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Mrs. Wintergreen was all too aware of the real threat of industrial or corporate espionage. Corporate espionage is probably not what you think of when you hear the word 'spy.' It's usually not glamorous or physically dangerous. Sometimes, it's as simple as a man, or woman sitting in front of a computer with a mobile phone, sending screenshots to his or her employer's competitors. Corporate espionage is the act of stealing proprietary information, trade secrets, or intellectual property from a business and giving or selling it to another.

When Kristina Sullivan came on her radar, the 'take no prisoners' HoD sensed something rotten in the state of Denmark. Twice in her first week, Sullivan had been seen loitering for no reason in the vicinity of Marian's office on the twentieth floor of Number 20 Fenchurch Street, the commercial skyscraper in the City's historical district. Whenever they crossed paths, the young woman with the dirty blonde hair acted furtively and aloof. Marian was determined to find out once and for all the gravity of a possible transgression. She made sure to tell her secretary of a false appointment. The tall forty-one-year-old vixen stood outside her office and spoke in a deliberately loud voice.

"Thank you, Miss. Peabody. I shall be out of the building for the remainder of the day."

"Understood, Mrs. Wintergreen."

Marian hid away out of sight for a good two hours and was not surprised when Peabody called her on her mobile to inform her that Sullivan had wasted no time in sneaking into her office.

"Right. Call security and have them meet me outside my office in three minutes. And ask for Dalglish."

Dalglish duly showed up. A fairly new security official who Marian thought looked quite dapper in his navy uniform. He was of medium height with fair hair and blue eyes. She gave him the nod and they burst in. Kristina froze on the spot. Surprised, guilty, and naturally disgruntled. She momentarily turned her back and made a subtle wiggle of the hips. Then she spun around sharply and raised her chin haughtily.

"Excuse me, but can you explain what you're doing in my office uninvited?"

Marian seethed with arms folded and her left heel beating out a tattoo on the carpet. She stared at the blonde coldly and looked her over thoroughly. At close to six feet tall in heels, she wore a flouncy white shirt and short black skirt. Kristina looked flustered and lost for words. She swept her long wavy hair back and spread her hands.

"Well...I was..."

"Nobody enters this office without an appointment. Nobody. Cuff her, Dalglish."

The guard moved swiftly and plonked the perplexed woman into a seat and pulled her arms behind her. In a trice, her hands were threaded through the back of the chair and her wrists were firmly secured. As she fidgeted she fumed and cursed.

"Let me go this Instant. You can't keep me here against my will."

Mrs. Wintergreen waved her phone in the woman's face and shrugged.

"You may call the authorities or even a lawyer if you wish. No?"

Kristina turned her head and kept her mouth shut.

"I have nothing to say."

"Nothing? On the contrary. I think you have a lot to say. Did you really think you could get away with it?"

Kristina feigned innocence but visibly trembled.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you do this sort of thing often? Spying? Thieving secrets? Tell me who are you working for? Come on. Are you going to cooperate?"

"Of course not."

"So, you're just going to waste our time."

"Whatever. All I hear is blah, blah, blah."

"Insolent slut! Well, the more I hear YOUR blah, blah, blah. The longer you'll remain in that seat."

"Is this even legal?"

"Trust me. You're going nowhere until you give me answers. Tell me who you work for."

"You can't keep me here all fucking day."

"I want names. Now."

"I won't talk. And you can't make me."

"Oh. I'll get you to talk, believe you me. Actually, I'm rather pleased you refuse to spill your guts. I prefer to deal with insubordination internally. That's why I employ men like Dalglish here."

"Yeah, I heard that you're one sadistic cow."

Kristina stole a look at the unblinking guard to stood to attention by the door. Marian sat at her mahogany desk and clicked on the keyboard of her PC with well-manicured nails. She hit history and read the last pages visited on the screen.

"The Paisley account. Are you interested in the Scottish merger? I think not. Now, the outlined strategy on the streaming of staff? Highly unlikely. Ah, this must be it. The company finances. Right. Are you working for 'them?' Really? How disappointing. Now why don't you just admit it and we're done here."

