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Crimson Cheeks 4 - Caning Training

"Mrs. Black offers Sophie and Dolly the chance to turn their spanking fetish into a job"

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Author's Notes

"When we last saw our friends Sophie and Dolly, they were about to be disciplined by their boss, Mr. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Black. This is the fourth of five parts. Enjoy!"

“I’m going to start by giving you each a very hard spanking. Then your asses will feel the wrath of my cock,” Mr. Black explained. “Somehow, I have a feeling that this won’t teach you a lesson either. But who am I to complain? I have two willing anal sluts, and I’m going to enjoy every thrust. Are you ready?”

“Yes, sir,” the girls said together.

“Wonderful!” Mr. Black said. “Oh, and to make this session more memorable for you both, I’ll be attaching clamps to your nipples. I’ll be right back with those.”

Sophie felt her juices flow at this delightfully wicked turn of events. But Dolly looked like a deer in the headlights.

Sophie took her hand and said, “Dolly, you can do this. It’s one more thing you’ve going to learn to crave. I promise.”

When Mr. Black came back with the clamps, even Sophie’s eyes grew large. He looked at her and chuckled, “Oh, did I forget to mention that these are clover clamps?”

“Mr. Black, surely you could start with something a little less intense,” Sophie suggested.

“Oh, I think not, my little sassy redhead! I think you enjoy spanking and being fucked in the ass way too much. If I’m going to actually discipline you, I need to up the ante,” he said. “Now, take off the rest of your clothes, ladies. You’re going to leave work very sore today!”

“Yes, sir,” they both replied, their traitorous pussies wet with desire.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Moments later, a tall, gorgeous blonde woman appeared.

“Girls, I’d like you to meet my wife, Mrs. Black. She is a switch, which means she is submissive to me, but will be dominant over the two of you,” Mr. Black explained.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Sophie’s pussy went damp, but her brain said, “Mr. Black, I don’t understand what’s going on here.”

Mrs. Black laughed and answered for her husband, “Ladies, I hate to inform you, but this magazine, while a cute side distraction for my husband, is a way for me to recruit women for my business.”

Dolly swallowed hard and got brave, “What business, Mrs. Black?” She was certain the answer would frighten her.

“I run a spanking club for wealthy men and women. They come to the club to spank or be spanked, or to whip sluts and, occasionally, engage in lewd sex acts. I’ve watched the video feed of you two, and I must say I am impressed. Especially with you, Sophie. I’d like to make you sluts an offer. But I need your answer by no later than tomorrow.”

Sophie said, “We’ll need more details, of course.”

“Of course,” Mrs. Black said. “After we spank you both. Mr. Black will spank Dolly, and I will spank you, Sophie.”

Mr. Black smiled, “A wonderful choice, my dear. I know my Dolly’s ability to handle spanking, while Sophie’s limits have yet to be tested, I believe.”

Sophie shuddered. Mrs. Black looked at her and said, “Well, let’s see if I can find out how much our little redhead can tolerate.”

Mr. Black’s cock pressed against his trousers. He loved watching his wife in action. She was so beautiful when she was in charge. He felt lucky that he was the only man who had ever been able to take her strong will and make her submissive to him. Even strong women need to be over a man’s knee now and then!

He took out his paddle and told Dolly to climb on the bed with her ass in the air. He wanted to watch her pussy start to drip as she became aroused from the spanking.

Mrs. Black, on the other hand, had Sophie lie face down on the bed with her legs parted. “I’m going to use my crop on you, and I want to be able to occasionally smack that pretty little pussy of yours,” she said wickedly.

For the next half hour, the air was filled with the sounds of leather meeting flesh, moans, cries, and begging for more. The one begging, of course, was Sophie.

With their asses bright red and stinging, the two women waited for Mrs. Black’s next instruction.

Mr. Black said, “I promised you both a good ass fucking. So, I will take Dolly. My wife will take you, Sophie. She has a nice new strap-on that she’s been eager to try out.”

Dolly and Sophie got side by side on the bed with their asses in the air. After lubing them up, Mr. and Mrs. Black entered their tight little assholes and fucked them with wild abandon.

Dolly’s tight back door was gripping Mr. Black’s cock so tightly; he had to slow down a little so that he wouldn’t cum too quickly. Of course, watching his sexy wife impale Sophie’s ass with the strap-on was making him even hotter.

Before long, he picked up the pace again, until his balls tightened, and he emptied himself deep in Dolly’s ass. He watched all three ladies rub their clits furiously until their orgasms exploded. The four of them eventually collapsed on the bed, well-spent. For several moments, no one could speak.

