It was a sultry Saturday night in late August and Mrs. Wintergreen struggled to sleep. She was on top of the sheets in the buff as she tossed and turned in a futile attempt to drop off. The forty-one-year-old and her older husband by twenty years slept in separate bedrooms these days which they both found perfectly satisfactory. A gentle breeze fluttered through the curtains at the open window and for an instant, her eyes closed in slumber.
"Marian? I say, Marian? I do believe we may have a burglar in the house."
The slender woman blinked hard in the darkened room and tried to focus on Harold as he dithered by her open door. Her long auburn hair had matted to her left cheek, and she was hot and bothered.
"What's that you say? An intruder?"
"Possibly. I should call the local constabulary."
"Hold that thought."
Marian looked at the balding fellow in his silk dressing gown and held up an index finger. She stood up and padded barefoot to her closet.
"It's a bloody cheek! Who do these people think they are? I shall investigate. You wait here."
The tall and leggy female brought the whip into her open palm, and the resounding crack made her spouse jump out of his carpet slippers. He watched her stride naked from the room with rolling hips and jiggling buttocks. He almost felt sorry for any would-be trespassers. Crime in the sleepy neighbourhood was negligible since the lockdowns of the previous year, and the couple happily resided in a modest four-bedroom house in Ipswich. Gainsborough Lodge sat in a fairly well-to-do area with a gated driveway and close proximity to the railway station. Both had well-paid jobs in the City and were content in their own idiosyncratic way. Harold heard his strong-willed wife purposefully take the stairs two at a time and strained his ears.
Marian crept downstairs and froze at the door of the living room that was ajar. She saw a large, powerful figure, clad completely in black, and carrying a canvas hold-all. He was bust rifling through drawers and shelves, searching through her possessions for things of value. We ARE being burgled!
After gaining easy access through an unlocked window, James Wilkins thanked the current hot season and so many open windows. The figure dressed in a black sweater and black jeans, used a pencil torch to survey the main room he had just entered. He adjusted his spandex balaclava with the open mouth and two eye openings and willed his beating heart to slow down.
James Wilkins was an opportunistic burglar and had chosen Gainsborough Lodge on a whim. He had left school with only the best intentions, but like many others like him, he had found gainful employment somewhat scarce after the global pandemic had finally ended. At just twenty years old, he had packed some perfectly proportioned muscle on his six-foot frame, thanks to a dedicated program of exercise and weight lifting at his parent's home. The ambitious young man had soon become disillusioned with things despite his youthful reserves of energy and goodwill to see him through. Besides all of that, he was happy doing manual labor and loved to work up a healthy sweat, but his search for a job had been futile. The naïve ex-student had taken the heedless choice to steal rather than rely on benefits.
James had spent five minutes rifling through the usual places one might find loot. He had no interest in oil paintings, expensive statues, or porcelain. He did not want to deal with a third party to dispense with any ill-gotten gains he might procure. Just cash, cards, and mobile phones. He had chosen Gainsborough Lodge because of the distinct lack of security alarms to ward off any thieves. In his search, he found one drawer of a sturdy solid oak desk to contain a length of rope as well as four sets of leather ankle and wrist cuffs. In another, the curious young fellow came across what looked like nipple clamps with a chain linking them, a ball gag, a blindfold, and butt plugs. An odd selection of items to be found in these quiet settings. He wondered if the owner of the house had bondage and other fetish interests. As he discovered a wallet and several credit cards, he had a nagging doubt about things and decided it might be in his best interests to leave the premises. That was the precise moment that he heard a floorboard creek and he realised that he was not alone. He felt rather than saw someone standing directly behind him and he froze.
"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"
James swore under his breath and slowly turned his head to see a woman switch on the light. Not only was he startled to see someone up at this late hour, but he was further surprised to see the tall figure of a woman completely starkers! He questioned her brazen demeanour and her nudity, heatwave or no heatwave. He carried no weapons of any kind and the sight of the dark-haired woman brandishing a twelve-inch black leather riding crop in her right fist. He suddenly felt lightheaded, certain that the brazen minx could hear the hammering of his heart. His armpits itched and became wet as she drew nearer. He contemplated making a run for the door, but, the teenager froze on the spot.