Mrs. Wintergreen went to her desk and Kristina watched her rummage through the top drawer. She turned to face the cuffed woman and tapped her riding crop against the outside of her thigh.

"Like my new persuader? Hmm? It's a baton whip with a nice rubber grip handle idle for a better grip. This won't slip out of one's hand, even if your palms get hot and sweaty. It also has a shock-absorbing gel end and a soft durable suede covering. I've whipped a few bare bottoms in my life both men and women and it never gets old."

Two thoughts crossed Kristina's mind. One, she had well and truly been found out. The other is that this woman had a reputation for dishing out corporal punishment. She shot Wintergreen an apprehensive look and shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Marian stood behind the chair and began to stroke her left upper cheek with the keeper of the whip, slowly dragging it to her pursed lips and chin. She lingered there before venturing down the woman's front to her half-unbuttoned blouse. On she went, nudging the blonde's full breasts to explore her ample cleavage. The older of the two let her hand fondle the spy's left boob under the soft shirt.

"Oh, you bitch! Ever heard the words sexual harassment? Get the fuck away."

Without warning, Marian tore open the top, causing pearl buttons to fly here and there. With no bra to support her twin globes, Kristina's tits bounced free.

"Nothing secreted there then. That's one avenue eliminated. Now, where would a female spy hide a USB dongle? What do you think, Dalglish?"

The guard stayed silent and stiff-backed as Marian came face to face with the topless blonde.

"Maybe south of the border."

The haughty brunette leaned in close so that Kristina could feel her breath in her face. She shut her thighs as the crop wandered over her legs toward the hem of her skirt. Marian lifted it until her uncovered mons were in view.

"No knickers? Cheeky."

Kristina hissed as the crop ran along her inner left thigh and then her right. She bit her lower lips as she felt her sex tingle and moisten. The crop ran up and down her soft flesh and her thighs kept opening and closing as she was wickedly teased.

" can't this."

Marian licked her fingers and then used her right leg to force open Kristina's thighs. She cupped her mound and the blonde's eyes had a far-away expression. She shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind of distractions. To her extreme embarrassment, Kristina found herself getting definitely aroused without realising it.


Marian cocked her head to the left as she used her thumb and index finger to jiggle the younger woman's clit. Kristina sobbed and panted as her hard nub was milked.

"I had better give this a few licks to show you who controls things."

Wintergreen went down on her knees and placed both hands on the tops of the cuffed woman's thighs. She pressed her lips to the tiny button and sucked it in with hollowed cheeks. Her tongue flicked at it as she gulped and dribbled down her chin and Kristina's bum crack. She moved her hips to and fro so that her bottom shunted in the seat. Her skirt hiked up so that she was bared up to her midriff.

Marian stood up and sighed. Licking her lips once more she unzipped her own mid-length skirt and let it whisper to her four-inch heels. Her panties came next ass she let both Kristina and Dalglish leer at her pussy and firm backside. Her toned thighs looked pale and smooth above the tops of her sheer black hold-ups. She surprised Kristina as she sat in her lap and sank down hard so that both their pussies met. Marian placed a hand on Kristina's flat belly and started to hump back and forth in a frenzy of pelvic thrusts.

"Holy shit!"

Each stroke got both ladies hotter and hotter as their slippery labia kissed the other. Their pubic hair matted and became dappled with cunt juice as Marian twisted and undulated in the other's lap. Kristina thought she would go crazy with the pent-up desires and pleasurable sensations ran up and down her thighs. Marian pressed down savagely with her crotch until her own thighs were wet and sticky. As she rose and fell she teetered on the edge of eruption and a surge of sublime pleasure shot up her spine as she brought herself to a climax.


Marian inserted her middle digit inside her quim and frigged her hard and fast. Kristina whimpered and pulled on the cuffs that held her arms behind her. her tits thrust out as she feverishly bobbed up and down as she was mercilessly titillated.

