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Hannah And Julia's Big Mistake Part 2

"The girl's punishment continues."

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Twenty-year-old Julia lay over her Master's lap. Her body glistened with a slight coating of sweat and her bottom was a light shade of pink. Her sister, eighteen-year-old Hannah, knelt on the floor just behind her. John held a relatively large plug in one hand and a lotion bottle in the other. He applied the ointment to the toy thoroughly before placing the bottle down behind him. He then looked to Hannah and said. 

"Hannah, spread your sister's cheeks for me, girl."

Hannah tilted her head in confusion for a brief moment before putting her hands on Julia's warm bottom cheeks and spreading them apart as instructed. He knew Hannah was confused because she did not need to spread Julia for Him. They were both very petite and laying over His lap with her legs spread apart like this already had her starfish completely exposed. Hanna was much less experienced than Julia, so she had never experienced his punishment ointment before. John knew that having Hanna spread her sister like this would bring her close enough to catch a whiff of the chili powder he mixed in with his lube. He also knew that this would send her mind racing with thoughts of how badly it would sting her own bottom. As he started to rub the plug in circles over Julia's tight hole, spreading the special lube thoroughly, he watched Hannah's face and was pleased to see her eyes grow subtly wider and her face a little more nervous.

He started to push the plug against Julia's bottom and watched as it began to slowly disappear into her. Her hips started to sway slowly and small moans were escaping her lips as she was slowly filled. He took his time, knowing the powder needed a few moments to take effect. Finally, the plug popped into place which caused Julia to moan a little louder. But her moaning soon turned to whimpering as his mixture began its work. Hannah took her hands off her sister's bottom and returned them to the top of her head as her sister's hips began to wiggle in discomfort.

The warmth inside Julia's bottom was steadily growing and combining with the sting from her earlier spanking. Soon her whole backside, inside and out, was burning terribly. Her wiggling got worse as she struggled with the pain. John frowned and brought a heavy hand down on her bottom with a loud SLAP! And said in a stern tone.

"You know I expect you to hold still, girl. Do not make me add to your punishment!"

Julia yelped and brought her wiggling under control with considerable effort. Then managed to meekly reply.

"I'm sorry, sir, it stings so badly."

John picked up the hairbrush and patted Julia's tender bottom a few times, warning her of what's to come as he said. 

"It is meant to sting, young lady! Perhaps in the future, you will consider your actions a little more carefully!"

"Yes, Sir! I will be much more careful in the future!"

She replied in a high-pitched and nervous voice. 

With that, John raised the brush over Julia's waiting pink bottom, glanced at the clock, and then brought down the thick wooden back forcefully onto her left cheek. Julia was not nearly so composed anymore; her bottom was already burning, and as soon as the hairbrush began raining down on her sore cheeks, she was yelping and whimpering. John began as he had before, smacking each bottom cheek in turn with a quick punishing cadence. He watched her bottom bounce and wiggle under the impacts of the brush and made sure he did not neglect a single inch of his girl's naughty bottom. Julia's whimpers were now turning to sobs and John knew the tears were streaming down her face.

She kicked her legs and gripped the stool with all her might. Her vision was blurry with tears and her thoughts hazy with pain. The clock reached two minutes and John switched to spanking her tender thighs. He started at the top of her right leg, just below the supple curve of her bottom cheek, and smacked his way down her thigh never smacking the same spot twice in a row. When he got to the end of the red skin he had marked for himself earlier, he switched to her left leg and started at the bottom working his way up. He kept the pattern going as Julia grew ever more frantic. He loved the way her soft skin bounced and danced under the brush. He watched carefully her skin darkened. The clock hit two minutes again and john stopped. He put the brush down on Julia's back and began gently rubbing her tender bottom. Her skin was hot to the touch and her breathing came in labored sobs. He kept gently soothing her as she gradually calmed down until her breathing was much more normal. He spoke to her in a soft reassuring tone.

"Julia, you know I don't like being so harsh on you girls. But you need to remember that will not stop me. I know today was an accident but you are a grown woman. You are the oldest and most experienced so I expect you to set an example to your sister. Do you understand, young lady?

Julia sniffled as she gathered herself up to answer.

"Yes, sir, I understand. I'm so sorry I let you down. Please forgive me."

John smiled and tucked his arms under his contrite little girl and lifted her off his lap. She turned in his arms and he set her tender bottom down on his lap. She grimaced when her hot skin rested on the fabric of his pants but then smiled up at him sheepishly. He wiped the tears from her cheek gently as he said

"My sweet silly girl, I had forgiven you before I came out of my office, but that does not excuse a naughty girl from her punishment does it?"

Julia blushed and looked down as she answered. 

