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Hannah And Julia's Big Mistake Pt3

"Julia gets in over her head..."

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Julia leads Hannah to their bathroom, dragging her by the hand as she practically ran up the stairs. Both girls were wound up and craving release after what had just happened. But Julia was clearly a woman on a mission. "What the hell, Juli," said Hannah, rubbing her wrist as Julia shut the door, "you almost took my hand off. calm down." 

"I'll explain later," said Julia, who was now looking at Hannah with a wicked grin, "just turn around and bend over." 

Hannah sighed but did as she was told. She trusted her sister sub, and although she didn't particularly enjoy it when Julia was so pushy, Hannah was definitely eager to get the plug out of her ass. The heat from John's special lube was starting to fade, but not quickly enough. What was not fading was Hannah's need. Her mind kept replaying the scene of her beautiful sis over her master's lap. His hand making her round, dark red cheeks flatten and jiggle. She closed her eyes, replaying the delicious scene in her head as Julia started tugging on the plug. 

Impatient as Julia was feeling right now, she cared for Hannah deeply and would not want someone roughly ripping a plug out of her. So she forced herself to gently tug on the little jewel-encrusted toy that was nestled between her sister's cheeks. She rotated it left and right as she pulled to help work it free and watched as Hannah's tight hole stretched around the plug until it popped free. She quickly set the toy in the sink and gave her sister's already red cheek a firm smack before turning around and grabbing her ankles.

"My turn, hurry up, sis. We don't have much time!" said Julia, ignoring her sister's yelp at the smack to her tender ass. 

"You really shouldn't smack someone's ass if you know you have to bend over for them afterward, Juli," said Hannah before landing a much harder smack of her own. 

"OOWW!!! Bitch! You know I got it worse than you! Just hurry up already!" said Julia, but she was wearing a smile Hannah couldn't see.

Hannah rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to give her mouthy sis another good smack. Instead, she repeated what Julia had done for her and dropped the plug in the sink with the other. She turned the hot water on and set about cleaning the toys and asked, "Will you tell me what your scheming now? all we have to do is shower and -"

Hannah broke off mid-sentence as she felt Julia's arms wrap around her thighs and soft skin squeeze between her legs. She looked down, and Julia was peering up at her with mischief in her eyes. She had knelt, her back facing Hannah's back, and leaned back so she could lick Hannah while watching her face. Hannah bit her lip and tried not to moan for fear of being heard as Julia began gently caressing her slit with her tongue. Sir had not given permission to play, and her poor bottom was already sooo sore. She wanted to tell Julia to stop because she could not take another spanking tonight. But she needed to cum soo badly. She could not bring herself to protest or move. 

Julia knew her sis would not object. She could never control herself when she got this worked up. So Julia concentrated on making her sweet sister cum. She pressed her lips against Hannah's pussy and plunged her tongue inside her as deep as she could manage. She licked, sucked, and savored the sweet taste as Hannah struggled to keep quiet. Pulling her mouth back, Julia took a deep breath and then gently kissed Hannah's clit.

She sucked the clit into her mouth gently and cradled it between her lips as she began flicking her tongue over it. Hannah's body was beginning to tighten, and Julia knew she would not be able to stay quiet. If her bet was right, she knew what would follow Hannah's erotic screams. So she doubled her efforts on Hannah's needy clit, massaging it with her lips and swirling around it with her tongue until Hannah's thighs shook and a loud, erotic moan filled the room. 

A moment later, Julia's expectations were confirmed as John opened the bathroom door and took in the sight of His girls being very naughty. Hannah looked like a deer in headlights. Her orgasm still sending ripples of sensation through her body. She was trembling and looked like she might fall if Julia let go of her. Julia looked up at him with wide eyes, but her attempt to look surprised was a little off the mark.

"Hannah," John said, his tone calm and even, "if I'm reading the situation right, your sister ambushed you with her tongue, didn't she?" 

