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"Very well, Caroline. I shall help out in any way and EVERY way I can."

Marian Wintergreen and Caroline Portman had become fairly good friends during the year, despite a frosty start to their work environment. Mrs. Wintergreen had done well for herself in the company and did not welcome the ambitious younger woman chasing her tail for promotion. The forty-one-year-old had matured into a determined and confidant woman who dealt harshly with insubordination and indolent staff members.

"Now Richardson has decided to pull all financial support for the project, said Caroline with a dry throat. "I shall have to terminate the contract and write off four months of hard work."

"Who is this backer again?"

"It's an up-and-coming financial and investment management service in the City. My personal planner is a Mister Lee Richardson. He can be a right bastard when he wants to. His brain is in his dick. He's tried it on with me a few times in his office. He promised me a secure financial link in the future, but now he's pulled up the rug."

Marian sat back in Caroline's office and steepled her fingers as she pondered.

"I have an idea. Make a final appointment with the man, and I'll take care of everything."

"Marian, you're a darling. I knew I could rely on you."


Caroline had gone on to say that Richardson was in his mid-forties with a medium build, brown eyes, and hair with some slight greying. He had a wife and a couple of kids. He now only had time for deals that could be lucrative for him. He was only invested in big ideas, and screw the rest.

"Right then, Mister Richardson."

Things in the company had been quiet of late as Marian's fierce reputation had all staff knuckling down and performing to expectations. So she was glad to have something worthwhile to occupy her mind. And body. Things at home were also dormant due to Mister Wintergreen's inability to rise to the occasion of late. All she was lacking in her everyday life right now was a good shag.

"God, I need to get fucked. And soon."


Number Twenty Fenchurch is a commercial skyscraper in the City affectionately known as The Walkie-Talkie due to its distinctive shape that resembled a two-way radio handset. On the day in question, Marian pushed past the glass doors of the huge building and passed through security. Dozens of workers scurried past the vast building as she headed to the array of elevators. As she rode the fast-moving lift to the twentieth floor, she studied herself in the polished mirrors. With her hair up in a severe bun on top of her head, she wore a black knee-length coat that succeeded in covering her black stockings and suspenders belt. Once outside office number 2523, she popped on a pair of large and round wire eyeglasses and opened the door with the frosted window.

"Mister Richardson is due for a ten o'clock appointment. Have him come in after a five-minute wait."

She addressed a prim and proper secretary who nodded silently. Marian entered Caroline's office and waited.

"Mister Richardson to see you, Mrs. Wintergreen." said the woman as she stood by the open door.

Marian stood by the large desk and smoothed out the coat she still wore. The office floor was well-carpeted and had a couple of dark leather chairs along one wall. A large window overlooked the bustling street outside. The financial backer strode in purposefully clad in a dark blue suit. He looked up and gave Marian the once over.

"Mrs. Wintergreen?"


"No Caroline?"

"Unfortunately detained elsewhere."

Marian unexpectedly sat on the edge of the desk and idly fussed with her hair. With her hair up, this look accentuated her elegant neck and high cheekbones. Richardson looked at her with curiosity as she paused for effect. He was quite masculine, she thought, Clean, well-groomed, and rather sexy. This will help matters, she thought to herself. However, at the back of her mind, she had to remind herself the man was a bastard.

"So. One more meeting. How may I be of assistance?"

He pushed his chair in slightly before sitting back and folding his arms. Caroline was not wrong. This man had a self-assured air about him. But he was still nevertheless a man.

"Miss Portman speaks highly of you," said she, lowering her glasses down the bridge of her nose.

"Thank you," he said, grateful for the compliment. "What exactly can I do for you?"

"We have a couple of questions and have some concerns that we think you might have answers to."

Richardson's attention was rapt. Not for what she was saying, but for the glimpse of her black nylon stocking she kept making. He listened as she told of Portman's reliance on his backing her financially for the foreseeable future. As she spoke whilst sitting directly in front of him, she studied his mannerisms, assessing who he was, and how she was attracting his attention.

"Anything else?" he asked, as she came to an end.

"For now."

"Well. I really cannot see how I can be of help. Miss Portman's project is coming to a natural end, and I see no further need to back her up."

"That's a pity."

