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Author's Notes

"This is the fourth chapter of the Danny Collins series."

Sitting on the back porch naked with Capt. DeAngelo made Danny feel very mature with a beer in his hand. He was seventeen now and not a child. Two men who had just enjoyed sex with an incredible woman sat together, discussing life.

“You like the beer, Danny?”

“Yes, sir,” Danny replied with a grin. “I’ve tasted it before but never had one of my own.”

“You should call me Tony,” the warrior said. “We are friends now, and you should never call me sir.”

“Thanks, Tony. I guess I have a lot to thank you for.”

“You don’t owe me thanks for anything,” the soldier stated. “You’ve taken care of my home life for a year while I was out playing in the jungle. You took on a man’s job and handled it wonderfully. My wife can be a very demanding woman. You did a great job.”

“If you don’t mind me asking… Tony, how and where did you two get together?”

Tony took a long pull on his beer before answering Danny’s question. “The first time I saw Vivian, I was eighteen and a senior in high school. I was working in a grocery store after school and saw this knockout blonde walking through the store with her daughter. Vivian was the daughter and was sixteen at the time. I compared the two of them and decided that Vivian would grow up to look just like her mother. So, I kept an eye on Viv for the next few years. I had to wait until she was old enough before I made her mine.”

“You watched her for several years?” Danny asked, questioning what he had been told.

“That’s exactly what I did,” Tony said with a grin. “I met her mother; believe me, she was almost too good to be real. I knew I could wait on the daughter because I would never get anywhere with the mom.”

“When did you make your move?” Danny wanted to know.

“I waited until shortly before her seventeenth birthday. She had almost completely filled out by then, and I didn’t want to let the boys in her school get into her pants first. I took Vivian out with her mother’s permission and showed her the world’s ways. I took it slowly and carefully. By the time she graduated from high school started, she belonged to me. She was already the sex goddess I knew she would be. I took her by the hand and led her through the world of sex, teaching her to enjoy every aspect of it. And you’ve witnessed first-hand her sexual joy and need.”

“I didn’t know women like Vivian existed,” Danny admitted.

“There aren’t many of them. There probably aren’t more than six in this entire town that want and need sex like Vivian. I will modestly take credit for her desires. Just like an Army Drill Sergeant, I taught her everything she knows. You have to be up on your game to keep up with her. I’m guessing she was your Drill Sargent.”

“It would seem that she handled me just as you taught her,” Danny said, swallowing the last of his beer.

Just then, Vivian appeared at the doorway, again wearing her oversized t-shirt.

“Are you boys ready for another beer?” she asked.

“We are,” Tony said, holding his beer bottle to her. “Bring us a couple more, and then we’ll probably both need a little of your sweet lips around our stiffies.”

“That would be my pleasure,” Vivian purred while she took Danny’s bottle.

Danny turned to Tony and whispered, “Are you suggesting I do the same thing? Should I find a girl and wait until she’s ready?”

“It worked for me, and it will work for you,” Tony said confidently.

When Danny went home in time for dinner, he was a little bit drunk, and his cock was more than a little tired. He managed to get through dinner without giving away his condition. Once back in his room, he was exhausted and happy. It had been a glorious day, and it would happen again with luck.


For the next two weeks, Danny continued to have ‘play time’ with Tony and Vivian. Every three or four days, he’d stop by and be invited to join their private party. It always ended with Danny and Tony sitting on the back porch enjoying a beer and conversation.

Danny was aware that he was learning a great deal about life and sex from Tony. The Army Captain revealed more and more of his personal secrets and how he taught his wife to become his sexual goddess.

One afternoon, as they were sipping beer and waiting for Vivian to join them, Tony leaned over, speaking softly. “I’m going to Fort Hood in two weeks to teach a six-week class. I’ll be required to stay there during the week, but I can come home for the weekends. I will need you to take care of Vivian for me.”

“Sure, Tony. You know I would do anything for the two of you,” Danny said, trying to hide his inner glee. The idea of having Vivian all to himself during the week was about the best gift he could possibly receive. “I’ll keep your lawn in good shape and attempt to care for her, too.”

