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John and Julia, the beginning

"Julia meets John and her life changes."

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Julia awoke with a racing mind. She quickly glanced at the clock, sat up, and rushed to the shower. She turned on the water and glanced at herself in the mirror as she waited for the water to warm. She thought of the day it began...

Three days ago, she had gone to a bar on the edge of town on a whim. Armed with a fake ID she got herself in and started ordering drinks. Eventually, her nervousness died down a little. thanks in no small part, to the alcohol. She started dancing and was enjoying herself when a handsome man approached her. He was a good dancer and they casually danced together for a while. When she was feeling a little winded, he offered to take her back to his table for a breather.

She agreed and followed him to a table with a few empty glasses on it. By the time they sat down, she was positively giddy. She never went out, so his attention was making her feel sexy. That didn't last though. Before long he asked, "You seem a little young sweetheart. Did you just turn 21?" 

Before her brain caught up with her mouth, she blurted out, "Actually I'm 18, I never thought it was so easy to get into these bars! Hehe." 

He frowned and caught her off guard when he changed the mood by saying, "You think it's funny to break the law? You should have your hide properly tanned young lady. Count yourself lucky I don't have that authority." 

Julia felt steam on her face and snapped back to reality. She stepped into the shower and began washing. Her hands lingered over her breasts and between her legs, she had been in a constant state of arousal since that night. She rinsed herself off and started to wash her long hair. Her hands went through the motions while her mind was miles away.

"What did you say to me? Who do you think you are, asshole?" she replied to him before storming out of the bar.

She knew she was drunk, so she turned down an alley to walk home, rather than risk driving. She didn't get very far before two burly men approached her and started making rude comments. She tried to keep walking but they blocked her path. Her heart was starting to pound in her ears when they grabbed her arms, pushing her back against a wall. 

"Please, leave me alone, I just want to go home!"

They started to say something when one of the men dropped to the ground. She looked over and saw a man standing there, talking to the other guy holding her arm. The man holding her let her go and pulled a knife from his pocket. She still could not remember what happened next, it was all a blur. But not long after the second man pulled the knife, she was being gently held by the mystery man who was asking her if she was hurt. She looked around and saw the two men on the floor, not moving.

She looked up at her savior and saw not a scratch on him. She wondered where the hell he came from. She told him she was not hurt and should get back home. When she started walking down the alley he called after her. 

 "Whoa whoa whoa, little girl. Are you walking home? In the middle of the night? Why don't you let me give you a ride?" 

She rinsed her hair and debated bringing herself to an orgasm before getting dressed. It would clear her mind, at least a little. Ultimately, she decided there was not enough time, after looking at the clock and realizing her daydreaming had turned her usual ten-minute shower into thirty minutes. She quickly dressed and rushed off to the university. Her first day of college was not for a week, but orientation was today, and she wanted to meet all her professors. Her mind was still preoccupied, however. While she was driving, she thought about that night again.

She had readily agreed to a ride, her close encounter had really frightened her. It wasn't until they were halfway to her house that she realized her savior was the man who had made that outrageous comment. Strangely enough, she was not mad. Not at him anyway. By that time, she was mad at herself. About that time he started scolding her for the remainder of the drive. The worst part was she could not bring herself to say anything because she knew he was right.

To her amazement, once they got to her block, he opened the door for her and asked her if she would be interested in going to dinner with him. I thought he hated me, she thought. He's been practically yelling at me for fifteen minutes! Who the hell proposes a date when they're livid? 

"Oh... umm.. sure, that sounds nice," she told him. Surprising herself a little.  

"Splendid," he said cheerfully. "How about Monday night? I'll pick you up right here at 8 sharp." 

"Okay," she said, "Monday will work... see you then." 

With that, she turned and almost ran to her house. What did I just do? She thought. 

She finally got to her university and started meeting her professors. But throughout the day she could hardly focus. She just kept thinking about her date tonight. Finally, the time had come and she was walking down her street in her nicest dress. When she rounded the first corner, she saw him leaning against his car waiting for her. 

"I told you 8 sharp, Julia. I've been here for ten minutes," he said. 

He barely knew her, and here he was opening a date by scolding her! But he managed to make her feel guilty and embarrassed. She simply lowered her head and mumbled a quiet sorry. He told her she looked stunning and opened the door for her. That made her feel special; she'd always wanted a man to open doors for her. He did the same when they arrived at the restaurant and even pulled out her chair for her. She was a nervous wreck at first, but he still managed to make her laugh and eventually ease her anxiety. That was until he abruptly brought up her little drunken foray from the night they met.

"So why did you decide to pull that little stunt anyway? You seem like a sharp young lady, not the sort to be getting yourself into foolish trouble like that."

How dare he talk to me like that, she thought.

"I was not being foolish!" She spat at him in a tone that was poutier than she liked. "I just wanted to have some fun, I spend all my time studying! Why shouldn't I get out now and then?" 

He let out a small laugh, which made her even madder.

"What's so funny, asshole?" she asked with ice in her voice. 

