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Crimson Cheeks

"Spanking leads to more decadence..."

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Author's Notes

"This started off as a spanking story and turned into so much more. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you enjoy the story!"

Donald Kemp was the dean of a very private college in a small Midwestern town out in the middle of nowhere. As such, he was able to keep his students in line with some good old-fashioned discipline. Not that there was much trouble to be found out there among the corn fields and a town that had exactly one grocery store, one gas station, and one drive-in movie theater. But occasionally, even the best-behaved young men and women needed a reminder to stay that way. So, whenever there was the slightest infraction, a consequence was given.

Donald recalled the old days when his high school teacher, Mr. McClusky, had used a paddle on his bottom for trying to cut class. So, he took a page out of Mr. Mac’s book and used the paddle on any of the young men who broke the rules on campus. It was a rare occasion that he had a young man commit an infraction more than once, as most males were embarrassed about being paddled.

For female offenders, Dean Kemp felt that the paddle was too severe. So, while he had the boys lean over his desk to be punished, the girls were required to lay across his lap so he could use his bare hand to teach them a lesson.

No parents ever complained. No students ever dared to even tell their parents that they’d needed to be disciplined. In fact, for most students, one time over the desk or over his knee was plenty to deter them from further trouble making.

Except Sophie Bennett. Sophie was a nineteen-year-old, sassy little redhead with a darling figure and bright blue eyes. She was far more developed than most of the co-eds at St. Martin’s University, and she filled out her blouses in a way that caused Donald to have more than one unintentional erection.

Sophie was an exceptionally bright student, which made it all the more perplexing that she seemed to forget the rules, as she often claimed. Every time he spanked her, she promised to do better. But, lately, she was in his office nearly once a week.

And there she was again, sitting in the waiting area outside his office, looking contrite with the usual pink slip in her hand.

“What was it this time, Sophie?” he asked as he took the pink slip and ushered her into his office. “It says here that you are in violation of the campus dress code.”

Donald looked her over and, although her top button looked ready to pop off her blouse, she appeared to be following proper attire protocol.

“I’m confused, Sophie,” he said. “Your outfit looks perfectly acceptable to me.”

“Dean Kemp, I’m missing something,” Sophie said coyly.

“And what would that be, my dear?” he asked.

“Panties,” she answered.

“I beg your pardon!” Donald said, flustered.

“I don’t have any underpants on, Dean Kemp,” she clarified.

Donald’s eyes flew open wide as the blood rushed to both his face and his penis. Dear, God, what would she think if she knew he was hard for her?

“Sophie, why don’t you have any panties on?” he asked, clearing his throat.

“Because I masturbated in the bathroom and soaked them clear through after my biology class with Mr. Turner. He makes my pussy wet,” she explained. “So, I took them off and threw them away.”

Donald nearly choked on his own saliva. He looked at the pink slip. “This was signed by Mrs. Green. How did she come to know that you didn’t have panties on?”

“Because she was in the bathroom while I was masturbating and saw me throwing the panties away,” Sophie said, very matter-of-fact. “It was quite decent of her to let me finish.”

“Dear God, girl, what would your parents think?” he asked rhetorically. He knew her parents, and knew she’d been raised better than this!

Donald’s dick was straining against his trousers in a way that Sophie would have had to have been blind not to notice. She did her best to look away, but she found it fascinating that she’d been over his lap many times and hadn’t noticed what a large cock the dean had.

“Sophie, I don’t think now is a good time to administer your punishment. I think perhaps tomorrow when I’ve had time to strap down properly. I really wasn’t expecting to have to deal with you again so soon,” he said, completely flustered.

“I can’t come back tomorrow, Dean Kemp, it’s Saturday. I’m scheduled to go home for a family visit this weekend. Please, just give me my spanking and I’ll be on my way,” Sophie said.

Donald knew her consequence shouldn’t wait until Monday. So, he said, “Very well, Sophie. Over my knee you go!”

