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Crimson Cheeks 2 - Disciplining Dolly

"Sophie and her new roommate, Dolly, discover their boss likes to spank his employees."

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Author's Notes

"This is a follow-up story to Crimson Cheeks, but I think it's easy to read and enjoy as a stand-alone too! There will be a part three as well!"

Sophie Bennett looked in the mirror and smiled. She had graduated recently from college with a degree in journalism and found a job with a small, independent magazine in New York City. She’d moved there three weeks ago and was lucky enough to have found a roommate, Dolly, who also just got hired at the magazine. Neither of them could afford an apartment in Manhattan, even sharing the rent. So, they found a little flat in Queens, near the Number 7 Train which they could ride all the way to Time’s Square.

With their Metro cards in hand, Sophie and Dolly walked the three blocks to the station and made their crowded, busy commute to work. After several delays, the women made it to work, but they were twenty minutes late.

Their boss, Mr. Black, was not impressed. “Punctuality is important, ladies. I can’t run a magazine with two of my journalists showing up tardy,” he chided.

Dolly looked like she was going to cry, but Sophie felt herself go damp at the sternness of his tone. They nodded silently.

“Now, I should warn you both that I am a hard-ass boss and I demand a lot from my girls,” he said firmly.

Dolly managed to hold herself together while the boss continued.

“If you do what you are told, you’ll have a great career here. I am a generous boss when that generosity is warranted,” he explained. “But if you give me cause to be displeased, there are consequences and repercussions.”

Sophie felt her juices trickling and hoped that he meant what she thought he meant. She was dying to ask but waited for him to clarify.

“I’m a firm believer in strictly disciplining my girls when they disappoint me in any way. Tardiness disappoints me. You do have options, however. Since you were late, you may choose to forfeit the day’s pay or you may allow me to discipline you the old-fashioned way,” he said gruffly.

“I can’t afford to lose pay,” Dolly said tearfully. “I guess I will have to take the old-fashioned punishment.”

Sophie tried hard not to grin, “Same here, Sir.”

“Okay, ladies, step into the back room. Now, Dolly, take down your pants, and Sophie, lift your dress and lie on the bed,” he ordered. “I will spank you each twenty times for being twenty minutes late.”

Dolly’s eyes flew open wide, “You can’t be serious!”

“Quite serious, my dear,” he replied dryly. “You have a third choice, of course, you can also quit.”

Sophie took Dolly’s hand and said, “Take the spanking. It’s the lesser of the consequences. Please don’t quit. I can’t afford that apartment without you.”

Dolly blinked. This was so far off her radar of possibilities that she couldn’t think straight.

“I promise, it’s not that bad. Didn’t you ever get spanked as a child?” Sophie asked.

“No,” Dolly answered. “I’m afraid.”

“How about I ask to go first so that you can see that it’s not so bad,” Sophie suggested.

Dolly nodded, “Okay, I guess so.”

Sophie’s pussy was sopping wet already. How in the hell had she been fortunate enough to stumble across a boss that spanks his employees? What were the chances of that happening? She tried hard to make it seem to Dolly that she was just being brave. But her arousal was so great that she was afraid she might cum just thinking about Mr. Black making her bottom red.

Sophie tried to appear nervous as she spoke to her boss, “Mr. Black, please let me go first. I’ve received spankings before. Dolly isn’t used to this kind of punishment.”

Mr. Black looked at Sophie incredulously, “Do you think that matters to me? But since you’ve shared that your bottom has been reddened in the past, I will be sure to make it a darker hue this time for you. Perhaps more along the lines of purple?”

Sophie shuddered. Dolly thought it was from fright. Little did she know that her roommate just had an orgasm at the thought of being spanked so hard that her creamy white ass would soon be a wicked crimson.

The girls got on the bed with their bottoms exposed. Mr. Black took off his belt and said, “This will hurt, but perhaps you will allow more time to get here by 8:00 sharp tomorrow.”

He spanked Dolly first.

Smack! Smack!

“Ugh!” Dolly gasped.

Then he spanked Sophie.

Smack! Smack!

Sophie couldn’t help herself. She moaned. Mr. Black grinned. Most of the time his little spanking initiation was enough to get his girls in line. But every once in a while, he was blessed to have a girl like Sophie drop into his lap. Figuratively speaking, of course. So, the little slut liked to be spanked, huh? Well, he’d make sure to find reasons to discipline her.