"Hang on a moment. What's this?" Marian probed the woman's cunt as if trying to locate that elusive g-spot and winkled out the hidden dongle. "I wonder how that got there?"

The crop lifted Kristina's chin so that she was forced to look into the eyes of the HoD.

"I'm saying nothing."

"Maybe I should beat it out of you."

Already naked from the waist down the slender brunette unbuttoned her blouse and let it slide down her arms to the carpet. Now only in black nylon stockings and high-heel black pumps, the striking figure of a woman stole a glance at the aloof guard and then pounced. Kristina shrieked as she was raised from the chair by her hair. Still with her hands cuffed behind her back, she was both naked and defenseless as her face met the top of the mahogany desk and her legs were forced shut. As Wintergreen raised the woman's skirt over her lower back she gloated over the display of bared white nates with the plump vulva between.

"What do you...ouch!"

Marian took aim and with a wild lust for retribution, brought the crop down across both cheeks at the same time. Kristina jerked into the edge of the desk as the rapier thin whip bit into her soft flesh. She shook but stayed in position with a show of defiance and arrogant conceit. Marian herself trembled with delight and stared at her handiwork.

"This will hurt you more than it will me!"

She hit out and the crop flew through the air and connected with the blonde's upper thighs just below the rounded bottom of her buttocks. The force of the blows was so great that the outraged Kristina was forced forward till she sprawled inelegantly on her stomach right over some paperwork. Her cute button nose slid forward across the polished surface causing her to spit fury. Before she could even take stock of what on earth was happening here, Marian landed another blow directly on her rosy buttocks, leaving a livid red stripe on the center of her lily-white buns.

"You have got to be kidding me...oooh!"

Marian tilted her head as she sensuously traced the riding crop over Kristina's deep anal cleavage, eliciting moans of outraged delight from the bent-over blonde. The naked vixen rubbed the crop through her crack and onto her vulva as she fingered her own pussy with her free hand.

"Is this turning you on?"

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Kristina started to turn her head but Wintergreen picked up where she left off and spanked the blonde with renewed fury onto her vulnerable and rippling backside. The blonde's bottom was flaming hot and a deep crimson.

"You must surely know that whoever gave you this assignment doesn't give a toss about you."

Kristina pulled her stomach in and kept her lips sealed as she received a series of rhythmic strokes across her upturned derriere. On and on they came. On one cheek, then the other, each of the blows stinging and heating her flesh. There came another pregnant pause and Kristina wagged her rear end as if asking what was to come. She heard shuffling behind her for a moment and then she gasped when her cunt was surprisingly penetrated by the business end of the crop.

"Good this. I fixed a butt plug to the end of the crop. Now I can fuck you with it."

Kristina tried to ease the pressure by spreading her legs wide and sticking her rump out. She folded her arms and lowered her head onto them. Mrs. Wintergreen gazed at the black shaft protruding from her wet pussy and considered the sight a big turn-on. She thrust it back in, not hard and not fast, but with a steady pressure that had Kristina's quim expanding to accommodate the wide tip. The Dom shifted on her left heel and set up a steady rhythm. The cuffed blonde spy was so wet by now that there was almost no resistance and she was rammed into. Kristina could feel that wonderful feeling of orgasmic heat growing inside her loins. The fact that she was being made to cum in this ridiculous situation was almost laughable.

"Bloody hell"

Save after wave of ecstasy ripped through her, making her fists clench and her wrists rap the cuffs on the desktop. Her pussy throbbed and contracted as she gripped the crop still stuffed up her. Marian let the weapon slide from her as she lay on the surface of the desk, spent and trembling.

"Now, let's see..."


Out of the blue Dalglish grabbed Marian and pinned her arms to her sides. Another pair of cuffs were produced and quickly snapped onto her wrists. She clenched her fists as a brazen act of defiance but she was tossed against the edge of her desk where her arms were wrenched up and pressed to the surface.

"What's the meaning of this? Are you mad?"

An incredulous Wintergreen lifted her head as she dug the toes of her heels into the carpet beneath her feet.

