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I'm Back!

"Candy, my naughty co-ed, returns unexpectedly and wants fun on the beach!"

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Author's Notes

"A fun continuation of my 'Would You Do It?' series! Enjoy!"

Walking across the drawbridge on my usual exercise walk to and from the beach, the location reminded me of the day when I met two cute co-eds on this very spot. That meeting turned into several of the most exciting, spontaneous, and memorable spankings I’d ever given and gotten, as they’d also turned the tables on me.

My phone rang unexpectedly, interrupting the Kinks’ ‘Sunny Afternoon’. I answered it by tapping the button on my Bluetooth earbuds.

“Hello?” I said without the benefit of caller ID.

“Hey, Mark! I can see you walking on the bridge!” a familiar voice said.

“Candy?” I asked, putting the voice together with the logic of who could see me but someone with an elevated view of the bridge.

I turned to look back toward the beach and saw her on the top-floor balcony facing the bridge, waving energetically. I waved back, thinking, ‘What a freaky coincidence that I’d just been thinking about her!’

“Hey! I’m back!”

“It’s good to hear your voice,” I said sincerely, hoping that I’d get to see her again. “Is Diane with you?”

“No, I’m here with my mom and stepdad!” she said, and my hope faded.

“Are you on another break?” I asked, being out of touch with school schedules.

“Yeah, for the whole summer! I finished last week and got really good grades, so my folks brought me here as a reward!”

“That’s great! Congratulations on your grades!”

“Yeah, thanks! Anyway, wanna come over tonight? I’m feeling kinda naughty again!” she said with that same cute voice that convinced me the first time.

“What about your parents? I’m a little old to be sneaking into a girl’s bedroom,” I said, only half joking.

“You’re so funny! No, they’re going out tonight and will be out late. Why don’t you come over? We’ll watch the sunset and have some fun on the beach!”

“I’d love to! About eight o’clock?”

“Great! Bring some beer?”

“Sure! See you then!” I said, signing off and was already getting turned on by the thought of getting my hands on her tight, young body again.

She asked me to text her when I was on my way, knowing it was less than a five-minute drive from my home to her condo. Driving across the bridge, I noticed the clouds were perfect for one of Florida’s classic ‘sky on fire’ sunsets.

I pulled into the parking lot and was greeted by Candy waiting at the door.

“Your car is even prettier close-up!” she said, coming over to look at my ‘Grabber Blue’ Z4. “Take me for a drive later?”

“Sure!” I said as I got out of the car and into Candy’s arms, hugging me like a long-lost friend. “Oh wow, Candy! You feel so good!” I said, feeling her tight body under the gauzy beach wrap that hung straight from her shoulders, hiding any shapes except for her perky tits and the bright peach color of her bikini. The fabric was so light I could feel bare flesh underneath where the swimsuit wasn’t, and my hands slid down her back to squeeze her perfect bottom.

“Do you like my beach dress?” she asked, standing back and pulling the revealing fabric tight against her body. “It’s not too naughty, is it?” she giggled.

“For you, it seems conservative!” I chuckled as I walked around my car to retrieve the beer from the passenger’s seat.

“Well, I’ll have to do something about that!” she said as I stood before her again.

She pulled the dress up with one hand and yanked the ties of the swimsuit bottom loose with the other, pulling it from between her legs and handing it to me. She doesn’t easily surprise me anymore, so I took the garment, put it up to my nose, and inhaled, making a show of appreciating her musky scent.

“Mmm, I can’t wait to taste the real thing!”

“I’m trying to be naughty here!” she giggled as she came and wrapped her arms around my waist.

“You don’t have to try, Candy! You’re just a naturally naughty little girl!”

“Who needs to be spanked!” she added, tipping her head up for a soft, wet kiss.

“Yeah! Who needs a good spanking on her perfect little butt!”

“Ooo!” she squeaked when both hands smacked her almost naked bottom. “Come on! Let’s go watch the sunset!”

She led me through the condo’s pool area to a gate in the privacy wall leading to the beach. Just a few yards away was a wide S-shaped chaise lounge for two with a table to the side and beach towels draped over the back. Candy took the sixpack of Stella Artois from me, put it on the table, opened two bottles, handed one to me, and gestured for me to sit.

