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Would You Do It?

"Two college co-eds get in trouble during a bike ride across a drawbridge."

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Author's Notes

"A real life encounter during my exercise walk inspires a naughty tale!"

Lost in my world listening to a Tears For Fears playlist, I returned from my walk to and on the beach. The primary purpose was exercise, but the music and the beach made the healthy necessity enjoyable. Trying to increase my pace, I was working towards a fifteen-minute mile and was only about thirty seconds short of that goal today.

Given how flat it is, one would think that such exercise is easier in Florida, but I actually live on a hill that rises some fifty feet over the road to the beach. Then there’s the drawbridge over the Intracoastal Waterway with a much steeper grade on the way back.

The sun was warm, but a cool gulf breeze made the effort even more pleasant. I often walk in the early morning hours, sometimes before the sun rises, to take advantage of the cooler temperatures, but other times, like today, I go later for the eye candy on the beach.

Not exactly a Spring Break destination, the students that come to ‘my’ beaches are probably trying to avoid the craziness of those crowds, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of them. In the mile and a half of the beach portion of my walk, I saw quite a few young hardbodies among the retirees and snowbirds.

The sight of one trio was etched in my mind. Lying on their fronts away from the water, they were obviously working on their tan, giving the passing crowd a delicious view between their thighs, spread invitingly to maximize sun exposure. Wearing almost-nothing swimsuits, the slim strip of fabric between their legs just barely covered their sweet young pussies. I would have sworn that one girl had a bit of those delicious lips peeking out.

If it weren’t for the considerable number of people also walking, not sunbathing, on the beach I might have stopped for a few seconds to enjoy the view. As it was, I had to satisfy myself with a fantasy of them requesting the services of my tongue in their sweaty, slippery slits, maybe with them sitting on my face and their bikinis pulled to the side for full access. Passersby jealously watching as the three girls took turns to squat on my ready and willing tongue.

On the return trip, I took another look and pushed the fantasy out of my mind, concentrating on the music instead.

I was on the downside of the drawbridge, fully immersed in my music, and I didn’t hear the cyclists behind me wanting to pass but afraid of hitting me on the narrow bridge walkway. I first became aware of them when the fat tire of one of their beach cruisers touched the back of my calf. I literally jumped at the unexpected contact, instinctively hugging the short wall separating the car traffic from pedestrians.

“I’m so sorry, sir!” a young female voice said. I looked up from the offending tire and saw a pretty young blonde looking nervously at me from her perch atop the seat, with one leg on the ground holding her up.

In a modest yet enticing swimsuit, the girl smiled when she saw me smile, and with the beach fantasy still rattling around in my brain, I looked down between her legs at the enticing little bulge her swimsuit hid. ‘Oh, to be a bicycle seat!’ I thought.

“Are you okay, sir?” a different voice asked, and then I realized there were two of them.

The other appeared only a little older than the first, also in a swimsuit that had me pining for my youthful days when such an opportunity would not be missed without trying to get my hands into or these girls out of those skimpy suits.

“Yes, I’m okay,” I said, taking a deep breath that they probably took as a result of the bicycle tire hitting me, but was really me reacting to my imagining their nubile bodies, naked with their tight, young pussies splayed on the bicycle seats.

“We tried calling out to you, but you didn’t hear us,” the blonde said.

“Yeah, you probably shouldn’t have the music so loud that you can’t hear what’s going on around you!” the brunette scolded.

“Hey!” I started, “If you were my daughters, I’d be telling you to respect your elders as I put you across my knee!”

I shocked myself with that declaration as I’m not usually that brazen. I’m in pretty good shape, but I won’t say how much older I was, and my hair color would attest to the fact that I’m easily old enough to be their father or even …

I let that thought go, getting one last look at the two beauties as their feet re-engaged the pedals and pushed off.

“We’re too old to get spanked!” the blonde giggled as they pedaled away.

“You’re never too old to get spanked!” I called after them, eliciting another round of giggles as I watched their beautiful backsides flex with the effort of pedaling. Again, I couldn’t believe I’d just said that and chalked it up to the temptations of so many young, sexy bodies that day.

I resumed my walk, another hundred yards or so of the bridge remaining. I watched the girls as they disappeared in the distance and set my mind back on the amazing songs of the ‘Seeds Of Love’ album.

Another ten minutes down the road, I turned off the sidewalk next to the road to distance myself from the traffic noise, walking instead through the parking lot of a storage facility. I often look down as I walk, looking up only occasionally to get my bearings, but I looked up when I heard that same young female voice.