"Not mad. Underpaid."

She nodded as everything fell into place. She smiled knowingly as she supported herself on her elbows. And the posture caused her bare backside to point up behind her. Dalglish let Kristina free and the two kissed in a passionate one-minute smooch.

"Ah. Right. That clears things up. You gave her my password and office hours so that she could gain access to my PC. Then you colluded to download the necessary data to appease the company paying you."

"In a nutshell."

"Now, as you were about to say. Let's turn the tables. Watch and weep, you fucking cow."

Kristina embraced the rage burning through her but the sickening sensation of arousal at the mercy of Wintergreen had awoken a wicked vengefulness. Both Kristina and Marian were fully aware by the man's prominent bulge in his pants that Dalglish had been highly aroused by the women's playful tryst. He unbuttoned his uniform shirt as Kristina unzipped his trousers and jerked the pants down. She fished out his erection and then kissed his cockhead whilst going down on her haunches.

She smiled broadly at Wintergreen as she stroked the rigid shaft, tilting it up as she ran her tongue across the underside of the impressively sized white column. Dalglish held her long hair up to allow the seething brunette full view of his dick being sucked. Marian twitched and rocked in her heels at the sight of the blonde sucking him off with loud slurping sounds. Her pussy ached as Kristina took him deeper down her throat, with one hand massaging his balls and the other jerking his meat. She wanted the older woman to squirm, to suffer as she had. She stood up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and struck a dominant pose.

"Give me the fucking crop, babe."

The now very much naked blonde took the savage whip from her lover and approached the bent-over Wintergreen. She swished the crop several times to gauge its weight.

"It's quite light, isn't it?"

Wintergreen stood there, quivering on her high heels, with her knees bent and her bottom up and out. A quite provicative sight indeed.

Before Marian could respond the weapon came down upon her bare nates. Kristina struck again directly across both cheeks. The leggy brunette hissed and twisted her hips from side to side.

"Oh, do come on. Don't just tickle me. I haven't got all day. Put your back into it, woman. I must be punished!"

Marian looked over her right shoulder and the slim brunette scowled at the young blonde who strutted behind her. With sure and steady strokes her backside bore the brunt of many swats that connected with both of her nates. Marian jerked on her heels with each strike.

"Oh come now, harder if you please, we don't have all day."

"Fuck you!"

The office echoed with the sharp cracks of the crop on soft rump and Marian moaned loudly as she squirmed under the satisfying thwacks on the fleshy swell of her buttocks.

"Now we're getting somewhere."

Marian endured the punishment with a certain glee as her cunt began to heat up and dampen. As if she felt a sense of erotic helplessness sweep through her very being. Each spank gave her indescribable thrills which made her loins throb and tingle. Kristina paused for a moment and stared at the results of her deliberations. Still bent at the waist, legs apart, Marian's prominent brown-haired labia were visible between her upper legs where that desirable feminine gap appeared at the apex of her inner thigh and vulva. The pussy lips and short curly pubes were quite moist and betrayed her salacious sexual need. The light skin of her thighs contrasted with her reddened bottom and black stockings. Kristina nodded to her collaborator.

"Spank me! I deserve it!"

Kristina obliged and the crop rained down in a blur. Marian's moans turned to full blooded wails of ecstasy as her rump smarted like she had just sat in a nest of hornets.

"Now, try this."

Dalglish came from behind her and dragged her head up by a handful of hair. He raised his rampant prick up with his free hand and bitch slapped Marian on her face. He then slammed her head all the way down on the desk and shoved his knob past her drooling lips. She writhed and coughed as he fucked her mouth and held her head down in his crotch. He humped her from behind and she pushed back at him with a certain firmness. Bent over and hunched at the waist with her cuffed hands face down on the desk and pert ass raised up, Dalglish looked at the submissive woman and stood right up against her.

"Come on, man. I need a good fucking. Don't worry if I scream or moan aloud, just keep fucking me."

