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New Beginnings - Phil Me In - Pt. 3

"Maddy and Tracy enact the plan they'd cooked up in the kitchen the prior weekend."

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Author's Notes

"Possibly the last chapter in a story written in collaboration with Splinter73. <p> [ADVERT] </p>We hope you like it!"

Maddy and Phil had dinner together to get to know each other better, which was an interesting situation since they’d been neighbors for so many years. They avoided the topic of the day, but it was still ever-present in their minds, and as the evening progressed, Phil felt better about his future insofar as his kinky desires were concerned.

All three parties to the day’s extraordinary events had reasons to be excited about the future, but Maddy and Tracy had reasons for their outlook that Phil was unaware of. Hopefully, the two divorcee’s plan, hatched at the impromptu meeting in the kitchen, would put an end to that.

Though nothing specific had been agreed upon for the coming weekend, they all looked forward to it from different perspectives. Phil’s heavily bruised bum was healing well and hoping for more abuse while the women looked to quench a long-held thirst they shared.

After what seemed like an overly long week, Saturday finally arrived, and Phil was pleasantly surprised to find Maddy at his door shortly before noon.

“Maddy!” he shouted with open arms, quickly filled with her trim body. “I was hoping we’d get together today!”

“Mmm! It feels so good being held like this!” she replied, luxuriating in his warm embrace, and especially his hand sliding down to gently squeeze her butt. “Remember what we were doing about this time last week?”

“I’ll never forget it!” he replied genuinely.

“Well, I have a lunch date with a friend right now, but I was hoping to come over after and maybe pick up where we left off?” she asked, lifting her head off his shoulder.

“I’d like that ... very much!” he answered enthusiastically.

“Good!” she replied, but with a sly face, added, “Given the way I found you last week, I thought my naughty boy might like to be tied up while I’m gone?”

“Yes, Miss. If you think I should be,” he answered submissively.

“Mmm, laying on the bed, I think!” she said, taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom.

Phil allowed himself to be led, pondering his good fortune and getting harder with every step. Maddy turned to kiss him when they arrived and immediately started removing his clothes, his shorts and T-shirt discarded on the floor.

“Ooo, it wouldn’t be fair to leave you with this,” she started as his erection in full bloom came into view. “Why don’t you sit down and let me take care of it!”

He sat on the bed, leaning back on his hands while Maddy pulled his knees apart and knelt between them, taking his cock in hand and mouth, licking and sucking on the tip while her hand stroked below. His deep breathing was audible when more of his shaft disappeared in her mouth. He’d been alone long enough that he basked in the unexpected delight of having his cock in Maddy’s mouth just minutes after he’d started some light house cleaning.

He lasted longer than he expected, but her skillful mouth and tongue had him shooting all over the floor. He shrunk in her hands while she continued caressing.

“Feel good, Baby?” she asked with a proud smile.

“Oh yeah!”

“I need to get to my lunch date, so lie on the bed, face down, with arms and legs stretched out,” she instructed, reaching into her bag for several colored scarves. “I want to be sure you’re still here when I get back!” she explained as she tied each appendage to a corner of the bed frame.

She gave him a good hard smack on each cheek, getting a humming appreciation from him.

“Now, don’t go anywhere!” she laughed, leaving the room and the house.

Not knowing how long he’d be restrained, he was a little worried. He’d known Maddy for years, even after her divorce, and found she could take small talk to great lengths, easily losing track of time. At least here, he was relatively comfortable and thankful that he’d used the bathroom a short time before Maddy arrived. For the time being, he could enjoy his predicament, knowing, or hoping, what was likely to happen when she returned. Worst case, it would be as if he’d had to rely on his failsafe email when he’d bound himself.

Maddy drove to the restaurant to meet Tracy, replaying the kitchen conversation in her mind.


“Tracy, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you and Phil were ...” Maddy had started, speaking softly to keep Phil from hearing.

“Maddy! We weren’t. We aren’t, Maddy. I’ve been hoping to pick up where my sister, his wife left off before she passed, but it’s my fault, not yours or Phil’s, that it took this long. Can I be honest with you?”

“Yes, and I’ll do the same.”

“Truth is, I have just as much interest in Phil spanking me as I have in spanking him! My sister ...”