“Do you believe that, sir?” she asked, distracting me from my music again.

She was standing behind a machine that dispensed bottled water and ice, and again, I was taken aback at her youthful beauty. Her pretty smile beamed from a cute face framed by long, windblown blonde hair. Standing now, with the bike between her legs, I noticed her modest tits half exposed by the small suit top and then her slim body, swelling only slightly where her suit stretched tightly over her hips and crotch.

“I’m sorry, what?” I replied, entranced by her body and confused by the out-of-context question.

“Do you believe what you said?” she asked again and continued when I showed no signs of understanding, “That you’re never too old to be spanked?”

To say I was stunned would be the understatement of the year.

“How old are you?” I asked in disbelief, thinking the heat had got to me.

“We’re nineteen,” she replied with the pride of youth.

“Um. Yes. Yes, I believe you’re never too old for a spanking,” I replied with a serious face, as though answering a serious question. The image of this cute girl across my knee was instantly in my mind.

“Would you do it?” she asked. Still too surprised to respond, she continued, “Spank me? If I … if I asked you to?”

I imagined she could see that I was seriously thinking about it and putting the kickstand in place; she left her bike to walk up to me and took my hand. She pulled me behind the ice machine, stood so close to me I could feel the warmth of her body, and placed my hand firmly on her tight little rump. Her small suit left a couple of fingers touching the bare flesh of the bottom of her warm cheek.

“I’m sorry I hit you with my bike. I deserve a good spanking, don’t I? Ooo!” she yelped when I lifted my hand off her perfect butt and smacked it playfully. “Again!” she said, smiling with her lower lip between her teeth and yanking her suit down in back to offer a bare cheek. I quickly smacked each cheek just a bit harder.

“I don’t believe you, Candy!” her friend laughed.

“Ooo, yeah!” she said, putting her hand over mine and rubbing her bottom with my hand. “Will you put me over your knee and give me a real spanking?” she asked, looking into my eyes as my hand caressed her firm, round bottom.

“Here?” I asked, believing she’d do anything at this point.

“No. In my condo! It’s just across the bridge,” she said, adding, “Please?” when I didn’t respond immediately.

“You don’t even know me, um, Candy,” I pointed out to her, though my cock was straining at the fabric of my shorts, begging me to do it.

“That’s okay. Diane will be there to make sure you don’t do anything you shouldn’t,” she said, and when I looked over at Diane, she added, “She knows Tae-Kwon-Do.” Diane smiled, and I figured she’d been in this situation before.

“Okay. Where do I …” I started but was interrupted.

“It’s the pink and beige condo right at the end of the bridge,” she said as she got back on her bicycle. “Fourth floor. Ring the buzzer in the lobby, and I’ll send the elevator. Hurry, Daddy!” she giggled as they pushed off and rode away, with Candy looking back a couple of times until she saw me start walking in their direction.

I almost stopped, thinking this couldn’t be happening, but my hand remembered the feel of smacking her perfect bottom, and caution took a back seat to desire.

“Total distance, four miles. Total duration, one hour, fifteen minutes. Pace …” my exercise app announced through my earbuds, and I laughed, thinking they ought to make an app for spanking. ‘Total spanks, one hundred. Total time, five minutes. Bottom color, light pink.’

I was pretty hot and sweaty as I walked back over the bridge for the second time today, but they probably were, too. Thinking of what was about to happen, I realized it had been many years since I’d spanked someone as young as Candy, and I started getting hard imagining her firm, little tush quivering under my punishing hand.

I arrived at the condo and was soon riding the elevator to the fourth floor. When the door opened, Diane was standing there to greet me.

“Our little girl has been very naughty today, and I think she should be spanked more severely than the last time,” she said, assuming the role of … mommy?

“Yes, I believe you’re right,” I replied.

Looking towards the back of the condo, I could see a vast expanse of open doors with a fantastic view of the gulf. A cool breeze blew through the room, making it very comfortable despite the lack of air conditioning.

Diane motioned me into the large open-plan room with living, dining, and kitchen open to the breathtaking vista. About halfway in, I saw Candy sitting in a chair, conspicuously located in the middle of the room facing out, just within the shade of the western-facing room.

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“Hi, Daddy,” she said as I stepped into view. “Am I really gonna get a spanking?” she asked with a pouting face. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she added and stood to offer me the chair.

