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John And Julia, The Beginning Pt II

"Julia decides to see john again, and their relationship changes drastically."

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Julia stared at the phone in her hand. She couldn't understand why this was so hard. She put it down and stared out the window. It must have been the tenth time she'd done it. Damn it! She thought. Why can't I just do it!? In a fit of frustration, she picked the phone back up and hit send. She heard the ringing start and tried to maintain that determination. Her efforts were futile, though.

"Hello, this is John Fesse's phone. how can I help you?" 

The soft feminine voice caught her completely off-guard. A secretary? She thought. Is he at work already? It's only 5:40 AM, for Pete's sake! The woman on the line broke her train of thought when she said in a clearly irritated voice. 


"Oh... um, sorry!" said Julia, flustered and still not quite sure how to proceed. "Is.. uh .. Mr. Fesse available?"

"Who shall I say is calling, please?" said the woman in a hurried tone.

"Julia Sora," she said quickly.

"Hold please," she heard, followed by a click and thirty seconds of silence. Then a more familiar voice said. 

"Good morning Julia, How is that cute little bottom of yours?" 

She could feel the blood rush to her cheeks. She slipped her free hand under her panty's and shivered as she felt that delightful leftover tenderness. She tried to keep her voice steady "It's still not quite recovered, sir, I hope I'm not disturbing you at work." 

"At work?" he said. "Oh no, I always have someone answering my phone. You have my undivided attention, cutie. What do you have planned for today?" 

She smiled and relaxed a little. Her voice was more even as she replied, "I don't have much to do until Uni starts in a week. I was just going to look around for a place to stay and probably look into the reading material for my classes."

"Well, it seems we both have an open day, Julia," he said. "I'm actually just getting ready to enjoy the sunrise. I'm not far from your house if you would care to join me. I think I might be able to help you find a place to live as well. can you be ready to go in, say, twenty minutes?" 

"Oh, really?" she said with excitement, "ok, that sounds like fun. I'll get ready now." 

"Wonderful, see you in a flash," he said briskly and hung up. 

Julia busied herself getting ready for a day out. She was still looking in the mirror, trying to get her hair just right when she heard a knock on the door. When she opened it, he greeted her with a bright smile, and they made their way to his chosen viewing spot. He pulled into an empty parking garage and led her to an elevator door. He unlocked it with a card he pulled from his coat pocket. It took them to the top floor of a ten-story building. He unlocked another door that led them out onto the roof. "Do you own this building?" she asked as they walked outside. 

"Yes," he said as they walked to the edge of the east wall. "It's vacant at the moment, so I use it when I want to be alone. And the view is a plus."

She looked out over the landscape. The brilliant red and yellow colors of sunrise painted the vast countryside before her beautifully. Any other day, she would enjoy the moment and take it all in, but her mind was consumed with other things. She was beginning to feel more comfortable around him. "So why did you take it easy on me last night?" she asked. 

He looked at her a moment, then grinned and said, "You're just full of surprises, Julia. Why do you ask? Eager for another round?"

"What?" she said, blushing crimson. "Of course not!" she quickly looked away from him, suddenly afraid he would see some tell in her face that would give away her lie. 

"Lying is unbecoming of a lady Julia," he said in a voice like cold steel. "And suggests that you still have a lesson or two to learn." 

His words were like a lightning bolt. Every nerve in her body came alive with anticipation. The memory of just how intense last night was still very fresh in her mind. She wondered how much worse it would be, starting with a tender ass. Her loins were stirring with a secret lust she had never shared with anyone. the combination of fear and excitement made her voice high-pitched and shaky as she said, "You don't know that I'm lying. You can't do anything without proof." 

He raised his eyebrow and gave her a big smile. "Right, you are my dear, innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately for you, I do have proof. I smelled it last night." 

She gawked at him, unable to speak. She had managed to convince herself he had not noticed. She was sure her face was red as it had ever been in her life. 

He walked over to her and put his lips right next to her ear. "What did I tell you last night before I left last night, Julia?"

She tried to swallow down the lump in her throat. Her voice was almost a whisper, "You said if I chose to see you again, I might end up back over your lap."  

"Excellent, Julia, I'm glad to see I had your attention. Now, back to this question of proof," he continued as he began to circle behind her, "I'm willing to bet that you are already wet enough to accommodate three fingers easily. So, you have two choices. One, you admit that you lied to me, and we can move right on to your punishment. Or two, you can take off your shorts and panties, and we will see if I win my bet."

