoyed the sight of his cute, naughty girl in the warm, complimentary light with a bitten lip and disheveled blouse. She offered her hand, and he took it to lead her to the chair.

“I need a spanking, Jim! Please spank me!?” she begged, getting wetter just asking for it.

Standing at his side, she pulled her skirt up, revealing the lacy, black panties she’d worn just for him. She was about to lay in his lap, but a finger slipped between her legs, withdrawn with a wet sheen, exposed her arousal.

“You do need a spanking,” he said softly. “Come! Over my knee.”

Quickly finding the right position, the ‘ohs’ and ‘ows’ soon accompanied the beginning of her spanking. Her panties covered about half of her lower cheeks, his favorite place to spank, so his hand met some bare flesh even now as his hand struck randomly.

“Ohhh, I love getting spanked!” she cried, “I’ve been so horny all day! I know we said we’d wait for tomorrow when I’m not working to do the real spanking, but I wish …”

“Nice panties!” he interrupted.

“I can’t wait for you to pull them down!”

“Well, then, why don’t we!?” he replied as hands slipped into the tight waistband and slowly drew them down over her rosy pink bottom. Leaving them banded around her thighs, he noticed the hairbrush lying on the floor and picked it up. “I don’t think you want me using this yet, do you?”

“No, I guess not,” she said dejectedly, and then, “Oh shit!” when she heard the bell ring at the front desk. “Someone’s here!” she said, scrambling off his lap as the door opened. She stood to see her boss standing in the doorway.

“Well, what have we here?” the boss said, seemingly amused by the situation.

“Oh. Um. Hello, Miss Foster. I … I can explain. Um,” Shelley started.

“Not sure you need to, dear. It seems rather obvious what was about to happen to you with a hairbrush over Mr. ?” she paused, waiting for a name.

“James, ma’am. Mr. James,” he said, only realizing as she mentioned the brush that he was still holding it up and putting it down on the floor, he stood next to Shelley.

“Over Mr. James’ knee!” she said, finishing her accusation.

“Please, Miss Foster, It’s not what it looks like,” Shelley tried hopelessly to defend herself.

“Oh, I’m sure it’s just what it looks like! I need to speak to my employee, Mr. James. I assume you’re a guest here?” she asked, and he nodded. “I’d appreciate it if you’d return to your room.”

Feeling he had no choice, he put his hand on Shelley’s shoulder in sympathy and exited the room.

“I’m so sorry, Miss Foster!” Shelley apologized. “I promise I won’t …”

“No. I’m sure you won’t. But we’ll deal with that later. I told you when I hired you that I’d occasionally show up unannounced to see how you’re doing. That’s why I’m here this morning. Let’s see the work you did before Mr. James arrived.”

Shelley reviewed all the guest check-ins, requests, and calls for maintenance and housekeeping with her boss, who complimented her on her excellent work. They reviewed the data collected for weekly and monthly reports to corporate and again was told she was doing an exemplary job.

“You do excellent work, Shelley, and I’d hate to lose you, but this other … behavior can’t be ignored. But the truth is, at the moment, I’m not sure what to do about it. You’re not working tomorrow night, are you?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Tomorrow’s Friday, so we should have more guests leaving than arriving. Why don’t you come here tomorrow at four o’clock and we’ll decide what to do about this other matter. Okay?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow. And Shelley, stay away from Mr. James tonight! You understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I’m going to stay here tonight. Is my usual room available?” she asked and watched as Shelley checked her in.

They said goodnight, and Shelley breathed a sigh of relief, although she wasn’t out of the woods yet. She couldn’t afford to lose this job, not only for the money, but the graveyard shift suited her schedule better as well. Shelley waited until she entered the elevator before calling Jim on his cell phone.

“Shelley, what happened?” he asked immediately.

“She checked over all my work and said I was doing a great job, but she couldn’t just ignore what happened. I have a meeting with her tomorrow at four here at the hotel. I suppose I’ll find out if she will do anything then.”

“Shall I go with you?”

“What? No. No, why would you?”

“To tell her I’m responsible for the whole thing. If I take the blame, what can she do to me? It might not get you out of trouble completely, but maybe she’ll take it easy on you,” he reasoned.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t have to decide now. That’s when we were going to get together anyway, so you let me know if you want me there then, okay?”

“Okay. I didn’t get a good spanking tonight,” she complained.

“We were going to save most of it for tomorrow night anyway.”