“Don’t you think you deserve it?” I asked, trying to play along without a script.

“That man wasn’t listening! I tried to get his attention, but he had his music so loud he couldn’t hear me!” she replied defensively. “Besides, I only touched his leg with my wheel. I didn’t hurt him!”

“Couldn’t you get off your bike and walk around him?” I asked, as that very thought had occurred to me at the time.

“Ohhh, I guess so,” she replied dejectedly. “Do I hafta be naked like last time?” she complained, giving me another clue to the play.

“Why do you ask me that every time? You know you’re always naked when you get spanked! Now, come here!” I said, and she moved to stand directly in front of me.

Reaching around back, I unhooked one side of her top from the other and pulled the straps forward; her small, firm tits and tiny erect nipples came into full view. She wasn’t as tan as Diane, but she had pronounced tan lines that emphasized the pale white flesh of her perky breasts. I moaned softly at the sight of such youthful beauty, and Candy stepped closer, pushing her tits into my face. She smiled as my tongue came out, reaching for them.

“Ooo, Daddy!” she cooed as I licked first, then sucked one of them into my mouth. “Wouldn’t you rather play with my body than spank my little hiney?”

I wanted to say, ‘Yes, I would!’ but I knew the spanking was the main event for her.

“You’re a naughty little minx, Candy! Keep it up, and you’ll get more than just a hand spanking!” I threatened, not knowing what else I’d use if she called my bluff.

Discarding her suit top, I slipped my hand inside the elastic of the suit bottom and slowly tugged them down over her nonexistent hips, groaning again when her smoothly shaved pussy, with a tightly closed slit, came into view.

“I shaved my … my pussy, Daddy! Do you like it?” she asked, looking down at my appreciative smile. “Wanna lick it, Daddy?” she offered and pushed it in my face.

“Yes, I would. Maybe after your spanking, if you’re a good girl?” I said, calling her bluff this time. Her smile made me think she was serious, and I looked forward to making a meal of her fresh peach.

I let her suit fall to the floor and, taking her arm, led her to my side. She laid across my knee without having to be told, giving me my first up-close look at her gorgeous, tight, round, sexy little bottom. Oh my God, it was perfect and I touched it reverently, the flesh so firm and pliant at the same time. I must have been worshipping it too long because, after several squirming prompts that I ignored, Candy finally spoke.

“I’m ready, Daddy! Please don’t spank me as hard as last time,” she pled, looking back at me.

I began. It had been a long time since I’d seen such firm cheeks jiggle when spanked, like Candy’s. They barely compressed and sprung right back into shape with each swat, and I found myself struggling to resist the temptation to bury my face between her pale white orbs and lick with abandon.

‘Oh,’ ‘Ow’ and ‘Ooo’ were the only sounds she made as she took her spanking like a pro, her trim body reacting like it was a massage. Spanking harder only diminished that reaction minimally. This girl really liked to get spanked and made sure I knew it.

“How does your bottom feel, Candy?”

“It hurts, Daddy!” she pouted unconvincingly.

“Does it really? I think you like it!”


“I think you do! So, I’m going to stop spanking you until you admit you like it and beg me to spank you again.”

Moaning and fidgeting on my lap, she thought I’d start again without her admission, but I had time on my side. She wanted it bad, and I love hearing someone asking to be spanked and showing their enjoyment rather than pretending it was punishment.  

“So, then you’re done spanking me?”

“Uh-huh. You can get up if you want,” I replied, calling her bluff for real this time.

She made a few motions as though she’d get up, but in the end, she stayed on my lap. Finally, she looked back at me with a smile.

“Okay. Yes, Daddy, I do like to get spanked. I love being over your knee like a naughty girl and the feel of your hand smacking my bare hiney!” She looked back, expecting me to resume, but remembered the second condition. “Put your arm around my waist, hold me tight, and spank me really, really hard!”

She’d barely got the last word out when I resumed, wrapping my arm around her waist and targeting her sit spots with ten at a time on each cheek. Writhing within my firm grasp and grunting with every other lick, this was no longer a playful effort. This was the real spanking she’d asked for to begin with, and after a couple of minutes of no-holds-barred spanking of her now-red butt, she was starting to cry.

“NO! Don’t stop! Ow! I want to cry!” she said when she could tell I was easing up.

She made it through several more minutes of fast-paced, hard spanking before she gave up, her body going limp in my lap and her chest heaving as the tears fell, pooling on the ceramic tiles below. I knew this was the time to stop.