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

Both girls cried out. It was making his cock twitch. He had allowed them to have their pay docked and they chose this instead. So, he’d be sure to give them both a spanking to remember.

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

He continued spanking until both women had received twenty lashes with his belt. He wanted desperately to feel how wet he’d made their pussies. But that would be crossing the line.

“Consider yourselves disciplined. Be on time tomorrow!” Mr. Black said as he left the room.

Dolly sat up and said, “Oh, my goodness, I think I wet myself while he spanked me.”

Sophie just grinned, “That’s not pee, Dolly. That’s your pussy juices flowing like crazy!”

Dolly was mortified, “But that was barbaric! I didn’t enjoy that!”

“Well, looks like your traitorous pussy did!” Sophie teased.

Sophie put a finger in her own dripping wet hole. “I’m drenched as well,” she admitted. “Guess we both enjoy a good spanking.”

Dolly protested, “No, I didn’t like that at all!”

Sophie shrugged, “Okay, but humor me and slip a finger inside yourself and tell me what you feel.”

Dolly looked appalled, but curiosity made her do what she was told.

“Oh, my God! I’m fucking wet! And my labia are slick and swollen. I’m so aroused! What the hell is wrong with me?” Dolly exclaimed.

“Not a thing, Dolly. Feel mine now,” Sophie said bravely.

Dolly slipped a finger into her roommate’s sopping wet hole and wiggled it a bit. Within seconds, she found her hand covered in Sophie’s nectar.

“Did you just cum on me?” Dolly snorted.

“I said slip a finger in, I didn’t say wiggle it against my g-spot. I can’t help it if you made me cum,” Sophie moaned.

Mr. Black wondered what was taking the girls so long to get themselves back together and out into their cubicles. He wondered if they were touching each other and felt his bulge straining against his pants. He sat down at his computer and logged into the security camera feed from the conference room. Sure enough, there was Dolly with her fingers in Sophie’s dripping wet pussy.

He took out his cock and started to stroke as he watched Sophie return the favor. Within seconds, Dolly was squirting on Sophie’s hand. He jerked faster as he watched Sophie lick Dolly’s juices off her hand. He dashed into the bathroom and finished in the sink, rinsing it down so no one would be the wiser.

When he came out of the bathroom, the girls were at their desks working diligently. Had he imagined that hot little scene?

That afternoon, as Sophie and Dolly were leaving for the day, Corey reminded them to be on time. They assured them they would not be late!

They were quiet most of the way home. Finally, Sophie spoke, “Look, what happened between us was a lot of fun, but if it made you uncomfortable, I promise it won’t happen again.”

Dolly shrugged, “I just didn’t realize that you were bisexual. I didn’t think I would enjoy sex with another woman, and I sure didn’t think that getting spanked by our boss was going to turn me on! It’s just been a very unusual day!”

Sophie smiled, “I fuckin’ love being spanked. I used to get in trouble all the time in college, just so the Dean would spank me!”

Dolly frowned, “Your college allowed spanking?”

“Yep! It was a small-town, private college,” Sophie explained, leaving out the minor detail that her own uncle was the Dean. She didn’t think Dolly could handle any more lurid surprises in one day.

“Wow, I just didn’t even know that was a thing,” Dolly remarked. “But it was clear you were enjoying it!”

“So were you, Miss Wet-As-Fuck Pussy!” Sophie laughed.

“Okay, maybe it turned me on,” Dolly admitted. “But you, my friend, were clearly begging for more. You really get off on stuff like that, huh?”

Sophie grinned, “I really do. I bet you would too if you were disciplined often enough.”

“What do you mean?” Dolly asked.

“I mean the more you get spanked, the more you will crave being spanked, and you will start to actually need to be disciplined that way,” Sophie explained.

“I hardly think so,” Dolly protested.

“Okay, then I dare you to let us be late for work again tomorrow,” Sophie taunted.

“Are you crazy?” Dolly asked.

“Maybe, but you don’t have to decide right now. You can let me know in the morning!”

That night, before she went to bed, Dolly looked at her bottom in the full-length mirror on the back of her bedroom door. While most of the redness had faded, it was still not completely gone. She rubbed her hand over her butt and realized that she had enjoyed being spanked a hell of a lot more than she realized. As she got under the covers, she grabbed her vibrator out of her nightstand drawer and turned it on high, rubbing her clit as she closed her eyes and imagined being spanked by Mr. Black.