Eventually, Mrs. Black broke the silence, “You both did very well. Get dressed while I will tell you a little about the club, and then you can sleep on it. I will need your answer by tomorrow, though.”

“There are typically two types of clients at The Impact Society. Those who dabble and those who are dominants and are experienced in impact play. The Dabblers either want to spank or be spanked with a hand or a paddle, nothing too intense. The Doms want to be able to practice more intense impact play,” Mrs. Black explained.

“So, you want us to be employees who get spanked?” Sophie asked.

“Yes, I think you’d both be perfect for business. The pay is good, and you can choose to work extra shifts, if your body can handle it, and make even more,” Mrs. Black replied.

“What if we decide that it’s not for us?” Dolly asked.

“Then you simply keep working here at the magazine, and my husband will continue to spank you when the mood strikes him,” she answered. “Here is my card. The website is listed there. Please take a look online tonight, and then you can let me know tomorrow if you’d like to give it a try.”

“Why is it so important that we give you our answer by tomorrow?” Sophie inquired.

“I have new clients that wish to make appointments. I need to know if I can fill those spots with your bodies,” Mrs. Black said bluntly.

“Okay, we will look at your website and give you our answer tomorrow,” Sophie agreed.

“I hope that you will come to work for me, you’re both delightful to look at, and your asses were just meant for spanking!” Mrs. Black said. “My husband outdid himself this time with the two of you!”

After they were home and had eaten dinner, Dolly said, “I think we should look at the website. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind making more money.”

Sophie grinned, “Well, sounds like someone is hooked on spanking. Sure, we can take a look. I’m just not sure how I feel about being spanked for money.”

Dolly blushed, “It sounds kind of exciting to me.”

Sophie leaned over and kissed Dolly softly, “Then let’s check it out.”

They clicked on the Dabblers tab first and saw video clips of average people spanking pretty girls and getting aroused. It all looked like great fun. Dolly’s hand subconsciously moved between her legs, and she was rubbing herself. Sophie smirked, thinking about how she’d like to be between Dolly’s legs right now. But she would wait. She’d promised her they would look over the website and then discuss what to do about Mrs. Black’s offer.

Next, they clicked on the Doms tab. Here they found video clips ranging from firm paddling to harsh caning. These were serious Doms and Dommes that were experienced in the fine art of impact.

“Holy fuck! Look at the marks on that poor girl!” Dolly exclaimed. “That is totally off the table for me. I can do the dabbling thing, but I’m not interested in being whipped like that!”

“Of course,” Sophie said. But her pussy was nearly dripping as she imagined herself in the place of some of the women in these clips. Dabbling might be Dolly’s speed. But Sophie was pretty sure she wanted, even needed, to be dominated harshly.

“I think this is a wonderful opportunity, Dolly. It says here that there is no sex involved, only impact play. I mean, I’m sure some of that goes on behind closed doors, but it wouldn’t be required,” Sophie said.

“And you’d be okay without the sex part?” Dolly asked.

Sophie smiled, “Since we are starting a relationship together, I’d kind of like to be monogamous with you. At least while things are brand new between us if that’s okay.”

Dolly beamed, “It’s more than okay!”

“Great, then it’s decided. We will let Mrs. Black know that we’re in,” Sophie said.

“Be sure to clarify that we want to be in the Dabblers group,” Dolly mentioned.

“About that,” Sophie said, “I’d really like to be in the Dom/Domme group if that’s okay with you.”

Dolly’s eyes grew large, “You want to be whipped like that?”

“Feel my pussy and see for yourself,” Sophie answered.

Dolly did exactly that and was rewarded with sopping wet fingers. That was all the invitation she needed to slide down between Sophie’s legs to lap up those sweet juices.

Sophie moaned and let her legs fall open to give Dolly easier access. Dolly slid two fingers inside the wet heat and sucked on Sophie’s clit. It didn’t take much to push her right over the edge.

Moments later, after Sophie caught her breath, she returned the favor, making Dolly scream with pleasure.

Then they snuggled together and fell asleep.

The next morning, Mrs. Black was waiting for them when they arrived at work.

“So, what have you ladies decided?” she asked, her voice cool and sultry.

Sophie answered, “We’ve decided we are very interested. Dolly would like to work with the Dabblers, and I would like to work with the Doms.”

“Splendid!” Mrs. Black exclaimed. “Here is the address of the club. Please plan to be there by 6:00 pm Friday. There are papers to fill out, and then we will start your training.”

