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Booty Call

"Homemade video, no strings attached sex plus an uncle and nephew who want the same girl."

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Jodie and Ross found each other in Paris and were taking full advantage of the fact they were both singles in this sexy city.

Jodie Adams loves Paris. Being a renowned model, she often got work here and had several modelling assignments backed up over the next month. Her friend Claudine had offered to share her home for as long as Jodie needed it, a luxury four-bedroom apartment overlooking the river Seine in the heart of the city.

Ross Rogan on the other hand is a victim of circumstance and felt trapped in France. He can’t wait to get back to his native Missouri. His soon-to-be ex-wife is French, and he moved over here to be with her. He then realised she was a bitch, and for the third time, he is heading for the divorce courts.

Ross used to have his own TV chat show in America. He had famous actors, singers, and sports celebrities spend time on his couch while he quizzed them, and millions watched. Here in Paris, he is hosting a travel show and tied into one more season, after that, he was gone.

Jodie and Ross met through Claudine on a night out. Ross is attracted to Jodie, her perfect body, long-toned legs, bewitching blue eyes, tiny upturned nose, and long blonde hair. The feeling is mutual, he keeps himself in shape, tall, handsome with short black hair and rugged good looks, which are enhanced with black framed glasses, which Jodie felt look sexy on him.

However, Ross isn’t looking for a relationship, and Jodie is only in Paris temporarily. It suited them both to just meet up and have secretive, no-strings-attached, uncomplicated sex.  

It’s been a week since Ross last hooked up with Jodie, they are both busy people. Tonight isn’t looking any better as Ross has to go to take out his nephew, Dylan, who had just arrived from America for a week.  

Dressed in a denim skirt, white top, and blue flip-flops, Jodie takes a moment and heads out to the balcony to check her mobile. She perches on a stool and leans on a tall glass table, taking a minute to read some messages while she drinks wine.

“Have you heard from Ross tonight?” Claudine says joining her on the balcony.

Claudine is dressed in a red summer dress. She is slightly shorter than Jodie, her skin is star shadow-black and she has eyes of galaxy-blue. She has the most amazing long black hair.

“He texted a few times, he is out with his nephew,” Jodie replies.

“Sounds dull. Maybe we could spice up his evening,” Claudine suggests.

“What did you have in mind?”

Claudine whispers an idea in Jodie’s ear.

“Ok, let’s do it,” Jodie says, surprised and excited by Claudine’s idea.

Jodie uncrosses her legs and pushes up her denim skirt, she isn’t wearing underwear. Claudine looks longingly at her shaved snatch. Jodie switches her mobile camera to video mode and puts it between her legs under the table. She starts taking a full-on close-up film of her exposed genitals.

Claudine moves her nimble fingers between Jodie’s legs and slowly strokes her pussy. Her nails are long and lacquered white. Jodie feels them scratch her skin as she teases her open. Claudine parts Jodie’s pussy lips and dips her fingers inside. She finds Jodie’s pea-like clit and starts to slowly rub it. Jodie stays focused holding the camera tight in her hand as Claudine works magic downstairs. Jodie starts to breathe heavily, but Claudine doesn’t stop, feeling her friend get wetter and wetter. Jodie tries to contain herself as she watches her pussy get satisfied through the glass table. After a couple of minutes, she cums and Claudine feels a rush as Jodie quivers. After a moment of recovery, Jodie pulls the mobile up and they watch their mini homemade sex show.

The last thing Ross needs is to be lumbered with Dylan, he is a bit of a social hand grenade. They have dinner in the hotel where they both were staying. It had been Ross’ home since he left the marital house.

Ross’ mobile vibrates in his pocket. He takes a look while he waits for some drinks. He almost drops the bottle of champagne as he sees what he knows is Jodie’s pussy being fingered.

He gets the drinks and goes back to the table.

“Dylan, I am very sorry. I am going to have to go, a problem with the filming we did today.”

“No worries, Uncle. I’ll have a drink and hit the hay.”

“Perfect,” Ross replies as he walks up to his room taking the champagne.

He immediately calls Jodie.

“Wow, what are you up to?” he asks.

“I’m just chilling,” she replies casually. Her video had the desired effect.

“I could come over,” Ross suggests.

“Claudine is in. Give me half an hour and I’ll come to your hotel.”

“OK,” Ross agrees.