"My apologies, dear, I'm not laughing at you. But you are adorable when you're angry," he said in an even, calm tone. 

As mad as she was at him for scolding her, she felt ashamed of her behavior. She almost got herself killed! All for one night of drinks at some bar. Then he made it worse for her.

"I understand wanting to get away from your responsibilities for a little while. Especially at your age, Julia. But you put yourself in real danger that night. So, I don't believe for one minute that you don't see how your actions were foolish. Think how your family would have felt if something had happened to you." 

She could not believe it. Why was she allowing someone she just met to scold her? But she didn't say anything else about it. Just hung her head feeling ashamed. He let her stew in silence while they finished their meal. When they were back in his car, he told her he had enjoyed her company. That shocked her. Because much like the night they met, she had been thinking he was mad at her. She had enjoyed his company as well, even if he had spent half the time scolding her.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you tonight," she said, "You saved me last weekend and I still haven't thanked you. But you didn't have to lay into me so much..."

He glanced at her. "You certainly should be scolded for what you did, young lady," he said in a tone that sent chills down her spine, "And I don't see anyone else doing it. If it were up to me, you would get much more than that!" 

She was struck by his boldness. Her body was reacting strongly to his dominant demeanor. Making it hard for her to think. Which is probably why she said what she did next. 

"What would you do... if ...if it were?" 

He simply raised an eyebrow without looking away from the road and said, "I would put you across my knee and make certain you would not be sitting comfortably for a week."

She couldn't believe it. He had just told her he wanted to spank her like it was no big deal! The nerve! They spent the rest of the drive in silence. By the time they got to her stop, she was not mad anymore. She felt silly. He got out of the car and opened her door for her. She stood up and looked at him. She realized then that he had not asked to see her again. Is it because he is mad at me? she wondered. She wanted to see him again but could not imagine asking. She thought it would seem pitiful. 

"Well, there is no one else who will punish me," she said, "so if you're not going to do it, then I guess I get off scot-free." Then, she stuck her tongue out at him. She had not done that since she was a child. That was when she first acknowledged to herself how much this man affected her. She turned to walk away but he caught her arm. 

"Don't push me, girl," he said in a menacing tone. "This is the only warning you'll get. One more insolent word and I'll show you what I do with brats." 

So many thoughts crossed her mind in the next instant. Did he really just call my bluff? Why did I say that? I'm such an idiot! Run home! Run home now! I've never let a man touch me, there is no way I can do this. Just leave! I don't even know this guy! 

"Go ahead. I bet you won't even do anything. Men are all talk," she said.

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It just popped out of her mouth. She hadn't a clue what was coming over her. He simply shut the car door and clicked his key fob, locking the doors.

"If you believe that," he said, "then let's take this discussion inside." 

Her heart jumped to her throat. Her cheeks flushed bright red. All she could do was turn and start walking to her house. When they got to her door, she unlocked it with sweaty hands. She led him inside and shut the door. She stood there, horrified, as he confidently strode over to her couch and sat down. He looked at her and told her to come closer. Despite her mind screaming at her to kick him out she obeyed and sat next to him.  

"Julia, I know you're nervous. Judging from your face I'd say you don't fully understand what you're feeling right now. Have you ever had that cute little bottom spanked before?"  

"What?" she said, feeling more and more nervous by the second. "Nn.. no... of course not!" 

He nodded and continued. "I see, well you certainly must feel guilty right? Why else would you be antagonizing me?" 

She hated him for being right. "I... I guess you're right... it was a little silly."

"It was more than that young lady, it was reckless. Now, I want you to lay across my lap, and do not argue with me."

The next moment she found herself laying over a man's lap. She wanted to object but what could she say? He was right, she had provoked this. She also knew, deep in her heart that he was right about her behavior as well. And she owed him a lot for what he did that night. Before she knew it she was face down on her couch, with her bottom presented to a man she hardly knew. She felt his hand rest on her tush. 

"Julia," he began, in a firm tone that did nothing to help her nerves, "your actions last weekend were inexcusable, illegal, and dangerous. I would bet that if your father knew about this, he would not be opposed to you being severely punished. Would I win that bet young lady?" 

If she wasn't paralyzed with fear just then, she would have laughed. Her father would kill her if he found out. He had never spanked her before, but she didn't doubt for a moment he would for this. 

"I... guess you would," she managed to say in a very small voice. Damn him! she thought. How does he know exactly what buttons to push to make me feel so terrible?

The next moment she felt a sharp pain on her ass. He had landed the first spank and it hurt more than she imagined. But she also noticed a very potent stirring in her loins. She thought of all the times she had secretly played with herself thinking of being over a man's lap. This is so intense, she thought. But she worried how much it would hurt by the time they were done. 

"You will address me as sir for the rest of the evening," he said in the same demanding tone. "Is that understood?" 

"Y... yes sir," she replied.

"Good," he continued, "then it's about time we get started. Try to hold still, struggling will do you no good. You will take what I decide to give you. If you make this more difficult, then I will add to your punishment."

Then her heart dropped and panic set in. his hand was lifting her dress! 

