Jim’s new landlord was happy to have a new tenant, especially one of more mature years who’d promised to work on the house rather than wreck it with incessant parties as younger tenants always seemed to. Willing to give him access to the house before the rental period began gave him the chance to surprise Shelley with his early arrival. He’d been packing since the lease was signed, and, with a friend’s help, he loaded all his worldly belongings into a U-Haul and unloaded them into his new home early the following morning. He declined further help to unpack as he wanted to share that with Shelley.
“How’s my pretty girl?” he asked when he called around noon on what he hoped was a day off for her.
“Jimmy! I’m great! How’re the plans with the house going?”
“Quite good, in fact! Are you working tonight?”
“No. Why?”
“Wanna come over and help me unpack?”
“What? You’re here? In the house?”
“Uh-huh! I worked it out with the …” he started, but she interrupted.
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes!” she screamed excitedly and hung up.
He had the bedroom pretty much unpacked by the time she arrived in the early afternoon and was surprised when she came bounding into the room unannounced, throwing herself into his arms. They kissed and hugged long and lovingly.
“Oh, Jimmy! I’m so excited!” she said as she stood back, and they could see each other in far more casual clothes.
“Me too, Shelley! But let me get a look at you!” he said, holding her hand and guiding her through a pirouette.
She smiled at his obvious approval of the skimpy clothes she wore for a different kind of work. Tighter-than-tight denim short shorts would have been the major attraction even if she didn’t have the cutest little butt he’d ever seen. They intruded deeply into her cleft and left just a bit of cheek exposed at the bottom, leaving him wondering if she had any panties on. Turning back to face him, the cameltoe in front supported that suspicion. An equally snug black crop top displayed the small tits he thought were perfect to their best advantage, her nipples reacting to his lascivious look.
“Mmm, I could eat you up right here!” he said, pulling her back against him, with one hand on her left tit and the other in her crotch.
“Oh God! Jimmy! If we do this now, we’ll never get any work done! If you behave yourself, I’ll tell you later about a dream I had about you and this house?” she offered when she pulled away and faced him again while looking around the room. “You need to get this bed made. For later!” she added with a sly smile. “Shall I unpack the kitchen?”
“Yes, that would be the next most important room to get done, so maybe we can cook a meal together tonight?”
She turned and scampered off, but not before he followed her into the hallway just to look at her bottom in the salacious shorts again.
Back to work, he grabbed the bedsheets and quickly made the queen-sized bed. Clothes were next, but as his wardrobe wasn’t all that impressive, that didn’t take long. Going to the second bedroom, he retrieved the newest piece of furniture he owned, which he’d just bought with Shelley in mind. A well-upholstered armless chair would sit in the corner, waiting to provide the perfect place to have his naughty girl over his knee for the spankings she so loved. He couldn’t wait to hear about her dream as he was sure it involved coloring her beautiful bottom many shades of red, and decided to do whatever he could to make her dream come true.
Aside from hanging pictures, he was done with the bedroom and headed for the kitchen to help Shelley. He groaned inside as he entered the room to find her bending over a box, taunting him in those tight shorts he was now sure she was naked beneath.
“Done with the bedroom?” she called over her shoulder once he made his presence known.
“Yep! All ready!” he replied as he removed boxes from the kitchen table that Shelley had probably placed there to unpack next.
“What’re you doing? I’m not done with those yet.”
“Making room!” he said as he walked over and kissed her.
“Room for what?”
“For you!” he said, picking her up with arms around her waist and plopping her down on the tabletop.
“What? You don’t like my shorts?” she giggled as he undid the zipper and tugged mightily to get them off, confirming his guess about her lack of panties. “Oh God!” she cried as his mouth attached itself to the soft, warm lips between her legs, moist from the work she’d been doing. “Oh, Jimmy! I love the way you lick me,” she sighed as she lifted her legs and laid them on his back.
Her body writhing at the unexpected tongue slithering through her slit, he wasn’t the least bit subtle as fingers slid into her tight hole, curling upward to get at that magic spot within. She’d never felt a climax come on so quickly, but then she’d never had anyone yank her pants down and attack her pussy as Jim had.
“Oh fuck! Oh! Ho! Ho! Ohhhmmm!” she yelled as she reached the summit, leaving her squirming on the table, with his tongue giving her the most delicious aftershocks.
“No, no!” he said when he’d helped her stand, and she immediately knelt with her fingers on the clasp of his shorts, ready to open them.
“Ooo!” she squeaked when he pulled her up and smacked her naked bottom.
“You have work to do!” he accused as he bent to pick up her shorts and help her back into them, running his hands over every inch of the tight garment, pretending to ensure their proper fit.
“But you didn’t get …”
“That’s all I need for now. I’ve been waiting for a taste of your sweet pussy since I arrived early this morning!”