Dalglish and Kristina both harboured a begrudging admiration for the woman as the guard tentatively smoothed a hand over her rounded hindquarters. He inhaled deeply and reached out to fondle the offered thighs and well-contoured cheeks of the warm-blooded minx. She humped her hips at him as he presented his erect cock and lodged it between her creamy white thighs. Then he moved to and fro, almost imperceptibly, and ground his length along her thoroughly lubricated slit.

"Enough of this dawdling and shove it in."

He used his knee to spread out her legs and he threw his head back as his prick slid up into her cunt and they both grimaced from the penetration. Marian brought her hands together in her cuffs and instantly began to move with him. His swaying balls met the inside of her thighs, and with each stroke, he increased his pace.

"Oh, yes! Fuck! More! Fuck!"

Marian was yelling now as her head switched from left to right and she became delirious with pleasure as she quaked on her heels. His body crushed her back as he was driven by sheer lust to fuck her harder. His long and fast thrusts forced him to place his hands on her hips as his passion for her hot body reached new heights. Marian let out a series of breathy sighs as he kept pushing up until his entire length was fully inserted. He could plainly feel her inflamed buttocks on his groin and fronts of his thighs and made for an altogether experience.

"I can't believe it. She loves it!!"

She was the most unique, sensuous, and desirable woman he had ever known. His hips jerked forward as she panted and reared back into him and met his every thrust. He grabbed her by the shoulders and she glanced at him as she moved with him. He pushed in, ground inside her deeply, and then pulled back almost all the way out. Out of control, he slammed in hard against her well-spanked ass, and her boobs jiggled as his hips rolled and his pelvis banged on her crimson rump. His cock felt enormous inside her and his balls slapped against her buttocks forcing her to rock forward and back in unison with his growing passion. Each movement forward and back brought her closer to climax.


The big arm of Dalglish came around her front and swept the woman over onto her back. Everything on the desk spilled onto the carpet. With Marian's bare bum on the edge of the desk, Dalglish spread her thighs and raised her tethered arms above her head. He leaned over her and dripped sweat onto her heaving breasts. He swiped his cock head along her slit and popped it in. Marian looked him in the eye as he followed through. He rocked on the balls of his feet as he pushing deep into her cunt. He started to fuck her harder and harder and he grunted with each thrust. Marian enjoyed the power of his strokes. The rawness of his hands as he pawed at her tits and the persistent slapping of his balls against her upturned cheeks. She was almost forced backwards on the desk and she turned to the blonde who looked on with a wry smile.

I say. Would you fetch me one of those cushions? My bottom is a bit tender on the desk."

"What? You fucking bitch! Give it to her, babe."

Marian was delighted as Dalglish pistoned his hips up and down. Every stroke gave her intense pleasure. She felt his cock head swell in her quim as he readied himself for his climax. Then the door to the office burst open and Miss Peabody entered with three heavily built security guards. They grabbed Dalglish in mid-thrust and cuffed his hands behind his back. As they did with Sullivan. Mrs. Wintergreen lowered her legs as her secretary uncuffed her.

"Oh, bother. I almost came then. Miss Peabody. I asked you to give me a half hour before you halted the proceedings."

"Actually, Madam. It's been more than forty-five minutes."

"Has it really? Heavens. Time does fly when one enjoys herself."

As the party left, Marian sat in her chair and tenderly planted her raw bottom in the seat. Miss. Peabody slapped a brochure on the desk and pointed at the cover. Marianne read the pitch.

"Reality office. THE home of inspired and commercial workplace solutions. Let us soundproof your office surroundings and improve acoustics."

"We've been getting complaints of noise from as far down as the fifteenth floor."

"Right. Understood. Thank you, Miss Peabody. Can you hold my calls for thirty minutes? I have a matter of the utmost urgency to deal with."

"As you wish."

Once the unperturbed secretary left, Marian looked down into the special drawer of her desk and retrieved her well-used rabbit vibrator. She turned it on and widened her legs.

"Lovely. Bunny meets beaver!"


Written by moasan
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