Ross goes back to his hotel room and pours a large gin from the minibar; he adds a dash of tonic and waits patiently for Jodie. He impatiently looks at his watch ‘She said thirty minutes forty minutes ago’. He pours another drink. The silence is then shattered by a knock. His booty call is at the door. He opens it to see Jodie standing there in a turquoise designer coat.

They immediately embrace and he kisses her luscious lips. She sits down on the couch as Ross gets her a gin, he then sits on a chair opposite her.

“I am sorry about earlier, we were just having some fun,” she says teasingly.

“Don’t be sorry, that was the best message I got today.”

Ross looks down at Jodie’s bare legs. She has the sexiest black and turquoise patent sky-high heels with a peephole that shows off her cream pedicure and toe ring. Her perfect legs are finished with a silver anklet on her right ankle, which matches the chain around her neck.

“You want to fuck me so bad, don’t you?” Jodie asks as she gets up and walks over.

He puts his arms around her waist as she slowly undoes her coat. The coat slowly falls open. Jodie is completely naked underneath; she lets the coat drop to the floor leaving her starkers except for the heels and jewellery.

“I thought this would save us some time,” Jodie says moving closer.

Ross is speechless as his eyes study Jody’s body, her pert breasts, bullet nipples, flat stomach, and smooth pussy.

“Well, you know I already have got wet once tonight,” Jodie says putting her hand between her legs.

Ross can’t contain himself any longer as he grabs Jodie. They kiss frantically and passionately, he brings her up for air, and then they kiss again.

Ross undoes his trousers and pulls out his throbbing penis as Jodie sits on top of him. She feels his hard cock forcing into her wet groin. She kneels, her legs straddling him, and as he holds her hips she wiggles up and down. Ross can feel her pussy sliding along his shaft, his tip submersed in her wetness. Jodie quickens up the pace, she can feel herself starting to cum again. Ross holds her body down on him and pumps his cock in her soggy snatch. He is close, then he explodes releasing hard and long deep inside her trembling body.

Jodie gets off and finishes her champagne. She retrieves her coat from the floor and puts it over her sweating body and kisses Ross goodbye.

Jodie rushes quickly through the hotel lobby.

“Jodie Adams,” a voice shouts out.

Jodie takes a quick look and sees Dylan sitting with a beer. She is unaware he is Ross’ nephew. And he is unaware of the relationship Jodie has with his uncle.

“You are Jodie Adams, the model. I’m a big fan,” he says getting up.

“Thank you,” Jodie says, now very conscious she is nude under her coat.

“Can we take a selfie?” Dylan asks.

Before Jodie responds, Dylan has his phone out and is poised in position. He snaps a few times as Jodie smiles. He loves her outfit, her designer coat looks great, and he wonders what she is wearing underneath. Her long legs are toned and smooth leading down to her sexy heels. The pervert in him couldn’t resist taking a sneaky picture of her legs. Unaware Jodie quickly makes her exit.

The following evening, Jodie is meeting up with some friends in a local wine bar. She puts on an extremely short psychedelic bodycon dress. She felt it was too short not to wear underwear or tights, so puts on a navy thong and slips her bare feet into a pair of chunky heeled platform, cobalt blue ankle strap sandals.

Meanwhile, over a burger and beer, Dylan tells Ross all about his sightseeing day while Ross has been working in the studio.

Dylan is about twenty, medium height, and a bit overweight with curly hair. He is dressed in jeans and an ‘I Love Paris’ t-shirt and looks like a tourist.

“You will never guess who I saw last night uncle,” Dylan says as he chomps on his cheeseburger.


“Jodie Adams, you know that hot model?”

“Yes, I think I know the one.”

“Do you know if she is staying in our hotel, uncle?”

“Don’t know, I have never seen her.”

“Man, it would be great to have a chance with a girl as fit as that,” Dylan says with a mouth full.

“Dylan, for once you are completely right,” Ross says smirking to himself.

“I hope you don’t mind, uncle. The jetlag is catching up with me, I think I will grab an early night after this.”

Jodie’s mobile comes to life as she and her friends work on their second bottle of red.

“Is that Ross?” Claudine says knowingly.

“Yes, seems Dylan is getting an early night,” Jodie replies.

Jodie makes her excuses and grabs a taxi over to Ross’ hotel. She walks through the lobby to the unisex toilets to freshen up.

Dylan isn’t used to such cosmopolitan toilet arrangements and was unprepared to see a woman in a psychedelic bodycon dress when he came out of the cubicle, he quickly closes the door again and peers over.