“Don’t bullshit me, Danny,” Tony said with a laugh. “You’ve taken care of her before, and I know how much fun it can be. But you’ll be doing it with my knowledge and approval. I’ll be back to guard the fort on the weekends. I know that Vivian loves me and wouldn’t want to ever hurt me, but I’ve built a highly sexual creature. I can’t see her taking care of her carnal needs for an entire week all alone.”

“I understand what you’re saying, Tony. Trust me… I do. I’ll see to her while you’re away.”

Vivian stepped onto the porch, totally naked and holding a pillow. “Do you boys have one more load for me?”

Of course, Danny was instantly hard, as always, when he saw her in the buff.

She looked over at Danny. Spotting his rising cock, she dropped her pillow at his feet, saying, “I guess I’ll start with you.”

Danny had been through this routine enough that the beer no longer went to his head. He walked home feeling extremely good and looking forward to his six weeks of babysitting Vivian.


Two weeks later, he stopped by Vivian’s house and found her crying. “What’s the matter?” he asked.

“Tony’s gone again,” she sobbed. “It always seems that I just get him home, and then he leaves me again.”

Danny pretended not to know about Tony’s assignment. “Where did the Army send him this time?”

“He’ll be teaching a class at Fort Hood for the next six weeks,” she said, drying her eyes. “He’ll be close enough to drive home on weekends.” She looked up at Danny. “You’ll take care of me while he’s gone, won’t you?”

“I’ll be here to do anything and everything you want. I can be your weekday husband.”

Vivian stood and wrapped her arms around Danny. “You take care of me quite well, Mr. Collins. Perhaps you’d like to get in my bed and let me ride your face to forget how unhappy I am.”

Danny’s cock was already an iron bar. “If that would make you feel better, I’d be happy to be of service.”

Taking Danny by the hand, she led him to her bedroom. He saw that the bed was rumpled and spied a few wet spots. Vivian blushed at the sight. “We had sex all morning,” she mumbled as she began undressing Danny. “I shouldn’t need any more, but it’s the only way to make me feel better.”

“Whatever it takes,” Danny said as he stretched out on the bed, his member pointing at the ceiling.

Vivian knelt on the bed, taking his stiff cock in her hand. “What’s the most times we’ve had sex in one day?”

“Back in May, we did it six times in one day.”

She leaned over and kissed the head of his manhood. “This week, we’ll try to break that record. But right now, I need to feel your tongue between my legs.” Vivian straddled his chest and moved up to hold onto the headboard. Moving her pussy to his mouth, she whispered, “Take care of me, Danny, and I’ll do anything you want.”

Danny’s mind spun as he smelled her perfume and tasted her sweet nectar. Was there something they hadn’t done that he wanted? She said, ‘Anything you want.’ What could that be?


The next six weeks were wonderful for Danny. He spent as much time with Vivian as possible. They practiced his moves in the car, but it was too hot to do that during the day. Mostly, they stayed inside the air-conditioned house, trying out new positions and using their old favorite ones. Vivian gave Danny his first tit fuck, explaining to him how much she liked the feeling of hot cum on her skin.

She also confided that she loved anal sex. “Tony will do it, but it’s not his favorite,” she explained. “When you’re here, I get a lot more anal action. Having one of you in my pussy and the other in my ass is just heavenly.”

“I’d be happy to take your ass every single day,” Danny explained. “I think you have the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen. The truth is, it’s hard for me not to put my dick in your ass when we’re doing it doggie style. I’m there watching your ass while I fuck you and wanting your dark star.”

With that news, Vivian smiled and kissed her young lover. “You know, it’s possible to do two things at once. You can have your dick in my pussy and finger my butt, or the other way around. You can lick my clit and finger my pussy. You can finger me and suck on my tits or finger me while I suck you off. Just go for what you desire, Danny. You can’t do anything that will offend me.”

And that’s how it went for six weeks. Danny explored, and Vivian was there to guide and help him enjoy his education.