“Yeah, I guess. Well, I better get back to work. Goodnight!” she said, and they signed off for the night. She tried to figure out what Miss Foster might do or say at this meeting tomorrow but was utterly clueless.

Miss Foster, Fiona, was smiling as she rode the elevator to the fifth floor of the hotel she managed. She’d had her eye on the cute little country girl from the day she hired Shelley. While she considered herself bisexual, she leaned heavily toward female partners, and Shelley’s tight body and perfect little bottom, combined with her youthful innocence, ticked all the boxes for her. That she apparently liked to be spanked was icing on the cake. Now, she just had to decide how to make Shelley her plaything.


Shelley showed up at the hotel dressed a bit more conservatively than she had planned when it was Jim she was meeting. She had no idea what Miss Foster would do or say and decided that she would like to have Jim there, if not to accept blame, then to be a witness. He met her in the lobby.

“Nervous?” he asked when he saw her face.

“A little. I mean, I don’t think she’ll fire me when she said all those nice things about my work. But if not that, what?”

“Yeah. I see your point. Where are you meeting her?”

“Room 560. It’s the last room in the hallway on the top floor.”

“That’s strange, isn’t it?”

“Not really. She sometimes stays at the hotel if she has a lot of work to do here, and that room would give her some privacy.”

They punched the elevator button and waited in silence for it to arrive. They got on, and Shelley had something to say to Jim when the door closed.

“Jim, will you promise me that no matter what happens now, we’ll still do what we planned tonight?”

“Yes, Shelley. I promise,” he replied and kissed her holding her face in his hands.

The door was ajar when they knocked, and a distant voice invited them in. They stood inside the now-closed door, not knowing what to do. The room was a suite similar to the one Jim had, and they could hear someone in the other room moving about and a ‘be right with you’ greeting. Shelley nudged Jim, gesturing toward a chair in the middle of the floor. It was an upholstered armless chair that usually sat in a corner by a lamp. Jim shrugged as if saying, ‘Who knows?’

“Shelley, I’ve given a lot of thought about what to do about last night,” they heard Miss Foster say from the other room, moving toward them. “I think the nature of your … indiscretion suggests a specific form of pun … Oh! Mr. James? What’re you doing here?” she said when she noticed his presence. She’d been looking down at and fiddling with her robe when she entered the room speaking.

“Hello, Miss Foster. I offered to be here with Shelley for … moral support,” he said, pausing to find the right word.

“Moral support? That’s rich!” she laughed. “Try again.”

“And to tell you that I’m largely responsible for what happened last night. Shelley was having trouble with my guest registration, and I’m the one who suggested a spanking would do her good,” he said confidently, as it was mostly true, although it hadn’t happened last night.

“So last night was an unplanned, spontaneous response to her poor performance?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Uh-huh. And I suppose you always do your work in the office by candlelight, Shelley?”

“No, ma’am,” she gulped, having been caught in a lie. “I’m sorry, Miss Foster. I know I’m a representative of this hotel, and I take full responsibility for my actions and accept whatever punishment you deem necessary for me to keep my job.”

“I’m at least equally responsible for our behavior, Miss Foster,” Jim added to Shelley’s testimony.

“Interesting,” she replied, looking thoughtful and wondering if the situation had just gotten even better for her. “As I was saying when I came into the room, the nature of your actions last night suggests an appropriate form of punishment, and given your part in this situation, perhaps it should apply to you as well, Mr. James.”

“I don’t understand,” Shelley said uncertainly.

“Put more directly, Shelley, since you are apparently no stranger to a good spanking, you should have no problem with going over my knee to have that cute, little butt of yours spanked by me!” she said, noting with a smile the stunned look on Shelley’s face. “And … since you’re ‘equally responsible,’ Mr. James, you should be subjected to the same.”

Shelley looked at the chair she’d noticed before and suddenly understood its unusual position. She looked at Jim, and he shook his head, thinking, ‘We don’t have much choice, do we?’

Miss Foster walked back into the bedroom momentarily and returned holding a leather paddle and a hairbrush.

“I think you both know what these are for,” she said, laying them on the table near the chair.

Standing in front of the chair now, her demeanor demanded an answer from Shelley.

“Do I have to, Miss?” she asked, hoping there was a way out.

“If you want to keep your job? Yes,” she replied as she opened and removed her robe, stunning them with her Domme-inspired attire.