"What are you going to do to me?"
She looked to be about forty yet still looked in good trim with a firm rack and little tummy fat. Despite the twenty-year age gap, he unexpectedly felt a twitch in his groin. He suddenly had a horrible thought. That being a spell of prison time if prosecuted. He couldn't do time. He'd heard too many scare stories of predatory criminals preying on younger interns. Fuck that.
"You broke into the wrong house tonight, young fellow!"
The woman kept the room in darkness as they faced off, and the silhouette of her willowy form gave him the frisson of a thrill. He made a move to his left and the woman raised the crop menacingly.
"I strongly suggest you do not make any sudden moves."
Mrs. Wintergreen looked at the hooded figure and suddenly realized that she might very well be twice the age of the burglar.
"How old are you?"
"I’m twenty. Please don’t call the police! I don’t want to go to jail!"
"Take that hood off."
James jerked his hood off and Marian drank in his youthful charm. The fellow had longish dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a cute dimple on his chin.
"What is your name?"
"James," he stammered.
"Do you have any concealed weapons, James?"
"No, nothing."
"Take your top off," she wagged the crop in his face and sneered. "Slowly."
James complied and Marian was surprised and impressed by his muscles and masculinity. His chest had light and fluffy hair that curled delightfully.
"No. Drop the jeans."
"Are you serious?"
"Do I look like I'm joking? Do it. Take everything off. Strip naked so I can see you are not armed."
Already recognising the woman's dominance, James tried to take the command in his stride. With his jeans about his ankles. His defined body revealed finely developed pecs, broad shoulders, and washboard abs. His thighs were also muscular and prominent.
"Not a bad body. You're right. You will be used and abused if you go to prison. You have a tight muscled backside that would bring a fair bit of attraction from the inmates. I shan't call the authorities, but I will need to exact some form of punishment. You need to learn the price of breaking into people’s homes. If I let you off lightly, you’ll be right back out there stealing. You have to be punished or you won’t learn your lesson."
James looked at the determined woman, her face only inches from his. She had a bewitching aura of refinement and superiority about her, not to mention a body to die for. She reached toward him and ran an index finger down his chest to his navel. Then, she appeared unconcerned about him fleeing and reclined on the sofa. She took a smoke from a half-empty pack of silk cut and lit it with her lighter. As she crossed her bare legs, she exhaled slowly, letting a blue cloud billow up to the ceiling. James stood there, butt naked, as her eyes took in every inch of him. After what seemed an eternity as he felt reach half mast, she extinguished the cigarette and stood up. She switched on the lights and widened the door.
"Harold! Anita! You may come down."
Marian's spouse and the Filipino home help entered the living room wearily. Harold in his dressing gown, and the young girl in her cotton bathrobe.
"It seems that we have an unannounced guest. Be a dear and cuff him, Harold. He won't resist."
Harold stared at the stripped fellow and nodded. He knew his wife and had some idea of what was to come. He produced the leather wrist cuffs with the nine-hole buckle and secured the man's hands behind his back. Despite his considerable size, Marian used the crop to lightly trace a line down his neck, along the collarbone, over his puffed-up chest, and down the curve of his washboard belly. James pulled his arms back which made the cuffs bite tighter around his wrists. The big room was hushed momentarily as Marian tapped the crop repeatedly against the outside of her right thigh. She whispered close to his left ear.
"Do you like what you see?"
James coughed as his dick stood to rigid attention. He could not turn his gaze away from the seductive woman. His skin prickled perspiration as he felt her hands roaming over him, squeezing his buttocks, caressing his thighs, and kneading his scrotum. His fully hard member must have measured at least nine inches, ending in a pulsing, circumcised helmet already beginning to drip with precum. His low-hanging, pendulous balls were covered with the same hair on his chest.