Getting back to work, he broke down the boxes she’d already emptied, dumped them in the garage, and brought more boxes in for her. He went to work in the living room, occasionally asking for her help to move the furniture his friend had only helped him place in the room.
By early evening, everything was pretty much in place apart from décor items that he’d spend a little more time placing. Apartment living hadn’t afforded him the space to have very much to begin with. They sat together in the living room, dirty and sweaty from their efforts but satisfied at how much they’d accomplished as they looked around the room.
“I still can’t believe you’re gonna be living here!” she said as though the reality was only now sinking in.
“I’m so glad you’re so happy about that, Shelley!” he said thoughtfully with a tinge of melancholy.
“Why wouldn’t I be? And don’t start talking about your age again! I told you, you’re so much more of a man; strong, handsome, kind, and gentler than any of the guys I’ve dated before. I want to be with you, Jimmy, more than ever!”
With that, she lay face up in his lap and reached up for him to hold and kiss her tenderly. The look in her eyes spoke of her sincerity, and he thought that maybe he could finally forget that worry.
“I’m starving! Want to go out to eat? I don’t really feel like shopping and cooking now.”
She kissed him again as an answer.
“Do you want to go home and shower so we can go someplace nice, or just go out like this?”
“I brought a change of clothes,” she said in a questioning tone, hoping she hadn’t overstepped her bounds on his first day here.
“That’s great! Shelley, if you want to leave some stuff here for times like this or when you stay overnight, I’m fine with it.”
“That’s why I brought them. Can I stay with you tonight? I’m not working tomorrow either,” she said with that cute, pleading face he loved.
“No,” he said, pausing to let his tease sink in. “Not like this! You need a shower, young lady!” he said as he stood up with her in his arms, carrying her down the short hallway to the bathroom and giggling all the way.
He turned the water on and then turned back to her, standing still as though knowing he’d want to undress her. He knelt at her feet, and she lifted each foot in turn so that he could remove her socks and sneakers, running his hands up the backs of her legs. It was a tight fit, but her stretchy shorts allowed his hand to slip from underneath to squeeze his favorite pair of cheeks.
Her sighs and moans were nearly continuous as his hand roamed her body when he stood. Moving behind her, his fingers slipped under the crop top to caress her tits, squashed under the tight top. After pulling the top up and off, she leaned back against him, loving the feeling of his arms wrapped around her body as much as he did, and tilted her head back for a kiss.
Kneeling as his hand glided down her front, he paused briefly to finger her cameltoe before opening her little shorts and pulling them down from behind. He couldn’t resist pressing his face into her soft, round cheeks, feeling he should be giving them a different kind of attention than they usually got across his knee. He kissed them, squeezed them, pulled them apart, and pressed them to his face as his tongue licked between. Finally, he pulled the shorts down to her knees and let them fall at her ankles, where she stepped out of them.

Again, his hands floated over her warm body as he stood and pulled her tight against him again, his arms wrapped tightly around her. He kissed her neck and cheeks before she turned to kiss him back.
“See? That’s what I mean!” she said with glassy eyes, “You seem to do everything just for me! Now let me do you.”
Taking cues from what he’d done, she slid her hands up under his T-shirt, gliding over his smooth, muscular chest to find his nipples, teasing them between her thumb and forefingers. She licked her lips while staring into his eyes as she pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. She kissed him as her hands slid around back, trying unsuccessfully to slide inside his shorts, settling for grabbing his buns and pulling him against her, the lump in front pressing into her mons. She rubbed her body against his, ensuring he’d be nice and big when his shorts came down.
With that bitten-lip smile he loved, she knelt as he had, quickly dispensing with his sneakers before rubbing his cock through the fabric while the other hand undid the button and zipper. The shorts were gone seconds later, and her hands were on the more prominent lump presented through his briefs. They fell easily to the floor when she let them go to put her hands on his cheeks and her mouth on his ‘thick dick.’ He tasted of both sweat and arousal as she licked his length.
“Can I wash you first?” she asked when she stood, and when he didn’t object, she led him into the rushing water.
The hot water flowed over their bodies as they slow-danced under its torrent, letting it wash away the dust, dirt, and sweat while showering each other’s faces with kisses. Turning back against his chest, he squatted to run his cock between her cheeks while his hands manhandled her pretty tits.
“Mmm, your body feels so good against mine!” he said as they rocked their hips in sync, her ass jerking him off. “Oh fuck, Shelley!” he cried.
“Oh no! I want him cumming in my mouth!” she said when sensing he might cum soon.
After a few teasing licks, she took him into her mouth, sucking on the tip and licking its length as it disappeared past her lips, her throat constricting around the tip on each penetration. With her hands on his ass, she pulled him to her, encouraging him to fuck her face. Feeling him about to cum again, she gripped the base of his shaft tightly, holding back the eruption until his body was shaking with the effort to hold it in, and then let go, his cock shooting a heavy payload into her welcoming mouth.