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Sophie grinned when, because the walls were paper-thin, she heard Dolly cry out, “Oh, fuck yes, Mr. Black! Spank my ass hard! I’ve been a bad, bad girl!”

The next morning as they were about to leave for work, Dolly suddenly spilled her coffee on her skirt.

“Damn it!” she muttered. “I need to go change. I promise I will be quick about it.”

But she wasn’t quick, and they were late again. Mr. Black was not amused.

“I was very clear about my expectations, ladies,” he chided. “But, apparently, you didn’t take me seriously.”

“It’s my fault, Mr. Black,” Dolly protested. “We would have been on time, but I spilled coffee on my skirt. I’m the one who should be punished, not Sophie.”

“Nonsense, Sophie could have left on time. She chose to wait, knowing you’d be late. You’ll both be spanked!” he insisted.

Sophie tried hard not to look pleased. She’d almost been cheated out of a decadent spanking by her well-meaning friend. But, fortunately, Mr. Black was a ruthless boss. Her pussy started to tingle just at the thought of his severe discipline.

“Go into the conference room, both of you, and take off all your clothes. Perhaps if I humiliate you a bit along with the spanking, you will understand that I mean business!” he barked.

Dolly’s eyes flew open wide, but Sophie was delighted. She’d bet money there would be some pussy spanking as part of today’s disciplinary action.

“I want you both crouched on the bed, with your asses in the air,” he instructed. “And spread your legs open a little. I will be whipping your little cunts today as well.”

Dolly was scared, but Sophie whispered, “Hey, we both know you spilled that coffee on purpose. So, take the punishment like a good girl and try to enjoy it.”

Dolly nodded. She realized that Sophie was right. She had wanted to get her ass spanked again, so now she’d have to endure the humiliation of having her pussy spanked as well. She started to cry.

Mr. Black wanted to discipline Dolly, but not at the risk of her quitting. He figured he’d lose them both if he pushed her too far. That simply couldn’t happen. He envisioned many spanking sessions with these two and didn’t want to chase them away. But he was certain Sophie could not only handle her the belt on her pussy, but she would enjoy it and be able to cum just from the whipping.

“I’ve decided that I will spank each of your asses thirty times today with my belt. Then I will spank Sophie’s cunt while Dolly watches. If Sophie has an orgasm while I whip her tender little pussy, I will spare Dolly’s pussy and give her five more spankings on her ass instead,” he explained.

Dolly nodded gratefully. She felt a little guilty that Sophie would receive a harsher punishment when being late was not her fault. But not guilty enough to argue. Besides, she suspected that Sophie was going to enjoy having her pussy spanked. She wasn’t wrong.

When Mr. Black had reddened both of their asses, he instructed Dolly to lay on her side so she could see the belt as it made contact with Sophies bare pussy.

She watched in awe as Sophie squirmed and moaned with each smack on her tender flesh.

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

Dolly couldn’t look away. She was fascinated by the fact that Sophie's pussy was dripping and that the smack of the belt was making her juices splash all over.

“Are you going to cum for us, you little slut?” Mr. Black asked Sophie.

“Yes, God yes!” Sophie cried out, her orgasm causing her whole body to shake.

“Get back on your knees, Dolly,” Mr. Black said sternly. “Fortunately for you, your slutty little friend came good and hard. So instead of your pussy, I will give you five more smacks on your bottom.”

“Please, sir, it’s not fair that Sophie’s pussy takes all the punishment. I think I will learn my lesson better if you give me those five swats on my cunt instead,” Dolly said nervously.

Mr. Black’s bulge looked like it might burst right out of his trousers. “As you wish, Dolly. I guess you’re a little slut as well.”

Dolly got on her knees and spread her legs apart. She was trembling, but her pussy was dripping in anticipation.


“Oh, fuck! That hurts!” Dolly cried out.

Mr. Black paid no attention. He gave the remaining four swats in quick succession

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Tears streamed down Dolly’s face as Mr. Black hurried out of the room to go take care of his raging hard-on.

Sophie went to comfort her friend, “I’m sorry, Dolly, do you need me to make you feel better?”

Without waiting for an answer, Sophie rubbed her hand softly over Dolly’s mound and labia.