While one hand gently caressed her burning bottom, the other stroked her hair, pulling it away from her tear-stained cheeks. Helping her up, she sat in my lap, put her arms around me, and laid her head on my shoulder as she slowly stopped crying.

“Sometimes, I just need a good spanking. Thank you for spanking me, Daddy!” she said and kissed me on the cheek before getting off my lap and kneeling between my legs.

With a devilish smile, she reached for the waist of my shorts, gripped the elastic, and pulled them down along with my underwear. She giggled when my erection popped out like a Jack-In-The-Box. Having pulled the shorts free of my feet, she pushed my knees apart and moved in with her mouth open and ready.

“Oh, wow!” I heard and suddenly remembered Diane. Looking towards the barstools by the kitchen, she was naked from the waist down, legs spread, and her hand pounding her fingers into her pussy, gasping as she watched my cock disappear into Candy’s mouth.

Using both hands and her mouth, Candy licked and stroked me to new heights for a minute or so but then suddenly stopped, stood up, and offered me her hand.

“Come on, Daddy. It’s time to fuck Diane!” she said as though fucking her friend was the proper ‘next thing’ to do.

She led me out onto the open balcony and had me lay flat on an armless chaise lounge. Kneeling beside me, she looked up when Diane appeared on the scene, now completely naked, and lifted one leg over my prone body to sit just above my cock. Only now did I notice her ample breasts and trimmed mahogany patch above her meaty lips. I reached for both, and she moved forward to allow a quick squeeze of one and a few hasty trips through her squishy wet slit.

“Mmm! This is what I get for protecting Candy! She hasn’t had a spanking in a long time, and we both want to thank you for it.”

Standing up, she moved slightly back, and with Candy’s hands guiding me in, she took my cock in her well-lubricated tunnel with an ‘Oh, yeah!’ as I plumbed her depths. Wriggling in place, she got comfortable with the penetration before rising to start her ride. Slowly, her hips rose and fell, her tight sheath grasping at my shaft as it pulled out and swallowed me easily coming down.

I’d had no idea what to expect from these two beauties after the promised spanking, but I surely didn’t expect doing Diane to be on the menu. Standing next to me, Candy watched, moaning herself as Diane fucked me, the tip of her finger rubbing at the top of her pussy. She looked down at me and smiled as her finger just barely probed inside her slit.

“May I?” I asked, looking at her pussy and smiling. She bit her lip and lifted her leg to straddle the other end of my body. “Such a pretty pussy!” I said just before it filled my mouth. Looking up, all I could see was Candy’s flaming red cheeks, and I managed to get my hands on them.

“Oh, God!” she cried as I squeezed the warm, tender flesh while my tongue went crazy on her clit.

With loud gasps and exclamations, they used my body for their pleasure without regard for who might hear in this open-air setting. On the top floor, no one could see us, but as I could still hear even gentle gulf waves washing ashore, I figured someone might be hearing this little orgy we were having.

In just minutes, Diane was posting on my cock like a jockey running for the derby, while Candy was bouncing on my face and crying out when I managed to get in a couple of good spanks. We all seemed to be close to climax, and I exploded first, followed closely by the girls whose hips continued their gyrations, getting every little bit of pleasure they could from my captive body.

“Ooo, Daddy!” Candy exclaimed as the two rose and helped me up.

They led me inside and offered me a drink, but I turned down the beer or wine and chose water instead as I still had a mile-and-a-half walk to get home.

We talked for a bit, and I learned that they were on spring break from Florida State and that the condo belonged to Candy’s parents. They’d just arrived two days ago and had nearly a week still to have more fun.

“Daddy!” Candy suddenly cried, “I don’t even know your name!”

“I’m Mark. Nice to meet you,” I replied, and we all laughed at the ridiculous timing of the introduction.

“You know,” Candy started, “I really liked the way you made me admit I like spankings. Maybe when I’ve healed, you’ll come over and spank me again?” she finished hopefully.

“It would be my pleasure,” I replied, giving her my number.

We said our goodbyes, and I headed back across the bridge, no longer worrying about my pace. As I thought of how this scene started and played out, I thought, ‘You can’t make this stuff up!’ and continued walking.


Candy and Diane, two naughty girls who've enjoyed the trouble they've gotten into. Think they'll call Mark before returning to school? Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' my story and Thanks For Reading!!!

Written by 2bespanked
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