Fiona Foster was an attractive woman with an imposing presence, and her suggestive clothes added to that presence. A black bustier displayed her large breasts to their best advantage, almost overflowing out the top, and the thong panties did the same for her shapely ass. She’d tried this dominatrix role on some of her female partners, but it hadn’t gone over well. Now, not only did she have her ‘cute little Shelley’ at her mercy, but she’d be able to spank her as well and she’d probably like it!

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Shelley looked at Jim again before taking his hand, then looking away as she moved to Fiona’s side, their hands coming apart at the limit of their reach. Fiona put her hand on Shelley’s butt, which she took as an instruction to bend over her knee.

“Not yet, Shelley. I want you to apologize and tell me what I should do about your behavior.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Foster. Please give me a spanking,” she said with no enthusiasm, as though reading from a book.

“No, too simple. I want more detail! And call me Miss Fiona,” she said, running her hands up and down Shelley’s butt cheek and thigh.

“I’m sorry for betraying your trust in me, Miss … Fiona. I deserve to be spanked. Take me over your knee and give me a spanking on my bare bottom,” she said with more feeling this time, the statement having triggered a slight arousal.

“Much better,” Fiona said, reaching for the button of Shelley’s skin-tight jeans.

She’d worn them for Jim, wanting him to see her in something more natural than her boring uniform, but now it was Fiona having the pleasure of tugging them down over her slight hips, revealing a pair of full coverage, white cotton panties, another element of the ‘little girl’ personae she’d planned to adopt with Jim, her ‘daddy’ for the night.

“Certainly not like the panties you wore last night!” Fiona commented and pulled them down as well, leaving both wrapped around her slender thighs.

With a hand on her back, Fiona guided Shelley down across her knee, her hands immediately on the cute tush that caught her eye the first time she met Shelley. Quickly finding the right position, Shelley settled in with Fiona’s hands caressing her cheeks and not being the least bit subtle about touching anything else. Shelley gasped with unexpected arousal as the woman’s fingers roughly manhandled her pussy, still squished between her legs.

“I’m sorry!” Shelley mouthed to Jim as she knew he could see her responding to Fiona’s touch, however indelicate it was.

Without warning, her hand came from between Shelley’s thighs and spanked her hard on one cheek, Shelley yelling ‘Yeow!’ at the impact. She continued with random spanks to Shelley’s poor bottom, with no feeling, no attempt to arouse, just taking her own enjoyment from the pseudo punishment.

After several dozen such smacks, she stopped, her hands immediately pawing at the young girl’s body, taking what she believed was rightfully hers. She became frustrated with her limited reach into Shelley’s crotch and ordered her to stand up and take her jeans and panties off.

Shelly stood before her with a few tears running down her face. She’d thought that she might get some pleasure from this horrible process but was now resigned to just enduring it as long as she needed to. She looked with disgust at Fiona, whose fingers found their way back into her tight slit.

Told to remove her blouse as well, she saw Fiona’s off-hand and demeaning ‘cute tits’ remark in stark contrast to Jim’s, who’d made her feel like they were quite special. She glanced at Jim, who looked back with sympathy on the ordeal she was going through. Watching Fiona ‘handling’ Shelley, he wouldn’t be the least surprised to learn of her ‘unlucky at love’ status.

Told that he may as well take his clothes off as well because he was next, Jim disrobed as instructed, his turn to mouth ‘I’m sorry’ to Shelley when his erection sprung out from his boxers. He was certain that it was the sight of his beautifully naked Shelley that had aroused him, not the inexpert Fiona, but Shelley might not realize that.

“Back over my knee, Shelley!” she ordered, and in seconds, she was spanking again, much like before.

Shelley had enjoyed the feeling of being over her knee with her pants and panties just pulled down, her bottom the only exposed part of her body, but it was supposed to be for Jim. She worried that this experience would taint any future with Jim, but the spanking was again so lacking any sensitivity or feeling she doubted that would be the case.

Fiona was oblivious to Shelley’s ambivalent reaction, taking her pleasure in a way only she’d enjoy and not caring. She wasn’t spanking all that hard, Shelley noted with surprise, as by this time, she’d expected it to be hurting more, but apparently, Fiona hadn’t done even the little bit of research Jim had to improve her skills. Still, it hurt quite a bit in a different way.

Whenever she stopped, both hands played with Shelley’s body, fingering her tight pussy, pinching her ‘little tits,’ and squeezing her punished cheeks, taking what she wanted and giving nothing.

“Hand me the hairbrush, Mr. James!” she instructed, it being just out of reach. “Good! Now stand right in front of me and watch me spank your naughty girlfriend.”