"No, Sir."

John motioned to Hannah to stand up, then lifted Julia's chin, looking into her eyes as he spoke

"Now then my sweet girl, this will be the first time your sister will have to get my special ointment. so why don't you take a moment to comfort her? She looks very nervous."

With that, he patted Julia's bottom lightly. she stood up and wrapped her sister in a big hug. John enjoyed the scene before him and watched lustfully as his girls held each other tenderly. Their supple breasts pressed against each other's bodies. Hannah's hands dropped quickly to rub her sister's very red and sore bottom. Julia smiled as she felt her sister's soft and gentle hands on the inferno that was her ass. She whispered in her sister's ear, trying to offer her some comfort.

"I know you're scared, and it is going to hurt, but he will take good care of you after and so will I, I promise. And if we're lucky, he'll even play with us after. He does not seem as angry as I thought he might be."

Hannah's stomach was in knots as she hugged her sister. Her pussy was still throbbing with need but the thought of master's special lube filled her with as much dread as curiosity. But Julia's encouragement helped. She had been so nervous she had not really noticed master was not acting terribly upset. She had thought they would be sent to bed tonight with sore bottoms and no orgasms. Something he only did when they were in really big trouble. Now she was hopeful she would at least get some relief tonight. She pulled back from her sister and gave her a weak smile before turning to face her master. Julia kissed her on the cheek and then knelt to his side, leaving Hannah to her fate.

John looked at the clearly very nervous girl standing before him and it took some effort to keep a stern look on his face. She melted his heart when she was upset. But he knew she needed firm guidance and he was happy to be the man who provided it. He spoke in a steely tone designed to enhance her already anxious state.

"Hannah, it's very important you come to respect the rules of this house. You did not intend to interfere with my work but that was the result. My rules are in place for a reason, young lady. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Hannah gathered up all her courage and said in a shaky voice.

"I know I deserve what I'm going to get sir, I'm sorry for my behavior, please do not go easy on me, I feel terrible about what I did and I should be punished harshly."

With that, she quickly draped herself over her Master's knee and spread her legs wide apart. John's cock throbbed in his pants. Her adorable little plea making him ache with need. He picked up the lube bottle and the slightly smaller plug and applied a generous amount. He pressed the tip to her tiny star and slowly pushed it inside her. Her lack of experience made even this part difficult for her. She whimpered and squirmed as her bottom stretched over the plug reluctantly until finally, it popped into place, making her give a final little squeak. He then began to gently rub her back as the lube started to take effect. Hannah was surprised at how quickly the heat was building inside her. Her hips began to squirm as it went from uncomfortable sting to painful burning. John leaned in close to her ear and spoke softly as she squirmed and whimpered.

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"Ssshhhh, try to stay still for me, baby, I know it hurts"

Hannah gripped the legs of the stool and tried to stop wiggling. She was only mildly successful. But John knew the first time was very difficult. The important thing was that she took her punishment, which she was doing. So, he picked up the hairbrush and patted her bottom with it. Tears were already forming in her eyes when she felt the brush on her tender skin. She was not sure she could take this punishment. It was already very nearly unbearable. But she had little time to worry about it because a moment later the brush exploded onto her bottom along with a hot jolt of pain which mixed with the sensation inside her in the most dreadful way. Again and again, the brush landed forcefully on her exposed bottom and the pain just kept climbing to new heights. She was no longer aware of her squirming which had gotten to a frantic level. John had to throw his leg over hers to stop her kicking as he spanked her on and on for what seemed like forever to her. All she knew was the burning in her bottom and the potent arousal building between her legs. She tried to think of how she had earned this. Then the brush started landing on her thighs and her cry's reached a new pitch.

Tears streamed down her face and pooled on the floor as she cried and shrieked. She was not aware when the spanking stopped, she only knew that it had. And now her master was gently massaging her bottom. He did not rush her, and she was grateful because she could hardly think, let alone get up and take commands. He simply ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed the inferno that was her bottom.

John watched as Hannah's body finally started to relax a little, telling him she was coming back to earth. He lifted her off his lap and sat her down like he had her sister. She threw her arms around him as soon as she was sitting on his lap and sobbed into his shoulder. He gently rubbed her back and reassured her in a soft voice.

"It's alright, sweetheart, it's all over now. I'm so proud of you for taking your spanking so bravely."