By the time Tony was home again, Danny was a confident lover. He now had more experience than most men twice his age. Tony noticed Danny had developed a bit of a swagger. He watched Danny and knew that the boy was now a man.


On Saturday, after Tony returned from his assignment, Danny looked out the window and saw his father talking to Tony. “Hey, Mom,” he called to his mother. “What’s going on out there?”

“I don’t know, Danny,” she said while looking out the window with her son. Captain DeAngelo walked up while your father was fixing the mailbox. They’ve been talking ever since. Have you done something wrong that he might be complaining about?”

“Gosh, I don’t think so, Mom,” Danny replied, but was worried that Vivian might have told him about their sex sessions and made him angry. He suddenly became very concerned.

“Why don’t you go out there and see what they’re discussing?” his mother suggested. “You know the DeAngelos better than your father and me.”

Danny swallowed hard before stepping out onto the front porch.

“There’s Danny,” he heard his father say. “Son, come over here. This is a conversation you should hear.”

Danny’s knees felt like jelly. Was his friend, Tony DeAngelo, going to rat him out? Was the sweetness of his life about to end?

When Danny reached the two men, his father said, “Danny, I have just been talking to Tony, and he’s made an offer that you should hear.”

Tony put his hand on the boy’s shoulder and smiled. “Danny, I was discussing something about you with your Dad. I’m asking his permission to buy you a car. What do you think about that?”

Danny was gobsmacked. “A car?” he almost shouted. “You’ve got to be kidding!”

“No, buddy. I’m not kidding. I’ve been offered a car by a friend of mine. It isn’t new, but it runs well, and I would like to buy it for you if your father will handle the insurance. Your help with Vivian in my absence has been worth more than I could ever repay, but this might be a start.”

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Danny looked at his father, wondering what he was going to say.

Tony patted Danny on the back. “Vivian tells me that you are about to begin your junior year in high school. No self-respecting junior should be riding the school bus. And he needs some reliable transportation on date nights.”

Danny looked back at his father.

Mr. Collins smiled. “I don’t see how I could refuse this offer, Danny. I’ll pay the insurance if you promise to care for the car and not drive like a maniac.”

“Oh, you’ve got my promise on that!” Danny almost shouted.

The following day, Tony and Danny drove to the home of the man offering his car. Danny loved the car at first sight. It was a snow-white, four-door 1960 Dodge Lancer with gray bench seats. The car had a stick shift built into the floor and curved back over the seat.

“It’s been a good car for me,” the owner told Tony and Danny. “But we’re moving and no longer need two cars. It doesn’t have air conditioning, but it will get you where you’re going.”

“You still willing to sell it for $400?” Tony asked.

“That’ll get it,” the man said. “The tires and brakes are probably good for another 5,000 miles.”

Tony handed the man a check, saying, “Just give me the keys and title, and we’ll be on our way.”

Danny was driving his car back to his house fifteen minutes later. “This may be a better feeling than sex,” he said aloud. Then a minute later said, “Naw. Sex is way better.”


Two weeks later, school began. Danny was proud to park his car in the student parking lot and stroll into the front doors as a Junior. “I’m an upper-classman,” he thought. “And I’ve got a car. The ladies better look out.”

The first few school days were quiet while everyone adjusted to new classes and teachers.

On Thursday, Danny was sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria, thumbing through his new English literature textbook. He heard some girls giggling nearby and looked up. To his surprise, one watched him from the silly girls’ table. It was Gloria Summerhase, one of the most popular girls in his class and certainly one of the prettiest. Danny had admired her for several years, noting that she generally dated the school’s sports stars. Gloria easily had the most developed body of the girls at the table. Danny gave Gloria a soft smile and returned his eyes to the book.

A minute later, he noticed Gloria walking toward him. She came to his table and sat beside him.

“Hi, Danny. Are you into English lit?”

He looked into her big brown eyes and smiled. “I did a lot of reading this past summer and I was just looking to see if there would be anything I read covered this semester. It’s not exciting, but I enjoy doing it.”