“Do you want to put this back on?” I asked, still holding her suit bottom.

“Nah!” she said, falling into my lap on her back with her pretty face, begging for another kiss. Her beach wrap fell open as she reached to pull me in for a kiss, our bottles clinking for a toast as our lips met.

“Mmm, I’m so glad you called!” I said, stealing glances at the smooth, bare slit between her slender thighs. She caught me practically drooling over her pretty pussy and giggled.

“Go ahead! Touch it! Lick it if you want! You can do anything you want to me as long as I get my spanking!”

Moving my beer to the hand supporting Candy’s neck, the other slid down her flat tummy with fingers spread. She moaned as my middle finger slipped easily into her moist slit, the other fingers on either side of her petite labia.

A noise from the beach before us had me looking up, only now conscious of our public exposure. She noticed my concern and rolled to face me; my hand clamped tightly between her thighs.

“Don’t worry. No one’s looking over here,” she said as she pulled one arm out of the wrap she was barely wearing anyway. “And I don’t care if someone does see me as long as you’re here with me.”

“Then why wear your top?”

“You’re right! Take it off. The ties are in the back,” she said as she rolled toward me to give me better access to the bows. I opened them at her neck and back, and she rolled back again, her top falling off, revealing the most perfect set of small tits I’d ever had the pleasure of. “There! Ooo!” she cooed as my hand cradled one then the other, pinching the protruding nips gently. “Mmm, you make me feel so sexy, Mark,” she said softly, tipping her head up for another soft kiss. Our lips separated as our eyes met, darting left and right to each eye.

“I’m sure you turn many guys’ heads on campus,” I said, downplaying my part.

“Yeah, they look, but they’re just boys! Boys who just want to get in my pants or a quick blowjob. They don’t care how I look or whether I’m enjoying anything. You always make me feel special.”

“Even when I’m spanking you?” I said in jest.

Especially when you’re spanking me!” she said, stealing another kiss. “Ooo, the sun’s on the horizon!” she said as she sat up and snuggled under my arm to watch the show.

The conditions were perfect for a wildly colorful sunset. The colors would be dramatic, with no clouds on the horizon to block the sun’s rays from lighting up the clouds from below. We watched it slowly fall into the Gulf of Mexico down to the last sliver of brilliant light. The clouds overhead went from gradually brightening pink and orange on the edge facing the sun to dark lavender on the eastern edge as the sun fell further below the horizon. It always surprised me how quickly the color spread until every cloud was bright red and orange, and just a few minutes later, it was already fading. Grayish and dark blue shades spread from east to west as the colorful show slowly came to an end.

“I never get tired of that, no matter how many times I see it,” I said. “Nor this!” I added when Candy got up and knelt, straddling my lap, her youthful naked body begging for attention.

Not reacting quickly enough, she took my hands and placed one on her ass and the other between her thighs. She let me decide what to do with them, and a finger naturally curled up and slid inside her dewy pussy, while the other got reacquainted with her ‘hiney’ as she liked to call it.

“I could do this for hours, Candy!”

“Are you going somewhere? Ungh!” she laughed, then groaned when my finger made circles on that special place inside.

“Mmm! You feel so good!” I said as her juice flowed over my fingers. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather do this inside?” I asked, noting that despite the encroaching darkness, there was still the occasional person or couple passing by on the beach. We were far enough from the shoreline and quiet enough that no one seemed to notice; at least, no one stopped to watch.

“No! No, don’t stop!” she gasped when my thumb found her clit, and, “Oh, God!” when another circled that tight opening between her cheeks in back, threatening to push in. Going all in, I leaned in, managing to get one of her pert tits in my mouth. “Oh-oh-oh! Ha! Ha! Ungh! Oh, Goooddd!” she yelled as she came, falling forward with her hands on my shoulders for support, panting for breath.

“I love doing that to you!” I whispered as she bent forward to kiss me.

“See?” she said between heaving breaths, “You give me everything without worrying about what you get in return!”

“Well. Maybe a little worried,” I said with a big smile.

“Oh? Is ‘he’ ready to come out and play?” she asked as she reached down between my legs and lightly stroked the huge bulge there.

“Maybe, but I wouldn’t mind a taste of that juicy pussy of yours first!”