Julia waited a couple of seconds out of curiosity. She fully intended to take responsibility. That was her plan from the get. But she knew Hannah was annoyed with her just now and wondered if her sis would give her up so easily. But when Hannah looked at her with a pained expression, Julia knew she didn't want to. 

"Yes sir, I did," said Julia. "I wanted to cum so badly I thought if I made sis cum first, I could talk her into doing the same for me." It wasn't the truth, but she thought he would believe it. 

To Julia's surprise, John's response was a wide grin. She was quickly starting to second guess her plan. She looked at Hannah apologetically and wondered what she had gotten them into. 

"Julia, you forget how well I know you. You may be willing to get yourself into more trouble, but you care for Hannah too much to risk getting her spanked again so soon."

Hannah looked at Julia in shock. It was hard to believe she would risk more punishment. She rubbed her bottom. It was so sore and hot to the touch. The leftover sting was delightful in a way and made her pussy throb, but she had no desire to take any more spanking tonight. Julia had always had a much higher threshold than her, but sometimes Hannah was in awe at how much it took for her to behave. 

"You're right, of course, sir," said Julia in a sulky voice. "I figured you would be checking on us, and... well... I just didn't want the night to end." 

John stepped to where Julia knelt and took a handful of her long red hair. He forced her head back to look him in the eye as he spoke. 

"So, you were frustrated, and you thought openly defying me would improve your situation? You need to learn self-control, girl, and I think I know just how to teach you. come along, Hannah."

By the time he had finished speaking, he had pulled Julia to her feet by her hair and was leading her out of the room. Hannah quickly followed them into his bedroom and knelt in front of the door. She watched with a worried expression as John pulled a chair into the center of the room and sat down. He instructed Julia to stand in front of him and face Hannah.

Julia stood with her back and very red bottom facing John and looked at Hannah with a weak smile. Hannah felt for her. She knew the awful and strangely erotic nervousness that Julia must be feeling. But Hannah's body was reacting strongly to the scene before her. She knew she was about to see her sis punished again, and the thought was making her whole body feel hot. 

Julia stood in front of John, looking at Hannah, and wondering what she was in for. She was happy she hadn't gotten Hannah in trouble, but she was pretty sure whatever john had planned was not going to be what she was hoping for when she was licking her sexy sister to climax. She felt John's hands on her hips and did not resist as he guided her back until she was sitting on his lap, straddling his legs. He had not put his pants back on from earlier, so she could feel his large shaft resting between her cheeks. He was so hard. It was making her need so much worse. She absentmindedly began moving her hips and was quickly stilled by a smack to her upper thigh. 

"Hold still, young lady," said John in a stern voice, "if I have to tell you again, this will get much worse."

When he was done speaking, he slid his big hands around her waist and began massaging her firm young breasts. Julia bit her lip. His fingers found her nipples and pinched them. She moaned and tried to concentrate on not moving. All she wanted was to lift up and let that huge cock of his impale her, but she knew she was in enough trouble. John leaned to the side and looked at Hannah, her eyes were locked on the scene, and her desire was written all over her face. 

"Hannah, darling," said John, his voice laden with wicked intent, "your poor sister seems to be struggling. Why don't you come over here and comfort her with a kiss?" 

Julia sucked in a breath as she watched her enticing sister stand and walk slowly, seductively towards her. She was starting to realize what she was in for. John intended on teasing her relentlessly. And judging by the smile on her sisters' lips, Hannah understood as well and was all too happy to help. Traitor! Thought Julia, but even as the thought crossed her mind, she knew if the roles were reversed, she would have soo much fun teasing Hannah, so she couldn't really be mad.

As Hannah's lips pressed to her own, Julia's mind was becoming hazy. Sir's cock was nestled between her sore, well-spanked cheeks. His fingers mercilessly pinched and tugged at her diamond-hard nipples. Hannah's sweet scent filled her nose as they kissed, and it was not long before their tongues were embracing in a sensual dance. 

"Mmm, good girl Hannah," said John, "you're so helpful. I think you have earned another orgasm tonight. Lie down on your back, right in front of us." 