“Me too!” Maddy interrupted excitedly. “But I didn’t know that he did that. I found out about him and your sister by eavesdropping through open windows. I suspect Sandra did that intentionally, but I never heard him spanking her?”

“He didn’t. I was about to say my sister tried it once but didn’t like it, so it was one-sided. I don’t know whether Phil would have wanted to, as he seemed quite happy in the submissive role during the years of their marriage.”

“So, we both want the same thing but don’t know whether he wants it or not?”

“We have teased each other with kinky innuendo quite a few times, so I think he’ll do it; I just don’t know whether he’ll like it enough to want to do it again,” Tracy confessed.

“Well, in that case, I guess I should leave him to you. You’ve had something going, at least in your minds, with him for a long time,” Maddy said sadly.

“No! No, I didn’t mean anything like that. You’ve actually done something with him, so if anybody has any rights, it’s you.”

“What if we try something together with him?”

“You mean at the same time? I’m listening,” Tracy replied with an intrigued look.

“I don’t have anything specific in mind, but might it be fun getting spanked together?” Maddy offered and could see the wheels turning in Tracy’s mind. She waited patiently for an answer.

“Yes, it might be fun. What’s your plan?”

“I don’t have one. Yet. Why don’t we talk during the week with a view toward next weekend?”

“Okay, and I’ll leave you two today so you can finish what you started.”

Maddy thanked Tracy and the two returned to the living room and Phil.


“Maddy! Over here,” Tracy called out to her from a corner of the restaurant. “Everything go okay?” she asked once Maddy sat down.

“Yes, he’s patiently awaiting my return, and he doesn’t suspect a thing ... at least not anything like we’re planning!”

“Good! You know, Phil can be very chauvinistic and is probably afraid of two females taking a long chatty lunch.”

“Well, we should live up to his low expectations!” Maddy replied, and they both laughed. “By the way, I couldn’t see leaving him there so long with the hard-on he was sporting, so I sucked him off.”

“That’s okay. Today’s all about sharing, right?” she laughed again.

“So you still think I should go in first? If you went first, it would be kinda like last week when he might’ve had you come to release him, and it would certainly be more of a surprise,” Maddy suggested.

“Yes, but you tied him up and kept him waiting all this time, so that’s the motivation for turning the tables,” Tracy countered.

“Yeah, you’re right. Tracy, if we’re all together at the end, do you want to ... I mean, will we be ... you know,” Maddy struggled to find the words.

“I’ve never been with a woman, Maddy, but I can’t say I haven’t considered it.”

“I’m kinda the same way, but it’s been a long time since I’ve had a man, so ...”

“Why don’t we worry about it when the time comes? We could feel entirely differently after all we’ve planned, right?”

Maddy agreed, and their conversation turned to small talk, but they weren’t really into it and wished the time would pass more quickly. It had to be a long lunch to set the stage properly, so their conversation turned to sharing their experiences with Phil, harmless though they were.


Meanwhile, Phil realized his fear that Maddy would be gone longer than she’d planned, and though he enjoyed being restrained at first, just lying there by himself for over ninety minutes left him a bit angry. He tried only partially successfully to temper those feelings, as when Maddy returned, she would most likely be spanking him; at least, he hoped so.

“Phil!? Phil, I’m back,” he finally heard Maddy calling to him. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I lost track of time,” she said as she went to each corner of the bed and untied him.

Phil said nothing initially, still trying to temper the anger at being tied up for so long so he could get into a submissive frame of mind.

“I’m sorry, Baby! I shouldn’t have left you like that. Can you forgive me?”

Phil didn’t know what to make of her apologetic attitude. To say once that she was ‘sorry’ was okay, but she was supposed to take him to task, blame him somehow, say he deserved the long confinement, and punish him. That’s what Sandra would have done.

“Phil? Please say something. I understand if you’re angry. Are you going to punish me?”

Now, he saw what she was up to, unexpected though it was. Mentally shifting gears, he went to her and took her in his arms, rubbing her back with one hand while the other stroked her hair.

“It’s okay, Maddy. I understand. You were having fun at lunch and forgot the time,” he said, being calm and unnerving. “Did you have a nice lunch?”

“Yes. Yes, we did, but we got so wrapped up in our conversation ...”

“Do you think I should overlook your carelessness?”

“No. No, sir,” she said, looking up at him. “I deserve to be punished. Are ... are you gonna spank me?”