Without warning, no gentle taps on her cheeks or rubbing them with the flat surface of the brush, she lit into Shelley’s reddening bottom, a sinister smile revealing her enjoyment of her victim’s squeals and yelps.

Shelley didn’t want to look at Jim; she didn’t want him to see her pain as tears ran down her cheeks again. Just trying to get through it, she tried with some success to disconnect her mind from the pain, and though it still ‘just hurt,’ it didn’t have her questioning future times with Jim.

“Get up!” she ordered, to Shelley’s surprise. “Switch places with Mr. James!”

Under other circumstances, he would have told her to call him Jim, but now he didn’t want to be any more familiar with her than he needed to be. He moved to her side and laid across her lap, his waning erection against her right thigh. As with Shelley, she couldn’t wait to get started and, after dropping the brush, began spanking just as randomly as she had with Shelley.

While watching Shelley earlier, he had wondered whether he might enjoy it, thinking he should at least try to get something out of this unavoidable situation, but now he, too, had decided to just get through it.

Fiona liked having this man, who’d so gallantly stood up for Shelley, across her knee, taking a good, hard spanking from her. ‘Not so gallant now!’ she thought, completely misunderstanding that it was for Shelley that he was submitting. Still, she continued spanking non-stop, having no interest in playing with a man’s body as she had with the cute girl.

“Get up!” she said again, to their collective surprise.

Once Jim was off her lap, she stood, grabbed Shelley by her arm, and sat her in the chair. She bent to reach for the hairbrush and handed it to Shelley, who looked confused.

“You’re going to spank Mr. James with the brush! Your chance to get even with him!” she declared, as clueless as ever. “And you’d better do it good and hard, or you’ll get fifty with this!” she added, holding up the leather paddle.

“It’s okay. Do it, Shelley! Spank me!” he whispered as he bent to lay across her knees.

Shelley smiled for the first time since they’d entered the room; her wonderful Jim giving her something the irritating Fiona would never understand. Shelley put her hands on his butt, noting how muscular it was and its smooth hairless shape, unlike some of the hairy apes she’d dated. Their activities had never provided an opportunity for her to appreciate it as she did now, and she recognized the irony that it was only when she was about to spank it.

His erection was revived with her tender touches and probing fingers. When she called him her ‘naughty boy’ and told him he needed a spanking, his thought that he might enjoy it returned as well.

“Enough talk! Spank him!” Fiona demanded, thinking she’d been very clever to arrange an excuse to paddle Shelley, as no matter how hard she spanked Jim, it would not be hard enough, and Shelley would be feeling her favorite paddle on those adorable cheeks.

Jim looked back at her and secretly winked, telling her to go for it. After tapping the brush on each cheek a few times, the first swats were delivered to the very top of his sexy cheeks. Ignoring Fiona, she spanked him the way she wanted to, accepting the inevitable paddling that would follow.

Having accepted their respective positions, they both enjoyed this new dynamic despite Fiona’s protests that she wasn’t spanking hard enough. Shelley did gradually increase the intensity as it would be typically and giggled with his first ‘Yowch!’ after a well-placed swat, knowing it still wasn’t enough to satisfy Fiona.

“All right! That’s enough! Do you have any idea how to spank someone?” she chided, and Shelley smiled without responding, ‘Do you?’ “Get up!” she yelled, waiting for both to be standing before ordering Shelley to bend over with her hands on the seat of the chair, with Jim standing to her right.

“I’ll show you how to paddle someone!” she said as Shelley’s bottom was covered with the first swats of the large paddle.

Not wanting to give her the satisfaction, Shelley held in her cries of pain though her body moved involuntarily, trying to avoid the painful swats. Looking to her side, she saw Jim’s partially erect cock just inches away from her mouth and slyly licked her lips as though she wanted a taste. Unfortunately, Fiona saw it as well.

“Ooo! Good idea!” she cried jubilantly. “Sit in the chair, Mr. James! That’s it. Now you bend over again and suck his cock while I finish paddling your cute little butt!” Shelley obeyed and joyfully brought his cock back to full size. “That’s it! I want him nice and stiff for what I have planned next! Ooo! You’re a big boy!” she remarked as she saw him grow in Shelley’s mouth.

“Oww!” she let slip with the first swat of the resumed paddling.

Again, lacking any finesse, Fiona paddled the crimson red cheeks while her left hand pawed, scraped, and poked her pussy, gratified that finally, her pussy was thoroughly wet. She finished off the fifty so quickly Shelley hadn’t made Jim cum yet. She didn’t want him ready for whatever the evil woman had planned.