She giggled and tried to stand on the springy fabric of the chaise but decided it was too unsteady and fell into it beside me. With legs in the air, she shifted forward so her crotch was at the high point of the chair, which put it on display for the beach walkers.

“Candy, everyone can see!” I said, noting a couple that had just passed us, although admittedly a good distance away.

“So, cover me up!” she giggled. “Come on! I love the way you eat me!”

“I guess we’re staying here a while?” I said, resigned to whatever fate awaited us.

“All night!”

“Even for your spanking?” I asked, thinking about the sound that might attract others.

Especially for my spanking! Come on! Don’t make me beg!” she pouted.

“I like hearing you beg!”

“Oh, please, Mark!? Please eat my pussy! Make me cum over and over again with that magic tongue of yours! I wanna feel your face between my thighs and your tongue in my cunt!” she said, making quite a show of her begging.

“Well. Since you’ve asked so nicely,” I said, laughing again before grabbing a towel to lay on the sand so I could kneel there.

“Mmm!” we hummed simultaneously when the first lick from bottom to top and back was complete.

Using the flat of my tongue, I licked up the remnants of her prior climax, delighting in the taste and the feeling of her smooth, wet lips against my tongue. A long low moan accompanied the changing to the tip of my tongue traversing the valley between her petite labia, teasing her clit for just a moment with each pass.

I felt her feet land on my back as her thighs closed in on me, holding my face captive as she ground her pussy against my face. I relinquished control of the proceedings as her hands took hold of my head, pushing from that direction as well. Between her hands, thighs, and hips, I became her newest toy to pleasure herself with, and several frenetic seconds later, she came again, my face bathed in her juice.

Remembering her ‘cum over and over again’ wish, I took some control back and immediately brought my hands to the party, one with a couple of fingers stuffed hard in her pussy and the other coming in the back door.

“Holy shit!” she cried for all to hear as she’d barely descended one peak when another was before her. The gasping and groaning were non-stop as fingers and tongue assaulted her from every direction. Nibbling her clit between my lips and wiggling my finger in her ass, she imploded with her spasms, jerking my head this way and that.

“No! No! Enough!” she cried when she felt me trying for another. “Oh, my God!” she panted, closing her thighs tightly on my head, the feeling of me pressed so hard into her crotch prolonging the ecstasy as she swung her legs left and right.

“Oh, Mark! That was incredible!” she gushed as she released me from her pussy prison.

We returned to normal sitting positions on the lounger and rolled toward each other for another passionate kiss.

“You’re overdressed!” she exclaimed as her hand slid down my side to stroke the bulge in my very tight shorts lightly.

I sat up and pulled my shirt over my head while her hands gripped the waist of my shorts and pulled them down when I lifted my hips.

“Ooo! Naughty boy!” she said when she discovered my lack of underwear, something I haven’t done in many years but which her youthful exuberance seemed to call for.

“There’s only one hiney getting spanked tonight,” I warned, though if push came to shove, I’d gladly place myself over her knee.

“That’s right!” she replied emphatically. “And it’s my hiney, not yours! But I think this needs some attention first, doesn’t it?” she asked, gripping my stiff shaft firmly.

Moving to lie on her stomach across the lounger, perpendicular to me, her head rested on my thighs within tongue’s reach of my cock. She smiled at me briefly before wrapping her tongue around my girth, sliding it up and down while a hand massaged my sac with gentle caresses and squeezes.

“Oh, that’s good!” I said as she concentrated on the tip with her wrapping tongue.

By the time she stuck it in her mouth, I was already well on my way. Sucking me in and then licking on the way out with her limber tongue brought me even closer as my body tensed, holding on as long as I could. Sensing the end, Candy took me out of her mouth, but her tongue and fingers continued to drive me on. Hearing my ‘Oh fuck!’ she aimed me to the side and giggled as the pulses shot my seed harmlessly into the sand.

“Was that good?” she asked, rolling to her side, still in my lap and stroking my hairless chest.

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“More than good!” I said and bent to kiss her while running my hands over her tits.

“Lick them? Please?”

I bent to take one into my mouth, slathering my tongue over the small areola and hard nipples while my hand squeezed more into my mouth. I laughed inside when I recalled a lyric from a strange Frank Zappa song, ‘Anything over a mouthful is wasted!’ and Candy was undoubtedly more than a mouthful. Giving the other equal treatment, she pushed her chest into my face, moaning as she ran her fingers through my hair.