She just stood there, unable to move. He was clearly much better at this game. She would have to watch her tongue around him. That was not going to do her much good now, though. She Jumped when a sharp slap to her ass reminded her that he was waiting for a response. 

"I...I  uh... Guess I wasn't completely honest," she mumbled, then yelped when another hard slap landed on her bare thigh just below her shorts. 

"Speak up, girl," he barked, "and remember you are to address me formally when you are being punished." 

"You were right, sir," she said, her stomach in knots.

"Well then, seeing as you went less than one before landing yourself back in trouble," he said in a menacing tone. "There is certainly no reason to go easy on you anymore. You, my dear, clearly need a very firm hand in your life. now remove your clothes."  

Her knee's nearly buckled when he said it. "What?" she said, "all of them? Why? OOWW!!" 

Her other leg stung just like the first now after he landed another hard smack.

"Because you were right, Julia, I let you off easy last night." he said, "and look what that did. You clearly have not learned from the experience. But I intend to fix that. Now do as you're told before I decide to remove my belt, young lady." 

Mention of the belt sent chills down her spine. Her hands started quickly unbuttoning and sliding off clothes until she stood completely exposed. By that time, her tormentor had sat on the ledge in front of her. As soon as the last scrap of clothing hit the floor, he grabbed her arm and dragged her across his lap. He wasted no time. As soon as her hips landed on his legs, she felt his palm slam into her tender bottom. His pace was blisteringly quick, one cheek, then the other, over and over again. She could feel the same fire from last night's spanking again. But that was not the only fire she felt. Being exposed here felt so lewd, she knew no one would see her, but it was still thrilling somehow. She had never done anything akin to stripping on the roof of a building. Then again, there were not many things she had done. She was certain she would be leaking onto his pants before he was through. The thought only made it worse. 

John thoroughly enjoyed watching Julia strip. She had a great figure. He wondered what she did to give her bottom that shapely roundness. Whatever it was, it did wonders for her glutes. Her waist was small, and her breasts were supple with very perky nipples. Once he had her across his lap, he watched her bottom dance and wiggle under his assault. His body was responding strongly, and he knew she would soon feel him pressing into her belly. He focussed on his work and made sure he was getting a good reaction with each slap. Her yelps and whimpers were so enticing. Once he had darkened her skin a few shades, he paused and began gently massaging her soft cheeks. Savoring the moment, he decided to draw this out. 

"I do not appreciate dishonesty, young lady," he said, "This is my thanks for inviting you to spend the day with me?"

It was as if he knew exactly what to say to make her feel small. Or maybe it was the ache in her butt that made it easy for him to guilt-trip her. Either way, she wanted to make it up to him at that moment. "I'm sorry, sir," she said, "I was just so embarrassed. I know I deserve whatever you decide to give me." 

He smiled as he gazed down at her shapely young body. She was squeezing her legs together tightly, still trying to conceal her desire from him. But he could smell her lust in the air. He squeezed her left cheek firmly and then landed a quick and very hard smack on it. She yelped in surprise, and he did the same to her right cheek. 

"What I would like to give you, Julia," he said, "is guidance-"

He landed another sharp slap, this time to her thigh just below the beautiful curve of her cheek. 



"but for that to happen, young lady-"


"I will need you to be completely honest with me."


"do you think you can do that for me, naughty girl?"

Julia was still reeling from the new pain in her thighs when he asked her. He had not touched her thighs at all until now. She had been wondering if he would but was amazed at just how sensitive they were. When she did not answer him promptly, she felt another six awful swats, three to each leg. 

"It's not wise to keep me waiting, Julia," he said in a menacing tone.

"Yes, sir, I will be honest with you from now on," she said quickly.

"Is that so?" he replied cooly, "let's test you then, shall we? Tell me, Julia, how turned on are you right now?"

Julia bit her lip and hesitated. She was not sure she could bring herself to say it. she soon regretted her choice, though, because she soon felt John's big palm once again raining down on her tender thighs. To her dismay, he did not stop after a few slaps this time and instead brought a truly agonizing burn to her skin with dozens. When he finally let up, she was gritting her teeth and squeezing his leg tight. 

"I'm waiting, young lady," he said 

"I... I'm really turned on, sir," she said in a small voice. 