“You deserve a good spanking, don’t you?” he asked. Maddy just nodded. “Come over here,” he instructed, leading her by her forearm to the end of the bed and sitting down with her standing before him.

“I’m going to put you across my knee and give you a spanking,” he said as he opened the button and zipper of her jeans.

They looked at each other, both trying not to smile. Her pants open, he tugged them down and took her across his knees, her body resting on the bed next to him. Phil caressed her perfect little butt, still surprised at this turn of events. He straightened her panties, left askew from taking her pants down, and noted the little girl-style undies that covered her cheeks.

“I think you should ask me to spank you,” he demanded, having liked it when Maddy had made him ask her to paddle him.

“I’m sorry, sir. Please give me a spanking?” and squeaked at the first startling smack.

Having only done this once and with someone else, he had to figure out what she liked, especially how hard he should spank. He started a bit harder than one would consider ‘playful’ and, getting almost no reaction from her, stepped it up in stages, giving her a few smacks on both cheeks at each step.

“Oh! Wow!” she finally cried, and Phil found his starting point.

Maddy was excited from the moment she lay across his lap when even the first tentative spanks felt good, as her fantasy was, at last, being realized. She wanted to be his naughty little girl and call her big huggy bear ‘Daddy,’ despite being only a few years younger than his forty-ish age, but that didn’t seem appropriate in a setting where her punishment was for leaving him tied to the bed for too long.

“Ow! Oww! I’m sorry, sir! Please!” she pled, enjoying her submissive role.

Once he’d found the right intensity, his thoughts turned to whether he liked this role reversal or not. Having her cute, little bottom presented for him like this was hot, and he liked her aural and physical reactions to the spanking. She was clearly enjoying it, and he was starting to. It didn’t hurt that her youthful body could easily be taken for someone much younger, but she’d already shown him a sexual maturity more fitting her adult age.

“Are you going to be a good girl?” he asked when he stopped to give her a rest. Her perfect little butt was made more so by the new pink color of the flesh he could see.

“Yes, sir! I will! I promise! Are you done spanking me?” she asked in a worried tone that belied her protest.

“Done!? I’ve barely started!” he replied as he yanked her undies down and resumed spanking a bit harder on alternate cheeks.

Maddy was in heaven, with her spanking being everything she’d imagined and more. Apart from the exquisite pain/pleasure, she loved all the other sensations as well. The mindset that she was a naughty girl getting her just desserts. The feeling of being held tightly against his body with a strong arm around her waist. The exposure with her pants around her knees leaving only her bottom bare and now a new feeling of Phil’s erection poking at her belly.

“Oh, sir! It hurts! My bottom hurts!” she cried sincerely without saying the pain was even more luscious than she’d imagined.

“It’s supposed to hurt, young lady!” he replied, knowing, or hoping at least, that she enjoyed the pain the way he did. “Don’t you think it should hurt after what you did to me?”

“Yes, sir! I’m sorry I lost track of time and left you alone for so long!”

“Except it wasn’t her fault,” a new voice said, surprising them both.

Maddy was expecting Tracy to interrupt her spanking, but not quite so soon. Still, if their plan held up, she would have more time over Phil’s knee.

“Tracy? What have you got to do with this?” he asked, having a pretty good idea now that these two special ladies in his life had cooked up this plan last week while he was standing in a corner with a blazing hot ass.

“I’m sorry, Phil ... um, sir ... but Maddy was only late because I kept prattling on and on about one thing or another. She told me how she’d left you, but I forgot.”


“Ow! Ow! Owww!” Maddy cried with each hard smack to her stinging bottom.

“Not for being late. If you want to spank her for tying you up in the first place, then ...”

“Thank you! I will!” he replied and continued spanking.

“Owww! Oh, my poor bottom!” Maddy cried, happy he hadn’t shoved her aside yet for Tracy.

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“Phil! Don’t you think she’s had enough?” Tracy pled on Maddy’s behalf but with the ulterior motive of wanting to take her place. She’d only interrupted earlier than planned because she was so turned on by the sound of spanking that she just couldn’t wait any longer. The years of hinting at what she wanted from Phil after Sandra died culminated today as she could almost feel his hand on her bottom, ready to deliver the first spank.

‘No, I haven’t!’ Maddy wanted to say but didn’t.