“I know they’re small,” she said as I looked up, “but you make me feel like they’re not.”

“They’re perfect, Candy,” I replied and bent to kiss her softly.

Cradled in my arms now, I kissed her all over her face and down her neck while my hand still enjoyed her perky tits.

“I haven’t been very naughty tonight. Are you still gonna spank me?” she asked with her trademark cute smile.

“That depends on your definition of ‘naughty.’ Do you want your Daddy spanking his naughty girl or a good spanking?” I asked with emphasis on ‘good’.

“What’s the difference?” she asked, biting her lower lip.

“Put another way, do you want it to hurt, or do you want to cum while you’re being spanked?”

“Mmm, can I have both?” she said, looking up at me with those innocent blue eyes.

“Of course you can! You only have to ask!”


“Yes, Candy.”

“Will you give my bare hiney a good spanking? A long – hard – good spanking?”

After a quick kiss, she rolled over on her stomach, lifting her hips for me to shift to my right, centering myself on the lounger with her ‘hiney’ lying atop my right thigh. She bunched up one of the towels to rest her head on and closed her eyes, moaning as my hands manhandled the most perfect pair of cheeks I’ve ever had the pleasure of spanking.

So perfectly shaped, they were like two half spheres with a deep defining cleft between them. So perfectly soft and smooth, like a baby’s bottom, and yet so perfectly firm, retaining their luscious shape under the hardest of spanks.

“Mmm, that feels so good! Spank me? Please, Mark?” she requested, looking up at me. No longer ‘Daddy,’ she’d made her choice; a long sexy spanking during which I would make sure she’d cum more than once.

“Ooo, yeah!” she sighed as the first spanks landed on both cheeks.

As I heard the sound of these first smacks over the constant rush of the surf, I noticed how dark it had become and how I could barely see the white froth at the churning shoreline. I saw no one walking the beach, but I doubted I’d see them against the dark black backdrop of the gulf anyway. I hadn’t really worried about discovery but felt an additional level of comfort that we’d not likely be seen or interrupted, and I spanked just a little harder.

“Oh, that’s it! Spank me!” she pled repeatedly as her body slithered like a snake in my lap, her hips rising every so often, wanting a few hard ones.

I gave her groups of twenty to thirty rhythmic spanks, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but not a single ‘Ow!’ in what I could only guess was well over a hundred so far. Even the burst of a few stinging smacks was received as though it were a soothing massage.

Between groups, my fingers flew over her firm flesh, teasing and stimulating to loud gasps and moans. She’d long ago spread her legs, even drawing her knees up a bit to open herself up to my dancing fingers as they teased, poked, flicked, and penetrated her pussy, after which a few hard spanks brought her focus back to her stinging bottom.

During one such ‘rest,’ I had two fingers gliding slowly in and out of her dripping wet pussy, while my thumb pressed with increasing circular force on her other hole. I could tell from her groans and exclamations that she was close to a climax when, without warning, my left hand began spanking from above, at first slowly, but the tempo and force increased quickly and in sync with my fingers still pumping her pussy.

“Oh! OH! Oh, my God! Ho-ho-ho-ho-hohmmm!” she gasped as the rapturous waves crashed over her, leaving her body still writhing in my lap, with the occasional spasm jerking her body into mine.

When she could, she sat up and grabbed my face, pulling me in for a sloppy, wet kiss that lasted forever. She finally pulled away, staring into my eyes, and still panting, she asked, “Again!? Please!” and lay back down in my lap.

I started at the beginning with softer spanks, but escalating quickly, we repeated our performance with some variations. An occasional ‘Ow!’ and other pained sounds from harder spanks on her lower cheeks. Longer groups between ‘rests,’ and when it came to the coup-de-grace, I stole enough lubrication from her pussy to get my whole finger in her ass while my thumb alternated between penetration and rubbing her clit.

Her body tensed, and all I could hear was a squeaky whine escaping her held breath until the air came rushing out as her body convulsed in my lap, and a ‘Holy – fucking – Jesus!’ accompanied one of the most powerful orgasms I’d ever given. I smiled at what I’d wrought as my hands ran up and down her whole body, the intention to comfort, not arouse.