Marian slowly stood up, teetering on her four-inch black stiletto heels. Her gaze never faltered from his eyes as one by one, she slipped open the buttons of her long coat and then turned her back on the bemused man. She narrowed her back and let her coat slip seductively from her shoulders and off. Then she nonchalantly tossed it to the carpet and faced him again.

"Fucking hell!"

His eyes were on stalks as he looked the tall and leggy woman up and down. Now her coat was off, the willowy HoD stood there in front of him, dressed only in her bra, panties, stockings, and heels. His eyes roamed over her naked frame, slowly drinking in her soft silky body. He took in every delicious curve and hollow of her slim form. Marian let him let at her, delighting in his avid interest in her figure. He licked his lips involuntarily as he imagined the contents within her lace underwear, and he fidgeted in his seat as his dick hardened.

"I say it's a pity because I was hoping we might come to some arrangement."

Marian removed her unattractive spectacles to reveal her big brown eyes. She pouted and brushed her wet lips with the temple arms of the glasses, and then undid her bun. She bent forward and then back, shaking her hair loose over her shoulders. Then she used both hands to unhook her bra to unfetter her breasts, and then she slowly peeled her sodden panties down her nylon sheathed pins. Richardson pulled on the collar of his shirt in discomfort as he stared at how the damp wet fabric of her underwear had clung to her sex momentarily. She stood motionless in all her naked glory, waiting for his reaction.

"You are a little slut aren't you?" he said, stating the obvious.

"I've been known to be called such, yes."

She was in full agreement with the man, not denying the surge of eroticism she felt wearing the sexually boosting lingerie. She planted her hands on the desk and leaned over with an enigmatic smile on her lips. The stunned man sniffed her panties and lowered his eyes to the enticing V of her mons, now exposed between the superb gap between her upper thighs.

"What do you say?"

Without waiting for an answer, Marian sat back down and raised her heels onto the edge of her side of the desk. Her pussy slit became visible as her stocking-covered legs splayed out, and he visibly gulped as she began to lick her middle finger before languidly applying it to her snatch, newly shaven that day. Her digit wedged into her slit to access the opening of her cunt. With an audible sigh, she slid it slowly up and down her inner folds, grazing her erect clit on the upstroke.

"I am SO wet! See?"

Now with two fingers, she reached right inside her pussy, never breaking eye contact with the flustered financier. She got up then and stood proud, tracing a line with her forefinger from her throat down to her cleavage. She smiled at him as she kneaded her firm tits, and his mouth gaped at the sight of her hard pink nipples. The minx was now in only her skirted garter belt that hugged her hips and kept her thigh-high silk nylons in check.

"I'll give you one hour to enjoy my body. You may do with me whatever you so desire. So long as you continue to finance Caroline."

She looked back at him expectantly. H fingers continued foraging between her pussy lips while still staring him directly in the eye. Richardson groaned as he got a good eyeful of her moistened labia.

"Okay," he squeaked.

Marian tottered to the side of the wooden desk and sat on the edge, legs out and with the toes of her heels pointed down into the lush carpet.

"Lick my pussy."

She said in a commanding tone, crooked a finger, and used it to indicate her bald muff. This was proving to be no hardship for the sex-starved woman as her pussy tingled delightfully. He stood up awkwardly and took off his jacket. The front of his trousers had tented to accommodate his burgeoning erection. He stepped in between her parted legs and let his fingers creep up the insides of her thighs. She gasped and felt her pussy clench as he continued in an upward direction. His face was close to hers as she thrust up from the desk in an attempt to meet the welcome contact of his fingertips.

"Touch me."

She hummed between tight lips as he gently caressed her outer labia. He pushed two fingers inside her opening and tenderly frigged her.

"Mmmm, hmmm!"

Marian gripped the wooden desk as he bent his head and ran his wet tongue all over the tips of her boobs. Saliva dribbled from his mouth as he suckled on each of her almost painfully hard nipples, leaving each glistening in the overhead electric light. Despite her euphoria, Marian managed to unzip his fly to unleash his stiff boner as he did so. In his unchecked zeal, he moved from one breast to the other, licking and dribbling sloppily. Freed from the tight constrictions of his pants, he sighed and stood back. His stiff cock jutted out at her in its lurid splendour.