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“Training?” Dolly asked inquisitively.

“Well, yes, you need to be trained. Especially you, Sophie,” Mrs. Black explained. “Dolly, you will be working with my assistant, Clarice. She will explain the ins and outs and, eventually, put you through a spanking session. Sophie, you will be working with me. I need to make sure you can handle all the various types of spanking implements, so I know which clients you can be scheduled for.”

The girls nodded and went to their desks to get busy working. They were both very excited about this new adventure.

Friday evening came quickly, and Sophie and Dolly were a little nervous when they first arrived at The Impact Society. They hoped they weren’t getting in over their heads.

The paperwork went fairly quickly, and then it was time to split up with their trainers. Mrs. Black made it clear that tonight would be observation-only, which helped both girls feel a lot more comfortable.

Dolly watched as Clarice spanked a variety of men and women who enjoyed mild to moderate spanking. Some came to spank, and some came to be spanked. It was titillating.

Sophie, on the other hand, witnessed the more serious side of impact play. Some clients came to be whipped and flogged, while others came to try their hand at using an assortment of implements on the employees who fulfilled that need. Sophie shivered with delight at the thought that it would soon be her on that spanking bench or secured to that St. Andrew’s Cross.

At the end of the night, they came back together. “So, what do you think? Would you like to go through the actual training process and work for me here?” Mrs. Black asked.

Sophie and Dolly looked at each other, then back at Mrs. Black. “Oh, yes!” they said in unison.

“Fabulous!” Mrs. Black responded. “Come back tomorrow around 10:00 am. Dolly, Clarice will work with you on the different kinds of paddles. Sophie, you’ll be doing caning training with me. If you can handle the cane, you can handle pretty much anything else we have to offer at the club.”

Later, when they climbed into bed, Dolly asked, “Sophie, do you really want to be caned? That seems so extreme!”

Sophie felt herself go flush with embarrassment, “Are you judging me, Dolly?”

“Oh, my gosh, no!” Dolly insisted. “I just worry that the pain will be too much!”

Sophie took a deep breath and looked into Dolly’s eyes, “You’re so sweet. But I have always enjoyed spanking and have felt, for a very long time, like I’ve needed to take this to the next level.”

Dolly nodded, “I understand, but caning seems so harsh.”

“I don’t expect you to understand, but the more my ass hurts, the more I enjoy it. I don’t know why I am wired this way, but I am,” Sophie said quietly.

Dolly sensed that she’d hurt Sophie’s feelings. “Hey,” she said, taking Sophie’s hands in hers, “I may not understand it, but if it’s what you need, then working at The Impact Society is definitely the way to get your pain fix. Goodness knows I can do all kinds of things for you and with you sexually, but I’d never be able to spank you with that intensity. So, if you want to do this, I’m in. I can enjoy some light to medium spanking, and you can enjoy having your ass turned so crimson, you can barely sit down.”

“Thanks, Dolly,” Sophie said. “I appreciate this so much!”

“You’re welcome. Now, I may not want to spank your ass, but I’ve got a craving to use my tongue on that tight little rosebud,” Dolly said seductively.

“Well, then,” Sophie replied, “what are you waiting for?”

The next morning, they arrived at the club to find that Clarice had called in sick. “So, here’s how we will handle things,” Mrs. Black explained. “Dolly, you will sit over there on the couch and watch while I teach Sophie how to withstand the pain of the cane. Then, I will give her a break and spend some time spanking you over my knee. Then more caning for Sophie, and then a paddling session for you. I will alternate until you’ve both had as much as you can handle.”

They nodded, and Dolly sat down on the couch. Sophie removed her panties, lifted her skirt, and lay across the spanking bench with her ass elevated and ready for marking.

Mrs. Black rubbed her hands over Sophie’s bare bottom and nearly purred. She couldn’t wait to put some wicked cane marks on this delightfully smooth ass. She leaned down and whispered into Sophie’s ear, “Ready, slut?”

Sophie nodded and said, “Yes, Mistress.”

At first, Mrs. Black just rolled the cane around on Sophie’s butt. Then she started little tapping swats as a warmup. Sophie was enjoying so much that she wasn’t ready for the first stinging crack across her ass.

“Holy fuck!” Sophie cried out. Dolly resisted the temptation to say anything as she was sure that Mrs. Black wouldn’t appreciate it.

“And that is why you need this training, my dear,” Mrs. Black explained. “There are customers who will be turned off by that kind of reaction.”