Eventually, she calmed down enough to sit in my lap and holding my face in her hands, kissed my lips and face gratefully.

“Jesus, Mark! How do you fuckin’ do that?” she asked like it was some kind of trade secret.

“You inspire me, Candy!” I replied, accepting that smile I love as thanks. “I love doing that for you!”

“One more time?” she asked with some doubt. Knowing I wouldn’t deny her, she continued. “This time with a paddle, too!” she said reaching for a beach bag under the table where four beers still stood in their carrier. Reaching inside, she pulled out a large, round paddle I recognized as one used to bat a small ball around on the beach, sometimes called ‘Smashball.’

“Are you sure?” I asked genuinely, “Your bottom is already beet red!”

“Come on! You know I can take it!” she countered, handing me the paddle. “There’s a surprise at the end for you!” she added, stroking my erection before laying in my lap again. “Twenty on one cheek, twenty on the other, and then twenty on both, okay? Oh, and a little warmup spanking first!”

“Warmup? Candy, your bottom is blazing hot already!” I said, finding she could still surprise me.

“Come on! You know what I mean!” she said, wiggling her bright red bottom at me. “Ooo, yeah! Mmm! I love the way you spank me!” she said as my hand spanked her for what I realized was possibly the last time … ever.

The paddle lay beside me as I ‘warmed her up’ again with medium-hard spanks in one long series. Picking up the paddle, I gauged the weight and size of it by patting her bottom a few times, seeing it was indeed large enough to get both cheeks, and was surprised by the loud report from even these playful taps on her sizzling bottom.

“Ooo, It’s gonna be good!” she said, enjoying even these trial swats. “Do it, Mark! OW!” she cried as the first twenty began at a steady one-per-second pace and quite hard.

I had two goals in mind. First was to be sure this was the last spanking of the night, as I was sure she’d end up bruised after this round. Second was to prepare her bottom for my fingernail treatment.

“Yeow!” she cried at fifteen, and then, “Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!” as the last five came fast and hard. “Oh! Oh! Oh my God!” she cried as her body quivered from the hyperstimulation of my fingernails scraping the dark red but turning blue spot on her far cheek.

She was still panting when I paddled the other cheek, both harder and a bit faster. She practically crawled off my lap when my fingers scraped from between her thighs to the peak of the cheek and back down again.

“Oh my God, Mark! That’s so fuckin’ amazing!” she gasped as I gave her a longer rest before the finale.

“Ready, Candy? Last twenty!”

“Make it twenty-five, NO thirty!” she begged as she looked back to see my face, both surprised and not. She was insatiable.

I started slowly and quite hard but increased both rapidly, and for the first time tonight, she moved every which way, trying to avoid the paddle. My arm around her waist put an end to that, and the final swats were delivered to her squirming body. I dropped the paddle and used both hands, starting between her thighs, just barely touching those swollen, wet lips, and scratched my way up her bruised bottom.

“Aye, aye, aye, aye!” she gasped with the extraordinary sensation of wanting more and not being able to take it at the same time.

Being the last time, I continued longer than before, her hips twitching under the tortuous pleasure, and a finger brushing her clit was the trigger that had her cumming again with her third spanking of the night.

It was clear she wasn’t expecting it as she slowly managed to get up and straddle my lap before neither her body nor breathing had normalized. Up on her knees, I found out what my surprise was as she guided my cock into her slippery wet pussy.

“Mmm, you feel so good, Candy!” I said, thankful that I’d cum once already and would be able to enjoy a longer trip gliding through her tight sheath.

“Ohhhh, I love having you deep inside me!”

I loved watching my cock disappear into her tunnel as she came down, and her lips clutching at it as if to say, ‘Please don’t go’ as she rose. She rode me slowly, gently at first as though taking it easy would prolong the euphoria, but it had the opposite effect, and realizing it, we both kicked it into high gear rather suddenly.

Bouncing on my cock, she’d wince each time her sore cheeks hit my thrusting hips, yelling ‘Oh fuck!’ as her movements slowed from sheer fatigue. Taking up the slack, I pounded her pussy from below while grasping her stinging cheeks and pulling her down hard, and after only a few thrusts, she was cumming again.