“You’re different,” Gloria stated as a fact. “You’re still Danny Collins, but you’re different. You seem more confident and self-assured.” She paused briefly before saying, “I find it very attractive.”

Danny was more than surprised to hear this beautiful girl saying she found him attractive. He wanted to tell her about all he had learned and done over the summer but decided it was best to keep that information to himself.

“One of the girls in my homeroom told me you have a car now. Is that right?”

“Yeah, I do,” he said with a grin. “I spent some time over the past year working for a guy in the Army that was overseas. He bought it for me as a thank you for all I’d done. It’s nothing fancy and it’s almost ten years old. It gets me where I need to go.”

“Would it get you to the drive-in movie?”

“Oh sure,” he answered. “I’ve been once already. It’s great not to have my folks’ permission to take the family car.”

“I’ll just bet,” Gloria said with a strange smile. “Do you suppose it would take us both to the drive-in?”

Danny didn’t have a lot of experience with girls. He had spent the last year learning about mature women. Inexperience didn’t hide the fact that Gloria Summerhase was coming on to him. Danny had no idea why, but he was going to find out.

“There’s no football game this Friday night. Would you like to go with me to see the Dirty Dozen?”

“I’ve already seen it,” Gloria said with a frown.

“Were you planning on going to the drive-in to watch a movie?”

Her eyebrows rose.

“I’m not saying people don’t go to the drive-in to watch movies.”

“What are you saying?” she asked.

“I think we would spend more time getting to know each other… intimately.”

“Oh, my,” Gloria said in a sigh. “You are different, and you say what’s on your mind.”

“That’s what I do,” Danny replied without smiling. He let his eyes drift down to her chest before saying, “I think we’d want to spend several hours getting acquainted. You’ve spent the last couple of years dating the superjocks. I’m just a second-class tennis player. My talents lie in other areas.”

Gloria’s face turned red as she sat quietly studying Danny. After a pause, she asked, “What time will you pick me up?”

“I’ll be there at 7:00. It will be dark about 7:30, and the film will start. It’s still warm out, so don’t overdress.”

Gloria blushed again, and Danny could see her nipples harden and show through her blouse.

“I’ll be ready at 7:00,” she said softly. “You’ll have to come inside and meet my parents. They always insist on meeting my dates.”

“I would expect that,” he answered. “If your mother is as pretty as you, I’ll be my most charming.”

Gloria smiled, stood, and returned to her table with the girls.

Danny watched her, thinking that her ass was almost as good as Vivian’s.

On Friday at 7:00, Danny rang the doorbell at the Summerhase home. Gloria opened the door to let him in. “Danny, this is my mom.”

Danny shook hands with Mrs. Summerhase and quickly understood where Gloria got her looks. The woman was probably 45 to 50, but she was a hot number. “It’s very nice to meet you,” he told the woman. “Is there a time you expect Gloria to be home?”

The woman was pleased with his courtesy and manners. “I’d like her home by midnight, Danny. What are you planning for the night?”

“I think we’ll go over to JJ's to see what other kids are doing and then probably take in a movie. We’ll certainly be back by midnight.”

“What a nice young man,” Mrs. Summerhase thought. “Much more mature than those jock types she’s been dating.” The woman smiled. “You two have fun. It was nice to meet you, Danny. I hope to see you again.”

When he and Gloria reached his car, Danny opened the passenger door for her and asked, “How’d I do? Did I pass inspection?”

“Oh, you were very charming,” Gloria said with a smile. She scooted into the seat, ensuring Danny got a good look up her thighs. When Danny sat behind the wheel, she asked, “Are we really going to JJ’s?”

Backing out of the driveway, he replied, “Not a chance. Your mother wanted to hear something wholesome. She didn’t want to hear that I was taking you to the drive-in to run my hands over your exceptional body.”

Again, Gloria was surprised at Danny’s frankness but secretly hoped he was telling the truth.

Once it was dark and the movie started, Danny moved Gloria around so that she could face him with her back against the steering wheel. “You’ve seen this movie, so you don’t need to see it again,” he told her before putting his hands on her cheeks and pulling her to him for a kiss.