"I am a firm believer in discipline. And I am well-versed in the arts of obedience, bondage, and debasement. Do I make myself clear?"
He could do nothing as she kissed his body, beginning at his throat and traversing in a downward direction. With each advance, his cock throbbed and bobbed like a dutiful puppy tail, sullying anything left of his dignity.
"You stink. In a manly way."
Marian's face was at hip level now, and her left slid up the backs of his legs. The rigid whip in her right violated his groin, lifting each testicle alternately and tapping the insides of his sweaty thighs. She drank in the hot scent of his tackle and her pussy wept down her left thigh as a result.
"It’s big," she commented and then opened her mouth wide. She stretched her lips over the bloated head and forced her mouth to take in about three inches of the monster hose.
"Marian, dearest. What are you doing?"
"Don’t call the police I'm going to play with him first."
"Is that wise?"
"Look. I'm hot and sticky and as horny as well. He’s got a big dick, and he needs to understand discipline."
Marian let him sweat for a few moments, savouring the fellow's naked body as he waited for her to react. The slender babe went back on her haunches and began bobbing her head in his groin. James was amazed at how things were proceeding. This was not in the script! His dick throbbed divinely in her mouth and he noted the older woman was producing a lot of spit that bathed his balls. After three minutes of sucking, Marian needed to rest her aching jaw. His huge prick was still rock hard as she gripped it in a tight fist.
"Look at me, James. From now on you will address me as Mistress."
For a second, the cuffed young man considered making a break for it.
"I know what you're thinking. You're a young buck and full of spirit. That’s not a bad thing. You just need a little tempering." Mariah paused and wielded the rapier thin crop. "I believe wholeheartedly in discipline. Bend over that desk."
James saw the hardwood desk and shuffled on his feet. Resigned to his fate, he arched his bulky frame over the back of the short end. His buttocks clenched with tension, and he remained as stiff as a pole. The crack between his cheeks glistened with perspiration as the butt-naked woman arranged his cuffed hands atop his lower spine. He heard footpads retreating and then coming back to stand behind him. Every muscle and nerve was tingling as he waited to see what was next.
The first blow on his bottom came out of the blue. The crop sliced the air and made solid contact with both cheeks. He registered the sharp sting and grimaced into the surface of the wooden desk. The whip came down again and again with loud whacks, the whoosh punctuated only by the woman's exhalations. When the assault stopped momentarily he was grateful for the respite while he gathered his wits. He panted hard as she ran a warming hand over the high rounded curve of the buck’s thrusting backside, and he steeled himself for more of the same. He started as his boner was squeezed and he involuntarily fucked the fist that capture his aching organ.
"Oh, fuck!"
Marian flicked the crop with an elegant twist of her wrist, harder than before, and directly on his right nate. His muscular thigh quivered as three more strokes followed. In the heady atmosphere, rivulets of sweat trickled from his balls down his legs. The slap of the crop against the reddened cheek as he bent at the waist echoed through the room. His other buttock received the same treatment and he bore the brunt of a relentless flogging. Again, her hand came around the shaft of his throbbing dick and he was wanked off at a furious pace. He grunted and plunged into her fist with a needy urgency, pumping hard with circular motions that saw him balance on the balls of his feet.
"Feel like you might cum, James?"
"Almost there, Mistress. Al...most...there."
"Tough titties! You cum when I decide."
She relinquished his dick and laid into the rounded muscle of his clenched ass with the crop. His thighs quivered with stress, and he squeezed his eyes tightly shut as he was soundly thrashed while splayed over the desk. She took careful aim and with a wild lust and delight in her eyes, she brought the crop down in livid blows. James could not understand how he had come to be in this predicament, but there was no denying the pleasure he was getting in all this excitement.
Marian finally ceased her chastisement and James exhaled a deep sigh of relief. He winced a little as he came to grips with the searing fire that glowed in the shaking muscle of his bruised bum. Beads of sweat stood out on his skin, and an animalistic musk filled Marian's nostrils.