"Wait wait wait!" she yelled in a high pitch squeal. "Please don't!" 

But it was too late. Before she could do anything, her dress was resting on her lower back and her panty-clad bottom was being repeatedly smacked with a large hand. She gritted her teeth and gripped the couch cushion. This was beyond anything she had imagined in her lusty fantasies. Every smack stung terribly, the pain only grew as his hand landed again and again. But even then, there was a part of her that was grateful. She understood that she had earned this. And she had dreamt of this moment so many times. She was also very aware of the growing need in her core. She suddenly hoped her dark-colored panties would hide her arousal, but she was doubtful. At this rate, she would be soaking in a matter of minutes. 

John noticed with some satisfaction that, although this was her first spanking, she had not yet tried to reach back and protect herself. Reasonably impressive considering he was already thirty smacks in. He was determined to teach her a very good lesson tonight. He kept his pace quick and steady, smacking each cheek in turn and making sure every smack carried a good sting. By the time he reached 100 smacks, he could clearly see a dark pink color in the skin just outside her panty line. He knew that the color would be darker in the center of her cheeks where he was focusing most of the smacks. He decided it was time to intensify his efforts. 

He changed his tactic from smacking each cheek in turn, to landing six smacks to a cheek before switching. He knew this would elevate the sting. Sure enough, he heard louder yelps and whimpers coming from Julia as he spanked her. Soon she was kicking her legs frantically and trying to cover her poor bottom. John grabbed her hand and pinned it to the small of her back. Then he began gently massaging her well-spanked bottom. He knew she was near her limit.

By the time the smacks had stopped raining down on her, Julia was struggling in more ways than one. Her bottom burned more than she thought possible. Her body felt weak from all the kicking and struggling. Her pussy throbbed with need and she was so sure he would notice how wet she was. The thought was mortifying. But there was nothing she could do. The combination of the burning in her ass, the thrill of finally being over a man's lap, and the erotic feel of his soothing caresses were driving her mad with lust.

"Well, Julia," she heard him say, breaking her train of thought, "am I getting through to you?" 

"Yes, sir," she said, "very much so." 

"I certainly hope so," he said, "but let's make absolutely sure, shall we?" 

A moment later she felt his big palm explode onto her already sore bottom yet again. He was clearly determined to make this spanking a good one. His hand landed harder and faster now, and Julia learned a new level of desperation. Again and again, he spanked her with barely a moment between smacks. Her ass was a raging fire; she could no longer think. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as her breathing became heavy sobs. She was no longer concerned with whether he knew she was wet. There was only the pain in her bottom. A fire that spread to her pussy and made her wonder if she might actually cum right then and there.

Finally, it stopped. She felt his palm softly caressing her burning skin over her panties. She hoped it would be over, but she could not be sure. Aren't spankings supposed to be on the bare? she thought. I don't think I can take any more. To her relief, he eventually lifted her and let her sit back down on the couch. She sniffled and turned away from him, not wanting him to see her tear-stained face. 

"I hope you don't think I did that just for fun," he said. 

She turned to look at him despite herself. "Why did you do it then?" she asked. 

"Julia," he said, "you could have been killed. I did it because you needed to understand what you did was not some small mistake. It was a very serious lapse in judgment." 

She looked at him, confused. "Then why didn't you take my panties down?" she asked and immediately regretted it. 

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "This was our first date, Julia. I'm perfectly capable of teaching a naughty girl a good lesson with or without her panties. And I did not think it appropriate for tonight."

His response was not what she expected at all. She had no idea what to say and they sat in silence for a few moments before he abruptly stood.

"Well, I should probably leave you for the evening," he said. "You have a lot to think about and it's getting late."

With that, he turned and started walking to the door. Julia's mind started racing. Just like that? she thought. We haven't even exchanged numbers. Does he not want to see me again? Did I make him that angry? 

"Wait..." she said in a voice that betrayed more of her panic than she would have preferred. "Will I... see you again?" 

He turned and walked back to her with a confident smile on his face. "Do you want to see me again after tonight?" he asked.

She lowered her head, too embarrassed to look at him. "Well... I did have a nice time at dinner," she almost whispered.

He knelt in front of her and put his finger under her chin, lifting her head so their eyes locked. 

"You should know, Julia, if we continue from here, there is a very good chance you will find yourself over my knee again. I'm a firm believer in strict discipline. I can be overbearing and demanding. Are you sure that's what you want?"

She did not understand what she felt at that moment. But she knew she didn't want to let him go. She felt safe and special with him. She tried to find something to say but nothing seemed right. Then she remembered she had still not thanked him for saving her that night. So, instead of speaking, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She was relieved when he wrapped his arms around her and held her in a warm hug while they lingered in that sweet kiss. When they finally separated, he pulled out a card and handed it to her. 

"You need to get some sleep, cutie," he said. "If you still want to see me tomorrow, call me. I'd be happy to spend another evening with you."

With that, he strode to the door. But before he was gone, he glanced back and said, "Try and behave until then." 






Written by firmdreamer012
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