"Oh, come on now, Julia, you can do better than that. Would you like some more motivation?" he said in a wicked tone. 

"NO NO!!" she said quickly, "ok, ok, uh... I... I don't think I've ever been this turned on before in my life! If you don't let me up soon sir, I think you'll have a mess on your pant leg."

John smiled and patted Julia's red bottom lightly. "That's better," he said, "so, now that you've admitted you like having your bottom spanked-"

"what? no!" she cut in, " that's not what I-"

She was abruptly interrupted by a searing hot pain in her ass. John's palm was once again peppering her poor sore bottom with smack after stinging smack. Julia closed her eyes and began kicking her legs as the smacks went on and on. Tears had filled her eyes by the time he let up again. 

"You will not interrupt me, Julia," he said, "especially not while you're over my lap, is that clear?" 

"Yes, sir," she said through sniffles," I'm sorry, sir." 

"Good," he said contentedly, "now that you've admitted your lust, we can move forward. Listen to me carefully, Julia. You are entering your first year of Uni. You're going to have a lot of responsibility for the next few years. On top of that, you are just discovering your sexuality. You might find it difficult to manage all that by yourself. So here is my offer. I will help you get through your Uni career. I'll help you study, set up an efficient and productive schedule, and even assist with expenses. Additionally, I will guide you in your sexual discovery. I have some experience with girls who drip from a good spanking. But in return, you will agree to my full authority. If you agree, from this point forward, you will have no say in how or when you are spanked. If I say you will be punished, that will be that. Now you may take a moment to decide. Just let me know when you have made your decision. In the meantime, let's finish out your punishment, shall we, dear?"

With that, he started in on her again. Her poor derriere was an inferno as he alternated between spanking her supple cheeks and her tender thighs. How am I supposed to think while he beats me!? She thought. Her mind was hazy with sensation overload. This is what he wants me to agree to? she thought. He's crazy! Tears rolled down her cheeks, and her whimpering turned to heavy sobs. On and on he went, and she didn't think much about his offer. She was consumed by the pain in her ass and the burning desire between her legs. Finally, he stopped. His hand softly caressed her burning flesh. He didn't say anything, just let her lie there and recover as he rubbed and fondled her.

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Strangely enough, despite the burning pain in her bottom. All she could think about was the next time she would be in this position. He had awakened something in her, some longing she didn't fully understand. Now that she had tasted the spankings she had dreamt of so many times, she didn't think she could go back to life without them. So, before she could overthink it, she said, "I agree, sir, from now on, if you tell me I need a spanking, I will submit to you."

"I'm happy to hear that, Julia," he said in a pleasant tone, "I think you will benefit greatly from this. Now be a dear and spread your legs apart for me, cutie."

Julia never felt so humiliated in her life. She could not believe she was in this position. But she was coming to realize that humiliating feeling was making her even more turned on. She had fantasized about being soundly spanked for years, but she never thought humiliation would affect her the same way. She did as he asked and felt her pussy throb with excitement as she presented it to him. She was worried about moving so quickly with this man she just met. But she had already ceded control to him. Strangely enough, that thought calmed her. All she had to do now was follow his lead. It was frightening but also strangely freeing. She shivered as his fingers slid over her inner thigh and finally caressed her needy center.  His touch was light as he massaged her pussy up and down. He found her clit and gently twirled around it, sending lightning through her whole body. He laughed when she moaned loudly and said 

"My, my Julia, aren't you the sensitive one. are you close to cumming already?"

"Yes, sir!" she responded earnestly. "I'm so close."

She gasped when his hand suddenly withdrew. "Do you think you deserve to cum after the way you've behaved, young lady?" he asked.

"What? Please, sir, you can't just leave me on the brink like this!!" she said in a whiney voice.

"Oh, but I can, my dear. I think it would teach you a lesson, don't you?" he said. 

"Please, sir, I'm sorry I lied! But NEED to cum! Please!" she begged him, feeling even more humiliated now. She had never been intimate with a man before, and now she was begging to be violated. She felt like such a slut, and it only made her pussy throb more.

"I'll tell you what, Julia," he said in a confident tone, "I will allow you to cum, but only if you bring me off as well. have you ever had a cock in your mouth before?" 

Julia gasped at his question. "N... no sir," she said.

"Well, it's up to you," he replied, "if it's too soon, I will understand, but you are going to have to make it through the rest of the day without relief." 