“Maybe you should take her place?” he threatened.

“Oh, um, I ... I guess it’s only ...” Tracy started, trying not to be too obvious.

“Yes, it’s only right!” he finished for her. “Take all your clothes off!”

“What?! But Maddy isn’t ...”

“Maddy will be too when I let her up. Now be quick about it, as I won’t stop spanking her until you’re naked and ready to take her place.”

‘Take your time, Tracy,’ Maddy thought as the long uninterrupted spanking of her sit-spots continued.

Phil almost groaned aloud as the voluptuous Tracy bared all. While her curvy body and huge tits were evident before, seeing them in all their naked glory was so much more enticing. He remembered wondering if she had begun to dress more provocatively around him since Sandra passed, but even so, it was nothing like her standing willingly nude before him. He couldn’t help licking his lips at the sight of her puffy pussy with a neatly trimmed patch of hair above.

Once Tracy was ready, he finished Maddy off with ten of the hardest yet, five in a row on each cheek in turn. He helped Maddy up and had her sit in his lap as he hugged her tightly.

“I’m not through with you yet, young lady,” he said after a gentle kiss, then motioned her to stand. “Clothes off, same as Tracy,” he said as she stood up and traded places with Tracy.

Tracy waited impatiently at his side to be taken over his knee. She, too, had been wanting this for a long time yet was still apprehensive about whether she’d like it.

Maddy started with her jeans and undies still wrapped around her thighs, kicking her sandals off before pulling her feet free of the garments. Her blouse came off easily, revealing her pert breasts, with taut nipples as she often went without a bra. Her hands immediately went to her stinging bottom, not to soothe but to enflame the exquisite sting again.

He smiled at Maddy, appreciating her naked beauty, before taking Tracy by the arm and pulling her down across his lap. It took a bit of fidgeting to get her in the right position, but once there, Phil put his hands on her fleshy cheeks, picturing them wobbling under his spanking hand.

“Maddy asked for her spanking. I think you should, too.”

“I’m sorry for making Maddy late. Please spank me!” she said, finding she liked verbalizing her request as well as Phil’s arm wrapped tightly around her waist, pulling her up against his body. She felt his erection poking her belly, but the thought was gone in a second when she felt his hand come off her ass, knowing the first spank of her first spanking was coming.

“Oh! Wow! Mmm! Ow!” she said, repeating these exclamations as his hand smacked her bum at a steady pace.

He didn’t take as long to find the right intensity as he had with Maddy, assuming Tracy’s fuller bottom would absorb the slaps more effectively, and his assumption proved correct.

He noticed instantly the difference between the two bottoms he’d spanked: Tracy’s flesh rolling in undulating waves with each smack while Maddy’s just compressed and returned to shape quickly. It wasn’t that he liked one more than the other, just that they were so different. Seeing her buns shake like a bowl of jello was mesmerizing, especially when he spanked one cheek several times. The flowing flesh hadn’t settled down before another smack set it in motion again.

“Oh fuck!” she cried in the throes of heavenly pain and pleasure.

Neither noticed Maddy standing only a couple of feet away with her hands still rubbing her butt as though empathetically feeling and enjoying Tracy’s pain as much as she was. She could feel a trickle of her arousal start to run down her leg, hopefully unseen by the others.

“Harder, Phil! Please?” Tracy pled as her cheeks had numbed to the attack, and she wanted more.

He gave her what she wanted in small doses, amplified by treating one cheek to five or more spanks at a time, followed by a short rest with his hands squeezing both cheeks hard.

“Oh yeah! More! Harder!” she begged still, lifting her hips to meet his descending hand.

During a rest, while kneading Tracy’s red cheeks, he looked up at Maddy to see her plaintive eyes and bitten lower lip. Noticing his attention, she moved one hand from her bottom to run a finger through her shiny wet slit with the message ‘I want to cum so bad!’ clearly communicated.

“Maddy, will you get me the hairbrush?” he asked, but she didn’t seem to hear, still lost in her desires. “Maddy?” he repeated a little louder.

“Oh! Yes! Where is it?”

“The tall wardrobe, bottom drawer.”

Maddy opened the drawer, loudly exclaiming, “Oh my!” when she saw all the spanking implements and related toys. She found the hairbrush and returned to her previous position, handing him the brush handle first.