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Jodie turns around hearing the cubicle door close but thinks nothing of it and finishes applying her black lipstick. She wants to be ready for Ross and also give him another treat. She slides her thong down her legs and lifts them up, in turn, to pull the underwear from her feet. She puts the lace thong in her bag. Jodie then turns and bends over with her back to the mirror. She checks how much she is showing off bare-legged and without underwear in such a short outfit. She can see the bottom of her buttocks and if she opens her legs too much a glimpse of her pussy. She would be careful going to his room.

Dylan couldn’t believe what he had just watched. Jodie Adams took off her underwear, she’s commando and he has seen her pussy. ‘How amazing was that?’

Not really knowing what to do, Dylan followed her out of the toilet and into the lift.

“Which floor?” Jodie asks.

“Erm, ten, please.”

Jodie presses eight and then ten.

“We met yesterday, didn’t we?” Jodie asks.

“Yes, thanks for the selfie. Are you staying here?”

“It’s a pleasure. And no, I am just meeting a friend. Ah, this is me.” Jodie says as the lift stops at eight.

She walks along the corridor. Dylan holds the doors open and watches her go into his uncle’s room. He stands back and the lift doors close. ‘Meeting a friend, more like fucking his uncle. What else would she take her thong off for,’ Dylan thought to himself. He then looks down and notices Jodie’s blue thong on the floor, it must have fallen out of her bag. He picks it up and smells the scent of her pussy.

Ross had a bottle on ice waiting as Jodie entered. He was blown away by her dress. As she sits down it rides up her legs. Ross hands her a glass of cool wine.

“Well, you are wearing a dress tonight,” Ross says sipping his wine.

“Yes, but I am not wearing any panties,” Jodie quips as she opens her legs to show Ross her pussy.

Within minutes his arms are wrapped around her, his lips kissing her and his cock deep between her legs plunged inside her snatch. Once again, Jodie leaves wet and satisfied.

The next day, Dylan calls his Aunt Delphine, Ross’s soon-to-be ex-wife. He tells her Ross is pining for her and wants to reconcile. Delphine doesn’t believe him, she always thought Dylan was a weird space cadet. But Dylan lays it on thick and persuades Delphine she should come over to the hotel that evening.

Dylan couldn’t believe his uncle was fucking Jodie Adams. In his mind, he thought if he could just split them up somehow, he would be in with a chance with the lovely Jodie.

Ross and Dylan are planning on trying a new French restaurant over the river, but Dylan says he is still tied and happy to eat in the hotel again and get an early night. Upon hearing this he watches his uncle immediately get out his mobile and start texting, probably to Jodie.

Ross excuses himself after the starter and goes to the unisex. Dylan seizes the opportunity and grabs his uncle’s mobile, which he left on the table. He reads the messages between him and Jodie arranging to meet at her place and takes note of the address she has given.

As Ross comes out of the toilet, he sees Delphine standing in the lobby. ‘What the fuck does she want?’

Dylan had told Delphine not to say he had phoned. So, he acts surprised when Ross comes back from the toilet with her. Dylan makes his excuses and leaves them to it.

Dylan walked quickly to the address he had memorised, which was only five minutes away. He nervously buzzes the apartment number.

“Hello,” the intercom comes to life.

“Hi, is that Jodie? I am Dylan, Ross’ nephew.”

“OK, come up.”

Dylan goes up to the apartment and is welcomed in by Jodie, wearing a black tuxedo suit with black stilettos. Her chest is bare, and she has nothing on under the jacket, not even a bra.

“You’re the selfie, lift guy?” Jodie quips.

“I have a message from my uncle, Ross Rogan. His wife is in town, and he can’t make it tonight.”

“Yes, I know he just called me. She turned up out of the blue,” Jodie replies as she walks further into the apartment.

“Ah, right. I guess I didn’t need to come here then.”

“Well, I came home early from dinner with friends, so would you like a drink?” Jodie asks.

“OK, a beer would be great. Thanks,” Dylan says cheerily.

Jodie grabs a beer from the kitchen and walks back into the lounge to sit down. She crosses her legs and flings her heel in the air. Dylan takes off his jacket and joins her. He admires the bare arches of her feet pushing out of her red-heeled stilettos.

Dylan can’t believe he is sitting and having a drink with Jodie Adams. And she isn’t wearing a bra, he wonders if she isn’t wearing panties again.