Julia shuttered, he had her, and he knew it, damn him. She took a deep breath and said, "I will try, sir, but I don't think I will be good at it." 

The next moment she was being lifted to her feet, she stood in front of him, blushing as he wiped tears from her cheek. He lifted her chin and looked her in the eyes. 

"Don't worry, sweet girl, you'll do fine," he said. 

He stood up and told her to unzip him and have a look. She knelt in front of him and freed his cock from his pants. She stared at it for a moment, both enthralled and nervous. He was very well endowed, and she had never seen a penis so close. The sight of him elevated her desperate arousal even further, and she took hold of it, then leaned in to lick it. But John's hand on her cheek stopped her. She looked up at him quizzically.

"I didn't tell you to begin, Julia," he said, "do not act without instruction. Now stand up for me." 

Julia huffed as she got up. She then let out a shrill squeak as he wrapped her up and spun her upside down without warning. She shrieked again when she felt his tongue on her delicate folds, which were now perfectly positioned right in front of him. Julia closed her eyes as wonderful sensations coursed through her. His tongue was nimble, and he teased her clit with quick flicks and twirling. She was just about to blow when he stopped again. She was just about to complain when she felt one of the arms wrapped around her waist to hold her in place was removed, and then the now-familiar sting as a quick flurry of six slaps landed on her red and sore bottom. 

"Forgetting something, Julia?" he asked, and she realized his rock-hard cock was right in front of her face. Eager to get him back to his amazing licking and to avoid more stinging smacks. She opened her mouth and started sucking her first cock. She Didn't know what he would like, so she started with the head. She wrapped her lips around him just behind the head and slid her tongue around it. She heard a deep moan come from him, which encouraged her to slide her lips further down on him. She began slowly sliding up and down on his shaft, trying to be careful of her teeth and use her tongue to massage him.

Finally, she felt his tongue return to her pulsating pussy. She took that as approval of what she was doing, so she went faster, trying to signal to him to do the same. But he had his own plans. Julia's hips writhed and pushed into him as his Tongue slowly teased her. He ran his tongue up the length of her pussy and then back down. When his tongue reached her clit he would swirl it several times until he felt her body tense. He would plunge into her as far as he could manage and flick his tongue inside her over and over. Bringing her to the brink, then pressing his mouth into her at the last moment.

She felt blood rush to her head from being upside down, which only added to the lusty haze that already clouded her thoughts. Suddenly, she felt his cock start to throb in her mouth. Were it not for his edging her so much. She might have worried about him shooting into her mouth. But all she could think about was her own need to burst. She noticed his attention to her little bean was more earnest this time and hoped he would finally allow her to cum.

She felt the hand that had been cupping her burning ass slide a finger between her cheeks and lightly caress her forbidden hole as his tongue furiously licked and flicked over her clit. As she finally tipped over the edge, she was consumed by a heavenly wave of ecstasy and released the cock in her mouth as she screamed in sheer bliss. Her orgasmic revels were interrupted, though, because as soon as his cock popped out of her mouth, his hot cum erupted all over her face and into her mouth while she screamed. 

He gently turned her over and set her back on her feet, steadying her as the blood rushed from her head back to her legs. Julia was mortified as she was trying to stand on weak legs. She felt her face with her hands and looked at the white sticky cum that came off her fingers. 

"Well, that's not exactly what I had planned, but you did well for your first time, Julia," he said nonchalantly as if everything was perfectly fine.

Julia was anything but calm. She was horrified at the thought of going out in public with cum all over her face. She had nothing to clean up with. She looked at him with a terrified expression, and he laughed. "What's wrong, cutie?" he asked. "I think that's a good look for you." She was about to go off on him when a voice came from behind her. 


Julia shrieked and darted behind John, peeking around him to see a petite woman looking at them. 

"Charles called, sir, apparently, there is a problem with the numbers," said the woman. 

Julia realized from her voice this was the woman who had answered the phone this morning. John simply waved at her and said, "I told him I would review them tonight. Tell him to calm down. I'm busy." 

"Of course, sir," said the woman. And then she turned to leave. 

"Wait, Diana," said John, "I told you not to disturb me this morning. Did you really think there would not be consequences?"  

Diana turned back around and hung her head as she replied. "My apologies, sir, shall I prepare?" 