"My word," said she. "You're a big boy, aren't you? Your cock looks good enough to eat."

Despite her original resolute attitude to the job at hand, Wintergreen now relished the idea of fucking the stranger.

"You first."

Richardson stooped down, and she yelped as he forcefully grabbed her legs up, yanking her towards his face. She purred as his tongue probed and lapped at her dripping cunt. He ran his lips over her shaven mound, thoroughly enjoying the springiness of her soft flesh there. Marian nodded in approval as he added his thumb to the mix and stroked her hard clit as he ate her out. She was in a sexual delirium and bucked and writhed to his intimate touch. Extremely impressed, she gladly welcomed his frantic tongue that saw him delve deeply inside her sopping snatch. The intensity both surprised her and pleased her as she began to lose all control. Deprived of any intimacy of late, the grateful forty-one-year-old soon orgasmed, making for a very happy fuck bunny indeed.

"Fabulous. Okay, now. Allow me."

She went down on her haunches and took hold of his erection, wasting no time in peeling back his foreskin and sucking his cock. She pushed her face into his groin and swallowed half his length. With one hand at the base of his bobbing dick, she slurped away, ramming the head of his knob down her throat. Her expression was one of intense concentration as she sucked him in, and strings of saliva dribbled off the left side of her mouth and down his shaft to his root. With a wry grin, she pulled back from him, and her wet lips gave a pop sound when his cock fell out of her mouth. She gripped it in one tiny fist and studied his cock, which glistened and dripped with her saliva.

"Good. No time to waste now. Fuck me."

Marian settled back against the desk in unbridled passion as Richardson stepped out of his pants. He wanked his hard-on as he edged towards her. They locked eyes as he rubbed the business end of his prick against her pussy entrance. Impatient and horny as hell, she screwed her eyes up and reached down between her legs for his cock and slipped it inside her aching cunt with a tight fist. Both hissed with blessed relief as he finally penetrated her, her wet pussy offering no resistance. He held her by her hips as he did so, and she gritted her teeth as he began to feed her very wet and very inviting cunt with assured strokes of his cock.

"Feel good?" she whispered between content sighs.

"Fuck, yeah!"

His entire length thrust up into her in answer, and her copious juices coated the rippling skin of his uncircumcised shaft. Marian held onto his biceps and buried her face in his shoulder with each thrust he gave her. His long strokes changed to a rapid pounding which made her jerk violently back into the desk. Her pussy stretched out from his repeated thrusts. She loved the way his balls slapped against her vulva each time he pushed in.

"Harder. Fuck me like you mean it."

He gripped her waist and dug his shoes in. His shirt was saturated, and his face was frozen in a sweaty visage as he picked up his pace. Marian tightened her grip on his arms as the desk shook as he fucked her aggressively. The still bemused financier panted hard as his hands went from her legs to her bare butt, and he gave her all he had at a demented rate.

"Ohh, God! This is so good!"

He looked at her through a haze of sweat dripping down his eyes while he fucked her hard and true. Temporarily lost in reverie, Marian found herself unable to moan or squeak as her pussy was stretched to its limits. She managed to raise her upper body, and she pushed him back with a hand on his abs. Richardson reluctantly pulled out of her and stuttered backward from the desk, the man also in need of a breather.

"That was nice, but the hour is almost up."

"What? It can't be! I'm not done!"

Richardson put both hands on top of his head as his erection wagged at the unmoving female who plonked herself down in his chair with her heels resting on the desk.


She casually tossed a sheath of papers across the desk as she fiddled around on her mobile phone.

"What's this?"

"A contract," she said without looking up. "You have to sign at the bottom of the third, sixth, and ninth pages. This is a legally binding contract between you and Caroline's group."

"You can't be serious? I'm dying here! At least let us finish."

"You want to fuck me more? Then the sooner you sign, the better. My pussy is dripping for more cock."

"Okay. okay. Anything. Anything."

"Good Boy. And as a reward, you may have an extra half hour and another pussy."

At that, the door opened, and in stepped the effervescent Caroline Portman.

"Hi, babe."


