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Consequences For Marilyn

"Marilyn is punished for her actions"

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Marilyn Chavez was at her desk. The 36 year old lawyer was finishing the last of the paperwork to close out the case of Sandra Williams’ punishments. Sandra had been sentenced by the court to be punished three times by Marilyn. This kept Sandra out of jail, the added benefit was Marilyn got to indulge in her dominant side and harshly spank her client.

For the last few weeks, Marilyn had felt a higher sense of sexual satisfaction and she wasn’t even fucked. Marilyn replayed the various punishments in her mind as she filled out the last boxes on the forms. This allowed Sandra to be free from further legal consequences. Marilyn shifted in her chair as she saw in her mind’s eye Sandra in various states of distress. Caned tits. Bruised bottom from paddles. Drool from gags. It was almost too much, Marilyn could feel her panties getting wet, again. She would need to masturbate soon. She smiled, thinking how lucky she was. A knock on her office door broke her concentration.

‘Enter,’ Marilyn said, trying to sound as normal as possible.

The office door opened, and in walked a man, probably in his mid- to late thirties. He wore a well fitting navy suit, white dress shirt, with no tie and the top button unbuttoned. She admired the brown leather belt he had on, wondering if it was a good spanking belt.

‘May I sit?’ he said calmly.

‘Of course,’ replied Marilyn, noticing a few specks of grey in his brown hair and how the light reflected in his hazel eyes.

‘I’m Agent John Sorensen, Ms. Chavez.’

‘What can I do for you, Agent Sorensen?’

‘You don’t know who or what I do, do you?’ he said as if he was laying a trap.

‘What are you? FBI? CIA? Or some other alphabet agency?’ Marilyn said, trying to sound flirty.

‘As part of the Corporal Punishment Act, the Quality Control Department was created to ensure the individuals administering the punishments sanctioned by the court do not, let’s say, overstep their bounds. You’d be surprised at how many people, when given the power of discipline, over step their duties,’ Agent Sorensen said in a very business centered voice.

‘Well, if you’re here about the Williams case. I’m finishing the paper work now. I merely need to click submit,’ replied Marilyn.

‘Ya know, that’s the thing, right? I’m here about the Williams case, but it isn’t about the unfinished paper work. Ms. Williams’ debt to society has been wiped clean, regardless of you finishing that paperwork.’

‘I’m afraid I don’t understand. How can her paperwork not be needed?’ Asked Marilyn, a worried tone crept into her voice.

‘You overstepped your court appointed power, Ms. Chavez. In the second punishment, you administered one extra swat with the paddle as well as masturbating to orgasm in front of Ms. Williams. And the third punishment, I’m not even sure where to begin. You punished her thighs with a belt, when the court said chest, volva or bottom were to be punished, you administered more than the maximum number of swats with the belt. You rubbed your sex fluids on her AND you masturbated to orgasm again in front of Ms. Williams.’

‘Agent Sorensen, can’t a girl have a little, ya know, fun?’ teased Marilyn, trying to break the rising tension in the room.

‘These are serious offenses, Ms. Chavez. The punishment act only works, if it’s punishment. What you did was unconscionable. You have two options. Option one, you go to trial. Where you will lose. You will be disbarred and sentenced to prison for up to five years. Option two, you get publicly punished at the pillory. This would be a six hour pillory session. You would be naked. Spanked. Machines would violate you anally and orally. And because you rubbed sexual fluids on Ms. Williams, it has been decided people can do the same to you. Meaning men will cum on your face and women can smear their sex juices on you if they desire to do so,’ Agent Sorensen said coldly.

Marilyn felt her stomach drop, the room seemed to be spinning and falling all at the same time.

In a small voice, barely above a whisper, she said, ‘When do you need to know my answer?’

‘Due to the extreme levels of breaching public trust in this case. I need your answer, now. We can’t afford this story becoming public until after you have made your decision. People need to know the system works.’

Marilyn recalled the women Sandra and her saw in the pillory after Sandra’s last punishment. The fuck machine violating the women’s mouth. The crying, the gagging, the choking. How humiliated she looked. Marilyn thought, ’I can’t go through that.’ Then she realized she’d be looking at jail and disbarment. She was the first in her family to go to college, to law school. She could not let that be destroyed either.

Looking defeated, Marilyn said, ‘I’ll take the public punishment, Agent Sorensen.’

‘They always do, Ms Chavez. You will be pilloried tomorrow, starting at noon and finishing at 6 PM. I suggest you have a large breakfast and drink plenty of fluids before hand. Medical personnel will be on hand if needed. And while we generally require the pubic area to be shaved or waxed, you can keep your landing strip. I think it’s very becoming of you,’ Agent Sorensen said as he got up to leave the office.

Marilyn sat in a stunned silence.

‘Have a pleasant day, Ms. Chavez,’ he said as he closed the office door.

When the office door closed, Marilyn started to breathe quickly. She paced her office. After 30 minutes of pacing, she left and went home. She was on autopilot driving home. Her mind focused on the events of the next day. As she pulled into her garage of her home, she sat in her car for a few minutes and cried. After a few minutes, she composed herself and thought, ‘they want a show tomorrow, I’ll give them a show.’