The kiss began soft and slow. When his tongue parted her lips, smooth and slow flew out the window. It ended up being a long, passionate kiss that left Gloria breathless.

“Wow! You don’t lose any time, do you?”

“No, I don’t,” he answered as his hand ran up her back, locating where her bra hooked. “I have to have you home by midnight, and there’s a lot I want to know about you before then.”

“What do you want to know?”

His hand slipped under the back of her light cotton sweater. Before she knew what he was planning, he unhooked her bra, halfway releasing her breasts. “I want to know if these tits are real and if you enjoy having them touched.” He pulled her lips back to his. Another hot kiss began before his hand moved to her chest and pressed against one of her boobs.

Gloria sucked in her breath when she felt his hand on her bare breast. His kiss had her mesmerized. There was no way she could object to what he was doing. It was just too good and exciting. Gloria scolded herself for only a few seconds for allowing this young man to touch her bare breasts in a matter of minutes. Once his mouth covered her nipple, the fight was over. She had never met a guy this good or had anything feel so wonderful.

After twenty minutes of his kisses and fondling, Danny sat back and smiled. “I’ve got a cooler in the back seat with Cokes iced down. Would you like to rest for a minute and cool off?”

“I guess,” she said, her head still spinning.

“Why don’t you take your bra off? You aren’t going to need it anymore.”

Gloria knew she should be embarrassed, but she wasn’t. What was happening was too perfect. She pulled off the sweater and bra, tossing them in the back seat. “You are amazing, Danny. I don’t have the will to stop you.”

He leaned forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth. He licked, sucked, and nibbled on the luscious nipple again, causing Gloria to moan.

“That is so good,” she cooed.

“You think this is good?” ran through his mind as he dropped a hand onto the inside of her thigh. Danny couldn’t help thinking that he could probably get Gloria to an orgasm just by paying more attention to her tits. They were especially sensitive, and he enjoyed the reaction he got from her. He already knew that her nipples would be sore when she dressed for bed tonight.

When his hand reached her totally wet panties, all Gloria could say was, “Oh, Danny!”

He had a great deal of practice at what came next. Danny made no attempt to get his fingers inside her panties. He stroked her through the silkiness of her garment, knowing precisely what he wanted to touch and rub. It took another few minutes for Gloria to gasp, “Oh, god, Danny!” Her body trembled while she exploded with a bone-rattling orgasm. He pulled her panties off and tossed them in the back seat with her sweater and bra. When she opened her eyes, Danny was smiling at her. “You won’t need them anymore tonight.”

When Danny started the engine at 11:30, Gloria gathered her clothes from the back seat. She was still shaking. For the three hours they had been there, Danny had brought her to orgasm time and time again. What had happened was beyond her imagination. He had taken her through every thrill possible without ever taking off his clothes. She had felt his thick member through his trousers but never touched it. He had never suggested anything other than her total pleasure.

Gloria slid over to sit next to Danny. “I think I feel a little guilty.”

“Why would you feel guilty?” he asked while putting his hand inside her bare thigh.

“Because everything we did tonight was for me. I didn’t do anything to give you pleasure.”

“Sure you did,” pulling his hand up to touch her wet panties. “I had a great time learning all about you and your marvelous body. Now I know what turns you on and what makes you cum. Next time, I’ll let you get to know me better.”

“Is there going to be a next time, Danny? You aren’t going to toss me aside because I’m a shameless slut?”

“Be serious, Gloria,” Danny laughed. “You are exceptional in every way. Besides, I can’t wait to taste your sweet pussy.”

Gloria was shocked at his suggestion. She wanted to object, but the idea of what he was suggesting was too exciting. “Is that something you’ve done before?”

“There isn’t anything I haven’t done before, sweetie.”


“Absolutely. You just leave it to me.” He looked at her when he stopped at a traffic light. “But next time, the panties come off as soon as you are in the car.”

She smiled back. “Yes, sir.”

Edited by ChrisM

Written by JefferyB
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