Richardson stared at what appeared to be a mirror opposite of Mrs. Wintergreen. The younger of the two was a stunning apparition all in white. Ivory corset, white thigh-high stay-ups, and white panties. So skimpy was the underwear that they failed to cover her curvy porcelain butt. Her slender alabaster legs seemed to go on forever, and her long dark hair fanned out over her shoulders. Her enormous green eyes turned to Marian and then to Lee.

"Are we all fixed?"


Marian got up and embraced her friend, and they shared a lingering French kiss. Their hands roamed everywhere as they smooched, their hands exploring each other's breasts with relish.

"Don't you think Caroline is lovely without clothes? I know you lusted after her."

The aroused fellow spread his hands, and his rampant dick nodded in agreement. His cock twitched insanely as he first stared at one and then the other.

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"Would you like him to fuck you?"

"Yes. That would be quite satisfactory. Now we have a deal."

Marian pushed the financier against one wall of the office, and the two attractive fillies stood on either side of him.

"He any good?"

"Not too bad."

Caroline stepped out of her panties and handed them to Richardson.

"A little memento," she said as she removed her bra as well.

Marian slid one hand to the small of Caroline's back, holding her close. Then she moved her other to her pubic area. The woman cooed in pleasure as her wet sex was probed.

"She's wet enough. Fuck her."

Richardson stepped up, and he easily slid his full length into her as she braced herself against the wall. As Marian watched up close as he started slowly working his cock in and out of the moaning Portman. As his cock slid in and out of the brunette, Marian licked along his length as he emerged from her slick box. In addition, Marian licked her friend's pussy, running her tongue around her clit.


He took a step to his left and clamped his mouth around Caroline's right breast. In the same motion, he lifted her nylon-sheathed left leg and held it at knee level in the crook of his elbow. He gave her a good shagging for two solid minutes. Then he gasped as Marian pulled his turgid cock from the gaping pussy and popped it between her moist lips. He started to fuck her mouth as if it were a cunt. Marian pursed her lips as his fat, bloated dick pushed in and out, humming all the time in bliss.

"What a mouth!"

Each time he thrust in between her red lips, she dragged her tongue along the underside of his shaft. Caroline lifted a leg over Marian's head. Crouching down, she moved her head between them, grinding her body to and fro. Richardson, spurred on by the sheer eroticism of the moment fucked Marian's mouth faster. His pelvis pushed and pulled out as drool trickled down to his bouncing balls. She took as much of his generous girth down her throat as was humanly possible, and he had to fight to stop it from coming in her mouth right there and then. He stopped after a while and dragged her to her feet.

"Over here. I must have you."

Richardson sat on his chair and held his straining dick aloft. Marian maneuvered herself to sit astride him. He looked into her face as she wantonly lowered herself onto his entire length. In this position, she was incredibly tight, and it felt like fucking a virgin. She started rolling her hips to ride him, and she yelped and moaned from the exquisite friction. Her juices flowed out of her as her pussy surrounded his shaft, and she teemed down his balls. As she began to rock her hips against the man harder, driving his cock until he was in, Caroline moved behind her, running her hands over her front and tweaking her bullet-hard buds. Between the other two, Marian began to rock her hips against him, and Caroline reached around to fan her clit where it slid along his pubic bone.

"Oh, fuck!"

Richardson started thrusting up into Marian, and she grunted in her pleasure as she reached for her jiggling tits. Pleased with himself, he thrust into her even harder, causing her to bounce more and making her breasts jiggle tantalizingly. Her sodden cunt pooled in his sweaty groin as she fucked him. He caressed the tops of her thighs, tearing her stockings in his lust. Together with Caroline rubbing on her muff, it was inevitable that Marian should climax.


She paused in mid-stroke and fought for breath. She lifted off, and Caroline quickly took his cock in her hand and licked up the length of it before offering it to the recovered Marian. Together they licked him between their hungry lips, making the veins of his shaft stick out. He groaned as he looked down on the scene that could well have been straight out of a porn movie. His quivering erection was divinely enveloped by their two slobbering mouths. In tandem, both females sucked on his bell end, Marian taking in the bloated top before she was replaced by the other. He watched, enthralled, as she took him in deeply and then withdrew so that only the very tip was in her mouth. Then, Marian took over and instantly opened her mouth wide and engulfed him. She paused, took a deep breath, and swallowed all of his six inches until she spluttered. Caroline next. She locked her lips around him and moved her tongue along and around his knob until she slowly withdrew.