Sophie lifted her skirt, and Donald said, “Oh, well, since you have no panties on, perhaps you should leave your skirt down.”

“Dean Kemp, you always say that rules are rules and that bending them leads to bad moral character. Your rule has always been for me to lift my skirt for my spanking,” Sophie said.

“Yes, my dear, you are quite right. Keep your skirt lifted. I shall have to spank you for the dress code infraction, but also for indecency in a public space. You did, after all, masturbate in the bathroom,” Donald reminded her.

“Yes, of course,” Sophie said. “I wouldn’t expect anything less!”

Donald paused for a moment as he placed his hand on her soft buttocks. Her bare skin felt decadent against his palm. He was so tempted to squeeze that tender young bottom, but instead he rubbed it gently, then startled her by giving an extra exuberant first smack.


Sophie gasped, and then she moaned.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Donald continued spanking until each side had taken ten strokes. Then he said, “Those are for the dress code violation. Now, I need to give you ten more for your indecent masturbation.”

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Again, Donald gave each cheek ten more swats. He smoothed his hand over her crimson cheeks and felt an area on his slacks getting wet.

“Sophie, did you just urinate on me?” Donald asked, practically throwing her off his lap.

“No, Sir. Of course not!” she said indignantly.

“Then why are my trousers wet?” he asked gruffly.

“Because I climaxed when you spanked my bare bottom,” Sophie explained. “It’s my cum on your pants.”

Donald was appalled, “Sophie, your manners are sorely lacking. I think you need daily spanking sessions. Be in my office at 6:30 A.M. on Monday morning.”

“But that’s so early!” she complained.

“This is a punishment, after all. It’s not supposed to be convenient!” he scoffed. “Be here on time, Sophie. Don’t keep me waiting! You’re dismissed for today!”

Once Sophie had gone, Donald took off his trousers and lifted the wet spot to his nose. He inhaled sharply and felt his cock become rock hard. He needed release.

After making sure the office door was locked, Dean Kemp sat on his couch and spit on his hand. With his cum stained pants in one hand, and his swollen member in the other, he jacked his cock while sniffing Sophie’s erotic scent on his slacks.

As he stroked himself, he pictured spanking Sophie’s bare ass. Then he imagined himself sliding into her wet pussy, and he came hard, shooting his cum all over his shirt. He was a sweaty, cum-covered mess!

Thanking God that he had a private shower and some gym clothes in his office closet, Donald got cleaned up and went home. He wondered if daily spankings for Sophie were such a good idea as he would likely be very tempted to indulge in several inappropriate acts with her. Still, he discovered that his penis was no longer flaccid, and he was certain that thoughts of her tight, college co-ed pussy were the cause. Maybe he could spank her each morning and still have time to pleasure himself before the workday officially began. That wouldn’t be breaking any rules.

Sophie went home and was grateful that her roommate was not there. She pulled up a chair in front of the full-length mirror and spread her legs open wide. This was her normal routine after spankings by Dean Kemp. She had never cum during the spanking before, but then, he’d never spanked her bare bottom before. She rubbed her clit like a bitch in heat, picturing Dean Kemp violating her pussy on his desk. She came hard, spraying her juices onto the mirror. That was fucking hot! But she quickly cleaned up so that her roommate wouldn’t catch her being indecent.

The weekend seemed to drag on, but Monday morning finally arrived with Sophie’s alarm going off at 6:00 A.M. Her roommate, Tara, seemed annoyed by the early buzzer, but turned over to go back to sleep without bothering to ask why Sophie was up so early.

Sophie didn’t have much time, so she slipped a dress over her head, skipping the bra and undies, and slid her feet into a pair of flipflop sandals. She left her hair down, and rather unkempt, and dashed out of her dorm room to get to Dean Kemp’s office on time.

Donald was impressed at her promptness, “Right on time, Sophie. See? You can follow rules when you want to.”