"Anita? Be a dear and fetch a towel."
Mrs. Wintergreen enjoyed the way the young buck stood there and obeyed her instructions. She shivered visibly as she let the crop probe his scrotum from the rear. Admirably, he didn't even flinch when the whip was made to move along the gentle slope of his raised cheeks. She liked how he had squirmed and was surprised at how submissive he had become, resigned to the fate of a spanking. Or more.
"Sit in that chair," she said as she pointed to a plush seat.
He did so and shifted his arms behind him to relieve the tension in his cuffed wrists. With a heaving bosom, the tall brunette put her right leg over his left and hovered above his upright pole. Taking a deep breath, she took hold of his stiff cock and placed the head at her cunt. She dropped and attempted penetration but the size was great. Twice more she shifted her hips then almost by itself the tip found its way inside her. Her quim made a sucking sound as he disappeared inside her.
"Oh my gosh!" she cried, as she paused with just the massive dome inside her.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Marian slid down further, one inch in, then another, and then another. So intense was the penetration she had an orgasm right then. Her whole body shuddered as she experienced a rush of warmth and her pale skin flushed. She had never come that quick before with just a man's cockhead only up her.
"We are in for a gooooood time!"
Together with her juices and the sticky lube she had applied earlier, she pumped her hips and managed to swallow up four inches of cock. She lowered herself down all the way and cried out in bliss as she impaled her wet cunt on his entire length.
"Goodness me, that fills me so!"
With their eyes locked on each other, they fucked. Marian moved up and down with her feet dug into the carpet and the palms of her hand on his chest. Her hips rotated as she became accustomed to his thick girth. Once she got into her stride, the leggy dominatrix sped up and was soon riding his cock wildly and bouncing her butt cheeks off his balls. She gazed at her light brown thatch mashing with his darker pubes.
"You're my bitch now. What are you?"
"I...I'm your haawww!" he whimpered as she impaled her soft cunt on his fat prick. He started to thrust up at her which made her moan loudly and grit her white teeth.
"Don't cum yet. I'm enjoying this. Understand?"
James snorted and tried to settle on his tender behind. Marian lifted clear of his cock which smacked back on his belly. With fire in her eyes, she slapped him across the face.
"Did you hear me? You break into our house and we’ll fuck you with you."
Desperate for her to sheath him once more he nodded.
"I understand, Mistress."
She pushed herself off him and he moaned at the loss of her as she turned her back on him. He leered at her round rump and noted her pubes glistening with her juices. Then she sat back on him reverse style and started another intense ride taking all his cock balls deep. Her hands came behind her for leverage and she fucked with grinding motions that left him firmly embedded in her pussy. Her soft body on his strong form made for an erotic contrast.
"Very well. You may cum inside me whenever you're ready."
With his dick fully inserted, Marian began a shunting type of fuck, rapidly wriggling her backside into his groin. As he felt her gush on his cock, his balls expanded and he erupted and spurted a load of cum that shot in her muff. He came so hard that streams of the stuff dripped out of her onto his ball sack. Their cum mixed together to coat each other with the slick fluids. Her hips continued to trap his dick inside her until he softened and fell out.
"Did you have an enjoyable cum?" she asked as she looked at him. "I hope that taught you a lesson. I am not one of those you would want to displease."
James didn’t bother to reply, feeling like he might say the wrong thing. He saw her take a towel from the Filipino girl and wipe herself down. Harold uncuffed the man in the chair and he rubbed his aching wrists as they all looked at him.
"Get your clothes on, James."
James rose to his full height and looked around, gathering his discarded clothing as he went.
"Anita? Keep the boy’s underpants."
"Can I go now?"
"Yes, you may. And if you harbour any thoughts of going to the police it will be a case of your word against mine. Not to mention my husband and my home help."
Despite his imposing image, the twenty-year-old stood submissively before the brash female. He arched his brows in a look of tempered confusion. I'll be back, he decided. Yeah, I'll be back.
to be continued...