She fell forward, putting her hands on my shoulders for support as I continued to hear a chorus of her unintelligible grunts and gasps. I wondered if she’d actually cum more than once before I finally exploded inside her, my hips jerking upward with each pulse of the strongest orgasm I’d had in years.

She rolled to my right side, welcoming my comforting arms wrapping around her slender body. I could still feel her quivering a minute or two later as neither of us tried to speak. We lay there silent, the sound of the surf offering its soothing soundtrack.

“Mmm, oh Mark,” she sighed as though waking from a deep sleep, tilting her head up soliciting a kiss. It was warm, wet, and gentle, and we both sighed into each other’s mouths.

“Candy, I haven’t felt anything like that in a long time,” I told her as I stared into those beautiful, now tired eyes.

“Pretty good for a naughty little girl, huh?” she replied softly, staring back. “Hey, you were gonna take me for a ride in your car!”

“True! Wanna go now?” I asked, and she answered by getting up and looking for her swimsuit and wrap to get dressed.

I got dressed as well, and minutes later, we were in my car, pulling onto the boulevard driving south. It was a typical balmy Florida night, and with the top down, the wind in the car felt liberating, exhilarating, waking us both up from the stupor resulting from extraordinary sex.

For the first time, I was glad the speed limit was a low thirty or thirty-five as I couldn’t keep my eyes off Candy’s body, specifically between her legs as she bopped to the music and driving slowly enabled frequent glances at her.

“Hey! Candy Kitchen!” she cried as we passed it, “Can we go and get some ice cream!?” she asked with a child’s enthusiasm. “Not now, on the way back, okay?”

We continued the drive, talking intermittently about nothing important. I learned a little more about her school and curriculum and she asked about my work, surprised at my position without a college degree.

Eventually, I turned around and headed back north, pulling into Candy Kitchen when we got back to it. I parked on the side, in the shadow of the building, to avoid other cars parking nearby. I’m very protective of my car, having waited a long time to afford such a car.

Candy jumped out of the car, her childlike excitement returning as she ran into the store. In addition to all kinds of candy you didn’t even know they still make, like candy cigarettes, Gold Rush bubble gum, jawbreakers, etc., they also had ice cream, and she surprised me again by ordering a vanilla cone. Guilty of assuming that exciting people eat exciting things, not vanilla ice cream, it made me oddly happy that she liked vanilla.

“What?” she asked when I shook my head, “I like vanilla!” She went outside and waited for me at one of the old, weathered picnic tables. “You got vanilla too!?” she asked, guilty of the same bias.

“I just see you as this young, exciting person who does exciting things, so I’m surprised you like vanilla ice cream.”

“What if I do something exciting while eating my vanilla ice cream?”

“Like what?” I asked, regretting it immediately as she smiled devilishly and asked me to hold her cone.

She looked around quickly, confirming there was no one else there and little traffic on the boulevard. Opening her wrap, she pulled the ties of her swimsuit bottom open, yanked it out between her legs, and handed it to me, giggling at my stunned visage.

“Your turn!” she challenged, taking her cone back and twirling it in her mouth.

“Come with me,” I said, standing, taking her hand, and leading her back to my car.

Standing at the back of my car, I handed her my cone to hold and, grabbing her waist, lifted her onto the trunk lid. The upturned spoiler provided an edge to keep her from sliding off. She was giggling again when I pulled her knees up and apart, leaving her pretty little pussy ready to lick, but I had one more trick up my sleeve when I asked for my ice cream back.

“Ooo!” she squeaked when I coated her pussy with the cold white cream and bent to lick it off. “Oh yeah!” she moaned as I licked her vanilla-flavored slit, replacing what I licked off each time. Down to the cone, I turned it around and stuffed it into her creamy cunt and continued to enjoy my dessert until she came again, mixing her cream with mine.

“So, I guess vanilla can be exciting,” I admitted, helping her down.

She fell into my arms when her feet touched ground, and we kissed like it was the last time because it probably was. I had a similar feeling of sadness when I dropped her off at her condo, but also one of hope as she’d already come back one more time than I’d expected.


Wondering if Candy can get any naughtier? Yean, me too! I hoped you liked this continuation of my 'Would You Do It?' series and remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it! Thanks For Reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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