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Sophie smiled and said, “Yes, Sir.”

“So, shall we begin?” Donald asked.

“Yes, please, Sir,” Sophie said demurely.

“Lift your dress then, Sophie, and over my knee you go,” Donald said as his cock twitched.

Sophie lifted her dress exposing not only her bare bottom and pussy, but her unrestrained breasts as well. With the dress around her neck and shoulders, she climbed onto his lap and said, “I’m ready to be punished.”

“Why do you have no bra or panties on, Sophie?” Donald asked, fully hard at this point.

“I didn’t have time to put them on and still be on time,” she explained. “I didn’t want to keep you waiting.”

“You’re a tease, Sophie. And just for that, you’ll get a total of thirty spankings this morning, fifteen on each cheek,” Donald said gruffly.

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Sophie replied.

Her provocative nature made him horny and angry at the same time. He spanked Sophie’s ass hard until it was bright red. When he was finished, he rubbed a hand over it and felt a growing urge to plow into her pussy.

“You need to leave now, Sophie!” Donald said. This was a line he shouldn’t cross, and he was damn near about to sprint across it anyway.

Puzzled at his abruptness, Sophie asked, “Did I do something wrong? If so, maybe you need to spank me more!”

Donald blurted out, “If I spank you any more, I will cum in my trousers!”

He immediately put his hand over his mouth. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. But there it was. Out in the open.

Sophie turned and left, went into the bathroom down the hall and rubbed her needy pussy to a much-needed release.

Meanwhile, Dean Kemp was in his office, jacking his cock to achieve his own much-needed release.

Sophie showed up in a similar manner the next day. And just like the day before, she was spanked and dismissed, and they each masturbated privately before moving on with their day.

On Friday, Sophie was already in Donald’s office when he got there. She was completely naked, sitting in a chair, fingering her wet pussy.

“What the hell are you doing?” he demanded.

“Dean Kemp, I know that having sex with you is completely forbidden. But wouldn’t it be more convenient if we both just masturbated here in your office afterward? We wouldn’t actually be having sex. We could just sit across from each other and watch,” Sophie suggested.

“You’re quite the little slut, aren’t you, Sophie Marie Bennett!” Donald fumed. “Get over my lap this instant! You need to be taught a lesson!”

He grabbed the paddle that he normally used only on the young men and began to spank her with it.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Sophie started to grind on Donald’s lap as the paddle was making her pussy very needy. “Yes, thank you, Sir! Please, don’t stop! I’m a naughty little slut who needs to be punished!”

Donald should have stopped there, but how could he with this little nymph on his lap, egging him on?

Smack! Smack! Smack!

He paddled harder and harder until her ass was bright crimson, and he lost all control. He moved her aside, stood up and removed his trousers.

“Dean Kemp, what are you doing?” Sophie asked, eyes wide and breasts heaving.

“Stand up and lean over my desk, so I can punish you more!” Donald yelled, panting hard.

Sophie obeyed and Donald saw the glistening of her labia. His hard shaft was sticking straight out like a pole. He wanted that pussy, but he knew that was crossing the line. So, he stroked his cock while he paddled her ass.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Sophie’s back arched and she cried out, “I’m cumming, Sir!”

Donald continued to paddle and stroke, then his own orgasm erupted in the form of long, sticky white ropes that landed on her crimson cheeks.

He was mortified! But completely satisfied at the same time.

“Sophie, I must apologize. I never intended…” he began.

“Dean Kemp, I realize that tomorrow is Saturday, but perhaps you can make an exception and meet with me here? I tempted you something fierce and I deserve to be paddled again,” Sophie said seductively.

Donald was dumbfounded, but he couldn’t refuse. “Yes, Sophie, be here tomorrow at 8:00 A.M. and plan on being here for a couple hours. You’ve been so very naughty. I need to teach you a lesson for being such a promiscuous slut!”