"No," he replied, "Julia here has my full attention today, but we will certainly discuss this soon. For right now, I want you to turn around and lift your skirt." 

Julia watched in shock as the woman turned and lifted her skirt to her lower back. She was wearing a g-string, so nothing was covered. Julia's jaw dropped when she saw the woman's bottom. It was bright red, there were darker spots right in the center of her cheeks, and the redness didn't end with her bottom. The backs of her legs were just as red. John turned and looked at her. 

"I thought you might feel a little better if you knew your not the only one with a sore bottom today." 

Julia blinked at him. "You did that to her today?" she asked

John smiled and turned to Diana. "Diana, tell Julia where you were when she called me this morning," he said 

"I was across your knee for punishment, sir," Diana said.

Julia could not take her eyes off Diana's bottom. She thought it was beautiful. John noticed her interest and smiled. 

"You know, Julia," he said with amusement, "I told Diana to leave us be this morning for your benefit. And her intrusion was clearly very startling for you. Perhaps you would like to teach her a lesson?"

Julia gaped at him, she had wanted to touch that bright red bottom, but she wondered how he always seemed to know what she was thinking.

"Oh... uhh," she stammered dumbly, "I guess that sounds fair. If Diana does not mind." 

"Diana," said john in a commanding tone that was clearly not meant for Julia, "will stand still and not speak unless spoken to." 

Julia expected Diana to object, but she said nothing. She just stood where she was, holding her skirt above her clearly very sore bottom. John took Julia's hand and walked them over to where Diana stood. 

"Go on," he encouraged her, "touch her. feel how warm her skin is." 

Julia reached out and rested her palm against Diana's soft cheek. It was hot to the touch, and Julia thought it must sting badly. 

"It's alright," she said, "I'm sure she has learned her lesson." 

"Nonsense," said John, "she rudely interrupted our fun and saw you get your first facial. I'm sure you didn't want an audience for that. Go on, give her a good smack. She can take it, I assure you."

Julia was a little annoyed and the breach of privacy. She had been mortified when Diana showed up. Julia steeled her courage and brought her hand back. Then she slapped Diana's round butt cheek with all her might. Julia found she enjoyed watching Diana's fleshy cheek flatten and then jiggle from the smack. She felt a stirring in her loins and was surprised she was getting aroused from this. 

"Very good, Julia," said John, "keep going, teach this naughty girl a lesson." 

Julia smiled and brought her hand back again. She repeatedly smacked her palm down on Diana's bottom. She loved watching it dance and wiggle as she spanked. John told her not to neglect the thighs, and Julia began soundly smacking Diana's legs. Her pussy was starting to pulse again, and she knew that life with John would be exciting.  Soon, she could hear whimpers coming from Diana, and she stopped, feeling suddenly guilty. John smiled as he saw Julia's worried expression. 

"Alright, that's enough for now," he said, "Diana, apologize to Julia and thank her, then you may take your leave." 

Diana lowered her skirt and turned to face Julia, making Julia feel embarrassed because she was still naked.

"I'm sorry for my intrusion, Julia," said Diana, "thank you for spanking my bottom as I so richly deserved."

Diana then turned and walked briskly back inside. John smiled at Julia and said, "Well, you seemed to enjoy that. I hope you feel better now, cutie." 

Julia looked at him. "I liked it more than I thought I would. But I'm still covered in cum. What am I going to do? I can't go back looking like this!" 

John reached into his jacket pocket and produced a small handkerchief the looked like it was made of silk. "No reason to worry, cutie, clean yourself off with this, and I will take you back for a shower. then we'll see if we can find you a place to stay." 

Feeling relieved, Julia took the cloth and wiped her face off. She was eager for that shower, though, because a fair bit had gotten into her hair. John picked up her clothes as she was cleaning up and handed them back to her. Julia's mind was starting to wander. As much as she had enjoyed the morning, Diana was not expected. 

"So," she said, trying to keep the jealousy out of her voice, "do you spank and fuck all the women in your life?" 

"No," replied John casually, "I have not been intimate with a woman in some time, actually. I hired Diana in a professional capacity. She is very competent but needs a firm hand from time to time. I've never done anything more than that with her." 

Julia felt a wave of relief wash over her, though she still thought the situation was extraordinary. They set out soon after to look at potential apartments. Though all Julia could think of was what the future might hold with this man now that she had given over control to him. 



To be continued.


Written by firmdreamer012
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