"Hold still."

Marian assumed a reverse cowgirl stance and lowered herself a couple of inches from his crotch. Then she thrust down and speared herself on his spike. As she sat flush on his stiff pole, she sighed and began to move up and down, jerking fitfully in his groin. His eyes bulged as he watched her cheeks grind against him. Caroline bent over and kissed Marian hard on the mouth as they wallowed in the seduction of the poor chap. He gasped aloud when Mrs. Wintergreen abruptly pulled up, leaving his twitching rod wagging back and forth in the air.

"Are...are we done?"

Marian waved a hand and shook her head. She got up and then got on all fours across the desk. Richardson placed his prick at the entrance to her pussy and pushed it in as she stuck her ass way up in the air. He exhaled deeply as he savoured the feeling as his cock filled her fuck hole. Her head fell forward, and she moaned as he entered her. Caroline watched, transfixed, as she watched the man begin to fuck her friend doggy style.

"Fuck her, you bastard! Pound her pussy!"

He just groaned in response as he drove in and out of the sopping pussy that his balls were slapping against.

"You like that, babe? His dick deep in your pussy?"

Marian was beyond words by this point as she pushed back into the man fucking her from behind. She reached across to the opposite side of the desk for purchase as she was fucked silly. She turned her face to Caroline, and they kissed, their tongues probing each other's mouths in their lust. Richardson shifted over the desk and mounted Portman doggy style. With a rotation of his hips, he pushed forward and buried himself in her balls deep.

"Fuck her hard. She loves getting her pussy pounded."

With every inward stroke, he pulled back on Caroline's hips and slid right in. Thoroughly contented, she pushed back so that his pubes brushed her pert ass cheeks. He sped up the rate of his hammer thrusts as she reached between her legs with one hand and strummed her clit.

"FUCK! What was that!"

Richardson stopped in mid-thrust as he reacted to being soundly struck on his left buttock with a sharp instrument. Behind him stood a stern-looking Mrs. Wintergreen with heaving breasts and a raised arm.

"It's a riding crop. Feel its bite."

The thin whip came down hard on his bum, and the ricochet caused him to bury his dick in Caroline's cunt. As he was struck repeatedly by the panting vixen, he shoved his cock in and out of the brunette with the same relentless force as before.

"Oh, god!"

"This is what you get..."


"...When you fuck with our company."


Mrs. Wintergreen moved with the grace, as well as the temperament of a panther. She was now acting like the bitch goddess she really was. She relished moments such as this, making others do her bidding and subjugating them. She made all or most do her bidding and usually won out in the end.

"Bad men have to be spanked and taught to listen and comply."

The harder he was struck, the harder his hips surged forward, so he shoved his turgid dick inside the moaning Portman. Marian grinned like a Cheshire cat, delighting in her usual display of dominance. Her arm rose up and down like a metronome as she delivered well-aimed blows on his posterior.

"You're nothing but a little toad. A self-righteous bastard."

A half dozen more strokes on his posterior was all it took to get him off, and as Caroline squeezed her thighs shut with his dick still embedded in her spasming pussy he erupted.

"I'm coming!" he announced, despite the other two knowing full well.

Richardson managed to pull back as he ejaculated, and his semen splashed Marian's face and throat. Both females continued jerking him off as his hose spurted several more times, spraying wad after wad of his cum over the pair of them. Together they lapped it all up, popping his pulsating cock back into their mouths to suck up all of his gooey load
He eventually ceased firing and looked at the two with dripping faces and ragged and ripped stockings.

"Two things to consider, you bastard," said Mrs. Wintergreen in a stern voice. "First, if you consider breaking the contract, understand I can afford the best lawyers in the country."

"And second." Caroline echoed. "I filmed this on my phone." she held up her iPhone. "We can make you look pretty bad if we decide to use this. We'll put out the rumour that you are a lousy lay and a poor financier. Just a thought."

Richardson left exhausted, rubbing his tender backside as he went. The two women grinned happily as they celebrated their victory.

"We should do this more often, don't you think?"

"We really should."


Written by moasan
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