“All right, come with me,” she said, grabbing Shelley’s arm again and leading her into the bedroom. “You too, Mr. James! Now, lie on the bed, little girl.”

Shelley obeyed sitting in the middle of the bed propped up on her elbows. After taking her panties off, Fiona knelt on the bed and pulled Shelley’s legs up and knees apart. Pulling her a little closer, she gave her final instruction.

“Now, I’m going to eat this sweet, young pussy while you stuff that big, hard cock in my pussy and fuck me hard! And I’d better cum, or there’ll be hell to pay!” she threatened.

She bent with an outstretched tongue to lick Shelley’s pussy, still wet from having Jim in her mouth. The tenderness of her touch surprised Shelley, and she found herself enjoying something her boss was finally good at. She reluctantly showed some appreciation for the woman’s efforts, and though Fiona couldn’t compare to Jim, she tried to imagine it was his face between her thighs, not hers.

Jim waited a bit to be sure she wasn’t as rough with Shelley’s pussy in her mouth as she’d been with everything else. He saw Shelley’s relieved look and was happy she seemed to enjoy it. She winked at him while Fiona looked back with a ‘What are you waiting for?’ look, and he knew just how to finish this.

Plunging his cock into her dripping wet pussy he gave her what she wanted; a good hard fucking, and Fiona’s ill-gotten pleasure fed directly to her tongue and Shelley in turn. They locked eyes as they finally took what they wanted from the woman who’d abused them so.

Ramming his shaft into Fiona’s frothing pussy, he could see Shelley was about to cum from the look on her face mixed with the shock of getting any pleasure at all. Stepping up the pace, he was pounding her pussy when he saw Shelley cum with legs trembling and gasping breaths, giving Fiona a face full of her juice.

Seeing and feeling Shelley’s climax, she lifted her face out of Shelley’s crotch and concentrated on her orgasm that soon overtook her, crying, “Ho ho ho ohhhmmmm!” Breathing heavily and grunting as Jim’s cock continued its assault, he pulled out at the very last moment and spewed his cum all over her back, oddly satisfied that a rather large wad ended up in her hair.

Fiona fell to her side as the trio struggled with panting breaths, just trying to normalize, he and Shelley recovering first.

“Come on, Shelley. We’re leaving,” he said, holding out a hand to help her off the bed.

“Hey! You can’t leave! I’m not done with her yet!” Fiona protested as they left the bedroom to get dressed.

“Yes, you are,” he stated emphatically.

“Then Shelley will be fired!” she replied, entering the room while they helped each other put clothes back on.

“No, she won’t.”

“I don’t think that’s your decision to make, Mr. James!” she spat.

“I think it is. You see, Miss Foster, Shelley knows what she did was against the rules and a betrayal of your trust. She has apologized and taken your so-called punishment. But what you did was illegal, and if you bring any further retribution to Shelley or treat her wrongly in any way, your superiors will find out all about his charade of yours,” Jim said calmly but assertively.

“That’s an idle threat! You have no proof!”

“Actually, I do,” he started. Reaching into his pants pocket, he pulled out his phone and began tapping on the screen to start a playback of the recording he’d made the whole time they were there. Recognizing her voice making one of her many demands, she sighed with her bravado, thoroughly deflated and utterly speechless.

Taking Shelley’s hand, Jim led her out of the room. They waited until they turned the corner toward the elevator before saying anything.

“Oh, Jim! You were amazing!” she cried as he pushed the elevator call button.

He just smiled and pulled her in for a comforting hug. The elevator arrived, and he punched the ‘three’ button to get to his floor.

“Jim?” she started, still in his arms, “Tonight? I don’t think I want to get …”

“I’m not going to spank you again, Shelley. At least not tonight,” he chuckled, happy to see she was smiling too. “We’re going to go to my room,” he said as the doors opened, “and I’m going to put some lotion on that beautiful little bottom of yours. Then we’ll go out to dinner, anywhere you want, and come back here just to spend time together. Okay?”

“Thank you so much! I can’t believe you did all that for me!” she said gratefully and kissed him passionately. “You know,” she started with that cute little girl face he loved, “When we come back here, I’d still like to … you know.”

“Yeah, I know. Me too!”


I hope you liked Shelley's white knight, Jim, coming to her rescue against the evil Fiona! Do you think Jim will really forego spanking her again tonight? You'll have to wait and see! Please remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' my story and Thanks For Reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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