With that, she stepped out of her car, and stripped naked in her garage. She tossed her clothes in the trash can and went inside her house. The cool air of her house felt nice on her skin, it hardened nipples on her 36C breasts. She opened a bottle of wine, poured herself a large glass and walked to the full-length mirror in her bedroom. ‘Tomorrow, at this time, I’ll be covered in welts, bruises and probably cum,’ she thought. She felt her pussy tingle, a small smile crossed her face.

Setting the glass of wine down on the nightstand, she opened the nightstand drawer. She pulled out her favorite rabbit vibrator and turned it in. The buzzing filled the room, soon her moans, gasps and pants filled her bedroom. After a powerful orgasm, she shut off the vibrator and took a long, hot shower. She climbed into bed, still naked, and tried to get some sleep.

That night, Marilyn didn’t sleep very well, as she became increasingly anxious about the next day.

********THE NEXT MORNING********

Marilyn woke the next morning at 9AM. She felt like she didn’t get any sleep. She made some coffee and downed it quickly, hoping to awaken her senses. It kinda worked. She made her favorite breakfast, rancheros huevos. Marilyn would eat these on big court days, and she would always win on those days. It became her good luck breakfast. And if she needed good luck on any day, it was today.

At 10AM, her cell phone started buzzing.

‘Hello?’ she said.

‘Good morning, Ms. Chavez. It’s Agent Sorensen.’

‘Yes… what can I do for you, Agent?’

‘A car will come to pick you up at 11:30 to take you to the pillory. The expectation is you will be naked.’

Trying to sound brave or defiant or maybe just stupid, Marilyn said, ‘I’ve been naked for the last 12 hours. Let’s get this over with.’

‘Feeling bold, are we Ms. Chavez? I like that,’ responded Agent Sorensen as he hung up the phone.

Marilyn went from feeling courageous to nervous with each passing moment. Her eyes glued to the clock, awaiting for her 11:30 ride to the pillory.

At exactly 11:30 AM, there was a knock on the door. Two officers from the Quality Control Department were at the door. One male, he looked young. Maybe 25. With sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. His suit didn’t fit well, it was a size too big. The other officer was female. Slightly older than the other officer. Her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, it made her blue eyes stand out more. She wore a pant suit and hugged the curves of her body. Marilyn stood before them, door open, naked.

‘Ms. Chavez?’ said the male officer.

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Marilyn nodded.

‘Come with us,’ said the female officer as she grabbed Marilyn’s wrist.

To Marilyn’s surprise, there were no handcuffs. They did not yell at her. It was as if they had pity for Marilyn as they lead her to a windowless van. They helped her in the back and off they drove. It was unexpectedly normal, except for the fact she was naked.

‘We are your escorts today. We will take you to and from your punishment,’ said the male officer.

‘It’s not that far of a drive from your home to the pillory, Ms. Chavez. Don’t worry, in a few hours, it will all be over,’ said the female officer.

‘That’s comforting, I guess,’ replied Marilyn.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the parking lot next to the pillory. An electric sign displayed Marilyn’s driver’s license photo and a list of her violations. A small crowd, maybe 20 people, had gathered to watch the events.

The back door of the van opened, and the two officers helped Marilyn out of the van. Marilyn could feel the eyes of the crowd on her. She felt humiliated and knew it was only going to get worse. The officers lead Marilyn through the growing crowd and up the steps of the scaffold to the pillory. One officer held each arm at her side, preventing her from trying to cover up. Before Marilyn stood the open wooden pillory, it seemed eager to secure her in it.

Over a loudspeaker, a voice said, ‘Marilyn Chavez, attorney at law, violated her sworn code of ethics by not following court-instructed punishments. In lieu of prison and disbarment, Marilyn Chavez has chosen to be pilloried for a period of six hours with the addition of corporal punishment, thirty minutes of anal violation by a machine, thirty minutes of oral violation by a machine and the crowd is encouraged to deposit sexual fluids on her face in the last thirty minutes.’

With that, the two officers pushed Marilyn forward. They lined her head and hands to the openings in the pillory and locked her in. The punishment timer started. Six hours. Marilyn’s tits felt heavy as she was forced to bend at a 90° angle. The crowd jeered at her. She could lift her head slightly and see a small portion of the crowd. The sun felt warm on her back. Marilyn tried to ignore the growing desire between her legs. She wasn’t used to being teased and denied before.

The first hour was filled with the shock of the reality of the situation. Being naked, on display, unable to move. With the first hour gone, Marilyn thought she could make it no problem. That she was tougher than this.