“Did the selfies come out OK?” Jodie asks.

“Yes, here take a look,” Dylan says handing her his mobile.

Dylan feels nervous and excuses himself to go to her toilet as Jodie looks at the picture. He takes a quick pee and washes his hands. He splashes water on his face to wake himself up he really can’t believe he is here with Jodie Adams.

He walks back to the lounge to see Jodie with a sterner look on her face.

“I like the pictures, particularly this one,” Jodie says handing the mobile back.

Dylan had forgotten about the other pictures he had taken of her legs.

“Fuck, sorry the camera went off by mistake.”

“Really, twice and with the full focus on my legs.”

“Well, thanks for the beer, I better be off now,” Dylan says.

Jodie then opens her other hand to reveal her blue thong.

“I saw some blue lace hanging out of your jacket. I have been looking for this thong. I thought I must have dropped it in the hotel.”

“I picked it up and was going to give it back to you, honest,” Dylan says sheepishly.


“And Ross’ wife turning up. Did you have anything to do with that?”

“I am so, so sorry; I’ve always fantasised about you. I couldn’t believe it when I saw you in the toilet take your underwear off,” Dylan exclaims.

“You watched me take my thong off? Did you see anything?”

“I might have got a glimpse,” Dylan admits.

Jodie smiles, it excites her knowing she had been watched and she had unknowingly flashed.

“What fantasies have you had about me?” she enquires seductively.

“Just about how well I would treat you if I got the chance,” Dylan replies.

“I am going to my bedroom; can you give me a few minutes and follow me in.”

With that, Jodie walked off undoing her jacket as she went. Dylan waited and wondered what Jodie had in store for him. She was probably phoning Uncle Ross and he was going to be pissed. Dylan walked over to the room and went in. To his surprise, Jodie was in the bed with crisp white sheets wrapped around her body. Her heels and suit were scattered on the floor.

“Well, do you want to join me?” she asks.

Dylan walks over to the bed and pulls open the sheet on the opposite side.

“Please take your clothes off first,” Jodie instructs.

Dylan quickly peels off his trainers, socks, and jeans and takes off his T-shirt. He dives into the bed, once under the sheet he slides off his boxers and flings them across the room.

“So, you have perversely taken pictures of me, watched me undress, stolen my underwear and probably ruined my relationship with Ross.”

“Yes, I am sorry. The leg pictures were a particularly bad idea.”

“I don’t care about that, if I didn’t want people looking at my legs, I would wear a longer coat. I thought calling your aunt was probably the low point.”

“Nevertheless, there is something about you. Knowing you have been watching me and fantasising about me, makes me want you, Dylan,” Jodie continues.

With that Jodie pulls the sheet back to reveal her naked body. She arches up her legs and widens them, so her pussy is in full view.

“Now is your chance to treat me good. You have been thinking about this, haven’t you? Well, come and get it,” Jodie says running her hands along her body.

Dylan wonders if this is some kind of trick but takes the chance and moves between Jodie’s legs. He starts kissing her thighs then quickly moves to her pussy, planting kisses on her vertical smile. Then he slowly licks her, softly then more rigorously, his tongue sliding in her pussy. Jodie tilts her head back as Dylan continues to eat her out. He was attentive and eager to please. Her breathless moans get louder as she starts to cum with Dylan feeling her fluid on his lips and the taste of her cum on the tip of his tongue.

Dylan’s kisses move up to her breasts, he sucks on her nipples, maybe a little too hard. He then moves further up until they are face to face. Dylan is between her legs and his hard cock brushing her stomach.

“Fuck me, Dylan,” Jodie demands.

Dylan leans in and they kiss. Jodie takes the lead and grabs his penis, siphoning it before she puts him inside her.

Dylan can’t believe what is happening, he thought the closest he was going to get was wanking in Jodie’s thong. Luckily, he hadn’t done that before she found it.

Dylan pushes deep, harder and harder until he cums, filling her little pussy as he drains his balls. He screams and yells as he keeps going. Jodie is overwhelmed and starts to orgasm again. Cum floods her pussy.

Dylan falls asleep next to Jodie. It had been a while since she had spent the whole night with someone. Her booty calls with Ross never lasted more than a few hours.

Ross and Delphine decide to give it another try. While Dylan spends most of his last few days in France with Jodie, who shows him a good time in and out of the bedroom.

Written by jackjensen
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