Her only reply was soft sniffles as she nuzzled her face into his neck. He smiled and motioned for Julia to join them as he shifted Hannah to straddle one leg. She moaned softly as her quivering pussy pressed into his leg. Julia straddled his other leg and he pressed his lips to hers. She eagerly returned his kiss and opened her mouth, inviting his tongue to dance. An invitation he was happy to oblige. Hannah's hand began to slide down his chest as she recovered and her desire grew stronger than the lingering sting in her bottom. Her hand reached his member, hard and throbbing beneath his pants and she squeezed him, making him moan as his tongue danced with Julia's. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at his girls. Julia's hand joined her sisters and they both teased and stroked him. His need was getting too great to ignore and he gave each girl a playful swat on their sore bottoms. They yelped adorably and he smiled. 

"Stand up, girls," he said in a firm voice, "it's time you thanked me for correcting your naughty behavior." 

They both stood and he did as well. They quickly dropped to their knees before him and began unbuttoning his jeans. As soon as his cock was free of his pants, both Julia and Hannah were sliding their tongues along his shaft very slowly. He slid his fingers through their silky smooth hair and let himself enjoy the moment. They were both flicking and swirling their tongues over the head and it was a divine sensation. He closed his fist in Julia's hair giving him control of her and pushed her forward, she quickly opened her mouth and enveloped him. Hannah watched with hungry eyes as he pushed Julia down on him until he could feel the back of her throat on his head. She knew what he wanted and began to contract her throat muscles as if she were swallowing. John closed his eyes as her throat stimulated him. He then pulled her back slowly and moaned as she used the time to swirl her tongue around his shaft until he pulled his cock free.

Julia watched as he pushed Hannah down on him. Hannah was still perfecting her technique so instead of holding his cock all the way in as he had with Julia, he slowly pushed her down on him until he could feel her throat. And then pulled her back until only the tip was inside. What Hannah lacked in skill she made up for with eagerness. So as her mouth was guided up and down on his engorged cock she stroked and swirled with her tongue earnestly. He took his time, savoring every slippery caress as he guided her down on him again and again. Finally, he pulled himself free of Hannah and quickly pushed Julia back down on him. Forcing himself once more as far into her mouth as she could manage. He changed the pace and started thrusting himself in and out of her mouth, forcefully fucking her tight throat with the need to release.

Hannah was caught up with catching her breath and watching her lovely sis swallow her master's huge cock when she felt a firm pull on her hair. He wasn't hurting her, but she got the message he wanted her on her feet and he wasn't feeling very patient. She stood as quickly as she could manage and his arm immediately wrapped around her shoulders and pressed her firmly against him. He pressed his lips to hers and his tongue pushed into her mouth. Hannah moaned softly into his kiss and wrapped her arms around him. She could feel the tension in his muscles and the knowledge that he was so close excited her. She pressed her soft breasts against him and wrapped one of her legs around his.

Julia could feel him approaching his peak as well. His cock was throbbing as she sucked and swallowed around it. She looked up at the passionate kiss above her. Her juices were dripping down her thigh. The combination of her filled and still stinging bottom, the throbbing cock forcing its way into her throat, and the sight of her lovers lustfully devouring each other made her quiver with desire. Suddenly, she felt him break his relentless pace and she took two deep breaths once he pulled her head off his cock. Once she had taken her much-needed breaths, he pushed her back down on him and as she felt him once again stretch her throat, he burst his seed into her. She closed her eyes as she swallowed down his warm cum.

He loosened his grip on Julia's hair and let her continue to gently stroke him with her warm lips. When she was finished and the waves of pleasure died down, he drew her to her feet. Hannah looked at her sister and kissed her deeply. He smiled at his girls for a moment, then broke their kiss with a sharp slap to each bottom. They both squealed in surprise, breaking their kiss.

"Girls," he said in a firm voice "you know I do not usually allow you to cum after harsh punishments. I want you both to shower and get ready for bed. You are both grounded to the house for the rest of the week. That means early bedtimes as well as bedtime spankings. Do I make myself clear?"

They both looked down and said in unison.

"Yes, sir."

"Good, now I want you both to head to the shower. I suggest you shower together because I want you both cleaned up and ready for bed in thirty minutes. Clean the plugs and leave them in the bathroom. I'll be up to check on you at eight sharp so I suggest you both be under the covers by then."

They both looked at each other for a moment, probably trying to quiet their urge for release. He gave their bottoms another quick and stingy slap.

"Now, girls," he said, his voice a low growl, "unless you'd rather spend some more time with my hairbrush."

That got them moving. He smiled to himself as he watched them scurry out of the room, their bright red bottoms wiggling out the door. He knew they were disappointed because he had intentionally given the impression he would not allow them release tonight. He was wondered if they would try to please each other in the shower. He hadn't given them much time, but he knew they were both ready to bust. He fully intended on satiating both of them before they went to sleep. But he liked to see what they would do if they thought there was no hope.



To be continued

Written by firmdreamer012
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