Julia wanted to shout with frustration. She knew he was making a show of it to tease her more. It was just cruel. She was already more pent up than she could ever remember being. And to make it worse, she could not tell what was next. How would he give Hannah another climax if she was lying on the floor? She looked at Hannah and could see the confusion on her face as well, but she obediently laid down. Julia did not have to wonder for long, though, because the next moment, she could feel John's warm breath on the back of her ear as he whispered to her. 

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"I was going to come to play with you both after your shower, my naughty girl. But you decided you could not wait half an hour. So now you're going to wait all night long. And in the meantime, since you like your sister's pussy so much, I'm going to let you taste her again." 

Julia didn't have much time to react to that news. As soon as he was done speaking, John leaned forward, pressing his chest into her back and forcing her down. If it were not for his hands, which were still firmly cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples, she would have fallen face-first into Hannah. But he supported her weight until she was low enough to touch the ground. He then released her nipples and sat back up, leaving her head inches from Hannah's honey pot. Hannah was soon threading her fingers into Julia's silky hair and pushing her head down. 

"Come on, sis," said Hannah, "you heard sir, get to work, naughty girl."

Julia could not believe the situation she was in. She was used to being tormented in one way or another by sir. But Hannah was going all out to help him. She knew how much it turned Julia on to be called naughty. She was enjoying this way too much!. But there was nothing she could do, so, resigned to her fate, she lowered her head and began slowly licking her sister's sweet pussy once again. She had to agree that she had earned this. She disobeyed, so she figured she was getting what she needed to teach her a lesson. She felt ashamed of her behavior and humiliated that she was being used this way. And all those feelings only added to the fires of her desire and lust.

John looked down at his girls and felt his cock throb when Hannah teased her sister. A big smile spread across his face as he and Hannah locked eyes. He could tell how much she was enjoying this. Her eyes closed as Julia began pleasuring her, and John focused on Julia's round bottom resting on his lap. The wheelbarrow position left her legs spread and nothing to the imagination. Julia was soaking wet and dripping onto his thighs.

Her red cheeks bounced slightly as she moved her head up and down to please her sister. It was a truly tantalizing sight. But he had not chosen this position for the view, so he firmly groped Julia's cheeks with both hands to bring her mind back to how vulnerable she was and spoke in a low voice.

"Excellent, Julia, keep that up. I want you licking your sister with no pauses until she explodes all over that pretty little face of yours. Hannah, I want you to tell me if she stops. And you will not cum until I permit you. Is that understood?" 

Hannah stared back at him wide-eyed as Julia just made some very panicked whimpers while she kept diligently licking away. Hannah was suddenly very nervous herself, it was obvious now what he intended to do, and she was not at all sure she could hold back her orgasm for long with her sister's skilled tongue working on her while she watched her get another hard spanking. But she swallowed and said between her ecstatic moaning, "Mmm, yes... aah... sir!"

Satisfied, John focussed on his target and began landing firm slaps on Julia's exposed globes. First one cheek, then the other, his hand landed on alternate cheeks again and again in a rhythm that had Julia's hips dancing along in no time. He could hear her making pained sounds that would certainly have been louder if her mouth were not preoccupied. His cock throbbed as he went to work on her naughty bottom, and he grabbed it with his free hand and pressed it against Julia's dripping slit.

Julia was barely holding it together as she got to work on Hannah. Then she felt sir's hands on her sore behind and heard him describe what the rules were. She had expected a spanking. After he figured out her plan, she even expected it to be a very hard spanking. But now, she was going to have to stay focussed enough to pleasure her brat of a sister while her poor bottom was being punished. The blows began landing one after the other while she was still processing it all. The heat very quickly built up to fiery levels.

She closed her eyes tight and tried to focus. He had said this was to teach her control. It was clear he was not interested in going easy on her since she had already been spanked. His hand came down hard, and there was hardly any pause between smacks. She figured it was no less than she had earned. He had given her a very hard spanking less than thirty minutes ago, and she had already defied him. That thought steadied her. Even as the pain in her bottom grew and the tears filled her eyes, she knew she was getting what she needed.