When Dolly moaned, Sophie decided to slide her fingers inside and take her mind off the pain by making her cum.

Mr. Black was watching on the computer as Dolly bucked against Sophie’s hand and stroked his cock. When Dolly came, he came too, shooting his load into the wastebasket, as there was no time to dash off to the bathroom.

That afternoon, Sophie was finishing up some research for a story when she noticed Dolly purposely knock something off Mr. Black’s desk. Well, wasn’t that interesting? Dolly was trying to get him to spank her again. Sophie just grinned.

“That was my favorite coffee mug!” Mr. Black shouted.

“I’m very sorry, Mr. Black, but maybe you shouldn’t have had it so close to the edge of your desk,” Dolly said.

“That’s it!” Mr. Black said sternly. “Breaking my mug was bad enough, but to try and shift the blame is totally unacceptable. You need to go into the backroom, lift your skirt, and remove your panties. You’ve earned another spanking!”

“Yes, sir,” Dolly said trying to look remorseful.

Twenty minutes later, Dolly came out with tears streaming down her face.

“Are you okay, Dolly?” Sophie asked.

“Oh, yes. But you were right. The more he spanks me, the more I crave his belt. What the fuck is wrong with me?” Dolly sniffed.

“Not one thing,” Sophie insisted. “You’re simply wired like me. Discipline turns you on, Dolly.”

Dolly blushed, “But, jeez, the more my ass stings, the more I need something in my cunt. I think I would have let him fuck me if he had tried.”

“I know exactly how you feel. Have you seen the size of his bulge in those pants?” Sophie asked.

“Yes, and I feel compelled to keep doing things wrong to see if I can push him into fucking me,” Dolly admitted.

Sophie just laughed, “Be careful what you wish for!”

The next day, they were on time. But Dolly kept messing up when Mr. Black asked her to make copies. He spanked her for her incompetence but did not make a move to fuck her.

For the next week, Dolly kept screwing up on purpose, and Mr. Black disciplined her over and over, till her ass stung so much that she had a hard time sitting down.

“Give it up, Dolly, he’s not going to fuck you,” Sophie told her friend.

“There must be some way to get him to put that cock in my needy pussy!” Dolly complained.

“Maybe you should ask for it,” Sophie suggested. “He might want to, but maybe he is afraid of crossing the line.”

“Crossing the line? Jeez, and I suppose it’s normal to spank your employees?” Dolly asked sarcastically.

“Well spanking is one thing, fucking is another,” Sophie said. “If you want the man’s cock in you, you probably need to beg.”

The next day, Dolly failed to punch in on the time clock. Mr. Black said she would need to be spanked because she had no proof that she was on time.

“I was here the same time Sophie was, you can check her timecard,” Dolly protested.

“It’s your responsibility to punch in,” Mr. Black insisted. “You know the drill, go bare your ass for me, I will be right there to discipline you, Dolly.”

Dolly grinned as she walked past Sophie. Sophie giggled, which annoyed Mr. Black.

“You can go back there too, Sophie,” he demanded. “It’s been a while since you’ve felt my belt.”

Sophie did not argue. She’d been craving that belt all week long.

Mr. Black decided to spank Sophie first, and it made her cum, of course.

Then it was Dolly’s turn.

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

Smack! Smack!

“Oh, God, Mr. Black! It feels so good, but I’ve been so naughty. I think you should fuck me with that big cock!” Dolly cried out.

Mr. Black’s cock was as hard as steel. “I can’t do that, Dolly. God knows I want to, but you could sue me for sexual assault.”

“No, I won’t do that, I promise. I need your cock in me, please, Mr. Black!” Dolly cried out. “It’s the only way I will learn to be good!”

Sophie smiled, “I can be your witness that she agreed to be fucked as a means of discipline, Mr. Black.”

He looked at her and said, “Well, then, I guess it’s okay.”

Then he smacked Dolly’s ass once more for good measure, pulled her butt cheeks apart, and spit on her asshole.

“Mr. Black, what are you doing?” Dolly asked. “I thought you were going to fuck my pussy!”

“Oh, no, Dolly. The only pussy I fuck belongs to my wife. Get ready now, cuz I’m going to slide my prick between those crimson cheeks and fuck your ass to teach you that lesson you begged for!”

Written by techgoddess
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