That’s when she felt the tap of a wooden paddle on her naked bottom. The female officer was going to administer the corporal punishment. She deliver the hard swats in sets of five. Each swat jolted Marilyn, the wooden pillory was the only thing keeping her in place. The pain built quickly in her bottom, from an ache to a sting. Marilyn’s bottom felt hotter and hotter with each swat delivered. The crowd was enjoying the paddling, encouraging the officer to spank harder. Marilyn felt tears started to well up in her eyes, Marilyn fought the urge to cry. But five hard swats landed on her sit spot, and the dam broke. Marilyn started crying. The crowd cheered as the tears flowed. The female guard continues to methodically paddle Marilyn’s bottom.

After 30 minutes of paddling, the female officer switched the paddle for a cane. She tapped it on Marilyn’s thighs and began to systematically cane Marilyn’s thighs. Starting at her sit spot and working her way down and repeating the process on the other side. Marilyn was sobbing hard, each sob made her tits swing much to the amusement of the crowd. The female officer then proceeded to cane Marilyn’s inner thighs, this made Marilyn stomp her feet and shake in the pillory. Marilyn’s entire bottom and thighs were covered in bruises from the paddle and welts from the cane. She was crying hard, apologizing for her mistakes, and making all sorts of promises.

At this point, the male guard showed the crowd a ring gag. He gently, but firmly fixed it to Marilyn’s mouth. Marilyn knew that this meant she was going to get ass fucked by that machine soon. The gag was left in for thirty minutes before the machine was brought out. Beneath Marilyn, a large puddle of drool was growing by the moment.

The two guards tied Marilyn’s legs to a spreader bar. And lined up the fucking machine with her asshole. They liberally lubricated both the dildo on the machine and her hole. She felt the machine’s four inch dildo slide between her cheeks. She closed her eyes and felt the machine slowly push into her. She grunted and she tried to relax, reminding herself it was only for thirty minutes. Soon she was moaning not as much from pain, but from pleasure. The guards noticed this and started to increase the speed of the machine. Her ass felt like it was being violated harshly, and it would never be the same. Her pussy dripped, literally, visible pussy juice dripped from her.

Marilyn felt like a harlot as the machine continued to punish her. She wished she could orgasm to get some relief, but nothing was stimulating her clit and she needed that.

Just as quickly as her ass was getting reamed by the machine, it stopped. Her ass fucking part was over. She felt relieved, but knew her ass was gaping as the guards withdrew the dildo. Beneath her gag, a puddle of drool had grown. The male guard lined up a five-inch dildo on the second fucking machine. He lined it up with her mouth and turned the machine one. Marilyn tried to time her breathing with each thrust but the guard varied his speed. Soon she was unable to catch her breath, she gagged, she choked, and tears ran freely down her face. Her throat was fucked raw. Marilyn knew she’d have trouble speaking for some time. Despite all the pain, all the humiliation, Marilyn’s pussy continued to drip and show signs of excitement. Just like with the ass fucking, the face fucking came to an end just as quickly as it started. Marilyn heaved, cried. She cried cause she knew the last part was about the begin.

‘Anyone wishing to deposit sexual fluids on the face of Marilyn Chavez, please form a line!’ shouted the female guard.

Sandra, who had been excitedly watching the punishment, rushed to be first in line. The guards motioned her up. Sandra knelt by Marilyn.

‘Was it worth it, she asked?’ Her hand in her panties, rubbing quickly. Sandra produced two fingers covered in her pussy juices. She wiped it under Marilyn’s nose, just as Marilyn had done to her. With that, Sandra turned and left the scaffold.

The next man up to Marilyn was a male with a six-inch cock. He had clearly been watching most of her punishment as his cock was leaking pre cum. He quickly shot his load across her nose and watched it slide into her mouth. After that, Marilyn lost track of who was humiliating her next. Some women rubbed their pussies on her face, others smeared juices from their fingers. The guys shot load after load of cum on her face. All Marilyn could taste was cum. It seemed to go on forever.

Then the lock of the pillory clicked. It was opened. The guards helped Marilyn stand up. Her legs shook, she was crying. The male guard took out the ring gag, Marilyn tried to speak but her voice was gone. She stood before the crowd, naked, spanked and covered in cum and pussy juices.

‘Behold Marilyn Chavez. Punished. She once again is in good legal standing,’ boomed the loudspeaker voice.

‘We will take you home now, but no touching yourself and no cleaning up your face until you are home,’ said the female guard as they started to escort Marilyn back to the windowless van they arrived in.

They helped Marilyn into the back of the van, she lay on her side and it hurt too much to sit on her bottom. Cum continue to run off her face. Before she knew it, the van was pulling into her driveway. The guards helped her out of the van and into her house. Marilyn rushed to the bathroom, first to inspect her bottom, which was covered in welts and bruises and then it wash off the sex juices still on her face. When she returned from the bathroom, the guard were gone. Once again, she was alone in her house.

Knowing she could not masturbate on her laying down due to the bruises from her spanking, Marilyn put her legs over her head and furiously rubbed her clit. Six hours of punishment and humiliation and driven her to brink of insanity. She quickly squirted all over her face. The last person to humiliate her that day was herself.

After she cleaned herself up and made a cup of tea to try to get her voice back, she texted Sandra.

‘You asked if it was worth it. It was worth every minute.’

Written by Spankwriter
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