It was not long before he found a new way to test her, though. As she felt him somehow press his shaft against her pulsating pussy without ever breaking his rhythm on her bottom, it took everything she had to keep her face pressed to Hannah's pussy. She could taste her salty tears as she worked her tongue up and down on the sweet slit of her sis. The motion of the constant spanking was causing her slit to rub up and down against his shaft. It made trying to ignore her burning need for him impossible. 

John kept a watchful eye on Hannah's face as he taught his naughty Julia a good lesson. He had switched to landing several consecutive smacks to the same cheek before switching to the next by the time Hannah's body language changed and told him she was trying to hold back. She locked eyes with him, and though she could not speak through her enthusiastic moaning, it was clear she was begging to let it go. He merely smiled at her and shook his head. He again switched his technique and began peppering Julia's thighs with quick hard smacks.

Hannah noticed what he was doing and put both her hands on the back of Julia's head. She didn't want Julia to get this close and then make things worse for herself. This went on for another minute or so before John could see Hannah would not last much longer no matter how long she tried. He finally let up on Julia and began gently rubbing her deep red bottom. He looked at Hannah and nodded. Hannah screamed out her pleasure seconds later and did not let go of Julia's head until the last shock wave passed. 

Julia was sure she would fail this test. She could taste her salty tears. They rolled down her cheeks and mixed with Hannah's sweet juices as she bobbed her head up and down with her tongue pressed firmly on her sister's slit. She was so wrapped up in the effort required to keep going, not to mention the overwhelming burning in her bottom she barely noticed Hannah screaming out her bliss. It was only once she tasted her sister's cum, and the relentless smacks raining down on her bottom stopped that she realized she had somehow made it through. Her body instantly went limp, and she lay there panting, her bright red bottom up in the air on her sir's lap, her head resting on Hannah's thigh. She could not remember a time when her bottom had throbbed and burned so fiercely. 

"Alright, young lady," said John, his voice snapping Julia out of her reverie. "Lie face down on the bed, with your arms stretched out above your head." 

Julia doubted her strength to stand, but she was soon helped up with gentle hands around her shoulders. Once she was sitting on his lap again, it was much easier to stand and go obediently over to the bed. She lay as he had instructed and looked over to see John lift Hannah off the ground and tenderly kiss her. She wished it was her lips on his but knew she was the naughty girl tonight. 

"Hannah," said John, "your sister is in for a rough night. Be a dear and rub some lotion into her poor bottom for me."

Hannah's face lit up, and Julia found it so hard to stay mad at her. Sure she had enjoyed the teasing, but she clearly wanted to comfort her sister, and Julia appreciated that. Hannah ran over to the bedside table where Julia could not see her. Her eyes were locked on sir because she knew he was not done with her. He stepped over to the wall where he kept some toys hanging from pegs, picked up some rope, and then smiled at her as he walked over to the bed. 

"I wish I could trust you to be a good girl all night long after your sister and I fall asleep, dear," he said in a calm voice, "but clearly I can't, so I have to make sure you can't get yourself into any more trouble." 

He began winding the rope around her wrists and skillfully tieing her securely to the bedpost. Even as Hannah started to rub the soothing lotion gently into her burning bottom, it was hard to fully enjoy the relief because Julia was trying to figure out how she could possibly sleep tonight after being teased so cruelly. Soon Hannah and John were cuddled up beside her on the bed. Hannah was nuzzled up to her neck, adorably trying to comfort her. and John was on her opposite side, his hand resting on her still exposed bottom. Once Hannah was asleep, John whispered to her before drifting off himself

"I hope you're learning the value of obedience, young lady. You will get another spanking in the morning, and then I will give you what you need. Goodnight, my sweet naughty girl." 

Julia was sure she would not sleep much tonight, but knowing he would finally let her have his cock in the morning was something to look forward to. And, considering how desperately she needed it, she felt another spanking was a small price to pay. Eventually, she did manage to get some sleep. 


Written by firmdreamer012
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