Standing up, she held him in her arms as his trembling and panting subsided. After giving her one tender, affectionate kiss, he held her head to his chest with the water cascading down his back, wondering how he’d gotten so lucky to have such a wonderful woman share her affections with him.
When he knelt, the water was now directed at her chest, running in rivers down her body, following his lips as they kissed and licked their way to her pretty pussy where he ran his tongue through her slit several times before grabbing her hips and turning her around. Like a perp about to be searched, she bent forward with her hands against the back wall and spread her legs when his hand threaded between her thighs to slip into her pussy.
While his other hand caressed her perfect little butt, his mouth kissed it and licked between the water-streaked cheeks. Pulling his finger out of her pussy, it traced a line across her perineum to tease her nether hole, circling the rim as she squirmed in response. With a fingertip pressed inside, he smacked one wet cheek with the other hand and again on the other cheek.
“Oh! Don’t spank me! Please? Not yet!” she pled.
As she’d never played the game of pretending not to want to be spanked, he took her request at face value. Pulling her cheeks apart, he buried his face in her cleft, and as he moved down the deep valley, she spread her legs further and lifted her hips, loving the feeling of his face forcing its way in from behind. She gasped when his tongue reached her bumhole, having never been licked there before.
“Oh God, Jimmy!” she cried, doing anything she could to encourage him to continue.
She bent further, her torso almost horizontal, exposing everything between her legs for his fingers and tongue. She made sure he knew she liked having his finger in her bottom, even if it was only an inch or two, promising herself she’d take his fat cock in there someday, fulfilling another fantasy.
Constantly changing things up, his tongue would take over for a finger and vice versa while every sensitive spot got some attention before another change. Even the hot running water added to her enjoyment, splashing down on her bottom while his mouth was attached to her pussy.
Jim loved to hear her moans and cries as he gave her all the pleasure she could stand. He could never get enough of giving her everything he could. Her body movements becoming more limited told him she was close, so with a thumb on her clit, another finger a little deeper in her butt, and his tongue darting into her pussy he sped forward at a faster pace. She went rigid just before it hit.
“Oh! My! God! Jimmy!” she panted out the words as a most awesome orgasm radiated throughout her body.
He stood and pulled her up with her back against his chest, his favorite way to hold her delicious body. He nibbled on her neck while hands caressed her tits and stroked her still-quivering pussy, triggering tremors that extended her bliss.
“Jimmy! I can’t believe you live here now!” she cried as she turned toward him, holding his face in both hands and covering it with kisses. “And I don’t have to watch you leave, knowing I won’t see you again for two weeks!”
“I’m so happy to be here!” he replied with words not coming close to how he actually felt. One afternoon together and the thought of the night and the following day still to come assured him he’d made the right decision.
With the luxury of time, they didn’t have to take advantage of every minute together, and both keenly aware of that fact, they finished their shower lovingly washing each other with plenty of tender touches and kisses just to show affection, not provoke more energetic activities.
They dried each other off, and Jim pulled out a hair dryer for Shelley.
“You use a hair dryer?” she asked with a bit of surprise, given how short his hair was.
“No, I bought it for you!” he replied, prompting another ‘Aww!’ moment.
“This is going to be so much fun, isn’t it!” she said softly before reaching for another kiss. “Will you get my bag out of my car when you’re dressed? I don’t think your new neighbors would appreciate seeing a naked woman in your driveway!” she laughed.
He got dressed and retrieved her bag with the whine of the hair dryer in the background. When he returned, he stopped in the doorway with an appreciative smile, seeing her lying naked on the bed, on her side with a beautiful smile, enjoying a view of the room and her wonderful man in the doorway, knowing there’d be many more times like this.
He sat on the bed beside her, pulling her into his arms just to hold her.
He helped her dress, and they went to a little Thai restaurant in a strip mall. It was early in the week, and there was only one other couple there, who were on the other side of the room so they could talk freely.
“Shelley, in the shower, you asked me not to spank you. ‘Not yet,’ you said. I want you to know that while I love doing that for you, it doesn’t have to happen every time. I know you really like it, but now that we’re closer,” he said, meaning more than just geographically, “we don’t have to cram two weeks of pleasure into a single night.”
“I know that, and that’s part of the reason why I said, ‘not yet.’ A few days ago, I was lying in bed thinking about this day when you’d be a neighbor, not a guest anymore, and I went to sleep so happy. I had a really exciting dream that night,” she said, pausing for effect and measuring his interest.
“Oh yes! The dream you mentioned! And!? Don’t leave me hanging!” he said to her giggling face.
“Well, I won’t go into the details, but we christened your new home by giving me a different kind of spanking in every room!” she finished with an excited glow on her face.
“You want to do it, don’t you?”
“Can we?”
“Of course! Tomorrow?”
“Ooo! I can’t wait!!”
What a great start to now being neighbors, but do you think they'll become more than neighbors? More to come! Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' my story if you liked it and Thanks For Reading!!