After he took the brush from her, she stroked her pussy again, and with a silent admonition, she moved her hands dutifully to her side.

“You want harder, Tracy?” he asked, and before she could reply with words, her affirmative answer was plain in the lusty cries of pained pleasure as the hard, flat surface of the brush made its effectiveness felt.

“Oh! Yeow! Ow-ow-ow!” she cried, feeling quite a bit more pain than before.

Maddy’s eyes widened at the sight and sound of the much more intense implement. She winced with each hard strike deciding then and there she didn’t want the same experience. The years of eavesdropping on Phi’s wife spanking him and the intervening years had all fed her fantasy of feeling her ‘daddy’s’ hand spanking her like a naughty girl despite being old enough to have children of her own needing such discipline.

Phil could see the color of Tracy’s cheeks turning decidedly darker, but without any prior experience of seeing the change in colors or the initial appearance of bruising, he was unsure of how much further to go. He decided to let her decide.

“Ten more. On each side. Okay?” he said, giving her a chance to object one way or the other.

“Yes, sir! she replied in a tone that said she’d had enough, at least with the brush.

Concentrating on her squishy lower cheeks, he alternated sides at a lesser strength, hoping she’d return to the pleasure, rather than the pain, of a good spanking.

Her body relaxed noticeably when he stopped, though still lying in his lap. He soothed her punished bum with soft caresses, letting his fingers wander into more stimulating areas as Tracy responded with soft mews and sighs.

He had her get up and sit in his lap, her sore bottom hanging off his thigh, while one set of fingers ran through her curly brown hair and the other rested on her thigh. With her head down, she looked up at him with pleading eyes, making the slightest motion to prompt a kiss. Getting the message, he kissed her once lightly, tentatively, and reading her response, kissed again with his tongue while his hand slid up her thigh with a light touch to her seeping slit.

“Stand up?” he said as a request, patting her bottom softly as she rose to stand beside Maddy.

Seeing the two women in his life, both standing naked before him with their hands at their sides, reminded him of how much his life had changed in one week. Last Saturday, he was on his way to the park with a need that could only be satisfied by his own hand, and one week later, he had two wonderful women sharing him in ways he couldn’t have even imagined before.

“I suspect you both want a little more?” he asked, and seeing two pairs of hands move to their stinging butts, he had his answer. “With something extra added?” he asked again.

“Yes, sir,” Tracy responded, while Maddy nodded, biting her lip again.

“One of you on each side,” he instructed, pointing to the corners of the bed. “Bend over, hands on the bed and feet apart,” he said, smiling as they complied.

He went to Maddy first and, putting one hand on her back, spanked her lightly, playfully, noting the lighter color of her cheeks compared to Tracy’s.

“You’re going to keep a better eye on the time, aren’t you?” he asked, and she nodded, sighing in response to his hand. “IF I let you tie me up again, you won’t leave me for almost two hours, right?”

“Oh! Oh God! Yes! Yes, sir,” she cooed as his free hand moved to her tits, dangling into his palm as he tweaked her nipples.

Tracy looked on with envy, wanting the same, though her bottom burned brightly.

The sexy spanks continued as his hand moved across her tummy to slip a finger into her moist slit, sliding smoothly between her swollen lips to tease her at the open door of her hungry pussy.

“Oh, Phil! Please!” she begged and then groaned when he declared it Tracy’s turn.

Starting the same way, Tracy winced at even his light spanks on her sore cheeks but pushed her buxom breasts into his hands as he squeezed them, pinching her taut nipples.

“And you’ll be more considerate of other people’s time, won’t you?”

“Yes! Yes, I wi … Oh, Jesus! I will!” she yelped when he spanked a bit harder, feeling she could take it, especially while manhandling her pussy. Writhing as she was spanked and finger-fucked at the same time, she didn’t know which way to move with his tantalizing torture. “Oh, fuck!” she groaned when he left her on the edge to return to Maddy.

He was going to make her cum this time and knelt behind her stuffing two fingers into her dripping slot while delivering new stinging spanks.

“Oh my … oh, Phil!” she cried between panting breaths as the climax she’d waited so long for approached. Moving his fingers to her clit, the spanking continued while he leaned in to run his tongue through her flooded valley, poking into her pussy. “Oh! Ohh! Oh-oh-oh-ohmmmmm” she gasped and came hard with a pair of hard spanks.