Sophie grinned as she wiped the cum off her ass and licked it off her fingers, “Thank you, Sir, I’ll be here.”

Donald’s heart was pounding. What the hell was he doing? But perhaps young Sophie just needed a harsher spanking to teach her not to be so slutty.

Neither Donald nor Sophie slept well that night. Both of them were incredibly aroused, wondering how her Saturday spanking session would go. Donald suspected that Sophie would try to seduce him into sliding his cock into her and wondered what her father would say if he knew.

The next day when Donald surprised them both and said, “Sophie, I think spanking your bottom is not enough to encourage you to behave. I think more drastic measures need to be taken.”

Sophie felt her labia swell at his suggestion. “Whatever you think is best, Dean Kemp. You’re the one in charge here.”

“Take off your dress, sit on the edge of my desk, and spread your legs,” he instructed.

She did as he told her and then he took off his belt. “Perhaps this will teach you not to break the rules,” he said sharply. Then, he gave her bare mound three terse slaps with the belt.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Oh, God!” Sophie cried out. “That hurt so much! Please, Sir, I promise to behave!”

Donald set his belt down and rubbed his hand over her stinging mound. “That’s a good girl! Now come over to the couch and over my knee you go!”

When she hesitated, Donald said, “Oh, come now, Sophie, we both know that you want me to spank your bottom until your cheeks are red and sore and then fuck you like the little tramp you are. So, come on, get your slutty self across my lap and let me get started.”

Sophie smiled, “Yes, Sir.” Then she scrambled over to the couch to lie across his lap. “Thank you, Sir!”

He used his hand today as this part was no longer the punishment. She was a consenting adult, despite her young age, and she had clearly made the first move. So, he would take advantage of Sophie’s predilection for being spanked on her bottom and make them both aroused. He wouldn’t force himself on her; he wouldn’t have to. She wanted his cock and would beg for it once he was done spanking her.

He rubbed her creamy buttocks and said, “You’ve been misbehaving on purpose in order to be spanked. So, this will no longer be your punishment, my dear. When you break the rules, you will receive the belt on your bare cunt, do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” Sophie said, feeling herself become slick with desire.

He continued, “So, our spanking sessions will be purely for fun and will be our foreplay before we watch each other masturbate.” He knew that wouldn’t be enough for this little sex-addicted redhead, but he told himself he would not fuck her unless she asked for it. If  a line was to be crossed, let it be her doing.

“Yes, Sir,” she said again. “Make my ass crimson, please, Sir!”

Donald’s cock was hard and ready, but he reminded himself to be patient.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

He spanked her as she moaned and writhed on his lap. He continued spanking as she came, squirting her juices on him. He would continue until she begged for his cock in her naughty little cunt.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Oh, God, Dean Kemp! Please!” Sophie cried out.

“Please, what, my dear?” he asked coyly.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“Tell me what you want, Sophie, or I will just continue to spank your already crimson cheeks!” Donald scolded.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

“God, Dean Kemp, I need you to fuck my pussy! I need that big, hard cock to ram into my cunt!” she screamed.

“Beg me, slut,” he said blandly. “Beg me to open you up and drive myself into you!”

“Please, Dean Kemp, please, I beg you! I need your cock in my pussy so badly!” she pleaded.

“Go back over to my desk and lean over!” he demanded.

She did as she was told and he came behind her, grabbed onto her hips, and impaled her with his throbbing member.

“Beg, you little slut!” he cried out as he drove into her wet heat.

“Fuck me harder, Dean Kemp! Fuck me harder and cum in my naughty little cunt!” she screamed.

Donald rammed into her and exploded, filling her with his seed. She came right after, and milked his cock dry with the strong convulsions of her spasming orgasm.

He pulled out of her and said, “We must never do this again. Your parents would disown me if they knew!”

Sophie grinned as she put her dress back on. As his cum ran down her legs, she said, “We both know this won’t be the last...

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Written by techgoddess
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