“I understand,” Sophie said. “But perhaps some warning would be nice. Don’t Doms usually want whomever they are spanking to count the strokes?”

“Not always, but if that helps you, we can do it that way,” Mrs. Black agreed. “I’m going to start with ten strokes. I want to hear you count them out loud. Here we go.”


“One,” Sophie counted loudly.





Sophie’s ass felt like it was on fire already, but she received and counted the remaining seven strokes without crying. She was relieved when it was Dolly’s turn to be spanked.

Mrs. Black put Dolly over her lap and lifted her skirt. “Mm, such a lovely ass. I’m going to enjoy turning it red,” she murmured. “Do you wish to count, too?”

“Yes, please, Mistress,” Dolly said eagerly.


“One,” Dolly counted.





Mrs. Black’s hand continued to alternate butt cheeks as Dolly counted and moaned. Sophie watched and became immensely aroused. Dolly’s ass had a slight pink hue after the first ten swats.

“Good girl, Dolly,” Mrs. Black praised her. “Now it’s time for you to watch your girlfriend take the cane again. This time I will be spreading the strokes out farther to include the back of her thighs.”

Sophie trembled but was determined not to cry out again.

Mrs. Black smoothed a hand over the welts from the first round and said, “Such a good slut! Relax and let yourself enjoy the cane. We both know that you enjoy pain, my dear. Allow yourself to really feel the sting and how it sends signals to your drenched pussy.”

Sophie took several deep breaths and focused on how wet her pussy felt with its slick, swollen labia. She couldn’t deny that she was aroused.

“Do you want more, Sophie?” Mrs. Black asked. “There’s no shame in saying you’ve had enough. We have plenty of customers in the Dabblers group who like to spank harder than others. We can try to set you up with those clients.”

Sophie shook her head, “No, it won’t be enough. If I’m going to do this, I want the full experience. Yes, the cane hurt like a son of a bitch, but my juices are starting to run down my inner thigh; I’m so turned on.”

“Excellent! This time, rather than having you count the strokes, I’m going to talk dirty to you. I’m interested to see if that doesn’t help make this more erotic for you,” Mrs. Black said.

Sophie nodded and got back into position on the spanking bench. She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, “I’m ready for more, please, Mistress.”

Mrs. Black grinned and let the cane rest on Sophie’s ass for a brief moment before resuming the terse strokes. Then she tapped it gently before striking Sophie on the back of her thighs. Sophie whimpered, but she didn’t cry out.

“You like that sting, don’t you, slut?” Mrs. Black asked rhetorically. “Your pussy is gonna need a good fucking when I’m done with you.”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Look at these lovely red lines across your ass and legs! Beg me for more, you little whore!”

“God, yes, more, please! Please, Mistress!” Sophie pleaded.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“That’s a good girl. You don’t want me to stop, do you?”

“No, please don’t stop, Mistress!” Sophie said as her whole body felt like it was buzzing with erotic sensations.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“Your cunt is dripping like a bitch in heat!”

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Dolly could hardly stand to watch, yet she couldn’t get herself to look away. Seeing Sophie beg for the cane was a huge fucking turn-on! Oh, how she longed to rub her clit! But she knew that would likely make Mrs. Black angry.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Mrs. Black noticed how hot this scene was making Dolly and smirked. She would give Sophie a few more strokes, and then she would put Dolly over her knee for one more round of spanking.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

“I’ll bet you need release, don’t you, slut? What’s the matter? Does your needy little cunt need some abuse too?”

“Yes, please, Mistress!”

“Well, first you need to watch me give Dolly ten more swats on her sexy little bottom. Then, we will all indulge in some fun,” Mrs. Black purred.

Sophie lay there, overwhelmed by throbbing need between her legs, and watched Mrs. Black give Dolly ten swift, harsh swats. It was so fucking hot to watch!

When she was finished, Mrs. Black said, “You’re both naturals at this. The Impact Society welcomes you with great pleasure. You may, at times, be asked to perform sexual acts with the clients. This is not required, and you are welcome to say no. However, since it usually means a better tip, I highly recommend it if there is time left in the session. And since we have time left today, I think we should practice that part as well.”

Sophie and Dolly looked at each other and nodded. They both needed to cum desperately!

“Now then,” Mrs. Black said, “let’s move to my office. I have a surprise there for you.”

The girls followed willingly. They both needed release and didn’t care much how they achieved that right now. But when Mrs. Black led them into her office, their jaws dropped.

“Ready to have some fun, ladies?” Mrs. Black asked.


Written by techgoddess
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