Phil had her stand on weak knees as she fell back against his body, his arms wrapping around to hold her quivering body tightly. She turned to kiss him, then let him go, knowing Tracy was waiting patiently for her turn.

He put his hands on Tracy’s crimson red cheeks as he knelt behind her as well, leaning in to lick her sopping wet cunt, feeling she’d had enough spanking. He slipped his thumb inside as Tracy groaned at the intimate intrusion and let his other fingers tease her other hole.

“Fuck!” she cried as his thumb fucked her gaping pussy while he knocked at her back door and licked up and down her slit. Her breathing quickened in time, with his thumb pounding her pussy, and she shook with the strain of all the stimuli.

“Spa … spa … spank me!” she stammered, and with less than a half dozen swats came explosively, squirting a steady stream of clear fluid into Phil’s face and chest. “Holy shit!” she screamed, shocked at her ejaculation, and fell to her knees, unable to stand.

Phil tried to comfort kneeling beside her with hands gently stroking her hair and back while she slowly regained control.

Maddy, astonished at Tracy’s surprising orgasm, knelt as well with her hand on Tracy’s back. Tracy turned to look at her, smiling. Once she had calmed enough, they nodded to each other, ready to enact the next part of their plan, both standing on still-weak knees.

“That was … beyond words,” Tracy said haltingly through still-uneven breaths.

“We both loved it, Phil!” Maddy said, giving him a gentle, loving kiss. “And now it’s time we took care of this!” she added, taking hold of his aching cock.

Taking an arm each, they dragged him onto the bed, had him lie on his back, and climbed on next to him, four hands covering his body, with Maddy getting his stiff shaft again. Tracy leaned over to kiss him while stroking his chest.

“Thank you, Phil!” they said almost in unison, nodding to each other again and climbing on top of him. By prearrangement, Maddy got his cock, while Tracy got his face.

Having thought it couldn’t get any better, he was quickly proven wrong as each positioned themselves for the last mile. Tracy’s still dripping pussy was lowered onto his mouth while Maddy guided his cock into her well-lubricated tunnel.

Tracy was groaning in no time as she rocked her hips fore and aft until his nose, mouth, and chin passed repeatedly through her slit, sawing at her gash.

Not believing he could take it all at once, he was glad when Maddy just squirmed around on his fully inserted dick. He tried to lick Tracy, but she moved so quickly that he barely got a lap or two in as she painted his sticky face with her wet lips.

Tracy could feel another climax coming and held still, finally allowing him to lap at her slit, savoring the plentiful flowing juices. Maddy got the signal and started riding him, fucking him hard as he tried to help with intermittently rising hips to meet her halfway with a resounding ‘slap!’ as they met.

Tracy fell forward on her hands, giving Maddy a clear view of his mouth engulfing her lips, sucking them in only to release them with a ‘pop.’ Seeing his tongue slithering through her slit drove her to ever more energetic bouncing on his steely rod.

All three tried to give and take at the same time, only partially successfully, as they all rocketed toward a loud and raucous climax, with Phil first, Tracy close behind, and Maddy last. Three bodies quivered and quaked as they tried to calm down while still acknowledging the others.

Eventually, they all fell to the bed with Phil in the middle, trying to verbalize their impressions of the most spectacular and breathtaking orgasm any had felt, mostly a bunch of unintelligible babble.

Finally, back in control of their bodies, they group-hugged with six hands groping everywhere, prompting the occasional aftershock. When they could speak, all agreed they didn’t want to spoil the memory of something so incredible by trying again.

Again, by prior agreement, Tracy got up to get dressed and ready to go, feeling Maddy had more of a claim on Phil, at least for now. She kissed them both before leaving.

Tracy, on her way home, and Phil and Maddy, as they remained in bed together, all felt the joy of a new beginning in their lives. Phil wouldn’t need to take care of his own needs any longer, having two beautiful women willing to do it for him. Maddy and Tracy have finally realized their dream of both giving and getting spankings with someone whom they could love and trust to be there for them. Whether in pairs or as a trio, they would get all they could imagine and more.


Three people accomplishing together what they'd only fantasized about before. I hope you enjoyed this story Phil and I cooked up. Please remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' our story if you did, and Thanks For Reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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